UDT Labels Subtask

Use the UDT Labels subtask to select, order, and designate the length in characters of labels to user-defined tables for a particular locale.


Table Window

Field Description
UDT This column displays the UDT number.

Select this check box to make the table available as a column for data entry. This does not mean that the employees will see the table's field on their timesheets or expense reports, only that the system will track it.  

The Use columns for "UDT01" and "UDT10" are always checked and cannot be changed.

You will not be able to uncheck a Use column if there are records in the respective table.  If there are no records in the table and you change the Use column from checked to unchecked, information on that row will be cleared.

Note: Whether UDTs are shown depends on the settings in the Configure Time Settings or Configure Expense Settings screens.

Enter a number between "1" and "12" to control the displaying and printing order of the UDT columns on the timesheet and/or expense report.


Enter the size for each UDT.  UDT01 and UDT02 can be up to 50 characters.  UDT03 through UDT12 can be up to 20 characters. If the table already has data, you cannot change the size without running a script against the database.

Make the size large enough to accommodate the longest label.