Overall Attachments Tab
The Overall Attachments tab displays items that you are either required to include or may optionally include with the expense authorization.
Items that apply to the expense authorization overall, such as an airfare quote or hotel confirmation, are attached on the Overall Attachments tab. In Wizard mode, the Overall Attachments tab will display after you enter default charges but before you enter planned expenses.
If you are required to enter attachments for a planned expense, the tab label is Expense Attachments, and the tab displays in the Expenses section of the form
Screen Fields
Field | Description |
Description |
Enter a description of the item you are attaching. |
Attachment Type |
This field displays the type of attachment that is required for this item. For expense level items, the attachment type might be an airfare quote, but for an expense authorization level item, the attachment type might be a trip approval form. The attachment type displays by default if only one type is available. |
Required | If this box is checked, the item must be attached to the expense report. |
Attached | This box is checked if the item is already attached. |
Reason for Missing Receipt | The reason you provided for the missing attachment displays in this field. |
File Name |
This field displays the file name applied by Time & Expense after you upload it. |
Original Filename |
This field displays the file name of the file you selected for upload. |
Storage Location |
This field displays the location on Costpoint where the attachment is stored after upload. |
Attach |
Click Attach to select the attachment for upload. |
View |
Click View to see the attachment. |
Currency |
For expense level attachments, this field displays the transaction currency for the expense. |
Missing |
Click this display the Explanation dialog box, where you can enter a note regarding the status of the item. |
Exit | In Wizard mode, click this to discontinue entering the current expense and return to the Expenses tab without saving your changes. |
Back | In Wizard mode, click this to return to the previous page. |
Continue | In Wizard mode, click this to proceed to next page. You may receive validation error messages before the Wizard can proceed. |