Attach a Receipt to an Attachment Type Marked as Missing

You can attach a receipt to an expense report or a claimed expense line with an attachment type marked as Missing.

To attach a receipt to an attachment type marked as Missing:

  1. Tap , and tap Expense Reports.
  2. Tap the Expense Reports tab.
  3. Scroll through the list of expense reports, tap an expense report to open and edit, and perform one of the following:
    • Tap a claimed expense and tap Attachments.
    • Tap Overall Attachments.
  4. On the Attachments screen or Overall Attachments screen, tap the check mark next to the attachment marked as Missing.
    The check mark turns green after you tap it.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, tap the Remove Missing button.
  6. Tap the same attachment, and tap Capture to capture or select an image to attach.
  7. Tap Done.