
Day Worked

The Day Worked tab on the Attendance Policy form is used to configure if a Day Worked event should post for Exception employees. Exception employees are only required to enter exceptions to the work schedule, such as vacation and sick days. They are not required to post elapsed time or real-time labor transactions.

The ATTENDANCE service must include the ATTENDANCE_DAY_WORKED task to post Day Worked events. See Service Instances for more information on the ATTENDANCE service and its tasks.

See Also:

Day Worked Field Descriptions

View a Day Worked Configuration

Configure Day Worked Event

Modify Day Worked Event


Day Worked Field Descriptions

Enable Day Worked

When this box is checked, a DAY WORKED event will post for Exception employees with a schedule.

Post On Signed

When this box is checked, the ATTENDANCE service will post the event on days that have already been signed (by an employee, supervisor, or both). If this box is not checked, the ATTENDANCE service will not post the event on signed days.

A split day in a 9-80 schedule may have only the first or second half of the day signed. The ATTENDANCE service will examine each half of the split day separately when it checks for signatures, and will post the event on the half that complies with the Post on Signed setting. For example, if Post on Signed is not checked, the ATTENDANCE service will post the event on the half that is not signed, but will not post the event on the half that is signed.

Event Name

Identifies the name of the event that will post on the timecard ( DAY_WORKED).

When Indicator

The When Indicator setting will affect when the Day Worked event will post to the timecard.

After Schedule End = The event will post by the ATTENDANCE service, and only after the end of the employee's latest schedule for the day.

First Activity = The event will post after the first activity of the day for the employee. For example, a Clock In or a run of the Attendance Service can trigger the event.

Post On Partial Day

When this box is checked, the system will calculate the difference between the posted hours (paid or unpaid) and the scheduled paid hours, and post the difference with the Day Worked event.

Note: When this box is not checked, the Day Worked event posts only if there are 0.0 hours on the day.

Ruleset Name

Identifies the Attendance ruleset that applies when the ATTENDANCE service posts a Day Worked event. The ruleset you select will determine the conditions needed to post the event, which event to post, how many hours should be posted, and how many penalty points, if any, to post. For example, you may select a ruleset in which the Day Worked event posts for the employee's scheduled paid hours unless the employee already has some hours posted on that day. In that case, the Day Worked event will post for the difference between the employee's scheduled hours and the hours that have already been posted.

The Ruleset Name is optional. If you select a ruleset, these rules will override the Post on Signed, Event Name, When Indicator, and Post on Partial Day settings for the Day Worked policy.


View Day Worked Configuration

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. Find and select the Attendance Policy for which you want to view the Day Worked details.

  3. Click the Day Worked tab on the lower half of the screen to view the current configuration.


Configure Day Worked Event

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. If you already have an Attendance Policy that you want to add the Day Worked event to, find and select the Attendance Policy, then click Modify. If you do not have an Attendance Policy, see Add an Attendance Policy.

  3. Navigate to the Day Worked tab.

  4. Check the Enable Day Worked box if you want the Day Worked event to post to the timecard.

  5. Check the Post on Signed box if you want the event to post on days that have already been signed.

  6. Select the event name that posts on the timecard when the Day Worked event posts (DAY_WORKED)

  7. In the When Indicator field, select if you want the event to post at First Activity (after the first activity of the day for the employee), or After Schedule End (i.e., by the ATTENDANCE service, and only after the end of the employee's latest schedule for the day).

  8. Check the Post On Partial Day box if you want the event to post on days that have more than 0.0 posted hours (the system will calculate the difference between the posted hours (paid or unpaid) and the scheduled paid hours, and post the difference with the Day Worked event).

  9. Select the ruleset that will trigger when the event posts.

  10. Click Save when you are finished.


Modify Day Worked Event

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Attendance Policy.

  2. Find and select the Attendance Policy you want to modify and click Modify.

  3. Click the Day Worked tab.

  4. Make the modifications and click Save.