Offline Record Error

The Offline Record Error tab on the Offline Data Records form displays details about offline data records with the Record Status of Error. This tab displays the same information that is found on the Error Log form.

See Also:

Offline Record Error Field Descriptions

View Offline Record Errors


Offline Record Error Field Descriptions

Error ID

A unique identifier for the record in the Error Log.

Process Name

The interface process that created the error. Because this tab form only displays offline data record errors, the Process Name will be OFFLINE_DATA_PROCESSOR.

Error Status

The default Error Status is "Active," but you can change an error's status manually by using the Active/Inactive button in the Error Log form.

Error Code

Error number for this record.


The message that displays to the user at time of error. The error's Description can be modified in the Dictionary Label form. Enter the Error Code in the Label Name of the Dictionary Label form to look up the message. The Long Label is what displays in the Error Log form.


The event, if any, that the user attempted at the time of the error.

Date Created, Created By

Date when the error occurred and the user who was logged in when the error occurred.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


View Offline Record Errors

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Terminal > Offline Data Records.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields and select Error from the Record Status field. You can also use the Queue, GID, and DID fields to narrow your search.

  3. Click Find.

    The offline data records with errors display in the grid.

  4. Select the record and click the Offline Record Error tab.

    Details about the error appear in the grid of this form.

  5. Use the Error Status filter to view only Active or Inactive records.