Send Feedback

The Send Feedback form allows users to send suggestions, comments, questions, or concerns about Deltek Costpoint Shop Floor Time.

To open this form:

Click the Help button in the top right corner of the application window and select Send Feedback.


Click Main Menu > Self Service > Send Feedback.

If the form is not available, you will need to enable it in your Security Role. You will also need to make sure the appropriate email addresses are configured.

See Also:

Enable the Send Feedback Form in a Security Role

Message Email Configuration

Configure the Feedback Email Address

Configure the Sender’s Email Address

Using the Send Feedback Form


Enable the Send Feedback Form in a Security Role

Make sure you only enable this form in the Security Roles of the persons who are authorized to send feedback.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Security > Security Roles.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button and select the appropriate Security Role Name.

  3. Expand the Web: Self Service folder and make sure the Send Feedback form is checked.

  4. Click Save.

    Users who are assigned to this Security Role will be able to open the Send Feedback form from either the Help button or the Self Service menu.


Message Email Configuration

The Message Email Config form needs to have the appropriate Email Address and Email Server defined. These settings define the email address and server from which the Send Feedback messages will be sent.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Messages > Message Email Config and click Modify.

  2. Change the Email Address and Email Server to the appropriate values for your company and click Save.


Configure the Feedback Email Address

Use the feedback_email setting on the Application form to define the email address to which the messages written on the Send Feedback form will be sent.

The default value is If you plan to give multiple persons access to the Send Feedback form, you should change this setting to the email address of your Shop Floor Time system administrator.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Application.

  2. Select the feedback_email setting and click Modify.

  3. Make sure the Setting Value is a valid email address. If you plan to give multiple persons access to the Send Feedback form, you should change this setting to the email address of your Shop Floor Time system administrator.

  4. Click Save.


Configure the Sender’s Email Address

The person who is using the Send Feedback form (the sender of the message) must have his or her email address defined on the Employee form. This email address will display as the “From” address for the Send Feedback messages.

  1. Click Main Menu > Employee Management > Employee.

  2. Select the record for the person who will be using the Send Feedback form.

  3. Click Modify.

  4. Enter the person’s email address in the Email Address1 and/or Email Address2 fields.

  5. Click Save.

When the person uses the Send Feedback form, the feedback message will be sent to the feedback_email (defined on the Application form – see above) and the “From” address will be the person’s email address defined on the Employee form.

The Send Feedback form will first use the person’s Email Address1. If this setting is blank, the Send Feedback form will use the person’s Email Address2. If both Email Address1 and Email Address2 are blank, the Send Feedback form will use the Email Address on the Message Email Configuration form as the sender’s address.


Use the Send Feedback Form

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > Send Feedback or click the Help button in the top right corner of the application window and select Send Feedback.

  2. From the Message Type field, select Comment, Concern, Other, Question, or Suggestion. The Message Type you select will appear in front of the Subject of the email, followed by a dash.

  3. In the Subject field, enter the subject line for the email.

    For example, if you select Comment as the Message Type and enter “This application is amazing!” in the Subject field, the feedback email will have the subject line “Comment – This application is amazing!”

  4. In the Message field, enter the body of the email message.

  5. Click Send.