Charge Element Filter

The Charge Element Filter tab on the Charge Filter Policy form allows you to configure which charge types (such as Work Order and Project) are enabled for filtration. When a charge type is enabled for filtration, the user assigned to the Charge Filter Policy is only allowed to charge time to the charge elements defined for the charge type in the user’s Charge Filtration Group. If no elements have been defined for the charge type, the user is not allowed to charge time against it.

You create the policy on the Charge Filter Policy form and assign the charge types you want to enable for filtration on the Charge Element Filter tab form.

Note that the Charge Element Filter does not apply if you have checked the All Charges box on the Charge Filter Policy form.

See Also:

Charge Element Filter Field Descriptions

Find Charge Types in the Charge Filter Policy

Add Charge Types to a Charge Filter Policy

Delete a Charge Element Filter Record


Charge Element Filter Field Descriptions

Charge Type

Identifies a particular charge type. Examples are DEPARTMENT and ORDER. Charge Types are defined on the Charge Types form.

Element Name

Identifies the element name that the record applies to. This defines the type of charge elements at the different levels in the hierarchy. For example, for Charge Type ORDER, Level 1 may be type ORDER, level 2 may be OPERATION, and level 3 may be ACTIVITY.

The Element Names are defined for a specific Charge Type on the Charge Type Element tab of the Charge Type form.

Level Number

Identifies at which level in the charge type hierarchy the Element Name is listed.

System Required

If this box is checked, the record is system required and cannot be deleted or modified.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find Charge Types in the Charge Filter Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Charge Filter Policy.

  2. Select a Filter Policy Name and click Find.

The Charge Filter Policy and its defined charge elements (if any) will display on the form and on the Charge Element Filter tab.


Add Charge Types to a Charge Filter Policy

Note: These steps do not apply if All Charges is checked on the Charge Filter Policy form.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Charge Filter Policy.

  2. Find the Charge Filter Policy to which you want to add a policy detail.

  3. On the Charge Element Filter tab, click Add.

    All the charge types that are available in the application are listed in alphabetical order in the Available box.

  4. To include a charge type in your Charge Filter Policy, move it from the Available column to the Selected column. 

  5. Click Save when you are finished.


Delete a Charge Element Filter Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Charge Filter Policy.

  2. Find and select the Charge Filter Policy that contains the Charge Element Filter you want to delete.

  3. Navigate to the Charge Element Filter tab below.

  4. Select the record you want to remove and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.