Make Timesheets Available Offline

Once you have been provided with the timesheet offline access in Costpoint, you can download the timesheets to use for time entry even without Internet connection by using the Make Available Offline screen. You must download the timesheets to use for time entry every time before you go offline.

Your system administrator must provide you the timesheet offline access through the Allow Offline Access option in Costpoint Time & Expense to display the Make Timesheets Available Offline item on the Costpoint Mobile T&E menu.

Attention: For more information on how to enable offline timesheet access, see "Make Timesheets Available Offline" in the Costpoint Mobile Time and Expense Technical Installation and Configuration Guide.

To make timesheets available offline:

  1. Tap , and tap Make Timesheets Available Offline.
  2. On the Make Available Offline Screen, tap Continue.
    Note: Tap Cancel to go back to the Timesheet screen.
  3. On the Make Available Offline screen, the timesheets for the current, next, and previous periods display.
  4. Tap Proceed.
    Costpoint Mobile T&E displays that the timesheets are now available for offline use.
  5. Tap Done.
    You can now use the downloaded timesheets for time entry when you go offline.