Time Completion

The Time Completion tab on the Attendance Policy form enables and configures the Time Completion feature. Time Completion is designed for salaried employees who are unable to complete their timecards prior to the payroll being exported, and need to have at least their scheduled paid hours posted. A service called TIME_COMPLETION will post a Day Worked event with the number of hours needed to complete the timecard.

For example, an employee is scheduled to work 40 hours in a week, Monday – Friday. The employee works 8 hours each day, Monday through Thursday (a total of 32 hours). On Friday the employee also works 8 hours but forgets to complete his timecard. On Saturday the TIME_COMPLETION service runs and compares the employee’s reported 32 hours to his scheduled 40 hours. The service then posts 8 hours of a Day Worked event on the last scheduled work day (Friday in this example). The employee will be able to correct his timecard before the next payroll export.

The Time Completion tab is used to enable/disable Time Completion, define the event that the service will post, and define the range of time (week or pay period) which the service will check for the required number of hours. This tab also defines whether payroll locks are required for Time Completion.

See Also:

Time Completion Field Descriptions

View a Policy’s Time Completion Settings

Configure a Policy’s Time Completion Settings

Modify a Policy’s Time Completion Settings


Time Completion Field Descriptions

Time Compl. Enabled

Indicates whether Time Completion is enabled for the Attendance Policy. Check this box to enable Time Completion.

If Time Compl. Enabled is checked, then employees assigned to this Attendance Policy will have their timecards processed by the TIME_COMPLETION service.

If Time Compl. Enabled is not checked, then employees assigned to this Attendance Policy will not have their timecards processed by the TIME_COMPLETION service.

Event Name

Name of the event that the TIME_COMPLETION service will post to complete the employee’s timecards. Available options are events of type LABOR:DAY_WORKED.

Range Indicator

Indicates whether the TIME_COMPLETION service will look at the previous Week or previous pay Period to determine whether the required number of hours have been posted. The default value is Week.

Payroll Lock

Indicates whether the timecard must be payroll locked in order to be processed by the TIME_COMPLETION service.

Require Locks - The TIME_COMPLETION service will only process the timecard when the entire previous week or pay period is locked for payroll.

Require No Locks - The TIME_COMPLETION service will only process the timecard when the entire previous week or pay period is not locked for payroll.

Ignore - The TIME_COMPLETION service will process the timecard regardless of the previous week or previous pay period's payroll locks. Both locked and unlocked timecards will be processed


View a Policy’s Time Completion Settings

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. In the Policy Name field, select the record you want to view and click Find.

  3. Click the Time Completion tab to view the current configuration.


Configure a Policy’s Time Completion Settings

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. If you already have an Attendance Policy for which you want to modify the Attendance Levels, select the Attendance Policy, and then click Modify. If you do not have an Attendance Policy, see Add an Attendance Policy.

  3. Click the Time Completion tab.

  4. Check the Time Compl. Enabled box to enable Time Completion for the Attendance Policy. Employees assigned to this Attendance Policy will have their timecards processed by the TIME_COMPLETION service. If Time Compl. Enabled is not checked, then employees assigned to this Attendance Policy will not have their timecards processed by the TIME_COMPLETION service.

  5. Select the Event Name that the TIME_COMPLETION service will post to complete the employee’s timecards. Available options are events of type LABOR:DAY_WORKED.

  6. The Range Indicator indicates whether the TIME_COMPLETION service will look at the previous Week or previous pay Period to determine whether the required number of hours have been posted. The default value is Week.

  7. Select the Payroll Lock option for Time Completion.

    Require Locks - The TIME_COMPLETION service will only process the timecard when the entire previous week or pay period is locked for payroll.

    Require No Locks - The TIME_COMPLETION service will only process the timecard when the entire previous week or pay period is not locked for payroll.

    Ignore - The TIME_COMPLETION service will process the timecard regardless of the previous week or previous pay period's payroll locks. Both locked and unlocked timecards will be processed

  8. Click Save.


Modify a Policy’s Time Completion Settings

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. In the Policy Name field, select the policy with the Attendance Levels setting you want to change and click Modify.

  3. Navigate to the Time Completion tab.

  4. Make the necessary modifications and click Save.