Form Profile Name

The Form Profile Name quick link is used to name the Form Profiles that you can configure in Form Profile Detail.

To access the Form Profile Name quick link:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the Form Profile Name field.

  3. Click the button next to the Form Profile Name field and select Add, Lookup, or Maintain.

See Also:

Form Profile Name Field Descriptions

View a Form Profile

Add a Form Profile

Copy a Form Profile

Modify a Form Profile

Delete a Form Profile

Assign a Form Profile to Employee/Employee Group/System Settings

Assign a Form Profile to Terminals


Form Profile Name Field Descriptions

Form Profile Name

Name that identifies the Form Profile.

The DEFAULT Form Profile is assigned to System Settings and applies to all users unless another Form Profile has been assigned to a user via Employee Group Setting or Employee Setting. The DEFAULT Form Profile cannot be modified.

The configuration in Form Profile Detail determines how the forms are presented to the user when this profile is used.


A description of the Form Profile.

Default Form

If Save View State is not checked, this field identifies the form that will appear each time the user logs into the web application. If Save View State is checked, the Default Form will not appear when the user logs into the web application; instead, the last viewed form will appear.

Default Mobile Form

If Save View State is not checked, this field identifies the form that will appear each time the user logs into the Mobile Client or Mobile Web application. If Save View State is checked, the Default Mobile Form will not appear when the user logs into the Mobile Client or Mobile Web application; instead, the last viewed form will appear.

The Default Mobile Form will also appear when the user clicks the Home button in the Mobile Client or Mobile Web application.

System Required

When this box is checked, the Form Profile is system required and cannot be modified.

Save View State

When the Save View State box is checked, the following applies:

  1. The last viewed form will appear each time the user logs in to the web application or Mobile Web application.

    If Save View State is not checked, the Default Form appears when the user logs in to the web application and the Default Mobile Form appears when the user logs into the Mobile Web application.

  2. If the user manually resizes a column width in a web form, the web application will maintain that column width even after the form is refreshed or the user leaves the form.

    If Save View State is not checked, the web application will reset the column to its original width.

  3. If the user manually resizes a row height in a web form, the web application will maintain that row height even after the form is refreshed or the user leaves the form.

    If Save View State is not checked, the web application will reset the row to its original height.

  4. If the user enters values in any filter fields and performs a search with those values, the same values will appear the next time the user returns to the form in the web application or the Mobile Web application.

    If Save View State is not checked, the system will clear the filter values once the user refreshes or leaves the form.

If Save View State is not checked, the expand_filter_panel and rows_per_page settings will apply. See Form Settings for information.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


View a Form Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the Form Profile Name field.

  3. Select a Form Profile Name from the drop-down list. You can also click the button next to the Form Profile Name field and select Lookup from the pop-up menu. Select the Form Profile you want and click OK.


Add a Form Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the Form Profile Name field.

  3. Click the button next to the Form Profile Name field and select Add from the pop-up menu.

  4. Enter a Form Profile Name and Description.

  5. Select a Default Form.

  6. If you want the system to display the last viewed form each time the user logs in to the application, and remember settings such as column width and last entered filter values, check the Save View State box.

  7. If you want to add more than one Form Profile, click Save and Add to save your settings and keep the Add Form Profile window open. Or click Save to save your Form Profile and return to the main Form Profile form.

    The record appears on the Form Profile form.

  8. To configure the details for the Form Profile, such as which fields will appear to the user, see Form Profile Detail.


Copy a Form Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the Form Profile Name field.

  3. Click the button next to the Form Profile Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  4. Select the record you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  5. On the Copy Form Profile form, modify the settings and click Save.

  6. To configure the details for the Form Profile, see Form Profile Detail.


Modify a Form Profile

Note: You cannot modify System Required records.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the Form Profile Name field.

  3. Click the button next to the Form Profile Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  4. Select the record you want to change and click Modify.

  5. Modify the necessary fields and click Save.

  6. To configure the details for the Form Profile, see Form Profile Detail.


Delete a Form Profile

Note: You cannot delete System Required records.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the Form Profile Name field.

  3. Click the button next to the Form Profile Name field and select Maintain from the pop-up menu.

  4. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.

  6. Click OK to exit the pop-up form.


Assign a Form Profile to an Employee/Employee Group/System Settings

A Form Profile can be assigned to an Employee via the Employee Setting form or to an Employee Group (with type FACILITY or POLICY_GROUP) via the Employee Group Setting form. You can also assign a Form Profile globally to all users via System Settings.

In addition to assigning the Form Profile, you must also assign the user a Security Role that allows the user to view and use the forms. If a form is not listed in the user's Security Role, it is not visible to the user.


Assign a Form Profile to Terminals

Each Form Profile has a Terminal Forms folder that includes the forms for data collection terminals. When you configure the layout of these web forms, you configure the layout of how they appear on a terminal. None of the other forms in a Form Profile apply to a terminal.

To assign a Form Profile to a terminal, you must assign the Form Profile to the Terminal Profile on the Terminal Profile Setting form using the setting type TERMINAL_FORM_PROFILE.