Deltek Costpoint 8.2 Release Notes
Welcome to the Deltek Costpoint 8.2 Release Notes, which describe the new features, enhancements, and software corrections made from Costpoint 8.2.1 up to the present release.
Note: For items labeled with "Next Quarterly Release," the Release Notes are in draft form and will be updated continuously until the release date of the quarterly release. To ensure that you have the most current version, please refresh this page in your browser.
These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Costpoint 8.2.1 up to the current release, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Costpoint.
The Build Deployed In and Dependent Files lines for defects and the list of required files included in enhancement descriptions are meant to support the Pick and Choose deployment model. If your company or system supports Pick and Choose, refer to the Downloading and Deploying Pick and Choose Hot Fixes section of these release notes for more information.
If you do not support Pick and Choose, you may ignore the deployed and dependent files listed in this document. Updates are still packaged as cumulative releases for MRs.
Deltek Learning Hub
With the release of Costpoint 2025.1, we are excited to introduce the Deltek Learning Hub as your new resource center. The Deltek Learning Hub is a comprehensive knowledge center that includes help articles, release notes, learning aids, forums, and more for Costpoint and other Deltek products.
The Deltek Learning Hub offers several key benefits:
Unified Resource Center: Access all learning resources in one easy-to-navigate platform, eliminating the need to switch between multiple sites.
Enhanced Search Capabilities: Quickly find the information you need with powerful search tools.
Personalized Learning Experience: Tailor your learning journey with personalized content and save topics for future reference.
Stay Updated: Access the latest features and updates through the “What’s New” section.
Community Support: Connect with peers and experts through forums and community resources.
The Costpoint 8.2 Release Notes landing page will continue to host On-Premises HTML release notes for Costpoint 2025.1 and future releases until further notice. Cloud release notes, on the other hand, will be available in the Deltek Learning Hub.
The Deltek Learning Hub will also replace the Costpoint Cloud Information Center (CCIC). While the CCIC will remain temporarily open, it will not have the latest information for Costpoint 8.2. Users of Costpoint 8.1 will continue to use the Costpoint Information Center (CIC). We encourage you to explore the Deltek Learning Hub for all future updates and resources. Please update your bookmarks to ensure easy access to the latest information.
Watch the Deltek Learning Hub Overview to learn more. You can also view the Deltek Learning Hub FAQs for additional details.
Updated Help Menu
The Help menu has been updated to include a direct link to the Deltek Learning Hub. The previous Costpoint Information Center and Videos and Learning Aids menu items have been removed. This streamlined menu allows for easier and quicker access to the new Learning Hub.
Using These Release Notes
Use the following guidelines in navigating through this page:
Table of Contents: Links to the different sections of the Release Notes are indicated at the top. Click the link to jump to a specific section of the page.
Search: To search for a specific application, keywords, or phrases within this document, press CTRL+F (Windows) or COMMAND+F (Mac) on your keyboard, and then enter your search words.
For example, you may enter the application name (Manage Project User Flow), the application ID (PJMBASIC), or the hot fix ID number (pjmbasic_001) to quickly locate the specific description for that item.
Return To Top: This link displays at the bottom right of the page. Click this link to navigate back to the top of the Release Notes.
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You can print these release notes or save this page as a PDF. Do one of the following actions:
Desktop (Windows): Press CTRL+P on your keyboard. On the dialog box that displays, you can choose to save this page as a PDF or select a printer to print the release notes.
Desktop (Mac): Press COMMAND+P on your keyboard or click File » Print and select a printer to print these release notes. To save this page as a PDF, click File » Export and select a name and destination for the PDF file.
Mobile Device: Printing settings may differ depending on the browser and device that you are using. You can access these settings through the More link, Share icon, or the browser menu (three vertical dots or three horizontal lines).
Updates to the New Costpoint Release Methodology for On-Premises Customers
This section provides the latest updates to the new Costpoint Release Methodology for On-Premises customers originally announced with the release of Costpoint 8.2 in June of 2023. The new release methodology allows the Costpoint team to deliver new features faster, while ensuring a higher level of quality and stability.
As a reminder with the launch of Costpoint 8.2 in June of 2023, Deltek has moved to a Quarterly Release methodology. Quarterly Releases (QRs) will include new features, defect fixes, and regulatory updates. Deltek will continue to provide monthly Maintenance Releases (MRs), except for months when a QR is provided, which will include fixes for high severity defects and regulatory updates. Deltek will provide a separate release for the Calendar Year End (CYE) updates.
Costpoint 8.2 is referred to as Deltek’s Innovation Release and will adhere to the following Product Lifecycle Phases schedule (see Product Lifecycle Phase Descriptions). With the release of each Quarterly Release, the previous Quarterly Releases will move into Maintenance Support. Quarterly Releases will remain in Maintenance Release for nine months beyond their release date. After this nine-month period, they will move into Sustaining Support.
Costpoint 8.1 is referred to as Deltek’s Long-Term Support release and moved into Maintenance Support (see Support Lifecycle: Deltek Costpoint Product Family) on June 1st 2023 and will remain in Maintenance Support thru April 1st 2026. As a reminder, in Maintenance Support, Costpoint 8.1 will not receive any new features while continuing to receive new tax, legal, and regulatory updates and hot fixes for severity 1 issues.
Costpoint 8.2 customers should apply, at a minimum, two QRs each calendar year. This allows for customers to skip a QR when planning their annual upgrade schedule. Following this upgrade schedule ensures customers can request individual hot fixes for critical defects.
This information is also available in KB Article 114963.
Project Role Security Replaces Project Manager Security in Costpoint Business Intelligence
Access to secure project data has been greatly enhanced by Project Roles Security, which expands access to other roles beyond the Project Manager. If the necessary configurations are set, any project role, including project managers, can view project data at their level and in the lower project levels.
In Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.9 or later, Project Role Security replaces Project Manager (PM) Security. PM Security is no longer supported and has been removed.
If you use Project Manager Security and will upgrade to version 8.2.9 or later, Project Role Security will be applied seamlessly without performing extra steps. The system will follow the BI settings you had before the upgrade and transfer users in CER__PM_MGR to the CER__ROLE_SEC user group. In addition, you can extend role security to other project roles.
Important: If you have users in the CER__PM_MGR user group but have disabled Project Role Security before upgrading to 8.2.9, the users will be transferred to the CER__ROLE_SEC user group after the upgrade and Project Roles Security will be automatically turned on. It is important that your BI administrator selects No in the Use Project Roles Security field on the Manage BI Settings screen after the upgrade if needed. The Manage BI Settings screen is located in Report & Analytics » BI Controls.
For more details in setting up Project Role Security, see the Project Roles Security Setup section in Deltek Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.9 Post Installation and Configuration Guide for On-premises Users. Additional information is also available in KB article #115682.
This change requires patches 11322 and 11323.
Downloading and Deploying Pick and Choose Hot Fixes
If your company or system supports the Pick and Choose deployment model, see the following document for instructions on downloading and deploying the Deltek Costpoint 8.2 individual Pick and Choose hot fixes: Deltek Costpoint 8.2 Deploying Pick and Choose Hot Fixes
Note: The Build Deployed In and Dependent Files lines are included in every defect description under the Software Issues Resolved section. These indicate the files that you need to install to apply the fix for the defect. For Regulatory Enhancements and Enhancements, required files are listed towards the end of the feature description.
Checking if the Hot Fix is Installed
Follow this procedure to see if the hot fix is correctly installed:
Open the application that was updated.
Click Help » About from the Costpoint global menu. This will display a screen that shows you the latest hot fix files applied to the application that is open.
Checking if the Feature is Installed
Follow this procedure to see if the feature is correctly installed:
Click Help » About from the Costpoint global menu.
Open the Features subtask and click the feature that was just installed.
Open the Libraries subtask. Check the list of libraries and see if they are correct and have been successfully deployed.
Open the Patches subtask. Check the list of patches and see if they are correct and have been successfully deployed.
Custom Programs Affected
Sometimes, an update can cause custom programs and reports to stop working as expected. Before applying an update, consider whether you have any custom programs or reports in the application area affected by the update. If so, contact Deltek Support Center at before you install the update.
Accessing Deltek Support Center
If you need assistance installing, implementing, or using Deltek Costpoint, you can access Deltek Support Center through the following:
Go to
Enter your Deltek Support Center Username and Password.
Click Login.
Note: If you forget your username or password, you can click the Login Help? button on the login screen for help.
1099 Updates for 2024
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen has been enhanced to adhere to the 2024 updates to forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC. When you print 1099s, the calendar year now displays in YYYY format, and the print alignment has been optimized for 2024 pre-printed papers.
You can still print 1099s on blank stock or plain paper, but you can print Copy C only if the Calendar Year is 2023.
2024 FUTA Credit Reductions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
For 2024, employers in California, New York, and U.S. Virgin Islands will be assessed a general FUTA credit reduction on wages paid to employees for work attributed to any of these states and territory. This Costpoint release adds records on the Manage Federal Taxes screen for the corresponding states:
Final 2024 FUTA Credit Reduction
New York
U.S. Virgin Islands
This enhancement requires the following:
2025 401(k) Limits
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The following are the 401(k) limits for 2025:
401(k) Deferral Limit: $23,500
401(k) Wage Limit: $350,000
To support the federal update, this release adds records to the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
2025 ACA Affordability Threshold
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The IRS sets the 2025 ACA affordability threshold as 9.02%. This release sets the safe harbor affordability rate for payroll year 2025 on the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
2025 Federal Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The draft of federal withholding methods for 2025 were released Dec. 2 by the Internal Revenue Service. The changes include the following:
The percentage method‘s tax brackets were adjusted.
The annual additional amount if the nonresident alien employee was first paid wages before 2020 and has not submitted a Form W-4 for 2020 or later, increases from $10,300 to $10,700.
The annual additional amount if the nonresident alien employee has submitted a Form W-4 for 2020 or later or was first paid wages in 2020 or later, increases from $14,600 to $15,000.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the federal requirements, updates were applied to the following screens:
Manage Federal Tax Tables
Manage Federal Taxes
2025 Social Security Wage Base
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance taxable wage base increases from $168,600 to $176,100 in 2025.
To support the federal update, this release adds records to the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
This enhancement requires the following:
ACA 2024 1094-C/1095-C Substitute Form Fillable PDF Update
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The 2024 PDF template file for 1094-C and 1095-C forms is now available in Costpoint, which will let you create PDF files with data for the calendar year 2024. You can then use the PDF files to print the forms on plain paper.
To support this update, the following screens were updated:
Print 1094-Cs
Print 1095-Cs
Attention: For more information, refer to:
This enhancment requires the following:
ACA 2024 Electronic Filing
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Costpoint now provides the ability to generate manifest and data files that comply with the latest tax year 2024 schema for the UI transmission channel. This release updates the Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File screen to support the following requirements for the data file transmission:
The following data was inserted into the S_SOFTWARE_ID system table:
CAL_TY_NO = 2024
SOFTWARE_ID = 24A0020251
FIRST_NAME = <carry over the value from 2023>
MID_NAME = <carry over the value from 2023>
LAST_NAME = <carry over the value from 2023>
NAME_SFX_CD = <carry over the value from 2023>
PHONE_ID = <carry over the value from 2023>
The tax year in all applicable namespaces was updated to "ty24" in the manifest and data files.
The following are used to generate manifest and data files for Calendar Year 2024 if Government Agency is “Federal”:
Manifest file from tax year 2024 schema package
Form data file from tax year 2024 schema package
PaymentYr value “2024”
Software ID for 2024
This enhancement requires the following:
Allow Selection of Safe Harbor for ACA 1095-C Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
When you create your data for the Affordable Car Act (ACA) 1095-C report, Costpoint now allows you to select Affordable Care Act Safe Harbor method that will be used for all employees or for a category of employees based on employees’ rate type and GLC. The Create 1094-C and 1095-C data screen provides a new Affordability Safe Harbor Option subtask where you can select one or more of the following affordability safe harbors:
The W–2 safe harbor
The federal poverty line safe harbor
The rate of pay safe harbor
Affordability Safe Harbor Option Subtask
On the header of the subtask, you can select the affordability safe harbor options that will be used for the taxable entity. All three safe harbors under which an employer can determine affordability for all employees are selected by default. You must select at least one option in the header. This subtask is not available if Reporting Type is 1094-C Data.
Affordability Safe Harbor Option by Employee Categories Table
On the Affordability Safe Harbor Option by Employee Categories table, you can select the employees’ rate type/GLC combination to use a safe harbor option for specific employee categories. If this table is blank, the affordability safe harbor selected in the header will be used for all employees, when applicable. Likewise, if you did not select a rate type/GLC combination for an employee category, then the application will also use the affordability safe harbor selected in the header. This subtask is optional.
Note: Currently, the Create 1094-C and 1095-C data screen has the following issues which will be fixed in a future release:
When you clear all the Affordability Safe Harbor Option checkboxes and click Preview or Print/Process, the screen displays the "You must select at least one of the affordability safe harbors" error message, but it is not clickable.
When you query a parameter that does not exist, the screen states that "An action is requested but no row has been selected. Please select a row and re-execute the action." Instead of this message, the screen should state that no rows met your criteria.
This enhancement requires the following:
Combine Multiple Deductions and Local Taxes for the Same W-2 Box 14 Line
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
You can now combine multiple deductions and local taxes assigned to the same W-2 box 14 line. When you run the Create W-2 Table process, a warning will display if more than one deduction and/or locality are assigned to the same box 14 line. The message will display the list of deduction codes and locality codes assigned to the same box 14 line number and the amounts of these codes will be summed up when W-2s are created. You can opt to manually remove the box 14 line number assignment from a deduction code or locality code listed in the warning message if it should not be included in the summation.
This enhancement requires the following:
Compute Payroll with 2025 Nonresident Additional Amount
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The Compute Payroll and Manage Payroll Records screens were updated to:
Use the 2025 nonresident alien additional amount of 10,700.00 in the federal/territory withholding calculation if the employee’s Form W-4 Revision Year is 2019 or earlier and the check date is from tax year 2025.
Use the 2025 nonresident alien additional amount of 15,000.00 from the Manage Federal Taxes screen if the Form W-4 Revision is 2020 and the check date is 2025.
Attention: For more information, see Pub 15-T:
Federal W-2 2024 Electronic Filing
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
For tax year 2024, the layout of the Federal W-2 includes the following record changes:
RO (Employee Optional) Record and RU (Total Optional) Record were updated to add Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments (IEMWP-II).
RCO (Employee Optional) Record and RCU (Total Optional) Record were updated to add Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments (IEMWP-II).
The Create Federal W-2 File screen now supports the updated record layouts for the EFW2 and EFW2C files.
EFW2 File Changes
Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RO Record positions 144-154.
Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RU Record, positions 190-204.
EFW2C File Changes
Originally reported Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCO Record, positions 277-287.
Correct Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCO Record, positions 288-298.
Originally reported Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCU Record, positions 371-385.
Correct Box 12 code II Income from Exclusion Of Medicaid Waiver Payments was added to RCU Record, positions 386-400.
This enhancement requires the following:
Form W-2 Support for Tax Year 2024
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Costpoint’s Print W-2 screen has been fully tested to support the pre-printed forms W-2 and W-2c from Deltek’s partner form vendors for the 2025 filing. If you encounter alignment issues when you print on pre-printed forms, you may need to adjust the margins on your printer settings or Costpoint’s page setup. Refer to your printer’s documentation for information on how to configure the margins of your printer.
Report Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Account in Form W-2
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Pension-Linked Emergency Savings Accounts (PLESA) are introduced under the SECURE 2.0 Act, specifically section 127. These accounts allow employers to add emergency savings accounts to a defined contribution plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b), or governmental 457(b) plan. Employees can make designated Roth contributions to these accounts, which can be withdrawn under certain conditions.
Contributions must be reported on Form W-2, box 12, using specific codes depending on the type of plan:
Code AA for 401(k) plans
Code BB for 403(b) plans
Code EE for governmental 457(b) plans
Contributions to pension-linked emergency savings accounts are also reported in Box 12 of Form W-2.
The existing Emergency Savings Account (ESA) deduction type does not indicate if it was linked to a 401(k), 403(b), or 457(b). To address this issue, the ESA deduction type can no longer be assigned to new deductions or contributions. Instead, three new deduction types for PLESA have been added on the Manage Deductions screen to replace the ESA deduction type.
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
You can now select the following from the Deduction Type field:
ESA401 (401(k) linked ESA)
ESA403 (403(b) linked ESA)
ESA457 (457(b) linked ESA)
An error message will display if you assign the old ESA deduction type to new records. A warning message will be displayed on existing deduction records if the deduction type is ESA.
Create W-2 Table (PRPCW2)
The calculation for following Box 12 code amounts were updated:
The code AA amount now includes ESA401 deduction types.
The code BB amount now includes ESA403 deduction types.
The code EE amount now includes ESA457 deduction types.
ESA deduction types will not be included in codes AA, BB, and EE.
The screen will display an error message if there is at least one deduction in employee earnings deduction having an ESA deduction type.
This enhancement requires the following:
Secure Act 2.0 Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Under the SECURE Act 2.0, employers can offer participants of Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) and Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) IRA the option to have their contributions under the respective plan be made to a Roth SEP IRA or a Roth SIMPLE IRA. Salary reduction contributions made to a Roth SEP IRA or a Roth SIMPLE IRA are included on Form W-2 in boxes 1, 3, and 5 (or box 14 for railroad retirement taxes). They are reported in box 12 using code F for a SEP or code S for a SIMPLE IRA.
To support this update, Costpoint adds new retirement plan deduction types which will be included in the calculation of the box 12 amount in the W-2.
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
You can now select the following from the Deduction Type field:
RTHSEP (Roth SEP Deferred Comp)
RTHSIM (Roth SIMPLE Deferred Comp)
408(P) (408(p) Deferred Compensation)
Create W-2 Table (PRPCW2)
The calculation for the Box 12 Code F amount will now include the RTHSEP deduction type. The Box 12 code S amount shall be automatically calculated based on the newly added 408(p) and RTHSIM deduction types.
Total Comp/Benefits Statement (ESQCOMPBEN)
The Company Paid Retirement Benefits – Annual Amount will now include the new retirement plan deduction types.
Print Employees Eligible for Retirement Catch-Up (PRPCATCHUP)
The deduction type Lookup values will now include the new retirement plan deduction types.
This enhancement requires the following:
Support for 2024 ACA Forms 1094-C and 1095-C
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Costpoint has been fully tested to support the pre-printed ACA Forms 1094-C and 1095-C from Deltek’s partner form vendors for the 2025 filing. If you encounter alignment issues when you print on pre-printed forms, you may need to adjust the margins on your printer settings or Costpoint’s page setup. Refer to your printer’s documentation for information on how to configure the margins of your printer.
Note: To avoid any alignment issues, you can use the corresponding options on the Process menu of ACA screens to print the forms on PDFs:
Print 1095-C Forms with Data on the Print 1095-Cs screen
Print 1094-C Forms with Data on the Print 1094-Cs screen
USERRA Make-up Amounts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
You can now select USERRA make-up amounts for 2023, 2022, and 2021 on the Box 12 subtask of the Manage W-2s screen. The Code field lookup now lists the following new Box 12 codes:
Box 12 Code
Box 12 Description
D 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals to a section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement
E 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals to a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
F 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals to a section 408(k)(6) salary reduction agreement
G 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals and employer contributions (including nonelective deferrals) to a section 457(b) deferred comp plan
H 21
USERRA 2021 make up elective deferrals under a section 501(c)(18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan
S 21
USERRA 2021 make up employee salary reduction contributions under a section 408(p) SIMPLE
Y 21
USERRA 2021 make up deferrals under section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plan
AA 21
USERRA 2021 make up designated Roth contributions to a section 401(k) plan
BB 21
USERRA 2021 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
EE 21
USERRA 2021 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 457(b) plan
D 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals to a section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement
E 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals to a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
F 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals to a section 408(k)(6) salary reduction agreement
G 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals and employer contributions (including nonelective deferrals) to a section 457(b) deferred comp plan
H 22
USERRA 2022 make up elective deferrals under a section 501(c)(18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan
S 22
USERRA 2022 make up employee salary reduction contributions under a section 408(p) SIMPLE
Y 22
USERRA 2022 make up deferrals under section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plan
AA 22
USERRA 2022 make up designated Roth contributions to a section 401(k) plan
BB 22
USERRA 2022 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
EE 22
USERRA 2022 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 457(b) plan
D 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals to a section 401(k) cash or deferred arrangement
E 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals to a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
F 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals to a section 408(k)(6) salary reduction agreement
G 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals and employer contributions (including nonelective deferrals) to a section 457(b) deferred comp plan
H 23
USERRA 2023 make up elective deferrals under a section 501(c)(18)(D) tax-exempt organization plan
S 23
USERRA 2023 make up employee salary reduction contributions under a section 408(p) SIMPLE
Y 23
USERRA 2023 make up deferrals under section 409A nonqualified deferred compensation plan
AA 23
USERRA 2023 make up designated Roth contributions to a section 401(k) plan
BB 23
USERRA 2023 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 403(b) salary reduction agreement
EE 23
USERRA 2023 make up designated Roth contributions under a section 457(b) plan
This enhancement requires the following:
W-2 2024 Blank Stock Forms and PDF Templates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The 2024 PDF template file for W-2, W-2c, W-3, and W-3c forms are now available in Costpoint, which will let you create PDF files with data for the calendar year 2024. You can then use the PDF files to print the forms on plain paper. The 2024 data for W-2, W-2c, W-3, and W-3c should print correctly on the SSA-provided blank ink PDF templates for copy A and on the IRS-provided fillable PDF for copies 1, 2, B, C, and D.
Attention: For more information, see updated forms:
The following screens will now support the updated forms:
Print W-2s (PRRW2)
This enhancement requires the following:
W-4 2025 Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The IRS adds a new TIP section in Step 1 of the W-4 form for 2025. The new information advises employees on how to determine the most accurate withholding numbers. In compliance with government regulations, Costpoint reflects this update on the Federal Withholding screen by adding a TIP button which allows you to view the new tip information from the 2025 W-4.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the 2025 W-4, this release updates the following screens:
Federal Withholding (ESMFEDWH)
Life Events/New Hires (ESMLIFEEVENTS)
This enhancement requires the following:
1099 Updates for 2024
The Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen has been enhanced to adhere to the 2024 updates to forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC. When you print 1099s, the calendar year now displays in YYYY format, and the print alignment has been optimized for 2024 pre-printed papers.
You can still print 1099s on blank stock or plain paper, but Copy C printing is available only if the Calendar Year is 2023 and is disabled for 2024 and succeeding years.
1099 Combined Federal/State Filing Program for Participating States (Opt-in Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint now allows you to include state income and state withholding amounts in 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC printed forms and magnetic media. This enhancement enables you to submit your 1099 information returns through the IRS Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) program, streamlining the process of handling information returns, ensuring accuracy and compliance, and improving your year-end processing workflow.
The CF/SF program simplifies the filing process by allowing the IRS to forward your electronically filed information returns to participating states, eliminating the need for separate state reporting. For more information, refer to IRS Publication 1220 (for tax year 2024).
Multiple Costpoint screens have been updated to support this feature.
Manage State Tax Information (APMSTATE)
The Manage State Tax Information screen is now accessible under Accounting » Accounts Payable » Year-End Processing. This feature enables you to enter and manage state tax information for a company’s taxable entities in Costpoint. Setting up state tax information is crucial for preparing 1099 forms for submission to the CF/SF program, ensuring compliance and accuracy in your year-end tax reporting. This enhancement streamlines the tax preparation process, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
The screen has the following fields:
Taxable Entity
Use this field to enter or select the identification code of the taxable entity for which you want to enter state tax information.
Taxable Entity Name
This field displays the name of the taxable entity.
State Code
Use this field to enter or select a state code for the taxable entity. You can only enter valid two-character codes that have been made available in Costpoint.
State Description
This field displays the name of the state.
State Tax ID
Use this field to enter the company state tax identification number. In most cases, the value must be the Federal Tax ID number assigned to your company by the IRS.
This screen loads only the taxable entities that are available for the currently logged-in company.
1099 State Field
The new 1099 State field has been added to various screens across different Costpoint domains.
The following screens in Costpoint Accounting have the new 1099 State field:
Manage Vendors (APMVEND ): The 1099 State field is now available in the 1099’s group box. Use this field to enter the default state where a 1099 vendor is required to file state taxes.
Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers (APMVCHR): The 1099 State field has been added to the Vendor 1099s group box of the Other Info tab of the A/P Voucher Detail table window. If the corresponding 1099 checkbox is selected, this field defaults to the value of the 1099 State field in Manage Vendors but is editable.
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH): A new Vendor 1099s group box has been added to the Account Distribution subtask of the table window. It contains the relocated 1099 checkbox and 1099 Type field and the new 1099 State field. If the corresponding 1099 checkbox is selected, the 1099 State field reflects the value of the 1099 State field in Manage Vendors but is editable.
Manage Vendor History (APMVENDH): The 1099 State field has been added to the Vendor 1099s group box of the Other Info tab of the Voucher Line table window. When you enter a new voucher line and the corresponding 1099 checkbox is selected, this field defaults to the value of the 1099 State field in Manage Vendors but is editable.
View Check History Inquiry (APQCKHST): The 1099 State field has been added to two subtasks on this screen: AP Voucher Detail and Accounts. This field will automatically display the relevant 1099 state based on the type of voucher associated with the selected check.
For AP Vouchers: The 1099 State field on the AP Voucher Detail subtask will display the 1099 state assigned to the AP voucher.
For PO Vouchers: The 1099 State field on the Accounts subtask of the PO Voucher Detail subtask will display the 1099 state assigned to the PO voucher.
View Vendor History Inquiry (APQVENDH): The 1099 State field has been added to two subtasks on this screen: AP Voucher Detail and Accounts. This field will automatically display the relevant 1099 state based on the type of voucher associated with the selected vendor.
For AP Vouchers: The 1099 State field on the AP Voucher Detail subtask will display the 1099 state assigned to the AP voucher.
For PO Vouchers: The 1099 State field on the Accounts subtask of the PO Voucher Detail subtask of will display the 1099 state assigned to the PO voucher.
View Voucher History Inquiry (APQVCHRH): The 1099 State field has been added to two subtasks on this screen: AP Voucher Detail and Accounts. This field will automatically display the relevant 1099 state based on the type of voucher associated with the selected voucher.
For AP Vouchers: The 1099 State field on the AP Voucher Detail subtask will display the 1099 state assigned to the AP voucher.
For PO Vouchers: The 1099 State field on the Accounts subtask of the PO Voucher Detail subtask will display the 1099 state assigned to the PO voucher.
On the Post Vouchers (APPPOSTV) screen, Costpoint now includes the vendor’s 1099 state when you post vouchers for that vendor.
On the Print Vendor Information Report (APRVINFO) screen, a vendor’s 1099 State displays on the output when you generate a report.
The following screens in Costpoint Projects have the new 1099 State field.
Manage Subcontractor Invoices (SMMMINVC) and Approve Subcontractor Invoices (SMMAINVC): A new Vendor 1099s group box has been added to the Account Distribution subtask of the table window. It contains the relocated 1099 checkbox and 1099 Type field and the new 1099 State field. If the corresponding 1099 checkbox is selected, the 1099 State field reflects the value of the 1099 State field in Manage Vendors but is editable.
1099 State Field Lookup
A Lookup has been configured for the new 1099 State field. It displays only states that have been made available in Costpoint and its contents cannot be modified using any Costpoint screen. It has the following fields:
This field displays the name of the state.
State Code
This field displays the two-character abbreviation of the state.
Fed/State Mag Media
This field indicates if the state is a participant of the Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program of the IRS.
Input File 1099 State Column
The input files for importing vendors or vouchers into Costpoint have also been updated with a new format. You can now use the new 1099 State column, which comes after the 1099 Type column, to enter the 1099 state for a vendor or voucher. For the import to be successful, you must follow this new input file format, and the state code in the input file must match available state codes in Costpoint. This enhancement has been applied to the following screens:
Import Vendors (AOPUTLVU)
For the succeeding screens, a record must have the 1099 Flag set to Y for Costpoint to successfully import its corresponding 1099 State. If the 1099 Flag is N, the 1099 State must be blank. Otherwise, the line will not be processed and will be included in the error report.
Import Accounts Payable Vouchers (AOPUTLAP)
Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers (AOPUTLAM)
The Import TE Expenses/Advances (AOPUTLTE) and Import Purchase Order Vouchers (AOPPOVCH) screens have also been updated to automatically retrieve a vendor’s default 1099 State from the Manage Vendors screen and assign it to the imported record if it has the 1099 Flag set to Y for the Pay Vendor. Note, however, that for these screens, the input file format remains the same and you cannot enter a 1099 state in the file.
Create 1099 Information (APP1099C)
The screen now features an automated process for calculating and storing state tax amounts based on the state codes and taxable entities assigned to 1099 vendors.
This feature ensures that state tax amounts are accurately calculated and stored, and provides you the capability to include them in your reports in printed forms.
Through this feature, you can easily utilize the Combined State/Federal Filing program to submit your information returns seamlessly, promoting streamlined tax management, reduced manual effort, and enhanced accuracy of your tax reporting.
After you create 1099 information on this screen, you can:
Include and print the state taxes on the 1099 Edit Report.
View the state taxes on the Edit 1099 Information screen.
Include 1099 state taxes on printed 1099 forms and/or magnetic media.
Print 1099 Edit Report (APR1099E)
The Print 1099 Edit Report screen now features a Print Options group box. This includes the relocated Include Vendors where payments are below the reportable amount checkbox and a new Include State Amounts checkbox.
If you select Include State Amounts, Costpoint displays state tax information on the generated report. The report will then include the State and State Tax ID columns, displaying the two-character state code where tax should be filed and the company’s state tax identification number, respectively.
Edit 1099 Information (APM1099)
Enhancements applied to the Edit 1099 Information screen include an upgraded Check Detail subtask and a new State Detail subtask.
On the Check Detail subtask, the Check Number and Voucher Number columns now display values as clickable links. Clicking a check number opens the View Check History Inquiry screen, automatically showing the check details. Similarly, clicking a voucher number opens the View Voucher History Inquiry screen, displaying the voucher details. A new Void Date field was also added to display the date when a check was marked as void.
Furthermore, the State Detail subtask has been added, giving you the capability to enter, view, or modify state tax information for the Pay Vendor you selected on the Edit 1099 Information Detail table window.
The subtask has the following fields:
Total State 1099 Amount
This field displays the sum of all Amount fields in the table window.
This field displays the state where the vendor is required to file state taxes.
State Code
This field displays the two-character code of the state.
State Tax ID
This field displays the company state tax identification number. It defaults to the value assigned to the Taxable Entity/State combination on the Manage State Tax Information screen.
Fed/State Mag Media
This field indicates if the state is a participant of the Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) program.
This field displays the 1099 amount for the state.
Entry ID
This field displays the ID of the last user who modified the record.
Entry Date
This field displays the date when the record was last modified.
Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media (APR1099)
The Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen has a new checkbox and multiple functionality enhancements to support the capability to generate 1099s for submission to the CF/SF program.
A new Include State Amounts checkbox has been added to the Selection Ranges group box. When this checkbox is selected, Costpoint appends state tax amounts to the generated output based on the option chosen in the Generate group box.
Note: Before you can include state tax amounts on 1099s, you must first set up a vendor’s 1099 State on the Manage Vendors screen and assign a State Code to a Taxable Entity on the Manage State Tax Information screen.
If you selected Print 1099s:
If the 1099 Type is 1099-MISC, Costpoint prints state tax information on Boxes 16 (State tax withheld), 17 (State/Payer’s state no.), and 18 (State income) of form 1099-MISC.
If the 1099 Type is 1099-NEC, Costpoint prints state tax information on Boxes 5 (State tax withheld), 6 (State/Payer’s state no.), and 7 (State income) of form 1099-NEC.
If a payee has a reporting requirement for more than one (1) state, you must print a separate 1099 form for each state.
If you selected Create Magnetic Media:
Costpoint enters “1” in position 6 of the Issuer “A” record.
Costpoint includes the State Income Tax Withheld in positions 723-734 and the payee’s state code in positions 747-748 of the Payee “B” record. If a payee has a reporting requirement for more than one (1) state, a separate Payee “B” record for each state will be created.
If a payee’s state is a participant of the CF/SF program, Costpoint includes the State Total “K” record in the file. This contains the total number of payees and the total of the payment amount fields filed by a given issuer for a given state. If a payee has a reporting requirement for more than one (1) state, a separate State Total “K” record for each state will be created.
2024 Federal Poverty Level
The 2024 poverty guideline for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia was set to $15,060 for a one-person family/household.
This release updates the Federal Poverty Level for payroll year 2024 on the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information refer to:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11331
Form 941 2024 Q1 Update: Remove Lines Used for COVID-19 Sick and Family Leave Wages
The draft Form 941 for 2024 removes remaining lines reporting COVID-19 federal tax credits. To accommodate the federal update, this release applies the following changes to the Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report screen:
The application disables and sets to zero all the fields in the COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave and FMLA group box if the payroll year is 2024 or later.
A new report layout will be applied if you generate the report for 01/01/2024 or later. Previous report layouts are retained for generating reports prior to 2024.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Draft Form:
Draft Instructions:
This enhancement requires the following:
New Box 12 Code II in Form W-2 to Report Medicaid Waiver Payments Excluded from Gross Income
A new code II for box 12 was added for reporting Medicaid waiver payments not included in box 1 of the W-2, under IRS Notice 2014-7.
Attention: For more information, see:
Manage W-2s (PRMW2)
You can now select code II (Medicaid waiver payments excluded from gross income under Notice 2014-7) from the Code field on the Box 12 subtask.
Manage W-2Cs (PRMW2C)
You can now select code II (Medicaid waiver payments excluded from gross income under Notice 2014-7) from the Previously Reported Code and Correct Information Code fields on the Box 12 subtask.
Print W-2s (PRRW2)
The application prints box 12 code II if this code is listed in the employee’s W-2/W-2c.
Print W-2 Summary Report (PRRW2R)
The application prints box 12 code in the following reports if the code is listed in the employee’s W-2/W-2c:
Box 12 – Code II in the W-2 Summary Report.
Box 12 – Code II (Previously Reported) in the W-2c Summary Report
Box 12 – Code II (Corrected) in the W-2c Summary Report
View W-2Cs in Employee Self Service
Costpoint now provides employers the option to display the latest W-2c corrected amount instead of the original W-2 amount on the W-2s screen in Employee Self Service. This allows employees to view the corrected amounts when accessing the W-2s screen and when printing W-2 data.
Manage Taxable Entity Settings (AOMESSCS)
The screen adds the following checkbox:
Include W-2c data in ESS W-2 screen
Select this checkbox to display corrected data on the ESS W-2 screen.
If Allow Employee to download and email W-2s in official W-2 format is also selected and there is an existing W-2c record, then a W-2c will be downloaded and/or emailed along the employee’s W-2 in official IRS format.
If the Include W-2c data in ESS W-2 screen checkbox is selected on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen, the W-2s screen will now:
Display the latest W-2c corrected amount instead of the original W-2 amount on the screen and when printing W-2 Data (Print W-2 Data button).
Print the latest W-2c corrected amount instead of the original W-2 amount.
Display an information message if Form W-2c has been included in the download and/or email.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report screen now provides information in the new Include W-2c data in ESS W-2 screen column in the ESS_SETTINGS table.
This enhancement requires the following:
View, Print, and Send ACA 1095-C via Email in Employee Self Service
Employees now have the ability to view, print, and send via email their 1095-Cs through a new 1095-Cs screen in Employee Self Service. Employees can generate 1095-Cs in PDF format for the last four years, including the current year. Employees can also opt to download and/or send via email the PDF file.
1095-Cs (ESM1095C)
The 1095-Cs screen allows employees to view and download and/or send via email their 1095-C information. Employees can perform the following functions in this application:
Select the 1095-C year to display.
View 1095-C information.
Download and/or send via email 1095-C information in portrait format, if allowed by Benefits administrators.
To access the 1095-Cs screen, go to People » Employee Self Service » Payroll and Benefits » 1095-Cs.
Manage Taxable Entity Settings (AOMESSCS)
The screen adds the following checkboxes:
Allow employees to download and email 1095-Cs in portrait format
Select this checkbox to allow employees to download and/or send via email their copies of Form 1095-C in portrait format from the 1095-Cs screen.
Truncate Payee Identification Numbers (Employer and Employee)
Select this checkbox if the Employer Identification Number (EIN) and Employee's Social Security Number (SSN) should be truncated on the printed 1095-C.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report provides information for the following new columns on the ESS_SETTINGS table that were added for this enhancement:
ALLOW_1095_PRNTEMAIL_FL: Allow employees to download and send via email 1095-Cs in portrait format
ACA_TPIN_FL: Truncate Payee Identification Numbers (Employer and Employees)
This enhancement requires the following:
2024 Federal Poverty Level
The 2024 poverty guideline for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia was set to $15,060 for a one-person family/household.
This release updates the Federal Poverty Level for payroll year 2024 on the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information refer to:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11331
Form 941 2024 Q1 Update: Remove Lines Used for COVID-19 Sick and Family Leave Wages
The draft Form 941 for 2024 removes remaining lines reporting COVID-19 federal tax credits. To accommodate the federal update, this release applies the following changes to the Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report screen:
The application disables and sets to zero all the fields in the COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave and FMLA group box if the payroll year is 2024 or later.
A new report layout will be applied if you generate the report for 01/01/2024 or later. Previous report layouts are retained for generating reports prior to 2024.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Draft Form:
Draft Instructions:
2024 ACA Affordability Threshold
The IRS set the 2024 ACA affordability threshold to 8.39%. To support this federal update, Costpoint updated the record effective 01/01/24 on the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11297
2024 ESS W-4 Updates
The Federal W-4 screen in Costpoint Employee Self Service was updated to reflect the 2024 W-4. This release updates the instructions and wording in the following sections of the W-4:
Instructions for Steps 2-4 on Step 1 tab
Federal W-4 Step 2 (a)
Federal W-4 Step 2 (b)
Exempt from federal taxes checkbox years on Step 4 tab
Deductions Worksheet tab
Attention: For more information, see:
Compute Payroll with 2024 Nonresident Additional Amount
The Compute Payroll and Manage Payroll Records screens were updated to:
Use the 2024 nonresident alien additional amount of $10,300.00 in the federal/territory withholding calculation if the employee’s Form W-4 Revision Year is 2019 or earlier and the check date is from tax year 2024.
Use the 2024 nonresident alien additional amount of $14,600.00 from the Manage Federal Taxes screen if the Form W-4 Revision is 2020 and the check date is 2024.
Attention: For more information, see:
Draft Pub 15-T:
Pub 15-T:
2023 FUTA Credit Reductions
For 2023, employers in California, New York, and U.S. Virgin Islands will be assessed a general FUTA credit reduction on wages paid to employees for work attributed to any of these states and territory. This Costpoint release adds records on the Manage Federal Taxes screen for the corresponding states:
Final 2023 FUTA Credit Reduction
New York
US Virgin Islands
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11271
2024 Federal Tax Table Updates
The 2024 federal income tax withholding methods were released by the Internal Revenue Service.
The percentage method’s tax brackets were adjusted.
The annual additional amount if the nonresident alien employee was first paid wages before 2020 and has not submitted a Form W-4 for 2020 or later, increases from $9,550 to $10,300.
The annual additional amount if the nonresident alien employee has submitted a Form W-4 for 2020 or later or was first paid wages in 2020 or later, increases from $13,850 to $14,600.
To support the federal requirements, the following screens were updated:
Manage Federal Tax Tables
Manage Federal Taxes
Attention: For more information, see:
Draft Pub 15-T:
Pub 15-T:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11283
2024 Form W-4 Updates
Costpoint supports the Form W-4 for Payroll Year 2024. The basic form was updated with minimal changes, most of which are regarding the use of an estimator. The 2024 itemized deductions in Step 2 of the Deductions Worksheet have been updated:
Married: $29,200
Head of Household: $21,900
Single: $14,600
To support the federal requirements, updates were applied to the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11283
Form W-2c Support for Tax Year 2023
Costpoint has been fully tested to support the pre-printed Form W-2c from Deltek’s partner form vendors for the 2024 filing. If you encounter alignment issues when you print on pre-printed forms, you may need to adjust the margins on your printer settings or Costpoint’s page setup. Refer to your printer’s documentation for information on how to configure the margins of your printer.
2024 401(k) Limits
The following are the 401(k) limits for 2024:
401(k) Deferral Limit: $23,000.00
401(K) Wage Limit: $345,000.00
To support the federal update, this release adds records to the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
2024 Social Security Wage Base
The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance taxable wage base increases from $160,200 to $168,600 in 2024.
To support the federal update, this release adds records to the Manage Federal Taxes screen.
ACA 2023 1094/1095-C Substitute Form Fillable PDF Update
The 2023 PDF template file for 1094-C and 1095-C forms are now available in Costpoint, which will let you create PDF files with data for the calendar year 2023. You can then use the PDF files to print the forms on plain paper.
Print 1094-Cs
The 2023 Form 1094-C PDF template was added to the application. The following updates were applied to the Print and Preview menus:
The Print 1094-Cs Prior Report Layout option was removed.
The existing Print 1094-Cs Current Report Layout option is now the Print 1094-Cs Report Layout option.
Print 1095-Cs
The 2023 Form 1095-C PDF template was added to the application. The following updates were applied to the Print and Preview menus:
The Print 1095-Cs Prior Report Layout option was removed.
The existing Print 1095-Cs Current Report Layout option is now the Print 1095-Cs Report Layout option.
ACA 2023 Electronic Filing
Costpoint now provides the ability to generate manifest and data files that comply with the latest tax year 2023 schema for the UI transmission channel. This release updates the Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File screen to support the following federal requirements:
The system table S_SOFTWARE_ID was inserted with the following data:
CAL_TY_NO = 2023
SOFTWARE_ID = 23A0017797
FIRST_NAME = <carry over the value from 2022>
MID_NAME = <carry over the value from 2022>
LAST_NAME = <carry over the value from 2022>
NAME_SFX_CD = <carry over the value from 2022>
PHONE_ID = <carry over the value from 2022>
The tax year in all applicable namespaces was updated to "ty23" in the manifest and data files.
The following are used to generate manifest and data files for calendar year 2023 if Government Agency is “Federal”:
Manifest file from tax year 2023 schema package
Form data file from tax year 2023 schema package
PaymentYr value “2023”
Software ID for 2023
The generated XML files must be validated against the schemas provided by the IRS by running the manifest and form files through an XML Schema validator.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Form W-2 Support for Tax Year 2023
Costpoint has been fully tested to support the pre-printed Form W-2 from Deltek’s partner form vendors for the 2024 filing. If you encounter alignment issues when you print on pre-printed forms, you may need to adjust the margins on your printer settings or Costpoint’s page setup. Refer to your printer’s documentation for information on how to configure the margins of your printer.
Func APR1099 - Print 1099s Forms (MISC, NEC, Self Mailer, and so on)
Plain Paper Printing and Alignment Enhancements for 1099 Forms
You can now print recipient statements (copies 1, B, 2, and C) of 1099 forms directly onto plain paper or blank stock. This feature eliminates the need for pre-printed forms, and at the same time, enhances convenience and reduces costs.
The recipient statements you can print in Costpoint are fully compliant with the specifications outlined in IRS Publication 1179: General Rules and Specifications for Substitute Forms. This ensures that your printed forms meet all necessary legal requirements.
In addition, print alignment settings on the Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen have been enhanced to ensure optimal output quality, simplify your 1099 printing process, and reduce the risk of errors.
To support this feature, multiple updates were implemented for the Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen. These enhancements are designed to provide a more user-friendly interface and improve the overall functionality of the feature. This means a more efficient and seamless experience for you when managing your tax forms.
Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media Screen Updates (APR1099)
The Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media interface has been revamped to support blank paper printing. This update includes the addition of several new elements, relocation of existing ones, and the removal and replacement of others.
Taxable Entity Field
Since you can only print or create 1099 magnetic media for one entity at a time, the taxable entity selection ranges have been removed from the interface and replaced with a straightforward Taxable Entity field. You can directly enter the entity in this text field or use the Lookup function to select the entity for which you want to print or create 1099 magnetic media.
1099 Types to Include Group Box
The 1099 Types to Include group box, which allows you to select the types of 1099 to be included in the magnetic media file, has been relocated. Previously part of the Selection Ranges group box, it now resides in the Magnetic Media Information group box. The elements and functionality remain the same, providing you with a familiar experience in a more accurate location.
Print Options Group Box
The previous Options group box has been upgraded to the Print Options group box. This new box is a hub for various group boxes, each serving a unique purpose.
Some of these boxes contain settings for the newly introduced blank paper printing feature, others house elements that have been relocated from different sections of the screen, while the Copy B Options group box and the NEC Pre-Printed Copy to Print group box, formerly named NEC Copy to Print, continue to hold their elements and functionality from the former Options group box.
The following are the new contents of the Print Options group box.
1099 Type
Use the options in this group box to select the type of 1099 form that you want to print:
1099 Paper
This new group box now integrates the functionalities of the previous Print Option drop-down list in the Generate group box and the former Print Format group box. In addition, it introduces the ability to print 1099s on plain paper or blank stock.
Use the options in this group box to select the print media for your 1099.
Self-Mailer Test
Blank Stock / Plain Paper
Blank Stock/Plain Paper Group Box
Use the fields in this group box to configure the settings for printing on plain paper. The fields in this group box are enabled only if you select Blank Stock / Plain Paper in the 1099 Paper group box.
This group box contains the following elements:
Copy B: Select this option to print Copy B - For Recipient.
Copy C: Select this option to print Copy C - For Payer.
Copy 1: Select this option to print Copy 1 - For State Tax Department.
Copy 2: Select this option to print Copy 2 - To be filed with recipient's state income tax return, when required.
Copy B and Copy 2: Select this option to print both copies B and 2.
One PDF File per Vendor: Select this checkbox to create a separate PDF file for each vendor.
File Location: Enter or select the directory where the PDF file will be saved.
Global Toolbar Updates
The new Create 1099 Forms option has been added to the drop-down menu of the Default Action button on the Global Toolbar. This option displays only if you access the toolbar from the Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen.
If you selected the Blank Stock / Plain Paper option, you must use the Create 1099 Forms process to generate the PDF file for printing 1099s on blank paper. You can also run this process in batch mode.
Func: APR1099 - Add Proper Calculation of Fed Withholding for NEC on 1099 - 8.2
Calculation of Federal Income Tax Withheld for Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC
Costpoint now automatically calculates Federal Income Tax Withheld for Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC.
In the previous process, you must manually enter a negative amount for voucher lines which correspond to federal withholding tax, but the negative amounts are not included when calculating the amount for Box 4 of Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC. You must then manually convert the negative amount to a positive amount on the Edit 1099 Information screen for the federal withholding tax to be correctly calculated when you print Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC.
To simplify this process and eliminate manual adjustment, the Create 1099 Information screen has been updated to automatically process and calculate federal withholding tax amounts, and the Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen has been updated to automatically convert the negative federal withholding tax amounts and display them as positive values when you print 1099 forms or create magnetic media files.
The new 1099 Type, FEDMIS, has also been added to multiple screens for easier identification and tracking of miscellaneous federal withholding tax, while the existing FED type remains for non-employee compensation federal withholding tax.
The following Accounting screens have been updated to support these enhancements.
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
In the 1099s group box, the Print 1099-MISC Form has been renamed to Print 1099 Form, and the new FEDMIS option has been added to the Type drop-down list.
Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers (APMVCHR)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field.
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH)
On the Account Distribution subtask, the new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field.
Manage Vendor History (APMVENDH)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field of the Voucher Line table window.
Create 1099 Information (APP1099C)
This screen has been updated to automatically process and calculate federal withholding tax and include them in 1099 reports and printed forms, and to include partial payments, voided or reissued checks, and voucher discounts when calculating the Total 1099 Amount and Total Taxable Amount for the Taxable Entity or Pay Vendor, and Calendar Year you entered.
Edit 1099 Information (APM1099)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field of the Edit 1099 Information Detail table window.
Print 1099 Edit Report (APR1099E)
This screen has been updated to display the following information on the 1099 Edit Report:
Total Amount Paid for <Pay Vendor>: This is the total 1099 amount paid by the Taxable Entity to a specific vendor minus federal withholding taxes (FED and FEDMIS amounts).
Total Federal WH Amount: This is the sum of the amounts under the FED and FEDMIS 1099 types. This field always displays on the report even if the amounts are below the 1099 box threshold and the Include Vendors where payments are below the reportable amount checkbox is cleared. However, this field does not display if the FED or FEDMIS amount is zero. If you selected Taxable Entity as the sorting method, a single Total Federal WH Amount displays for the Taxable Entity. If you selected Pay Vendor, the Total Federal WH Amount for each Pay Vendor displays on the report.
Total Taxable Amount: This is the total amount paid for all 1099 types including FED and FEDMIS amounts.
Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media (APR1099)
When you print 1099s or create magnetic media, Costpoint now uses either the FED or FEDMIS code to populate the 1099 forms or magnetic media, depending on the other options you select. In addition, you can no longer print or create 1099 magnetic media using the old formats and calculation method for calendar years prior to 2023.
The following updates have been applied to the 1099 Types to Include group box to support the new 1099 calculation process when you create a magnetic media with a File Code of NE in the Issuer ‘A’ Record:
If you select Non-Employee Compensation, Costpoint uses the FED (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate field positions 91-102 for the B (Payee) Record and populates positions 70-87 of Record C with the sum of the amounts in positions 91-102 of the B (Payee) Record.
If you select All Other Types, Costpoint uses the FEDMIS (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate field positions 91-102 for the B (Payee) Record and populates positions 70-87 of Record C with the sum of the amounts in positions 91-102 of the B (Payee) Record.
The following updates have also been applied to the Print Format group box to support the new 1099 calculation process when you print 1099s:
If you select 1099-MISC Standard or 1099-MISC Self-Mailer, Costpoint uses the FEDMIS (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate Box 4 of Form 1099-MISC.
If you select 1099-NEC or 1099-NEC Self-Mailer, Costpoint uses the FED (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate Box 4 of Form 1099-NEC.
Calculation of Federal Income Tax Withheld for Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC
Costpoint now automatically calculates Federal Income Tax Withheld for Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC.
In the previous process, you must manually enter a negative amount for voucher lines which correspond to federal withholding tax, but the negative amounts are not included when calculating the amount for Box 4 of Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC. You must then manually convert the negative amount to a positive amount on the Edit 1099 Information screen for the federal withholding tax to be correctly calculated when you print Forms 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC.
To simplify this process and eliminate manual adjustment, the Create 1099 Information screen has been updated to automatically process and calculate federal withholding tax amounts, and the Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media screen has been updated to automatically convert the negative federal withholding tax amounts and display them as positive values when you print 1099 forms or create magnetic media files.
The new 1099 Type, FEDMIS, has also been added to multiple screens for easier identification and tracking of miscellaneous federal withholding tax, while the existing FED type remains for non-employee compensation federal withholding tax.
The following Accounting screens have been updated to support these enhancements.
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
In the 1099s group box, the Print 1099-MISC Form has been renamed to Print 1099 Form, and the new FEDMIS option has been added to the Type drop-down list.
Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers (APMVCHR)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field.
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH)
On the Account Distribution subtask, the new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field.
Manage Vendor History (APMVENDH)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field of the Voucher Line table window.
Create 1099 Information (APP1099C)
This screen has been updated to automatically process and calculate federal withholding tax and include them in 1099 reports and printed forms, and to include partial payments, voided or reissued checks, and voucher discounts when calculating the Total 1099 Amount and Total Taxable Amount for the Taxable Entity or Pay Vendor, and Calendar Year you entered.
Edit 1099 Information (APM1099)
The new 1099 type, FEDMIS, has been added to the lookup of the 1099 Type field of the Edit 1099 Information Detail table window.
Print 1099 Edit Report (APR1099E)
This screen has been updated to display the Total Amount Paid, Total Federal Withholding Tax Amount, and Total Tax Amount on the 1099 Edit Report for the Taxable Entity you entered.
Print/Create 1099s and Magnetic Media (APR1099)
If you enter 2023 or later as the Calendar Year, Costpoint uses either the FED or FEDMIS code to populate the 1099 forms or magnetic media, depending on the other options you select.
In the 1099 Types to Include group box:
If you select Non-Employee Compensation, Costpoint uses the FED (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate field positions 91-102 for the B (Payee) Record in the 1099-NEC magnetic media file (File Code NE in Issuer 'A' Record).
If you select All Other Types, Costpoint uses the FEDMIS (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate field positions 91-102 for the B (Payee) Record in the 1099-MISC magnetic media file (File Code A in Issuer 'A' Record).
In the Print Format group box:
If you select 1099-MISC Standard or 1099-MISC Self-Mailer, Costpoint uses the FEDMIS (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate Box 4 of Form 1099-MISC.
If you select 1099-NEC or 1099-NEC Self-Mailer, Costpoint uses the FED (Federal Income Tax Withholding) code to populate Box 4 of Form 1099-NEC.
1099 Corrections
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The Print 1099 Edit Report screen now has new fields and options to support the inclusion of correction records in your printouts when you generate a 1099 Edit report, providing ease in tracking and reviewing your 1099 corrections.
A new Print Corrections checkbox has been added to the Print Options group box. When you select this checkbox, Costpoint extracts correction information entered on the Edit 1099 Correction Information screen and prints them on a 1099 Edit report.
This feature is available for printing reports with or without state amounts.
Note: The Edit 1099 Correction Information screen and the entire correction functionality will be fully available with the release of the 1099 Corrections feature in Costpoint version 2025.2 scheduled for the 2025 spring release.
When you select the Print Corrections checkbox, Costpoint disables the Include Vendors where payments are below the reportable amount checkbox and automatically includes all amounts, including those below the reporting threshold, in the printout. In addition, selecting Print Corrections will change the report title from 1099 Edit Report to 1099 Correction Edit Report.
A new Print Corrections field has also been added to the report cover page to indicate if the report includes corrections.
A new sorting option, 1099 Form, has also been added to the 1st Sort drop-down list of the Sort By group box. When you select this option, your report records will be organized first by 1099 form type, then by Vendor ID, and finally by Taxable Entity.
In the Optional Page Break group box, a new At 1099 Form checkbox has been added. This allows you to insert page breaks between 1099 forms in your report and is enabled only if you select 1099 Form in the 1st Sort drop-down list.
2025 SUTA Wage Base
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
This Costpoint release adds tax table records effective January 1, 2025, on the Manage State Taxes screen for states where the unemployment-taxable wage base has been updated for tax year 2025.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $49,700 to $51,700.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $23,800 to $27,200.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $25,000 to $26,100.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $10,500 to $12,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $ 59,100 to $62,000.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $53,500 to $55,300.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $13,590 to $13,916.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from 38,200 to $39,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $11,400 to $11,700.
The unemployment-taxable wage base decreased from $9,500 to $9,000.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $42,000 to $43,000.
The unemployment-taxable wage base decreased from $10,000 to $9,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $43,000 to $45,100.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $40,600 to $41,800.
New Jersey
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $42,300 to $43,300.
New Mexico
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $31,700 to $33,200.
New York
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $12,500 to $12,800.
North Carolina
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $31,400 to $32,600.
North Dakota
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $43,800 to $45,100.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $27,000 to $28,200.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $52,800 to $54,300.
Rhode Island
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $29,200 to $29,800. For employers at the highest tax rate, the UI taxable wage base increased from $30,700 to $31,300.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $47,000 to $48,900.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $14,300 to $14,800.
Virgin Islands
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $31,000 to $31,100.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $68,500 to $72,800.
West Virginia
The unemployment-taxable wage base decreased from $9,521 to $9,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $30,900 to $32,400.
Alabama Overtime Exemption Reporting in Accordance with the FLSA
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
In 2023, Alabama passed a law exempting overtime compensation from state income taxes from Jan. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The exemption applies to overtime compensation paid during the exemption period to employees paid on an hourly basis for work performed in excess of 40 hours in a week.
Starting October 1, the exemption will instead apply to any overtime compensation provided in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), under HB 407. This change will remain in effect until the exemption expires on June 30, 2025.
HB 407 also amends employer reporting requirements to conform with the exemption modification.
When reporting Alabama’s overtime paid beginning October 1, 2024, the Print State Overtime Wages Report will only include employees with an FLSA Classification of Non-Exempt on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen regardless of their rate type. In addition, the report will no longer check the employee eligibility seting on the Manage Pay Types screen.
This enhancement requires the following:
Alabama Overtime Exemption Reporting in Accordance with the FLSA in Export Payroll Taxes
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
In 2023, Alabama passed a law exempting overtime compensation from state income taxes from Jan. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The exemption applies to overtime compensation paid during the exemption period, to employees paid on an hourly basis for work performed in excess of 40 hours in a week.
Starting October 1, the exemption will instead apply to any overtime compensation provided in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), under HB 407. This change will remain in effect until the exemption expires on June 30, 2025.
HB 407 also amends employer reporting requirements to conform with the exemption modification.
The Export Payroll Taxes application will now report overtime exempt wages in the STEE tax type to use the FLSA rule effective Oct 1, 2024. The following fields were updated for this functionality:
Field 88: CHECK Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
Field 89: QTD Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
Field 90: YTD Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
This enhancement requires the following:
Arkansas 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Arkansas released the latest Withholding Tax Formula Method effective January 1, 2025, with the following changes:
The standard deduction used in the formula increases to from $2,340 to $2,410:
The tax brackets for the percentage method have been updated.
Attention: For more information, see
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
California 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
California provided the following tax updates effective January 1, 2025:
The annual low-income exemption threshold increases to $18,368 or $36,736, up from $17,769 or $35,538, depending on the employee’s filing status and, for married employees, the number of allowances claimed.
The annual standard deduction increases to $5,540 or $11,080, up from $5,363 or $10,726, depending on the employee’s filing status and, for married employees, the number of allowances claimed.
The value of a state allowance increases from $158.40 to $163.90 annually.
The tax rates used in Method B continue to range from 1.1% to 14.63%. Tax brackets in Method B were adjusted.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Delaware 2025 Paid Leave Calculation
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Delaware requires employers to report quarterly paid family leave information and calculate the contribution based on the Delaware percentage of FICA wages. To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds a calculation method to properly compute contribution amount. This has been added to the Manage Local Taxes screen and in all payroll calculations/recalculations.
Manage Local Taxes (PRMLTI)
You can now select a new State % of SS Taxable Wages option from the Tax Based on drop-down list. The application will calculate the percentage of Social Security wages that belong to the local tax state and then use that as the tax calculation basis.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The application will now use the new State % of SS Taxable Wages calculation method for local tax calculations, if applicable.
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The application will now use the new State % of SS Taxable Wages calculation method for local tax calculations, if applicable.
Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
The application will now use the new State % of SS Taxable Wages calculation method for local tax calculations, if applicable.
This enhancement requires the following:
Delaware Paid Family and Medical Leave Reporting
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Beginning January 1, 2025, Delaware employers will be required to make contributions on behalf of their workforce for Delaware Paid Family Leave. Paid Family Leave is comprised of three different parts and employers may choose to have employees contribute up to 50% of the contribution. The tax will be based on the employee’s percentage of their Social Security wages for Delaware. If the employee is taxed in a state other than Delaware, that state’s percentage of Social Security wages will not be included in the taxable amount. Premiums are capped at the Social Security cap for the current year. Employers will have to set up local taxes for Delaware Paid Family Leave with the Social Security limit. It is recommended that separate taxes are set up for each type below:
Parental Leave: 0.32%
Medical Leave: 0.40%
Family Caregiver / Qualified Exigency Leave: 0.08%
Total rate: 0.80% of Delaware Social Security wages
In Costpoint, Delaware employers must:
Set up least two local tax statuses for Delaware PFML, one with the actual tax rate for employers and one with a 0% tax rate for those employees with waivers. The 0.0% tax rate will still calculate taxable wages and will allow the employees to be submitted in the wage and hour report without withholding any taxes for them.
Set up a Delaware PFML tax for employee contributions if they choose to have employees also contribute to paying part of the tax. Employers should send in the appropriate forms to Delaware when an employee has a waiver.
Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File (LDPPFML)
You can now select Delaware from the State drop-down list to generate the file and report for Delaware.
To support this new function, the screen adds the following fields:
Weeks Worked
This field is enabled when the state is Delaware. Enter the default number of weeks worked in the quarter. Any employees who did not work the standard number of weeks should be entered in Manage SUTA “Weeks Worked” Override application for that Fiscal Year/Quarter for Delaware.
Employer Contribution %
This field is enabled when the state is Delaware. Employers should enter the percentage of the Delaware Paid Family Leave contribution that they cover.
District of Columbia DCETS Wage File Format (SUTA File) Activation Date Removal
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Currently, there is no indication when the District of Columbia will transition to the new file format (DCETS Wage File Format) from the old ESSP Wage File Format. For now, the Costpoint Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen has been updated to continue supporting the ESPP Wage File Format.
Prior to this release, the new DCETS Wage File Format was scheduled to be automatically supported in Costpoint for payroll year 2025. Since the DCETS Wage File Format is yet to be implemented, this release updates Costpoint so that the new format will not be applied automatically in 2025.
This enhancement requires the following:
Guam 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The tax tables of Guam were updated to align with the 2025 federal percentage method tables.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Hawaii 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Hawaii provided the latest Employer’s Tax Guide with the following updates effective January 1, 2025:
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted by increasing the income limits in each bracket.
An extra lump sum withholding amount of $1,650 was added to the withholding method.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Illinois 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Illinois released withholding tax tables effective January 1, 2025. The value of a state allowance increases from $2,775 to $2,850.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Illinois Pay Data Reporting
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Private businesses with 100 or more employees in the State of Illinois are required submit an application to obtain an Equal Pay Registration Certificate (EPRC) by providing certain pay, demographic, and other data to the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) by March 24, 2024, and to recertify every two years after the first submission.
The report shall include the following information:
First Name* : Employee first name
Last Name* : Employee last name
Last 4 of SSN* : Final 4 digits of employee SSN
Gender*: Employee gender
Race*: Employee race
Ethnicity*: Employee ethnicity
Wages* : Wages paid in previous calendar year, rounded to nearest hundred dollar
Hire Date*: Date employee started in this position
Termination Date: Date employee stopped working in this position, for any reason (resignation, promotion, etc.)
Job Classification*: EEO-1 Job Classification for employee’s position Job
Title*: Payroll title for employee’s position
Hours Worked*: Total Hours worked by that employee in the position.
County*: Illinois county in which employee performs the majority of their work
Attention: For more information, see:
Costpoint now allows you to generate the Illinois Pay Data report by county. To use this new feature, you must use a state code of “IL” for Illinois on the Manage States and Provinces application.
Manage Labor Locations (LDMLLOC)
The application adds a new County field. This is enabled if you select IL (Illinois) as the State and have a Human resources license.
The County field is currently only available when the state is Illinois and you have a Human Resources license. The County field is currently only used for reporting Illinois Pay Data information by county. The lookup results will display only the counties for Illinois.
Print EEO-1 Report (HAREEO1)
The application provides the ability to generate the Illinois Pay Data report and file. You can now select the Illinois Pay Data option from Report Type drop-down list:
Depending on your company's requirements, select whether you want to include pay data in your EEO-1 report.
Component 1 Data Select this option to print an EEO-1 report that includes demographic data only. This option applies to federal contractors and subcontractors with 50-99 employees which are companies that are required to submit the EEO-1 Report but do not need to submit summary pay data.
Component 2 Pay Data: Select this option to print an EEO-1 report that includes demographic and summary pay data. This option applies to private employers including federal contractors and subcontractors with 100 or more employees.
Additional Employee Data: Select this option to print the Additional Employee Data report. This report will display the data for non-binary employees needed for Component 1 or Component 2 reports. Non-Binary employees are not included in the Component 1 or 2 reports at this time since the government has not specified this in the EEO-1 report.
California Pay Data: Select this option to print the California Pay Data report. This report contains information on the pay and hours-worked data by establishment, job category, sex, race, and ethnicity for the State of California.
You must enter the start date of the “Snapshot Period” (single pay period between October 1 and December 31) in the Effective Date - Start field, and the end date of the “Snapshot Period” in the Effective Date - End field.
The following Job Category codes are used in the report:
1: Executive senior level officials and managers
2: First or mid-level officials and managers
3: Professionals
4: Technicians
5: Sales workers
6: Administrative support workers
7: Craft workers
8: Operatives
9: Laborers and helpers
10: Service workers
The following Race-Ethnicity-Sex codes are used in the report:
A10: Hispanic/Latino - Male
A20: Hispanic/Latino - Female
A30: Hispanic/Latino - Non-Binary
B10: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - White
B20: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Black or African American
B30: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
B40: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Asian
B50: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - American Indian or Alaskan Native
B60: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Male - Two or more races
C10: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - White
C20: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Black or African American
C30: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
C40: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Asian
C50: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - American Indian or Alaskan Native
C60: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Two or more races
D10: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - White
D20: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Black or African American
D30: Noispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
C40: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Asian
C50: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - American Indian or Alaskan Native
C60: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Female - Two or more races
D10: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binarn-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
D40:Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Asian
D50: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - American Indian or Alaskan Native
D60: Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino - Non-Binary - Two or more races
The following numerical Pay Bands codes are used in the report:
1: $19,239 and under
2: $19,240 - $24,439
3: $24,440 - $30,679
4: $30,680 - $38,999
5: $39,000 - $49,919
6: $49,920 - $62,919
7: $62,920 - $80,079
8: $80,080 - $101,919
9: $101,920 - $128,959
10: $128,960 - $163,799
11: $163,800 - $207,999
12: $208,000 and over
Illinois Pay Data: Select this option to print the Illinois Pay Data report. This report contains information on the pay and hours-worked data by county, hire date, job title, gender, and race.
Note: Counties must be set up on the Manage Labor Locations screen for the Illinois Pay Data report to function properly.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
A new hidden system table was added to hold Illinois county information. It will be used to report Illinois Pay Data information in the Print EEO-1 Report.
Indiana 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Indiana published the Departmental Notice #1 with the following updates effective Jan. 1, 2025:
The state withholding rate decreased to 3.00% (from 3.05%).
The following six counties adjusted their tax rates:
Floyd County: from 1.39% to 1.89%
?Gibson County: from 0.9% to 1.3%
?Jay County: from 2.45% to 2.5%
?Monroe County: from 2.035% to 2.14%
?Rush County: from 2.1% to 2.15%
?Switzerland County: from 1.25% to 1.45%
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Iowa 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Iowa released the individual income tax withholding formula effective January 1, 2025. The updated formula includes the following changes:
A flat rate of 3.8% will be used
The standard deduction will now depend on the following:
The version of the state’s withholding certificate an employee has filed
The employee’s filing status (previously the amount of state allowances claimed)
Attention: For more information, see:
State Filing Status Table
The State Filing Status table was updated:
A new filing status MARRIED FILE JOINT DUAL INCOME (Married filing jointly, spouse with earned income) was added.
The description of MARRIED filing status was updated to “Married filing jointly, spouse no earned income.”
Iowa W-4 Setup in Costpoint
For employees with an IA W-4 from 2024 or 2025 on file, and who have selected “Married filing jointly or qualified surviving spouse” and “Yes” for “Does your spouse also have earned income?”, you must update their filing status to MARRIED FILE JOINT DUAL INCOME (Married filing jointly, spouse with earned income). By default, all married employees are currently set to MARRIED (Married filing jointly, spouse no earned income).
For employees with an IA W-4 from 2023 or earlier, calculate the Credit Amount on the Manage Employee Taxes screen by multiplying the number of allowances claimed on the IA W-4 by $40. For instance, if an employee claims 6 allowances, enter a credit amount of $240 (6 x $40).
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Kentucky 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Kentucky released the 2025 withholding tax formula. The standard deduction increases from $3,160 to $3,270.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Louisiana 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Louisiana released the latest Income Tax Withholding Tables effect January 1, 2025, with the following updates:
Personal exemptions and credits have been replaced with the following standard deductions:
Single Individual or Married-Separate: $12,500
Married-Joint, Qualified Surviving Spouse, or Head of Household: $25,000
The bracket system has been replaced with a new withholding rate of 3.09%.
The following are the filing status changes based on the 2025 Form L-4:
MARRIED (Married-Joint, Surviving Spouse, Head of Household): Select this filing status if the employee is married, filing a joint return, a qualified surviving spouse, or head of household, and claiming the standard deduction.
SINGLE (Single or Married-Separate): Select this filing status if the employee is single or married, filing a separate return, and claiming the standard deduction.
NO EXEMPTIONS (Not claiming a standard deduction): Select this filing status if the employee is not claiming a standard deduction.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)/Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The special programming for Louisiana was removed. Costpoint will now use the state standard calculation method for Louisiana.
Maine 2024 W-2 Electronic Filing
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Maine Revenue Services updated the specifications and instructions for electronically filing original wage and withholding information (Forms W-2) with Maine Revenue Services (MRS). This includes the following RS Record Changes for Tax Year 2024:
Employee Zip Code Extension will be reported in positions 146-149.
Blank location changed to 150-154.
Foreign State/Province will be reported in positions 155-177.
Foreign Postal Code will be reported in positions 178-192.
Previously (Tax Year 2023), RS record, positions 146-192 were blank.
To support the state requirements, this release updates the Create State W-2 File screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Maine 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Maine provided the following state tax updates effective 01/01/2025:
The value of a state allowance increases from $5,000 to $5,150.
The maximum standard deduction increases from $11,750 to $12,150 for single employees and from $26,350 to $27,150 for married employees.
The standard deduction decreases according to a formula for single employees who earn more than $100,000 annually, up from $97,150, or for married employees who earn more than $200,050 annually, up from $194,300.
The deduction reaches zero when a single employee earns at least $175,000 annually, up from $172,150, or when a married employee earns at least $350,050 annually, up from $344,300.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were also adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Maryland 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Maryland released the 2025 withholding guide. The minimum and maximum standard deductions have increased to $1,850 and $2,800 annually, respectively, from $1,800 and $2,700.
The following Maryland counties adjusted their income tax rates for 2025:
?Anne Arundel County, the local tax rates for taxable year 2025 are as follows:
For taxpayers with filing statuses of Single, Married Filing Separately, or Dependent, the local tax rates are as follows:
(1) .0270 of Maryland taxable income of $1 through $50,000;
(2) .0294 of Maryland taxable income of $50,001 through $400,000; and
(3) .0320 of Maryland taxable income of over $400,000
For taxpayers with filing statuses of Married Filing Jointly, Head of Household, or Qualified Surviving Spouse, the local tax rates are as follows:
(1) .0270 of Maryland taxable income of $1 through $75,000;
(2) .0294 of Maryland taxable income of $75,001 through $480,000; and
(3) .0320 of Maryland taxable income of over $480,000
?Calvert County, to 3.20% from 3.00%.
?Cecil County, to 2.74% from 2.75%.
?St Mary’s, to 3.20% from 3.00%.
Although Cecil's rate decreased to 2.74%, the rate brackets applied will remain unchanged at 2.75%. For 2025, following brackets will be used: 2.25%, 2.40%, 2.65%, 2.75%, 3.00%, 3.05%, 3.10%, and 3.20%.
Attention: For more information, see:
Massachusetts 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Massachusetts provided the draft of Circular M with income tax withholding tables effective January 1, 2025. In the instruction for the Percentage Methods for Wages Paid from January 1, 2025, the inflation-adjusted threshold for the surtax increased from $1,053,750 to $1,083,150.
Attention: For more information, see: Circular_M_2025_Massachusetts_DRAFT.pdf.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Michigan 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Michigan released the 2025 Income Tax Withholding Guide. The value of a state allowance increased from $5,600 to $5,800.
Attention: For more information, see: 446 Michigan Income Tax Withholding Guide.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Minnesota 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Minnesota released the Income Tax Withholding Instruction Booklet and Tax Tables effective January 1, 2025, with the following changes:
The value of a state allowance increases from $5,050 to $5,200.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
Mississippi 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Mississippi released the Computer Payroll Accounting for periods in 2025. The withholding tax rate decreased from 4.7% to 4.4%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Missouri 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Missouri released the 2025 Missouri Withholding Tax Formula with the following updates:
The withholding formula uses tax rates of zero to 4.7%, instead of the previous range of zero to 4.8%.
The state’s standard deductions have increased for all filing statuses.
The state’s supplemental tax rate decreased to 4.7%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Montana 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
In the latest Montana Employer and Information Agent Guide, the tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted for all filing statuses.
Attention: For more information, see: Montana Employer and Information Agent Guide.
To support the state requirements, this update changes the description of MARRIED to “Married filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse” in the STATE_FILING_STATUS table. This update also adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Nebraska 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Nebraska released Circular EN with the following updates effective January 1, 2025:
The annual state allowance increased from $2,250 to $2,360.
The tax brackets have been adjusted with a tax rate range of zero to 5.37%, instead of the previous range of zero to 6.10%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
New Hampshire Q4 2024 SUTA Electronic Filing Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Starting with the fourth quarter 2024 tax filing (period ending 12/31/24, due 1/31/25), the New Hampshire Employment Security revised the wage filing requirements. All wage entries must now include the employee's full first name.
Old NHES Format
New NHES Format
All data records must be a fixed length of 47 bytes. Each record shall contain the following data elements:
All data records must be a fixed length of 62 bytes.
Each record shall contain the following data elements:
Attention: For more information, see:
New Mexico 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
New Mexico provided following state tax updates effective 01/01/2025:
The lowest nonzero tax rate used in the formula decreased from 1.7%, to 1.5%, while the highest rate remained at 5.9%.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were also adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
New York Electronic Reporting of Quarterly Wage and Withholding Tax Information
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The changes to New York’s quarterly withholding and unemployment tax return, including the ability to file amended returns online, are planned to launch in March 2025. These include the following:
On Form NYS-45, Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return, you must file all parts together as a single return.
This includes Part A – Unemployment insurance (UI) information, Part B – Withholding tax (WT) information, and Part C – Quarterly employee/payee wage reporting and withholding information. You no longer have the option to file the three parts separately. In addition, if you are required to report both Wages and Other wages, you must submit this information on one return.
On Form NYS-45 Part C, you must separately report New York State, New York City, and Yonkers tax withheld for each employee.
Part C – Employee wage and withholding information will be uploaded in the NYS-45 Web File application.
The Web application will accept files with a .csv, .zip, .txt, or .rpt extension.
Wage Reporting Web Upload: Electronic Reporting Format
The following is the Employee Wage record-flat file layout, using the .zip, .txt, or .rpt extension:
Element name
Record identifier
Constant RS
State code
Constant 36
Social Security number (SSN)
Numeric; right-justify and zero-fill
Employee first name
Left-justify and fill with blanks; commas not permitted
Employee middle name or initial
Left-justify and fill with blanks; commas not permitted
Employee last name
Left-justify and fill with blanks, commas not permitted
Left-justify and fill with blanks
Wage type
Wages type identifier; applies only to quarterly wages
1 Alpha character: W or O196-202
State quarterly UI remuneration (column g)
Wages subject to UI in New York State; right-justify, zero-fill, dollars and cents, implied decimal
Gross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding (column f)
Wages, tips and other compensation subject to New York State withholding tax; right-justify, zero-fill, dollars and cents, implied decimal
Total NYS tax withheld (column h)
NYS income tax withheld; right-justify, zero fill, dollars and cents, implied decimal
Enter blanks
Total NYC tax withheld (column i)
NYC income tax withheld; right-justify, zero-fill, dollars and cents, implied decimal
Enter blanks
Total Yonkers tax withheld (column j)
Yonkers income tax withheld; right-justify, zero-fill, dollars and cents, implied decimal
Attention: For more information, refer to instructions:
Forms and Publications Changes
New (Coming soon)
Publication 72.5, Electronic Reporting of Form NYS-45 Information (This replaces Publication 72, Electronic Reporting of Form NYS-45 Information, and Publication 911, Electronic Reporting of Quarterly Wage and Withholding Tax Information Based on Federal Formats.)
Updating (Coming Soon)
Publication 50, Employer's Guide to Unemployment Insurance, Wage Reporting, and Withholding Tax
Form NYS-45, Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return, and instructions
Publication 69, Electronic Reporting of Quarterly Combined Wage and Withholding Tax Information
Publication 72, Electronic Reporting of Form NYS-45 Information
Publication 911, Electronic Reporting of Quarterly Wage and Withholding Tax Information Based on Federal Formats
Attention: For more information, see the forms and publications changes for withholding:
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now provides you with the option to select the Employee Wage record flat-file layout effective March 2025, which separately reports New York State, New York City, and Yonkers tax withheld. A new File Layout Options group box contains the following field:
File Layout
From the drop-down list, select the format of the file that will be generated. For New York, you can select the following options:
Employee Wage Record Flat File (RS)
For the District of Columbia, you can select the following options:
DCETS Employer EFW2 (for use when DCETS goes live)
ESSP Employer EFW2
For other states, this field displays a non-editable Default value.
North Carolina 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
North Carolina provided the 2025 Income Tax Withholding Tables and Instructions for Employers, which includes the following updates:
The rate used for withholding decreased from 4.6% to 4.35%.
The supplemental tax rate decreased from 4.6% to 4.35%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, the descriptions of North Carolina’s state filing statuses were updated to match the filing statuses in North Carolina’s Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate (NC-4). This update also adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
North Dakota 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
North Dakota released the Income Tax Withholding Rates and Instructions for wages paid in 2025. The following are the changes:
The value of an allowance used with Forms W-4 before 2020 increased from $4,300 to $5,050 annually.
The tax brackets for the percentage method have been updated.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Ohio EFW2 File for RITA Municipal Tax Reporting
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Employers need to submit W-2 forms to both the Ohio Department of Taxation and the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) if:
The employer is located in or has employees working in municipalities that are part of the RITA system.
The employer withholds municipal income tax for municipalities that RITA administers.
Beginning with Tax Year 2024, RITA requires the following:
Electronic submission of W-2s for employers issuing 10 or more Forms W-2 during a calendar year
RITA-specific fields, including the municipality code, municipality name, taxable wages, and the corresponding tax withheld
In this release, Costpoint adds the ability to generate the local EFW2 file that meets the RITA W-2 reporting requirements.
Manage Local Taxes (PRMLTI)
If you enter OH (Ohio) in the State field and select City Income Tax (Residence Only) from the Tax Type drop-down list, the Jurisdiction Code field changes to City Code (OH).
If you enter OH (Ohio) in the State field and select R.I.T.A. from the Ohio Tax Collection Agency drop-down list, enter a valid three-digit RITA municipality code in the City Code (OH) field. For the three-digit RITA municipality code, please refer to the following link:
Create State W2 File (PRPW2S)
The application can now generate the new EFW2 file for Ohio RITA filing and a new Local W-2 File Report. To support this new functionality, the screen adds the following drop-down list:
OH Tax Reporting Agency
This field will be enabled only if reporting state is Ohio.
From the drop-down list, select the tax agency where you will file the W-2 information. The file layout will depend on the selected tax agency.
The valid values are:
Ohio Department of Taxation: Select this option to print the State W-2 File Report and to generate the state EFW2 file.
Regional Income Tax Agency: Select this option to print the Local W-2 File Report and to generate the local EFW2 file.
The default value will be Ohio Department of Taxation for state filing.
Oregon 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Oregon released the Withholding Tax Formulas effective January 1, 2025, with the following changes:
The federal tax adjustment amount increased from $8,250 to $8,500 for an employee with annual wages up to $50,000.
The federal tax adjustment phase out amounts for an employee with annual wages of $50,000 or greater has changed in 2025.
The tax table has changed for an employee with annual wages up to $50,000.
The tax table has changed for an employee with annual wages of $50,000 or higher.
The allowance amount increased from $249 to $256.
The standard deduction amount increased from $2,745 to $2,835 for an employee filing “Single” with fewer than three allowances.
The standard deduction amount increased from $5,495 to $5,670 for an employee filing “Single” with three or more allowances.
The standard deduction amount increased from $5,495 to $5,670 for an employee filing “Married.”
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
In addition, a new filing status, DID NOT SUBMIT OREGON W4, was added in Costpoint. This is in compliance with HB 2119, which is an existing Oregon requirement effective 01/01/2020. This filing status will be used to withhold income tax at a rate of eight (8) percent of employee wages if the employee has not provided a withholding statement or exception certificate.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)/Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The computation of the Personal Exemption Credit Amount for Oregon was updated to include new programming effective for the 2025 payroll year. It now incorporates the following filing statuses:
Rhode Island 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Rhode Island released income tax withholding tables effective January 1, 2025. The updates are:
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted for all filing statuses.
The annual wage threshold above which the value of an allowance becomes zero increased from $274,650 to $283,250
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
South Carolina 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
South Carolina provided the following state tax updates effective January 1, 2025:
The value of a state allowance increased from $4,610 to $4,860.
The maximum standard deduction increased from $6,925 to $7,300.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were also adjusted, with 6.2% as the highest rate, from 6.4%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Vermont 2024 W-2 Electronic Filing
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The 2024 Vermont Specifications for Electronic W-2 (EFW-2) Filing has been updated. The employee's contribution to the Child Care Contribution will be reported in RS record, position 338-348.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
To support the state requirements, this release updates the Create State W-2 File screen.
This enhancement requires the following:
Vermont 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Vermont released the 2025 Income Tax Withholding Instructions, Tables, and Charts effective January 1, 2025. The following are the changes:
The value of a state allowance increased to $5,300 annually, from $5,100.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Virgin Islands 2025 Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The tax tables of Virgin Islands were updated to align with the 2025 federal percentage method tables.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
West Virginia Tax Table Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
West Virginia released the Employer’s Withholding Tax Tables effective January 1, 2025. The percentage method withholding tables have been updated, reducing the tax rates from a range of 2.36%–5.12% to 2.22%–4.82%.
Attention: For more information, see:
Employer's Withholding Notice:
Percentage Method of Withholding:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Alabama Overtime Exemption Reporting in Accordance with the FLSA
In 2023, Alabama passed a law exempting overtime compensation from state income taxes from Jan. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The exemption applies to overtime compensation paid during the exemption period to employees paid on an hourly basis for work performed in excess of 40 hours in a week.
Starting October 1, the exemption will instead apply to any overtime compensation provided in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), under HB 407. This change will remain in effect until the exemption expires on June 30, 2025.
HB 407 also amends employer reporting requirements to conform with the exemption modification.
When reporting Alabama’s overtime paid beginning October 1, 2024, the Print State Overtime Wages Report will include only employees with an FLSA Classification of Non-Exempt on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen regardless of their rate type. In addition, the employee eligibility on the Manage Pay Types screen shall no longer be checked.
This enhancement requires the following:
Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption Reporting in Form W-2 Box 14
For the tax year beginning on or after January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, overtime pay received by a full-time hourly wage paid employee for hours worked above 40 in any given week is excluded from gross income and therefore exempt from Alabama state income tax.
To support the reporting of exempt overtime wages of Alabama, Costpoint can now report exempt overtime wage in Box 14 of employees Form W-2 using “EX OT” as the indicator, for example, EX OT $15,250.
Attention: For more information, see:
Create W-2 Table (PRPCW2)
The application now calculates Alabama’s exempt overtime amount based on Alabama’s earnings records where overtime pay type is configured to be exempt from Alabama's income tax. The calculated amount will be reported in Box 14 using “EX OT” code.
The application will now format the Tax ID retrieved from Configure Company Information to 00-00000000 and display an error message if the Tax ID is not nine digits.
Manage W-2s (PRMW2)
The Box 14 subtask on the Manage W-2s screen now contains the following tabs:
Box 14 Lines 1-5: This tab has the same information as the original Box 14 subtask, which includes the following fields:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Other Box 14 Information: This tab has the new box 14 fields for Alabama exempt overtime wages.
Covid-19 Box 14: This tab has same information and layout as the original COVID-19 Box 14 subtask, which has been removed from the main screen.
Manage W-2Cs (PRMW2C)
The Box 14 subtask on the Manage W-2Cs screen now contains the following tabs:
Box 14 Lines 1-5: This tab has the same information as the original Box 14 subtask, which includes the following fields for previously reported and corrected information:
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Other Box 14 Information: This tab has the new box 14 fields for Alabama exempt overtime wages for previously reported and corrected information.
Covid-19 Box 14: This tab has same information and layout for previously reported and corrected information as the original COVID-19 Box 14 subtask, which has been removed from the main screen.
Print W-2s (PRRW2)
The application now includes exempt overtime wages in box 14 if you print W-2s for Alabama.
Print W-2 Summary Report (PRRW2R)
The application adds the new fields in the corresponding reports:
W-2 Summary Report - Box 14 – Line 5
Box 14 – Alabama exempt overtime wages
W-2c Summary Report - Box 14 – Line 5 (Corrected)
Box 14 – Alabama exempt overtime wages (Previously Reported)
Box 14 – Alabama exempt overtime wages (Corrected)
If applicable, the employee’s W-2 will now report Alabama’s exempt overtime amount in Box 14 using the EX OT code.
Export Payroll Taxes (PRPEXTAX)
The application now includes Alabama’s exempt overtime wages box 14 information from the Box 14 record on the Manage W-2 and Manage W-2c screens.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now provides information for the following fields added in the corresponding tables for this enhancement:
New Columns
BOX14_AL_OT_PAY_CD (Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages Box 14 Cod)
BOX14_AL_OT_PAY_AMT (Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages Box 14 Amount)
PREV_BOX14_AL_OT_PAY_CD (Previous Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages Box 14 Code)
PREV_BOX14_AL_OT_PAY_AMT (Previous Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages Box 14 Amount)
BOX14_AL_OT_PAY_CD (Corrected Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages Box 14 Code)
BOX14_AL_OT_PAY_AMT (Corrected Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages Box 14 Amount)
This enhancement requires the following:
Arkansas 2024 Tax Table Updates
Arkansas updated their Withholding Tax Formula Method effective January 1, 2024. The following are the updates:
The highest rate decreased to 3.9% and the tax brackets have been adjusted.
The supplemental withholding rate decreased to 3.9%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Georgia 2024 Tax Table Updates
Georgia revised the 2024 Employer’s Tax Guide and provided the following additional changes. The changes are effective July 1, 2024, but retroactive to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2024:
The state’s flat tax rate decreased from 5.49% to 5.39%.
The dependent allowance increased from $3000 to $4000.
The graduated tax rates used for supplemental wages were replaced by a flat tax rate of 5.39%.
Attention: For more information, see
To support the state requirements, this release updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Idaho 2024 Tax Table Updates
Idaho posted the 2024 table for percentage computation method of withholding in the Idaho State Tax Commission website. The updates are:
The flat tax rate decreased from 5.8% to 5.695%.
The zero-percent tax bracket’s upper threshold increased from $13,850 to $14,600 for single employees and heads of households, and from $27,700 to $29,200 for married employees.
The tax rate for supplemental payments decreased from 5.8% to 5.695%.
The value of Idaho Child Tax Credit Allowance increased from $3,534 to $3,600 annually.
The commission’s website states that you do not need to retroactively adjust withholding to the start of the year. You just need to use the new table moving forward.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Illinois Transportation Benefits Program Act
Illinois enacted the Transportation Benefits Program Act, effective January 1, 2024, which requires certain employers in specific geographic areas to provide pre-tax commuter benefits to covered employees. To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds a new TRANS (Transportation Benefit) deduction type which employers can use for the Illinois Transportation Benefits Program Act and for other similar commuter benefits program of other states.
Attention: For more information,
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
You can now select the TRANS (Transportation Benefit) deduction type from the Deduction Type field.
This enhancement requires the following files:
Kansas 2024 Tax Table Updates
Kansas revised the Withholding Tax Guide to reflect the following changes effective July 1, 2024:
The tax brackets have been updated to zero, 5.2%, and 5.58%, instead of four tax brackets of zero, 3.1%, 5.25%, and 5.7%.
The withholding allowance amounts will now depend on the employee’s filing status.
Married filing jointly: $18,320
Married filing separately: $9,160
Single: $9,160
Head of Household: $9,160
An additional allowance of $2,320 annually can be claimed by all statuses for each dependent.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Nevada 2024 SUTA Electronic Filing Updates
An updated Nevada State Wage Record (RS32WAGE) with document revision date of June 2024 has been posted in Nevada’s UI website. Based on the updated file format, the out-of-state information shall now be reported in RS record, position 360-373.
Attention: For more information, see:
RS32WAGE Record:
All Records:
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now includes out-of-state information in the RS32WAGE record of Nevada's EFW2 file.
Out-of-State State Code in Location 360-361
Total Out-of-State Gross Wages in Location 362-373
This enhancement requires the following:
North Carolina 2024 SUTA Electronic Filing
The Employer’s Guide to Wage Report and Payment File Specifications has been updated, and the following are the changes in Employer EFW2 Format (October 2023 vs March 2024 edition):
Employer FEIN has been added to the RE record, location 19-27, and tagged as a required field.
All instances of “Employer ID” have been renamed to “10-digit NCDES employer ID”.
The following fields are no longer tagged as required:
RW 199-209 OOS Wage Amt
RW 338 12th of the Month – Month 1
RW 339 12th of the Month – Month 2
RW 340 12th of the Month – Month 3
Attention: For more information, see: Employer’s Guide to Wage Report and Payment File Specifications (March 2024).
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now reports the employer FEIN in positions 19-27 on the RE Record.
Manage SUTA Tax File Data (PRMSMM)
The Reporting ID/UI Account Number field can now accommodate up to 10 digits for North Carolina.
This enhancement requires the following:
Ohio 2024 Tax Table Update
Ohio updated the state’s withholding methods effective July 1, 2024. The highest tax rate used in Ohio’s withholding methods decreased from 4.41%to 3.8%.
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Utah 2024 Tax Table Updates
Utah revised the tables in Publication 14, Withholding Tax Guide, to reflect the following changes effective June 1, 2024:
The tax rate decreased from 4.65% to 4.55%.
The base allowance used in the formulas increased from $415 to $440 for single employees, or from $830 to $880 for married employees.
The amounts subtracted from wages in the formulas increased from $8,371 to $8,826 for single employees, or from $16,742 to $17,652 for married employees.
Attention: For more information, see
To support the state requirements, this release adds/updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
This enhancement requires the following:
Arkansas 2024 Tax Table Updates
Arkansas updated their Withholding Tax Formula Method effective January 1, 2024. The following are the updates:
The highest rate decreased to 3.9% and the tax brackets have been adjusted.
The supplemental withholding rate decreased to 3.9%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Kansas 2024 Tax Table Updates
Kansas revised the Withholding Tax Guide to reflect the following changes effective July 1, 2024:
The tax brackets have been updated to zero, 5.2%, and 5.58%, instead of four tax brackets of zero, 3.1%, 5.25%, and 5.7%.
The withholding allowance amounts will now depend on the employee’s filing status.
Married filing jointly: $18,320
Married filing separately: $9,160
Single: $9,160
Head of Household: $9,160
An additional allowance of $2,320 annually can be claimed by all statuses for each dependent.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Nevada 2024 SUTA Electronic Filing Updates
An updated Nevada State Wage Record (RS32WAGE) with document revision date of June 2024 has been posted in Nevada’s UI website. Based on the updated file format, the out-of-state information shall now be reported in RS record, position 360-373.
Attention: For more information, see:
RS32WAGE Record:
All Records:
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now includes out-of-state information in the RS32WAGE record of Nevada's EFW2 file.
Out-of-State State Code in Location 360-361
Total Out-of-State Gross Wages in Location 362-373
This enhancement requires the following:
Georgia 2024 Tax Table Updates
Georgia revised the 2024 Employer’s Tax Guide and provided the following additional changes. The changes are effective July 1, 2024, but retroactive to taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2024:
The state’s flat tax rate decreased from 5.49% to 5.39%.
The dependent allowance increased from $3,000 to $4,000.
The graduated tax rates used for supplemental wages were replaced by a flat tax rate of 5.39%.
Percentage Method for Employee Withholding
Use these instructions to calculate employee withholding using the percentage method.
Subtract from the taxable wages the applicable standard deduction as indicated in column (1) - (3) of Table F.
If employees claim dependents, subtract from the amount arrived at in (1) the appropriate dependent amount as set out in column (4) of Table F.
Multiply the amount arrived in (2) by 5.39%.
If zero exemption is claimed, subtract the standard deduction only.
Attention: For more information, see
To support the state requirements, this release updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Idaho 2024 Tax Table Updates
Idaho posted the 2024 table for percentage computation method of withholding in the Idaho State Tax Commission website. The updates are:
The flat tax rate decreased from 5.8% to 5.695%.
The zero-percent tax bracket’s upper threshold increased from $13,850 to $14,600 for single employees and heads of households, and from $27,700 to $29,200 for married employees.
The tax rate for supplemental payments decreased from 5.8% to 5.695%.
The value of Idaho Child Tax Credit Allowance increased from $3,534 to $3,600 annually.
Note: The commission’s website states that you do not need to retroactively adjust withholding to the start of the year. You just need to use the new table moving forward.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Ohio 2024 Tax Table Updates
Ohio updated the state’s withholding methods effective July 1, 2024. The highest tax rate used in Ohio’s withholding methods decreased from 4.41%to 3.8%.
To support the state requirements, this release adds records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Utah 2024 Tax Table Updates
Utah revised the tables in Publication 14, Withholding Tax Guide, to reflect the following changes effective June 1, 2024:
The tax rate was decreased from 4.65% to 4.55%.
The base allowance used in the formulas was increased from $415 to $440 for single employees, or from $830 to $880 for married employees.
The amounts subtracted from wages in the formulas increased from $8,371 to $8,826 for single employees, or from $16,742 to $17,652 for married employees.
Attention: For more information, see
To support the state requirements, this release adds/updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
This enhancement requires the following:
2024 SUTA Wage Base
This Costpoint release adds tax table records effective January 1, 2024 on the Manage State Taxes screen for states where the unemployment-taxable wage base has been updated for tax year 2024.
West Virginia
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $9,000 to $9,521.
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11331
California Pay Data Reporting Updates
California Pay Data Reporting requirements were updated for the 2023 reporting year due May 8, 2024. Employers must now report whether employees worked remotely during the snapshot period. The new data to be reported includes:
Number of employees that do not work remotely
Number of remote employees located within California
Number of remote employees located outside of California
For Labor Contractor Employee Reports, reporting “unknown” race/ethnicity or sex of a labor contractor employee is no longer permitted.
Attention: For more information, see:
Print EEO-1 Report (HAREEO1)
The Payroll Employee Report and the Labor Contractor Employee Report for California Pay Data now display the following:
Number of employees that do not work remotely
Number of remote employees located within California
Number of remote employees located outside of California
A warning message will display in the California Pay Data Warning Report if employees in the Labor Contractor Employee Report belong to one of the following Race/Ethnicity/Sex code.
U10 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Male
U20 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Female
U30 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Non-binary
UU - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Unknown Sex
Manage Employee Salary Information (LDMEHIS)
The following field has been added on the HR Information tab of the Manage Employee Salary Information screen:
California Pay Data Reporting Remote Worker Status
From the drop-down list, select the employee’s remote worker status for California Pay Data Reporting purposes. Ensure that the information is true for the snapshot period you normally use for the California Pay Data Report.
Does not work remotely: This is a non-remote employee assigned to a California establishment during the snapshot period. This is the default value.
Remote employee located within California: This is a remote employee assigned to a California or non-California establishment whose state of residence is California during the snapshot period.
Remote employee located outside California: This is a remote employee assigned to a California establishment whose state of residence is not in California during the snapshot period.
This field will be used in the California Pay Data Report on the Print EEO-1 Report (HAREEO1) application.
Note: The California Pay Data Reporting Remote Worker Status field has been also added to the following screens:
Salary Details subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen
View Salary Information screen
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now provides information for the new CA_REMOTE_WORKER columns that have been added to the following database tables for this enhancement:
This enhancement requires the following:
Colorado PFML Wage Report Update
When Colorado Paid Family Leave Reporting was added, the state defined wages as SUTA eligible wages. Colorado later changed the wages definition to gross wages. This enhancement updates the Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File (LDPPFML) screen to support the Colorado’s latest requirements.
Note: For more information, refer to
Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File
The calculations for Colorado FAMLI subject wages were updated to use gross wages. The report and application logic will now use total gross wages, instead of total SUTA subject wages, in the TotalWagesThisPeriod column.
Warning: You must update your existing FAMLI deduction setup whether you created a local tax or a deduction for this purpose.
If you created a local tax, you must update the existing Colorado FAMLI record on the Manage Local Taxes screen and select Gross Pay instead of SUTA Subject Wages on the Tax Based On field. You can also enter a new local tax that is calculated on gross pay. You may exclude pay types from the subject wages by entering that pay type on the Local Taxes subtask of the Manage Pay Type Taxability screen. Severance pay types will have to be excluded from subject wages.
If you created a deduction, you must update the existing Colorado FAMLI deduction on the Manage Deductions screen and select PCTGRS in the Computation Method field. You can also enter a new deduction. You can exclude any pay types from the subject wages by entering them on the Manage Deduction Modify Codes screen. Severance pay types will have to be excluded from subject wages.
This enhancement requires the following:
District of Columbia Implementation of DCETS Wage File Format (SUTA File) Changed to Payroll Year 2025
Currently, there is no indication when the District of Columbia will transition to the new file format (DCETS Wage File Format) from the old ESSP Wage File Format. For now, the Costpoint Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen has been updated to continue supporting the ESPP Wage File Format for 2024 reporting. The new DCETS Wage File Format will be automatically applied in Costpoint for payroll year 2025.
This enhancement requires the following:
Guam 2024 Tax Table Updates
The tax tables of Guam were updated based on 2024 federal tax tables.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds updated records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Attention: For more information, refer to
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11312
Iowa 2024 Tax Table Updates
The State of Iowa revised the IA W-4 (Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate) for 2024. The revised form requires employees to enter a dollar allowance amount, rather than the number of allowances. The withholding formula has also been updated to base the standard deduction on the allowance amount claimed by the employee in the revised IA W-4 instead of the number of allowances.
To calculate Iowa’s state withholding taxes correctly, MR 8.2.9 introduces changes to Costpoint’s Compute Payroll process. Before running the Compute Payroll process, employers should instruct Iowa employees to update the Credit Amount on the State Withholding screen in Employee Self Service or instruct employees to file a paper IA W-4 so the Manage Employee Taxes screen can be manually updated with the new information.
Effective January 1, 2024, Iowa updated their withholding formula with the following:
The withholding formula now uses three tax brackets of 4.4%, 4.82%, and 5.7%, instead of the four used in 2023.
The state standard deduction amount depends on the state allowances (Credit Amount) claimed.
The standard deduction amounts increased to $14,600 or $29,200 annually, up from $13,850 or $27,700.
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
HR/Payroll Administrators can now base the standard deduction amount on the state Credit Amount assigned to the employee in Manage Employee Taxes.
The following field was added to the screen:
Credit Amount
If the state allows a credit amount (reduction in the tax), enter credit amount basis for the standard deduction.
For example, Iowa bases the standard deduction amount on the allowance amount (Credit Amount) claimed by the employee on the IA W-4. As of January 1, 2024, if the employee’s Credit Amount is less than $80, the standard deduction will be $14,600; otherwise, it will be $29,200.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The application was updated based on the new Iowa withholding formula. When you compute payroll for an Iowa employee, the process will now:
Apply the standard deduction using the employee’s state credit amount as basis.
Deduct the employee’s state credit amount from the annualized state tax liability.
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The application was updated based on the new Iowa withholding formula. When you recalculate a record for an employee with Iowa withholding, the process will now:
Apply the standard deduction using the employee’s state credit amount as basis.
Deduct the employee’s state credit amount from the annualized state tax liability.
The following field was added to the State Taxes subtask:
Credit Amount
This field displays the state credit amount used to calculate the employee’s Iowa state tax withholding. This is the Credit Amount assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Taxes screen when payroll was computed.
Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
The following field was added to the State Taxes subtask:
Credit Amount
This field displays the state credit amount used to calculate the employee’s Iowa state tax withholding. This is the Credit Amount assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Taxes screen when payroll was computed.
View Payroll Edit Table (PRQPTF)
The following field was added to the State Taxes subtask:
Credit Amount
This field displays the state credit amount used to calculate the employee’s Iowa state tax withholding. This is the Credit Amount assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Taxes screen when payroll was computed.
Post Payroll Journal (PRPPPCLS)
The application now includes the employee’s state credit amount when you run the Post Payroll process.
Print Soc Sec and Medicare Reconciliation Report (PRRFICA)
The dynamic tables used by the application were updated.
Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report (PRRFDTAX)
The dynamic tables used by the application were updated.
Recompute Taxable Wages (PRPRCOMP)
If you select the State checkbox in the Apply Employee’s Current Taxability group box, the application includes the employee’s state credit amount when recomputing state taxable wages.
Void/Replace Posted Paychecks (PRPAVCK)
When you run the Void/Replace Posted Paychecks process, the application populates the employee’s state credit amount on the Manage Payroll Records screen for void and replacement checks (V and W records).
Tax Table Updates
To support the state requirements, this release adds 01/01/2024 Iowa records with 2024 values on the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Filing Status Updates
Iowa updated their marital status options with the release of their 2024 IA W-4 employee withholding allowance certificate. To accommodate the new statuses, Costpoint MR 8.2.9 was updated as follows:
Added new HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD filing status
Changed the description for the SINGLE filing status from “Single” to “Other”
Changed the description for the MARRIED filing status from “Married” to “Married Filing Jointly”
If your employees use Costpoint Employee Self Service (ESS) to update their state tax information, Deltek recommends you assign the new HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD status to Iowa on the Configure State Tax Settings screen and update the filing status descriptions for the MARRIED (Married Filing Jointly) and SINGLE (Other) filing statuses to be consistent with the 2024 IA W-4.
This enhancement requires the following:
Maine SUTA Electronic Filing
You can now create quarterly state unemployment tax files for the Maine Department of Labor’s ReEmployME system. Electronic filing is an option provided by the state, but it is currently not required.
Attention: For more information, see: ReEmployME File Formatting Specifications for Electronic Transmittal of Quarterly Unemployment Contributions and Wage Reporting.
Manage SUTA Tax File Data (PRMSMM)
You can now enter ME (Maine) in the SUTA State field. The screen enables the following fields:
Contact Name
Telephone Number
Reporting ID/UI Account Number
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
You can now generate quarterly state unemployment tax files for Maine. The application will use Maine quarterly SUTA file layout for the file creation process.
The labels of the following fields were updated to accommodate the Unemployment Program Administrative Fund (UPAF) Assessment Rate and Competitive Skills Scholarship Fund (CSSF) Assessment Rate.
Surcharge / SCUF / UPAF Rate
Enter the unemployment insurance (UI) surcharge rate, the Service Capacity Upgrade Fund (SCUF) rate, or the Unemployment Program Administrative Fund (UPAF) Assessment Rate for the year being reported. This value will be reported in Record T in the electronic file.
This field is applicable if you are creating a file for KY (Kentucky) or ME (Maine).
EAF / Rate
Enter the Employment Administration Fund (EAF) Tax Rate or Competitive Skills Scholarship Fund (CSSF) Assessment Rate to be reported in Record T in the electronic file.
This field is applicable if you are creating a file for MT (Montana), WA (Washington) or ME (Maine).
This enhancement requires the following:
New Jersey ACA 1095-C Electronic Filing and Printed 1095-C
New Jersey updated their 1095-C reporting requirements to require all employers (non-self-insured and self-insured) to report 1095-C Part 3 for their New Jersey employees. Previously, only self-insured employers had to report that information.
This release updates Costpoint applications to comply with New Jersey’s latest 1095-C requirements.
Create 1094-C and 1095-C Data (HBP109XC)
The Create 1094-C and 1095-C Data screen provides the following updates:
The application will populate Part III (covered individuals) for New Jersey employees working for non-self-insured employers. Parts I, II, and III will be created for new employees.
Costpoint populates the FED_EXCLUDE_PART3_FL field on the HB_1095C_COVERED tables to indicate that Part III has been populated for a New Jersey employee for a non-self-insured employer.
Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File (HBP1094C)
The Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File screen provides the following updates:
The application can now generate the pipe-delimited file layout for New Jersey employees. For the federal file, the application will not include any Part III data for NJ employees whose employers are not self-insured.
You can now select New Jersey from the State drop-down list in the Government Agency group box.
Manage 1095-C Data (HBM1095C)
The Manage 1095-C Data screen provides the following updates:
Part III (covered individuals) is now fully editable for NJ employees with non-self-insured employers, if applicable.
The Part III – Covered Individuals subtask includes a new checkbox.
Exclude from Part III in Federal Filing
This checkbox indicates if the Part III data will be excluded in the federal filing. A Part III record is created for New Jersey employees with a non-self-insured employer plan. This data is reported to New Jersey but should not be included in the federal filing.
The following message displays for New Jersey on the Part III – Covered Individuals subtask: “Part III data should not be added for non-self-insured employer plans unless the reporting state is New Jersey.”
Print 1095-Cs (HBR1095C)
The Print 1095-Cs screen fully supports printing reports for New Jersey employees with non-self-insured employers.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information for the new FED_EXCLUDE_PART3_FL field in the HB_1095C_COVERED table.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
New Jersey Form NJ-927 Quarterly Reporting Update
To support New Jersey’s latest NJ-927 quarterly reporting requirements, the following were added to the Print Local Withholding Report (PRRLCWH):
Subject Wages and Excess Wages to the existing report
Quarter field as a parameter in the Selection Ranges group box
Note: This Costpoint update removes the following from the Query options:
Payroll Year Option
Taxable Entity Option
This enhancement requires the following:
North Carolina 2024 SUTA Electronic Filing
The Employer’s Guide to Wage Report and Payment File Specifications has been updated, and the following are the changes in the March 2024 edition of the Employer EFW2 Format from the October 2023 edition:
Employer FEIN has been added to the RE record, location 19-27, and tagged as a required field.
All instances of “Employer ID” have been renamed to “10-digit NCDES employer ID”.
The following fields are no longer tagged as required:
RW 199-209 OOS Wage Amt
RW 338 12th of the Month – Month 1
RW 339 12th of the Month – Month 2
RW 340 12th of the Month – Month 3
Attention: For more information, see: Employer’s Guide to Wage Report and Payment File Specifications (March 2024).
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now reports the employer FEIN in positions 19-27 on the RE Record.
Manage SUTA Tax File Data (PRMSMM)
Reporting ID/UI Account Number field can now accommodate up to 10 digits for North Carolina.
Vermont Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax
Vermont created a new payroll tax called the Child Care Contribution to fund its Child Care Financial Assistance Program under a bill that will partially go into effect on July 1, 2024.
The payroll tax is 0.44% of an employee’s covered wages or 0.11% of a self-employed individual’s self-employment income.
Employers are responsible for at least three-quarters of the tax but can choose to pay more.
Employers may deduct one quarter of the tax, or 0.11%, from employees’ wages.
Employers are responsible for withholding the employees' share.
Under the bill, the tax applies to employers that are required to withhold Vermont income tax from employee wages and to employees who have Vermont income tax withheld from their wages.
Employers must remit the tax to the state tax department using the same requirements as Vermont’s income tax, including the time and manner of payment.
Wages subject to federal income tax withholding are subject to the tax.
The bill holds employers responsible for the full amount of any unpaid contributions.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint now provides the abilty to set up, withhold, and report Vermont’s Child Care Contribution payroll tax.
Attention: For more information, see:
Manage Local Taxes (PRMLTI)
You can now select Child Care Contribution Tax option from the Tax Type drop-down list when you set up the new payroll tax for Vermont.
New validations were added for the W-2 reporting setup of Vermont Child Care Contribution payroll tax.
Set Up the Employee-Paid Vermont Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax
Use the following steps to create an employee-paid local tax record for Vermont's Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
To set up the employee-paid local tax for Vermont:
On the Manage Local Taxes screen, enter a local tax code to represent the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax and set other local values as needed.
Enter a local tax code that represents the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
Enter VT.
Tax Paid By
Select Employee.
Tax Type
Select Child Care Contribution Tax.
Note: If this option is not yet available, you may select Other Income Tax temporarily and then replace it with Child Care Contribution Tax (once available).
W-2 Box 14 Usage
Select which line number to print Child Care Contribution withheld.
Box 14 Description
Enter CCC.
Local Tax Details
Effective Date: 07/01/2024
Tax Based On: Gross Pay
On the Manage Local Tax Tables screen, add a record for the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code and enter the corresponding field values for each filing status.
Effective Date
Enter 07/01/2024.
For Taxable Income Over
Enter 0.00.
Base Tax Plus
Enter 0.00.
Percent of Excess
Enter 0.11%.
Note: An employer may choose to withhold up to one-quarter of the Child Care Contribution from an employee's wages. The total CCC payroll tax on wages is 0.44% (or 0.0044), which means that the maximum an employer may elect to withhold from an employee is 0.11% (or 0.0011) of the employee's wages.
On the Manage Local Standard Deductions screen, add a record for the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code for 07/01/2024 and set all values to 0.00.
On the Manage Employee Taxes screen, assign the employee-paid local tax code to applicable employees.
Set Up Employer-Paid Vermont Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax
Use the following steps to create an employer-paid local tax record for Vermont's Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
To set up the employer-paid local tax for Vermont:
On the Manage Local Taxes screen, enter a local tax code to represent the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax and set other local values as needed.
Enter a local tax code that represents the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
Enter VT.
Tax Paid By
Select Employer.
Tax Type
Select Child Care Contribution Tax.
Note: If this option is not yet available, you may select Other Income Tax temporarily and then replace it with Child Care Contribution Tax (once available).
W-2 Box 14 Usage
Not Applicable. Only the employee-paid amount is reported on the W-2 form. The employer should report the portion of CCC withheld from the employee for the tax year on Box 14 of the employee's W-2.
Box 14 Description
Local Tax Details
Effective Date: 07/01/2024
Tax Based On: Gross Pay
On the Manage Local Tax Tables screen, add a record for the employer-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code and enter the corresponding field values for each filing status.
Effective Date
Enter 07/01/2024.
For Taxable Income Over
Enter 0.00.
Base Tax Plus
Enter 0.00.
Percent of Excess
Enter 0.33%.
Note: Employers are responsible for at least three-quarters of the tax but can choose to pay more.
On the Manage Local Standard Deductions screen, add a record for the employer-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code for 07/01/2024 and set all values to 0.00.
On the Manage Employee Taxes screen, assign the employer-paid local tax code to applicable employees.
This enhancement requires the following:
Virgin Islands 2024 Tax Table Updates
The tax tables of Virgin Islands were updated based on 2024 federal tax tables.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds updated records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Attention: For more information, refer to
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11312
Virginia 2024 Tax Table Update
Virginia updated its formula for computing tax to be withheld effective for wages paid after April 1, 2024, for taxable year 2024 and after filers. The standard deduction increased from $8,000 to $8,500.
Attention: For more information, refer to
This enhancement requires the following:
Washington 2024 Q1 SUTA Electronic Filing
The ICESA Washington Bulk Format Specification S Record layout was updated with a new field in positions 221-275 to report the employee’s job title. To support the latest change to the state’s file format, the Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen and Export Payroll Taxes screen have been updated.
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now populates positions 221-275 of Washington’s S Record with the employee’s detail job title description.
Export Payroll Taxes (PRPEXTAX)
The tax file has been updated as follows:
A new Field 91 has been added to all ET records.
The new Field 91 will be populated with the employee’s job title description in the SUTA record.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancment requires the following:
Vermont Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax
Vermont created a new payroll tax called the Child Care Contribution to fund its Child Care Financial Assistance Program under a bill that will partially go into effect on July 1, 2024.
The payroll tax is 0.44% of an employee’s covered wages, or 0.11% of a self-employed individual’s self-employment income.
Employers are responsible for at least three-quarters of the tax but can choose to pay more.
Employers may deduct one quarter of the tax, or 0.11%, from employees’ wages.
Employers are responsible for withholding the employees' share.
Under the bill, the tax applies to employers that are required to withhold Vermont income tax from employee wages and to employees who have Vermont income tax withheld from their wages.
Employers must remit the tax to the state tax department using the same requirements as Vermont’s income tax, including the time and manner of payment.
Wages subject to federal income tax withholding are subject to the tax.
The bill holds employers responsible for the full amount of any unpaid contributions.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint now provides the ability to set up, withhold, and report Vermont’s Child Care Contribution payroll tax.
Attention: For more information, see:
Manage Local Taxes (PRMLTI)
You can now select Child Care Contribution Tax option from the Tax Type drop-down list when you set up the new payroll tax for Vermont.
New validations were added for the W-2 reporting setup of Vermont Child Care Contribution payroll tax.
Set Up the Employee-Paid Vermont Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax
Use the following steps to create an employee-paid local tax record for Vermont's Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
To set up the employee-paid local tax for Vermont:
On the Manage Local Taxes screen, enter a local tax code to represent the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax and set other local values as needed.
Enter a local tax code that represents the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
Enter VT.
Tax Paid By
Select Employee.
Tax Type
Select Child Care Contribution Tax.
Note: If this option is not yet available, you may select Other Income Tax temporarily and then replace it with Child Care Contribution Tax (once available).
W-2 Box 14 Usage
Select which line number to print Child Care Contribution withheld.
Box 14 Description
Enter CCC.
Local Tax Details
Effective Date: 07/01/2024
Tax Based On: Gross Pay
On the Manage Local Tax Tables screen, add a record for the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code and enter the corresponding field values for each filing status.
Effective Date
Enter 07/01/2024.
For Taxable Income Over
Enter 0.00.
Base Tax Plus
Enter 0.00.
Percent of Excess
Enter 0.11%.
Note: An employer may choose to withhold up to one quarter of the Child Care Contribution from an employee's wages. The total CCC payroll tax on wages is 0.44% (or 0.0044), which means that the maximum an employer may elect to withhold from an employee is 0.11% (or 0.0011) of the employee's wages.
On the Manage Local Standard Deductions screen, add a record for the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code for 07/01/2024 and set all values to 0.00.
On the Manage Employee Taxes screen, assign the employee-paid local tax code to applicable employees.
Set Up Employer-Paid Vermont Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax
Use the following steps to create an employer-paid local tax record for Vermont's Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
To set up the employer-paid local tax for Vermont:
On the Manage Local Taxes screen, enter a local tax code to represent the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax and set other local values as needed.
Enter a local tax code that represents the employee-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax.
Enter VT.
Tax Paid By
Select Employer.
Tax Type
Select Child Care Contribution Tax.
Note: If this option is not yet available, you may select Other Income Tax temporarily and then replace it with Child Care Contribution Tax (once available).
W-2 Box 14 Usage
Not applicable. Only the employee-paid amount is reported on the W-2 form. The employer should report the portion of CCC withheld from the employee for the tax year on Box 14 of the employee's W-2.
Box 14 Description
Local Tax Details
Effective Date: 07/01/2024
Tax Based On: Gross Pay
On the Manage Local Tax Tables screen, add a record for the employer-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code and enter the corresponding field values for each filing status.
Effective Date
Enter 07/01/2024.
For Taxable Income Over
Enter 0.00.
Base Tax Plus
Enter 0.00.
Percent of Excess
Enter 0.33%.
Note: Employers are responsible for at least three-quarters of the tax but can choose to pay more.
On the Manage Local Standard Deductions screen, add a record for the employer-paid Child Care Contribution Payroll Tax local tax code for 07/01/2024 and set all values to 0.00.
On the Manage Employee Taxes screen, assign the employer-paid local tax code to applicable employees.
Virginia 2024 Tax Table Update
Virginia updated its formula for computing tax to be withheld effective for wages paid after April 1, 2024, for taxable year 2024 and after filers. The standard deduction increased from $8,000 to $8,500.
Attention: For more information, refer to
To support the state requirements, this release adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11372
2024 SUTA Wage Base
This Costpoint release adds tax table records effective January 1, 2024 on the Manage State Taxes screen for states where the unemployment-taxable wage base has been updated for tax year 2024.
West Virginia
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $9,000 to $9,521.
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11331
California Pay Data Reporting Updates
California Pay Data Reporting requirements were updated for the 2023 reporting year due May 8, 2024. Employers must now report whether employees worked remotely during the snapshot period. The new data to be reported includes:
Number of employees that do not work remotely
Number of remote employees located within California
Number of remote employees located outside of California
For Labor Contractor Employee Reports, reporting “unknown” race/ethnicity or sex of a labor contractor employee is no longer permitted.
Attention: For more information, see:
Print EEO-1 Report (HAREEO1)
The Payroll Employee Report and the Labor Contractor Employee Report for California Pay Data now display the following:
Number of employees that do not work remotely
Number of remote employees located within California
Number of remote employees located outside of California
A warning message will display in the California Pay Data Warning Report if employees in the Labor Contractor Employee Report belong to one of the following Race/Ethnicity/Sex codes.
U10 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Male
U20 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Female
U30 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Non-binary
UU - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Unknown Sex
Manage Employee Salary Information (LDMEHIS)
The following field has been added on the HR Information tab of the Manage Employee Salary Information screen.
California Pay Data Reporting Remote Worker Status
From the drop-down list, select the employee’s remote worker status for California Pay Data Reporting purposes. Ensure that the information is true for the snapshot period you normally use for the California Pay Data Report.
Does not work remotely: This is a non-remote employee assigned to a California establishment during the snapshot period. This is the default value.
Remote employee located within California: This is a remote employee assigned to a California or non-California establishment whose state of residence is California during the snapshot period.
Remote employee located outside California: This is a remote employee assigned to a California establishment whose state of residence is not in California during the snapshot period.
This field will be used in the California Pay Data Report on the Print EEO-1 Report (HAREEO1) application.
Note: The California Pay Data Reporting Remote Worker Status field has been also added to the following screens:
Salary Details subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen
View Salary Information screen
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now provides information for the new CA_REMOTE_WORKER columns that have been added to the following database tables for this enhancement:
Colorado PFML Wage Report Update
When Colorado Paid Family Leave Reporting was added, the state defined wages as SUTA eligible wages. Colorado later changed the wages definition to gross wages. This enhancement updates the Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File (LDPPFML) screen to support Colorado’s latest requirements.
Note: For more information, refer to:
Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File
The calculations for Colorado FAMLI subject wages were updated to use gross wages. The report and application logic will now use total gross wages, instead of total SUTA subject wages, in the TotalWagesThisPeriod column.
Warning: You must update your existing FAMLI deduction setup, whether you created a local tax or a deduction for this purpose.
If you created a local tax, you must update the existing Colorado FAMLI record on the Manage Local Taxes screen and select Gross Pay instead of SUTA Subject Wages in the Tax Based On field. You can also enter a new local tax that is calculated on gross pay. You may exclude pay types from the subject wages by entering that pay type on the Local Taxes subtask of the Manage Pay Type Taxability screen. Severance pay types will have to be excluded from subject wages.
If you created a deduction, you must update the existing Colorado FAMLI deduction on the Manage Deductions screen and select PCTGRS in the Computation Method field. You can also enter a new deduction. You can exclude any pay types from the subject wages by entering them on the Manage Deduction Modify Codes screen. Severance pay types will have to be excluded from subject wages.
New Jersey Form NJ-927 Quarterly Reporting Update
To support New Jersey’s latest NJ-927 quarterly reporting requirements, the following were added to the Print Local Withholding Report (PRRLCWH):
Subject Wages and Excess Wages to the existing report
Quarter field as a parameter in the Selection Ranges group box
Note: This Costpoint update removes the following from the Query options:
Payroll Year Option
Taxable Entity Option
Washington 2024 Q1 SUTA Electronic Filing
The ICESA Washington Bulk Format Specification S Record layout was updated with a new field in positions 221-275 to report the employee’s job title. To support the latest change to the state’s file format, the Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen and Export Payroll Taxes screen have been updated.
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The application now populates positions 221-275 of Washington’s S Record with the employee’s detail job title description.
Export Payroll Taxes (PRPEXTAX)
The tax file has been updated as follows:
A new Field 91 has been added to all ET records.
The new Field 91 will be populated with the employee’s job title description in the SUTA record.
Attention: For more information, see:
District of Columbia Implementation of DCETS Wage File Format (SUTA File) Changed to Payroll Year 2025
Currently, there is no indication when the District of Columbia will transition to the new file format (DCETS Wage File Format) from the old ESSP Wage File Format. For now, the Costpoint Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen has been updated to continue supporting the ESPP Wage File Format for 2024 reporting. The new DCETS Wage File Format will be automatically applied in Costpoint for payroll year 2025.
Guam 2024 Tax Table Updates
The tax tables of Guam were updated based on 2024 federal tax tables.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds updated records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Attention: For more information, refer to
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11312
Iowa 2024 Tax Table Updates
The State of Iowa revised the IA W-4 (Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate) for 2024. The revised form requires employees to enter a dollar allowance amount, rather than the number of allowances. The withholding formula has also been updated to base the standard deduction on the allowance amount claimed by the employee in the revised IA W-4 instead of the number of allowances.
To calculate Iowa’s state withholding taxes correctly, MR 8.2.9 introduces changes to Costpoint’s Compute Payroll process. Before running the Compute Payroll process, employers should instruct Iowa employees to update the Credit Amount on the State Withholding screen in Employee Self Service or instruct employees to file a paper IA W-4 so the Manage Employee Taxes screen can be manually updated with the new information.
Effective January 1, 2024, Iowa updated their withholding formula with the following:
The withholding formula now uses three tax brackets of 4.4%, 4.82%, and 5.7%, instead of the four used in 2023.
The state standard deduction amount depends on the state allowances (Credit Amount) claimed
The standard deduction amounts increased to $14,600 or $29,200 annually, up from $13,850 or $27,700.
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
HR/Payroll Administrators can now base the standard deduction amount on the state Credit Amount assigned to the employee in Manage Employee Taxes.
The following field was added to the screen:
Credit Amount
If the state allows a credit amount (reduction in the tax), enter credit amount basis for the standard deduction.
For example, Iowa bases the standard deduction amount on the allowance amount (Credit Amount) claimed by the employee on the IA W-4. As of January 1, 2024, if the employee’s Credit Amount is less than $80, the standard deduction will be $14,600; otherwise, it will be $29,200.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The application was updated based on the new Iowa withholding formula. When you compute payroll for an Iowa employee, the process will now:
Apply the standard deduction using the employee’s state credit amount as basis.
Deduct the employee’s state credit amount from the annualized state tax liability.
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The application was updated based on the new Iowa withholding formula. When you recalculate a record for an employee with Iowa withholding, the process will now:
Apply the standard deduction using the employee’s state credit amount as basis.
Deduct the employee’s state credit amount from the annualized state tax liability.
The following field was added to the State Taxes subtask:
Credit Amount
This field displays the state credit amount used to calculate the employee’s Iowa state tax withholding. This is the Credit Amount assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Taxes screen when payroll was computed.
Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
The following field was added to the State Taxes subtask:
Credit Amount
This field displays the state credit amount used to calculate the employee’s Iowa state tax withholding. This is the Credit Amount assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Taxes screen when payroll was computed.
View Payroll Edit Table (PRQPTF)
The following field was added to the State Taxes subtask:
Credit Amount
This field displays the state credit amount used to calculate the employee’s Iowa state tax withholding. This is the Credit Amount assigned to the employee on the Manage Employee Taxes screen when payroll was computed.
Post Payroll Journal (PRPPPCLS)
The application now includes the employee’s state credit amount when you run the Post Payroll process.
Print Soc Sec and Medicare Reconciliation Report (PRRFICA)
The dynamic tables used by the application were updated.
Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report (PRRFDTAX)
The dynamic tables used by the application were updated.
Recompute Taxable Wages (PRPRCOMP)
If you select the State checkbox in the Apply Employee’s Current Taxability group box, the application includes the employee’s state credit amount when recomputing state taxable wages.
Void/Replace Posted Paychecks (PRPAVCK)
When you run the Void/Replace Posted Paychecks process, the application populates the employee’s state credit amount on the Manage Payroll Records screen for void and replacement checks (V and W records).
Tax Table Updates
To support the state requirements, this release adds 01/01/2024 Iowa records with 2024 values on the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Filing Status Updates
Iowa updated their marital status options with the release of their 2024 IA W-4 employee withholding allowance certificate. To accommodate the new statuses, Costpoint MR 8.2.9 was updated as follows:
Added new HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD filing status
Changed the description for the SINGLE filing status from “Single” to “Other”
Changed the description for the MARRIED filing status from “Married” to “Married Filing Jointly”
If your employees use Costpoint Employee Self Service (ESS) to update their state tax information, Deltek recommends you assign the new HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD status to Iowa on the Configure State Tax Settings screen and update the filing status descriptions for the MARRIED (Married Filing Jointly) and SINGLE (Other) filing statuses to be consistent with the 2024 IA W-4.
New Jersey ACA 1095-C Electronic Filing and Printed 1095-C
New Jersey updated their 1095-C reporting requirements to require all employers (non-self-insured and self-insured) to report 1095-C Part 3 for their New Jersey employees. Previously, only self-insured employers had to report that information.
This release updates Costpoint applications to comply with New Jersey’s latest 1095-C requirements.
Create 1094-C and 1095-C Data (HBP109XC)
The Create 1094-C and 1095-C Data screen provides the following updates:
The application will populate Part III (covered individuals) for New Jersey employees working for non-self-insured employers. Parts I, II, and III will be created for new employees.
Costpoint populates the FED_EXCLUDE_PART3_FL field on the HB_1095C_COVERED tables to indicate that Part III has been populated for a New Jersey employee for a non-self-insured employer.
Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File (HBP1094C)
The Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File screen provides the following updates:
The application can now generate the pipe-delimited file layout for New Jersey employees. For the federal file, the application will not include any Part III data for NJ employees whose employers are not self-insured.
You can now select New Jersey from the State drop-down list in the Government Agency group box.
Manage 1095-C Data (HBM1095C)
The Manage 1095-C Data screen provides the following updates:
Part III (covered individuals) is now fully editable for NJ employees with non-self-insured employers, if applicable.
The Part III – Covered Individuals subtask includes a new checkbox.
Exclude from Part III in Federal Filing
This checkbox indicates if the Part III data will be excluded in the federal filing. A Part III record is created for New Jersey employees with a non-self-insured employer plan. This data is reported to New Jersey but should not be included in the federal filing.
The following message displays for New Jersey on the Part III – Covered Individuals subtask: “Part III data should not be added for non-self-insured employer plans unless the reporting state is New Jersey.”
Print 1095-Cs (HBR1095C)
The Print 1095-Cs screen fully supports printing reports for New Jersey employees with non-self-insured employers.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information for the new FED_EXCLUDE_PART3_FL field in the HB_1095C_COVERED table.
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11300
Virgin Islands 2024 Tax Table Updates
The tax tables of Virgin Islands were updated based on 2024 federal tax tables.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds updated records to the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Attention: For more information, refer to
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11312
2024 SUTA Wage Base
This Costpoint release adds tax table records effective January 1, 2024 on the Manage State Taxes screen for states where the unemployment-taxable wage base has been updated for tax year 2024.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from 56,700 to $59,100.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from 49,900 to $53,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from 11,100 to $11,400.
New Mexico
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $30,100 to $31,700.
North Carolina
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $29,600 to $31,400.
North Dakota
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $40,800 to $43,800.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from $25,700 to $27,000.
Rhode Island
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased:
From $29,700 to $30,700 for employers assigned the highest tax rate.
From $ 28,200 to $29,200 for all other employers.
Virgin Islands
The unemployment-taxable wage base increased from 30,200 to $31,000.
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11285
Patch dbc_820_11294
Patch dbc_820_11297
Illinois 2024 Tax Table Updates
The value of a state allowance increased from $2,425 to $2,775.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11294
Indiana 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The state withholding rate decreased from 3.15% to 3.05%.
The employer is not required to withhold state or county income tax on some employees if the employee will work in Indiana for 30 days or less during the taxable year.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11285
Iowa 2024 Tax Table Update: Allow Employees to Provide New Iowa W-4 Setup before Payroll Computation Changes
The State of Iowa provided the revised IA-W4 (Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate) for 2024. The revised form requires employees to enter a dollar credit amount. The standard deduction will now depend on the allowance amount claimed by the employee in the revised IA-W4 instead of the number of allowances.
To calculate Iowa’s state withholding taxes correctly, the upcoming MR 8.2.9 will introduce changes to the Costpoint Compute Payroll process. Before you apply the payroll computation changes, you can install MR 8.2.8, which applies changes to multiple Costpoint screens that will enable Iowa employees to update their W-4 information.
State Withholding (ESMSTATEWH)
A new Credit Amount field was added to the State Withholding and Other Withholding State(s) to store the employee’s state credit amount.
Credit Amount
Enter the total state credit amount. For Iowa, if you are not exempt, then this is the total allowance amount on 2024 IA W-4.
This field is enabled for Iowa only.
The application populates the new column in the EMPL_TAX_ADT table that is used to track changes to the state credit amount.
Note: In addition to the changes for Iowa, the references to WH-4 line numbers were removed from the screen’s information message on adopted child exemption. The updates on the State Withholding screen also apply to the State Withholding tab on the Life Events/New Hires screen.
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
A new Credit Amount field was added to the State tab and Multi-State Taxes subtask to store the employee’s state credit amount. This field will be enabled only if the Withholding State is Iowa.
Credit Amount
If the state allows a credit amount (reduction in the tax), enter the employee's credit amount. The field does not provide a default credit amount value since you must update this field based on the W-4 Form. For example, Iowa allows a credit amount beginning January 1, 2024, and you will need to enter the credit amount based on the 2024 IA W-4 Form.
According to the Iowa Department of Revenue website:
"Employers who expect to receive updated W-4 forms from employees using the 2024 IA-W-4 form, but who have not yet received the updated W-4 form, may temporarily use $40 as the total allowance amount and $0 as the additional withholding amount when calculating these employees’ withholding amounts.
Alternatively, for employees who have furnished Form W-4 in any year before 2024, employers may continue to compute withholding based on the information from the employee's most recently furnished Form W-4 but, if they do, must make the following modification: Multiply the number of allowances claimed on line 6 of the pre-2024 W-4 by $40 to determine the amount of allowances. For example, if an employee claims 6 total allowances on a 2023 IA W-4, when calculating the 2024 Iowa withholding the employer should use $240 (6*$40) of total allowances."
This field is enabled for Iowa only.
Populate the new column in the EMPL_TAX_ADT table with changes to the State Credit Amount field.
Note: The updates on the Manage Employee Taxes screen also apply to the Taxes subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen.
View Employee Taxes (PRQETAX)
A new Credit Amount field was added to the State tab and Multi-State Taxes subtask to store the employee’s state credit amount. This field will be enabled only if the Withholding State is Iowa.
Credit Amount
This field displays the employee's state credit amount.
A column was added to the EMPL_TAX_ADT table to track changes to the new State Credit Amount column in the EMPL_TAX table.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information for the new State Credit Amount (ST_CREDIT_AMT) column in the following tables.
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11293
Maryland 2024 Tax Table Updates
Three Maryland counties made changes to their income tax rates for 2024.
Cecil County
The local tax rate decreased from 2.8% to 2.75%.
Anne Arundel County
For taxpayers with filing statuses of Single, Married Filing Separately, or Dependent, the local tax rates are as follows:
.0270 of Maryland taxable income of $1 through $50,000;
.0281 of Maryland taxable income of $50,001 through $400,000; and
.0320 of Maryland taxable income of over $400,000
For taxpayers with filing statuses of Married Filing Jointly, Head of Household, or Qualified Surviving Spouse, the local tax rates are as follows:
.0270 of Maryland taxable income of $1 through $75,000;
.0281 of Maryland taxable income of $75,001 through $480,000; and
.0320 of Maryland taxable income of over $480,000
Frederick County
For taxpayers with filing statuses of Single, Married Filing Separately, and Dependent Taxpayer, the local tax rates are as follows:
.0225 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income between $1 and not exceeding $25,000;
.0275 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income between $25,001 and not exceeding $50,000;
.0296 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income between $50,001 and not exceeding $150,000; and
.0320 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income of $150,001 or more;
For taxpayers with filing statuses of Married Filing Jointly, Head of Household, or Qualified Surviving Spouse, the local tax rates are as follows:
.0225 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income between $1 and not exceeding $25,000;
.0275 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income between $25,001 and not exceeding $100,000;
.0296 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income between $100,001 and not exceeding $250,000; and
.0320 for taxpayers who have a net taxable income of $250,001 or more.
The minimum and maximum standard deduction increased to $1,800 and $2,700 annually, up from $1,700 and $2,550.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11296
Massachusetts 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The surtax, which is 4% on income of more than $1,053,750 for 2024, has been included in the withholding method.
The amounts that could be added to state allowances for heads of households or blindness were removed, leaving only amounts that can instead be subtracted from the tax owed by heads of households or blind individuals.
A similar percentage method applies to pension or annuity payments with the same surtax threshold.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11294
Michigan 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The state plans to return its flat income tax rate to 4.25% in 2024 after it decreased in 2023.
The value of a state allowance increased from $5,400 to $5,600.
The withholding rate is 4.25% of compensation after deducting the personal and dependent exemption allowance.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Attention: For more information, see: 446 Michigan Income Tax Withholding Guide.
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11296
Minnesota 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The value of a state allowance increased from $4,800 to $5,050.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Attention: For more information, refer to:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11294
Mississippi 2024 Tax Table Updates
For 2024, the flat tax rate decreased from 5% to 4.7%.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11294
North Dakota 2024 Tax Table Updates
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11294
Oregon 2024 Tax Table Updates
The Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR) issued guidance on withholding tax formulas, effective January 1, 2024.
The federal tax adjustment amount increased from $7,800 to $8,250 for an employee with annual wages up to $50,000.
The federal tax adjustment phase out amounts for an employee with annual wages of 50,000 or greater has changed in 2024.
The tax table has changed for an employee with annual wages up to $50,000.
The tax table has changed for an employee with annual wages $50,000 or higher.
The allowance amount increased from $236 to $249.
The standard deduction amount increased from $2,605 to $2,745 for an employee filing Single with fewer than three allowances.
The standard deduction amount increased from $5,210 to $5,495 for an employee filing Single with three or more allowances.
The standard deduction amount increased from $5,210 to $5,495 for an employee filing Married.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Attention: For more information, see:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11296
Vermont 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The value of a state allowance increased from $4,850 to $5,100, annually.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11285
2024 SUTA Wage Base
This Costpoint release adds tax table records effective January 1, 2024 on the Manage State Taxes screen for states where the unemployment-taxable wage base has been updated for tax year 2024.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $47,100 to $49,700.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from 20,400 to $23,800.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $13,271 to $13,590.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $40,000 to $42,000.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from 40,500 to $43,000.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $50,900 to $52,800.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $44,800 to $47,000.
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11271
Patch dbc_820_11280
Patch dbc_820_11274
Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption
For the tax year beginning on or after January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, overtime pay received by a full-time hourly wage-paid employee for hours worked above 40 in any given week are excluded from gross income and, therefore, exempt from Alabama state income tax. Tied with this exemption are employer reporting requirements to the Alabama Department of Revenue.
Employers are required to report the total aggregate amount of overtime paid and the total number of employees who received overtime pay in the State of Alabama in compliance with ACT 2023-421 Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption.
Employers must report the following:
One-Time Report – Historical 2023 Overtime Data:
This report is due by January 31, 2024.
Employers are required to report the following:
Aggregate amount of overtime paid during 2023 calendar year
Total number of full-time hourly employees who received overtime pay in 2023
Monthly/Quarterly Reporting Beginning for 2024 Tax Year:
This is reported with Form A-6 (monthly) and Form A-1 (quarterly) withholding returns.
Employers are required to report the following:
Aggregate amount of overtime paid during the period (month/quarter)
Total number of full-time hourly employees who received overtime pay
Attention: For more information, see:
Costpoint provides a new application that allows employers to comply with the new reporting requirements of Alabama.
Print State Overtime Wages Report (PRRSOTW)
The new Print State Overtime Wages Report will print the aggregate amount paid and the total number of hourly employees who received overtime pay in the specifiedTaxable Entity, check date range, and Withholding State. You may opt to include a list of employees in the report. Currently, this report is applicable for the State of Alabama only. To access this screen, click to People » Payroll » Tax Reporting » Print State Overtime Wages Report.
If check dates are before January 1, 2024, or after June 30, 2025, which are outside the effectivity of Alabama’s temporary Overtime Pay Exemption, the overtime wages paid shall be determined using overtime pay types only. The pay type’s Overtime checkbox must be selected on the Manage Pay Types screen.
If check dates are within the effectivity of Alabama’s temporary Overtime Pay Exemption, the overtime wages paid shall be determined using overtime pay types and overtime pay type taxability. The following setup must be done on the Manage Pay Types screen and Manage Pay Type Taxability screen.
How to Set Up Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption
On the Manage Pay Types screen, add a pay type code to represent the Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption pay type.
Set up the following for the added pay type code:
Select the Overtime checkbox.
Clear the Salaried checkbox.
Here is an example of the Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption pay type setup on the Manage Pay Types screen:
On the Manage Pay Type Taxability screen, add a record for the Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption pay type code.
On the State subtask, add a row for Alabama and select Exempt from the Income Taxability drop-down list.
Here is an example of the Alabama Overtime Pay Exemption pay type setup on the Manage Pay Type Taxability screen:
On the Manage Timesheet screen, create a timesheet line for overtime wages by setting up the following:
Assign the Alabama Overtime Exemption pay type code in the Timesheet Line’s Pay Type field.
Enter the amount of overtime wages that are exempt from Alabama’s withholding tax in the Labor Cost field.
Export Payroll Taxes (PRPEXTAX)
This update adds the following fields to the Employee Tax (ET) Record - Employee State Tax Withholding (STEE):
Field 88: CHECK Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
Field 89: QTD Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
Field 90: YTD Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages
Colorado 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
For employees with a federal filing status of married filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouse, the standard deduction amount rises from $9,000 to $10,000.
For all other filing statuses, the standard deduction amount rises from $4,500 to $5,000.
Attention: For more information, see:
Colorado Employee Withholding Certificate:
Withholding Worksheet:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
State Withholding (ESMSTATEWH)
Life Events/New Hires (ESMLIFEEVENT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11273
Connecticut 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The two lowest tax rates in the withholding calculation rules were reduced to 2% and 4.5%, instead of 3% and 5%, for all withholding codes.
The Phase-Out Add-Back tax rate decreases from 3% to 2%.
The Tax Recapture table has been updated.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11273
Florida 2023 Reemployment Tax Electronic Filing Schema Version 1.3 Update
Florida has added schema version 1.3 for 2023. Costpoint now supports Florida’s updated Reemployment Tax XML package, in which the pattern [ -)|+-ÿ]+ has been replaced with ([A-Za-z0-9'\-] ?)[ -)|+-ÿ]+ for the name fields, address fields, and title field.
The Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen was updated to comply with Florida’s XML requirements.
Attention: Please refer to the RT_changes.xlsx file in the Reemployment Tax XML Package for all the changes from version 1.2.
Georgia 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The 2024 withholding methods use a flat tax rate of 5.49%.
The graduated tax rates used for supplemental payments were mostly unchanged, except the highest rate decreased from 5.75% to 5.49%.
The standard deduction amount increases from $7,100 to $24,000 for employees that are Married Filing Joint Return.
The standard deduction amount increases from $5,400 to $12,000 for employees that are Single or Head of Household.
The standard deduction amount increases to $3,550 to $12,000 for employees that are Married Filing Separate Return.
The personal allowance that depended on filing status has been removed.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11280
Maine 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The value of a state allowance increased from $4,700 to $5,000.
The maximum standard deduction increased from $11,000 to $11,750 for single employees and from $24,850 to $26,350 for married employees.
The standard deduction decreases according to a formula for single employees who earn more than $97,150 annually, up from $91,500, or for married employees who earn more than $194,300 annually, up from $183,050.
The deduction reaches zero when a single employee earns at least $172,150 annually, up from $166,500, or when a married employee earns at least $344,300 annually, up from $333,050.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were also adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11271
Maryland 2023 W-2 Electronic Filing
The RW record must now be included in the electronic file according to the 2023 Maryland Employer Reporting of W2s Instructions and Specifications.
Attention: For more information, see: 2023 Maryland Employer Reporting of W2s Instructions and Specifications.
The Create State W-2 File (PRPW2S) screen was updated to support the latest electronic file W-2 file format for Maryland.
The NAICS Code field should be a 6-digit value for Maryland.
The following values are set in the file for Maryland:
RE record, Location 26 (Terminating Business Indicator) is now set to 0.
RE record, Location 31-39 (Other EIN) is now set to blank.
Missouri 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The withholding formula uses tax rates of zero to 4.8%, instead of the previous range of zero to 4.95%.
The state’s standard deductions have increased for all filing statuses.
The state’s supplemental tax rate decreased to 4.8%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11274
Montana 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
Employees are now required to use the same filing status they use for federal purposes.
New tax brackets are now used in the withholding formula.
The supplemental tax rate decreased from 6% to 5%.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11273
Nebraska 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The annual state allowance increased from $2,140 to $2,250.
The percentage method tables have been updated.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11271
New Mexico 2024 Tax Table Updates
Effective 01/01/2024, the tax brackets were updated in the New Mexico Wage Withholding Tables for Percentage Method of Withholding.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11274
North Carolina 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The rate used for withholding decreases from 4.85%. to 4.6%.
The supplemental tax rate decreases from 4.85%. to 4.6%.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11280
North Carolina Q4 2023 SUTA Electronic Filing - New/Updated File Formats
Costpoint now supports the new and updated file formats to be used in the new North Carolina State Unemployment Insurance Tax System (NCSUITS) beginning Q4. NCSUITS is a new, modernized system to administer North Carolina’s unemployment insurance tax program.
Attention: For more information, see:
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The following are the changes to the file format for North Carolina:
N and RS records were removed.
The RE record was updated.
RA, RW, RT, and RF records were added.
The screen displays a warning if the file name is blank or its extension is not “.efw.”
Validations were added for Configure Company Information screen fields.
Manage SUTA Tax File Data (PRMSMM)
The following fields are now enabled for North Carolina:
Contact Name
Telephone Number
Unit/Division Location/Plant Code
Pay Types Excluded in Hours Worked
The following fields are now required for North Carolina:
Contact Name
The following fields are now disabled for North Carolina:
Remitter Number/Employees Outside County
Seasonal Wage Code
Manage SUTA Quarterly Reporting Data (PRMQRD)
This update adds adjustment reason codes for North Carolina in the S_SUTA_ADJ_RSN_CD table.
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
The Owner/Officer and Occupational/SOC Code fields are now applicable to North Carolina.
Note: This update also applies to the View Employee Taxes screen and the Taxes subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen.
Oklahoma 2024 Tax Table Updates
The top tax bracket was increased for married employees.
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11271
Rhode Island 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The brackets used in the percentage method were adjusted.
The annual wage threshold above which the value of a state allowance is zero increased from $260,550 to $274,650.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11280
South Carolina 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following state tax updates are effective 01/01/2024:
The value of a state allowance increased from $4,310 to $4,610.
The maximum standard deduction increased from $6,475 to $6,925.
The tax brackets used in the percentage method were also adjusted.
Attention: For more information, see:
To support the state requirements, this update adds records to the following screens:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11271
2024 SUTA Wage Base
This Costpoint release adds tax table records effective January 1, 2024 on the Manage State Taxes screen for states where the unemployment-taxable wage base has been updated for tax year 2024.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $15,000 to $25,000.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $36,100 to $38,200.
The unemployment-taxable wage base decreases from $10,500 to $10,000.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $40,100 to $40,600.
New Jersey
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $41,100 to $42,300.
New York
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $12,300 to $12,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $13,500 to $14,300.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $67,600 to $68,500.
The unemployment-taxable wage base increases from $29,100 to $30,900.
Arkansas 2024 Tax Table Update
Arkansas provided the following tax updates for 2024:
The highest rate decreases from 4.7%. to 4.4%.
The standard deduction used in the formula increases from $2,270 to $2,340.
The Formula Method for computing the amount of withholding was updated.
To support the state requirements, this release updates the tax calculation in Payroll and adds new records on the following screens for Arkansas:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Attention: For more information, refer to:
California 2024 Tax Table Updates
The following are the tax table updates for California effective 01/01/2024:
The annual low-income exemption threshold increases to $17,769 or $35,538, up from $17,252 or $34,503, depending on the employee’s filing status and, for married employees, the number of allowances claimed.
The annual standard deduction increases to $5,363 or $10,726, up from $5,202 or $10,404, depending on the employee’s filing status and, for married employees, the number of allowances claimed.
The value of a state allowance increases from $154 to $158.40 annually.
The tax rates used in Method B continue to range from 1.1% to 14.63%. The tax brackets used are to be adjusted compared to 2023.
To support the state updates, this release adds records effective 01/01/2024 on the following screens:
Manage State Taxes
Manage State Standard Deductions
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments
Manage State Tax Tables
Indiana 2023 Tax Table Updates
The Indiana Department of Revenue added a new exemption for qualifying dependents claimed for the first time. The new exemption is effective for withholding on or after September 15, 2023. Employees are entitled to deduct $1,500 per year per qualifying first-time dependent exemption claimed on line 7 of their Form WH-4.
Costpoint can now store the data on the employee’s first-time claimed additional dependent exemptions. You can now enter the employee’s first-time claimed additional dependent exemptions when calculating state and county tax for Indiana.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Departmental Notice #1:
Form WH-4:
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
The Manage Employee Taxes screen adds the following fields on the State tab, Multi-State Taxes subtask, and Local Taxes subtask:
First-time claimed dependents
Enter the number of additional dependent exemption being claimed for the first time. This exemption is good only for the calendar year in which the WH-4 claiming the exemption is submitted. The first-time claimed dependents year is required if the number of first-time claimed dependents is not zero.
This field will be enabled only for the State of Indiana.
First-time claimed dependents year
Enter the year of the additional dependent exemption being claimed for the first time. The first-time claimed dependent exemption will be applied only in the year specified on this field. This field is required if the number of first-time claimed dependents is not zero and is only applicable for State of Indiana.
Note: These updates are also reflected on the Taxes subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen.
View Employee Taxes (PRQETAX)
The View Employee Taxes screen adds the following fields on the State Withholding tab, Multi-State Taxes subtask, and Local Taxes subtask:
First-time claimed dependents
This field displays the number of additional dependent exemption being claimed for the first time.
First-time claimed dependents year
This field displays the year the additional dependent exemption is being claimed for the first time.
State Withholding (ESMSTATEWH)
The State Withholding screen adds the following fields on the main screen and on the Other Withholding State(s) subtask:
Number of first-time claimed dependents
If an additional dependent exemption on Line 6 is being claimed for one or more children for the first time, enter the number of children for whom you are claiming. This exemption is good only for the calendar year in which the WH-4 claiming the exemption is submitted. If you claim this in multiple tax years, you must submit a new WH-4 each year for which this exemption is claimed. Do not claim this exemption if the child was eligible for the additional dependent exemption in any previous year, regardless of whether the exemption was claimed. This includes instances where the child was eligible for the additional dependent exemption before 2023. This also includes instances where the child was eligible to be claimed for the additional dependent exemption by another individual.
This field will be enabled only for the State of Indiana.
First-time claimed dependents year
This field displays the year the additional dependent exemption is being claimed for the first time.
Note: These updates are also reflected on the State Withholding tab of the Life Events/New Hires screen.
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
You can now select First-Time Claimed Dependent Exemption from the Type drop-down list. When you select this this option, the screen sets the Wage Type to Gross Wages, and you can enter the Amount per Credit/Exemption value.
Manage Local Taxes (PRMLTI)
The State Withholding screen adds the following fields on the Local Tax Details subtask:
Exempt Amount First-Time Claimed Dependent
Enter the first-time claimed dependent exemption amount (used as a deduction from income) for the employee's first-time claimed dependents. The locality exemption allowance is used in the computation of the amount of locality income tax withheld from each employee paycheck.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The Compute Payroll process applies the following:
Deduct first-time claimed dependent exemption amount for the applicable year when determining the annual state taxable wages.
Deduct first-time claimed dependent exemption amount for the applicable year when determining the annual local taxable wages.
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The Manage Payroll Records screen applies the following:
Deduct first-time claimed dependent exemption amount for the applicable year when determining the annual state taxable wages.
Deduct first-time claimed dependent exemption amount for the applicable year when determining the annual local taxable wages.
The screen adds the following fields on the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
First-time claimed dependents
This field displays the number of additional dependent exemption being claimed for the first time.
First-time claimed dependents year
This field displays the year the additional dependent exemption is being claimed for the first time.
View Payroll Edit Table (PRQPTF)
The View Payroll Edit Table screen adds the following fields on the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
First-time claimed dependents
This field displays the number of additional dependent exemption being claimed for the first time.
First-time claimed dependents year
This field displays the year the additional dependent exemption is being claimed for the first time.
Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
The Manage Employee Earnings History screen adds the following fields on the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
First-time claimed dependents
This field displays the number of additional dependent exemption being claimed for the first time.
First-time claimed dependents year
This field displays the year the additional dependent exemption is being claimed for the first time.
View Employee Earnings (PRQERF)
The View Employee Earnings screen adds the following fields on the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
First-time claimed dependents
This field displays the number of additional dependent exemption being claimed for the first time.
First-time claimed dependents year
This field displays the year the additional dependent exemption is being claimed for the first time.
Post Payroll Journal (PRPPPCLS)
The Post Payroll process now includes the number and the year of first-time claimed dependents.
Print Soc Sec and Medicare Reconciliation Report (PRRFICA)
The dynamic tables used by the Print Soc Sec and Medicare Reconciliation Report screen were updated to support this enhancement.
Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report (PRRFDTAX)
The dynamic tables used by the Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report screen were updated to support this enhancement.
Recompute Taxable Wages (PRPRCOMP)
The Recompute Taxable Wages process now includes the first-time claimed dependent exemption if you select the State checkbox in the Apply Employee’s Current Taxability group box.
Void/Replace Posted Paychecks (PRPAVCK)
The Void/Replace Posted Paychecks process now populates the number of first-time claimed dependents and its year on the Manage Payroll Records screen for void and replacement checks (V and W records).
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information for the new columns that were added in the following tables:
This enhancement requires the following:
Patch dbc_820_11254
Patch dbc_820_11256
Patch dbc_820_11260
Patch dbc_820_11264
Kentucky 2024 Tax Table Updates
Kentucky provided the following tax updates for the 2024:
Income tax rate decreases from 4.5% to 4%.
Standard deduction increases from $2,980 to $3,160.
To support the state requirements, this release adds new records on the following screens for Kentucky:
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Attention: For more information, refer to
North Dakota Correction on Supplemental Tax Rate for 2023
North Dakota updated its 2023 Income Tax Withholding and Instructions to correct errors in an earlier revision. The correct supplemental withholding rate in North Dakota is 1.5%, as noted in the revision released in July. The previous instructions released in May listed the rate as 1.84%. In an example, the July revision uses the incorrect 1.84% rate.
This release updates the Supplemental Tax Rate to 1.5000% on North Dakota’s record effective 01/01/2023 on the Manage State Taxes screen.
California Creditor Debt Garnishments Formula
Costpoint now supports the California garnishment calculation to allow Payroll users to comply with the state’s garnishment regulations. This release adds a new calculation method on the Manage Employee Garnishments application to allow Payroll users to set up the new CA garnishment calculation.
Manage Employee Garnishments (PRMEGARN)
The Manage Employee Garnishments screen features the following updates:
A new calculation method, (DI-(MxSMW))xP: Disposable Income - (Limit 1 Weekly Multiplier x State Minimum Wage) x Limit 1 Percentage, was added to the Limit 1 Calculation Method field.
The Limit 1 Calculation Method field was changed from a drop-down list to a data field with Lookup.
The following field was added to the Garnishment Calculation subtask:
Limit 1 Percentage
Enter the percent for Limit 1. This will be used when the Limit 1 Calculation Method is set to (DI-(MxSMW))xP: Disposable Income - (Limit 1 Weekly Multiplier x State Minimum Wage) x Limit 1 Percentage.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The Compute Payroll application’s garnishment calculation was updated to calculate the correct amount when the new Limit 1 Calculation Method, (DI-(MxSMW))xP, is selected for the employee on the Manage Employee Garnishments screen.
View Garnishments (PRQEGARN)
The View Garnishments screen features the following updates:
A new calculation method, (DI-(MxSMW))xP: Disposable Income - (Limit 1 Weekly Multiplier x State Minimum Wage) x Limit 1 Percentage, was added to the Limit 1 Calculation Method field.
The following field was added to the Garnishment Calculation subtask:
Limit 1 Percentage
This field displays a value when the Limit 1 Calculation Method is set to (DI-(MxSMW))xP: Disposable Income - (Limit 1 Weekly Multiplier x State Minimum Wage) x Limit 1 Percentage.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information for the new Limit 1 Percentage (GRN_L1_PCT) column on the following tables:
Employee Garnishments Calculation Rules (EMPL_GRN_CALC)
Employee Garnishments-Garnishment Calculation (EMPL_GRN_CALC_ADT)
Note: These enhancements require patch dbc_820_11223.
Colorado Q3 2023 SUTA Electronic Filing: Updated File Formats in the New System
The ICESA file format in the old MyUI Employer system has been updated in the new MyUI Employer+ system for Q3 2023 reporting.
The following are updates to the ICESA file format allowed by Colorado:
Old: The file will include two distinct types of records: the Record A and Record S.
New: The file will include Record S only.
S 46
Adjustment Reason Code (0 or blank for original, 1-9 for adjustment)
Numeric - Reason code for adjustment (if any) to employee wages. 0 or a blank space means original filing. Valid adjustment reason codes are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9. The code descriptions are the following:
0 or blank: Original submission
1: Employment and Wages adjusted because of incorrectly reported wages
2: Wages adjusted because worker(s) were mistakenly included/excluded
3: Employment and Wages adjusted to correct computer system, data entry or accounting errors
4: Employment and Wages adjusted because they were reported to the wrong state
5: Employment and Wages adjusted because the workers performed services for a different business
6: Employment details adjusted to reflect correct 12th of the month employment information
7: Employment and Wages Adjusted as a result of an Audit
8: SSN or name changed
9: Other
S 210
Officer Code
Y or N or Blank. If blank, system will default to N.
S 212
Employment Data (Month 1)
1 if yes, 0 if no. If blank, system will default to 1 for yes.
S 213
Employment Data (Month 2)
1 if yes, 0 if no. If blank, system will default to 1 for yes.
S 214
Employment Data (Month 3)
1 if yes, 0 if no. If blank, system will default to 1 for yes.
Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File (PRPSMM)
The ICESA file format generated by the application reflects the following changes:
Record A was removed.
The new fields were added to Record S.
Manage SUTA Tax File Data (PRMSMM)
The following validations were removed from the application:
Validation of Colorado's Reporting ID/UI Account Number as we no longer validate the format of the value of this field for each state moving forward.
All validations related to Contact Information fields as Record A is no longer reported.
Manage SUTA Quarterly Reporting Data (PRMQRD)
The application now allows one-character adjustment reason codes.
The following Colorado adjustment reason codes were added to the S_SUTA_ADJ_RSN_CD table. You can now select these codes from the Adjustment Reason Code field lookup.
0 (Original submission)
1 (Employment and Wages adjusted because of incorrectly reported wages)
2 (Wages adjusted because worker(s) were mistakenly included/excluded)
3 (Employment and Wages adjusted to correct computer system, data entry or accounting errors)
4 (Employment and Wages adjusted because they were reported to the wrong state)
5 (Employment and Wages adjusted because the workers performed services for a different business)
6 (Employment details adjusted to reflect correct 12th of the month employment information)
7 (Employment and Wages Adjusted as a result of an Audit)
8 (SSN or name changed)
9 (Other)
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
The Owner field is now the Owner/Officer field. The field now is now applicable to Colorado (CO).
Note: This change is also reflected on:
The Taxes subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen
View Employee Taxes screen
Ohio 2023 Tax Table Updates
Ohio updated its withholding methods effective November 1, 2023. This release applies the following:
Update values on the Manage State Tax Tables for Ohio effective 11/01/2023.
Update the effective date to 11/01/2023 in all Ohio tax tables.
Set the Round W/H Amount to N on the Manage State Taxes screen for Ohio effective 11/01/2023 as the optional computer formula did not indicate rounding for the withholding deduction.
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Note: These updates require patch dbc_820_11247.
Florida Reemployment Tax Electronic Filing - XML Based on 2023 Version 1.2 Schema
Costpoint now supports Florida’s updated Reemployment Tax XML package, which includes the following changes:
A new amended reason “56 - Employee Eligibility Certification” for Filing Action Reason has been added.
E-Verify Name and E-Verify Date are now required if E-Verify is included.
The Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen was updated to comply with Florida’s XML requirements.
Note: For more information, refer to:
Reemployment Tax XML Package (ZIP archive) - Includes XML schema, XPath, guide, and test files for Forms RT-6 and RT-8A:
Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave & WA Cares Fund Reporting
The WA Cares Fund is a new program that gives working Washingtonians access to long-term care coverage when they need it. Workers contribute 0.58% of each paycheck during their working years to be able to access a $36,500 lifetime benefit (adjusted annually for inflation) that can help pay for long-term care services when needed. Workers begin contributing to WA Cares on July 1, 2023, and benefits become available July 1, 2026. To use your benefit, you must meet a contribution requirement as well as a care need requirement.
The Employment Security Department also released the new (v8) CSV (comma-separated value) file specifications and templates. The new file format now includes a field for date of birth. It also added the requirement to not include employees who have zero hours and zero wages.
In relation to state updates, employers are now required to:
Submit electronic files containing the combined quarterly wage data of Washington PFML and WA Cares beginning October 2023.
Submit quarterly reporting information for the waived employee for PFML.
Warning: Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave must be set up on either the Manage Deductions screen or the Manage Local Taxes screen, but not on both.
Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File (LDPPFML)
The application now has the option to generate a quarterly file for Washington PFML and WA Cares.
Washington was added to the State drop-down list.
A wage report titled “Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave and WA Cares Report” was added.
The generated wage file for Washington is in CSV format.
Print Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave Report (LDRPFML)
The application can now report PFML wages from local taxes and include PFML waived employees.
The source of wages in the report was updated to use either the employee earnings gross amount or the local tax subject wages amount.
The total hours worked is now based on the hours worked in Washington (SUTA State is WA).
The report header was renamed from “Gross Wages” to “Total Wages”.
The source of employee premium is now either the WA PFML local withholding amount or WAPFML deduction amount.
The report excludes employees with zero total hours worked, zero wages, and zero employee premium.
Arkansas Tax Table Update - Reduce Supplemental Tax Rate to 4.7%
Arkansas decreased the tax rate for supplemental payments from 4.9%. to 4.7% effective 06/01/2023.
To support the state requirements, this release sets the Arkansas Supplemental Tax Rate to 4.7% effective 06/01/2023 on the Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI) screen.
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11193.
California Updated Pay Data Report as of 2022 Reporting Year
Costpoint adds the ability to generate a Payroll Employee Report and Labor Contractor Employee Report according to the latest requirements of the California Pay Data Report.
The California Pay Data Report generated by Costpoint’s Print EEO-1 Report application was updated with the following:
The two sections, Payroll Employee Report and Labor Contractor Employee Report, have the following changes:
Mean Hourly Rate and Median Hourly Rate are now included.
The pay band thresholds were updated.
The Row-Level Clarifying Remark that displays if W-2 Box 1 total earnings will be used for at least one employee in the report was updated to “W-2 Box 1 earnings data have been used for at least one employee.” (from “At least one employee uses W-2 Box 1 earnings.”)
The following Race/Ethnicity/Sex combinations were applied to the Labor Contractor Employee Report only:
U10 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Male
U20 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Female
U30 - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Known Non-binary
UU - Unknown Race/Ethnicity, Unknown Sex
To identify the particular pay band to count the payroll employee, the earnings shown in W-2c will be used if there is a record; otherwise, the earnings shown in W-2 will be used.
An information message regarding the snapshot period was added.
A California Pay Data Warning Report was added. This report lists all employees with no W-2 or W-2c record for the payroll year and taxable entity who are selected in the snapshot period.
Washington WA Cares Exemption Tracking
Effective October 2023, WA Cares reporting will be fully integrated with Paid Leave reporting. The Paid Leave report using the old format will still be accepted until reporting for WA Cares begins in October 2023.
To support the state requirements, Costpoint adds the ability to track employee exemptions and the corresponding effective dates of the exemption. The Manage Employee Taxes screen provides a new WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox, which allows you to track employees with an approved WA Cares exemption. If an employee is flagged for exemption, the effective dates must be provided.
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
The screen adds a new Other Payroll Taxes group box, which contain the new fields needed for WA Cares exemption tracking.
WA Cares Fund Exemption
Select this checkbox if the employee has an approved WA Cares exemption.
If this is selected, the date listed in the approval letter for an exemption from WA Cares coverage must be entered in the Effective Date field.
The value in this field will be reported in the integrated Paid Leave and WA Cares quarterly reporting.
This field will always be enabled regardless of the SUTA state.
Effective Date
Enter, or click Calendar Lookup to select, the date the employee’s Washington Cares Fund exemption takes effect.
This is the date listed in the employee’s approval letter for an exemption from WA Cares coverage.
This field will be enabled if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is selected, and cleared if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is deselected.
End Date
Enter, or click Calendar Lookup to select, the date the employee’s Washington Cares Fund conditional exemption ended.
This field will be enabled if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is selected, and disabled if the WA Cares Fund Exemption checkbox is deselected.
View Employee Taxes (PRQETAX)
The screen adds new fields needed for WA Cares exemption tracking.
WA Cares Fund Exemption
If this checkbox is selected, the employee has an approved WA Cares exemption as of the transaction date/time.
WA Cares Fund Exemption Effective Date
This field displays the date the employee’s WA Cares Fund exemption takes effect.
WA Cares Fund Exemption End Date
This field displays the end date of the employee’s Washington Cares Fund conditional exemption.
Manage Employee Deductions (PRMEDED)
The screen adds validations and defaulting for WA Cares deduction to align with the WA Cares Fund Exemption effective dates on the Manage Employee Taxes screen.
Manage Employee Contributions (PRMECNT)
The screen displays the following warning message if a Contribution code with a WACARE deduction type was saved: "There is no employer share of WA Cares Fund premiums."
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report displays information for the new fields in the EMPL_TAX and EMPL_TAX_ADT tables:
WACARES_EXEMPT_FL (Washington Cares Fund Exemption Flag)
WACARES_EXEMPT_EFFECT_DT (Washington Cares Fund Exemption Effective Date)
WACARES_EXEMPT_END_DT (Washington Cares Fund Exemption End Date)
Arkansas 2023 Tax Table Updates
Arkansas updated its withholding formula effective June 1, 2023. The highest rate decreases from 4.9%. to 4.7%.
To support the state requirements, this release adds/updates records for Arkansas effective June 1, 2023 on the following screens:
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Attention: The Arkansas Supplemental Tax Rate on the Manage State Taxes screen has not been updated to 4.7% because it is still 4.9% according to the Withholding Tax Instructions for Employers.
For more information, see:
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11161.
Florida Reemployment Tax Electronic Filing - XML Specifications for 2023
The Reemployment Tax XML Package has been updated and New XML elements for certifying E-Verify compliance have been added to the XML file.
Florida’s E-Verify System Requirements
Effective July 1, 2023, public agencies and private employers with 25 or more employees are required to use the E-Verify system. This free system is an internet-based application operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security that allows employers to electronically verify employment eligibility of newly hired employees.
An employer must verify each new employee’s employment eligibility within three business days of the new employee working for pay.
Each private employer required to use the system must certify on its first Reemployment Tax return filed each calendar year that it used the E-Verify system to confirm employment eligibility of each new employee.
If the E-Verify system is unavailable for three business days after the first day the new employee begins working for pay, an employer must use the Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) to verify employment eligibility.
Private employers required to use E-Verify or Form I-9, must attest to the use of this system or form on one of the following reports.
Employer's Quarterly Report, Form RT-6
Employer's Quarterly Report for Employees Contracted to Governmental or Nonprofit Educational Institutions, Form RT-6EW
Employer's Quarterly Report Continuation Sheet, Form RT-6A
Quarterly Report for Out-of-State Wages, Form RT 6NF
Correction to Employer's Quarterly or Annual Domestic Report, Form RT-8A
Private employers that file reemployment tax electronically will certify their compliance in the electronic file and pay application or extensible markup language (XML) file.
To support the state requirements, the Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File screen adds an E-Verify group box that contains the following fields.
Enter the name of the person who is certifying the use of E-Verify system. This person must be the (1) the individual owner; (2) the corporate president, treasurer, or other principal officer; or (3) a partner or member/managing member.
Enter the title of the person who is certifying the use of E-Verify system. This person must be the (1) the individual owner; (2) the corporate president, treasurer, or other principal officer; or (3) a partner or member/managing member.
Enter the date of E-Verify system certification.
Attention: For more information, see:
Software Developer Information and Specifications webpage:
Reemployment Tax XML Package:
Idaho 2023 Supplemental Tax
The tax rate for supplemental payments decreased from 6% to 5.8%.
To support the state requirements, this release updates the record for Idaho effective 01/01/2023 on the Manage State Taxes screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11159.
Illinois 2023 Tax Table Update
Illinois updated its withholding formula July 5 after a tax bill reduced the value of a state allowance to its 2022 level. The value of a state allowance was set at $2,425, instead of the 2023 value of $2,625.
An additional formula was added to Illinois’s withholding methods to correct withholdings for existing employees for the remainder of 2023. The formula is the same as the standard formula but uses an allowance value of $2,225. A formula with an allowance value of $2,425 is also included, but should only be used for new employees.
This release adds a Personal Exemption Allowances record effective 06/07/2023 on the Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments screen, which sets the Amount per Credit/Exemption to 2,425 for Illinois.
The Compute Payroll application adds special programming that sets the Illinois personal exemption allowance amount to $2,225 for existing employees for check dates within 06/07/2023 and 12/31/2023 only.
Attention: For more information, see Revised 2023 Booklet IL-700-T:
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11183.
Indiana 2022 Withholding Tax Updates (Phase 2) - Update Payroll Processing to Use Number of Adopted Children
Indiana's Departmental Notice No. 1 was updated to add a third deduction constant table for a new exemption for adopted children. The $3,000 annual exemption for adopted children was added in the legislation.
The Actual Number of Adopted Children field was recently added on the Manage Employee Taxes screen and in ESS, where you were instructed to specify the actual number of adopted children claimed by the employee on the Form WH-4. This value was not used with the first phase of the Indiana 2022 tax withholding updates. You were also instructed to temporarily include the number of adopted children for both state and local dependents in order for payroll to calculate the withholding tax, even when there was not yet an adopted children exemption type on the Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments screen.
You must now use the Reduce Employee Number of Dependents for Indiana toolkit to reduce the state's number of dependents, based on the number of adopted children.
Warning: This maintenance release updates the Toolkit Status table for each company that has no employees in Indiana. You cannot run Compute Payroll until you have run the toolkit for any company that has employees in Indiana.
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11154.
Reduce Employee Number of Dependents for Indiana (EMPTOOLKITINDIANA)
When you run this toolkit, the number of Indiana's dependents for both state and local taxes is reduced based on the number of adopted children. This also populates the newly added Number of Adopted Children field in Local Taxes with the same value as the State's Number of Adopted Children if the State of the Local Tax is IN and its Tax Type is County Income Tax.
For example, if an employee has 3 additional dependent exemptions (Form WH-4 line 6) and 2 adopted child dependent exemptions (Form WH-4 line 7), with Phase 1 we instructed you to enter 7 as the total number of exemptions for State and Local Taxes Dependents (3 dependent exemptions plus 4 exemptions for the 2 adopted children). Because, in Phase 2, Compute Payroll will be updated to use the Number of Adopted Children value when computing for Indiana, the toolkit reduces the number of dependents based on the number of adopted children. So, using the same example, the Number of Dependents will be updated from 7 to 3 (to remove the 4 exemption credits for the 2 adopted children). The Number of Adopted Children field in Local Taxes will then be populated with 2.
This toolkit will not reduce the number of dependents for Indiana in the Multi-State Taxes subtask of Manage Employee Taxes screen. This means that you must manually remove the number of adopted child dependent exemptions from the number of dependents field and transfer it to the Actual number of adopted children field in the Multi-State Taxes subtask.
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
The Actual Number of Adopted Children field is now the Number of Adopted Children field on the State tab.
The Number of Adopted Children field was added to Multi-State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
Note: This update also applies to the Taxes subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen.
Manage Employee Taxes Data Setup for Indiana
To comply with the state requirements, you must use the following data setup on the Manage Employee Taxes screen for Indiana employees.
Withholding State Filing Status
ALL FILERS (All Filers, Married and Single): Select as the filing status for all employees.
Withholding State Exemptions
Enter the number of personal exemptions that the employee is claiming on line 5 of his/her WH-4 form.
Withholding State Dependents
Enter the number of additional dependent exemptions that the employee is claiming on line 6 of Form WH-4.
Note: The number of dependent exemptions for Indiana county tax (local) withholding must be the same as the number of dependent exemptions for Indiana state withholding.
Local Taxes Dependents
Enter the number of additional dependent exemptions that the employee is claiming on line 6 of Form WH-4.
Note: The number of dependent exemptions for Indiana county tax (local) withholding must be the same as the number of dependent exemptions for Indiana state withholding.
Number of adopted children (State Tax)
If the employee is claiming adopted child dependent exemptions on line 7 of Form WH-4, use this field to specify the number of adopted children.
Note: The number of adopted children for Indiana county tax (local) withholding must be the same as the number of adopted children for Indiana state withholding.
Number of adopted children (County Tax)
If the employee is claiming adopted child dependent exemptions on line 7 of Form WH-4, use this field to specify the number of adopted children.
Note: The number of adopted children for Indiana county tax (local) withholding must be the same as the number of adopted children for Indiana state withholding.
View Employee Taxes (PRQETAX)
The Actual Number of Adopted Children field is now the Number of Adopted Children field on the State tab.
The Number of Adopted Children field was added to Multi-State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
State Withholding (ESMSTATEWH)
The Actual Number of Adopted Children field is now the Number of Adopted Children field on the home withholding state.
The Number of Adopted Children field was added to the Other Withholding State(s) subtask.
Note: This update also applies to the State Withholding tab of the Life Events/New Hires screen.
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
The Adopted Child Dependent Exemption option was added to the Type drop-down list.
This release adds the Indiana’s Adopted Child Dependent Exemption record for ALL FILERS (All Filers, Married and Single) effective 01/01/2023 on the Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments screen.
Wage Type
For Annualized Wage Over/ Wage Basis
Base Amount
Amount per Credit/ Exemption
Percent of Excess
Gross Wages
Manage Local Taxes (PRMLTI)
The screen provides the following new field.
Exempt Amount Adopted Children
Enter the adopted child dependent exemption allowance (used as a deduction from income) for the employee's adopted children. The locality exemption allowance is used in the computation of the amount of locality income tax withheld from each employee paycheck.
The Local Tax History section now has a two-column format and the tab sequence is updated, based on the new layout.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The adopted child dependent exemption amount per adopted child is deducted when the application determines the annual state taxable wages and the annual local taxable wages.
If you have not yet run the Reduce Employee Number of Dependents for Indiana (EMPTOOLKITINDIANA) toolkit, you receive an error message.
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The adopted child dependent exemption amount per adopted child is deducted when the application determines the annual state taxable wages and the annual local taxable wages.
The Number of Adopted Children field was added to the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
View Payroll Edit Table (PRQPTF)
The Number of Adopted Children field was added to the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
The Number of Adopted Children field was added to the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
View Employee Earnings (PRQERF)
The Number of Adopted Children field was added to the State Taxes and Local Taxes subtasks.
Post Payroll Journal (PRPPPCLS)
The application includes the number of adopted children when you post payroll.
Print Soc Sec and Medicare Reconciliation Report (PRRFICA)
The number of adopted children is included in the dynamic/work table(s) of the application.
Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report (PRRFDTAX)
The number of adopted children is included in the dynamic/work table(s) of the application.
Recompute Taxable Wages (PRPRCOMP)
If you select Apply Employee’s Current Taxability checkboxes for the state, the adopted child dependent exemption is considered in recomputing taxable wages.
Void/Replace Posted Checks (PRPAPVCK)
The application populates the Number of Adopted Children field on Manage Payroll Records for void and replacement checks (V and W records).
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now includes information for the following fields in applicable tables:
Number of Adopted Children
Number of Adopted Children
Exempt Amount Adopted Children
North Dakota
North Dakota 2023 Tax Table Updates
North Dakota released an updated version of income tax withholding rates and instructions for wages paid in 2023.
The bottom tax bracket tax rate is now 0%.
The top four brackets are now combined into two brackets, with reduced tax rates for taxable years beginning after 2022.
The annual allowance value used in the percentage method for Forms W-4 before 2020 was unchanged from 2022.
To support the state requirements, this release adds updates records of North Dakota effective 01/01/2023 on the Manage State Tax Tables screen.
Attention: For more information, see:
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11159.
Colorado FAMLI Program Wage Reporting: Support Through Version 1.16
Colorado updated their electronic file specifications to Version 1.16, where they have removed the seasonal field for employees. This Costpoint release updates the Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File application to support the state’s specifications up to Version 1.16.
Idaho 2023 Tax Table Updates
Idaho’s 2023 table for percentage computation method of withholding provides the following updates:
The percentage method implements a flat rate of 5.8%.
The zero-percent tax bracket’s upper threshold increases:
From $12,950 to $13,850 for single employees and heads of households.
From $25,900 to $27,700 for married employees.
The value of Idaho Child Tax Credit Allowance increases from $3,417 to $3,534 annually.
To support the state’s requirements, this Costpoint release adds/updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11147.
Michigan 2023 Tax Table Updates: Reduced Tax Rate for 2023
Michigan’s 2023 withholding guide was updated to show a lower flat tax rate. The tax rate for 2023 is now 4.05%, instead of 4.25%
To support the state requirements, this release updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Attention: For more information, refer to 446 Michigan Income Tax Withholding Guide (Rev. 04-23).
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11114.
Utah 2023 Tax Table Updates
Utah’s withholding guide was updated April 11 by the state tax commission, with the changes taking effect June 1, following a decrease to the state’s income tax rate. The updates are:
The tax rate decreases from 4.85% to 4.65%.
The base allowance used in the formulas increases from $390 to $415 for single employees and from $780 to $830 for married employees.
The amounts subtracted from wages in the formulas increases from $7,774 to $8,371 for single employees and from $15,548 to $16,742 for married employees.
To support the state’s requirements, this Costpoint release adds/updates records on the following screens:
Manage State Standard Deductions (PRMSSD)
Manage State Tax Tables (PRMSTT)
Manage State Tax Withholding Adjustments (PRMSTAC)
Manage State Taxes (PRMSTI)
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11116.
Washington State WACARES Deduction Type
Costpoint adds a new WACARE (Washington Cares Fund) deduction type on the Manage Deductions screen. This will allow you to indicate which deduction codes will be used to track employee contributions to the Washington Cares Fund.
Note: This update requires patch dbc_820_11148.
Data Sharing and In-App Guidance Updates in System Settings
The Do not capture application usage statistics checkbox in System Settings has been renamed to Allow Collection of Usage Statistics. As a result, you must select the checkbox to turn on data sharing and enable Costpoint's In-App Guidance that highlights new features and provides personalized tips and suggestions to improve your use of Costpoint.
If you clear the Allow Collection of Usage Statistics checkbox to stop sharing data, a message is displayed to inform you that In-App Guidance will also be disabled.
Expand Prospective Vendor Functionality (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
You can use Costpoint to implement a supplier onboarding process for new suppliers by entering them as prospective vendors, and either not approving or approving them. Once approved, they will be set up as a vendor in Costpoint. This functionality existed in the Contracts domain but is now available in Accounting and Materials as well.
Manage Prospective Vendors (APMPRVEND)
The Manage Prospective Vendors screen can be accessed via the following:
Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendors
Materials » Procurement Planning » Vendors
Materials » Purchasing » Vendors
This new screen allows you to efficiently set up, access, and manage prospective vendor information in the Accounting domain without the need for a separate license for the Capture and Contracts domain.
This feature streamlines the evaluation and management of prospective vendors, expanding functionality across multiple Costpoint domains and simplifying your vendor management process.
Similar to the existing Manage Contract Management Vendor Info screen in Capture and Contracts, you can:
Enter address and contact information.
Record details of vendor employees.
Document non-disclosure and teaming agreements.
Add notes related to prospective vendors.
Track activities and tasks associated with each prospective vendor.
Specify values for user-defined fields.
This enhancement ensures a comprehensive and organized approach to managing potential suppliers, improving your procurement workflow and decision-making process.
If you are configured for GovWin IQ to Costpoint Vendor integration, you can use the Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data application to import vendors from GovWin IQ and add them as prospective vendors in the Accounting domain. A new prospective vendor record is created when the GovWin IQ company ID does not exist for a regular or prospective vendor.
All records in the Capture and Contracts domain also display on the Manage Prospective Vendor screen and vice versa.
Approve Prospective Vendors (APMPRVENDA)
The Approve Prospective Vendors screen can be accessed via the following:
Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendors
Materials » Procurement Planning » Vendors
Materials » Purchasing » Vendors
This screen has the same functionality as the existing Approve Prospective Vendors screen in Capture and Contracts. It enables you to approve prospective vendors listed in both the Accounting and Capture and Contracts domains, converting them into regular vendors.
All prospective vendors with a status of Pending on the Manage Prospective Vendors and Manage Contract Management Vendor Info screens are automatically displayed when you load this screen. After you approve these vendors, their vendor record status is changed to Vendor on the aforementioned screens.
The prospective vendors you approve on this screen will still need to be approved on the Approve Vendors (APMVENDA) screen if the Requires Approval checkbox is selected on the Configure Accounts Payable Settings screen.
Once approved, these vendors can then be included in vouchers and cash disbursements.
Configure Vendor Settings (APMSETVN)
A new Corporate Settings subtask has been added to the Configure Vendor Settings screen. It has the Prospects group box, which provides the following fields that allow you to configure identification settings for prospective vendors:
Auto-Assign Vendor Prospect IDs: Select this checkbox to have Costpoint automatically assign an ID to any new prospective vendor record.
Last Vendor Prospect ID: Use this field to enter the value you want to set as the last used prospective vendor ID. When a new prospective vendor record is created, Costpoint increments the value you entered here and assigns it to the new record. You must enter a value in this field if you selected the Auto-Assign Vendor Prospect IDs checkbox.You can enter a combination of alphanumeric characters, but Costpoint increments only the rightmost numeric value. Make sure you enter enough numeric digits at the end of the ID as this determines the number of vendor prospect IDs that Costpoint can generate/increment. You can enter up to 32 characters in this field.
Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data (APPIQVEN)
The Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data screen now allows you to import prospective vendor information directly into the Accounting domain.
Previously, only GovWin IQ companies linked to existing Costpoint vendors were imported to the Accounting domain, while unmatched vendors were saved as prospective vendors in the Capture and Contracts domain, which required a separate license for access.
Now, whenever you import GovWin IQ vendor data into Costpoint, you will be able to view prospective vendor information on the new Manage Prospective Vendors screen in the Accounting domain.
To successfully import prospective vendors from GovWin IQ, you must select the Auto-Assign Vendor Prospect IDs checkbox and enter a Last Vendor Prospect ID on the Configure Vendor Settings screen.
Manage Contract Management Vendor Info (CTMVEND)
The following fields have been added to this screen.
Use this field in the Identification group box to enter the location for prospective vendors.
Enable Digital Signature
Select this checkbox on the General tab to indicate if, once approved, the vendor can use a digital signature to approve invoices associated with them. This checkbox displays on this screen only if you are licensed for Supplier Portal.
Supplier Portal Enabled
Select this checkbox on the General tab to indicate if, once approved, the vendor is a Supplier Portal vendor. When this checkbox is selected on the vendor, the vendor’s information displays on the dashboard when you access Supplier Portal. This checkbox displays on this screen only if you are licensed for Supplier Portal.
All three fields are editable only when Vendor Record Status is Prospective Vendor. If both checkboxes are selected, the Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox will be disabled but remain selected. Clearing the Enable Digital Signature checkbox will re-enable and make the Supplier Portal Enabled field editable.
In addition, new validations have been implemented on this screen to detect similar or duplicate vendors that may already exist in the Manage Prospective Vendors (APMPRVEND) and Manage Vendors (APMVEND) applications within the Accounting domain. These validations apply only to new records.
Approve Prospective Vendors (CTMVENDA)
The new fields added to the Manage Contract Management Vendor Info screen are also available in Approve Prospective Vendors. Values default from Manage Contract Management Vendor Info, but you can edit the checkboxes; however, the Location field is disabled. If both the Enable Digital Signature and Supplier Portal Enabled checkboxes are selected, the Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox will be disabled but remain selected. Clearing the Enable Digital Signature checkbox will re-enable and make the Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox editable.
When you assign future vendor IDs and then save or approve prospective vendors, Costpoint applies the same validations for checking similar or duplicate records in Approve Prospective Vendors (APMPRVENDA) and Manage Vendors (APMVEND) within the Accounting domain. Upon approval, Costpoint updates the vendor tables and defaults the vendor Location, Enable Digital Signature, and Supplier Portal Enabled values from the prospective vendor.
Help About Screen Update
On the View Help About screen, the Core License checkbox is now labeled as CP Essentials License. This update provides a clearer identification of your license type when using the Deltek Learning Hub.
LGBTQ+ Business Classification and Vendor-Subcontractor Integration (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint now has the feature to recognize LGBTQ+ owned businesses. The LGBTQ+ Owned business classification is now available for vendors in Accounting and Materials, as well as for subcontractors in CRM & Contracts.
This feature allows you to identify and select vendors or subcontractors that meet the following criteria:
Majority (at least 51%) owned, operated, managed, and controlled by an LGBT person or persons who are either U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents
Exercises independence from any non-LGBT business enterprise
Has its principal place of business (headquarters) in the United States
Has been formed as a legal entity in the United States
In addition to the new business classification, the Manage Vendors and Manage Subcontracts screens are now integrated to allow you to update subcontractor information using information from the Manage Vendors screen.
View the enhancements applied to the affected domains in the following sections.
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
The LGBTQ+ Owned checkbox has been added to the Vendor Classification subtask. Select this checkbox to indicate if the vendor is an LGBTQ+ owned business.
Import Vendors (AOPUTLVU)
When you import a vendor, Costpoint can now process vendors that are LGBTQ+ owned businesses through the addition of the LGBTQ+ Owned column to the input file and database table.
Seq. No.
Column Name
Costpoint Table
Required or Optional
LGBTQ+ Owned
Y or N
Print Vendor Information Report (APRVINFO)
When you print a Vendor Information Summary report, the LGBTQ+ Owned classification displays in the Classification field for vendors that have the LGBTQ+ Owned checkbox selected in Manage Vendors.
CRM & Contracts
Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
The following have been added to the Business Classification Requirements group box of the Subcontract Info tab:
LGBTQ+ Owned: Select this checkbox if the subcontract requires vendors that are LGBTQ+ owned.
CMMC Level: Select the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) level assigned to the vendor. Valid options are:
1: Performed processes, basic cyber hygiene practices
2: Documented processes, intermediate cyber hygiene practices
3: Managed processes, good cyber hygiene practices
4: Reviewed processes, proactive cyber hygiene practices
5: Optimizing processes, advanced/progressive cyber hygiene practices
Refresh from AP: Click this button to update the data in the Business Classification Requirements group box and NAICS (primary) field with information from the Manage Vendors screen. This button is disabled for new and cloned/copied subcontract records or when the subcontractor associated with the subcontract record is a prospective vendor.
The update is one way only. Changing the data in the Business Classification Requirements group box and NAICS (primary) field in Manage Subcontracts will not affect information saved in Manage Vendors.
Last Vendor Sync: This field displays the date when information was last retrieved from Manage Vendors and reflected in Manage Subcontracts.
On the header section of the Manage Subcontracts screen, the Subcontractor/Vendor ID field has also been updated. When you enter a value in this field for a new record or if the subcontract record is already saved and you changed the subcontractor/vendor ID, Costpoint displays a message asking if you want to update the data in the Business Classification Requirements group box and NAICS (primary) field with information from the Manage Vendors screen. You can click Yes to proceed or Cancel to go back to the screen. If the Allow Prospective Vendors to be assigned as Subcontractor/Vendor ID checkbox is selected on the Configure Contract Management Settings screen, Costpoint also informs you that selecting a prospective vendor and proceeding with the process will clear the Business Classification Requirements group box and NAICS (primary) field.
Attention: The ability to assign prospective vendors to subcontractors has also been added in Costpoint 8.2.12. See the Allowing Prospective Vendors in Subcontracts section of these Release Notes for more information.
For more details on these new and updated fields, refer to the Costpoint Online Help for this screen:
Manage Contract Management Vendor Info (CTMVEND)
The LGBTQ+ Owned checkbox added to the General tab of this screen lets you indicate if the prospective vendor is classified as LGBTQ+ owned.
Approve Prospective Vendors (CTMVENDA)
Once the prospective vendor becomes an active vendor, this application captures the value of the new LGBTQ+ Owned checkbox in Manage Contract Management Vendor Info and stores it in the new CL_LGBTQ_FL column in the VEND database table.
The LGBTQ+ Owned business/vendor classification has been added to multiple screens in Procurement Planning and Purchasing that display and process vendor information.
It has also been added to the Lookup and Query fields that display vendor information.
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN) and Create Blanket Purchase Order Releases (POMRELS)
These applications have a new LGBTQ+ vendor classification that displays the value from the Manage Vendors screen. For previously saved PO lines, the vendor classification remains the same unless the vendor is changed on the PO header. For new PO lines, the current vendor classification is displayed. The same is true when creating release orders.
Create Purchase Order Change Orders (POMCHNG)
The application now copies the new vendor classification information from the PO line to the corresponding column on the screen when you create a new change order.
Archive Purchase Orders (POPARCH)
The application now archives the new vendor classification information from the PO line to the corresponding column on the screen when you create a new archive record.
View Purchase Order Status (POQSTAT)
The application has a new LGBTQ+ vendor classification that displays the value from the Manage Vendors screen.
Create Purchase Orders (PPPGPO)
The application now loads and saves the new vendor classification, LGBTQ+, to the corresponding columns when:
A new PO line is created for a new PO.
A new release is created for an existing blanket order.
A new PO line is created for an existing PO/release.
Print Purchase Order Activity Report (PORACTV)
The application now prints the new vendor classification on the report. In addition, the application uses the vendor classification values from the PO line instead of from the vendor when calculating summary amount totals.
Import Purchase Orders (AOPUTLPO)
The application now loads and saves the new vendor classification, LGBTQ+, to the corresponding columns when:
A new PO line is created for a new PO.
A new release is created for an existing blanket order.
A new PO line is created for an existing PO/release.
The vendor on the PO header is changed/updated for an existing PO/release.
In addition, for change orders, the application copies the new vendor classification information from the PO line to the corresponding columns when a change order is created.
Manual Invoice Number Editing For Subcontractor Invoices (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint now allows you to manually edit invoice numbers for subcontractor invoices. This functionality applies to unapproved invoices that are created against subcontract agreement purchase orders. With this feature, you can easily modify a system-generated invoice number and replace it with the subcontractor’s actual invoice number, streamlining the process of tracking and managing invoices, vouchers, and payments.
This feature runs across the Accounting, Projects, and Materials domains.
When you enter or process an unapproved subcontractor invoice, the Invoice Number field is now editable on the following screens:
Projects » Subcontractor Management » Subcontractor Invoices » Manage Subcontractor Invoices
Accounting » Accounts Payable » Voucher Processing » Manage Purchase Order Vouchers
Note: The functionality is temporarily limited to invoices that are not entered in Materials » Supplier Portal » Manage Invoices. If an invoice was created in Manage Invoices, the Invoice Number field for that invoice will not be editable in Manage Subcontractor Invoices and Manage Purchase Order Vouchers. The full functionality will be available in a future Costpoint release.
Likewise, when you update an invoice number, the change will be reflected on all screens that display invoice information.
The new invoice number also propagates to vouchers associated with that invoice. Whether you are entering new vouchers or managing existing ones, the system will reflect the updated invoice number.
In addition, when you process checks related to these vouchers, the revised invoice number will be accurately recorded.
The new functionality also extends to relevant reports. Whether it is an invoice, voucher, or payment-related report, you will be able to view the updated invoice number.
New Left Navigation Menu in Costpoint PWA
Costpoint PWA is now equipped with a new Left Navigation menu for an improved navigation experience. Tap the Collapse/Hide Menu icon at the top-left corner of the screen to access the following menu components:
Search bar
My Menu
Browse Applications
Open Applications
Recent Activity
On the Left Navigation menu, you can also access User Preferences and Costpoint documentation, as well as select a company and log out of Costpoint.
New Right Navigation Menu in Mobile View
The Global Menu in Costpoint PWA was moved to the top-right corner of the screen. Tap the three dots to access Offline Mode, Voice (microphone), and the File, Line, Options, Process, and Help menus.
Opt-In Features
Note: The Opt-In capability is available to Costpoint Cloud Customers only.
As an administrator, use the Opt-In capability to enable designated new features for your Costpoint users. Opt-In features are optional during a specific timeframe. In a future Costpoint release, the features will be enabled automatically for all users.
This enhancement supports testing by users in your company. When you enable an Opt-In feature in a sandbox database, you give your users the opportunity to experience how that feature will potentially impact their workflow, data, and application use. You control the timing of this testing, which can take place before you enable the feature in a production database and before the feature is automatically enabled for all users in a release.
During the opt-in timeframe, you can also disable most Opt-In features if necessary. Once the opt-in timeframe is complete, the features are automatically enabled in the subsequent Costpoint release. While some Opt-In features may have additional settings or security to enable, most will become standard in the product.
Enable and disable the Opt-In features during the opt-in timeframe in the Manage Opt-In Features (SYMFEATURE) application in Costpoint.
The following Costpoint 8.2.15 features include the option to opt-in:
Enhanced Schedule Bill Description
Bank Account Integration with Costpoint
EFT International Format (IAT)
Purchase Order Payment Schedules
Expand Prospective Vendor Functionality to MM and AC
Subcontractor Management Work Assignment Preprocessor
1099 Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program for Participating States
Settlement Reversal
Manage/Approve Timesheet UI Updates
The following Costpoint features were previously Opt-In for the 8.2.12 release and are now enabled for all users in the 8.2.15 release:
Allowing Prospective Vendors in Subcontracts
Subcontract and Contract Modification Totals
Automatic Purchase Order (PO) Reservation Creation
Minor Timesheet Enhancements
Project Workforce Start and End Dates by Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee
LGBTQ+ Business Classification and Vendor-Subcontractor Integration
Manual Invoice Number Editing for Subcontractor Invoices
Change Government Furnished Material (GFM) to Furnished Material (FM)
Revaluation Settlement
Quick Entry Expense Report
Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information
Throughout the Costpoint content, the Opt-In feature topics will be identified with the following label: (Opt-In Available).
In addition, the opt-in feature topics will include the following statement:
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
For more information about Costpoint’s Opt-In capability, see Knowledge Base article #115359 in the Deltek Customer Care Knowledge Base.
Note: The Opt-In capability is available to Costpoint Cloud Customers only.
As an administrator, use the Opt-In capability to enable designated new features for your Costpoint users. Opt-In features are optional during a specific timeframe. In a future Costpoint release, the features will be enabled automatically for all users.
This enhancement supports testing by users in your company. When you enable an Opt-In feature in a sandbox database, you give your users the opportunity to experience how that feature will potentially impact their workflow, data, and application use. You control the timing of this testing, which can take place before you enable the feature in a production database and before the feature is automatically enabled for all users in a release.
During the opt-in timeframe, you can also disable most Opt-In features if necessary. Once the opt-in timeframe is complete, the features are automatically enabled in the subsequent Costpoint release. While some Opt-In features may have additional settings or security to enable, most will become standard in the product.
Enable and disable the Opt-In features during the opt-in timeframe in the Manage Opt-In Features (SYMFEATURE) application in Costpoint.
The following Costpoint 8.2.12 features include the option to opt-in:
Allowing Prospective Vendors in Subcontracts
Subcontract and Contract Modification Totals
Automatic Purchase Order (PO) Reservation Creation
Minor Timesheet Enhancements
Project Workforce Start and End Dates by Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee
LGBTQ+ Business Classification and Vendor-Subcontractor Integration
Manual Invoice Number Editing for Subcontractor Invoices
Change Government Furnished Material (GFM) to Furnished Material (FM)
Revaluation Settlement
Quick Entry Expense Report
Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information
The following Costpoint features were previously Opt-In for the 8.2.8 release and are now enabled for all users in the 8.2.12 release:
Add Costpoint AI Flag to SYMSETNG
CRM/Contracts Hyperlinks Additions and Updates
Use Planning Project budget/EAC information in Projects PSR
Populate CP GL budgets from BP Org Budgets
Home Dashboard Timesheet Hours
Allow query by employee status in Employee Salary Info
Pass User ID when sending E-mail
Throughout the Costpoint content, the Opt-In feature topics will be identified with the following label: (Opt-In Available).
In addition, the opt-in feature topics will include the following statement:
For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
For more information about Costpoint’s Opt-In capability, see Knowledge Base article #115359 in the Deltek Customer Care Knowledge Base.
Note: The Opt-In capability is available to Costpoint Cloud Customers only.
As an administrator, use the new Opt-In capability to enable designated new features for your Costpoint users. Opt-In features are optional during a specific timeframe. In a future Costpoint release, the features will be enabled automatically for all users.
This enhancement supports testing by users in your company. When you enable an Opt-In feature in a sandbox database, you give your users the opportunity to experience how that feature will potentially impact their workflow, data, and application use. You control the timing of this testing, which can take place before you enable the feature in a production database and before the feature is automatically enabled for all users in a release.
During the opt-in timeframe, you can also disable most Opt-In features if necessary. Once the opt-in timeframe is complete, the features are automatically enabled in the subsequent Costpoint release. While some Opt-In features may have additional settings or security to enable, most will become standard in the product.
Enable and disable the Opt-In features during the opt-in timeframe in the Manage Opt-In Features (SYMFEATURE) application in Costpoint.
The Opt-In features for Costpoint 8.2.8 are:
Add Costpoint AI Flag to SYMSETNG
CRM/Contracts Hyperlinks Additions and Updates
Use Planning Project budget/EAC information in Projects PSR
Populate CP GL budgets from BP Org Budgets
Home Dashboard Timesheet Hours
Allow query by employee status in Employee Salary Info
Pass User ID when sending E-mail
Throughout the Costpoint content, the Opt-In feature topics will be identified with the following label: (Opt-In Available).
In addition, the opt-in feature topics will include the following statement:
For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
For more information about Costpoint’s Opt-In capability, see Knowledge Base article #115359 in the Deltek Customer Care Knowledge Base.
Purchase Order Payment Schedules (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
You can now set up payment schedules on a purchase order line for progress payments, not based on quantity, to be handled correctly on the voucher instead of calculating the voucher amount based on a line quantity. This will also help in showing financial forecasting on product service requests.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies the new settings when you create a new company from an existing company.
Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions (PPMREQ)
The functionality of the application has been updated to exclude line charges designated as Payment Schedule when you perform a lookup.
The same update has been applied to the following applications:
Manage Purchase Requisition Types (PPMRTYP)
Manage Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ1)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line (PPMRQLN)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ2)
Create MO Subcontractor Requisitions (PCMSCRQ)
Mange Line Charge Types (POMLCHRG)
A new checkbox, Payment Schedule, has been added to the application to allow you to designate this type of line charge to be used only for purchase order lines that are designated as Payment Schedules.
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
You can now set up Payment Schedules on purchase order lines to assist with payments that need to be made over a certain period of time.
The application has a new Payment Schedule subtask, which you can use to enter information related to the payment schedule of the purchase order lines.
The following new fields have also been added to the application:
Payment Schedule Code
Use this field to select the payment schedule code from the drop-down list.
Payment Schedule
This checkbox is selected if a payment schedule record exists on the Payment Schedule subtask.
Configure Purchase Order Print Options (POMPOPTS)
You can now print the payment schedule information on the purchase order via the new Print Payment Schedule checkbox.
Print Purchase Orders (PORPPO)
You can now print the payment schedule information on the purchase order via the new Print Payment Schedule checkbox. This checkbox also defaults from the same checkbox on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen.
Approve Pending Purchase Orders (POMSTAT)
Purchase Order Line Payment schedules can now be viewed from this application.
The application has a new Payment Schedule subtask, which displays information related to the payment schedule of the purchase order lines.
The following new fields have also been added to the application:
Payment Schedule
This checkbox indicates that a payment schedule exists for the record.
Payment Schedule Code
This field indicates the payment schedule code related to the record.
The same changes apply to Expedite Purchase Order (POMEXPD) screen.
Create Purchase Order Change Orders (PORPCO)
You can now print the payment schedule by selecting the new Print Payment Schedule checkbox.
Archive Purchase Orders (POPARCH)
A new database table, PO_LN_PMT_SCH_HS, has been added to the application.
Manage Supplier Actions (SPMSPACT)
Purchase Order Line Payment schedules can now be viewed from this application.
The application has a new Payment Schedule subtask, which displays information related to the payment schedule of the purchase order lines.
The following new fields have also been added to the application:
Payment Schedule
This checkbox indicates that a payment schedule exists for the record.
Payment Schedule Code
This field indicates the payment schedule code related to the record.
Manage Invoices (SPMINVC)
If the PO Line has a payment schedule, you will be able to enter only the Invoice Extended Amount instead of the Invoice Quantity. You can now view the payment schedule information using the Payment Schedule subtask. Taxes and discounts will be added as applicable for that PO, but the subtask will only display the Extended Cost. In Approve Subcontractor Invoices, the functionality to trickle down previous payments from purchase orders has been added as well.
The same changes apply to the following screens:
Manage Subcontractor Invoices (SMMMINVC)
Approve Subcontractor Invoices (SMMAINVC)
Manage Purchase Requisition Types (PPMRQTYP)
The application will exclude line charges set up as Payment Schedule.
The same change applies to the following screens:
Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions (PPMQREQ)
Manage Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ1)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line (PPMRQLN)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ2)
Create MO Subcontractor Requisitions (PCMSCRQ)
Recompute and Print Discrepancies (POPDISCR)
When you print the Discrepancies for Open Vouchers report, vouchers with PO lines marked as Payment Schedules will now display the text “Payment Schedule” below them to clearly indicate and identify discrepancies arising from payments schedules.
Create PO Vouchers from POs/Receipts (POPPOVCH)
When you create vouchers from POs or receipts, Costpoint excludes Payment Schedule purchase orders to ensure that vouchers are generated only for standard POs and prevent potential issues related to payment schedules.
Import Purchase Order Vouchers (AOPPOVCH)
When you import a file that contains lines with Payment Schedule purchase orders, Costpoint excludes those lines from processing. Instead, they will be listed on the Import PO Vouchers Error Report with the message "Purchase Order Lines with Payment Schedules are not allowed."
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH)
Multiple UI changes have been applied to the screen.
The following new fields have been added to the PO Line Details tab of the table window:
Payment Schedule
This checkbox indicates that a PO line is assigned a payment schedule, meaning payments will be distributed over a specified period.
Payment Schedule Code
This field displays the code for the line charge type designated as a payment schedule.
The values of these fields default from Manage Purchase Orders and are not editable. When you enter a voucher line against a PO line that is assigned a payment schedule, the Invoice Qty and Invoice Unit Cost fields are disabled, and you can enter only an Invoice Ext Amt for the voucher line.
In addition, the new Payment Schedule subtask is also now available on this screen. Use this subtask to view the payment schedule setup for the purchase order lines. It has the following fields:
Schedule Line
Schedule Date
Schedule Percent
Schedule Amount
Voucher Amount
Total Vouchered Amount
Post Vouchers (AOPPPOSTV)
The Post Vouchers screen now inserts payment schedule information to the VCHR_LN_PO_PYMT_SCH_HS database table when you post vouchers that are created against payment schedule POs.
Reverse Posted Vouchers (APPREVVR)
When you reverse posted vouchers that are created against payment schedule POs, Costpoint inserts the inverse values of the schedule amounts on the previously posted vouchers to the VCHR_LN_PO_PYMT_SCH table. The negative amounts will then display on the Payment Schedule subtask of affected screens after the reversal.
Approve PO Invoices (POMAINVC)
Multiple UI changes have been applied to the Approve PO Invoices screen.
The following new fields have been added to the PO Line Details tab of the table window:
Payment Schedule
This checkbox indicates that a PO line is assigned a payment schedule, meaning payments will be distributed over a specified period.
Payment Schedule Code
This field displays the code for the line charge type designated as a payment schedule.
The values of these fields default from Manage Subcontractor Invoices and are not editable.
In addition, the new Payment Schedule subtask is also now available on this screen. Use this subtask to view the payment schedule setup for the purchase order lines. It has the following fields:
Schedule Line
Schedule Amount
Schedule Date
Vouchered Amount
Schedule Percent
Subcontractor Invoices
The Approve Subcontractor Invoices (SMMAINVC) and Manage Subcontractor Invoices (SMMMINVC) screens now include a Payment Schedule subtask. Use this subtask to view the payment schedule setup for the purchase order lines. It has the following fields:
Schedule Line
Schedule Amount
Schedule Date
Vouchered Amount
Schedule Percent
In addition, new fields have been added to the PO Line Details tab of these two screens:
Payment Schedule
This checkbox indicates that a PO line is assigned a payment schedule, meaning payments will be distributed over a specified period.
Payment Schedule Code
This field displays the code for the line charge type designated as a payment schedule.
Manage Work Assignments (SMMWRK)
When you query or manually enter the Payment Schedule Code or the Payment Schedule Description of the PO line on the Code and Description fields of the Work Assignment PO Line Charges subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen, you will now encounter an error message.
Share Record
Use the new Share Record feature to share the URL of a Costpoint record. Share Record is available in Table view when you select a record and click the arrow in the column header or right-click the column header. In Form view, right-click the form to access Share Record. When you click Share Record, Costpoint copies the URL to the browser clipboard. You can then paste the link or choose a sharing option on your device or computer.
Costpoint login is required to access the shared record.
Supplier Portal Automatic User Onboarding
You can now implement an automatic Supplier Portal user onboarding process for new vendor contacts added in Prospective Vendors or Manage Vendors. This feature allows you to either automatically create Supplier Users or send a request to your system administrator to add the users for specific contacts.
This is related to the Expand Prospective Vendor Functions feature.
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
The Manage Vendors screen now gives you the option to automatically create a user account for a vendor contact or submit a request to a system administrator to create one.
A new Supplier Portal User Account group box has been added to the Contacts subtask of the Addresses subtask. This group box is visible and enabled only if the following conditions are met:
You are licensed for Supplier Portal.
The Supplier User Login Creation option on the Configure System Settings screen is set to Auto-create or Sys Ad creates Supplier Portal Login.
The Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox on the Defaults tab of the Vendor section is selected for the vendor.
The Supplier Portal User Account group box includes the following fields.
Create User Login Requested by Supplier
If a supplier selected the Submit Request to Create User Login checkbox on the Manage Vendors (SPMVEND) screen in Supplier Portal, this checkbox will be selected and disabled.
User ID Exist
If a user exists for the vendor contact on the Manage Users screen, this read-only checkbox is visible and selected.
Create User Login ID
Select this checkbox to create a user login ID for the vendor contact.
This checkbox is visible and enabled only if the Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Auto-create and a user ID does not yet exist for the vendor contact.
User ID
Enter the ID to be used in the automatic creation of the Costpoint user record for this vendor contact. You can use this field if the following conditions are met:
The Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Auto-create.
The Create User Login ID checkbox is selected on this subtask.
The vendor contact is not yet linked to a user ID in Manage Users.
If you are entering a new employee record, this field will automatically default to the Employee ID. When you enter a value in the Vendor Contact E-Mail Address field on the Address/Contact tab, the application will ask whether you want to update the user ID based on the entered value (for example, if the value in the Vendor Contact E-Mail Address field is, the User ID can be set to 'JANEMARIESMITH'). The user ID cannot exceed 20 characters, so if the Vendor Contact E-mail Address value is, the application will ask if you want to set the user ID to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST.
If the employee is not yet linked to a Costpoint user on the Manage Users screen, you may edit the value before saving. Once the vendor contact is linked to at least one user ID in the Manage Users table, this field will no longer be available.
Note: The field is only used to generate a new Costpoint user record.
Login ID
This field automatically defaults to the user ID, but you can change it if the login ID differs from the user ID. This value will be used to populate the Active Directory or Certificate ID field on the Manage Users screen. You can use the Login ID field only if the following conditions are met:
The Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings screen is set to Auto-create.
The Create User Login ID checkbox is selected on this subtask.
The vendor contact is not yet linked to a user ID in Manage Users.
This field is required if the Authentication Method is one of the following on the Configure System Settings screen:
Single Sign-on
Active Directory
Single Sign-on or Active Directory
Single Sign-on or Database
Windows Domain and Active Directory
Certificate SSO
This field is not required for Database or Windows Domain and Database authentication methods.
Submit Request to Create User Login
Select this checkbox to submit a request to your system administrator to create a user login ID for the vendor contact.
This checkbox is visible and enabled only if the Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Sys Ad creates Supplier Portal Login and a user ID does not yet exist for the vendor contact.
Manage Prospective Vendors (APMPRVEND)
This new screen, which mirrors the functionality of the Manage Contract Management Vendor Info screen in Capture and Contracts, allows you to choose between automatically creating a user account for a vendor contact or submitting a request to create one once the prospective vendor has been approved.
Note: For more information on the new Manage Prospective Vendors screen, see the Expand Prospective Vendor Functionality section of these release notes.
The new Supplier Portal User Account group box has been added on the Contracts subtask of the Address/Contact Info subtask. This group box is visible and enabled on the subtask only if the following conditions are met:
You are licensed for Supplier Portal.
The Supplier User Login Creation option on the Configure System Settings screen is set to Auto-create or Sys Ad creates Supplier Portal Login.
The Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox on the General tab of Manage Prospective Vendors is selected for the prospective vendor.
The Supplier Portal User Account group box includes the following fields.
User ID Exist
If a user exists for the vendor contact on the Manage Users screen, this read-only checkbox is visible and selected.
Create User Login ID
Select this checkbox to create a user login ID for the vendor contact.
This checkbox is visible and enabled only if the Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Auto-create and a user ID does not yet exist for the vendor contact.
User ID
Enter the ID to be used in the automatic creation of the Costpoint user record for this vendor contact. You can use this field if the following conditions are met:
The Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Auto-create.
The Create User Login ID checkbox is selected on this subtask.
The vendor contact is not yet linked to a user ID in Manage Users.
Login ID
This field automatically defaults to the user ID, but you can change it if the login ID differs from the user ID. This value will be used to populate the Active Directory or Certificate ID field on the Manage Users screen. You can use the Login ID field only if the following conditions are met:
The Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings screen is set to Auto-create.
The Create User Login ID checkbox is selected on this subtask.
The vendor contact is not yet linked to a user ID in Manage Users.
Submit Request to Create User Login
Select this checkbox to submit a request to your system administrator to create a user login ID for the vendor contact.
This checkbox is visible and enabled only if the Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Sys Ad creates Supplier Portal Login and a user ID does not yet exist for the vendor contact.
Approve Prospective Vendors (APMPRVENDA)
This new screen, which mirrors the functionality of the Approve Prospective Vendors screen in Capture and Contracts, has multiple subtasks that support the Supplier Portal Automatic User Onboarding feature.
Address/Contact Info: This subtask displays addresses associated with the prospective vendor. All fields default from the Address/Contact Info subtask of Manage Prospective Vendors and cannot be edited.
Contacts: Located under the Address/Contact Info subtask, the Contacts subtask displays values that default from the Contacts subtask of Manage Prospective Vendors. These values can be modified, and new contacts can be added for the prospective vendor.
The Supplier Portal User Account group box is also available on the Contacts subtask. Once the prospective vendor is approved, the settings specified here will be used to automatically create a user/login ID or to send a request to create a user/login ID for the contact associated with the prospective vendor.
Note: For more information on the new Approve Prospective Vendors (APMPRVENDA) screen, see the Expand Prospective Vendor Function section of these release notes.
Manage Contract Management Vendor Info (CTMVEND)
This application now allows you to choose between automatically creating a user account for the vendor contact or submitting a request to create one once the prospective vendor has been approved.
The Supplier Portal User Account group box has been added on the Contacts subtask of the Address/Contact Info subtask. This group box is visible and enabled on the subtask only if the following conditions are met:
You are licensed for Supplier Portal.
The Supplier User Login Creation option on the Configure System Settings screen is set to Auto-create or Sys Ad creates Supplier Portal Login.
The Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox on the General tab of Manage Contract Management Vendor Info is selected for the prospective vendor.
The Supplier Portal User Account group box includes the following fields.
User ID Exist
If a user exists for the vendor contact on the Manage Users screen, this checkbox is visible and selected.
Create User Login ID
Select this checkbox to create a user login ID for the vendor contact.
This checkbox is visible and enabled only if the Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Auto-create and a user ID does not yet exist for the vendor contact.
Submit Request to Create User Login
Select this checkbox to submit a request to your system administrator for creating a user login ID for the vendor contact.
This checkbox is visible and enabled only if the Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings is set to Sys Ad creates Supplier Portal Login and a user ID does not yet exist for the vendor contact.
User ID
Enter the ID to be used in the automatic creation of the Costpoint user record for this vendor contact. You can use this field if the following conditions are met:
The Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings screen is set to Auto-create.
The Create User Login ID checkbox is selected on this subtask.
The vendor contact is not yet linked to a user ID in Manage Users.
Login ID
This field automatically defaults to the user ID, but you can change it if the login ID differs from the user ID. This value will be used to populate the Active Directory or Certificate ID field on the Manage Users screen. You can use the Login ID field only if the following conditions are met:
The Supplier User Login Creation option in Configure System Settings screen is set to Auto-create.
The Create User Login ID checkbox is selected on this subtask.
The vendor contact is not yet linked to a user ID in Manage Users.
Approve Prospective Vendors (CTMVENDA)
New subtasks have been added to the Approve Prospective Vendors process to support this enhancement:
Address/Contact Info: This subtask displays addresses associated with the prospective vendor. All fields default from the Address/Contact Info subtask of Manage Contract Management Vendor Info and cannot be edited.
Contacts: Located under the Address/Contact Info subtask, the Contacts subtask displays values that default from the Contacts subtask of Manage Contract Management Vendor Info. These values can be modified, and new contacts can be added for the prospective vendor.
The Supplier Portal User Account group box is also available on the Contacts subtask. Once the prospective vendor is approved, the settings specified here will be used to automatically create a user/login ID or to send a request to create a user/login ID for the contact associated with the prospective vendor.
Configure System Settings (SYMSETNG)
Use the new Costpoint Vendor User Accounts group box on the Configure System Settings screen to set default settings for creating Vendor User Accounts on the Approve Prospective Vendors (APMVENDA) or Manage Vendors (APMVEND) screens. You can choose to have accounts auto-created or request creation from system admins.
Set up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies the new settings for the feature to the new company created in Set Up Company.
Manage Users (SYMUSR)
The application now displays a warning validation based on the following:
When you enter an email address or username that already exists for a user ID.
When a user changes the Supplier Portal vendor or deleted it for an existing user ID.
When a user adds a deactivation date for the user ID.
Manage Vendors (SPMVEND)
The following are the changes to the application UI:
User ID Exist
If the vendor contact has an existing user login on the Manage Users screen, then this checkbox is selected. The application also displays the User ID and Login ID created but are read-only if a user login exists.
Submit Request to Create User Login
Use this checkbox if you want to request a user login ID to be created for this vendor contact. This field is visible if the Supplier Portal User Login Creation option is selected in Configure System Settings.
When you select this checkbox and click Save, the action triggers an email notification to the Admin Email Address on the Manage Vendors screen requesting to create a user login for the vendor contact.
User ID
This field displays the user ID for the vendor contact.
Login ID
This new field displays the login ID for the vendor contact.
Bank Account Integration with Costpoint (Opt-in Available)
This feature is available only in Costpoint Cloud, excluding GCCM clients.
You can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically available for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint now integrates with the Plaid platform, enabling seamless linking of your company bank accounts in Costpoint to Plaid-supported bank accounts.
This new feature offers these key benefits:
Easy Bank Account Linking: Connect your Costpoint company bank accounts to Plaid-supported banks effortlessly.
Secure Data Transfer: Plaid ensures secure communication between your bank and Costpoint.
Enhanced Security: Plaid Link handles credential validation, multi-factor authentication, and error handling, providing a secure and reliable connection.
This integration simplifies bank account management and enhances the security of your financial data, improving your overall experience with Costpoint.
Multiple enhancements have been applied to the Accounting domain to support this feature.
Manage Plaid Bank Accounts (CMMPLDBNK)
The Cash Management module now includes the Manage Plaid Bank Accounts screen, which allows you to easily set up connections between Costpoint and Plaid-supported banks, configure which account types you want to integrate with Costpoint, and link Plaid bank accounts to Costpoint company bank accounts.
This new screen is seamlessly connected to the Plaid Link interface, the client-side component that you will interact with, which acts as an intermediary between your bank and Costpoint to facilitate communication between the two systems.
Once you have successfully added banks and accounts, you will be able to link the Plaid bank accounts to Costpoint company bank accounts, download transactions from Plaid, and import them into Costpoint.
The screen is composed of the Plaid Banks table window and the Accounts subtask.
Plaid Banks Table Window
This table window displays Plaid-supported banks that you have set up to be integrated with Costpoint.
It has the Add Bank, Reconnect Bank, and Delete Bank buttons, which allow you to configure integration settings, and the Bank Name and Description fields, which display the information of the Plaid banks you have added.
Accounts Subtask
The Accounts subtask displays the account information you have configured for each Plaid-supported bank.
When you select a bank in the Plaid Banks table window, this subtask displays the account names and types that are available for that bank, as well as the Costpoint company bank account that is linked to each Plaid bank account.
It displays the following account information: Account Name, Type, Description, Available Balance, Current Balance, ISO Currency Code, Linked CP Bank Abbrv (US), and Linked CP Bank Abbrv (Non-US).
It also has the Refresh Accounts button, which you can click to update records on the subtask, and the Delete Disconnected Account button, which you can click to delete an account record that you have disconnected from the Link interface.
Transactions Subtask
This subtask of the Accounts subtask displays all transactions imported from a Plaid bank account.
When you select a record on the Accounts subtask, transactions downloaded from that account display on this subtask. It displays the following transaction information: Date, Name, Currency Code, Amount, Pending, and Check Number.
Transfer Plaid Bank Transactions (CMPPLDDAT)
The Cash Management module now also includes the Transfer Plaid Bank Transactions screen, which provides a simplified process of importing plaid bank transactions into Costpoint.
After you have set up the bank integration settings with Costpoint on the Manage Plaid Bank Accounts screen, use this screen to download transactions from your Plaid-supported bank accounts and import them into Costpoint.
You have the option to run the transfer process in real time or include it in a batch process. However, you can run the transfer process only once every 24 hours.
The Transfer Plaid Bank Transactions screen has the Bank Name field, which you can use to enter the Plaid-supported bank from which transactions will be retrieved. You must enter only banks that have been added on the Manage Plaid Bank Accounts screen.
It also has the Parameter ID and Description fields, which you can use to create or retrieve previously saved parameters for running the transfer process, and the File Location field, which allows you to enter a location where you want to store the transfer process log file.
Each time you run a transfer process, you can monitor the integration information on the View Interface Execution Status History screen.
Plaid Integration Subtask
The Manage Company Bank Accounts (US Banks) (GLMCOBNK) and Manage Company Bank Accounts (Non-US Banks) (CMMCOBKI) screens now both include a Plaid Integration subtask.
After you have configured the integration between a Plaid-supported bank and Costpoint company bank account on the Manage Plaid Bank Accounts screen, use this subtask to configure the Plaid-supported bank and account from which transactions will be downloaded and linked to a company bank account.
You can link only one company bank account to a single Plaid-supported bank account.
The Plaid Integration subtask has the following fields:
Plaid Bank
Use this field to enter or select a Plaid-supported bank.
Plaid Account
Use this field to enter or select the Plaid-supported bank account from which transactions will be downloaded.
Active for Integration
This checkbox indicates if the account has correct integration configuration and is ready for transaction download.
Last Successful Import
This field displays the latest date when transactions were downloaded successfully.
Cash Account Transaction Description for Cash Receipts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 2025.2 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint now allows you to enter custom descriptions for your cash account transactions when you enter cash lines using Manage Cash Receipts or Import Cash Receipts.
This update overcomes the previous limitation where the description for cash line journal entries defaulted to the cash account's name, and also significantly improves transparency by providing detailed visibility into the sources of your cash receipts, enabling more accurate record-keeping and easier identification of transaction details.
In addition, the custom descriptions you enter will be reflected across various Costpoint Accounts Receivable screens, including those used for copying, reversing, and posting cash receipts.
Furthermore, custom descriptions will also be included in cash receipt reports.
Note: Release notes for this feature are preview only. The final version will be available on or before April 11, 2024.
Direct EFT File Upload
Costpoint now provides you the option to directly upload EFT files to US bank websites or systems. This eliminates some steps in the previous process where you must store generated EFT files in a repository and require other authorized personnel to retrieve the EFT files and then access your bank’s system and upload the files.
Now, you only must do a one-time setup to integrate Costpoint with your bank’s system, and you can automatically transmit EFT files to your bank in real-time without the need for manual input.
The following enhancements have been applied to Costpoint to support this feature.
New Tab in the Product Configuration Utility
Use the new Bank FTP tab in the Product Configuration Utility to set up and store the bank FTP server connections needed to generate and directly upload EFT files to bank systems. You must provide information such as the Bank FTP ID, connection type, FTP host, port, user, password, and company ID to set up a connection.
After you configure the connection information, you can view the details on the new Bank Integration subtask on the Manage System Integration Accounts screen.
Manage System Integration Accounts
The new Bank Integration subtask has been added to the Manage System Integration Accounts screen.
This subtask displays the Bank FTP ID, Bank Login, Password, and Confirm Password fields. It only allows you to update the Bank Login, Password, and Confirm Password fields, but you cannot add, copy, or delete a record.
The records on this subtask correspond to the bank integration information you set up on the Bank FTP tab of the Product Configuration Utility.
If you did not set up bank integration information in the Product Configuration Utility, the Bank Integration subtask does not display.
Manage Company Bank Accounts (US Banks)
The new Bank Integration group box, which contains the Bank Integration ID field, has been added to this screen to allow you to link your company's bank accounts to credentials that are available on the Bank Integration subtask of the Manage System Integration Accounts screen.
The Bank Integration ID you assign to a bank account will be used to upload EFT files to your bank’s system when you select the EFT Direct Upload checkbox on the Create EFT File screen.
If you did not set up bank integration information in the Product Configuration Utility, the Bank Integration ID field is disabled.
Create EFT File
The new EFT Direct Upload checkbox has now been added to the Create EFT File screen. Select this checkbox to upload created EFT files directly to the website or system of the bank account you entered on the Bank Abbr field. This checkbox is displayed only if you selected ACH as the EFT Format Type and is enabled only if the Bank Abbr value you entered has a valid Bank Integration ID on the Manage Company Bank Accounts screen.
If the EFT file is generated and the upload is successful, the message “EFT File has been created and connection to the bank was successful” is displayed. However, if the connection to the bank system is unsuccessful, the message “The EFT file has been created, but connection to the bank has failed. Please upload the file directly to the bank.” is displayed, and you must manually upload the file.
EFT International Format
Costpoint is currently being enhanced to have the feature to create ACH files for outgoing International ACH Transactions (IAT) bound for your vendors’ banks or financial institutions outside the United States. This enhancement is limited only to the creation of ACH files for IAT. Other EFT files for Non-US banks must be created using third-party tools.
Two Accounting screens have been updated to partially support this enhancement. The full functionality of the feature will be available in a future release.
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
The ACH Code drop-down list has been added to the EFT Info (Non-US) subtask of the Addresses subtask.
This refers to the transaction code to be entered in positions 02-03 of the Entry Detail Record in the ACH file. It identifies the transaction as a debit or credit, and the type of account the transaction is intended for.
The ACH Code drop-down list has the following options:
‘22’ Live Checking Account: Select this option to indicate a credit to a live checking account.
‘23’ Prenote Checking Account: Select this option to indicate a credit to a prenote checking account.
‘32’ Live Savings Account: Select this option to indicate a credit to a live savings account.
‘33’ Prenote Savings Account: Select this option to indicate a credit to a prenote savings account.
You must first select the Non-US EFT Active checkbox on the Addresses subtask for you to be able to save the ACH Code you selected. If you select an ACH Code but the Non-US EFT Active checkbox is cleared, the ACH Code defaults to None when you save the record.
The ACH Code also displays on the output when you print a Current Record Information report for the EFT Info (Non-US) subtask.
Import Vendors (AOPUTLVU)
This screen now has updated validation rules and messages when you import a vendor that has its Non-US EFT Active flag set to Y.
Message Type
The Non-US EFT Active flag is set to Y, but the Non-US Bank ID is blank.
Non-US Bank ID (NON_US_BANK_ID) is missing for this Non-US EFT record. Non-US Bank ID is required when creating outgoing IAT Files for EFT payments.
The Non-US EFT Active flag is set to Y, but the ACH Code is blank.
ACH Code (S_ACH_TRN_CD) is missing for this Non-US EFT record. ACH is required when creating outgoing IAT Files for EFT payments.
The Non-US EFT Active flag is set to Y, but the Bank ID (ABA No.) and Bank Account fields are not blank.
Warning: Bank ABA Number and Bank Account must be null for a Non-US EFT record. The record will be imported with those values set to NULL.
EFT International Format (IAT) (Opt-in Available)
For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
This feature completes the functionality of the EFT International Format feature previously released in Costpoint version 8.2.5.
Costpoint now has the feature to create NACHA files for outgoing International ACH Transactions (IAT) without the need for external tools. This enables you to transmit payments bound for your vendors’ banks or financial institutions outside the United States. This enhancement is limited only to the creation of NACHA files that follow the IAT format. Other EFT files for Non-US banks must be created using third-party tools.
Multiple Accounting screens have been enhanced to support this feature.
Create EFT File (APPEFT)
The EFT Transfer Code drop-down list now has the new IAT option to allow you to create a NACHA file that follows the International ACH Transaction (IAT) format which you can send to your vendors’ banks or financial institutions outside the United States. This option displays only if the EFT Format Type is ACH and the Currency of the Bank Abbr you selected and your functional currency are both USD.
Note that this feature only works for vendors that are configured for international EFT payments.
The new IAT File Selections group box is also now available on this screen to enable you to configure the IAT settings. It displays only if you selected IAT as the EFT Transfer Code, and it contains the following fields:
Pay Currency: Use this field to enter or select the code of the currency in which the pay vendor is expecting payment.
Destination Country: Use this field to enter or select the two-character country code of the payment destination.
Exchange Indicator: This field displays the exchange rate type for the payment transaction.
If the Pay Currency is USD, this field displays Fixed to Fixed (FF). Otherwise, it displays Fixed to Variable (FV).
Print EFT Pre-Transfer Edit Report (APREFTPR)
The 2nd Sort drop-down list now includes a new option: Pay Currency/Destination. When you select this new option, a 3rd Sort drop-down list displays, offering the previous Pay Vendor and Pay Vendor Name options for additional sorting, and the items in the report will be sorted by Bank Abbrev, Pay Currency/Destination, and the third sorting option you selected.
The Print EFT Pre-Transfer Edit report has also been upgraded with a new layout. It now displays the following information:
Invoice / Invc. Date
Disc Rate / Disc Date
Invoice Amount / Due Date
Amount Remaining
Disc to Take
Exchange Rate
Functional Amount to Pay
Amount To Pay
If you select the Pay Currency/Destination sorting option, the Pay Currency/Destination Code for each Pay Vendor also displays on the report.
If you entered or selected a Bank Abbrev for a US bank account and you select the Include vouchers with Non-US payment banks checkbox, the pay vendors and vouchers with Non-US payment banks will now display on the EFT Pre-Transfer Edit report instead of the EFT Pre-Transfer Exception report. Even if the Pay Currency is not equal to the Bank Abbrev, the vouchers will still display on the printed report.
Pay vendors with non-US banks are marked with a single asterisk (*) to indicate that they are configured for non-US EFT payment.
To guide you on the new feature for non-US EFT, the following message has been added to the notes section of the EFT Pre-Transfer Edit report: “* indicates vendor with Non-US EFT Bank Setup. IAT File must be used on the Create EFT File screen to pay the vendor using the EFT process.”
If you entered or selected a Bank Abbrev for a non-US bank, information for that Bank Abbreviation still prints on the EFT Pre-Transfer Exception report.
Print EFT Edit Report (APREFTED)
The EFT Edit Report now also provides a new layout when you generate a report for an international ACH file.
If you enter or select an international ACH file in the Select File Name field, the report displays the new IAT file type and the following information:
Pay Currency
Exchange Indicator
Destination Country
Exchange Rate
Pay Vendor Name
Transaction Type Code
Bank ID
Bank Account
Bank Name
Debit Amount
Paid Amount
Print/Void Checks (APRCK)
The Print/Void Checks screen has been enhanced to include the applied exchange rate and exchange rate date when you send EFT email advices for IAT files.
This functionality is executed when you select the Print/Email EFT Advices option on the Print/Void drop-down list and the Pay Currency Code is different from the currency of the Bank Abbreviation you selected.
Multi-User Report Printing for Fixed Asset Journals
The Post Fixed Assets Journal screen now allows multiple users to print or preview the Fixed Assets Journal at the same time.
Note: This multi-user functionality does not allow the use of the same user ID to simultaneously print or preview the Fixed Assets Journal on different workstations.
The posting process remains a single-user functionality. However, multiple users can submit postings simultaneously. Costpoint queues the posting/commitment transactions and processes them one at a time. If you submit multiple postings with the same parameters, only the first one is processed successfully.
Use the Print/Post Fixed Assets option going forward. (The Post Fixed Assets option is no longer available.)
Each report generated from the Print/Post Fixed Assets process contains a unique sequencing number. You should retain these reports, in case they are needed for historical purposes.
Multi-User Report Printing for Unrealized Gains/Losses
The Compute/Post Unrealized Gains/Losses screen now allows multiple users to print or preview the Unrealized Gains/Losses Report at the same time.
Note: This multi-user functionality does not allow the use of the same user ID to simultaneously print or preview the Unrealized Gains/Losses on different workstations.
The posting process remains a single-user functionality. However, multiple users can submit postings simultaneously. Costpoint queues the posting/commitment transactions and processes them one at a time.
Use the Print and Compute/Post Unrealized Gains/Losses option going forward. (The Compute/Post Unrealized Gains/Losses option is no longer available.)
Each report generated from the Print and Compute/Post Unrealized Gains/Losses process contains a unique sequencing number. You should retain these reports, in case they are needed for historical purposes.
New Database Table for Creating Revaluation Reports
The Costpoint database has been enhanced with the addition of a new table, RPT_BSR_TABLE, which allows for easy generation of revaluation reports. This enhancement is aimed at improving your user experience by providing a more efficient and seamless way to manage and analyze your Multicurrency data.
The RPT_BSR_TABLE is designed to store both summary and detailed data of adjustment information from balance sheet account revaluations.
This new table offers the convenience of having the necessary information readily available to enable you to easily generate revaluation reports. It has the following layout:
BSR Synthetic Key
BSR Type
Journal Entry
Post Sequence Number
Fiscal Year
GL Detail Amount
17, 2
Transaction Currency Code
Transaction Amount
17, 2
New Amount
17, 2
Gain/Loss Amount
17, 2
Exchange Rate
28, 15
Override Flag
Original Rate for YTD
28, 15
Prior Rate for Net
28, 15
Settlement Number
(To be used on a future Costpoint release)
BSS Transactional Currency
(To be used on a future Costpoint release)
Company ID
ID of the user who last created or modified the row
Date and time of row creation or last modification
System-assigned number to handle row concurrency
Changes have been applied to the Create Revaluation Entry screen to support this enhancement.
Create Revaluation Entry (GLPBSREV) Screen Updates
The options for the Default Action button on this screen have been modified.
Now, only the Compute and Print/Post Revaluation option is available. When you select this option, the following processes are executed:
Costpoint calculates revaluation data, including the revaluation details, even if you leave the Print Revaluation Detail checkbox cleared. This new functionality ensures that the revaluation details will be entered in the RPT_BSR_TABLE even if the detail checkbox is cleared.
Costpoint prints the Revaluation of Balance Sheet Account report, and now also prints a simplified Journal Entry Edit report that does not include the Journal No., Functional Currency, Approval Status, Org Abbrev, and Proj Abbrev information.
The previous printing logic remains, where Costpoint prints the Revaluation Detail report only if you selected the Print Revaluation Detail checkbox.
Costpoint creates the balance sheet revaluation journal entries, posts them in the general ledger, and enters the transaction information in the RPT_BSR_TABLE.
However, If the transaction involves a reversal entry, Costpoint creates the reversal entry but does not post it in the general ledger. You can view the reversal entry on the Manage Journal Entries screen, and you must manually post it using the Post Journal Entries screen.
In addition, if you encounter any issue during the posting process, the revaluation entries will still be created but will not be posted to the general ledger, and no record will be entered in the RPT_BSR_TABLE. You can view the revaluation entries on the Manage Journal Entries screen, and you must manually post them using the Post Journal Entries screen.
You can also execute the new revaluation process using Batch Mode.
If you opt to only view or print the Revaluation of Balance Sheet Account report but not run the revaluation process, use the Preview and/or Print buttons on the Global Toolbar.
Populate CP GL Budgets from BP Org Budgets (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint Accounting includes a new screen for customers who are licensed for Costpoint Planning.
Use the new Update Org/Acct Budgets from Planning Budgets screen to automatically update general ledger budgets with data pulled directly from Planning » Organization Budgets/Outlooks.
Access the screen from Accounting » General Ledger » General Ledger Budgets.
For more information, see “Populate CP GL Budgets from BP Org Budgets" in the Planning section of these release notes.
Revaluation Settlement (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint Accounting now offers a streamlined solution for managing your revaluation process. The challenge of addressing unending revaluations from foreign currency transactions that still have remaining amounts in functional currency due to exchange rate fluctuations is now eliminated through the addition of the new Revaluation Settlement screen.
Through this enhancement, you can make a final settlement for any remaining functional amounts from multicurrency transactions and enter them to your gains or losses account to exclude them from the calculations on your future balance sheet revaluation cycles.
Note: Watch this video to learn about the highlights of this feature: Revaluation Settlement.
Multiple changes have been applied to the Accounting domain to support this enhancement.
Revaluation Settlement (GLPBSSTL)
The new Revaluation Settlement screen has been added in Accounting » General Ledger » Journal Entry Processing » Revaluation.
Use this screen to enter, view, manage, and post settlement journal entries for multicurrency transactions that have been paid in foreign currency but have remaining amounts in functional currency that result from exchange rate fluctuations and balance sheet revaluation processes.
You must select available foreign currency transactions that offset each other and have a net balance of zero (0) when totaled and add them to the Settlement Journal. Once you add offsetting transactions to the journal, any remaining amount in functional currency will be posted to your realized gains or loss account as a final settlement entry and will no longer be included in the calculation when you run a balance sheet revaluation process in the future.
You can create settlement entries any time, but you can post them only if there are no unposted balance sheet revaluation entries.
You can print the Settlement Journal and Settlement Detail report and post the settlement journal entry in one action by selecting the Print and Post Settlement Journal option on the Default Action drop-down list. If you select this option, Costpoint inserts the data from the Settlement Journal to the RPT_BSR_TABLE, JE_TRN_HS, GL_POST_SUM, and GL_DETL database tables.
You can also opt to only view or print the journal and the detail report without running the posting process by clicking the Preview and/or Print buttons on the Global Toolbar.
The Revaluation Settlement screen has the Revaluation Settlement and Filtering Criteria sections, the Available Transactions and Settled Transactions table windows, and the Settlement Journal subtask.
Revaluation Settlement
Use this section to enter the posting parameters for the settlement entry.
You can use the Fiscal Year and Period fields to specify in which fiscal year and period to post the settlement entry.
The Processing Options for Posting group box contains options for the offsetting account, offset organization, and the revalue organization.
The Settlement Number field displays an 11-digit system-generated identification number for the settlement entry. It follows the format <YYYY><PP><NNNNN>, where the first four digits correspond to the fiscal year, the fifth and sixth digits correspond to the period, and the remaining digits is the system-assigned journal entry number.
Filtering Criteria
Use this section to configure which records you want to display in the Available Transactions table window. Enter or select values in the following fields to set the filtering criteria:
Account (except accounts that are entered on the Exclude Accounts from Create Revaluation Entry screen)
Currency (foreign transaction currencies that are different from your functional currency)
Transaction Date > (Costpoint retrieves records dated after the value you enter in this field and were posted in a fiscal year that is earlier or equal to the value you entered in the Fiscal Year field of the Revaluation Settlement section.)
After you enter the filtering criteria, click the Execute button on the Global Toolbar to populate the Available Transactions table window.
Note: The Filtering Criteria section displays the Reverse checkbox and the Settlement Number to Reverse field. However, the ability to reverse a posted settlement is still under development and will be available in a future Costpoint release.
Available Transactions
This table window displays transaction records pulled from the GL_DETL table based on the parameters you set in the Filtering Criteria section.
Use this table window to select offsetting transactions with matching currencies which when totaled, result in a zero net (0) transaction amount, and add them to the Settled Transactions table window.
You can highlight multiple records by holding the CTRL key while clicking the corresponding checkbox for each record.
You can repeatedly modify the filtering criteria to display different result sets in this table window, but each result set can display only one currency at a time.
It has the following buttons and fields:
Click this button to set additional filters or sorting criteria for the records displayed on the table window.
The parameters you set in the query do not override the parameters in the Filtering Criteria section.
Click this button to add the highlighted records to the Settled Transactions table window.
This field displays the value you entered in the Account field of the Filtering Criteria section.
This field displays the organization assigned to the transaction.
This field displays the project assigned to the transaction.
This field displays the fiscal year to which the transaction is posted.
This field displays the period to which the transaction is posted.
This field displays the transaction description.
Func Amt
This field displays the transaction amount in your functional currency.
Tran Amt
This field displays the transaction amount.
Tran Currency
This field displays the transaction currency.
The result set displays only transactions with the same currency at a time.
Settled Transactions
Use this table to review the offsetting transactions you selected in the Available Transactions table window and add them to the Settlement Journal. The fields in this table window are identical to the fields in the Available Transactions table window except for the Add to Settlement button.
Once you have reviewed all the transactions, click Add to Settlement to enter the offsetting records in the Settlement Journal.
You have the option to add the records in separate groups, provided that the journal entry for the settlement transaction you are modifying has not been posted. In addition, a single Settlement Number can have offsetting transactions in different currencies, but you can add only transactions with the same account/org/currency combination per group, and the total Tran Amt per currency must be zero.
To add more offsetting records, query the Settlement Number of the entry you want to modify on the Revaluation Settlement section.
You can add transactions to the Settlement Journal only if the value of the Balance (Tran) field is zero, the value of the Balance (Func) field is not zero, and there are no unposted settlement entries. Otherwise, an error message displays.
After you add offsetting transactions to the journal, click the Settlement Journal subtask to view the details of the settlement.
Settlement Journal
The Settlement Journal subtask displays detail records of a settlement transaction.
It displays the original offsetting records that you added from the Settled Transactions table window and also displays the settlement record that is posted to your gain/loss account in your functional currency.
The original offsetting records will have the journal code of the transaction screen where it was entered while the settlement entries will have BSR as its journal code.
It has the following fields:
Click this button to set additional filters or sorting criteria for the records displayed on the subtask.
Settlement Number
This field displays the settlement number of the journal to which the record is added.
If the Journal Code is BSR, this displays the Offsetting Account you selected in the Processing Options for Posting group box.
Otherwise, this field displays the account assigned to offsetting transaction.
If the Journal Code is BSR, this displays the Offset Organization or the Revalue Organization you selected in the Processing Options for Posting group box.
Otherwise, this field displays the organization assigned to offsetting transaction.
This field displays the project assigned to the offsetting transaction.
If the Journal Code is BSR, this field displays the Fiscal Year you entered on the Revaluation Settlement section. It identifies the fiscal year to which settlement entry is posted.
Otherwise, this field displays the fiscal year to which the offsetting transaction is originally posted.
If the Journal Code is BSR, this field displays the Period you entered on the Revaluation Settlement section. It identifies the period to which settlement entry is posted.
Otherwise, this field displays the period to which the offsetting transaction is originally posted.
If the Journal Code is BSR, this field displays the Subperiod you entered on the Revaluation Settlement section. It identifies the subperiod to which settlement entry is posted.
Otherwise, this field displays the subperiod to which the offsetting transaction is originally posted.
Journal Code
This field displays the journal entry code of the transaction screen where the record was created.
For settlement records, this field displays BSR.
If the Journal Code is BSR, this field displays Settlement Revaluation or Settlement Reversal.
Otherwise, this field displays the original offsetting transaction description.
Func Amt
This field displays the transaction amount in your functional currency.
Tran Amt
This field displays the transaction amount.
Tran Currency
This field displays the transaction currency.
Gain/Loss Amt
This field displays remaining amount from the offsetting transactions in your functional currency.
BSR Currency
This field displays the settlement currency.
Group No
This field indicates the group identification number to which a record is included when it was added to the Settlement Journal.
Delete Settlement Journal
Use this subtask of the Settlement Journal subtask to delete an entire Settlement Journal or a group of records in the journal. This functionality works only for unposted journals.
When you delete a group, the deleted Group No. can no longer be reused for that Settlement Journal. When you enter a new group, Costpoint iterates the last used group number and assigns it to the new group.
Note: The feature for reversing posted settlements is under development and will be available in a future Costpoint release.
Manage Journal Entries (GLMJE)
The new BSR Tran Currency field has been added to the JE Details table window to allow you to enter the currency that will be used for revaluation when you create a new manual BSR journal entry.
If you view settlement entries posted through the Revaluation Settlement screen, this field also displays the currency of the offsetting transactions for that settlement. However, if you view BSR entries processed on the Create Revaluation Entry screen, the BSR Tran Currency field is blank.
Note: The feature for reversing posted settlements is under development and will be available in a future Costpoint release.
The BSR Tran Currency field displays only if the Type in the Identification group box is set to Balance Sheet Revaluation.
Post Journal Entries (GLPJE)
Updates have been applied to this screen to complement the addition of the BSR Tran Currency field on the Manage Journal Entries screen.
When you post BSR entries, this screen now inserts the BSR Tran Currency to the JE_TRN_HS, GL_DETL, and RPT_BSR_TABLE database tables.
Reverse Posted Journal Entry (GLPREVJE)
This screen has been enhanced to prevent the reversal of BSR entries that were created on the Revaluation Settlement screen.
Note: The feature for reversing settlement entries is under development and will be available in a future Costpoint release.
Manage System Assigned JE Number (GLMJENUM)
The Journal Code drop-down list on the Details table window now includes the STL option to allow you to manually set up the last system number that can be assigned to a settlement entry for a given fiscal year/period combination.
Although you can enter a maximum length of nine digits, we recommend that you enter only a maximum of five digits for the STL journal code. If you enter more than nine digits, an error displays on the Revaluation Settlement screen.
If you did not set up the last system number for settlement entries and you enter a settlement transaction on the Revaluation Settlement screen, Costpoint automatically sets up an STL record on the Details table window for the fiscal year/period combination of the first settlement transaction.
Manage Accounting Periods (GLMPD)
The Journal Entry Status table window now includes the STL code to enable you to post settlement entries for a given fiscal year/period or fiscal year/period/subperiod combination.
If you set the status of the STL code to Not Available, you will not be able to enter a Last System Number for the STL journal code on the Manage System Assigned JE Number screen. However, you will still be able to enter and post settlement entries on the Revaluation Settlement screen.
Manage Subperiods (GLMSUBPD)
The Journal Entry Status table window now includes the STL code to enable you to post settlement entries for a given fiscal year/period/subperiod combination.
Settlement Reversal (Opt-in Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint now provides an enhanced solution for managing your revaluation process with the new Settlement Reversal feature. This addition to the Revaluation Settlement screen, first introduced in Costpoint 8.2.12, allows you to reverse specific records in a previously posted Settlement Journal or reverse an entire journal.
Through this feature, you can reverse only a group of offsetting records or entire journals as needed and make precise modifications to existing Settlement Journals, ensuring accurate revaluation transactions and enhancing the management of multicurrency transactions with greater control and accuracy.
This feature ensures your revaluation processes are more accurate and adaptable, improving overall financial management.
Multiple changes have been applied to the Accounting domain to support this enhancement.
Revaluation Settlement (GLPBSSTL)
The Revaluation Settlement screen now has the Reversal group box, which contains the following fields:
Reverse: Select this checkbox to indicate that the transaction is a settlement reversal. When you select this checkbox, fields in the Filtering Criteria section are disabled.
Settlement Number to Reverse: Use this field to enter or select the settlement number of a posted Settlement Journal for which you want to make a reversal.
This field is enabled only if you select the Reverse checkbox.
The Lookup displays records only if you have entered a Fiscal Year and Period and displays only numbers of Settlement Journals that have not yet been fully reversed.
To reverse a settlement:
Select the Reverse checkbox and enter or select a Settlement Number to Reverse.
Click Execute.
The Available Transactions table window displays offsetting transactions under that settlement number.
Highlight the offsetting transactions that want to reverse and click Select.
You must select only offsetting transactions with the same currency, and their net balance must be equal to zero.
To reverse the entire journal, you must add all the offsetting records under the original settlement number but in separate groups of similar currency at a time.
The amounts will be displayed as reversed values (positive amounts to negative amounts, and vice versa) in the Settled Transactions table window.
In the Settled Transactions table window, review the records and click Add to Settlement.
You can add to the Settlement Journal only offsetting transactions with the same currency, and their net balance must be equal to zero.
The offsetting records with reversed amounts are added to the reversing Settlement Journal, and the reversing gain/loss record will have a BSR journal code and Settlement Reversal description.
Click the drop-down list of the Default Action button and select Print and Post Settlement Journal.
After you post a reversing Settlement Journal, the reversed offsetting transactions will be made available for future settlement transactions, but the original settlement number can no longer be used.
Create Revaluation Entry (GLPBSREV)
With the addition of the Revaluation Settlement screen, the Create Revaluation Entry screen now has more optimized functionalities to provide you a streamlined solution for handling your revaluation process.
Costpoint now includes the revaluation currency in BSR journal entries when you perform a revaluation process. When you view unposted BSR entries on the Manage Journal Entries screen, Costpoint displays the revaluation currency in the BSR Tran Currency field of the JE Details table window.
With the inclusion of the revaluation currency, BSR journal entries are now grouped by account/organization/currency combinations so you can view, analyze, and manage your revaluation entries more easily. Through this update, you can identify your gains/losses amounts for each account/organization/currency combination.
Furthermore, to successfully post revaluation entries, you must ensure that there are no unposted settlement entries for the fiscal year/period combination you are trying to revalue. This is reciprocated on the Revaluation Settlement screen as you would be unable to post settlement entries if there are unposted revaluation entries.
Foreign currency transactions that have been offset and assigned a Settlement Number on the Revaluation Settlement screen will no longer be included in the revaluation process.
Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information (Opt-in Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
This feature allows you to see the invoices you submitted, see the status of these invoices, and be able to communicate on them. In addition, this feature allows you to lookup an invoice in Manage Invoices and see the EFT info, Payments, Invoice Status, and purchase order (PO) balances so you can track payments of the paying company.
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH)
When processing PO vouchers, payers can now communicate with suppliers using the newly added Notes fields in the Internal Approval and Supplier Approval group boxes of the Invoice Approvals tab.
Payers can enter messages or comments in the Notes field of the Internal Approval group box, which is enabled only if both the payer and the supplier have approved the voucher or invoice.
Conversely, the Notes field in the Supplier Approval group box displays messages or comments entered by the supplier in Supplier Portal.
In addition, an Invoice Approval History subtask has been added to the screen to display a history of approval action changes made to the invoice. This subtask displays the following information:
Modified Date/Time
This field displays the date and time when the status or notes were last updated by the payer or supplier.
Modified By
This field displays the ID of the user who applied changes.
Approval Action
This field displays the action associated with the supplier or payer making changes to the approval action or adding approval notes.
Valid values include:
Created by Supplier
Approved by Supplier
Modified by Supplier
Deleted by Supplier
Notes by Supplier
Created by Payer
Approved by Payer
Modified by Payer
Deleted by Payer
Notes by Payer
This field displays notes entered regarding the approval.
Post Vouchers (APPPOSTV)
When you post vouchers, this screen now includes action notes in the posted records and enters action notes from the VCHR_HDR_ACTION table to the VCHR_HDR_ACTION_HS table.
Reverse Posted Vouchers (APPREVVR)
When you reverse posted vouchers, this screen also restores action notes entered in the VCHR_HDR_ACTION_HS table to the VCHR_HDR_ACTION table.
View Voucher History Inquiry (APQVCHRH)
The Voucher History Table window now has the Supplier Poral Notes field, which payers can use to communicate with suppliers. This field allows payers to enter any message or comment relating to a voucher. It is enabled only if the Voucher Type is PO, the voucher has been approved, and the vendor is licensed for Supplier Portal.
Two subtasks have also been added to this screen: Invoice Approval History and Payments. These subtasks display information for PO vouchers only.
Similar to the functionality in Manage Purchase Order Vouchers, you can use the Invoice Approval History subtask to view the history of approval action changes made to a voucher, while the Payment subtask displays payment details tied to a voucher. It has the following fields:
Joint Payee
This field displays a joint check payee for checks that were printed outside Costpoint.
Payment Method
This field displays the vendor payment method. Values include Check, EFT, or EFT Non-US.
Separate Check
This checkbox indicates if each voucher for this vendor must be paid using a separate check. If the Pay Vendor ID on the voucher is different from the Vendor ID and cannot be changed, this checkbox is selected.
Check No
This field displays the identification number of the check used for payment.
Check Status
This field displays the status of the check.
Check Date
This field displays the check date.
Check Amount
This field displays the payment amount on the check.
EFT Pmt Type
This field displays the EFT file format for all payments for this vendor address. This information is for non-US EFT only.
The EFT payment type displays only if you are using a custom version of the Create EFT File screen that uses EFT payment types.
This field displays the US or non-US bank ID to which an EFT payment was sent.
EFT Bank Account
This field displays the US or non-US bank account number used for EFT.
EFT Amount
This displays the amount of the EFT transaction.
Materials Domain Enhancements
Multiple enhancements were also applied to the Materials domain to support this feature. For more information, view the same Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information topic in the Materials section of these release notes.
Vendor Labor Effective Bill Date Validation
The Import Purchase Order Vouchers screen now has an added validation process to check if the Effective Bill Date of a vendor labor line falls within the specified start and end dates of a workforce or project labor category (PLC).
If an Effective Bill Date is not within a workforce or PLC date range, the line will not be imported and an error will display on the Import PO Vouchers Error Report.
CSV Option for Importing Accounts Payable Vouchers
You can now import Accounts Payable (A/P) vouchers using a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) input file.
A CSV file is a text file format that uses commas to separate values. It stores table data in plain text, and each line in the file represents one record. Each record consists of the same number of fields which are separated by commas in the CSV file.
You can enter Header, Detail, or Vendor Labor records. You must import a header format file for every detail format file, while vendor labor format files are optional.
You can import both A/P vouchers in your functional currency, or multicurrency A/P vouchers using a CSV input file.
Refer to the Processing Details sections of the Import Accounts Payable Vouchers screen and Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers screen help topics to view the format of input files.
Voucher Header input file:
Voucher Detail input file:
Vendor Labor input file:
Screen Updates
To support this enhancement, the new Comma-Separated Values option has been added to the Select Input Format drop-down list of the Import Accounts Payable Vouchers and Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers screens.
Manage Application/Content Links
For mobile devices, you can now make your camera the default source by selecting Set Camera as the Default Source on mobile devices in the Manage Application/Content Links application.
Creating Contract Defaults
Costpoint has added a new feature that allows you to set up default field options within contract records. This enhancement helps speed up the creation of new contract records by letting you pre-fill key fields with default values, such as contract status, contract classification, and other general contract information. You or your contract administrator will be able to:
Standardize default values to maintain uniformity across contract records.
Save time and reduce manual data entry.
Simplify the contract creation process, making it quicker and more efficient.
The new Manage Contract Defaults screen has been created and two other applications have been updated for this enhancement.
To set up contract defaults, follow this general procedure:
On the Configure Contract Management Settings screen, set the Default Type. The initial value is Company Default, but you can change it to Contract Type or Project Type. Each time you change the Default Type setting, make sure to run Rebuild Global Settings before entering data in Manage Contract Defaults.
Go to the Manage Contract Defaults screen and set up the defaults for the available contract fields.
Go to the Manage Contracts screen and create a new record. Depending on the default type selected in Configure Contract Management Settings, Costpoint automatically populates the default fields in Manage Contracts once you enter data in one of the trigger fields. Note, however, that opportunity defaults still take precedence over default values entered in Manage Contract Defaults.
Configure Contract Management Settings (CTMSETNG)
A new Default Type field has been added to this screen. Valid options are:
None: If you select this option, you will not be able to enter and view contract default records on the Manage Contract Defaults screen.
Company Default: This is selected by default, but you can modify it. Keep it selected to create contract defaults that are not tied to a specific contract or project type.
Contract Type: Select this option to create contract defaults for a specific contract type.
Project Type: Select this option to create contract defaults for a specific project type.
If you change the Default Type value, run Rebuild Global Settings before entering data in Manage Contract Defaults.
Manage Contract Defaults (CTMCNTRDFLT)
Use this new screen to specify default values for new contract records.
Accessing the New Screen
Enter the application name or ID in Costpoint’s search bar. Alternatively, you can navigate to Capture & Contracts » Contract Management Controls » Contract Management Controls » Manage Contract Defaults.
Default Type Configuration
What you can create or view on this screen depends on the Default Type setting in Configure Contract Management Settings:
If Default Type is None, you will not be able to create new records and edit or view existing ones. Manage Contract Defaults displays the following message instead: "The Default Type is currently disabled and will need to be enabled in Configure Contract Management Settings before records can be added."
If Default Type is Company Default, Contract Type, or Project Type, you will be able to create, edit, delete, or view records in Manage Default Contracts based on the selected default type in Configure Contract Management Settings. For existing records, only those records that match the default type in Configure Contract Management Settings will display in Manage Contract Defaults. Other existing records remain hidden but are not deleted.
Multiple Default Records
You can create multiple contract default records for the Contract Type and Project Type options. However, multiple records with the same contract or project type are not allowed.
For Company Default, only one contract default record is allowed.
Setting Contract Defaults
You must save the new record before you can populate the Manage Contract Defaults Details subtask. Here, you can specify contract defaults for relevant fields. None of the fields are mandatory. You can set defaults for one, two, or even up to 70 fields, depending on your company’s needs.
In addition to the Contract Record Field and Contract Default columns, this subtask provides an extra Contract Record Tab column so you can easily locate a specific field across the various tabs available on the Manage Contracts screen.
Activation and Deactivation
You have the option to activate and deactivate contract defaults. Active defaults apply only to new records in Manage Contracts, leaving existing records unaffected. When you deactivate contract defaults, default values will not be used in new contract records and will also not affect existing records where those defaults have been applied.
Manage Contracts (CTMCNTR)
You can now load contract defaults when creating new records in this application. If you have active defaults, Costpoint will populate the fields in Manage Contracts using contract values specified on the Manage Contract Defaults screen.
The application uses triggers in existing fields when loading contract defaults. Note, however, that defaults from the main opportunity linked to the contract still take precedence over defaults indicated in Manage Contract Defaults.
Default Option
Trigger Field in Manage Contracts
Default Logic
Company Default
Contract Name
When you enter the Contract Name and move out of the field, Costpoint checks if the default option in Configure Contract Management Settings is set to Company Default. If so, the defaults will populate from Manage Contract Defaults.
If you later enter a Costpoint opportunity ID after entering the Contract Name, the opportunity record’s default values will override those from Manage Contract Defaults (unless the opportunity ID defaults are null). Otherwise, Company Default values will be used.
If you enter a Costpoint opportunity ID before the Contract Name, the opportunity defaults will populate the record. After you enter the Contract Name, only blank fields will be populated based on the defaults set up in Manage Contract Defaults, without overwriting the opportunity defaults.
Contract Type
Contract Type
When you select the Contract Type and move out of the field, Costpoint checks if the default option in Configure Contract Management Settings is set to Contract Type. If so, the defaults will populate from Manage Contract Defaults along with the matching contract type, provided that the contract type default record is active. If that contract type default record is not active, no defaults will populate the contract record.
If you later enter a Costpoint opportunity ID after entering the Contract Type, the opportunity record’s default values will override those from Manage Contract Defaults (unless the opportunity ID defaults are null). Otherwise, Contract Type default values will be used.
If you enter a Costpoint opportunity ID before the Contract Type, the opportunity defaults will populate the record. After you enter the Contract Type, only blank fields will be populated based on the defaults set up in Manage Contract Defaults, without overwriting the opportunity defaults.
Project Type
Project Type
When you select the Project Type and move out of the field, Costpoint checks if the default option in Configure Contract Management Settings is set to Project Type. If so, the defaults will populate from Manage Contract Defaults along with the matching project type, provided that the project type default record is active. If that project type default record is not active, no defaults will populate the contract record.
If you later enter a Costpoint opportunity ID after entering the Project Type, the opportunity record’s default values will override those from Manage Contract Defaults (unless the opportunity ID defaults are null). Otherwise, Project Type default values will be used.
If you enter a Costpoint opportunity ID before the Project Type, the opportunity defaults will populate the record. After you enter the Project Type, only blank fields will be populated based on the defaults set up in Manage Contract Defaults, without overwriting the opportunity defaults.
For additional information on how the Manage Contracts fields are populated with defaults, see the following Online Help topic: Contract Default Triggers and Process Flow.
New Fields in Key Contract Dates
These fields have been added to the Key Contract Dates subtask on the Dates tab so you can specify more details about the key dates associated with the contract:
CLIN: Enter the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) associated with the key contract date. This new field allows you to track and query contract values by CLIN.
Exercised: Select this checkbox if the key contract date has been exercised. This marks that the key contract date is currently in effect and lets you move forward with the contract work.
Total: This field displays the total Amount associated with all the key dates linked to the contract.
Domain Name Change from “CRM & Contracts” to “Capture & Contracts”
The CRM & Contracts domain has been renamed to Capture & Contracts to better reflect the domain’s focus and functionality. The term “Capture” more accurately represents the bridge that Costpoint provides between customer relationship management (CRM) and contract management solutions, allowing you to not only manage but also capture the different aspects of customer interactions and agreements.
This change is automatically applied when you install or upgrade to Costpoint 8.2.15. The update will be visible across the platform, including the navigation menu, navigation toolbar (breadcrumbs), system messages, alerts, and notifications. No action is required on your part, but you may contact Deltek Support Center for any questions you may have.
Downloading and Importing Updated FAR/DFARS Clauses and Provisions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The latest lists of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) clauses and provisions are now available for download on the Deltek Costpoint Document Resources page. These updated lists were released by Acquisition.GOV in November 2024. You can import these files into Costpoint to apply up-to-date clauses/provisions to your contracts and subcontracts.
Downloading FAR/DFARS Files
You can download the latest FAR/DFARS lists from Deltek Support Center. Click the following link to go directly to the Deltek Costpoint Document Resources page:
On this screen, click the DFARS Download or FAR Download button to download a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing the most recent list of FAR/DFARS clauses and provisions. The downloaded .csv file is already formatted as an input file that you can import into Costpoint using the Manage FAR Library and Manage Supplemental Regulations Library applications.
Note: The input files are designed so that you can readily import them into Costpoint. You can, however, still rename the files or change the content if necessary.
Below each button is a Last Updated On date indicating when the file was last updated (formatted as mm/dd/yyyy).
If you need assistance in uploading the documents, click the Importing Deltek Costpoint FAR/DFARS button. This brings up a page with information on importing FAR/DFARS clauses and provisions into Costpoint.
Importing FAR/DFARS Files into Costpoint
See the following topic for a step-by-step procedure on importing FAR/DFARS files into Costpoint:
Rename Government Furnished Equipment to Furnished Material in Capture & Contracts
In the Capture & Contracts domain, the term Furnished Material (FM) replaces Government Furnished Equipment (GFE). This change aligns with the Materials enhancement in Costpoint 8.2.12, where Government Furnished Material (GFM) was also renamed to FM. The Materials feature also added two furnished material types: Customer and Government. For more details, refer to the “Change Government Furnished Material (GFM) to Furnished Material (FM)” section in the Deltek Costpoint 8.2.12 Release Notes.
In Costpoint 8.2.15, the following Capture & Contracts screens have been updated:
Manage Contracts: On the Contract Info tab, the following field names were changed:
From Any Government Furnished Equipment (GFE)? to Any Furnished Material (FM)?
From If yes, provide information on Government Furnished Equipment to If yes, provide information on Furnished Material
These updates also apply to the field names under Query Condition in the Query window.
Manage Subcontracts: On the Purchase Orders tab, the PO type GFM/GFE Order now displays as Furnished Materials Order. The updated name is also reflected in the Query window as one of the options when you select PO Type (Purchase Orders Linked) under Query Condition.
Allowing Prospective Vendors in Subcontracts (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
With the latest update to Costpoint, you can now assign prospective vendors directly to subcontract records. Even at the opportunity stage, you can align resources that are not yet active vendors for an upcoming award. This enhancement also simplifies your workflow, making it unnecessary for you to revisit the subcontract record to link the prospective vendor to the subcontract once it becomes an active vendor.
Configure Contract Management Settings (CTMSETNG)
Select the new Allow Prospective Vendors to be assigned as Subcontractor/Vendor ID checkbox on this screen to enable users to assign prospective vendors to subcontract records. When you clear this checkbox after a prospective vendor is assigned to a subcontract, that vendor will remain linked to the subcontract.
Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
When the Allow Prospective Vendors to be assigned as Subcontractor/Vendor ID checkbox is selected on the Configure Contract Management Settings screen, you can now enter prospective vendors in the Subcontractor/Vendor ID field on the Manage Subcontracts screen. The lookup of this field has also been updated to display both active and prospective vendors.
Previously under the General tab, the Subcontractor/Vendor ID field now displays at the header section of Manage Subcontracts. The unlabeled field to its right, which displays the subcontractor/vendor name as a hyperlink, has also been moved to the header.
When you assign a prospective vendor to a subcontract and save the record, and you then clear the Allow Prospective Vendors to be assigned as Subcontractor/Vendor ID checkbox, the prospective vendor will remain associated with the subcontract. Note, however, that you can no longer assign a prospective vendor to any other subcontract records. You have to go to Configure Contract Management Settings and select the checkbox again to reinstate the functionality.
The new Vendor Record Status field added to the header lets you know if the linked subcontractor/vendor ID is a Vendor or a Prospective Vendor. It displays in red if the subcontractor is a prospective vendor.
When you link a prospective vendor to a subcontract, you will not be able to enter a Contract ID on the General tab. When you try to enter a contract ID and save the record, Costpoint displays an error message. The Contract ID field can be filled in only for active vendors, linking the vendor associated with the contract to the subcontract record as well.
Manage Opportunities (CTMOPP)
A new field, Vendor Record Status, is now available on the Subcontracts subtask of this screen. It displays the status of the subcontractor/vendor ID linked to the subcontract record that is associated with the opportunity. Valid values are Vendor and Prospective Vendor, with the latter displaying in red.
In Form view, fields on this subtask have also been rearranged so that the Vendor Record Status field is adjacent to the Subcontractor/Vendor ID and Subcontractor/Vendor Name fields.
View Subcontract Inquiry (CTQSUBC)
The Subcontractor/Vendor ID field lookup on the header of this screen has been updated to display both active and prospective vendors, allowing you to run the report also for prospective vendors.
In the Subcontract Inquiry Details group box, the Vendor Record Status field has been added to indicate whether the subcontractor/vendor ID linked to the subcontract record is an active vendor or a prospective vendor. It displays in red when the subcontractor is a prospective vendor.
Other changes to this screen include the following:
Subcontractor/Vendor ID (in the header and in the Subcontract Inquiry Details group box): This field now accommodates up to 32 characters.
In Form view, some fields have been rearranged so that the new Vendor Record Status field is adjacent to the Subcontractor/Vendor ID field.
Contract Smart Summary
Costpoint applications will now incorporate Generative AI (GenAI) to enhance their capabilities. Increasingly, GenAI features will be integrated to assist users and streamline their interaction with Costpoint applications. This will include functionalities such as quick briefs, smart summaries, data analytics, and more.
The first feature built upon this functionality, Smart Summary, is introduced in Costpoint 8.2.8. Manage Contracts now has a Smart Summary button that allows you to generate summary information for contracts. This button displays if the Enable Costpoint Assistant checkbox is selected on the Configure System Settings screen.
Note: For Costpoint Cloud users, the Enable Costpoint Assistant checkbox is visible only if Feature 2039245 (Add Costpoint AI flag to SYMSETNG) is enabled on the Manage Opt-In Features screen.
When you click the Smart Summary button, the GenAI summarizes information for the contract and provides you with a report divided into these sections:
Contract Summary: Details included in this section are the following:
Contract ID
Contract Name
Primary Customer
Contract Status
Anticipated Contract Value
Award Date
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Project Manager
Contract Admin
Financial Information: This section displays contract and funding values, target revenue, and % complete funding information.
Subcontracts Awarded: This section displays subcontracts linked to the contract, the aggregate value of these subcontracts, and the percentage of the total value.
The report displays on a popup screen.
Here is an example of the generated summary:
Contract Summary
The contract with CNTR-0004, named SE2020 SIR2 FO - TO1 has been awarded to the primary customer FAA, specifically for the Federal Aviation Administration. The contract is currently in AWARDED status, with an anticipated contract value of $2,012,000. The award date for this contract was June 20, 2020, and it is set to commence on the same date with an end date of December 30, 2020. The project manager assigned to this contract is Tina Sexton, and the contract administrator is William Long.
Financial Information
The total contract value for contract SE2020 SIR2 FO - TO1 is $2,012,000, with a funded value of $756,000. Revenue has been calculated using target rates and is currently at $714,277.40, which corresponds to a target percentage complete funding of 94.48%.
Subcontracts Awarded
There are two subcontract records linked to contract SE2020 SIR2 FO - TO1. The aggregate subcontract value is $1,125,000, which, when compared to the total contract value of $2,012,000, represents a significant portion of the contract. The percentage of the contract value attributed to subcontracts is approximately 55.91%. The linked subcontract record are as follows:
- Subcontract ID: SUBC-0001, Name: FAA-B-Subc-0001, Value: $1,075,000
- Subcontract ID: SUBC-0002, Name: FAA-P-Subc-0001, Value: $50,000
CRM/Contracts Hyperlinks Additions and Updates (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
New hyperlinks have been added to the main applications in the CRM & Contracts domain to allow you to launch more screens from within a related application with just a single click. These hyperlinks were added to the following screens:
Manage Leads and Contacts (CTMLEAD)
Manage Activities (CTMACTV)
Manage Contract Management Vendor Info (CTMVEND)
Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
Manage Contracts (CTMCNTR)
Manage Opportunities (CTMOPP)
Some existing hyperlinks have also been updated so that these links open only those applications within the CRM & Contracts domain.
For example, the Customer ID and Customer Name hyperlinks in Manage Leads and Contacts that previously opened the Manage Customers (ARMCUST) screen in the Accounting domain now open the Manage Contract Management Customer Info (CTMCUST) application in CRM & Contracts. In Manage Opportunities and Manage Contracts, links that previously opened the Manage Vendors (APMVEND) and Manage Vendor Employees (APMVEMPL) screens in Accounting now direct users to the Manage Contract Management Vendor Info (CTMVEND) application in CRM & Contracts.
To know more about hyperlinks available on each screen, see the Online Help for the specific application.
De-Supported: Migrate Activities Toolkit (CTPACTTK)
The Migrate Activities Toolkit application was created to help clients migrate their activity records from the old database table to the new table in Costpoint 8.1. Since the old table does not exist in Costpoint 8.2, this toolkit has been de-supported in Costpoint 8.2.
Downloading and Importing Updated FAR/DFARS Clauses and Provisions
The latest lists of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) clauses and provisions are now available for download on the Deltek Costpoint Document Resources page. These updated lists were released by Acquisition.GOV in February 2024 (for FAR) and March 2024 (for DFARS). You can import these files into Costpoint to apply up-to-date clauses/provisions to your contracts and subcontracts.
Downloading FAR/DFARS Files
You can download the latest FAR/DFARS lists from Deltek Support Center. Click the following link to go directly to the Deltek Costpoint Document Resources page:
On this screen, click the DFARS Download or FAR Download button to download a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing the most recent list of FAR/DFARS clauses and provisions. The downloaded .csv file is already formatted as an input file that you can import into Costpoint using the Manage FAR Library and Manage Supplemental Regulations Library applications.
Note: The input files are designed so that you can readily import them into Costpoint. You can, however, still rename the files or change the content if necessary.
Below each button is a Last Updated On date indicating when the file was last updated (formatted as mm/dd/yyyy).
If you need assistance in uploading the documents, click the Importing Deltek Costpoint FAR/DFARS button. This brings up a page with information on importing FAR/DFARS clauses and provisions into Costpoint.
Importing FAR/DFARS Files into Costpoint
See the following topic for a step-by-step procedure on importing FAR/DFARS files into Costpoint:
The latest lists of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) clauses and provisions are now available for download on the Deltek Costpoint Document Resources page. These updated lists were released by Acquisition.GOV in September 2023. You can import these files into Costpoint to apply up-to-date clauses/provisions to your contracts and subcontracts.
Downloading FAR/DFARS Files
You can download the latest FAR/DFARS lists from Deltek Support Center. Click the following link to go directly to the Deltek Costpoint Document Resources page:
On this screen, click the DFARS Download or FAR Download button to download a comma-separated values (CSV) file containing the most recent list of FAR/DFARS clauses and provisions. The downloaded .csv file is already formatted as an input file that you can import into Costpoint using the Manage FAR Library and Manage Supplemental Regulations Library applications.
Note: The input files are designed so that you can readily import them into Costpoint. You can, however, still rename the files or change the content if necessary.
Below each button is a Last Updated On date indicating when the file was last updated (formatted as mm/dd/yyyy).
If you need assistance in uploading the documents, click the Importing Deltek Costpoint FAR/DFARS button. This brings up a page with information on importing FAR/DFARS clauses and provisions into Costpoint.
Importing FAR/DFARS Files into Costpoint
See the following topic for a step-by-step procedure on importing FAR/DFARS files into Costpoint:
Manage Subcontracts: Requisitions and Purchase Orders Updates
Several updates have been implemented to the Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and General tabs of Manage Subcontracts to allow you to link requisitions and purchase orders (POs) to the subcontract record directly on the Manage Subcontracts screen. The application now also displays total amounts for all requisitions and POs associated with the subcontract.
Requisitions Tab
Previously, requisitions can be linked to a subcontract record only via the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen.
Now, through the New button added to the Requisitions tab of Manage Subcontracts, you can directly link requisitions to a subcontract within this tab. Duplicate requisition records are not allowed. Once you associate a requisition to the subcontract and save the record, the Requisition ID field lookup will no longer display the requisition you just added. The lookup also displays only those requisitions that are not associated with any other subcontract record and have a status of Pending or In-Approval.
You can remove records through the Delete button added to the tab. Only requisitions with a Pending or In-Approval status can be deleted.
The new Total row at the bottom of the table window displays the total value for all requisitions associated with the subcontract. Costpoint updates this field every time you add or remove a requisition row and save the record.
Purchase Orders Tab
Similar to the Requisitions tab, New and Delete buttons have been added to the Purchase Orders tab to give you the flexibility to link and unlink POs to a subcontract record. Previously, POs can be associated with a subcontract only through the Manage Purchase Orders screen.
Duplicate records are not allowed. Once you associate a PO to the subcontract and save the record, the PO ID field lookup will no longer display the PO you just added. The lookup also displays only those POs that are not associated with any other subcontract record.
You can delete records on this tab under one of the following conditions:
If the Reference PO checkbox for the PO record is selected
If the Reference PO checkbox for the PO record is not selected but the PO does not have any activity
A new Total row is also added at the bottom of the table window on this tab. The fields display the total PO amount and total remaining PO balance amount for all purchase orders associated with the subcontract. These values are updated whenever you add or remove a PO on this tab and save the record.
General Tab
The new PO Total Summary and PO Total Balance Remaining fields on the General tab display the total PO amount and total remaining PO balance amount, respectively, for all POs associated with the subcontract.
Both fields display as a hyperlink. Clicking the link brings up the Purchase Orders Linked subtask, displaying the same PO information available on the Purchase Orders tab.
NAICS Code Updates
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used to classify businesses and industries for various purposes such as government reporting, statistical analysis, and market research.
NAICS codes are updated once every five years to reflect the changes in the North American economy, with latest updates released in 2022 (see 2022 NAICS Code Changes).
In line with these changes, Deltek provides you a file that you can copy/paste into the Manage NAICS Codes (CTMNAICS) screen and add new NAICS codes to Costpoint. This file includes codes from the Table of Size Standards ( with effectivity date of March 17, 2023. For the step-by-step instructions, see the following article:
Note: The import instructions apply only if you are in Costpoint 8.2.4 or higher.
If you have not yet upgraded to Costpoint 8.2.4 but want to add the new NAICS codes to your Costpoint database, you will need to perform these extra steps before copying the records:
Remove the new columns from the file.
Ensure that the columns in the file are in same order as the columns in Manage NAICS Codes.
This feature also adds an effective date to the NAICS code library in Costpoint so that historical records remain intact with the correct information. This can help you accurately classify your business and activities and ensure that you are properly represented in industry data and reports.
Several other updates have been made to Costpoint applications for this enhancement. These are described in the following sections.
Two fields have been added to this screen:
Effective Date: Enter or select the effective date for the NAICS code.
For codes added through the import file from KB Article 114385, this field is populated with a date of 3/17/2023.
If you change the effective date of an existing record and then save the record, Costpoint displays a message informing you that this action will not update the NAICS code effective date in existing records in vendors, opportunities, contracts, subcontracts, or purchase orders.
A unique record is determined by the NAICS Code and Effective Date combination. You can have multiple records with the same NAICS Code value on this screen as long as they have different effective dates. Similarly, you can have different NAICS Code values with the same effective date.
NAICS Notes: Enter notes relevant to the NAICS code in this field.
If the NAICS code is added to Costpoint through the Import GovWin IQ Data process, Costpoint populates this field with the following statement to indicate where the record came from and the date it was imported: “NAICS imported from GovWin IQ on <Date Imported>.”
Both these fields can be left blank.
Manage Opportunities (CTMOPP)
Effective Date fields have been added next to the NAICS (primary) and NAICS (supporting) fields on the Status tab of this screen. These fields default to the effective date of the NAICS code selected. If a NAICS code is associated with multiple effective dates, you can use this field to select the record with the desired effective date.
The Subcontractor Plan subtask on the RFP Info tab has also been modified to include the new NAICS Effective Date field.
The lookup of the NAICS (primary) and NAICS (supporting) fields has been updated as well to include the following information:
Effective Date
SBA Size Standard (million USD)
SBA Size Standard (Number of Employees)
Manage Contracts (CTMCNTR)
On the Classification tab, Effective Date fields have also been added next to the NAICS (primary) and NAICS (supporting) fields. If an opportunity is linked to a contract record, values in the NAICS (primary), NAICS (supporting), and Effective Date fields default from the opportunity record if the corresponding fields in the contract record are blank. If the contract fields are not blank, Costpoint will not overwrite the existing values, The NAICS code selected can be replaced, but the description and effective date of the NAICS code cannot be edited on this screen.
The Subcontractor Plan subtask on the Classification tab has also been modified to include the new NAICS Effective Date field. When an opportunity is linked to a contract, the value in this field defaults from the opportunity’s Subcontractor Plan subtask value if the contract field is blank. If the contract field is not blank, Costpoint will not overwrite the existing value.
Similar to Manage Opportunities, the lookup of the NAICS (primary) and NAICS (supporting) fields has been updated to include additional information.
Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
The same Effective Date fields are now available on the Subcontract Info tab of this screen. If the subcontract is associated with a contract record, the NAICS (primary), NAICS (supporting), and Effective Date values from the contract record will default in the subcontract record if the corresponding fields in the subcontract record are blank. If the subcontract fields are not blank, Costpoint will not overwrite the existing values. The NAICS code selected can be replaced, but the description and effective date of the NAICS code cannot be edited on this screen.
The Effective Date fields are enabled only on new records and read-only for existing records.
The lookup of the NAICS (primary) and NAICS (supporting) fields now also displays additional details about the NAICS code.
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
To support the 2022 NAICS updates, various enhancements have been applied to the NAICS table window of the Vendor Classification subtask.
You can now use the new Effective Date field to enter or select the effective date for the NAICS code.
The lookup of the NAICS Code field also displays added information, which include NAICS Effective Date, SBA Size Standard (million USD), and SBA Size Standard (Number of Employees).
In addition, the new Large Business checkbox has been added to enable you to specify if your business size exceeds the NAICS code standard for small businesses, and the Notes field has also been updated to allow you to enter up to 4,000 characters.
Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data (APPIQVEN)
When you import vendor data from GovWin IQ and the vendor data contains a NAICS code that does not exist in Costpoint, the Import GovWin IQ Vendor Data screen creates a new record for that NAICS code on the Manage NAICS Codes screen and on the NAICS table window of the Vendor Classification subtask on the Manage Vendors screen.
However, since GovWin IQ does not store the effective date of NAICS codes, the Effective Date of the new NAICS code in Costpoint is set to the import date, and the note “NAICS imported from GovWin IQ on [YYYY-MM-DD].” Is inserted in the Notes field of the new NAICS code record.
Import Items (AOPITEM), Import Purchase Requisitions (AOPRQPP), Import Purchase Orders (AOPUTLPO)
A new field, NAICS effective date (NAICS_EFF_DT), has been added to the input file. This loads the NAICS code effective date.
You can now enter the effective date of the NAICS Code using the new Effective Date field on the screen.
If the effective date of an existing NAICS code record is changed in Manage NAICS Codes (CTMNAICS), the new effective date will not apply to existing records in vendors, opportunities, contracts, subcontracts, or purchase orders.
Note: If you are in Costpoint 8.2.4 or higher, you can import a file into this screen and add new NAICS codes to your Costpoint database. This file contains codes from the Table of Size Standards ( with an effectivity date of March 17, 2023. Instructions are detailed in the following article: KB Article 114385.
A new field, NAICS Eff. Date, has been added to the screen to display the effectivity date of the NAICS code description linked to the NAICS code record.
In addition, when you populate the NAICS code using the utility, the NAICS code and effective date will be populated depending on the selected source:
Industry Class: Costpoint loads the active NAICS code and the latest NAICS effective date corresponding to the item industry class code linked to the item/provisional part/misc. line charge. If the industry class code is not available for a particular item and rev/provisional part/misc. line charge, or if the NAICS code and NAICS effective date linked to the industry class code for that record is invalid or inactive, then the NAICS code and NAICS effective date will not be populated.
Commodity Code: Costpoint loads the active NAICS code and NAICS effective date corresponding to the commodity code linked to the item/provisional part. If a particular item/rev/provisional part does not have a specified commodity code, or the NAICS code and NAICS effective date associated with the commodity code is currently invalid or inactive, then the NAICS code and NAICS effective date will not be populated.
Line Charge type lines will not be updated with this option since there is no commodity code associated for line charge types.
Other: Costpoint loads the NAICS code and the effective date as you specified on the screen.
Manage Parts (PDMPART)
A new field, NAICS Eff. Date, has been added to the screen to display the effectivity date of the NAICS code description linked to the record. In addition, the Lookup screen now includes active NAICS effective dates. Only an active effective date for the NAICS code is allowed to be manually entered/updated.
The same changes apply to the following screens:
Manage Goods (PDMGOODS)
Manage Services (PDMSERV)
Manage Provisional Parts (PDMPRPT)
Manage Proposal Bills of Material (MEMPBOM)
Manage Proposals (MEMPROP)
Manage Commodity Codes (PDMCOMCD)
Manage Engineering Bills of Material (BMMEBOM1)
Release Engineering Bills of Material (BMMEBOM2)
Manage Line Charge Types (POMLCHRG)
Manage Purchase Order Header Information (PPMPOHDR)
Manage Proposal Bills of Material (MEMPBOM)
Manage Proposals (MEMPROP)
Expedite Purchase Orders (POMEXPD)
Manage Vendor Returns (RCMRTRN)
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
A new field, NAICS Eff. Date, has been added to the screen to display the effectivity date of the NAICS code description linked to the record. In addition, the Lookup screen now includes active NAICS effective dates. Only an active effective date for the NAICS code is allowed to be manually entered/updated.
For the PO Header, the NAICS effective date will be loaded from a vendor record if the NAICS code is linked to a vendor. However, if the NAICS code on the PO header is not linked to a PO vendor, then Costpoint will load the latest and active effective date for that NAICS code.
The application now defaults the active and latest NAICS code and effective date based on the item or the miscellaneous charge on the PO line. If the NAICS code and NAICS effective date linked to the item or misc. charge is inactive or invalid, but there are other active effective dates for the NAICS code, Costpoint will use the latest active effective date for the NAICS code.
Manage Purchase Order Header Information (PPMPOHDR)
A new field, NAICS Eff. Date, has been added to the screen to display the effectivity date of the NAICS code description linked to the record. In addition, the Lookup screen now includes active NAICS effective dates. Only an active effective date for the NAICS code is allowed to be manually entered/updated.
Create Purchase Order Change Orders (POMCHNG)
The application copies/loads the active NAICS code and effective date combination from the original record. If the effective date in the original record is inactive or invalid, but there are other active effective dates for the NAICS code, Costpoint will use the latest active effective date for the NAICS code.
The same changes apply to the following screens:
Copy Bills of Material (BMPCOPY)
Apply Engineering Change Notices (ECPINECN)
Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions (PPMQREQ)
The application now defaults the active and latest NAICS code and effective date based on the item or the miscellaneous charge on the requisition line. If the NAICS code and NAICS effective date linked to the item or miscellaneous is inactive or invalid, but there are other active effective dates for the NAICS code, Costpoint will use the latest active effective date for the NAICS code.
Manage Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ1)
A new field, NAICS Eff. Date, has been added to the screen to display the effectivity date of the NAICS code description linked to the record. In addition, the Lookup screen now includes active NAICS effective dates. Only the active effective date for the NAICS code is allowed to be manually entered/updated.
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ2), Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line (PPMRQLN)
A new field, NAICS Eff. Date, has been added to the Assign PO and Assign PO - Combine screens to display the effectivity date of the NAICS code description linked to the record. In addition, the Lookup screen now includes active NAICS effective dates. Only the active effective date for the NAICS code is allowed to be manually entered/updated.
Create Purchase Orders (PPPGPO)
The application copies/loads the active NAICS code and effective date combination from the original record. If the effective date in the original record is inactive or invalid, but there are other active effective dates for the NAICS code, Costpoint will use the latest active effective date for the NAICS code.
Convert Provisional Parts to Standard Parts (PDPCONV)
A new field, NAICS Eff. Date, has been added to the screen to display the effectivity date of the NAICS code description linked to the record. In addition, the Lookup screen now includes active NAICS effective date. Only the latest and active effective date for the NAICS code is allowed to be manually entered/updated.
Compute Material Requirements (PCPMRR)
The application now defaults the active and latest NAICS code and effective date based on the item or the misc. charge on the requisition line. If the NAICS Code and NAICS effective date linked to the item or misc. charge is inactive or invalid, but there are other active effective dates for the NAICS code, Costpoint will use the latest active effective date for the NAICS code.
The same changes apply to the following screens:
Create Purchase Requisitions from Sales Orders (OEPGRQ)
Firm Materials Requirements Planning Planned Orders (MRPFPO)
Firm Master Production Schedule Planned Orders (MSPFPO)
Print Inventory Reorder Report (INPREORD)
Create Blanket Purchase Order Releases (POMRELS)
When you create purchase order (PO) releases, Costpoint now includes the active NAICS code for the PO header and PO line.
Archive Purchase Orders (POPARCH)
The application archives the NAICS code effective date when you archive the purchase order.
Smart Summary Updates in Manage Contracts
Several updates have been made to the Smart Summary report in Manage Contracts to enhance user experience and provide more interactive features.
New features enable you to do the following:
(1) Use the like and dislike buttons to provide instant feedback on the generated smart summary report. Your feedback helps improve the accuracy and relevance of the smart summaries.
(2) Share, send via email, and copy the smart summary.
(3) Directly open a chat with Ask Dela, Deltek’s AI assistant, and ask a variety of questions, from simple requests for information to more detailed inquiries about contracts, projects, or any other areas in Costpoint that you have permissions for. For additional information on the AI assistant, see Ask Dela in the Costpoint Online Help.
(4) Close the smart summary popup screen.
Streamlined CRM & Contracts Menu
To streamline navigation and improve ease of access, several commonly used applications now display at the application group level of the CRM & Contracts menu. Affected applications include the following:
Manage Opportunities
Manage Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI)
Import GovWin IQ Data
Manage Contracts
Manage Subcontracts
Manage Competitors
Manage Leads and Contacts
Manage Activities
Manage Lead and Contacts User-Defined Labels
Migrate Contract Management Activities Toolkit
When you select their respective module from the left navigation pane, these applications now display within the application group list:
The following table lists all applications in the CRM & Contracts domain and their current location in the menu.
Tier 1 – Domain
Tier 2 – Module
Tier 3 – Application Group or Application
Tier 4 – Application
CRM & Contracts
Manage Opportunities
Opportunity Reports and Inquiries
Print Opportunity Current Pipeline Report
Print Opportunity Days Open Report
Print Opportunity Win Loss Report
Manage Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI)
Import GovWin IQ Data
Manage Contracts
Contract Reports and Inquiries
Print Contract Backlog Report
Print Contracts by Administrator Report
Print Contract Vehicle Report
View Contract Financial Information
Manage Subcontracts
Subcontract Reports and Inquiries
View Subcontract Inquiry
Print Vendor COI & NDA Expiration Report
Manage Competitors
Customer/Vendor/Employee Information
Manage Contract Management Customer Info
Approve Prospective Customers
Manage Contract Management Vendor Info
Approve Prospective Vendors
Manage Contract Management Employee Info
Manage Leads and Contacts
Manage Activities
Contract Management Controls
Contract Management Controls
Configure Contract Management Settings
Manage Activity Methods
Manage Activity Subject
Manage Agencies
Manage Business Units
Manage Contract Management Roles
Manage Contract Vehicles
Manage Document Types
Manage Lead / Contact Relationship Types
Manage Lead Rating Types
Manage Lead Source Types
Manage NAICS Codes
Contracts/Subcontracts Controls
Manage Agreement Types
Manage Contract Date Types
Manage Contract Status
Manage Contract Types
Manage Supplemental Regulations Library
Manage FAR Library
Manage GSA Schedule Codes
Manage Performance Assessment Descriptions
Manage Performance Rating Codes
Manage Performance Assessment Formats
Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Codes
Manage Supplier Vendor Rating Descriptions
Manage Contract User-Defined Labels
Manage Subcontract User-Defined Labels
OCI Controls
Manage OCI Reviewer
Manage OCI Status
Manage OCI User-Defined Labels
Opportunities Controls
Configure Opportunity Settings
Manage Opportunity Assessment Formats
Manage Opportunity Assessment Rating Descriptions
Manage Opportunity Closed Reasons
Manage Opportunity Company Responsibilities
Manage Opportunity Contract Types
Manage Opportunity Loss Reasons
Manage Opportunity Sources
Manage Opportunity Stages
Manage Opportunity Types
Manage Opportunity Win/Bid Probabilities
Manage Opportunity User-Defined Labels
Manage Leads and Contacts User-Defined Labels
Migrate Contract Management Activities Toolkit
Subcontract and Contract Modification Totals (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint has added a totals row to the Modifications tab within the Manage Contracts and Manage Subcontracts screens. This enhancement allows you to easily view aggregate values across all modifications for any given contract or subcontract record, eliminating the need for manual calculations. This feature can be particularly useful for those handling multiple projects and funding amounts.
The new Contract Totals line displays in yellow at the top of the Modifications tab in both applications. It includes total values for the following columns:
Contract Value Modifications Amount
Contract Value Modifications Current Cost
Contract Value Modifications Current Fee
Funding Modifications Amount
Funding Modifications Current Cost
Funding Modifications Current Fee
Subcontract Closeout
Subcontract closeout occurs when all subcontracting obligations are met, all disputes are settled, and the final payment has been made. It involves finalizing the necessary activities and documentation related to the subcontract to ensure that all the required work has been completed.
As closing a subcontract agreement is an essential part of the subcontracting process, Costpoint now provides you a way to define a configurable subcontract closeout checklist to help you make sure that all items have been reviewed and completed. You will be able to customize your closeout task descriptions and even structure them as questions. You can create multiple closeout formats with varied closeout tasks, depending on the complexity and requirements of the contract type.
This feature will assist you in simplifying the closeout process and track the information needed to close the subcontract in a timelier manner. Two new applications have been created and a new tab has been added to the Manage Subcontracts screen for this enhancement.
Manage Subcontract Closeout Descriptions (CTMSCOD)
Use this new screen to view, create, or maintain subcontract closeout descriptions, tasks, or activities that need to be completed when the subcontract closeout is performed.
There are 10 system-defined closeout codes that automatically display on this screen.
Closeout Code
Project Complete
Review of Customer/Government Property
All Mods Executed
Review of Classified Documents
Financial reconciliation Complete
Incurred Cost Submission
Rate Audit Complete
Final Invoice submitted
Final Invoice Paid
Closeout Package Sent
You can also create your own closeout descriptions and even frame them as questions to help you better check or customize your list of subcontract closeout tasks.
Both system- and user-defined closeout codes can be assigned to subcontract closeout formats on the Manage Subcontract Closeout Formats screen, given the code’s Show in Lookup checkbox is selected. Note that once a user-defined closeout code is assigned to a format, you will no longer be able to delete it. Costpoint-defined codes cannot be deleted whether or not they are assigned to a format.
Similarly, descriptions of both system- and user-defined codes can be modified only if the codes have not yet been assigned to a closeout format.
To access this application, go to CRM & Contracts » Contract Management Controls » Contracts/Subcontracts Controls » Manage Subcontract Closeout Descriptions.
Manage Subcontract Closeout Formats (CTMSCOFRM)
This new screen allows you to define a format or checklist of tasks, activities, and other information needed for subcontract closeout. You can customize each format depending on the requirements of the contract type.
One Costpoint-defined format (SUB_CO_0001) defaults on this screen, but you can enter additional format records.
In each closeout format, you have to assign at least one closeout code/description before you can save the format record. Up to 10 closeout descriptions can be assigned to a format.
Any closeout format with the Show in Lookup checkbox selected on this screen will be available for selection on the Subcontract Closeout tab of the Manage Subcontracts screen. When you select the closeout format on that tab, the closeout descriptions assigned to the format will display in the Closeout Checklist group box on that tab.
Once a user-defined format is assigned to a subcontract record, you will not be able to delete it. The Costpoint-defined SUB_CO_0001 closeout format also cannot be deleted whether or not it has been used in a subcontract. For both system- and user-defined formats, the description can be edited only if the format has not been associated with a subcontract.
You can open this new screen by clicking CRM & Contracts » Contract Management Controls » Contracts/Subcontracts Controls » Manage Subcontract Closeout Formats.
Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
The Subcontract Closeout tab, which enables you to track and complete the closeout tasks and activities associated with the subcontract, has been added to this application.
Some of the actions you can do on this tab include the following:
Assign a closeout format to the subcontract. Only one closeout format can be linked to a subcontract record. Once you selected a format, the closeout tasks or descriptions for the format will be loaded on the screen.
Assign a task to an employee.
Add notes relevant to the task.
Notify the employee assigned to a task. An email will be sent to the employee, with details about the task and a link to the associated subcontract ID.
View the date the assigned employee was last notified. This information is automatically updated when you use the Notify functionality provided that an email address has been linked to the employee ID. You can also manually update the last notified date.
Mark the tasks as Completed or not. Valid Completed options are Yes, No, and N/A.
Specify the date the task has been completed.
Enter information on disposition of classified materials, patents, or government property and other notes or issues.
Signify that all tasks under the subcontract have been completed and accepted by the subcontractor.
Indicate the signoff date and the employee responsible for the signoff.
New Database Tables
The following database tables have been created to store data for the new screens and the new tab:
SUBCNTR_CO_DESC: This stores subcontract closeout description information.
SUBCNTR_CO_FORMAT: This stores subcontract closeout format information.
SUBCNTR_CO: This stores subcontract closeout information by subcontract ID.
Subcontract Voucher Report
You can now generate a voucher report from within a subcontract record. With the Subcontract Voucher Report, you can view information on all vouchers entered and/or posted to the subcontractor/vendor and project associated with the subcontract. Vouchers posted at the project level and all levels below it are included in the report.
To generate and download the report, click the Print Report button added to the Subcontract Closeout tab of the Manage Subcontracts screen. The Subcontract Project ID field on the General tab of Manage Subcontracts must have a value before you can print the report through this new button. If this field is blank and you click Print Report, Costpoint displays an error message.
You can also preview or print the report through the Preview and Print menus on the toolbar. Note, however, that the Print Subcontract Voucher History Report option on these menus is available only if you are on the Subcontract Closeout tab. When you preview/print the report through this option and no Subcontract Project ID is associated with the subcontract record, Costpoint does not display an error message. Instead, the system generates the report for all project IDs linked to the subcontractor/vendor ID.
The report includes information on the following:
Voucher number
PO number
Invoice date
Check number
Check date
Records are sorted by Outstanding and Paid vouchers per pay currency. Paid vouchers are those with a payment status of PAID, while outstanding vouchers are those with a DEFER, HOLD, PAY, PPHOLD, or PAYWPD status. The total paid and outstanding amounts per pay currency are also displayed on the report.
If you are licensed for Multicurrency and the transactional currency of the vouchers is different from your company's functional currency, the total vouchered amount on the report will not match the ITD Subcontractor Expenses amount on the General tab of Manage Subcontracts. The ITD Subcontractor Expenses value is in functional currency, while the total vouchered amount is in transactional currency.
If you are not licensed for Multicurrency or this feature has been set to off/disabled in your system, all values on the report will be in functional currency. Similarly, if you are a Costpoint Essentials user, the amounts on the report will be in your functional currency.
Voucher numbers that have not been posted to the General Ledger are flagged with an asterisk (*). Check numbers with an asterisk, on the other hand, indicate partial payment.
To view a sample of the Subcontract Voucher Report, see the following topic in the online help: Subcontract Voucher Report.
View Subcontract Inquiry: New Fields
In the Subcontract Inquiry Details table window of the View Subcontract Inquiry screen, the following new fields are now available to provide you additional financial information for the subcontract record and to ensure subcontractor invoices do not exceed the total contract value:
ITD Subcontractor Expenses: This field displays the inception-to-date (ITD) subcontractor posted and unposted expenses.
Remaining Funded Value: This field displays the remaining funded value for the subcontract.
If no project has been associated with the subcontract record, these fields are both blank.
Add Costpoint AI Flag to SYMSETNG (Opt-In Available)
Enable or disable the use of all GenAI features and any future implementations of Costpoint in Configure System Settings (SYMSETNG). Select the Costpoint Assistant checkbox on the General Settings tab to enable the Costpoint Assistant chat functionality and Smart Summary for contracts.
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
The Costpoint Assistant, an AI-powered tool, can enhance user experience in Costpoint. Start a conversation with the Assistant using either text chat or voice commands and ask a wide range of questions, from basic data inquiries about an application to detailed requests for summaries of contacts, projects, and other relevant areas within Costpoint.
As users engage with the Assistant, they can request more detailed information, follow up on initial queries, and receive comprehensive responses, including direct links to relevant applications, subtasks, and records.
The Assistant provides a user-friendly interface that enables quick emailing, copying, or sharing of responses. It supports multiple simultaneous chats, allowing users to switch between conversations using the chat history feature. In addition, users can help improve the Assistant's responses by providing feedback through liking or disliking them.
Users can access the Assistant by clicking the AI button on the Navigation Toolbar or by selecting the floating Assistant icon located at the bottom-right corner of the Costpoint screen. The Screen Configuration Panel allows users to modify these settings at any time.
Costpoint On-Premise Customers: Costpoint AI utilizes the OpenAI GPT Turbo Model available through Microsoft Azure services. To access these AI capabilities within Costpoint, you must have a separate agreement with Microsoft. This agreement will include a license key that must be obtained and integrated into the Costpoint configuration.
Note: For privacy and security purposes, the Costpoint Assistant does not store any questions or answers.
Note: Costpoint AI leverages the OpenAI GPT Turbo Model through Microsoft Azure services. Due to the service agreement with Microsoft, Deltek is subject to certain limitations. Given the high demand, some users might occasionally encounter slight delays or brief unavailability of the Costpoint AI. Deltek is working closely with Microsoft to overcome these limitations.
Ask Dela Extended Conversation History and Enhanced Search Functionality
Chat history can be stored for 90 days from the last activity, providing a comprehensive record of your interactions. You can now search for specific questions or responses within your conversation history, with search results previewed in a highlighted format for easy reference. Even with these enhancements, you retain the ability to clear your chat history at any time.
Ask Dela Updates
Ask Dela has been updated with the following enhancements:
Store Chat History: You can revisit your previous chat history, which is securely stored in your browser and accessible only to you. In addition, administrators can enable the Clear chat history on logout option on the Dela tab in Corporate Settings on the Configure System Settings screen. This setting ensures that chat histories are cleared for all users upon logging out.
Updated UI: The latest update to Ask Dela introduces new functionality, enhancing your user experience with a clearer and more intuitive interface. Features now include full drag-over-the-screen capability, automatic generation of subject titles for conversations, and the ability to rename chats by double-clicking the title or using the three dots next to it. In addition, responses can now include images or icons that link to the relevant application.
Focus Mode: Use the new focus mode to bring the chat window to the center of the screen as a full-sized application. This feature is designed to help you concentrate on your chat experience, especially when working with large amounts of text.
Enter Time: View timesheet data or enter time using free-form text commands.
Assistant Settings: Click the gear icon in the chat window to choose the Ask Dela icon location and adjust the font size.
Dark Mode: Ask Dela is now compatible with Costpoint's Dark color theme.
Canceling Posting Processes
When a posting process is running, such as Post Bills, the option to cancel it in the progress meter becomes disabled once the process starts updating core general ledge tables. This change does not affect the Manage Job Queues and View Action Status applications, which still allow users to cancel at any time during the process. This enhancement is intended to minimize the chances of user error around canceling critical posting applications.
Customizable Styling for Emails
Personalize and format your organization's outgoing emails, such as notifications and reminders, by adding headers and footers in HTML format. This feature allows you to specify background colors, select images, and add text to align your emails with your organization's branding and communication style. The email message will include both HTML and plain text content, ensuring accessibility and readability on all types of email clients.
Access this feature on the new Email Styling tab in the Configure System Settings application.
Enhanced Control Over User Interface Profile Customization
As a Costpoint Procurement admin, control whether certain users can override the UI Profile My Menu by adding their own My Menu. The new Allow UI Profile My Menu Override checkbox, found on the User Interface tab of the Manage Users screen, is selected (enabled) by default to maintain current behavior. However, when the checkbox is cleared (disabled), this setting restricts users from adding applications to the User My Menu, giving admins more control over the user interface.
When this setting is disabled, the Manage My Menu in the left Navigation menu and the My Menu gear icon on the Welcome screen are no longer available to the user. Also, the user cannot add an application as a favorite from the Navigation menu; the star icon (Add application to My Menu) beside the application name will not be available.
If users have customized their My Menu and the setting is later disabled, My Menu will revert to the configuration setup in the user profile.
Enhanced Costpoint Mobile First-Time Launch Experience
Previously, when you launched Costpoint mobile/PWA for the first time, you were prompted to enter the URL of your Costpoint login page. Costpoint now prompts you to accept the Terms and Use of Service upon initial launch. After you accept the terms, you can enter the Costpoint URL to go to the login page or use the new Scan Mobile QR Code option to scan the QR code on the Costpoint Web login page and automatically go to the login screen on your mobile device.
Enhanced Viewing for Multiline Fields
Costpoint now includes a text view popup feature for multiline fields, allowing you to view the entire content at once rather than scrolling line by line through large amounts of text. To view the popup, hover the cursor over the text field and then click
Configuration Utility Update
For on-premise customers: The Configuration Utility has been updated to support the setup and test connections for up to three AI instances, enabling Costpoint AI functionalities. Costpoint will automatically balance across these AI instances to improve overall system throughput and reliability. For more information, refer to KB article #115661.
When you click Attach on the Application Toolbar and use Camera as the source to attach a document to a record, you can now change the name that Costpoint provides for the document in the File Name field on the Choose File screen.
Improved Multi-Row Selection Functionality in Table View
Instead of using keyboard shortcuts to select multiple rows in Table View, such as CTRL+click or COMMAND+click, you now can click a column header or click its arrow and select the new Enable Multi-Row Selection Mode feature. In Multi-Row Selection mode, Costpoint displays a checkbox that you can select for each row in the table. To turn off this feature, right-click the column header or click its arrow and select Disable Multi-Row Selection Mode.
The CPMETADATA.json file that you use to create MS Word Templates in Office 365 has been updated to include only the applications that you are licensed to access. This file contains result set data and Extensibility fields from Costpoint.
Manage Opt-In Features Application
The Manage Opt-In Features (SYMFEATURE) application supports the new Opt-In capability that is available to Costpoint Cloud Customers only. Administrators can use this application to enable and disable Opt-In features during a specific timeframe. To access this application, go to Admin » System Administration » System Administration Utilities » Manage Opt-In Features.
Manage Opt-In Features Screen Improvements
The Manage Opt-In Features application has the following updates:
When you launch the application, the default sorting order is set to Available On, with the most recent dates displaying first.
The Title and Description fields include text pop-ups, making the entire title and description viewable without scrolling.
The Applications subtask includes a new Application Name column that lists the application name for the related application ID.
MS Teams Integration
Costpoint can now be seamlessly integrated with MS Teams, providing a range of value-added benefits:
Receive notifications from Costpoint on MS Teams, which works on both laptops and mobile devices, instead of or in addition to emails.
Enter your timesheet through MS Teams on your phone. The same Interactive Email functionality for entering and signing timesheets and approval workflows also works on MS Teams as interactive messages.
The Costpoint MS Teams app is fully integrated (SSO) with Dela, Deltek AI, allowing you to ask questions and issue commands to Costpoint directly from MS Teams. For instance, you can say "enter time" to view your interactive timesheet card.
Below are some additional details about the Costpoint MS Teams app:
Notifications: With the integration of MS Teams, a new notification option is now available. You can use MS Teams to receive various notifications, just as you would through email, device notifications, and SMS. You can combine it with other notification methods in the Configure System Settings and Configure User Preferences screens, using default and override options for specific message categories. This means you can customize the types of notifications you receive via MS Teams, ensuring that you get only the information that is relevant to you.
Interactive Cards: The same interactive email cards available in version 8.2 for approval workflows and entering and signing timesheets are now supported in MS Teams.
Additionally, with integration with Dela, you can access these cards directly from Teams. Below are a few examples of commands that you can use to interact directly with Costpoint (Ask Dela can understand different ways of phrasing these commands.):
"Enter time" or variations of this command to enter your timesheet.
"Sign timesheet" or similar commands to sign your timesheet.
"Show my timesheet" or related commands to display your timesheet.
"Show my approval tasks" or similar commands to view your approval tasks.
AI Capabilities: The Costpoint MS Teams app seamlessly integrates with Ask Dela, powered by Deltek Dela - a suite of advanced AI technologies within Deltek's software solutions. This powerful tool acts as a digital assistant, allowing you to ask questions in MS Teams and receive the same responses as you would from Ask Dela in Costpoint. This functionality extends to inquiries about projects, people, parts, vouchers, and more - essentially, any questions that would work with the Digital Assistant inside the Costpoint UI will also work with the Costpoint MS Teams app.
However, if you only want to use MS Teams for notifications and not for AI assistant interactions with Costpoint, you can disable the AI for MS Teams integration. To turn off AI interactions while still receiving MS Teams notifications, go to Admin » Configure System Settings » Corporate Settings, click the Dela tab, and select Disable AI for MS Team Integration.
Configuration: Detailed setup information is available in Appendix H in the Deltek Costpoint Configuration Utility Guide. A portion of the setup involves using the new Microsoft Teams Bot Connection Information subtask on the Manage System Integration Accounts screen.
After configuration, you can add the Costpoint MS Teams app in MS Teams. To use MS Teams, you must have an email address assigned to your account in Manage Users. If you share the same email address with other users, MS Teams will prompt you to specify which user is using the Costpoint MS Teams app to establish a temporary link. Costpoint uses the SSO process to authenticate a user in Costpoint based on their identity in MS Teams as established by Microsoft.
My Applications Header Removed from My Menu
In the Left Navigation menu, you no longer need to click the My Applications header under My Menu to view applications that do not belong to any group. Applications now display directly under My Menu.
New Costpoint Trace Functionality
Use the new Enable Traces Configuration (SYMTRACESCFG) application to enable Costpoint to monitor and record database activity for selected applications and users, and generate the trace results in the locations you specify.
Please note that this feature exposes Costpoint's existing tracing functionality that previously required modification of the file. It also adds the ability to generate traces (text files) in alternative file locations instead of physical folders. Trace file names begin with "User ID_App ID_ADMIN/DATA/SYS".
The Enable Traces Configuration application is located in System Administration » System Administration Utilities » Enable Traces Configuration.
New FIDO Wording and UI Guidance
Costpoint now uses the standard term "Passkey" for authentication methods where applicable.
New Interactive Engagement Confirmation Messages
In Configure System Settings, when you clear the Enable Interactive Engagements checkbox or the Do not capture application usage statistics checkbox to turn off the features and then click Save, Costpoint now prompts you to confirm the change.
Removal of GovWin CM Tab
The GovWin CM tab has been removed from the Product Configuration Utility due to the retirement of the GovWin Capture Management Interface applications.
Scan Documents With a Camera
The Attach feature now includes a new source option, Camera, which you can use to scan documents with your computer camera or mobile device camera, instead of uploading photos and then attaching them in Costpoint.
When you click Attach in an application, the Choose File window opens with the new Camera source option listed, along with the existing Local File and Alternate File Location source options. When you select Camera, Costpoint prompts you for permission to use your device's camera. You can specify a target location and notes for the attachment when using the Camera source option, as you can for the other source options.
Support OIDC (OAUTH) Single Sign-On
Costpoint now includes Open ID Connect (OIDC) for Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication. This enhancement leverages OAuth 2.0, providing a secure and standardized framework for user authentication.
Select this authentication method at the company level on the Company Settings tab on the Configure System Settings screen.
Select this authentication method for individual users on the Authentication tab on the Manage Users screen.
Veryfi API Update
The Veryfi API that supports Costpoint’s Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) processing capability, such as for AP vouchers, has been updated to version 8 for its improved security features and performance enhancements.
Welcome Screen Update
The Recent Activity section now displays application names without their IDs for a cleaner look.
Word Template Add-In for Office 365
A new Costpoint Word template add-in is available for use with Office 365. The Office 365 version is similar to the Word Desktop version that was released in Costpoint 7.1.1, with a few key differences.
The new add-in is included with your Costpoint 8.2 installation and requires deployment to create Word templates. For the legacy version, released in Costpoint version 7.1.1, you must download and install the add-in from Deltek Software Manager.
The new add-in installs a Costpoint tab. The Word Desktop version installs a COSTPOINT tab. You can have both versions enabled at the same time; however, it is recommended that you set the previous version to inactive.
The new add-in uses result set data imported from the CPMetadata.json field definition file. The legacy Word Desktop version uses result set data imported from the CPMetadata.xml field definition file.
Templates created in the Word Desktop version also work in the new Office 365 add-in.
MR Installer
The MR Installer now includes Oracle's new version of IIS plug-in DLLs that no longer rely on Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 and 2012 (as those versions are no longer supported by Microsoft).
The 8.2.2 MR installer has been updated to include the latest quarterly patch release for WebLogic 14.1.1.
July 2023 STB -
In addition, the Java Development Kit (JDK) has been upgraded to version 11.0.20 and is installed with the Costpoint 8.2.2 MR installer.
MRP Setting for NET_FL
The MRP setting for NET_FL, which allows you to include On-Hold and MRB locations as part of available inventory for MRP planning, was added to the following screens.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application copies the new settings related to MRP when you create a new company from an existing company.
Manage Locations (INMWHSEL)
A new Net as Planned Available checkbox allows you to include On-Hold and MRB locations as part of available inventory for MRP planning. This checkbox is editable only for On-Hold locations when the MRP setting Incl Selected On-Hold as Available is selected and for MRB locations when the Production Control setting Include MRB as Available Inventory is selected. For other location types, this checkbox will be inactive and selected/cleared based on the NET_FL value in your database.
Configure Materials Requirements Planning Settings (MRMSET)
A new Incl selected On-Hold as Available checkbox allows you to turn on-hold locations on/off when determining available inventory in MRP planning.
Update Material Requirements Planning (MRPMRP)
The application now includes On-Hold type locations for available inventory when the Net as Planned Available checkbox is selected.
Update Master Production Schedules (MSPMPS)
The application now verifies and includes On-Hold type locations for available inventory when the Net as Planned Available checkbox is selected.
MRP Planning Settings for Substitute Parts
This enhancement allows you to use Material Requirements Planning (MRP) to plan substitute parts before the original parts, and to also use on-hand inventory before supply orders.
Update Materials Requirements Plan (MRPMRP)
The application has been updated so that when the Planning Order option under Substitute Part Planning Options in Configure Materials Requirements Planning Settings is set to Substitute Parts Across Projects (SP) or Substitute/Original Part in Demand Project (SO), MRP looks at the part substitutes first before looking at original parts. If the new Use Available Inventory First checkbox is selected, the part planning order will use up the on-hand inventory first before using the supply orders for any of the setting selections under the Planning Order drop-down option.
Update Master Production Schedules (MSPMPS)
The application has been updated to use the same Update Material Requirements Plan screen logic/process.
Configure Materials Requirements Planning Settings (MRMSET)
A new Use Available Inventory First checkbox has been added to the screen. When you select this checkbox, the planning order process will use available on-hand inventory first for both original and substitute parts before using the supply orders.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies new MRP planning setting values for the planning order process.
Limit Supplier Portal User Data Access to Vendor Address Level
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
This feature allows Supplier Portal users to see the vendor information, request for quotes, work assignments, purchase orders, shipments, and invoices that pertain to the vendor address(es) assigned to the Supplier Portal User record only.
Manage Users (SYMUSR)
The Supplier Vendor Lookup now filters the list of vendors to display if the Supplier Portal Enabled checkbox is selected in Manage Vendors screen.
A new Vendor Address Codes subtask has been added to the application and is accessible from the Company Access subtask. Use this subtask to assign vendor addresses to Supplier Portal users who should only see vendor data, RFQs/quotes, purchase orders, and invoices for that organization address.
The Vendor Address Codes subtask is available and enabled if the Supplier Portal Vendor is selected and not blank on the Company Access subtask.
Note that assigning or deleting addresses for a user does not automatically update the record in the Vendor Contact subtask on the Manage Vendors screen. Manually update the vendor contact in Manage Vendors to reflect the same changes.
Supplier Portal Dashboard (SPDSP)
The application now filters records to display on the dash parts based on the user login’s Supplier Portal vendor and vendor address.
Manage Vendors (SPMVEND)
The application now filters purchase order records to display based on the user login Supplier Portal vendor and vendor address code linked to the records.
Supplier Portal (SPMSPACT)
The following applications now filter access to purchase order records based on the user login Supplier Portal vendor and vendor address code linked to the records.The same change applies to the following screens:
Manage Shipping Information (SPMSHIP)
Intracompany Work Assignments (SPMSIWA)
Manage Invoices (SPMINVC)
Manage Quotes (SPMQTV)
The application now filters request for quotes records to display based on the user login’s Supplier Portal vendor and vendor address linked to the record(s).
Approve Prospective Vendors (CTMVENDA)
You can now use a user ID or login ID for multiple vendor address codes or vendor contacts. You need to make sure that the contact details (Last Name, First Name, and Email) for the user ID/login ID are consistent in Manage Users, especially if the user ID already exists on that screen. You will encounter an error message if you try to delete a vendor contact under an address code if a user is linked to that contact.
The same change applies to the following screens:
Manage Contract Management Vendor Info (CTMVEND)
Manage Vendors (APMVEND)
Approve Prospective Vendors (APMPRVENDA)
Manage Prospective Vendors (APMPRVEND)
Add PO Print Setting for Print Original Due Date
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
This feature adds a control setting in Configure Purchase Order Print Options that allows a company to decide on a default for the Print Original Due Date checkbox when printing from Manage Purchase Orders or Print Purchase Orders screen.
Configure Purchase Order Print Options (POMPOPTS)
You can now print the original due date on the purchase order using the Print Original Due Date checkbox. This option is used as default when printing POs from the Manage Purchase Orders screen and on the Manage Supplier Actions screen. The value of this checkbox defaults to the Print Purchase Orders and Print Purchase Order Change Orders screens.
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
When you print a purchase order (PO) or PO change orders from the screen, an option to print or not to print the original due date will be available from the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen (POMPOPTS). If the Print Original Due Date checkbox on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen is not selected, Costpoint prints the PO line's due date instead.
Print Purchase Order (PORPPO)
The default for the Print Original Due Date checkbox is retrieved from the Manage Purchase Orders Print Options screen.
Manage Supplier Actions (SPMSPACT)
An Original Due Date field is added to the screen. When you print a purchase order (PO) or a PO change order from this screen, an option to print the original due date on the report is available if the Print Original Due Date check box is selected from the Configure Purchase Order Print Options, otherwise the PO line due date is printed.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies the new option from the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen when you create a new company.
Automatic Purchase Order (PO) Reservation Creation (Opt-In Feature Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
This feature provides a new setting that gives you the option to automatically create reservation components on a request for quote (RQ)/purchase order (PO) line when creating a requisition or purchase order.
Configure Purchasing Settings (POMSET)
You can now create requisition/purchase order reservations when the Allow Auto-creation of Reservations for Purchase Orders and Allow Auto-creation of Reservations for Requisitions checkboxes are selected.
Manage Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ1)
You can now create requisition/purchase order reservations by enabling reserve components by selecting the Reserve Components checkbox. A new Components subtask has been added to the screen to display components information for the requisition/purchase order.
The same changes apply to the following:
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ2)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line (PPMRQLN)
Approve Purchase Requisitions (PPMRQAPX)
A new Components subtask has been added to the screen to display components information for the requisition/purchase order and view which components will be reserved. Once you approve a requisition, the reservation is created and the following informational message displays: “A reservation has been linked to this requisition.”
The same change applies to Approve Purchase Requisition Line (PPMRQAPL).
Create Purchase Orders (PPPGPO)
The application now copies the requisition line components to the purchase order line component when you create a purchase order.
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
You can now create requisition/purchase order reservations by enabling reserve components by selecting the Reserve Components checkbox. A new Components subtask has been added to the screen to display components information for the requisition/purchase order.
The Print PO Reservation Pick List option has been added to the screen to allow you to print/add it to the report.
Print Purchase Orders (PORPPO)
Use the new Print PO Reservation Parts checkbox to include the list of parts to be supplied by the vendor.
Manage Purchase Order Receipts (RCMPORC)
A new PO Reservations subtask has been added to the screen to display reservation lines linked to the PO and PO line.
View Purchase Order Status(POQSTAT)
A new PO Reservations subtask has been added to the screen under Purchase Order Lines. Use this subtask to display reservation lines linked to the PO and PO line. There is also a PO Issues subtask that displays issue details for the PO.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies the new settings when you create a new company from an existing company.
Change Government Furnished Material (GFM) to Furnished Material (FM) (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
This feature changes Government Furnished Material and Equipment to be more generic as Furnished Material and allows you to indicate a furnished material type on the Inventory Abbreviation on the Manage Inventory Projects screen. There are two system-provided, furnished material types of Government and Customer, but you can define additional types on the new Manage Furnished Material Types (INMFMTYP) screen.
Manage Inventory Project (INMPROJ)
The Government Furnished Materials label has been changed to Furnished Material. In Account Type, when Furnished Material is selected, the new Furnished Material Type field becomes active and has the following Lookup options:
Existing Inventory Abbreviations with Account Type G or Furnished Material (previously Government Furnished Material) will automatically have the Furnished Material Type set to Government. You can change this if needed.
Manage Furnished Material Types (INMFMTYP)
You can access this new application under Materials » Inventory » Inventory Controls. The application has the following fields/columns:
Furnished Materials Code: This is the furnished material code.
Furnished Materials Description: This is the description of the furnished material.
When you select the Furnished Material inventory account type during the inventory abbreviation set up, the Furnished Material Type field is enabled, and you can select from the Lookup option (Government and Customer) or add custom values in the application.
The following are other changes related to this feature.
App Name/ID
Configure Purchase Requisition Settings (PPMRQSET)
The GFM Inv Abbrev checkbox has been renamed to FM Inv Abbrev checkbox. This is to allow separate grouping for furnished material (FM) or furnished equipment (FE) requisition lines from non-FM/FE requisition lines.
Approve PO Invoices (POMAINVC)
View Item Purchasing Information (MEQITEM)
Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates-Indented (MEMPRPLI)
Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates-Summarized (MEMPRPLS)
The Query/Find condition for the PO Type field option GFM/GFE Order has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Import Purchase Orders (AOPUTLPO)
On the PO Header Record Format, GFM/GFE Order (G) has been renamed to Furnished Material Order (G).
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
The GFM/GFE Order option in the Type drop-down list has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Manage Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ1)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ2)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line (PPMRQLN)
On the Assign PO-Combined, Assign PO, and PO Details subtasks, the Find condition for the PO Type option GFM/GFE Order has been renamed to Furnished Material Order. In addition, the FM Type column is now included in the Inv Abbrev Lookup.
Approve Pending Purchase Orders (POMSTAT)
Manage Purchase Order Receipts (RCMPORC)
The Find/Query condition for the PO Type option GFM/GFE Order has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Expedite Purchase Orders (POMEXPD)
In the Select PO Type group box, the GFM/GFE Order checkbox has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Manage Purchase Order Expediting Notes (POMEXPN)
Create Purchase Order Change Orders (POMCHNG)
Print Purchase Orders (PORPPO)
View Item Purchasing Information (POQITEM)
View Purchase Order Change Orders (POQCHNG)
Reconcile Purchase Orders (POPRECON)
Manage Buyers (POMBUY)
The Query Condition for the PO Type option GFM/GFE Order has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Configure Materials Requirements Planning Settings (MRMSET)
In the Default MRP Action Message Types group box, the GFM Planned Order checkbox has been renamed to FM Planned Order.
Manage MRP Action Message (MRMACTM)
Manage Master Production Schedule Action Messages (MSMACTM)
In the Select Message Types group box, the GFM Planned Order checkbox has been renamed to FM Planned Order.
Manage Master Production Schedules (MSMMPS)
On the Action Message subtask, in the Action Message Details group box, GFM Planned Order has been renamed to Furnished Material as Message Type.
Print Master Production Schedule Action Message Report (MSRACTM)
In the Include Message Types group box, the GFM Planned Order checkbox has been renamed to FM Planned Order.
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH)
Load Supplier Portal Last Action (POPLDACT)
Load Purchase Order Org IDs (POPLDORG)
Print Purchase Order Register Report (PORREG)
The PO type GFM/GFE Order has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
View Purchase Order Status (RCQSTAT)
View Purchase Order Status (POQSTAT)
In the PO Type group box, theGFM/GFE Order checkbox has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Also, the Query condition for the PO type option GFM/GFE Order has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Create Physical Counts (INPPHYS)
In the Select Inventory Account Types group box, the Government Furnished Material checkbox has been renamed to Furnished Material.
Manage Subcontractor Invoices (SMMMINVC)
Approve Subcontractor Invoices (SMMAINVC)
The Query condition for the PO Type option Government Furnished Material has been renamed to Furnished Material.
Expedite Manufacturing Orders (PCMMEXPD)
Manage Manufacturing Orders (PCMMOMNT)
On the Allocations subtask, the Find condition for the Account Type option Government Furnished Material has been renamed to Furnished Material.
Manage Detailed Part Schedule (MRMDTPT)
On the Action Messages subtask, the Query condition for the Message Type option GFM Planned Order has been renamed to FM Planned Order.
View Summary Part Availability (MRQSPA)
On the Projects subtask, the Account Type Find condition option GFM has been renamed to Furnished Material.
Expedite Manufacturing Orders (MRMMEXPD)
On the Allocations subtask, the Account Type Find condition option GFM has been renamed to Furnished Material.
Enter Issues to Project/Account/Org or PO (INMPAISS)
The Expense Inv Abbrev/From Inv Abbrev Lookup now has an FM Type column.
Manage PO/Req Inventory Reservations (INMPORSV)
The From Default Inv Abbrev Lookup now has an FM Type column.
Manage Inventory Request (INMRQST)
The Inv Abbrev Lookup now has an FM Type column.
Manage Inventory Reservations (INMPARSV)
Enter Quantity Adjustments (INMQTADJ)
Enter Scrap Adjustments (INMSCADJ)
The From Default Inv Abbrev and Inv Abbrev Lookup now has an FM Type column.
Print MRP Action Message Report (MRRACTM)
In the Include Message Types group box, the GFM Planned Order checkbox has been renamed to FM Planned Order.
Print Manufacturing Order Report (PCRMOCST)
References to GFM in the report have been renamed FM.
Manage Purchase Order Expediting Notes (POMEXPN)
The Find/Query Condition for the Expediting Notes option GFM/GFE Order has been renamed to Furnished Material Order.
Configure Purchase Requisition Settings (PPMRQSET)
In the Requisition Grouping group box, the GFM Inv Abbrev checkbox has been renamed to FM Inv Abbrev.
Approve Purchase Requisitions (PPMRQAPX)
View Item Purchasing Information (PPQITEM)
The Query condition for the PO Type option Government Furnished Material has been renamed to Furnished Material.
Import Inventory Transactions (AOPINTRN)
The error message and error condition/solution referring to GFM has been renamed to FM.
Manage Vendor Returns (RCMRTRN)
In the Line Details group box, the Inv Abbrev field Lookup now includes an FM Type column.
Manage Supplier Actions (SPMSPACT)
Manage Invoices (SPMINVC)
The Find condition for the PO Type option GFM/GFE Order has been renamed Furnished Material Order.
Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs (PCMRELMO)
Compute Material Requirements (PCPMRR)
Recompute and Print Discrepancies (POPDISCR)
Import Purchase Requisitions (AOPRQPP)
Assign Purchase Requisition Lines to Buyers (PPMBUYAL)
Assign Purchase Requisitions to Buyers (PPMBUYAS)
Approve Purchase Requisition Lines (PPMRQAPL)
Enter Inventory Transfers (INMPAXFR)
Message texts for these applications have been revised to change references of GFM/GFE to Furnished Material.
CP MM Deletion Tables for TIP Integration
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
This update adds tables to capture deletions of data that is pertinent to TIP integration so that TIP can track those deletions and update integrated data accordingly.
Manage Manufacturing Orders (PCMMOMNT)
The application has been updated so that when you delete any row from the following tables, is deleted, the deleted data is added to its respective deletion table:
MO_HDR is deleted, a trigger will populate TIP_DEL_MO_HDR
MO_RQMT is deleted, a trigger will populate TIP_DEL_MO_RQMT
MO_ROUTING is deleted, a trigger will populate TIP_DEL_MO_ROUTING
MO-related row from SERIAL_LOT is deleted, a trigger will populate TIP_DEL_SERIAL_LOT_MO
Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material (BMMMBOM1)
The application has been updated so that when you delete any row from MFG_BOM, the deleted data is added to TIP_DEL_MFG_BOM.
Manage Routings (RUMROUT)
The application has been updated so that when you delete a row from the ROUTING_HDR table, the deleted date is automatically added to the new TIP_DEL_ROUTING_HDR table. Similarly, when you delete a row from the ROUTING_LN table, the deleted data is added to the new TIP_DEL_ROUTING_LN table.
Manage Purchase Order Receipts (RCMPORC)
The application has been updated so that when you delete a row from the RECPT_HDR table, the deleted date is added to the new TIP_DEL_RECPT_HDR table.
Similarly, when you delete a row from the RECPT_LN table, the deleted data is added to the new TIP_DEL_RECPT_LN table.
Additionally, if you delete any receipt-related row from the INVT_TRN_LN_SR_LT table, the deleted data is added to the new TIP_DEL_SERIAL_LOT_RECPT table.
Manage Standard Text (PDMTEXT)
The application has been updated so that when you delete any row from STD_TEXT, the deleted data is added to the new table, TIP_DEL_STD_TEXT.
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
The application has been updated so that when you delete a row from the PO_TEXT table, the deleted data is added to the new TIP_DEL_PO_TEXT table. Similarly, when you delete a row from the PO_LN_TEXT table, the deleted data is added to the new TIP_DEL_PO_LN_TEXT table.
Configure Product Definition Settings (PDMITMRU)
A new Using TIP Interface checkbox has been added in the Corporate Settings. By default, this checkbox is not selected. When selected, the triggers to insert deletion data into the new tables are enabled, otherwise the triggers to insert deletion data are disabled.
Eliminate Duplicate App IDs and Correct Add-On Codes
The following Materials applications exist in multiple modules and have been assigned new application IDs to assist with permission setup and eliminate unlicensed modules from displaying on the Menu:
View Items (PDQINQ)
Update Low-Level Codes (MRPLLC)
View Vendor Performance (PPQVNDP)
View Endor Quotes (PPQVQT)
Manage Provisional Part Types (PDMPRPTT)
Manage Provisional Part (PDMPRPT)
Security setup should be reviewed to implement the new application IDs if specific user rights are in place for these applications.
App ID
App Name
Product Definition
View Items
Engineering Change Notices
View Items
View Items
Material Requirements Planning
View Items
Master Production Scheduling
View Items
View Items
Procurement Planning
View Items
Materials Requirements Planning
Update Low-Level Codes
Bills of Material
Update Low-Level Codes
Procurement Planning
View Vendor Performance
View Vendor Performance
Materials Estimating
View Vendor Performance
Procurement Planning
View Vendor Quotes
View Vendor Quotes
Materials Estimating
View Vendor Quotes
Product Definition
Manage Provisional Part Types
Materials Estimating
Manage Provisional Part Types
Product Definition
Manage Provisional Parts
Materials Estimating
Manage Provisional Parts
Enhancement to the Auto PO Reservation Creation
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
This enhancement is related to the Auto PO Reservation Creation feature of a previous release.
Manage Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ1)
A new checkbox, Components Exist, has been added to the screen so that you know that a component exists, and when you close or void the purchase requisition, the reserve quantity is removed.
The same change applies to:
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ2)
Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line (PPMRQLN)
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
A new checkbox, Components Exist, has been added to the screen so that you know that a component exists in the Components subtask. In addition, when you close or void the purchase order requisition, the component record is retained but the reserve quantity will be zero (0), and when the reservation is consumed or fully issued to the PO, the component lines reserve quantity will be zero as well. The Reservation ID will be set to blank to indicate that no reservation exists for the component record.
After the reservation is fully processed and you increased the quantity, you need to manually create a new reservation for the additional quantity.
The same change applies to:
Expedite Purchase Orders (POMEXPD)
Import Purchase Orders (AOPUTLPO)
The application has been updated so that when you update a purchase order, the reserve quantity is set to zero (0) in the component table when the PO or PO line is closed.
PO Closing on Inactive Projects
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
This feature allows you to edit a purchase order to complete necessary closing tasks when the project has been made inactive, so you do not have to reactivate the project before updating the PO.
Configure Purchasing Settings (POMSET)
A new checkbox, Allow Change to Existing PO Line with Inactive Projects, has been added to the screen to allow you to modify existing PO lines with inactive projects.
Create Blanket Purchase Order Releases (POMRELS)
The application now provides an error n error message when a project is inactive and stops you from creating new PO Lines via these functions.
The same change applies to Update Subcontract Retainage PO Status (POMSCST)
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
When the Allow Change to Existing PO Line with Inactive Projects setting is selected, the application now displays a warning message instead of a hard error to allow you to edit an existing PO and PO Lines with an inactive project.
Import Purchase Orders (AOPUTLPO)
The application has been updated to allow you to update a PO with an inactive project if the new setting Allow Change to Existing PO Line with Inactive Projects is selected, and for Costpoint to display a warning message to alert the user.
Approve Purchase Pending Purchase Orders (POMSTAT)
The application has been updated so that it displays an error message if the Allow Change to Existing PO Line with Inactive Projects checkbox is not selected, or displays a warning if the same checkbox is selected on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies the new setting from the Configure Purchasing Settings screen when you create a new company.
Print Signatures on PO
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
This feature eliminates the need for manual PO signatures by allowing you to add signature files to the purchase order so they can be printed automatically.
Manage Buyers (POMBUY)
The application UI has been modified and now displays two tabs, Details and Signature tabs.
The Signature tab allows you to store signature image files of individual buyers, and has the following fields under the Buyer Signature group box:
Name: Enter the buyer’s name on the purchase order.
Title: Enter the buyer’s title. This defaults from the employee record but can be edited.
Phone: Enter the buyer’s phone number. This defaults from the employee phone but can be edited.
Email: Enter the buyer’s email address. This defaults from the employee email address but can be edited.
File Location: Enter the file location of the buyer’s signature.
File Name: Enter the file name related to the buyer’s signature.
Autoload Employee Info: Click this button to autoload employee information if needed.
Configure Purchase Order Print Options (POMPOPTS)
The following checkboxes under Number of Signature Lines (0-5) have been added to the screen:
Print Buyer Signature: Select this checkbox to default the Print Buyer Signature option on the Signatures tab on the Purchase Order. This will print the buyer’s title, and if available, the signature file.
Print Additional Signature: Select this checkbox to allow additional signatures to be added to the Signature tab on the Manage Purchase Orders screen
If neither setting is checked, the Signatures Tab will not be visible on Manage Purchase Orders
Print Purchase Order (PORPPO)
You can now print the signature information on the Signatures tab in Manage Purchase Orders
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
A new Signatures tab has been added to the screen to allow you to display and print the signatures available for the buyer or additional signatures. This tab is visible when the Print Buyer Signature checkbox and/or Print Additional Signature checkbox is selected on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options.
The new tab has the following fields:
Title: This field displays the buyer title in the first row or allows for a title to be entered for additional signatures. If available this will print on the purchase order.
Signature File Location: This field displays the location of the signature files on a purchase order.
Signature File Name: This field displays the name of the signature files on a purchase order.
Print Buyer Signature: This checkbox defaults its value from the Configure Purchase Order Print Options. If selected, the buyer information from the first line will print on the purchase order.
Load Buyer Signature: Use this button to pull the Buyer title, signature file location and signature file name into the first signature line.
Create Purchase Orders (PPPGPO)
The application has been updated to check the Print Buyer Signature checkbox is selected and if so, it will add the Buyer signature information on the Signatures tab of the Purchase Order.
Print Purchase Orders (PORPPO)
The application has been updated to print the signature image and titles from the PO Signatures tab on the Purchase Order.
Create Purchase Order Change Orders (POMCHNG)
The application has been updated to support the changes related to the printing of signature on the purchase order.
Print Purchase Order Change Orders (PORPCO)
The application has been updated to print the signature image and titles from the PO Signatures tab on the Purchase Order Change Order.
Archive Purchase Orders (PORPPO)
The application has been updated to store additional fields related to the signature on the purchase order and allow the application to support such feature.
Import Purchase Orders (AOPUTLPO)
The following columns have been added to the preprocessor:
Column Name
Data Type
Data Default
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Not required
Streamlined Applications in Materials/Accounting
Note: This feature applies to Costpoint Essentials only.
Several applications in the Materials and Accounting domains have been updated to provide you a streamlined display of the screens and improve ease of access.
Streamlined Supplier Portal Menu
To streamline navigation and improve ease of access, several commonly used applications now display at the application group level of the Supplier Portal menu. Affected applications include the following:
Supplier Portal Dashboard
Manage Vendors
Manage Quotes
Manage Supplier Actions
Manage Shipping Information
Manage Invoices
Manage Work Assignments
When you select their respective module from the left navigation pane, these applications now display within the application group list:
Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information (Opt-In Feature Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
This feature allows you to see the invoices you submitted, see the status of these invoices, and be able to communicate on them. In addition, this feature allows you to look up an invoice in Manage Invoices and see the EFT info, Payments, Invoice Status, and purchase order (PO) balances so you can track payments of the paying company.
Supplier Portal Dashboard (SPDSP)
The application now has a new Approved Invoices Payment Status dashpart that is automatically populated with bars that indicate the payment status of invoices/vouchers. Click the bar hyperlink to go to the Manage Invoices screen and access the corresponding invoices.
The new dashpart shows all approved (approved by the payer/supplier) vouchers that are not yet paid (unpaid), have partial payment (partially paid), or fully paid (paid).
Use the hyperlink to go to the particular invoice(s)/voucher(s) on the Manage Invoices screen to take necessary action and/or to enter notes.
“Display Paid Invoices from the Last No. of Days” is used to filter and compute the number of PO vouchers/invoices to be displayed under the “Paid” bar graph.
The information on each dash part will be based on purchase orders with a vendor ID that matches the vendor ID on the company that the user is logged into (current logic).
The dashpart only includes invoices for purchase orders with a buyer’s organization ID (PO_HDR.BUY_ORG_ID) for which the user is authorized, based on the organization security profile linked to the organization security group associated with the user ID (current logic).
Other changes include renaming of the Subcontract Invoices/Vouchers to Pending Invoices/Vouchers and adding the number of days for the paid vouchers under Global Settings.
Manage Invoices (SPMINVC)
The application now displays all invoices whether pending for approval or approved by the payer and/or supplier, awaiting payment, with partial payment, or have been fully paid.
Whenever you enter action notes and save them, the application stores them, and an email notification is sent to the admin personnel’s email address on the Configure Purchase Order Voucher Settings screen. The application also generates an email notification to the personnel if the PO header supplier portal email notification option is selected.
The payment status is added to the query category to allow you to filter the records by status.
Changes to the UI include new fields, Amount Paid and Payment Status, to display the amount paid on the voucher and the invoice payment status. An Add Payment subtask has been added as well to show check and EFT payments.
The Supplier Approval Notes is also now editable to allow the supplier to communicate with the Costpoint Accounts Payable personnel.
Manage Supplier Actions (SPMSPACT)
On the Header Details subtask, PO Total Amt Paid and PO Total Remaining Bal fields have been added to display the total amount paid and the total remaining balance for the purchase order.
New subtasks, Invoices and Payments, have been added as well to display the invoice details and the payment status related to the purchase order.
Accounting Domain Enhancements
Multiple enhancements were also applied to the Accounting domain to support this feature. For more information, view the same Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information topic in the Accounting section of these release notes.
Configurable DPAS Rating FAR Clause
This feature allows you to configure the FAR Clause verbiage that prints on the purchase order (PO), purchase requisition (PR), and request for quote (RFQ).
The new custom FAR Clause verbiage has also been implemented on any Manage screens where the purchase requisition or purchase order can be printed.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
The application now copies the new settings for this feature to the company created in the application.
Configure Purchase Order Print Options (POMPOPTS)
You can now print Custom DPAS Rating FAR Clause verbiage on the purchase order, requisition, and RFQ via the Print Custom FAR Clause checkbox and by entering custom FAR clause text on the new Custom FAR Clause subtask. The subtask is enabled when the Print Custom FAR Clause checkbox is selected.
Print Purchase Orders (PORPPO)
The functionality of the application has been updated to allow you to use PO print options and enter Custom DPAS Rating FAR text rather than the Standard DPAS Rating FAR Clause Text.
The same change applies to the following screens:
Print Purchase Order Change Orders (PORPCO)
Print Purchase Requisitions (PPRPRRQ)
Print Request for Quotes (PPRPRRFQ)
Print PO Header NAICS Code Business Size, Size Standards on Purchase Order
You can now save the NAICS Size Standards on the purchase order (PO) header and print the PO header business size and size standards on the PO regardless of the vendor size. This allows the vendor to see their business size and understand the size standards that qualify them for that size.
Configure Purchase Order Print Options (POMPOPTS)
Two new checkboxes have been added to the screen.
Print NAICS SBA Size Std. for All Bus. Size: Select this checkbox to print the SBA size standard linked to the PO header NAICS code regardless of the vendor’s business size.
Print NAICS Code: Select this checkbox to print the NAICS code when you print the purchase order (PO) and/or PO change orders. This checkbox setting will also default on the Print Purchase Orders and Print Purchase Order Change Orders screen.
Manage Purchase Orders (POMMAIN)
Several fields and checkboxes have been added to the screen.
NAICS Eff. Date: This field displays the effectivity date of the NAICS code. (Header and Line)
SBA Std Size (M USD): This field displays the NAICS SBA size standard in million US dollars regardless of the vendor’s size for the associated NAICS code selected on the purchase order (PO). The value will be loaded from the latest date. If both the million USD and the number of employees data are available for the selected/entered NAICS code, then both values will be displayed.
SBA Std Size (# of Emp): This field displays the NAICS SBA size standard by the number of employees regardless of the vendor’s size for the associated NAICS code selected on the purchase order (PO). The value will be loaded from the latest date. If both the million USD and the number of employees data are available for the selected/entered NAICS code, then both values will be displayed.
Print Purchase Orders (PORPPO)
The following are the changes to the printing of reports:
The Print NAICS Code default will now be retrieved from the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen.
If you select Print NAICS Code and Print NAICS SBA Size Std. for All Bus. Size on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen, then the NAICS code along with the associated SBA size standard information and business size will be printed only on the PO even if the business is not small.
If you select Print NAICS Code but not the Print NAICS SBA Size Std. for All Bus. Size option on the Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen, then the NAICS code along with the associated SBA size standard information and business size will be printed only on the PO if the PO business is small.
If there is no SBA size information available for the NAICS code, then Costpoint will not print the SBA size label on the report. If million USD and number of employees - SBA size standard information are both available, both will be printed. If one of the SBA information is blank or zero, then either the SBA Size Standards (M USD) or (1000 EMPL) will be printed on the report.
The Business Size label should not print on the report if the value is None/Null.
If the option to print the NAICS code is not selected, neither the NAICS code nor the SBA information will be printed.
The same changes apply to the Print Purchase Order Change Orders (PORPCO) screen.
Create Blanket Purchase Order Releases (POMRELS)
When you create PO releases, Costpoint now defaults the Blanket PO’s NAICS Code, Effective Date, and SBA size standard.
Create Purchase Order Change Orders (POMCHNG)
The application now copies the NAICS effective date and SBA size standards to the record when you create a change order.
Archive Purchase Orders (POPARCH)
The application now copies the NAICS effective date and SBA size standards as part of the archived purchase order.
View Purchase Order Status (POQSTAT)
The Vendor Classifications group box has been rearranged to include the following fields:
SBA Std Size (M USD): This field displays the NAICS SBA size standard in million US dollars for the associated NAICS code selected on this purchase order (PO). The value will be loaded from the latest date. If both the million USD and the number of employees data are available for the selected/entered NAICS code, then both values will be displayed.
SBA Std Size (# of Emp): This field displays the NAICS SBA size standard by the number of employees for the associated NAICS code selected on this purchase order (PO). The value will be loaded from the latest date. If both the million USD and the number of employees data are available for the selected/entered NAICS code, then both values will be displayed.
The same changes apply to the View Purchase Order Change Orders (POQCHNG) screen.
Import Purchase Orders (AOPUTLPO)
When the input file is processed, it defaults the SBA size standard for the NAICS code and effective date on the PO header.
Create Purchase Orders (PPPGPO)
When Costpoint loads the NAICS Code from the requisition line to the generated purchase order, it will also load the corresponding NAICS effective date and SBA size standards.
If the given NAICS code and effective date combination in the original record is currently inactive, but there are other active effective dates for the NAICS code, the latest active effective date will be used.
Set Up Company (SYPCOMP)
Costpoint will copy the default values from Configure Purchase Order Print Options screen for the SBA Size Standard for all business sizes when setting up a new company.
Manage Vendor Returns (RCMRTRN)
Two new fields have been added to the screen.
SBA Std Size (M USD): This field displays the NAICS SBA size standard in million US dollars for the associated NAICS code selected on the purchase order (PO). The value will be loaded from the latest date. If both the million USD and the number of employees data are available for the selected/entered NAICS code, then both values will be displayed.
SBA Std Size (# of Emp): This field displays the NAICS SBA size standard by the number of employees for the associated NAICS code selected on the purchase order (PO). The value will be loaded from the latest date. If both the million USD and the number of employees data are available for the selected/entered NAICS code, then both values will be displayed.
In addition, when you create a new purchase order, the application defaults the NAICS SBA Size (M USD and No. of Employees) for the NAICS Code and NAICS Eff Date combination.
Warning/Error when Buy with Components Not Issued
You now have the option to stop users from receiving a purchase order (PO) line that has Buy with Components unless all of the components have been issued on the PO line, thus avoiding a short in item cost.
Set Up Company (SYMPCOMP)
The application copies the settings from an existing company to a new company.
Configure Receiving Settings (RCMSET)
A new Validate Receipt Against Issues to PO field, where you can select either Warning or Error, has been added to the screen. When you receive a purchase order (PO), and a PO reservation exists for the PO line but an issue has not taken place, a warning or error will be displayed upon save, depending on the option you selected on this setting. In addition, the Hard-Edit on QC Required PO Lines checkbox has been renamed to Hard-Error on QC Required PO Lines.
Manage Purchase Order Receipts (RCMPORC)
The application has been updated to accommodate the new Validate Receipt Against Issues to PO setting in Configure Receiving Settings so that a warning or error is displayed when you save a record and a PO reservation exists for the PO line but the items have not yet been issued to the PO.
In addition, a new PO Reservations subtask displays information related to the reservation lines linked to the purchase order line.
Print 1094-Cs
Costpoint has been fully tested to support the pre-printed ACA Forms 1094-C and1095-C from Deltek’s partner form vendors for the 2024 filing. If you encounter alignment issues when you print on pre-printed forms, you may need to adjust the margins on your printer settings or Costpoint’s page setup. Refer to your printer’s documentation for information on how to configure the margins of your printer.
Note: To avoid any alignment issues, you can use the corresponding options on the Process menu of ACA screens to print the forms on PDFs:
Print 1095-C Forms with Data on the Print 1095-Cs screen
Print 1094-C Forms with Data on the Print 1094-Cs screen
Print/Email W-2 and Support Prior Year W-2s in Employee Self Service (ESS)
Employers can now allow their employees to view and print their W-2s in the correct format from Employee Self Service. New print options are available for employees on the W-2s screen in ESS, which administrators can control through the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen.
A new Download and Email button allows employees to download and/or email their copies of Form W-2 as a PDF file. This process is applicable only if the payroll year of the W-2 is 2023 or later. The button launches a parameter window with the following fields:
Payroll Year
From the drop-down list, select the tax year of the Form W-2. The printing of Form W-2 on actual forms is applicable beginning tax year 2023 only.
The values in this drop-down list include the system year and the last four years. The tax years will be further limited based on the Minimum W-2 Year and Maximum W-2 Year on the Manage Taxable Entity Settinga screen.
If system year is 2023 and the range of W-2 years on the Manage Taxable Entity Settinga screen is 2019-2023, then the drop-down list will have 2023 only.
If system year is 2023 and the range of W-2 years on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen is 2023-2027, then the drop-down list will have 2023 only.
If system year is 2024 and the range of W-2 years on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen is 2023-2027, then the drop-down list will have: 2024, 2023.
If system year is 2028 and the range of W-2 years on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen is 2020-2029, then the drop-down list will have: 2028, 2027, 2026, 2025, 2024.
The default value is the year of the current selected record.
Select this option to download the Form W-2 PDF file.
This is the default selection.
Select this option to email the Form W-2 PDF file as an attachment.
Download and E-mail
Select this option to download and email the Form W-2 PDF file.
E-mail Address
This field displays the work email if specified on the Manage Employee Information screen as the default. Otherwise, it shall default from home email. You may also specify another email address.
Company Name
Enter, or click Lookup to select, the company name.
Select this button to perform the downloading and/or emailing of Form W-2.
Select this button to close the parameter window.
Manage Taxable Entity Settings (AOMESSCS)
The Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen provides the following new fields and subtask:
Allow download and email of W-2s
Select this checkbox to allow employees to download or email their copies of Form W-2 (B, C, 2, Instructions).
Print only the last 4 numbers of SSN
When you select this checkbox, employees’ SSN will display only the last four numbers on the employees’ copies of the tax forms.
Tax Forms Subtask
Use this subtask to configure settings related to the electronic delivery of tax forms. This subtask contains the following fields:
Tax Form: From the drop-down list, select which employee tax form to set up. Valid options are 1095-C and W-2/W-2c.
From: Enter the email address that will be displayed when tax forms are sent to employees' email addresses.
Subject: Enter the email subject that will be displayed when tax forms are sent to employees' email addresses. If this field is blank, then the default email subject that will be used by ESS is: <Calendar Year>space<Tax Form>.
Body: Enter the email text that will be displayed when tax forms are sent to employees’ email addresses. If this is blank, then the default email text that will be used by ESS is: “The <Tax Form> is attached to this email.”
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now provides information about the following, which were added for this feature.
Delete Timesheets from TS_HDR table after Closing a Fiscal Period for Payroll Users
Currently, if you have an existing Costpoint Payroll license and then you close accounting periods through the Close Periods screen, the application deletes all timesheets that have been posted to Labor and Payroll. If you have a Payroll license but you do not post timesheets to Payroll, the Close Periods application will not delete the timesheets for the selected fiscal year/period/subperiod.
To address this issue, Costpoint now provides Payroll users with the ability to delete TS_HDR and TS_LN records by timesheet cycle and fiscal year/period/subperiod without requiring the timesheets to be posted to Payroll. A new toolkit will allow you to delete all timesheets that have been posted to the General Ledger but have not been deleted by the Close Periods application. This process will not delete historical data, only current timesheets. You can access the new toolkit in People » Labor » Administrative Utilities » Purge Timesheets Not Cleared by Close Accounting Period.
Labor Locations_Locals
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Add New York City borough/county information to Labor Locations
Print Form W-2c and W-3c with Data on Blank Stock
Prior to this release, you can print Form W-2c only on pre-printed forms from recommended vendors. To avoid alignment problems in using pre-printed forms, Costpoint adds the ability to print Form W-2c on plain paper on the Print W-2s screen.
Print W-2s (PRRW2)
A new W-2c (Form with Data) group box provides the following options for printing W-2c copies to plain paper.
Substitute Copy A (SSA-Approved)
Select this option if you want to print a black and white Copy A. A separate PDF file for the W-3c will be created and saved in the same location as the Form W-2c Copy A.
The Copy A PDF file should be printed on 8.5 x 11-inch single-sheet paper only, not on continuous pin-fed paper.
The option to print only the last 4 numbers of SSN will be cleared and disabled for Copy A.
Copy 1
Select this option if you want to print W-2c Copy 1 - For State, City, or Local tax Department.
Copy D
Select this option if you want to print W-2c Copy D - For Employer.
Employee's W-2c Set (B, C, 2, Instructions)
Select this option if you want to print a set of W-2cs per employee with only one W-2c form per page. This set includes Copy B, Copy C, Copy 2, and a copy of filing instructions per employee. If you want a separate PDF file for each set of W-2cs per employee, then you must select the One PDF File per Employee checkbox.
Note: The printing of Form W-2c on plain paper is applicable beginning Tax Year 2023 only. As of this release, Deltek is still awaiting Form W-2c/Form W-3c for 2023 to be approved by the SSA. An error will be displayed if you select the Substitute Copy A (SSA-Approved) option.
Manage W-2Cs (PRMW2C)
The existing (b) Employer’s Federal EIN field is now the (b) Employer identification number (EIN) field.
Access to Benefits Applications in Costpoint Essentials
Costpoint Essential license users can now access the Benefits applications from the menu. You must have a Benefits (HF) license to access the following screens:
Activate Pending Benefit Elections (AOPESSUE)
Analyze Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility (HBPFTE)
Approve Life Events (AOMESSAL)
Approve Open Enrollment Elections by Plan (AOMESSAP)
Assign Beneficiaries to Benefit Plans (HBMABEN)
Assign Dependents to Benefit Plans (HBMADEP)
Benefits Enrollment (ESMBENENROLL)
Configure Benefit Settings (HBMSET)
Configure Life Events (AOMESSLE)
Create 1094-C and 1095-C Data (HBP109XC)
Create 1094-C and 1095-C Electronic File (HBP1094C)
Dependents/Beneficiaries (ESMDEPBEN)
Designate Beneficiaries (ESMDESBEN)
Life Events/New Hires (ESMLIFEEVENT)
Manage 1094-C Data (HBM1094C)
Manage 1095-C Data (HBM1095C)
Manage Benefit Package Defaults (HBMPDFLT)
Manage Benefit Packages (HBMBPKG)
Manage Benefit Plans (HBMBPSET)
Manage Benefit Providers (HBMPROV)
Manage Benefit Types (HBMBTYPE)
Manage Benefit Years by Taxable Entity (HBMBENYR)
Manage Coverage Amounts by Age (HBMCVAGE)
Manage Coverage Amounts by Salary (HBMCVSAL)
Manage Coverage Options (HBMCOVOP)
Manage Custom Text (ESMCUSTTXT)
Manage Dependent Care FSA History (HBMDEPHS)
Manage Dependent Care FSA Plan Year (HBMDCSET)
Manage Dependent Care Reimbursement (HBMRDEPR)
Manage Employee Benefit Elections (HBMEBELC)
Manage Employee Benefit Options Offered (HBMOPTOF)
Manage Employee Dependent Care FSA Elections (HBMEFSA)
Manage Employee Dependents/Beneficiaries (HBMEDEP)
Manage Employee Evidence of Insurability (EMMEEOI)
Manage Employee HSA Elections (EMMEHSA)
Manage Life Event Codes (HBMQEVNT)
Manage Employee Life Events (HBMEQEV)
Manage Employee Medical Care FSA Elections (HBMMFSA)
Manage Full-Time Equivalent Eligibility (HBMFTE)
Manage HSA Plan Year (HBMHSET)
Manage Life Event Elections (AOMESSBL)
Manage Life Event User Flow Status (AOMESSUF)
Manage Medical Care FSA History (HBMEDPHS)
Manage Medical Care FSA Plan Year (HBMMCSET)
Manage Medical Care Reimbursement (HBMRMEDR)
Manage Open Enrollment Elections (AOMESSBE)
Manage Premium Rates by Age (HBMPRAGE)
Manage Premiums by Salary (HBMPASAL)
Manage System Benefit Types (HBMSYSBEN)
Print 1094-Cs (HBR1094C)
Print 1095-Cs (HBR1095C)
Print Census Report (HBRCEN)
Print Coverage Report (HBRCVG)
Print Employee FSA Report (HBREFSA)
Print Life Insurance Beneficiaries Report (HBREBEN)
Print Medical Dependents Report (HBREDEP)
Process Employee EOI Benefit Elections (EMPEEOI)
Self Service Status (ESRSELFSERVSTAT)
Store Employee Benefit Options Offered (HBPOPTOF)
Update Benefit Option/Election Tables (AOPESSDB)
Access to Non-Benefit-Related ESS Applications in Costpoint Essentials
Costpoint Essential license users can now access the Manage Taxable Entity Settings and Configure Self Service Settings screens.
You must have a Benefits (HF) license to access the following tabs and fields on these screens.
Benefits-Related Fields
Manage Taxable Entity Settings
Benefits Settings tab
Life Event (State/Postal Code Change) field on the Address/Expense Check Settings tab
Configure Self Service Settings
Workflow Options tab
Allow Rollover checkbox
Allow selection checkbox
Show evidence checkbox
Total Comp/Benefits group box and its contents
Application Options subtask
Life Events subtask
Email Notifications subtask
Access to the Contributions - Project Distribution Subtask on the Manage Employee Earnings History Screen
Access to the Contributions - Project Distribution subtask on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen is now based on the Direct charge employer contributions checkbox on the Configure Payroll Settings screen. The Contribution - Project Distribution subtask link will display only when you select the Direct charge employer contributions checkbox.
Additional Human Resources Applications in Costpoint Essentials
Costpoint Essentials users can now access the following applications from the Employee, Compensation, Personnel, and Affirmative Action modules in the People domain. These applications are available if you have a Human Resources (HR) license.
Application Name
Basic Employee Information
Update Employees for Manager Change
Basic Employee Information
Update Employee Affirmative Action Plan
Basic Employee Information
Update Salaries for Compensation Plan Changes
Basic Employee Information
Update Employee Training
Employee HR Information
Manage Employee I-9 Data
Employee HR Information
Manage Employee State Driver's License
Employee Reports
Print Employee Job Title Report
Employee Utilities
Convert Race/Ethnicity Codes to New Race Codes
Compensation Plans
Manage Compensation Grades
Compensation Plans
Manage Compensation Plans
Compensation Plans
Manage Compensation Plan Defaults
Compensation Plans
Manage Compensation Plan Salary Ranges
Job Titles
Manage Summary Job Titles
Job Titles
Manage Functional Job Titles
Job Titles
Manage Functional Position Descriptions
Job Titles
Manage Detail Job Titles
Job Titles
Manage Detail Position Descriptions
Job Titles
Print Job Title Report
Job Titles
Print Job Title Position Description Report
Compensation Reports
Print Compa-ratio Report
Compensation Reports
Print Employee Compensation Plan Report
Compensation Controls
Configure Compensation Settings
Personnel Information
Manage Personnel Actions
Position Requisitions
Manage Position Requisition Approvers
Position Requisitions
Approve Position Requisitions
Personnel Controls
Configure Personnel Settings
Personnel Controls
Manage I-9 Codes
Personnel Controls
Manage Managers/HR Reps by HR Organization
Personnel Controls
Manage Managers/HR Reps by Organization
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Plan Info
Manage Affirmative Action Plans
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Plan Info
Manage Affirmative Action Census Data
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Plan Info
Manage Applicant Data
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Employee Roster
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print New Hire Analysis Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Personnel Action Analysis Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Promotion Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Termination Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Training Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Transfer Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Availability/Utilization Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print EEO-1 Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Job Category Analysis Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Lines of Progression Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Organizational Profile Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print VETS-4212 Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Reports
Print Workforce Analysis Report
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Controls
Configure Affirmative Action Settings
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Controls
Manage Functional Job Title Hierarchy
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action Controls
Manage Job Categories
Affirmative Action Race/Ethnicity System Table Update
Costpoint updates the Affirmative Action Race/Ethnicity System Table (AA_RACES) to reflect the current valid list and no longer support the old EO Survey list. Costpoint adds error reports that lists which employees are linked to inactive Affirmative Action codes. This allows you to correct the data of affected employees and accurately report Affirmative Action data. To support this feature, Costpoint applies updates to multiple applications.
Costpoint users who report affirmative action have the ability to link Affirmative Action race codes to their user-defined race/ethnicity codes on the Manage Race and Ethnicity Codes screen. Prior to this enhancement, the Affirmative Action race codes included codes that were used for past EO Survey reporting. Since the EO Survey race codes are no longer needed, they have been removed from the available mapping list. The available affirmative action race codes are now:
Two or more races
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Race missing or unknown
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
The following codes have been removed from the Affirmative Action Race Code list:
Black & White non-Hispanic
American Indian/Alaskan Native & White non-Hispanic
American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black non-Hispanic
Asian & White non-Hispanic
Other Hispanic or Latino
If any of your Race/Ethnicity codes are still linked to old Affirmative Action Race Codes, Deltek recommends that you update the mapping to meet current affirmative action requirements when this enhancement is available.
Manage Race and Ethnicity Codes (LDMRACE)
The AA_RACES table now includes an Active flag, which designates AA records that are currently in use. The value for the active flag for each code in the AA_RACES table is based on the currently used Affirmative Action codes. When you use the Lookup functionality for affirmative action codes, the results will display only codes that are active.
Print New Hire Analysis Report (HARNHIRE)
The application generates an error report to list any employees that are linked to an inactive Affirmative Action Race Code. If you run the error report, the application will not display the regular report.
Print Termination Report (HARTERM)
The application generates an error report to list any employees that are linked to an inactive Affirmative Action Race Code. If you run the error report, the application will not display the regular report.
Print Personnel Action Analysis Report (HARPERS)
The application generates an error report to list any employees that are linked to an inactive Affirmative Action Race Code. If you run the error report, the application will not display the regular report.
Allow Query by Employee Status on the Manage Employee Salary Information Screen (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
A Status field was added on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen. This update allows you to filter query results by the employee status when you use the screen’s Query or Find function.
This field displays the employee status. The status may be one of the following:
Family Medical Leave
Inactive Accruing Leave
This field is display-only and can be changed on the Manage Employee Information screen.
Audit Tracking for the Manage Payroll Records and Manage Employee Earnings History Screens
Costpoint’s audit tracking capabilities for the Manage Payroll Records screen and Manage Employee Earnings History screen have been updated to properly log the changes made on these screens.
View Payroll Edit Table (PRQPTF)
The Add, Delete, and Update checkboxes in the Transaction Type group box are now selected by default.
The Employee field lookup results are now limited to only the records that exist in the audit table. Previously, the results displayed all employees.
The Modified By field lookup results are now limited to only the records that exist in the audit table.
Transaction Source (SOURCE_APP_CD) columns have been added to the following audit tables, which relate to the EMPL_PAYROLL_ADT table:
The screen provides a new Transaction Source field in the Federal/State Wages and Taxes table.
Transaction Source
This field displays the application where the update to the audit record originated.
The Transaction Type field has been added to all subtasks:
Transaction Type
This field displays if the record has been added, deleted, updated, or not changed.
View Employee Earnings (PRQERF)
The Add, Delete, and Update checkboxes in the Transaction Type group box are now selected by default.
The Employee field lookup results are now limited to only the records that exist in the audit table. Previously, it displayed all employees.
The Modified By field lookup results are now limited to only the records that exist in the audit table.
Transaction Source (SOURCE_APP_CD) columns have been added to the following audit tables, which relate to the EMPL_E_ADT table.
The screen provides a new Transaction Source field in the Federal/State Wages and Taxes table.
Transaction Source
This field displays the application where the update to the audit record originated.
The Transaction Type field has been added to all subtasks:
Transaction Type
This field displays if the record has been added, deleted, updated, or not changed.
Manage Payroll Records (PRMPTF)
The following are the changes to the Manage Payroll Records screen:
The screen now saves all header and subtask data to the audit table, not just the changed data.
Any action on the screen will add a new record in the audit table for the header and all the subtasks.
If the header record was deleted/added, the Transaction Type will be delete/add for all subtasks as well.
If there are changes to any subtask, the system will create new records in the audit table for the header and all subtasks. The records for the header and the subtask that has changes have a transaction type of Update. All subtasks that were not updated will have a transaction type of No Change.
If you delete a V (Void) record, Costpoint clears the Voided Check flag on the original record and inserts a record into the audit table for original record. If you delete a V record and a corresponding W record exists, Costpoint will also mark the W record as deleted. Three records can be created in this process, two in payroll audit and one in employee earnings.
Manage Employee Earnings History (PRMERF)
The following are the changes to the Manage Payroll Records screen:
The screen now saves all header and subtask data to the audit table, not just the changed data.
Any action on the screen will add a new record in the audit table for the header and all the subtasks.
If the header record was deleted/added, the Transaction Type will be delete/add for all subtasks as well.
If there are changes to any subtask, the system will create new records in the audit table for the header and all subtasks. The records for the header and the subtask that has changes have a transaction type of Update. All subtasks that were not updated will have a transaction type of No Change.
If you delete a V (Void) record, Costpoint clears the Voided Check flag on the original record and adds a record marked undeleted to the audit table. Two records will be created in the audit table.
Audit Tracking Updates for the View Employee Taxes Screen
Costpoint updates the ability to track records on the View Employee Taxes screen. This enhancement allows you to properly view the history of changes made to the data on this screen. The screen now indicates if the data was added, edited, or deleted.
The following fields were added in the Inquiry Details table of the View Employee Taxes screen:
Transaction Type
This field displays the transaction type for this row. The types are:
A: Add transaction
D: Delete transaction
U: Update transaction
Note: Subtasks on the View Employee Taxes screen will also include a Transaction Type field. On subtasks, this field may display the A, D, or U transaction types, and in addition, an N (No Change) transaction type.
Transaction Source
The transaction source field displays the application where the update to the audit record originated.
Modified By
This field displays the user ID (Costpoint login ID) for the user who made the modifications shown in this transaction.
Date Modified
This non-editable field displays the date on which the modifications took place for this transaction.
You can use multiple Costpoint screens to update the records on the View Employee Taxes screen. These screens can now populate the appropriate audit tables with transaction source value and save all data to the audit table, not just the changed data. The updated screens include:
State Withholding (ESMSTATEWH)
Federal W-4 (ESMFEDWH)
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
Manage Employee Information (LDMEINFO) – Taxes subtask
To support this feature, new columns were added to the following database tables:
This enhancement requires the following:
Costpoint updates the ability to track records on the View Employee Taxes screen. This enhancement allows you to properly view the history of changes made to the data on this screen. The screen now indicates if the data was added, edited, or deleted.
The following fields were added in the Inquiry Details table of the View Employee Taxes screen:
Transaction Type
This field displays the transaction type for this row. The types are:
A: Add transaction
D: Delete transaction
U: Update transaction
Note: Subtasks on the View Employee Taxes screen will also include a Transaction Type field. On subtasks, this field may display the A, D, or U transaction types, and in addition, an N (No Change) transaction type.
Transaction Source
The transaction source field displays the application where the update to the audit record originated.
Modified By
This field displays the user ID (Costpoint login ID) for the user who made the modifications shown in this transaction.
Date Modified
This non-editable field displays the date on which the modifications took place for this transaction.
You can use multiple Costpoint screens to update the records on the View Employee Taxes screen. These screens can now populate the appropriate audit tables with transaction source value and save all data to the audit table, not just the changed data. The updated screens include:
State Withholding (ESMSTATEWH)
Federal Withholding (ESMFEDWH)
Manage Employee Taxes (PRMETAX)
Manage Employee Information – Taxes subtask (LDMEINFO)
To support this feature, new columns were added to the following database tables:
Contribution Direct Charging Update
The Post Payroll Journal application was updated for employers who direct-charge contributions. If any portion of the contribution is not set to be posted to a project, the non-project required posting account assigned on the Manage Deductions screen should be used. This update addresses scenarios where:
There are no projects being charged on the timesheet.
The combination of a negative amount and a positive amount on the same timesheet results in a 0.00 net.
Defaulting of User and Login ID on New Employee Records from Deltek Talent Management
Costpoint now provides HR managers an option to allow or not allow the defaulting of an employee’s User ID and Login ID when new employee records are imported from Deltek Talent Management.
To support this new functionality, a Do not default User ID and Login ID for new employees checkbox was added to the Transfer Talent Management Data screen. You can select this checkbox if you do not wish to create a User ID and Login ID for new employees upon import.
Direct Deposit Options on the ESS Payroll Checks Screen
Employees with access to the ESS Payroll Checks screen have had the ability to opt into, or out of, having their direct deposit advices mailed to them. Prior to this release, there was no way to hide this option from employees. Payroll administrators can now opt to hide the setting from employees by clearing the new Allow employees to opt into or out of receiving advices by mail checkbox on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen and then running the Rebuild Global Settings process.
Manage Taxable Entity Settings (AOMESSCS)
The application provides the following field.
Allow employees to opt into or out of receiving advices by mail
Select this checkbox to allow employees to specify whether or not they would like to receive direct deposit advices by mail. Selecting this checkbox enables and displays the Please mail my direct deposit advices checkbox on the ESS Payroll Checks screen. Employees can use this checkbox to override the Mail Direct Deposit checkbox on the Manage Employee Bank Information screen.
Do not select this checkbox if you do not want to allow employees to override the Mail Direct Deposit setting or give them the choice of having their direct deposit advices mailed.
The layout of screen has been updated and existing fields were rearranged on the following new tabs.
Payroll Settings
Benefit Settings
Deferred Compensation Settings
Address/Expense Check Settings
Payroll Checks (ESMPAYCHECKS)
The Change Options subtask is now the Direct Deposit Mailing Options subtask. This subtask is enabled if the if the Allow employees to opt into or out of receiving advices by mail checkbox is selected on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen for the employee’s Taxable Entity.
The existing settings on the Direct Deposit Mailing Options subtask have been updated and replaced with the following options.
Please mail my direct deposit advices
Select this checkbox if you want your payroll direct deposit advices mailed to you. When you select this checkbox, your mailing address is displayed.
Your direct deposit advices will be mailed to
This is the mailing address that your employer has on file. If there are any issues, correct them on the Address/Phone screen on the Employee Self Service > Personal menu. If you do not have access to that screen, contact your Payroll Administrator.
Employer and Employee Information from Generated or Manually Entered W-2s Are Now Stored by Costpoint
When you generate W-2s/W-2Cs from the Create W-2 Table screen or enter the W-2s/W-2Cs on the Manage W-2s and Manage W-2Cs screens, Costpoint now stores the following information:
Employer Tax ID
Employer Address
Employer Name
Employee SSN
Employee Name
Employee Address
This enhancement will allow Payroll managers to reprint the employee and taxable entity information for a W-2/W-2C that displays all the W-2 data as it was at the time of the original printing and not use current data for Employer Tax ID, Employer Address, Employer Name, Employee SSN, Employee Name, and Employee Address.
Create W-2 Table (PRPCW2)
The application features the following updates:
New fields were added to the FED_W2_FILE and FED_W2C_FILE tables to hold the following values:
Employer Tax ID
Employer Address
Employer Name
Employee SSN
Employee Name
Employee Address
The application now populates the new fields for W-2s.
The application now populates the following fields for W-2Cs from the saved values in FED_W2_FILE table:
Employee SSN
Employee Name
Upon conversion, the application populates FED_W2_FILE and FED_W2C_FILE tables with existing employee and taxable entity data.
Manage W-2s (PRMW2)
The application now displays the employee’s name and address at the time of the W-2 creation using the new fields in the FED_W2_FILE table.
Manage W-2Cs (PRMW2C)
The application now populates the previously reported SSN and employee name from the new fields in the FED_W2_FILE table. The fields will remain enabled.
Print W-2s (PRRW2)
The application now populates the employer and employee name and address information from new fields in the FED_W2_FILE table. This will show the employee and employer information at the time the W-2 was created.
The application now displays the Employer Tax ID, Employer Address, Employer Name, Employee SSN, Employee Name, and Employee Address from the W-2 table (FED_W2_FILE) instead of from the associated table (TXBLE_ENTITY, EMPL). This allows employees to view the original addresses.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now includes information about the new columns in the FED_W2_FILE and FED_W2C_FILE tables.
Enable Dependent and Beneficiaries Subtasks in Benefits Enrollment and Life Events for Certain System Benefit Types
When the Manage System Benefit Types screen was created, it defaulted and disabled the values for the Dependents Allowed and Beneficiaries Required fields for each system benefit type. Costpoint now expands the functionality of the screen by allowing you to change whether beneficiaries were required or not for Travel Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance system benefit types. The checkboxes will be enabled for Travel Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance system benefit types similar to the OTHER 1 - 9 system benefit types.
Manage System Benefit Types (HBMSYSBEN)
The Beneficiaries Required field is now enabled for ACCDNT (Personal Accident Insurance) and TRAVEL (Travel Insurance) system benefit types.
You can now select both Beneficiaries Required and Dependents Allowed checkboxes at the same time for the ACCDNT system benefit type.
Manage Benefit Plans (HBMBPSET)
The screen enables and selects the Beneficiaries Required checkbox on the Enrollment/Coverage Rules tab for a system benefit type based on the setting on the Manage System Benefit Types screen.
The screen enables the Dependents Eligible checkbox on the Enrollment/Coverage Rules tab for a system benefit type based on the setting on the Manage System Benefit Types screen.
Benefits Enrollment (ESMBENENROLL)
The Beneficiaries subtask will be displayed for any System Benefit Type that has the Beneficiaries Required checkbox selected on the Manage System Benefit Types screen.
The Dependents subtask will be displayed for any System Benefit Type that has the Dependents Eligible checkbox selected on the Manage System Benefit Types screen.
Life Events/New Hires (ESMLIFEEVENT)
The Beneficiaries subtask will be displayed for any System Benefit Type that has the Beneficiaries Required checkbox selected on the Manage System Benefit Types screen.
The Dependents subtask will be displayed for any System Benefit Type that has the Dependents Eligible checkbox selected on the Manage System Benefit Types screen.
Export LINK27-MO/Routings Deletion Records to Deltek Time and Expense
When you delete manufacturing order (MO)/Routings combinations in Costpoint, you can now export those deletion records to Deltek Time and Expense when you run the Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense (LDPDTC) process.
Manage Manufacturing Orders (PCMMOMNT)
The Manage Manufacturing Orders screen adds the ability to store MO/Routing deletion records.
Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense (LDPDTC)
The application now includes MO/Routing deletion records in the export file to Deltek Time and Expense if you select the MO/Routing (LINK27) checkbox.
Export LINK27-Project/PLC Deletion Records to Deltek Time and Expense
When you delete Project/PLC combinations in Costpoint, you can now export those deletion records to Deltek Time and Expense when you run the Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense (LDPDTC) process.
Link Project Labor Categories to Projects (PJMPLCPJ)
Costpoint has been updated to store deleted Project/PLC links so that the deletion information can be exported to Deltek Time and Expense. The application now applies the following:
When you delete a Project/PLC link, Costpoint will store the link.
When you delete a Project/PLC link that is linked to an employee on the Manage Employee Work Force screen, Costpoint also stores the corresponding deleted Project/PLC/Employee links.
Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense (LDPDTC)
The application now includes Project/PLC deletion records in the export file to Deltek Time and Expense if you select the Project/PLC (LINK27) checkbox.
Export Project/PLC and MO/Routing Deletion Records to Shop Floor Time
When you delete Project/PLC combinations and MO/Routing combinations in Costpoint, those deletion records can now be exported to Shop Floor Time through the Export Project Manufacturing Data application.
To support this functionality, the Export Project Manufacturing Data screen was updated to generate D-Delete action records for deleted Project/PLC links and MO/Routing links.
Form I-9 Updates
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) released a new version of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Employers must use Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of their employees.
The Form I-9 changes are:
The citizenship or immigration status in Section 1 has been renamed to “noncitizen authorized to work". This was “alien authorized to work” in the 2019 edition.
A checkbox has been added in Section 2 for E-Verify employers to indicate when they have remotely examined Form I-9 documents.
Checkbox Label
Checkbox Information
Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents
Certain employers who participate in E-Verify are qualified to examine their employee’s documentation remotely by using the optional alternative procedure to physical document examination authorized by the Secretary of DHS. Employers who examine documentation remotely for some employees must offer this option to all employees. To examine your employee’s documentation remotely, you must be enrolled in good standing in E-Verify, and complete the following steps:
Examine copies (front and back, if the document is two-sided) of Form I-9 documents or an acceptable receipt to ensure that the documentation presented reasonably appears to be genuine;
Conduct a live video interaction with the individual presenting the document(s) to ensure that the documentation reasonably appears to be genuine and related to the individual. The employee must first transmit a copy of the document(s) to the employer (per Step 1 above) and then present the same document(s) during the live video interaction;
Indicate on the Form I-9, by completing the corresponding box, that an alternative procedure was used to examine documentation to complete Section 2 or for reverification in Supplement B, as applicable; and
Retain a clear and legible copy of the documentation (front and back if the documentation is two-sided).
Employers may begin using the new edition by August 1, 2023, or may choose to continue to use the 2019 version of the form through October 31, 2023. After October 31, 2023, the prior version of Form I-9 will be obsolete and no longer valid for use.
Starting November 1, 2023, employers who fail to use the August 1, 2023 edition of Form I-9 may be subject to all applicable penalties under section 274A of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1324a, as enforced by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Manage Employee I-9 Data (HPMI9DAT)
The following options in the Status drop-down list were replaced:
The Alien Authorized to Work option was replaced with the Noncitizen Authorized to Work option.
The Non-Citizen National option was replaced with U.S. Noncitizen National option.
The following checkbox was added:
Used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents
Select this checkbox if you used an optional alternative procedure to physical document examination authorized by the Secretary of DHS.
Certain employers who participate in E-Verify are qualified to examine their employee’s documentation remotely by using the optional alternative procedure to physical document examination authorized by the Secretary of DHS. Employers who examine documentation remotely for some employees must offer this option to all employees. To examine your employee’s documentation remotely, you must be enrolled in good standing in E-Verify.
Improved Audit Functionality in People Processing Applications
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
The processing applications in Costpoint People will now consistently update all fields in the audit tables. This enhancement ensures comprehensive and accurate data tracking during each process run.
This feature updates the following applications:
Update Employee Salary Based on Review (HSPECOMP)
Update Employees for Manager Change (HSPMGR)
Delete Timesheet Payroll Computed Flags (PRPCLRTS)
This release also adds the following changes to the Delete Timesheet Payroll Computed Flags screen:
You can now select an All Timesheet Types option from the Timesheet Type drop-down list. All timesheets that have not been payroll-posted will be included in the process.
You can now select N-Reversing and RV-Reversing options from the Timesheet Type drop-down field. Previously, the Reversing option included both RV-Reversing and N-Reversing timesheets. You can now include them in the process, separately.
This enhancement requires the following:
The processing applications in Costpoint People will now consistently update all fields in the audit tables. This enhancement ensures comprehensive and accurate data tracking during each process run.
This feature updates the following applications:
Activate Pending Change Requests (HTPCHANGES)
Activate Pending Employee Bank Information (PRPSPRE)
Activate Retirement Changes (AOPESSUD)
Change Employee Address Line Order (LDPTOOL3)
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
Convert Race/Ethnicity Codes to New Race Codes (LDPRACE)
Delete Paychecks from Payroll Edit (PRPVCHK)
Delete Payment Advices from Payroll Edit Table (PRPVPAF)
Import Employee Leave and Deductions (AOPUTLDL)
Link Talent Management User ID’s to Existing Employees (EMPTMUI)
Post Payroll Journal (PRPPPCLS)
Print Paychecks (PRPPCHK)
Print Payment Advices (PRPPPAF)
Recompute Taxable Wages (PRPRCOMP)
Transfer Talent Management Data (EMPHRSDAT)
Update Employee Deductions/Contributions (PRPSDED)
Update Employee Package Deductions (HBPAPDED)
Update Employee Telephone Types (LDPTOOL4)
Update Salaries for Compensation Plan Changes (HSPCOMP)
Void/Replace Posted Paychecks (PRPAVCK)
Improved Audit Tracking in People Maintenance Applications
Costpoint improves the audit tracking capabilities in multiple maintenance applications in Costpoint People that update employee tables. The following are the key changes that will be applied:
Maintenance applications will now insert all information to audit database tables, not just changed data.
A new Transaction Source column was added to all audit tables to track where updates have been made. Maintenance applications will update the transaction source in applicable audit tables.
Audit applications will now have the following fields on each record:
Transaction Type
Transaction Source
Modified By
Date Modified
The Employee Reports/Inquiries menu (People » Employee » Employee Reports/Inquiries) was renamed to “Employee Reports.” All employee audit applications are now consolidated under a new Employee Inquiries menu (People » Employee » Employee Inquiries), where you can access the following screens:
View Bank Information (PRQEBT)
View Employee Information (PRQEINFO)
View Salary Information (PRQEHIS)
View Taxes (PRQETAX)
View Deductions (PRQEDED)
View Contributions (PRQECNT)
View Bank Information (PRQEBT)
View Savings Bonds (PRQBADT)
View Additional Addresses (EMQESUPADR)
View Citizenship (EMQECOUNTRY)
View Phone Numbers (EMQEPHONE)
View Garnishments (PRQEGARN)
Existing subtasks on the View Employee Information screen are now available as stand-alone applications. This includes the following:
View Additional Addresses (EMQESUPADR)
View Citizenship (EMQECOUNTRY)
View Phone Numbers (EMQEPHONE)
New database tables and columns were created to support this new functionality.
To support this new feature, the following applications were updated:
Direct Deposit (ESMDIRDEP)
Emergency Contacts (ESMEMERCON)
Emergency Contacts (HTMERGENCYCONTACT)
Federal W-4 (ESMFEDWH)
Manage Employee Bank Information (PRMEBT)
Manage Employee Deductions (PRMEDED)
Manage Employee Dependent Care FSA Elections (HBMEFSA)
Manage Employee Garnishments (PRMEGARN)
Manage Employee HSA Deductions (EMMEHSA)
Manage Employee Information (LDMEINFO)
Manage Employee Medical Care FSA Elections (HBMMFSA)
Manage Employee Salary Information (LDMEHIS)
Manage Employee Savings Bonds (PRMEBOND)
Manage Employee Taxes (PREMTAX)
Manage Employer Contributions (PRMECNT)
Phone/Email (HTMPHONE)
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
Team Details (HTMDETAIL)
View Additional Addresses (EMQESUPADR)
View Bank Information (PRQREBT)
View Citizenship (EMQECOUNTRY)
View Contributions (PRQECNT)
View Deductions (PRQEDED)
View Employee Information (PRQEINFO)
View Taxes (PRQETAX)
View Garnishments (PRQEGARN)
View Phone Numbers (EMQEPHONE)
View Salary Information (PRQEHIS)
View Savings Bonds (PRQBADT)
Leave Accrual Limits Based on Anniversary Year
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Costpoint now allows employers to apply the Year Accrual Ceiling based to each employee's anniversary year. This update enables employers to limit leave accrual to a specified number of hours within the anniversary year, as may be outlined in some labor contracts. Employers can specify which leave types should have the Year Accrual Ceiling applied to the anniversary year. You can still opt to apply the Year Accrual Ceiling based on the leave cycle's leave year.
Manage Leave Types (LDMLVTP)
The screen provides new fields and options to support this new feature:
Annual Accrual Limit Basis
If you are limiting an employee’s annual accrual, use these options to specify whether the Annual Accrual Ceiling should be applied to the leave year dates assigned to the employee’s leave cycle or the employee’s anniversary year. Valid options are:
Limit accrual per leave year: Select this option to limit the total leave the employee can accrue in the open leave year. Leave year dates are assigned to a leave cycle on the Manage Leave Periods screen and the leave year assigned to the open leave period is considered as the open leave year. The Compute Leave Accruals process will limit the employee’s leave accrual to ensure the total accrual in the open leave year does not exceed the Annual Accrual Ceiling. The Annual Accrual Ceiling is established on the Manage Leave Codes screen and is based on the employee’s months of service.
Limit accrual per anniversary year: Select this option to limit the total leave the employee can accrue in their anniversary year. An employee’s anniversary year dates are based on the employee’s hire date and the Anniversary Year Timing assigned to the leave type. If a Leave Hire Date is assigned to the employee / leave type combination on the Manage Employee Leave screen, that date will be used to determine the anniversary dates, instead of using the employee’s Hire Date. If applying the annual limit to the employee’s anniversary year, an Anniversary Year Timing method must be selected and will be used as follows:
If the Anniversary Year Timing is Ends in period containing anniversary date, the anniversary year will start in the leave period that follows the period containing their anniversary date and end in the leave period that includes their next anniversary date.
If the Anniversary Year Timing is Starts in period containing anniversary date, the anniversary year will start in the leave period that includes the anniversary or hire date and will end in the leave period that precedes the period that includes their next anniversary date.
Not applicable: This method will automatically be selected if the Accrual Limitation Method is No accrual limit.
This setting is only enabled if the Accrual Limitation Method is one of the following:
Limit an employee’s annual accrual
Limit an employee’s periodic and annual accrual
Anniversary Year Timing
This setting is required if you are limiting the leave an employee can accrue during their anniversary year (Annual Accrual Limit Basis is Limit accrual per anniversary year). Use this setting to specify whether the employee’s anniversary year starts or ends in the period containing their anniversary date. Valid options are:
Ends in period containing anniversary date: Select this option if the employee’s anniversary year will end in the period containing their anniversary date. The start date for that year will be the leave period that follows the period containing their prior anniversary date. For example, if the employee’s Hire Date is 07/12/2022, the leave cycle is semi-monthly, and the current open leave period is 05/01/2024 to 05/15/2024, the employee’s current anniversary year dates would be 07/16/2023 to 07/15/2024.
Starts in period containing anniversary date: Select this option if the employee’s anniversary year will start in the period containing their anniversary date. The end date for that year will be the leave period preceding the period that contains their next anniversary date. For example, if the employee’s Hire Date is 07/12/2022, the leave cycle is semi-monthly, and the current open leave period is 05/01/2024 to 05/15/2024, the employee’s current anniversary year dates would be 07/01/2023 to 06/30/2024.
Not applicable: This method will automatically be selected if the Accrued Leave Annual Accrual Limit Basis is not based on the employee’s anniversary year.
Used Leave
This group box is currently reserved for future use.
This release refines the screen layout and updates the labels to improve understanding of the purpose of existing fields and options.
Previous Label
Updated Label
Use as Excess Leave Type checkbox
Use to track excess leave checkbox
Use as Holiday Leave Type checkbox
Holiday leave checkbox
Use to track Family Medical Leave checkbox
FMLA leave checkbox
Use for Paid Family Leave checkbox
Mandated leave with supplemental compensation checkbox
Paid Family Leave Pay Type field
Supplemental Comp. Pay Type field
Accrue during Family Medical Leave checkbox
Accrue during FMLA leave checkbox
Track Leave options
Tracking Method options
No tabs previously
Details Tab
Limits/Floor Tab
Balance Ceiling Method drop-down list
Period and Year
No Ceiling
Balance Limitation Method drop-down list
Limit year-end balance carryover
Limit periodic and year-end balance carryover
No limit on the balance an employee can carry over
Balance Ceiling Year Option options
Leave Year
Not Applicable
Year-End Limit Schedule options
Apply when the leave year is closed
Apply in period containing anniversary date
Not applicable
Ceiling Timing options
Before Accrual
After Accrual
Not Applicable
Timing of Anniversary Limit options
Apply limit before adding the period accrual
Apply limit after adding the period accrual
Not applicable
Excess Leave Handling options
Year-End Excess Handling options
Track Lost Leave checkbox
Track excess as lost leave checkbox
Transfer Balance in Excess of Year Ceiling checkbox
Transfer excess to the Excess Leave Type checkbox
Excess Leave Type field
Excess Leave Type field
Floor Edit Method drop-down list
No validation
Floor Validation Method drop-down list
No validation
Produce warning if balance would go below floor
Produce error if balance would go below floor
Leave Balance Floor field
Leave Balance Floor field
Accrual Ceiling Method field
Period and Year
No Ceiling
Accrual Limitation Method field
Limit an employee’s annual accrual
Limit an employee’s periodic and annual accrual
No accrual limit
Manage Leave Codes (LDMLVTAB)
The screen provides new fields and options to support this new feature:
Excess Leave Type
This field displays the excess leave type linked to the specified leave type on the Manage Leave Types screen, if applicable.
If the employee’s balance for this leave type exceeds the year-end limit, the excess will be transferred to the excess leave type.
This release refines the screen layout and updates the labels to improve understanding of the purpose of existing fields and options.
Previous Label
Updated Label
Excess Leave Type checkbox
Used to track excess leave checkbox
Payout Leave Code field
Excess Leave Code field
Basis for Leave Deferral group box
Leave Deferral group box
Leave Deferral Basis options
Note: This was added for existing options in the Leave Deferral group box.
Balance in excess of Year-End Balance of Carryover Limit will be transferred to:
Note: This label was added to clarify the purpose of the Excess Leave Code and Excess Leave Type fields.
Manage Employee Leave (LDMELV)
Note: The changes on this screen also apply to the Leave subtask on the Manage Employee Information screen.
The screen provides new fields and options to support this new feature:
Annual accrual limit is based on anniversary year
This display-only checkbox indicates if the leave type’s annual accrual limit is applied to the employee’s anniversary year. If this checkbox is selected, the user should expect to see the employee’s Anniversary Year Accrual dates and total displayed on the screen.
Anniversary Year Accrual group box
If the leave type is configured to impose a limit on the anniversary year accrual, this section will show the anniversary dates for the employee/leave type combination and the total accrual from the anniversary start date to the open leave period. If the leave type is configured to impose a limit on the annual accrual during the leave year, the fields in this group box will not be populated.
Start Date: This field displays the beginning of the employee’s anniversary year. This field will only be populated if the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is Limit accrual per anniversary year on the Manage Leave Types screen. The date is determined by the leave type’s configuration on the Manage Leave Types screen:
If the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is set to Limit accrual per leave year, the leave type accrual limitation is based on the leave year so this field will not be populated
If the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is Limit accrual per anniversary year and the Anniversary Year Timing is Ends in period containing anniversary date, the start date is the first day of the leave period following the one that included the employee’s previous anniversary date.
If the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is ‘Limit accrual per anniversary year’ and the Anniversary Year Timing is ‘Starts in period containing anniversary date’, the start date is the first day of the leave period that includes the employee’s anniversary date.
If the leave type’s annual accrual limit is based on the employee’s anniversary year, this field is automatically populated when you enter the Employee and Leave Type for a new record. If you specify a Leave Hire Date, it will be used to calculate the employee’s anniversary year dates instead of the employee’s Current Hire Date. Since this value is not stored in the database, Costpoint will dynamically use the Employee, Leave Type, and Leave Hire Date values to determine the anniversary year start date when an existing record is queried.
End Date: This field displays the end of the employee’s anniversary year. This field will only be populated if the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is Limit accrual per anniversary year on the Manage Leave Types screen. The date is determined by the leave type’s configuration on the Manage Leave Types screen:
If the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is set to Limit accrual per leave year on the Manage Leave Types screen, the leave type accrual limitation is based on the leave year so this field will not be populated.
If the Annual Accrual Limit Basis is Limit accrual per anniversary year and the Anniversary Year Timing is Ends in period containing anniversary date on the Manage Leave Types screen, the end date is the last day of the leave period that includes the employee’s anniversary date.
If the Annual Accrual Limit Basis is Limit accrual per anniversary year and the Anniversary Year Timing is Starts in period containing anniversary date on the Manage Leave Types screen, the end date is the last day of the leave period before the one that includes the employee’s next anniversary date.
If the leave type’s annual accrual limit is based on the employee’s anniversary year, this field is automatically populated when you enter the Employee and Leave Type for a new record. If you specify a Leave Hire Date, it will be used to calculate the employee’s anniversary year dates instead of the employee’s Current Hire Date. Since this value is not stored in the database, Costpoint will dynamically use the Employee, Leave Type, and Leave Hire Date values to determine the anniversary year end date when an existing record is queried.
Anniversary Year Accrued: This field displays the employee’s total accrual between the specified anniversary year start and end dates.
If the leave type is tracked by hours, this will be the employee’s total Accrued Hours from the View Leave History table where the Leave Period End Date falls on or after the anniversary year start date and on or before the anniversary year end date. Otherwise, if the leave type is tracked by amount, this will be the employee’s total Accrued Amount from the View Leave History table where the Leave Period End Date falls on or after the anniversary year start date and on or before the anniversary year end date.
This field will only be populated if the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is Limit accrual per anniversary year on the Manage Leave Types screen. If the leave type’s annual accrual limit is based on the employee’s anniversary year, this field updates when you enter the Employee and Leave Type for a new record. If you specify a Leave Hire Date, it will be used to calculate the employee’s anniversary year dates instead of the Current Hire Date. Since this value is not stored in the database, Costpoint will dynamically use the Employee, Leave Type, and Leave Hire Date values to determine the anniversary dates when an existing record is queried, and it will use those dates to determine the employee’s total accrual for the year.
This release refines the screen layout and updates the labels to improve understanding of the purpose of existing fields and options.
Old Label
New Label
YTD Accrual field
YTD Accrued field
Used for Leave Payout checkbox
Used to track excess leave checkbox
Used for Paid Family Leave checkbox
Used for mandatory leave with supplemental compensation checkbox
Accrued Leave group box
Leave Balance group box
Paid Family Leave subtask
Mandated Leave with Supplemental Compensation subtask
Average Hourly Compensation Rate field
Hourly Supplemental Compensation Amount field
Apply Timesheet Adjustments in Batch Mode (LDPAUTO)
This release updates the labels to improve understanding of the purpose of existing fields and options.
Old Label
New Label
Paid Family Leave option
Supplemental Compensation for Mandatory Leave option
Reverse Paid Family Leave option
Reverse Supplemental Compensation for Mandatory Leave option
The Apply Timesheet Adjustments in Batch Mode report cover page reflects the changes to the option labels.
Compute Leave Accruals (LDPCLHF)
The Compute Leave Accruals screen now applies the annual accrual limit based on the employee’s anniversary year (rather than the leave year) if the leave type’s Annual Accrual Limit Basis is set to Limit accrual per anniversary year on the Manage Leave Types screen.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now provides information on the new fields added for this enhancement. Descriptions of some existing fields were also updated.
Documentation Updates
The Costpoint help was updated to reflect the changes in this feature. To access the latest help information, you will need to update to the latest Costpoint maintenance release (MR) or use the hosted help. To enable the hosted help, your Costpoint administrator must select the Use Online Help option in the Costpoint Configuration utility. To access the latest help, you can also go to: Costpoint 8.2 Online Help.
This enhancement requires the following:
New Deduction Computation Method That Does Not Exclude 457 and NQDC Contributions
Human Resources/Payroll administrators can set up deductions or contributions with a computation method that uses percent of gross and does not exclude any 457 or non-qualified deferred compensation (NQDC) amounts from the gross. This feature enables companies to comply with 403(b) plan requirements.
You can now select a new PCTGRQ deduction/contribution computation method in related Costpoint applications. The new method is a Percent of Gross Wages that excludes any 457 plan deductions and NQDC deductions. This method multiplies the Rate % by the total wages for the pay period.
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
You can now select the PCTGRQ option from the Computation Method fields for deductions and contributions. The calculation is gross amount minus non-qualified deductions.
Manage Employee Deductions (PRMEDED)
You can now set the Method option to PCTGRQ. Any employee who is currently assigned to a retirement plan with a computation method of PCTGRS and needs to have non-qualifying deductions excluded from the gross wages should change the computation method to the new type, PCTGRQ.
Manage Employer Contributions (PRMECNT)
You can now set the Method option to PCTGRQ. Any employee who is currently assigned to a retirement plan with a computation method of PCTGRS and needs to have non-qualifying deductions excluded from the gross wages should change the computation method to the new type, PCTGRQ.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The PCTGRQ computation method was added to the calculation process. The calculation is gross amount minus non-qualified deductions.
The existing PCTGRS computation method was updated to include any deduction types. This method previously excluded NQDC, 457, and 409(A) deduction types from 401(K), 403(B), 408(K), 501(C), RTH401, and RTH403.
Import Employee Leave and Deductions (AOPUTLDL)
The PCTGRQ computation method was added to the list of allowable values for the import process.
Manage Taxable Entity Settings (AOMESSCS)
You can now set the Deduction option to PCTGRQ in the Deduction Methods subtask.
Manage Retirement Elections (AOMESSRB)
You can now set the Deduction Method option to PCTGRQ.
New Work Hours in Year Field in Team Details for Calculating Salary and Annual Rates
The Team Details screen now allows managers to enter estimated number of work hours in the year for the employees. In addition, a new Work Hours in Year field was added to the Current Salary Information tab and the Salary History subtask.
Team Details (HTMDETAIL)
The following new field has been added to the Current Salary Information tab and Salary History subtask:
Work Hours in Year
This field displays the total number of hours that the employee is expected to work over the course of a year.
The Yearly Hours field was renamed to “Estimated Annual Hours.” This field is now enabled to allow managers to update the estimated annual hours of their direct/indirect reports.
The application will recalculate the Annual Salary and Salary Amount fields when managers update the value in the Work Hours in Year field.
Manage Change Requests (HTMCHANGES)
The following fields were added to the HT_CHANGE_REQUESTS table:
The new fields will be populated with the value from the Work Hours in Year field on the Team Details screen.
The application can now display the new field 31 fields on the screen.
Activate Pending Change Requests (HTPCHANGES)
The application now populates the Work Hours in Year column in EMPL_LAB_INFO and EMPL_LAB_INFO_ADT tables with the value from the new FIELD_31_NEW column on the HT_CHANGE_REQUESTS table.
Payroll Posting Errors Now Include Employee ID and Other Important Information
The Post Payroll process now provides more detailed and specific error messages. This update includes a new detailed error report, which makes it easier for you to identify and resolve any issues with employee earnings records. With this improvement, you can easily pinpoint unbalanced records and ensure an accurate payroll posting process.
People Applications Updated to Validate Based on Project Workforce Start and End Dates
You can now add start and end dates by employee, vendor, and vendor employee in a project workforce in Costpoint Projects. This allows you to limit an employee’s or vendor employee’s work time within the project. In addition, you will not need to remove employees from the workforce, and you will be able to perform a historical review of project workforce records.
To support this feature in Costpoint People, updates have been made to several Costpoint applications to validate based on project workforce start and end dates.
Create Employee Allowance Timesheets Lines (LDPADD)
Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense (LDPDTC)
Import Timesheets (AOPUTLTS)
Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense (LDPUPET)
Manage Correcting Timesheets (LDMCTIME)
Manage Employee Allowances (LDMEADD)
Manage Employee Information – Allowance Details subtask (LDMEINFO)
Manage Timesheets (LDMTIME)
Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines (LDPROTP)
Previous Employee Salary Records Now Stored in Team Management
Prior to this release, Team Management saved the current employee salary record only when a record was changed. Previous salary records were not saved when you added a new salary record. This limited comparison capabilities to changed data only. With this update, Costpoint now saves the previous salary record even when a new record is added. This allows managers to compare both changed and new salary records during the review and approval process.
Team Details (HTMDETAIL)
When you add a new salary record, the application now saves the previous salary record.
Manage Change Requests (HTMCHANGES)
The Manage Change Requests screen properly displays the original value for any added salary records.
Activate Pending Change Requests (HTPCHANGES)
The Activate Pending Change Requests screen properly displays the original value for any added salary records.
Print Both Deductions and Contributions on Employees Paystubs and Employee Self Service
You now have the option to include contribution information in the pay stub details on the Payroll Checks screen in Employee Self Service (ESS) and on printed paystubs. This improvement ensures that employees have comprehensive access to their contribution details in Costpoint and in print.
New options have been added to the Configure Paycheck Settings and Configure Direct Deposit Settings screens to allow you to choose whether to display contribution information on paystubs and payment advices. You also have the option to specify which contributions to print on paystubs on the Manage Deductions screen.
Note: Currently, non-cash and stamp fringes are not supported in this enhancement and will not be included in the contributions section of paystubs. Support for non-cash and stamp fringes will be added in a future release.
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
The screen provides the following new checkbox:
Include on Employee Paystub
Select this checkbox to include this contribution on the printed employee paystubs and payment advices. To use this feature, you must do the following:
Select the Print Contributions on Check Stub checkbox on the Configure Paycheck Settings screen for paychecks.
Select the Print Contributions on Advices checkbox on the Configure Direct Deposit Settings screen for payment advices.
Configure Paycheck Settings (PRMCKSET)
The screen provides the following new checkbox:
Print Contributions on Check Stub
Select this checkbox to print employer contributions on pay stubs. If you select this checkbox, only contributions that are marked as Include on Employee Paystubs on the Manage Deductions screen will be printed on pay stubs. If you do not select this checkbox, no contributions will be printed on pay stubs.
Configure Direct Deposit Settings (PRMDDC)
The screen provides the following new checkbox:
Print Contributions on Advices
Select this checkbox to print employer contributions on payment advices. If you select this checkbox, only contributions that are marked as Include on Employee Paystubs on the Manage Deductions screen will be printed on payment advices. If you do not select this checkbox, no contributions will be printed on payment advices.
Payroll Checks (ESMPAYCHECKS)
A new Contributions subtask allows you to view the breakdown of employer contribution amounts for the current and year-to-date periods.
Print Paychecks (PRPPCHK)
The check layouts now include contributions, if applicable.
Note: Pre-printed checks are not supported in this new functionality.
Print Payment Advices (PRPPPAF)
The check layouts now include contributions, if applicable.
Note: Pre-printed advices are not supported in this new functionality.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The Print Data Dictionary Report now provides information for the columns that were added to support this functionality.
Prorate Employer Contributions to an HSA When an Employee Starts Mid-Year
Prior to this release, if an employee started mid-year, Costpoint prorated the contribution limit by the number of months that the employee worked in that year. However, the employer contribution was not prorated no matter when the employee joins the company. In this scenario, the employer matching should also be prorated.
To address this issue, Costpoint now allows employers to set if the employer HSA match amount should be prorated when an employee elects an HSA mid-year.
Manage HSA Plan Year (HBMHSET)
The Manage HSA Plan Year screen provides the following new checkbox:
Prorate employer contribution for employees starting mid-plan year
Select this checkbox if you want to prorate the employer contribution amount when an employee elects an HSA deduction mid-year.
Update Employee Package Deductions (HBPAPDED)
The Update Employee Package Deductions screen was updated to use the new checkbox on the Manage HSA Plan Year screen to determine if the yearly employer HSA contribution should be prorated based on the HSA contribution start date.
If an employee is hired mid-year or decides to elect an HSA mid-year through a life event, the employer contribution amount is determined by pro-rating the amount by either the number of pay period or paychecks left in the plan year.
Manage Employee HSA Elections (EMMEHSA)
The Manage Employee HSA Elections screen was updated to use the new checkbox on the Manage HSA Plan Year screen to determine if the yearly employer HSA contribution should be prorated based on the HSA contribution start date.
If an employee is hired mid-year or decides to elect an HSA mid-year through a life event, the employer contribution amount is determined by pro-rating the amount by either the number of pay period or paychecks left in the plan year.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information on the Prorate employer contribution for employees starting mid-plan year (PRORATE_CNTRB_FL) column in the HB_HSA_SETUP table.
Redesigned Expense Checks Application in Employee Self Service
The Expense Checks screen in Employee Self Service (ESS) was updated to improve its usability. It is now consistent with the existing design of the Payroll Checks screen. The changes are:
The header now displays the following fields that were previously on the screen’s subtask:
Payment Address
Check Date
Check Number
Total Paid
The subtask has been renamed to “Expense Check Detail.”
The existing Check/Advice Number field was renamed to Check Number.
Roth-Only Catch-up Contributions For High Earners and the Option for Roth Employer Match and Non-Elective Contributions
The United States Congress passed the Secure Act 2.0 which requires employees who made above a certain amount in the prior year to make catch-up contributions to a post-tax Roth individual retirement account (IRA) instead of a pre-tax 401k. The act was originally set to go into effect in 2024 but was later delayed until 2026.
To address the requirements of the new legislation, Costpoint added a new report to display employees who qualify for catch-up contributions, their deductions, age, and income. On the Manage Federal Taxes screen, a new field was also added to hold the prior year’s income requirement threshold for Roth IRA’s.
In addition, the Secure Act 2.0 section 127 permits employers to offer short-term emergency savings accounts (ESAs) to non-Highly Compensated Employees. A new deduction was added for Emergency Savings Accounts.
Print Employees Eligible for Retirement Catch-Up (PRPCATCHUP)
Use this screen to print information relating to employees over 50 with catch-up retirement contributions. Print this report any time to see if employees have reached their catch-up limit or to determine which employees meet the high-income threshold for the previous year.
You can print the report for:
All or one pay cycles
A specific date in time which will be used to calculate employee ages, YTD contributions, and deductions, and determine the previous year for wage purposes.
Specific deduction types (Deferred or Roth only)
Employees by earning group (High earners, regular earners, or both types)
Employees by age group
The application will use the new Roth Catch-Up Wage Threshold field on the Manage Federal Taxes screen to determine the threshold for high earners. The report displays the employee’s prior year earnings, age, earning type, deduction code, deduction type, YTD deduction amount, contribution code, contribution type, YTD contribution amount, and the total YTD deduction/contribution amount. When the first sort is by employee, the report has a subtotal for each employee for YTD deduction/contribution amounts and the total of deduction/contribution amount.
Manage Federal Taxes (PRMFTI)
The Manage Federal Taxes screen adds the following field:
Roth Catch-Up Wage Threshold
Enter the prior year wage threshold amount that was defined by the U.S. government at which retirement contribution catch-ups will be required to be in a post-tax Roth IRA.
This amount will be used by the Print Employees Eligible for Retirement Catch-Up screen to determine which employees must make retirement catch-up contributions to a post-tax Roth IRA.
Manage Deductions (PRMDED)
A new Emergency Savings Accounts (ESA) deduction type, which can be used by employers who offer short-term ESAs to non-Highly Compensated Employees, was added to the Manage Deductions screen.
Setting for the Default Plant for New Employees
When you set up Plants that will be used for Shop Floor Time, Costpoint requires you to select a default Plant on the Manage Plants screen. The default Plant is used in Materials applications. This default is also automatically assigned to each new employee record.
Prior to this release, you could not opt out of automatically assigning the default plant to new employees. If you did not want to export the new employee to Shop Floor Time, you had to delete the Plant assigned to the employee in the Product Interface tab on the Manage Employee Information screen. If you did not remember to delete the Plant before running the Export Project Manufacturing Data process to Shop Floor Time, the new employee was included in the data transfer and you had to manually delete the exported new employee record in Shop Floor Time.
To address this issue, Costpoint now provides a Default for New Employees option on the Manage Plants screen. Use this option to specify whether or not to assign the default plant to new employee records.
Manage Plants (INMPLANT)
The screen provides the following field.
Default for New Employees
To enable this checkbox, you must first select the Default checkbox.
Select this checkbox to automatically assign this Plant to new employees. The Plant and its setup then default when you add a new employee on the Manage Employee Information screen. You can also assign the Plant and its setup to new employees when they are imported on the Import Employee Data application.
Clear this checkbox if you do not want the Plant to be automatically assigned to new employees.
Manage Job Templates (HPMREQR)
The application assigns the default Plant on new records only if the Plant’s Default for New Employees checkbox is selected.
Manage Employee Information (HPMREQR)
The application assigns the default Plant on new records only if the Plant’s Default for New Employees checkbox is selected.
Import Employee Data (AOPUTLEL)
The Default the Plant field is now the Default the Plant (will only default if Record 4 is provided for the employee) field.
Use Supplemental Tax Rate for Leave Payout Wages
Leave payout wages are considered supplemental payments but, currently, these wages are taxed as regular wages. Changes were made to payroll to calculate the taxes of leave payout timesheets using supplemental rates. If your company opts not to use the leave payout application to create leave payout timesheets, then you can now select Leave Payout timesheet type on the Manage Timesheets screen. This will allow you to manually enter a Leave Payout timesheet.
This release also provides the ability to calculate withholding tax on leave payout timesheets as supplemental wages.
Manage Timesheets (LDMTIME)
You can now select Leave Payout from the Type drop-down list.
LV was removed from the error message when selecting Leave Payout from the Type drop-down list.
Compute Payroll (PRPCPR)
The existing Timesheet Type label changed to Check Type.
The existing Selection Ranges group box is now the Select group box.
The Deduction Schedule field has been moved to the Options group box.
The screen adds the following Timesheet Type checkboxes, which allow you to select which timesheets to process.
Regular, Correcting, D-Correcting, N-Reversing, Reversing, and Salary Cap
Select this checkbox if you want to process Regular, Correcting, D-Correcting, N-Reversing, Reversing, and Salary Cap timesheets. You can only process Correcting, D-Correcting, N-Reversing, Reversing, and Salary Cap timesheets if the Check Type is Regular.
Select this checkbox if you want to process bonus timesheets. You can only process bonus timesheets if the Check Type is Bonus.
Leave Payout
Select this checkbox if you want to process leave payout timesheets either as regular wages or supplemental wages. Leave payout will be taxed as supplemental wages if you select Bonus as the Check Type. Leave payout will be taxed as regular wages if you select Regular as the Check Type.
View Employee Salary History in Employee Self Service
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
You can now give employees the the ability to view their historical salary and job title data in ESS. This allows you ask questions about historical salary information to Dela, your AI-powered intelligent business companion in Costpoint.
Employee Personal Info (ESQEMPLPERINFO)
A new Salary History subtask provides you with the following fields:
Effective Date
This field displays the date on which a salary change became effective.
Detail Job Title
This field is the employee’s job title at the time of the effective date.
Annual Salary
This field is the annual salary amount for salaried employees and the annualized salary amount based on the hourly amount for hourly employees at the time of the effective date.
Hourly Amount
This field is the hourly wage for salaried employees based on their annual salary and the hourly wage for hourly employees at the time of the effective date.
Rate Type
This field is how the employee was classified for payroll purposes at the time of the effective date.
Configure Self Service Settings (ESMESS)
The screen provides the following new checkbox:
Show Salary History in Employee Personal Info
Select this checkbox to display the employee’s historical salary information in the Salary History subtask on the Employee Personal Info screen.
Total Compensation Summary (ESQCOMPBEN)
Total Compensation Summary column heading was renamed from Annual Amount to Estimated Annual Amount.
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
The report now provides information on the new Show employee salary history in Employee Personal Info column on the Employee Self Service Configuration (ESS_CONFIG) table.
This enhancement requires the following:
W-2 2023 Copy A Substitute Form Fillable PDF Update and Approval
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires that the Substitute Black-and-White Forms W-3 and W-2 (Copy A) for Tax Year 2023 must comply with the IRS Publication 1141. Forms W-3 and W-2 (Copy A) must be approved by Social Security Administration (SSA).
The Print W-2s application was updated to reflect the updated forms. The changes to the forms are as follows:
2023 Form W-3
Changed Form W-3 tax year from 2022 to 2023
Updated the Reminder section instructions to show tax year 2023
Updated the E-Filing section to show filing deadline of January 31, 2024
Updated the When to File Paper Forms section to show filing deadline of January 31, 2024
Updated the Revised date to 08/23
2023 Form W-2
Changed the Form W-2 tax year from 2022 to 2023
Updated the Revised date to 08/23
The IRS provides the following reminders to employers:
Do not mail your company’s payroll to the Copy A mailing address. You must mail your forms to the address listed on Form W-3.
Do not truncate the employees’ SSN on Copy A of Forms W-2.
Verify that the template prints on each W-2 submission before you mail them to the SSA.
Approvals are valid for only one tax year (January through December). In general, each new filing season requires new approval, even if the official form does not change.
All forms and data must be printed in non-reflective black ink only.
Both the top Form W-2 and the bottom Form W-2 must have the Void checkbox printed on the form.
Please ensure printed versions of the approved forms meet the required margin guideline. The top, left, and right margins for Form W-2 (Copy A) and Form W-3 are 0.50 inches (½ inch).
Attention: For more information, refer to:
Employer Form W-2 Filing Instructions & Information:
New IRS instructions for electronic filing requirements for Forms W-2:
2023 General Instructions for Forms W-2 and W-3:
Ability to Display Total Hours and Costs in Header for Selected FY
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for this feature are preview only. The final version will be available in Q1 of 2025.
In Project Budgets/EACs, you will have the ability to view total raw cost and burdened cost values in the header areas of the budget and subtasks (Hours and Amounts) for a selected fiscal year.
This enhancement requires the following:
Added Profit and Loss by Program Report
The new Profit and Loss by Program application (Organization Budgeting » Profit and Loss Reports) displays the labor and non-labor resources assigned to programs as well as the org budget program trends for the selected fiscal period.
On the Details subtask, the row directly beneath each revenue and expense line item displays the org budget program name, assigned orgs, and related accounts.
For orgs that are not assigned to any program, the program row displays Unassigned.
Refer to the online Help for more information.
Advanced Search Updated with NAICS Effective Date
The Advanced Search function in Planning was updated to display the effective dates that can now be associated with NAICS codes in the Manage NAICS Code application of the CRM & Contracts Domain.
Note: For more information about the update to NAICS code effective dates, see “NAICS Code Updates” in these release notes.
This enhancement applies to Advanced Search in the following applications:
Resource Planning
Project Budgets / EACs
New Business Budgets
When you select a NAICS code from the NAICS field drop-down list on the Advanced Search screen, the date is now included within the description of the code.
In addition, a NAICS Effective Date column was added to the Resources section of the screen.
Calculate Pending Revenue, Costs, and Burdens in Costpoint Core
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
This enhancement requires the following:
Compute Forward Rates Updated for Web Services
To improve compatibility with Web Services and to enhance usability, the Compute Forward Rates screen (Organization Budgeting » Rate Processing/Reports) was converted from a maintenance application to a process application.
In line with this update, the following changes were made to the user interface:
The Parameter ID and Description fields were added to the header area. These fields enable you to save your selections for reuse, either by using Query to find the ID or by using the ID for a scheduled job.
The Calculate button was removed. To run the utility after selecting the screen settings, click the Process icon (
) instead.
The Budget Group field was renamed Budget Type.
The Compute Forward Rates Details table was removed. However, you can still display the contents of this table when you click the Preview icon (
Cost Type Descriptions Now Customizable within Costpoint
The Customize Standard Labels screen (Admin » System Administration » Workspace Customization) in Costpoint was updated to include the Budget Sheet labels, enabling you to customize these labels wherever they display within Planning.
Note: To learn about modifying the labels, refer to the online Help for Customize Standard Labels.
From the Customize Standard Labels screen, you can customize the following labels:
Consultant Hour
Material Handling
Other Direct Cost
Service Center
Staff Hour
Subcontractor Hour
The modified versions of the labels are applied wherever they display in Costpoint Planning. To illustrate the difference between un-customized and customized labels, several images follow below.
The following is an example of the standard (un-customized) Staff Hours budget sheet label:
In Project Budgets/EACs, for example, the standard (un-customized) label still displays:
The following is an example of the same label customized:
In Project Budgets/EACs, for example, the custom label also displays:
Other labels customized on the Customize Standard Labels screen may also be applied to the Planning interface. For example:
The text shown above, for example, displays on the Planning menu as follows:
Create Budget Without Pre-populating Actuals
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
An option to create a first budget without pre-populating existing actuals will be added.
This enhancement requires the following:
Create Top Level Budget/Outlook Updated for Web Services
To improve compatibility with Web Services and enhance usability, the Create Top Level Budget/Outlook screen (Organization Budgeting » Budget/Outlook Processing) was converted from a maintenance application to a process application.
The Create button was removed.
Instead, after you select screen settings, click the Process icon (
) to run the utility.
The Parameter ID and Description fields were added to the header area.
These fields enable you to save your selections for reuse, either by using Query to find the ID or by using the ID for a scheduled job.
Note: Also due to the conversion, the underlying application ID was changed from bnp_oapaom5 to bnp oapbotl.
Enhancement to Advanced Search Criteria
The Resource Search Criteria section of the Advanced Search screen includes two new search fields:
Previously, details for trainings and courses were aggregated under Skills.
This enhancement applies to Advanced Search in the following applications:
Resource Planning
Project Budgets/EACs
New Business Budgets
Select your desired value for each field, and then click Find Resources to display the employees that possess the specified skills, trainings, and courses.
If you want to configure the drop-down selection criteria, use the following applications to add, delete, or modify items:
For Skills, go to Manage Skill Codes (Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendor and Subcontractor Controls).
For Trainings, go to Manage Training Codes (Accounting » Accounts Payable » Vendor and Subcontractor Controls).
For Courses, go to Manage Courses (People » Employee » Education, Skills, and Training Controls).
Enter and Distribute Total Hours or Amounts
Project Budgets/EACs now enables you to enter a total number of hours or an amount and then distribute it across all periods in a single step on Working status budgets or EACs.
To support this update, the Total column on the Hours subtask and the Amounts subtask is now editable, so you can enter hours or amounts directly within the field. After you tab out of the field, a new Distribute dialog box automatically displays.
The Distribute dialog box includes a Distribution Method drop-down list. After you select an option and click Distribute, the value that was entered in the Total column of the subtask is instantly distributed across all the available periods according to the selected method.
For this current release, two distribution methods are available:
Evenly (linear)
Percent of Available Hours
Note: See sections below for descriptions of each method.
When the Distribute dialog box opens from an EAC, both methods above account for actuals before distribution occurs. To reflect this, the dialog box includes additional fields that display the actuals as well as the adjusted total.
Note: The Distribution dialog box also includes a Spread Points section, where the fields are display-only. The values in these fields populate from the new Manage Distribution Spread Methods application.
Evenly (Linear) Spread Method
The Evenly (linear) option is available when you are distributing hours or amounts. This method divides the value that you enter in Total by the total number of periods and then distributes the result equally across them.
For example, if the total is 1,000 and there are 12 periods, 83.33 is applied to each period.
Note: For EACs, the distributed value is automatically adjusted to reflect actuals.
Percent of Available Hours Spread Method
The Percent of Available Hours option is available only when you distribute hours.
With this method, the calculation per period is based on a percentage of the total number of working hours that are available for the entire period of performance (PoP).
For example, if the total number of working hours available in a 12-month POP is 2,072, and 176 of those are available in the first period, the percentage (176/2,072) for that period will be 8.4942.
If you distribute 1,000 hours, the first period will receive 84.942 hours after you click Distribute in the Distribute dialog box. For example:
Note: For EACs, the distributed value is automatically adjusted to reflect actuals.
EUSER Table Removed
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
An underlying system table will be removed.
This enhancement requires the following:
Fill Values Functionality Enhanced
The Fill functionality in Project Budget/EACs was enhanced to improve its overall usability and to provide additional options for quickly updating selected records with data from other sources.
Note: The same functionality was also updated in New Business Budgets.
This functionality is available only for Working status budgets or EACs. The Fill Values link is located on the following subtasks:
Staff Escalation
Note: The link was previously named “Fill.”
From any of the above subtasks, you start by selecting the record(s) that you want to fill and then click the Fill Values link on the subtask to display the Fill Values to Selected Record/s dialog box:
The Select Fill Method drop-down list provides four different options, which are described in more detail in the table below. Additional fields may display depending on the method selected, and each method requires you to select the range of periods you copy from.
For example, if Start Period is set to 12/31/23 and End Period is set to 4/30/24, data for the selected method is captured for that range of periods. After you click Fill, the row or rows that you selected on the subtask populate with information encompassed by those dates.
The table below describes the four different fill methods and any additional fields that display.
Select Fill Method Option
Copy from Source Record
Select this option to copy subtask row details from one resource to another. A Source Record field displays on the dialog box that enables you to select the record you want to copy from.
Specify Hours
Select this option to fill the period columns of the selected rows with a specific number of hours. An Hours field displays on the dialog box, where you can type the hours.
Use Available Hours
Select this option to fill all the cells in the selected rows with the available number of hours that display in the header of the period column. For example:
After you click Fill, the cell for that column populates with the hours.
Use Start Period Hours
Select this option to copy the hours that exist in the selected starting period to all periods up through the selected ending period.
For example, if you set Start Period to 12/31/23 and End Period to 9/30/24, the hours that exist in the first period are copied to every period up to 9/30/24.
Hours and Amount Based ETC Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
A new report will enable you to view the Estimate to Complete (ETC) in relation to the Total and Inception-to-Date (ITD) amounts.
Integration of Org Utilities for Web Services Compatibility
In Organization Budgeting, the following mass update utilities were integrated into a single application:
Mass Create/Recommit Budgets/Outlooks
Organization Budgets/Outlooks Mass Utilities
The first of these was retained as the base application but was renamed to Org Budgets/Outlooks Mass Utilities (Organization Budgeting » Controls and Utilities). For example:
The second utility, including its underlying ID (BNP_BGMBOM5), was removed from Planning entirely.
The integration was accomplished through the addition of a new Process drop-down list, which also renders the application compatible with Web Services. Due to this change, action buttons that displayed on the interface of the removed utility now display as list items. For example:
To further streamline processing of mass updates, the interface now also includes a Selection Ranges section. For example:
Use the Organization drop-down list to process all, one, or a range of organizations. If you select Range, the Start and End fields are enabled. Click
to select the starting and ending org IDs, respectively, for processing.
Conversely, if you select One, only Start is enabled, and neither field is enabled if you select All.
Since the utility is a processing application, click the Process icon (
) after you have set all parameters.
Labor Analysis Reports Combined and NBB Details Added
Under Project Budgeting » Top Level (All Projects) Reports, the Labor Hours Analysis and the Labor Cost Analysis reports were combined into a single report now called Labor Analysis.
Since labor and cost details are available in the same report, a Base section was added with two options:
Hours: Select this option to run the report for labor hours.
Cost: Select this option to run the report for labor costs.
When Cost is selected, the Details subtask now also includes cost-related columns that formerly displayed in the Labor Cost Analysis report.
Note: The newly combined report is based on the Labor Hours Analysis application. As such, it retains the original application ID of BNP_CAQXPT5. Conversely, BNP_CAQXPT6 (Labor Cost Analysis) was removed from Planning because it is now obsolete.
Other Interface Updates
The application interface was updated with two additional changes:
Under Details, the Combined checkbox was renamed to Flat View.
The Projects section was renamed to Options. It also contains a new Include Inactive Resources checkbox that enables you to include inactive resources in report results.
New Business Budget Labor and Cost Details Now Included
The Labor Analysis report now provides labor and cost details from new business budgets.
This update includes the following changes:
An Apply Probability checkbox was added, which displays if Budget or Variance is selected under Report Type.
Select the checkbox to apply new business budget probability values to the report.
The Source column of the Details subtask displays “Budget: NB” if the labor or cost details are from a new business budget.
Manage Distribution Methods Updates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
The Manage Distribution Methods application will be updated with new methods, and the Active drop-down list will be enabled.
This enhancement requires:
Mass Recommit Functionality Relocated within Planning
The Mass Recommit Project Budgets/EAC application (Administration » Administration Utilities) was removed, and its associated functionality was transferred to a different application within Planning.
Namely, a Recommit option was added to the Process drop-down list of the Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities screen (Project Budgeting » Controls and Utilities) that enables you to recommit budgets or EACs.
Note: Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities was converted to a processing application in a previous maintenance release (version 8.2.5). Both that earlier change and this current one are related to an ongoing effort to enhance Planning for Web Services compatibility.
In Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities, the Process drop-down list updates dynamically. Therefore, Recommit displays only if Status is selected as Complete or Incomplete.
Note: To learn more about the Process drop-down list or other conversion-related changes applied to Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities, see the Costpoint 8.2.5 release notes.
Since the original application (Mass Recommit Project Budgets/EAC) was removed from Planning, the underlying screen ID associated with it (BNP_BAPMAP12) was also removed.
New Admin Screen for Distribution Methods
A new Manage Distribution Spread Methods (Project Budgeting » Controls and Utilities) screen was added that will enable Administrators to configure a variety of distribution spread methods.
Note: The spread methods are applied on the Project Budgets/EACs screen. See “Enter and Distribute Total Hours or Amounts” in these release notes for additional information.
For this release, the screen is read-only, because the only two available distribution methods are enabled by default. The currently available methods include:
Evenly (Linear)
Percent Available Hours
Future releases (including 2025.2) will offer additional methods, which can be enabled or disabled by selecting Yes or No from the Active column.
You will also have to option to create custom distribution spread methods, where you will be able to configure the percentages that display in the Spread Point columns of the screen. For example:
Note: The Spread Point columns for the default distribution methods will always be read-only.
New Configuration Setting for Updating BI Reporting Tables
The General tab of the Configuration Settings application (Administration » Administration Controls) includes a new When to update BI Reporting Tables setting that provides additional control over the timing of table updates for Business Intelligence (BI).
Previously, BI reporting tables were updated when budgets or EACs were committed and when the Report Table Update Process utility was run from Administration » Administration Utilities.
This new option enables you to update the BI tables just when the utility is run, which speeds up the commit process for end-users.
Note: The new field is disabled if Update BI Reporting Tables (also located on the General tab) is selected as Off.
If the When to update BI Reporting Tables field is enabled, options include:
Commit/Refresh Job: This is the default option. Leave it selected to update BI tables when budgets or EACs are committed and when the refresh process is run.
Note: This reflects the default behavior before the new setting was added. Therefore, no change is required if you want to continue updating tables during both commit and refresh.
Refresh Job Only: Select this option if you want to update tables only during the refresh process.
New Project Revenue Analysis Application
A new Project Revenue Analysis application (Project Budgeting » Top Level (All Projects) Reports) was added that displays revenue for all projects in Planning for the last six periods.
The report can be run for Budgets or EACs and for the following report types:
For the Budget report type, you have the additional option of running the report for future periods instead of previous ones.
For more information on using this report, see the Online Help for this screen.
New Spread Methods Added
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
The Manage Distribution Methods application will be updated with new methods.
This enhancement requires the following:
New Warning Messages Added to Project Budgets/EACs
The Project Budget/EACs application includes new warning messages that help identify potential issues with Working status budgets and EACs.
Since these are warning messages, you are not required to modify the data in question, but the warning messages identify potential areas of concern, such as issues related to:
Hourly rates, period hours, and utilization
Escalation and termination dates
Burden settings and burden templates
Account IDs
Revenue calculations
To facilitate your review, the application also includes a new Warnings column that displays the number of warnings, as well as a new Warnings subtask that displays the actual messages that occurred.
The new column and subtask display at the top level, in the Project Budget Status section, as well as at the detail level, on both the Hours and Amounts subtasks. For example:
In the Project Budget Status section, the Warnings column displays the total number of messages per Working status budget or EAC, and the subtask displays the entirety of messages.
Within the Hours or Amounts subtasks, the Warnings column displays the number of messages per record, and the subtask displays the messages that pertain to the selected record.
Org Security Updates
Related to the future removal of the User Maintenance application within Planning, access to Org IDs is now instead granted to users from the Manage Security Org Rights screen (Administration » Administration Controls).
As part of this update, existing org ID assignments in the User Maintenance screen were transferred to the Organization ID column of the Manage Security Org Rights screen.
Note: All columns related to org security were removed from the User Maintenance screen.
Manage Security Org Rights also includes a new Organization Name column that displays the name associated with the org ID.
Other Changes to User Maintenance
Other updates to the User Maintenance screen include removal of the NB Admin checkbox, which was previously used to grant administrators access to all new business budgets.
Permission is instead granted from a new Admin Users screen (Administration » Administration Controls). Users added to this screen are given full access to all new business budgets.
Note: Users who were previously granted access in the User Maintenance screen were transferred to the Admin Users screen.
New Application for Mass Updating Organization Budgets/Outlooks
A new Update Multiple Organization Budgets/Outlooks (Organization Budgeting » Controls and Utilities) application was added that enables you to select non-consecutive records when performing mass updates.
In version 8.2.6, the original version of this application (Org Budgets/Outlooks Mass Utilities) was converted to a process application. Since process applications only allow you to update a consecutive range of organizations, the new version was created to provide additional control over which records are updated.
Note: Since the new application is not a process application, it cannot be run through job server.
Pending Charges Report Added to Projects Domain
The Pending Charges report was added to the Project Inquiry and Reporting menu in the Projects domain (Projects » Project Inquiry and Reporting » Project Reports/Inquiries » Pending Charges).
In addition, the Planning license requirement for this application was removed so that it can be added for users licensed for Projects.
For example, System Administrators will now see the screen listed under the Application list in Admin » Security » System Security » Manage Users.
Performance Improvement
To improve the performance of Costpoint Planning, the EREPORT_PROJ_TREND table was converted to a virtual table (view). This was a backend update with no associated change to the user interface.
Period of Performance Details Added to Project Budgets/EACs
Project Budgets/EACs includes a new Period of Performance field under Project Budget Status.
This display-only field is automatically updated based on values entered in Start Date and End Date, which together represent the period of performance (POP) for the selected budget or EAC.
Each subtask now also displays Period of Performance and the related POP dates in the header area.
Planning Smart Summaries
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before April 14, 2025.
A Smart Summary button will be added to the Project Budgets/EACs and Budget/EAC Status applications. When you click the button, GenAI will generate a plain English summary of the budget/EAC or the report data, which will highlight key metrics and provide recommendations accordingly.
Populate CP GL Budgets from BP Org Budgets (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
A Costpoint Accounting screen was added that pulls data directly from Planning » Organization Budgets/Outlooks.
The new screen (Update Org/Acct Budgets from Planning Budgets) enables you to automatically populate general ledger budgets with budgets or outlooks from Planning, saving you a step that was previously completed manually.
After you use this screen, you can view the processed records in Manage Organization/Accounts Budgets.
In addition, with direct data population, budgets and outlooks are automatically included in financial statements and other budget-related reports, ensuring a higher level of detail and accuracy.
You can access the Update Org/Acct Budgets from Planning Budgets screen from Accounting » General Ledger » General Ledger Budgets.
Update Org/Acct Budgets From Planning Budgets (GLPBDPLO)
The Update Org/Acct Budgets from Planning Budgets screen includes three primary fields that enable you to process budget or outlook records from Planning » Organization Budgets/Outlooks:
Fiscal Year: Specify the GL fiscal year to which the organization budgets or outlooks will apply.
Budget Type: Select the type of record to be processed. You can select either Budget or Outlook.
Budget Revision: Select the revision number to which the organization budgets or outlooks will apply.
The screen also contains non-editable fields that display the starting and ending periods of the fiscal year you selected and their respective period end dates.
Note: Before you use this screen, you must set up budget information on the Manage Budget Revisions screen and accounts on the Manage Accounts screen. You must also have set up organizations on the Manage Organization Elements screen and linked your accounts and organizations.
Prev EAC Column Added to Project Budgets/EACs
The Hours and Amounts subtasks in Project Budgets/EACs include a new Prev EAC column. This column displays the value of the previous EAC, but it is included only on Working status EACs.
Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities Updated for Web Services
To improve compatibility with Web Services and enhance usability, the action buttons (for example, Create EAC) on the Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities screen (Project Budgeting » Controls and Utilities) were converted to drop-down list items in a new Process field. For example:
Note: The Process drop-down list is dynamically updated based on the option selected from Status under Budget. In earlier versions, the action button was either enabled or disabled based on the status. Now, the Process drop-down list displays only actions that are valid for the currently selected budget or EAC.
The area of the screen where projects were selected for processing is now replaced by a Selection Ranges section, which includes a Projects drop-down list that provides options for processing all, one, or a range of projects. For example:
If you select Range from Projects, the Start and End fields are enabled, where you can click to select the starting and ending project IDs, respectively, for processing. For example:
Conversely, if you select One, only Start is enabled, and neither field is enabled if you select All.
Since the utility is now a processing application, click the Process icon (
) after you set all parameters.
Note: Due to the conversion, the underlying application ID was changed from bnp_bgmbpmu to bnp_bgpbpmu.
New Application for Mass Updating Project Budgets/EACs
A new Update Multiple Project Budgets/EACs (Project Budgeting » Controls and Utilities) application was added that enables you to select non-consecutive records when performing mass updates.
In version 8.2.5, the original version of this application (Project Budgets/EACs Mass Utilities) was converted to a process application. Since process applications only allow you to update a consecutive range of projects, the new version was created to provide additional control over which records are updated.
Note: Since the new application is not a process application, it cannot be run through a job server.
A Create Bud button was also added that enables you to create a new budget from an existing budget.
Project Workforce Updates in Planning
The Project Budgets/EACs application was updated to reflect and/or validate workforce start and end dates when hours are added for employees, vendors, or vendor employees.
Note: This update is applicable only if Workforce Rule is selected as Enforce on the Project tab of the Configuration Settings screen (Administration » Administration Controls).
This enhancement is related to the Project Workforce enhancement in the Projects domain. See the “Project Workforce Start and End Dates by Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee (Opt-In Available)” description in these release notes for additional information.
Recalculate Option Added to Mass Utility
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
A recalculate option will be added to the Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities.
This enhancement requires the following:
Revenue Amounts Added to New Business Budgets by Period
In New Business Budgets (Planning » New Business Budgets), the Analysis by Period subtask (formerly named Burdened Cost) now includes revenue amounts in addition to the cost amounts. This update enables Planning to calculate and display the profit amount and the profit percentages on both cost and revenue.
The inclusion of revenue along with raw and burdened cost amounts, and the subsequent profit calculations, provides a more complete analysis of budget performance per period.
Revenue is totaled at the top of the report and expense is totaled at the bottom, directly above profit.
Revenue can be expanded to display the revenue totals per budget category.
As part of this update, the Audit Budget Group Details application (Organization Budgeting » Budget/Outlook Processing) now includes the added revenue amounts and the profit calculations. To display these details, select Project and then from the Format drop-down list, select Analysis by Period.
Revenue Setup Enhancement for New Business Budgets
In New Business Budgets, you can now modify revenue setup details on the Revenue Setup/Ceilings subtask per version of a budget without affecting the source version or other existing versions.
For example, the image below shows Version 2 of a budget with specific revenue settings and a Fee Rate % of 0.00 for all row items.
The next image shows Version 3 of the above budget with modified revenue settings and a Fee Rate % of 7.50 for the same row items.
Revenue Setup Enhancement for Project Budgets/EACs
In Project Budgets/EACs, you can now modify revenue setup details on the Revenue Setup/Ceilings subtask per version of a budget or EAC without affecting the source version or other existing versions.
For example, the image below shows Version 3 of an EAC with 0.00 under Fee Rate % in multiple rows.
By contrast, the next image shows Version 4 of the EAC with 10.00 in the same fields.
Revenue Summary Report Enhancement
The Revenue Summary report (Organization Budgeting » Supplemental Reports), which summarizes revenue by project, now includes the ability to display the lower-level projects.
Previously, project revenue displayed only at the top level. Since there are now two ways of displaying revenue, a Report Level drop-down list was added that includes the following options:
Top Level Projects: Choose this option to display revenue summarized at the top level. When this option is selected, all revenue from the lower-level projects is rolled up to the highest level.
Revenue Level Projects: Choose this option to display the revenue breakdown by project. When this option is selected, the individual projects to which the revenue belongs display.
Subtask Added to Import Budgets/EACs from Excel
The Import Budgets/EACs from Excel application (Project Budgeting » Controls and Utilities) includes a new Budget/EAC Errors subtask.
The new subtask displays all the same details as the report that is generated after you validate and import budgets and EACs from Excel, but it provides the ability to see the report details in table format directly within the application.
Support of Alternate Project in Planning
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Planning customers will be allowed to run the Alternate Project report.
This enhancement requires the following:
Update to Version Code Field
The Version Code field now allows you to enter up to ten characters.
Updated Budget/Outlook Resource Schedule Report
The Budget/Outlook Resource Schedule screen (Organization Budgeting » Labor Analysis Reports) now includes budget program details.
When you run the report with Combined selected, the Details subtask contains a new Program Desc column. For example:
The value that displays in Program Desc populates from the Program ID column, which is located on the Labor Utilization and Non-Labor Dollar subtasks of the Organization Budgets/Outlooks screen.
The Program Desc column is blank if:
The line is for a non-org budget type, such as EAC or NB.
The line is for an org budget type (OBud or OOLK) but no budget program is assigned.
Updated Reports to Include Subcontractor Labor and Pending Labor Detail
If you are licensed for Subcontractor Management, unposted subcontractor labor details entered on timesheets in Time & Expense are now captured in several labor-related reports in Planning.
For example, pending labor charges now display under Hours and Amounts on the Pending Charges Detail subtask of the Pending Charges screen (Project Budgeting » Supplemental Reports), and the actual amounts are based on the subcontractor Work Assignment codes to which the hours were charged.
Besides the Pending Charges report, other reports that display pending or committed labor now also include subcontractor hours or costs by default. This includes all of the reports listed in the following table.
Menu Area
Organization Budgeting
(Costpoint Advanced only)
Supplemental Reports
Pending Details by Org
Project Budgeting
Top Level (All Projects) Reports
Labor Analysis
Active Level Reports
Hours Breakdown
Raw Cost Breakdown
Burdened Cost Breakdown
All Cost Breakdown
Supplemental Reports
Project Status
In addition, several other reports include a new Subcontractors checkbox. Select it to include subcontractor labor hour and cost amounts from timesheets in the following reports:
Organization Budgeting » Supplemental Reports:
Time Collection Hours
Time Collection Hours – Range
Note: Organization Budgeting reports are available only in Costpoint Advanced.
Project Budgeting » Active Level Reports:
Time Collection Hours
Time Collection Cost (Estimated)
Note: The checkbox also displays on the versions of the reports that are located under Supplemental Reports.
Use Planning Project Budget/EAC Information in Projects PSR (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
To improve backend integration between Costpoint Projects and Costpoint Planning, a screen was added that updates project budget report tables with the final versions of budgets or EACs from Planning.
This new screen, Update Project Budget Report Tables, offers an enhanced level of integration that enables you to select Planning budgets when you print project reports.
You can access Update Project Budget Report Tables from Planning » Project Budgeting » Controls and Utilities.
Use this screen to select the projects to update, including for which fiscal year, and to select the type of budget to process. Primary fields and options include:
Projects: This field enables you to select all, one, or a range of projects to update.
Fiscal Year: This read-only field defaults to One, since only a single fiscal year can be processed at a time. Click
in the adjoining field to select the year.
Operation: This section displays two processing options:
Update: This option adds Planning budgets to the report tables.
Delete: This option removes Planning budgets from the report tables.
Budget Type: This section displays two budget options:
Budget: This option updates report tables with regular budgets.
EAC: This option updates report tables with EACs.
Related Updates in Projects
To support this enhancement, the Update Project Status Report Tables screen (Project Inquiry and Reporting » Report Processing) can be configured to display Budget and EAC under Budget Type.
To perform the configuration, select Planning Project Budgets from Budgeting Method on the Budgeting tab of Configure Project Settings (Project Setup » Project Setup Controls).
Note: In Costpoint Essentials, Planning Project Budgets is the only option available, so it displays by default and is not editable.
Updated Original Pool Base Amount and Original Rate in Retroactive Billing Worksheet
In the Indirect Rate Consolidated Retroactive Billing Worksheet, the values that display in the Original Pool Base Amount column now include burden costs instead of just the direct labor cost. In addition, the Original Rate column values now display the provisional rates entered on the Manage Cost Pools screen instead of the composite rates.
This is in agreement with how the Revised Pool Base Amount and Approved Revised Rate columns are printed on the report.
Enhanced Period of Performance Validation
Period of performance (POP) validation has been updated so that for projects that lack POP start date and end date in the PROJ and PROJ_EDIT tables, Costpoint now looks up the immediate parent project level that contains dates. If either the start date or end date is missing, the default dates of 01/01/1900 and 12/31/2075 will be used for validation.
To set different POPs for charging and billing purposes, you can update the POP one level lower than the billing level. This allows all charging tasks to be validated on the new POP, while billing continues to be validated on its existing POP.
Enhanced Schedule Bill Description (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Costpoint now allows you to create individual detail line descriptions for Schedule Bill items and trace each item to its funding level for reporting purposes. With this feature, you can also print these detail descriptions on the Government 1035 Billing and Generic Billing invoice formats.
To support this feature, updates have been made to several Costpoint applications.
Manage Generic Billing Formats (BLMBFRM)
On the Display Options tab of this screen, the following checkbox has been added under the Schedule Lines group box:
Print Schedule Detail Line Descriptions
Select this checkbox to print the Schedule Bill’s line description detail on the standard bill.
Manage Project Billing Information (BLMINFO)
The following fields have been added on the Schedule subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. The overall layout of the subtask has also been modified to accommodate these new fields.
Line Description Detail
Use this field to enter detailed descriptions for scheduled bill items. It supports up to 640 alphanumeric characters, allowing for more comprehensive item descriptions.
Ref Project ID
This reference-only field is not printed on the invoice but is stored on the relevant database tables. It acts as a tracker, linking items to their respective funding levels for reporting purposes.
Enter only valid and existing Project IDs in this field. The Project IDs must also fall within or under the Billing Level/Invoice Level Project ID specified on the main screen.
In addition, the Schedule subtask now allows the following:
Multiple entries or rows of Date To Bill, Account, and Line Description for each Fiscal Year/Period/Subperiod combination
Multiple entries or rows of Date To Bill, Account, Line Description, and Line Description Detail for each Fiscal Year/Period/Subperiod combination
Calculate Standard Bills (BLPGBILL)
When you run this application, the new Bill Schedule Line Description Detail (BILL_SCHED_LN_DESC) column is inserted into the BILL_EDIT_DETL table if the project being calculated has a Schedule Bill item.
Manage Standard Bills (BLMGBILL)
The following columns have been added on the Detail subtask of the Manage Standard Bills screen:
Line Description Detail
Use this field to enter detailed descriptions for scheduled bill items. It supports up to 640 alphanumeric characters, allowing for more comprehensive item descriptions. Given its substantial size, it is initially positioned at the end of the existing columns. However, you can adjust its position and save your layout preferences.
Reference Project ID
This reference-only field is not printed on the invoice but is stored on the relevant database tables. It acts as a tracker, linking items to their respective funding levels for reporting purposes.
Enter only valid and existing Project IDs in this field.
Print Standard Bills (BLRMBIL)
If you select the Print Schedule Detail Line Descriptions checkbox on the Display Options tab of the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen, Costpoint will include the Line Description Detail on the printed invoice.
Post Standard Bills (BLPGEN)
When you post the bill, the Line Description Detail field is included. In addition, the BILL_SCHED_LN_DESC and REF_PROJ_ID columns are stored in the billing history detail tables.
Reverse Previous Bills (BLPREVB)
When an invoice with Schedule Bill items is reversed, the Line Description Detail is also reversed, following the original transaction.
View Standard Billing History (BLQSTDHS)
The following columns have been added on the Transactions subtask of the Billing Inquiry Detail table window on View Standard Billing History:
Line Description Detail
This field displays detailed descriptions for scheduled bill items. It supports up to 640 alphanumeric characters, allowing for more comprehensive item descriptions. Given its substantial size, it is initially positioned at the end of the existing columns. However, you can adjust its position and save your layout preferences.
Reference Project ID
This reference-only field displays the Reference Project ID entered from the Schedule subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. This is not printed on the invoice but is stored on the relevant database tables. It acts as a tracker, linking items to their respective funding levels for reporting purposes.
Manage Closed Billing Detail (BLMCLOSE)
On the Other tab of the Manage Closed Billing Detail screen, the following fields have been added under the Schedule Bill group box:
Reference Project ID
This reference-only field is not printed on the invoice but is stored on the relevant database tables. It acts as a tracker, linking items to their respective funding levels for reporting purposes.
Enter only valid and existing Project IDs in this field. The Project IDs must also fall within or under the Billing Level/Invoice Level Project ID specified on the main screen.
Detail Description
Use this field to enter detailed descriptions for scheduled bill items. It supports up to 640 alphanumeric characters, allowing for more comprehensive item descriptions.
New Columns on Tables
As part of this enhancement, the following columns have been added to the database tables:
Affected database tables include:
This enhancement requires the following:
Include Burden Amounts in Supporting Schedules
Previously, supporting schedules did not include burden amounts, which was inconsistent with invoices that combined burden with the direct cost using a generic billing format. For example, if an employee worked 8 hours at a billing rate of $25, and Fringe, Overhead, and G&A were applied at 5%, 10%, and 20%, the invoice will display $277.20 but the supporting schedule will display only $200.00.
The difference of $77.20 is the burden value:
Hours: 8
Billing Rate: $25
Total Labor: $200
With Burden
Now, you have the option to include burden amounts in supporting schedules in order to match the amounts shown in the invoice. This enhancement applies to the following:
Non-labor supporting schedule
Labor supporting schedule (non-T&M projects)
Labor supporting schedule (T&M projects)
Note: This feature is not applicable to unit supporting schedule.
For T&M labor supporting schedules with burden amounts, only transactions with the billing formula RSBFNLBF (Loaded Labor Rate w/Burden w/Fee plus Non-labor w/Burden w/Fee) are included.
Fees and cost of money (COM) amounts are excluded in burdened supporting schedules.
Burden amounts will be included in the total amounts printed on supporting schedules; they will not be displayed in separate lines.
Several Costpoint applications have been updated for this enhancement.
Manage Supporting Schedule Formats (BLMSHFRM)
The Include Burden Amounts checkbox has been added to the Show Non-Labor and Show Labor group boxes of this screen. Select the specific checkbox to include burden amounts when you print labor or non-labor supporting schedules.
Calculate Standard Bills (BLPGBIL)
This application now computes and allocates burden amounts to cost and labor lines so you can include them in amounts printed on supporting schedules.
The following columns have been added to the BILL_EDIT_DETL table to store the current and previously billed burden amounts that will be allocated to each cost/labor line in the bill:
For non-labor transactions, the application performs the following steps to compute burden amounts:
Sum all transactions with transaction type of B (Burden) by project, account, and organization: Total Burden. Note that fee and COM amounts are excluded from the computation.
Sum all transactions with transaction type of C (Cost) by project, account, and organization: Total Cost.
Divide Total Burden by Total Cost to get Burden Rate %.
Multiply each cost line by Burden Rate % to allocate the total burden amount for the project, account, and organization. These values will populate the new columns in BILL_EDIT_DETL as applicable.
If there is a rounding difference, it will be included in the largest transaction to ensure that the totals are equivalent to the invoice amounts by account.
For labor transactions, Calculate Standard Bills runs the same process, except that transactions with type H (Hours) instead of C are included in the computation.
Note: This application computes and allocates the burden amounts to cost/labor lines regardless of the setting of the Include Burden Amounts checkbox in Manage Supporting Schedule Formats.
Print Standard Bills (BLRMBIL)
If you have selected the Include Burden Amounts checkbox in Manage Supporting Schedule Formats and you print supporting schedules (the Supporting Schedules Only or Bills and Supporting Schedules option is selected in Print Standard Bills), the Current Amount and Cumulative Amount columns will include burden amounts in each cost/labor line item of the Supporting Schedule.
Post Standard Bills (BLPGEN)
The following columns have been added to the BILL_EDIT_DETL_CUM table:
When you run Post Standard Bills, amounts computed by Calculate Standard Bills and stored in BILL_EDIT_DETL are copied to these new columns in BILL_EDIT_DETL_CUM.
Multi-Job Allocation: Labor Now Allocated Based on Period Total
In previous Costpoint versions, when you post labor to projects that are allocated through a multi-job function, Costpoint allocates based on the subperiod in which these labor amounts occur. This applies when the multi-job has Allocation Basis set to Current Period and the Allocate Employee/Vendor Labor Hours checkbox selected on the Manage Multi-Job Allocation Information screen.
For example, if Period 1/Subperiod 1 has 300 of labor spread over three projects with a base of 100/200/300 (total of 600), Costpoint allocates 50/100/150 to the three projects. This approach does not present any issue as long as you have only one subperiod. If Subperiod 2 exists, the allocation is based on the second subperiod labor rather than the total labor for the period.
Beginning with Costpoint 8.2.2, the labor allocation for subperiod 2 and any succeeding subperiods is based on the total allocation for the period, to avoid out-of-balance calculations. This change also supports consistency with the way in which Costpoint allocates non-labor amounts.
Calculation for PD1 SUBPD1
There are no changes in how Costpoint calculates the allocation for Period 1 Subperiod 1.
Labor of SUBPD 1 = 300
Base Accounts + Burden
% Allocation
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Total Base
Old Calculation for PD1 SUBPD2
Labor of SUBPD 2 = 400
Base Accounts + Burden
% Allocation
(% allocation * SUBPD2 labor)
Final Allocation (SUBPD 1 + SUBPD2)
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Total Base
In our current example, Allocation per subperiod is calculated based on the period-to-date (PTD) total labor of 700. Costpoint then calculates Final Allocation per project as follows: (SUBD1 Allocation + SUBPD2 Allocation) – Previous Allocation from PD1 SUBPD1.
New Calculation for PD1 SUBPD2
Labor of SUBPD 1 + SUBPD 2 = 700
Base Accounts + Burden
% Allocation
[% allocation * (SUBPD1 + SUBPD2 labor)]
Less Previous (PD 1 SUBPD1)
Final Allocation (Sum – Previous)
Project 1
Project 2
Project 3
Total Base
This enhancement applies to the following allocation methods:
Cost Incurred
Hours Incurred
However, the calculation is a bit different for Percentage as % Allocation is based on values entered on the Percentage Base subtask of the Manage Multi-Job Allocation Information screen.
The following applications have been updated for this enhancement:
Create Multi-Job Allocation Entries (PJPMJALC): This application now uses the new logic when computing multi-job allocation journal entries for labor amounts.
Manage Multi-Job Allocation Labor History (PJMMJLHS): The Project and Account columns have been added to the labor history to allow Costpoint to allocate labor amounts the same way it allocates non-labor amounts across periods and subperiods.
Note: After you install MR 8.2.2, Deltek recommends that you review and adjust your data on this screen as needed to do PTD computations before running the Create Multi-Job Allocation Entries application. For existing records, Costpoint sets the Project and Account columns to the project and account from the sending project. Both these fields should be updated to the project and account in the destination project.
Multi-User Report Printing
The Post Pool Journals application now allows multiple users to print Pool Journals at the same time. Similarly, multiple users can simultaneously print the IWO Journal on the Post IWO Journal screen.
The posting process on both screens will remain a single-user functionality; however, the posting can be submitted by multiple users simultaneously. Costpoint will queue the posting/committed transactions and process them one at a time.
You have only the option to Print/Post Pool Journals and Print/Post IWO Journal as the Post Pool Journals and Post IWO Journal options are no longer available. The reports generated from the Print/Post process will contain a unique sequencing number and should be retained if needed for historical purposes.
New Project Field on the Manage Open Subcontractor Detail Screen
The Manage Open Subcontractor Detail application now includes a Project field that allows users to query all transactions by project across all work assignments. Similarly, Project has been added to the Timesheet Detail tab. Prior to this enhancement, this data was displayed only on the Expense Detail tab.
Performance Enhancement: Summarize Project Ledger
Summarize Project Ledger has been updated to process records more efficiently and reduce the screen's runtime.
Project Budget Tables Now Updated from Planning
Two Projects screens were updated with additional options that support a new screen in Planning that directly updates project budget tables with budget details from Planning » Project Budgets/EACs.
To learn about the new Planning screen and the related changes in Projects, see “Use Planning Project Budget/EAC information in Projects PSR” in the Planning section of these release notes.
Project Workforce Start and End Dates by Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
You can now add start and end dates by employee, vendor, and vendor employee in a project workforce in Costpoint. This allows you to limit an employee’s or vendor employee’s work time within the project. In addition, you will not need to remove employees from the workforce, and you will be able to perform a historical review of project workforce records.
To support this feature, updates have been made to several Costpoint applications.
Updated “Workforce” Label and New Columns
The “Work Force” label on field names in the following applications has been changed to “Workforce”. Starting Date and Ending Date columns have also been added to the table windows and printed report.
Manage Employee Workforce (PJMWORK)
Manage Vendor Employee Workforce (PJMVEWRK)
Manage Vendor Workforce (PJMVNWRK)
Print Project Workforce Report (PJRPWF)
Effective Bill Date Validation
The Effective Bill Date or Effective Billing Date fields on the following Projects and Accounting applications must be between the starting and ending dates indicated in the project workforce:
Adjust Open Billing Detail Records (BLPAOBD)
Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers (AOPUTLAM)
Import Accounts Payable Vouchers (AOPUTLAP)
Import Journal Entries (AOPUTLJE)
Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers (APMVCHR)
Manage Journal Entries (GLMJE)
Manage Open Billing Detail (BLMOPEN)
Manage Purchase Order Vouchers (POMPOVCH)
Related Updates in Time & Expense, People, and Planning
To support this enhancement, the common codes of several Costpoint Time & Expense, People, and Planning applications have been updated to validate the project workforce starting and ending dates.
Mass Add Project Workforce
As part of this enhancement, a new application has been created to allow you to add employees, vendors, and/or vendor employees to multiple project workforces at the same time. To access this application, click Projects » Project Setup » Project Labor » Mass Add Project Workforce.
Mass Add Project Master Data
When you run this application, the Starting Date and Ending Date values from the Template Project are now copied to the Destination Project.
Import Project Master Data
When you import project workforce records, the Starting Date and Ending Date values are correctly populated in the corresponding applications. The dates are also included in the generated reports.
Manage Work Assignments
The project workforce starting and ending dates are validated against the work assignment start and end dates.
Note: To learn more, see the Project Workforce Highlights video.
Subcontractor Management Work Assignment Preprocessor (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
If you are licensed for Subcontractor Management, Costpoint offers a work assignment preprocessor that enables you to upload work assignment setups from a set of CSV files, reducing manual effort. To access this new application, click Projects » Subcontractor Management » Work Assignments » Import Work Assignments. This application is not available in Costpoint Essentials.
Import Work Assignments
You can use the Import Work Assignments screen to insert work assignment records and generate full reports that include an error report and an actual data report per table. It supports both the Subcontractor Agreement and Subcontractor Agreement Intracompany work assignment types. However, you can insert intracompany work assignments only for the contracting company (Company A). Once the work assignment preprocessor for Subcontractor Agreement Intracompany is uploaded in Company A, the performing company (Company B) can view the work assignment.
Note: The ability to update existing records, generate abbreviated reports, and modify intracompany work assignments for Company B will be available in a future Costpoint release.
To successfully insert records, it is required to include both the header (WA_HDR) and charge line (WA_CHG_LN) files. Otherwise, you will encounter an error message.
Input Files
This application uses the following input file layouts when importing work assignment records:
WA_CHG_LN.CSV (Manage Work Assignments » Charges)
WA_CHG_LN_RESOURCE.CSV (Manage Work Assignments » Charges » Vendor Employees): This is applicable only if Subcontractor Agreement is selected as a Work Assignment Type on the Manage Work Assignments screen.
WA_CHG_LN_SCISAP.CSV (Manage Work Assignments » Charges » Security Reqts)
WA_HDR.CSV (Manage Work Assignments)
WA_HDR_SCISAP.CSV (Manage Work Assignments » Security Reqts)
WA_PO_LN_CHG.CSV (Manage Work Assignments » PO Info » Line Charges)
WA_ROLES.CSV (Manage Work Assignments » Roles)
Input files can be imported in two ways. You can either use the Alternate File Location field or navigate to Process » File Upload from the Costpoint global menu. In addition, after a successful import, you can remove the input file by selecting the Delete input file upon successful import checkbox.
Work Assignment ID
When you include a default work assignment ID in the input file, Costpoint initially processes the information from the input file. If any required information is missing, Costpoint then uses the information from the default work assignment. This allows you to provide minimal information in the input file while leveraging the default work assignment for the remaining data.
When selecting the Auto Assign option on the Import Work Assignments screen, you must ensure that the Enable Auto-Assign checkbox on Configure Subcontractor Management Settings is also selected. Otherwise, you will encounter the following error message: “Auto Assign option cannot be selected when Enable Auto-Assign is not set in Subcontractor Management settings screen.”
Note: It is required to include a work assignment ID on the input file even if you use the Auto Assign option. For example, if you selected the Auto Assign option in the Import Work Assignments screen, you could enter WA-000001 or WA-000002 as work assignment IDs in the input file to tie the header to the lines.
Database Tables
The work assignment preprocessor can include both labor and non-labor accounts. The following database tables store data for work assignments that are used on a timesheet or expense report:
Note: Click the following link to download this preprocessor's Excel template: Import Work Assignments Preprocessor Template.
Update Existing Project Workforce Records
The Import Project Master Data application has been updated to allow users to modify existing records and append to a series of records, such as adding new employees, vendors, and vendor employees or changing an employee’s end date. This enhancement affects all tables that can be updated by Import Project Master Data except the following:
PROJ (Manage Project User Flow)
PROJ_REV_SETUP (Manage Revenue Information)
PROJ_LAB_CAT_MAP (Link Project Labor Categories to Projects)
LAB_CAT_RT_SCH (Manage Project Labor Categories (PLC))
PROJ_EMPL_RT_SCH (Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor)
TOP_LVL_RPT (Manage Alternate Projects)
PROJ_RPT_ID (Manage Alternate Projects)
Project Workforce Start and End Dates for Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee
In preparation for an enhancement that will allow you to add start and end dates to each employee, vendor, and vendor employee in a project workforce in Costpoint, updates have been made to several applications.
This future enhancement will allow you to limit an employee’s or vendor employee’s work time within the project. In addition, you will not need to remove employees from the workforce, and you will be able to perform a historical review of project workforce records.
Updated “Workforce” Label
The “Work Force” label on field names in the following applications has been changed to “Workforce”:
Approve Work Assignments (SMPWRKA)
Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor (PJMPWFRT)
Manage Contracts (CTMCNTR)
Manage Opportunities (CTMOPP)
Manage Project Templates (PJMQTPLT)
Manage Project User Flow (PJMBASIC)
Manage Work Assignments (SMMWRK)
Mass Add Project Master Data (PJPMADD)
Print Data Dictionary Report (SYRDD)
Print Project Master Report (PJRBASIC)
Print Project Setup Report (PJRSETUP)
Synchronize Project Master Data and Project Edit Data (PJPSYNCH)
View Work Assignment Status (SMQWA)
New Columns on Tables
Start Date and End Date columns have been added to the following database tables:
These tables are used by the following applications:
Import Project Master Data (PJPPREP)
Manage Employee Work Force (PJMWORK)
Manage Vendor Employee Work Force (PJMVEWRK)
Manage Vendor Work Force (PJMVNWRK)
Start and End Dates Included in Import
The Import Project Master Data application has been updated to include the new Start Date and End Date fields in the input file when importing project workforce records. Affected input file layouts include the following:
PROJ_EMPL.csv (Manage Employee Work Force)
PROJ_EMPL_LAB_CAT.csv (Manage Employee Work Force » Assign PLC to Employee Work Force subtask)
PROJ_VEND.csv (Manage Vendor Work Force)
PROJ_VEND_LAB_CAT.csv (Manage Vendor Work Force » Assign PLC to Vendor Work Force subtask)
PROJ_VEND_EMPL.csv (Manage Vendor Employee Work Force)
PROJ_VEND_EMPL_PLC.csv (Manage Vendor Employee Work Force » Assign PLC to Vendor Employee Work Force subtask)
Business Intelligence
Modifed Security View to Improve Project Role Security Performance
Modifications were made to the security view that affects different areas where Project Role Security is used, such as reports in Accounts Receivable, Billing, and Projects.
Updated Menu Report Table in Version 8.2.12
The Menu Report Table has been updated in version 8.2.12 to include new objects. Notably, A/P Aging has been added to Accounts Payable. This update ensures that your Menu Report Table is always up to date with the latest features and functionalities. Further updates will be communicated as they become available.
Welcome Page with New Training Link
A new training link is available on the Costpoint BI Welcome page.
Improved Project Health Drill Through Report
Modifications were made to the security view in support of Project Role Security. The updates provide better performance when running any report or dashboard from the following packages.
Accounts Receivable
Project Reporting
Project Analysis
Updates to Real Time Project Status Report and Drill Thru Reports
For better usability, several improvements were made to the following Costpoint Business Intelligence reports:
Real Time Project Status Report
Pending Charges Detail Report
General Ledger Detail Drill Thru Report
Labor Detail Drill Thru Report
This enhancement includes the following:
Added Company prompt
Added Include Inactive Projects filter
Expanded selection boxes to accommodate wide text
Updated the report subtitle to include the selected company name and current period date
Added the Posting Seq No column to the General Ledger Detail Drill Thru Report
Project Revenue Summary with Backlog Report
For improved usability, the following changes were made to the Project Revenue Summary with Backlog report:
The Columns to display section on the prompt page was reorganized.
Prompt boxes were expanded to display the full text of the available selections
Field labels were updated to match the standard format and style of the reports
Home Dashboard Timesheet Hours (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
The My Timesheets section of the Home Dashboard now shows hours for all timesheets displayed.
In addition, to improve the efficiency of querying timesheet data from the Home Dashboard or other areas of Costpoint, such as Business Intelligence, the underlying timesheet summarization tables within Time & Expense are now immediately updated when timesheets are saved, including any automatically calculated overtime.
Expanded Size of Selection Boxes in Reports
For better usability, the selection boxes on the prompt pages of the following reports were expanded:
Burdened Labor and ODCs
Labor Detail
PLC Exception Report
Project Ledger Detail
Project Status Report
Project Work Force
PSR Template
PSR Trending Analysis
Revenue Summary Report Template
Project Master (List)
Project Percent Complete
Project Revenue Summary
Project Master (Form)
Project Reports
BOM Component Shortage Report
Substitute parts that are available are now included in the component lines of the BOM Component Shortage Report.
Eliminate Upgrade Notification
After the upgrade to Cognos Analytics with Watson 11.2.4, notifications were displayed when you opened a report or dashboard. These notifications have been eliminated to have a more seamless experience.
Trial Balance Report
A new Trial Balance report is now available in Costpoint Business Intelligence, Team Content » General Ledger » Reports. This Trial Balance shows net account activity by period for a specified fiscal year and includes a variance as compared to the Prior Year account balances.
Barcoded MO Routing Traveler
The new Barcoded MO Routing Traveler report in Costpoint Business Intelligence is now available. Costpoint Procurement users can see it in Team Content » Manufacturing. A routing traveler includes the manufacturing order (MO) routing operation steps that are required to produce the MO build part as well as the barcodes needed for production.
Consumer Capabilities
The capabilities for users with the CER__CONSUMER or STD_BI_CONSUMER role were modified to prevent them from copying or moving objects. Instead, they can create views and shortcuts of objects in alternate locations such as My Content.
Project Health Dashboard
The Project Health Dashboard, formerly known as Project Progress by Role report, has been streamlined and redesigned for improved performance. In line with this enhancement, the following packages have been updated as well.
Project Reporting
Namespaces added:
The PSR (Project Summary) Summary Data – Top Level
Current Reporting Period
Modified security view:
The security view on the PSR Summary Data namespace was modified for performance optimization.
Billing: The security view was modified for the following namespaces for performance optimization:
Open Billing Summary
Invoice Summary
Accounts Receivable: The security view on the AR Summary Data namespace was modified for performance optimization.
Updated Data Dictionary Report
The Data Dictionary report now includes the Time & Expense (T&E) data dictionary table. In addition, the underlying Admin model now exposes data from Costpoint, Planning, and T&E for the data dictionary.
Print PO Header NAICS Code Business Size and Size Standards on Purchase Order
You can now save the NAICS Size Standards in the PO Header and include the following on the printed PO regardless of business size:
PO header business size
size standards
To support this enhancement, the following updates were made to the Procurement Data module:
SBA_SIZE_USD and SBA_SIZE_EMP fields have been added to the PO Header, PO Header Change, and PO Header History data.
A Print NAICS SBA Size Standards for All Bus. Size option has been added to the Purchase Order prompts.
The “SBA Size” label on the printed report has been renamed “SBA Size Standards”.
Under Select Buyer(s), buyers are now formatted as Buyer Name (Buyer ID) instead of Buyer ID - Buyer Name.
Updated Purchase Order Report
The Purchase Order (PO) Report model has been updated to support printing the Vendor UEI number, Contract Number, DPAS Rating, and Rated Order FAR clause on the PO Report.
Improved Administration Package
The new Administration package uses Dynamic Query Mode (DQM), which has several technical benefits that are required to leverage some of the newer BI features. Some examples of these features are dashboards and data modules. You can see the new Administration package in Team Content » Packages.
To find out more about DQM, see the IBM website.
Repointed Reports that Use the Administration Package
Some reports were repointed to use the new Administration package in Costpoint BI. These reports are:
Data Dictionary
Effective User Rights Report
Home Page Report
Menu Report
User Group Rights Report
Updated Procurement Package
The Procurement package has been updated to include vendor contact information and other query subjects, which include the items in the following table.
Query Subject
Vendor Web Site
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[VEND_WEB_SITE]]
Intracompany Vendor
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[IC_VEND_FL]]
Performing Company ID
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[PERF_COMPANY_ID]]
CAGE Code - Vendor
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[CAGE_CD]]
T/C Expense Class
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[TC_EXP_CLS_CD]]
A/P 1099 Type Desc
[[Database Layer].[S_AP_1099_TYPE].[AP_1099_TYPE_DESC]]
Admin Email Address
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[ADMIN_EMAIL]]
Vendor Employee Approval Group
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[VE_APPRVL_GRP_CD]]
GovWin IQ Company ID]
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[GOVWIN_COMP_ID]
GovWin IQ Do Not Refresh (Y/N)
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[GWIQ_REFRESH_FL]]
Avg Rating Percent
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[AVG_RATING_PERCENT]]
Prospective Vendor ID
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[VEND_PROSPECT_ID]]
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[VEND_SPCLTY]]
Vendor Classification [13]
8(a) Certified (Y/N)
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[CL_8A_FL]]
AbilityOne Non-Profit Agency (Y/N)
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[CL_ABIL_ONE_FL]]
CMMC Level
[[Database Layer].[VEND].[CMMC_LEVEL]]
Vendor Currencies [7]
Currency Cd
[[Database Layer].[VEND_LIMIT_CRNCY].[S_CRNCY_CD]]
Currency Type Cd
Vendor Address [31]
Address Desc Cd
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[ADDR_DC]]
Address Line 1
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[LN_1_ADR]]
Address Line 2
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[LN_2_ADR]]
Address Line 3
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[LN_3_ADR]]
City Name
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[CITY_NAME]]
Mail State
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[MAIL_STATE_DC]]
Postal Cd
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[POSTAL_CD]]
Country Cd
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[COUNTRY_CD]]
Sales Tax Cd
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[SALES_TAX_CD]]
Shipping ID
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[SHIP_ID]]
Payment Address
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[S_PMT_ADDR_CD]]
Order Address
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[S_ORD_ADDR_CD]]
Phone Number - Vendor Address
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[PHONE_ID]]
Fax Number - Vendor Address
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[FAX_ID]]
Other Phone Number - Vendor Address
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[OTH_PHONE_ID]]
Bank Account ID
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[BANK_ACCT_ID_S]]
Bank ABA Number
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[BANK_ABA_NO]]
ACH Trans
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[S_ACH_TRN_CD]]
Active (Y/N)
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[ACTIVE_FL]]
Bank Account Ref Cd
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[BANK_ACCT_REF_CD]]
EFT Payment Cd
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[EFT_PMT_CD]]
eMail - Vendor Address
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[EMAIL_ID]]
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[IBAN_CD]]
Print EFT (Y/N)
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[PRINT_EFT_FL]]
Congressional District Code
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[CONGRESS_DISTRICT]]
EFT Active Flag - Non-US Bank (Y/N)
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[NON_US_ACTIVE_FL]]
Non US Bank ID
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[NON_US_BANK_ID]]
Intermediary Bank ID
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[IB_BANK_ID]]
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[SWIFT_CD]]
UEI Number
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[UEI_NO]]
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR][Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR].[CAGE_CD]]
Vendor Address Contact [9]
Sequence Number
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR_CNTACT].[SEQ_NO]]
Contact Last Name
Contact First Name
Contact Title
Phone Number - Vendor Address Contact
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR_CNTACT].[PHONE_ID]]
Fax Number - Vendor Address Contact
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR_CNTACT].[FAX_ID]]
Other Phone Number - Vendor Address Contact
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR_CNTACT].[OTH_PHONE_ID]]
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR_CNTACT].[NOTES]]
eMail - Vendor Address Contact
[[Database Layer].[VEND_ADDR_CNTACT].[EMAIL_ID]]
Beginning Balance and Prior Period Now in the General Ledger Detail Report
To have a more accurate figure in cash position, the Beginning Balance and Prior Period values are now displayed on the General Ledger Detail Report.
Prior Period = Total amount of all the activities before the selected Started Period and Subperiod prompt
Beginning Balance = The beginning balance column under the Financial Statement Summary Account Balances (FS_SUM) table grouped by the Fiscal Year and Account ID
User-Defined Fields in the Project Reporting Package
For easier inclusion of user-defined fields (UDEFs) when you create reports, the shortcuts to UDEFs are now available throughout the different areas in the Project Reporting package.
Improved Security View
The Security View was modified to improve performance in generating some reports and dashboards. The packages that use this view are:
Project Reporting
Accounts Receivable
Improved Projects Package
For better performance, the Dynamic Query Mode (DQM) – Master Detail Optimization feature was enabled in the Projects package. This results in faster execution of reports whenever you generate them.
Updated Contracts and Opportunities Model with UDEFs and Assessment Fields
The new VBI_ALL_UDEF_CT view is now available to capture data in user-defined fields (UDEFs) for contracts, leads, and opportunities. Because of this change, the Contracts and Opportunities model had to be updated to accommodate the new UDEFs.
Updates were also made to the Contracts and Opportunities model to obtain the new Opportunity Assessment and Performance Assessment field values in Costpoint.
Corpay Portal Vendor Listing
The new Corpay Portal Vendor Listing report, which aims to provide key vendor information and support to users of Corpay, is now available. Any change or update made to the vendor information will automatically reflect on the report.
Accounts Receivable
Improved AR Aging Report
The Accounts Receivable Aging report has been updated to include visualizations and an export option that is compatible with MS Excel.
The new AR Aging report now includes:
Visualizations across the top of the report that includes:
A/R by Aging Bucket
Top 5 Customers by Total Balance Due
Top 5 Customers by Past Due
New format for subtitle with Company Name and Period Ending date
Expanded width of Company prompt
4 digits for year in the Subperiod End Dates and any other date
Reduced height of the Aging Method prompt
Improved Excel export where headers are hidden upon export and displayed as columns
BI Accounts Payable
New Accounts Payable Aging Report
The new Accounts Payable Aging report is now available in Costpoint BI. This new report is associated with the existing Print Open Accounts Payable Report (APROPEN) in Costpoint Accounting » Accounts Payable and includes charts for:
Accounts Payable aging buckets
Top five vendors by Total Open AP with current versus overdue amount
Top five vendors with largest overdue amount
Like other Costpoint BI reports, the AP Aging report is available in HTML, PDF, and MS Excel format.
UEI Number and CAGE Code in the Vendor Master Report
The Vendor Master Report now includes the UEI Number and CAGE Code to match to the new fields on the Vendor Address Line level of the Manage Vendors screen.
Enhanced Accounts Payable BI Package
New fields were added to the Vendor Address namespace in the Accounts Payable package in Costpoint BI. This enables you to add more information when creating reports. Some of the fields that were added include:
Email EFT Advice flag
Bank Name
Non-US Bank Account ID
Modified By
Row Version
Time Stamp
BI Planning
Improved Pending Charges Detail Report
The Pending Charges Detail Report was modified to include the following changes:
Project prompt is no longer required.
The width of the Search and Select prompts were expanded.
Dates now display four digits for years.
Project Name, Organization ID, Organization Name, and Project Manager were added.
The default setting for the Group repeating cells – export to Excel field has been set to No. This will display the Resource ID and Resource Name on every line when the report is exported to Excel for easier sorting.
Selection Criteria page was updated for new prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Planning PSR Trending Analysis Report, Formerly Known as BnP PSR Trending Analysis
The Planning PSR Trending Analysis Report has been modified to include the following changes:
New prompts:
Rate Type
Active/Inactive Project
Project Level
Project Manager
The width of the search and select prompts were expanded.
The Project prompt is no longer required.
The report is now sourced from the Project Planning Reporting package instead of the Project Planning Analysis package.
The styling was updated to match the format of other BI reports.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date
The Selection Criteria tab was added.
The Revision History was added.
Improved Labor Variance by PLC
The Labor Variance by PLC report was updated to include the following:
New prompts:
Budget Type
Active/Inactive Project
Project Manager
The width of the search and select prompts were expanded.
The Project prompt is no longer required.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
Tooltips were added for the column definitions.
Owning Organization ID, Owning Organization Name and Project Manager were added.
The column titles and column definitions on the report were updated. When the budget type is BUD, the Current Period Budget Hours is displayed. When the budget type is EAC, the Current Period EAC Hours is displayed.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated for new prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Project Labor Hours Status Report
The improved Project Labor Hours Status report was modified to include the following:
New prompts:
Project Level
Active/Inactive Project
Owning Organization
Project Manager
The Project prompt is now a search and select field like other Planning reports and is not required.
The width of the search and select prompts was expanded.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
Tooltips were added for the column definitions.
The ITD column heading was replaced as ITD Actual Hrs.
The Budget Type prompt logic has been fixed.
The report now includes the Burn Rate Total and the calculation now uses the period of performance from Planning.
Project Name, Owning Organization, Project Manager and Period of Performance (Start Date – End Date) were added.
The Spent to Date column was removed.
The Hours Remaining column is now Hours Remaining (ETC).
The columns were rearranged.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated to include new prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Project Forecast with Labor Details, Formerly Known as Project Report with Labor Details
The Project Forecast with Labor Details has been modified to include the following changes:
New prompts:
Rate Type
Project Level
Active/Inactive Project
Project Manager
The width of the search and select prompts were expanded.
The Project prompt is no longer required.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
Tooltips were added for the column definitions.
ITD plus ETC replaced the Total Forecast Budget header.
The date from the ITD column heading was removed.
Owning Organization ID, Owning Organization Name, and Project Manager were added.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated for new prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Project Status Cost Summary
The improved Project Status Cost Summary report was modified to include the following:
New prompts:
Rate Type
Active/Inactive Project
Project Manager
The width of the search and select prompts were expanded.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
Tooltips were added for the column definitions.
The date from the ITD column heading was removed.
Project Manager was added.
The style of the conditional formatting was changed.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated to include new prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Project Subcontractor Status
The improved Project Subcontractor Status report was modified to include the following:
New prompts:
Rate Type
Active/Inactive Projects
Project Level
Owning Organization
Project Manager
The Project prompt is now a search and select field like other Planning reports and is not required.
The width of the search and select prompts were expanded.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
Tooltips for column definitions were added.
The date from the ITD column heading was removed.
The word Commitment was changed to Pending in the column title for consistency.
Organization ID, Organization Name and Project Manager were added.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated to include additional prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Revenue Forecast Report
The Revenue Forecast report was modified to include the following changes on the prompt page and report:
New prompts:
Active/Inactive Project
Project Manager
The option to select the Apply % Probability to new businesses on a monthly forecast was added.
The width of the search and select prompts were expanded.
The Budget Type prompt logic has been fixed.
Non-backlog terminology was removed.
Project Name was added.
Leveling for New Business is now fixed.
The Contract Value column on the report was removed.
The format of the Probability column was fixed.
The report subtitle now includes Company.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated for additional prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved T&M Labor Profitability Report, Formerly Known as T&M Profitability
The T&M Labor Profitability report has been modified to include the following changes:
New prompts:
Active/Inactive Project prompt
Owning Organization
Project Manager
The width of the search and select prompts were expanded.
The report subtitle now includes Company Name and Period End Date.
Tooltips were added for the column definitions.
The date from the ITD column was removed.
When Billing Rate is not available, “Missing” is displayed on the report.
PLC Description now includes the code.
Resource names include Resource ID.
The Billing Rate label now displays as Current Billing Rate.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated for additional prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Burdened Labor Cost by Project Report
The Burdened Labor Costs by Project report in Planning was updated with the following changes:
New prompts:
Active/Inactive Projects
Owning Organization
Project Manager
The Company prompt now contains the ID and Name.
The width of the Search and Select prompts were expanded.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
The BUD column title was replaced with Budget.
Organization ID, Organization Name and Project Manager were added.
The Selection Criteria tab was updated to include additional prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved Planning Revenue Summary Report Template
The Planning Revenue Summary Report template was modified to include the following:
New Prompts:
Active/Inactive Project
Project Manager
The Company prompt now contains the ID and Name.
The width of the search and select prompts was expanded.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
Tooltips were added for column definitions
The report now includes these new columns:
ETC Revenue after backlog
Variance between backlog and ETC Revenue
ITD Profit
ETC Profit
ETC Profit and ETC Profit %
The Selection Criteria tab was updated to include additional prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Project Roll Up in New Business Projects
The Planning model now supports hierarchy in new business projects.
Improved Labor Utilization Forecast
The Labor Utilization Forecast prompt page and report now include the following:
New prompts:
Active/Inactive Project
The Home Org or Performing Org is now considered the primary group.
The Project name displays with New Business or Existing Project Type.
The report subtitle includes the Company.
The Selection Criteria page was updated for new prompts.
The Revision History tab was updated.
Improved PSR Report Template
The improved PSR Report Template was modified to include the following:
New Prompts:
Active/Inactive Prompts
The prompt label BUD/EAC was changed to Budget Type.
The width of the search and select prompts was expanded.
The styling was updated to match the format of other BI reports.
The report subtitle was updated to include Company and Period End Date.
When the Budget Type is EAC, the corresponding column title changes from Budget to EAC.
The Selection Criteria tab was added.
The Revision History tab was added.
Contract Management
New Fields in the Contract Management Package
New fields are now available in the Contract Management model, which will provide more comprehensive data for your contract management needs. The new fields are:
Subcontractor Plan
Date Submitted
General Small Business
Allocation Total
The Allocation Total field is a sum of the Subcontractor Percentage Required. In addition, the Business Classification HUB ZONE was added in the SUBCNTR_MASTER SQL table.
Costpoint Administration
Menu Report Table Update
The Menu Report table has been updated to reflect new, renamed, or dropped objects introduced recently. This includes renaming of :
"T&M Profitability" to "T&M Labor Profitability (Planning)"
"BnP PSR Trending Analysis" to "Planning PSR Trending Analysis (Planning)"
"Project Report with Labor Details" to "Project Forecast with Labor Details (Planning)"
In addition, "Barcoded MO Routing Traveler for TE" has been added under Manufacturing, as well as a new Subcontractor Project Bill History report under Subcontractor Management. These changes ensure that the Menu Report table remains up to date and accurate.
Employment History in the HR Package
The HR package now includes employment history information such as Hire Date and Last Day Worked. You can find certifications in the Employee package.
General Ledger
Sales Tax and VAT Reporting Section Now Available in the General Ledger Package
A "Sales Tax and VAT" reporting section has been added to the General Ledger package. You can now query related data, including the new IWA Journal Entries, in the Sales Tax area.
New Account and Organization UDEF Fields in the General Ledger Package
New UDEF fields are now available in Account and Organization - Performing Structures in the General Ledger Data package. These fields include 20 text, 10 numeric, and 10 date UDEF fields.
General Updates
New NAICS Fields
NAICS fields were added to the Costpoint Business Intelligence models to align with the changes made in the Costpoint applications. The updated framework models in Costpoint BI are:
Accounts Payable
CRM and Contracts
Improved MO Routing Traveler Report
The new Barcoded MO Routing Traveler report for T&E includes barcodes for ease of use with Time & Expense. You will find the report in Team Content » Manufacturing and sourced from the Manufacturing package. This report includes Manufacturing Order (MO) routing operation steps required to produce the MO build part and also help eliminate the possibility of typos and refines the clock on/off function for T&E users.
New Fields in Costpoint BI Materials
New Inventory Balance fields were added to the Materials data in Costpoint BI:
On Hand Balance From
On Hand Inventory Balance To
In addition, the Furnished Material Type field is now in the Inventory Abbrev tables in Costpoint BI Materials.
New Fields Added to the CRM & Contracts Package
The following fields were added to the CRM & Contracts package:
New Owning Organization
New Business Unit
New Created By (with date)
New Modified (with date)
Expand Scope of Work
Project Status Cost Summary: Customizable Conditional Formatting for Variance Highlighting
You can now set your own parameters for highlighting variances in the Project Status Cost Summary. Instead of a fixed threshold, you can specify the dollar amount or percentage that triggers a variance highlight. This feature allows you to tailor the variance highlighting to your specific needs, making it easier to spot significant variances at a glance.
Project Progress by Role
The Project Manager Welcome page has a brand-new look. On this page you can see:
A link to an informational video
The Costpoint BI release number
Subcontractor Management
Updated Subcontractor Model
The Subcontractor framework model now includes the new Subcontractor Project Bill History (SUBC_PROJ_BILL_HS) table. It holds a summary of all bills issued for each unique combination of project, work assignment, work assignment line, fiscal year, period, and subperiod. This table gets filled upon approval of Subcontractor Invoices in the Subcontractor Management module.
New Subcontractor Project Bill History Report
A new report, Subcontractor Project Bill History, is now available in the Subcontractor Management folder. This report corresponds to the updated Subcontractor model and offers a detailed and structured snapshot of your subcontractor billing information, including advanced features like sorting, subtotaling, and filtering options. These improvements serve to optimize and simplify the billing workflow.
Supplier Portal Vendor Action Data in the Accounts Payable and Procurement Packages
The Supplier Portal Vendor Action Data are now available in the Accounts Payable packages which enables you to monitor actions and changes to the Vendor Master data by suppliers. In addition, the Procurement package has been updated with Supplier Portal Admin Email Address. The fields added are listed in the following table.
Vendor ID
Accounts Payable
Action Key
Accounts Payable
Portal Action Code
Accounts Payable
Action Code Description
Accounts Payable
Action Code Type
Accounts Payable
Vendor Contact Changes
Accounts Payable
Vendor Employee Changes
Accounts Payable
Modified By
Accounts Payable
Action Notes
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Vendor Employee Labor Changes
Accounts Payable
Supplier Portal Admin Email Address
Accounts Payable and Procurement
Supplier Portal Admin Flag
VEND_ADDR_CNTACT data in Accounts Payable
Created by Supplier Flag
VEND_ADDR_CNTACT data in Accounts Payable
Created by Supplier Flag
VEND_EMPL data in Accounts Payable
Created by Supplier Flag
VE_LAB_INFO data in Accounts Payable
New TS_SUMMARY Table in Time Package
A new section can be found in the Time package which allows for queries against the new Timesheet Summary table. This table shows timesheet data for the last 10 pay periods, including Missing timesheets as shown in Home Dashboard » MyTimesheets.
Employee's Primary Supervisor Now in Time Package
The Time package now allows retrieval of the name of an employee's primary supervisor or manager. Previously, the Time package was limited to obtaining the group supervisor.
Updates to Home Dashboard
The My Timesheets section of the Home Dashboard now also displays and links to timesheets that have a status of Missing. The list includes missing timesheets for the previous 10 timesheet periods.
In addtion, to improve the efficiency of querying timesheet data from the Home Dashboard or other areas of Costpoint, such as Business Intelligence, the underlying timesheet summarization tables within Time & Expense are now immediately updated when timesheets are saved, including any automatically calculated overtime.
Updates to Annual Leave Limits
Several applications within Time & Expense were updated to reflect a forthcoming feature in People that allows sick leave usage to be capped annually, as per a new California law for hourly employees.
Note: Related changes will later be applied to several applications within People.
Updates to applications within Time & Expense include:
Annual leave limit details can now be imported from People (Labor » Timesheet Interface » Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense). The import file includes new fields for importing the usage limit and the usage start and end dates.
The Resource Leave Error Log in Master Data Import History screen (Configuration » Interfaces) includes the same fields related to usage limit and usage start and end dates.
The Leave subtask of the Resource Information screen (Time & Expense » Configuration) was updated with new display-only fields that track information related to leave limits imported from People.
When the timesheet is saved, Time & Expense checks the Usage Limit Hours on the Leave subtask of the Resource Information screen (Time & Expense » Configuration) to ensure that employees have not exceeded the annual leave limit.
For employees where leave limits apply, notifications sent to supervisors related to leave requests will now include a line of text warning that leave limits may apply. This occurs when requests are sent from either the Timesheet or Work Schedule screens.
Minor Expense Enhancements
Paid Date Added to Expense Report
The Expense Classes screen (Expense » Expense Controls) includes a new Display Payment Information on Expense Report checkbox, which is not selected by default.
If you select the checkbox, the payment date of the expense report displays in the new Paid field, which was added to the header area of the Expense Report screen (Expense » Expense Reports).
Note: The payment date derives from the Maintain Payments screen (Expense » Expense Utilities).
The Paid field also displays in the Details dialog box, which opens when the user clicks the Total to Me hyperlink, also located in the Expense Report header area.
Resource Line Column Added to Work Assignment ID Charge Lookup
To make it easier to identify which work assignment line you are choosing, Charge Lookup for the Work Assignment ID field of the timesheet includes a new Resource Line column to the right of the PO Release No. column.
The value in this field derives from the Line No column of the Charges » Vendor Employees subtask on the Manage Work Assignments screen (Projects » Subcontractor Management » Work Assignments).
Quick Entry Expense Report (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Cospoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Note: To learn more about this application, see the Quick Entry Expense Report infographic.
A new Quick Entry Expense Report (Expense » Expense Reports) was added that is designed to operate as a streamlined version of the standard Expense Report application.
The new Quick Entry Expense Report screen offers a refined and flexible alternative for entering expenses that is especially geared toward the needs and priorities of employees. The simplicity of the Quick Entry approach means that users can enter all of their expenses on a single screen, while carrying out a variety of expense-related tasks. These include the following:
Create a new expense report from scratch using the New button.
Enter all expenses, including Meals, Lodging, Mileage, Car Rental, and Unclaimed Expenses.
Add charge lines to the report by clicking the Add button.
Use Lookup to select the projects to which you want to charge your expenses.
Split expenses between projects as needed.
Allocate split charges by amount or percentage.
Attach multiple receipts, one receipt per row at a time.
Clone reports previously generated by the Quick Entry Expense application, minimizing time expended to create reports for common expenses.
Save your expense report, even while it remains unfinished.
Note: After you add an expense line, an Expense Type must be selected prior to saving. All other columns disable until you choose the Expense Type.
In addition, a new Save button was added to the application. Prominently located on the expense grid menu, it functions exactly like the legacy Save and Save and Continue functionality on the Global Toolbar.
Subcontractors can also use this application, which identifies their roles as contractors through the administrative settings. For subcontractors, the Project column is retitled Work Assignment.
Once selected, projects to which charges will apply display as hyperlinks in the Project column. To split an expense between different projects, click the hyperlink to display the Split Expense dialog box. You can allocate charges by amounts or percentages. Split expenses are denoted with the hyperlink ‘SPLIT.’
When users add a new charge line, attributes (Project IDs, charges, splits) from the previous charge line automatically carry over.
Note: Fields that require completion or are not yet validated are highlighted in yellow.
Quick Entry Expense Report also includes two columns that are new to Time & Expense expense report screens:
Comments: Here you can add information related to the expense, including locale, purpose, or any other additional information required by your company.
Unnamed (Units) Column: Fields for this column, which is located between the Expense Date and Amount columns, display as empty unless the expense is denoted in units (for example, miles, photocopies, or long-distance minutes). In that case, the column cell will include the type of unit.
Resource Work Schedule Updates
To improve general usability for the Resource Schedules/Leave screen, the following updates were applied:
The Leave Requests hyperlink was moved from the Resource Name column to the Pending Leave Weekly Hours column. Click this link to view the Leave Request popup table, which displays all leave requests for the selected year and any other future leave requests.
The Resource column cell now links to the Resource Work Schedule Dates calendar subtask/table. Click the Resource hyperlink to display this table, which shows the resource’s entire calendar for the work schedule as selected in the query.
The Resource Work Schedule subtask was updated so it can be closed. To enable you to reopen the subtask, a new Resource Work Schedule button was added.
Note: This button disables when a query is pending.
Pending Leave Requests can now be opened as a separate subtask.
Add Scheduled Leave to Outlook
The Time module now supports auto-download of ICalendar (.ics) files, which enable supervisors and employees to add leave events scheduled in Time & Expense directly to their Outlook calendars.
For example, after a supervisor approves leave for an employee, that leave event can be added to the supervisor’s calendar in Outlook, and the employee can add the same event to Outlook as well.
Global Configuration
To implement this feature, System Administrators must first select the new Allow Auto-Download of ICS Files checkbox on the Miscellaneous tab of the Time Settings screen (Time » Time Controls).
After the checkbox is selected, a checkbox with the same name displays on the Profile screen (Configuration » Resources), where end users may also select it.
Note: If you enable the feature globally for all users and then later clear the checkbox on the Miscellaneous tab, it does not overwrite the selections users have made on the Profile tab.
End User Configuration
After the Administrator enables the feature globally, end users can select the Allow Auto-Download of ICS Files checkbox on the Profile screen (Configuration » Resources) to enable the feature locally.
Once this setting is enabled, the .ics files automatically download when hours are successfully scheduled in the New Leave dialog box from either of the following Time » Timesheets applications:
Work Schedule
If you are a supervisor and are authorized to approve leave, the .ics file downloads after you click Approve for a selected request in the Resource Schedules/Leave application (Time » Timesheets).
Open and Use the .ICS File
The .ics file automatically downloads to the location that is configured to receive downloads on your machine. After you open the file, it displays in Outlook and is pre-populated with the leave details that were entered in the New Leave dialog box in Time & Expense.
Click Send Update on the file to add it to your calendar. For example:
Note: If Required is blank, add your name, or if you are a supervisor and the leave event is for an employee, enter the name of that person.
After you click Send Update, either your own .ics file or that of the employee (if you are a supervisor), the leave event is added to your calendar.
Add Timesheet Charges Using Hey Deltek!
New voice command options were added to Hey Deltek! functionality for use with the Timesheets application (Time » Timesheets). You can now use vocal commands to add new charge lines to their timesheets, as well as enter hours for those new lines.
An example of a voice command would be as follows:
“Hey Deltek, add five hours for new charge for Project [Xxxxxx] on Monday.”
Here, [Xxxxxx] stands for the relevant project description that Deltek will enter into the Description cell for the added charge. See the note below.
Costpoint prompts you to supply any missing values necessary for creating and saving the charge line.
Note: As Hey Deltek! currently looks up charges based on description, this voice command functionality for adding charges presently works most effectively if you know the description for the charge you want to look up.
Costpoint Multicurrency Tables Utilized within Time & Expense
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Time & Expense will utilize multicurrency tables within Costpoint.
Enhancements to Break Tracking
Break tracking functionality, which was partially implemented in version 8.2, was enhanced to include second-level break tracking, such as for meals.
Timesheet Class Configuration Update
The Regular hours tab of the Timesheet Classes (Time » Time Controls) screen includes a new Maximum Hours Before Meal Break field under Break Rules.
Use this new field to specify the maximum number of hours that members of the selected timesheet class are allowed to work before taking a meal break.
Note: Since breaks are only tracked for the Start/Stop and Time In/Out entry methods, this field is disabled for the Standard timesheet class.
If you update the value in this field, it must be greater than the value set in Maximum Hours before Rest Break Warning, unless both are set to 0.
Timesheet Validation Update
During validation of timesheets, meal breaks are checked for the entire day based on the timesheet start time and the number of hours set in Maximum Hours Before Meal Break. For example, if you set the field to 5.00, then a meal break will need to be logged every 5 hours from the start time of that day.
When the timesheet is saved, validation messages list which days do not have the required number of meal breaks logged.
Break Check Report Update
Functionality of the Break Check (Time » Timesheet Reports/Inquiries) report application was updated to reflect the addition of a second level break.
Improvement to Email Notifications
The Email Text (Configuration » General Controls) screen was renamed to Notification Text, and the word “Email” was removed from field labels on the screen.
The functionality of the application was also enhanced to allow you to customize a greater number of notifications.
Enhancement to Email Notification Customizations
Notifications for workflow events related to timesheets, expense authorizations, and expense reports are now also customizable. To accommodate this change, the Source drop-down list includes two new options:
Expense: Workflow Events
Timesheet: Workflow Events
Depending on which option you select, the Reason drop-down list includes these new notification options:
Reason/Notification Option
Expense: Workflow Event
Note: Each notification is customizable by role.
Rejection Notifications
Approval Notifications
Expense Authorization Charges Rejected
Expense Authorization Approved
Expense Authorization Rejected
Expense Authorization Charges Approved
Expense Report Charges Rejected
Expense Authorization Pending Approval
Expense Report Rejected
Expense Report Approved
Expense Report Charges Approved
Expense Report Pending Approval
Timesheet: Workflow Event
Note: Each notification is customizable by role.
Rejection Notifications
Approval Notifications
Timesheet Rejected
Timesheet Approved
Costpoint Hyperlink Added to Email Notifications
Email task notifications sent for Time & Expense applications now include an Open in Costpoint hyperlink, which opens the Costpoint logon page when clicked.
Expense Authorization Error Message Updated
In Expense Authorization, the error message related to the number of allowable advances was updated to provide additional instruction based on whether blanket authorizations are allowed.
If Allow Blanket Authorizations in the Expense Report Types (Expense Controls » Expense Controls) screen is clear, the error message indicates that only one advance is allowed per authorization.
If it is selected, the message additionally suggests that either a new authorization must be created for the advance or that the current authorization can be changed to a blanket one.
Integration Improvements for Co-Deployed Systems
As part of an ongoing effort to improve direct data sharing with Costpoint, company information is now directly downloaded to the related table in Time & Expense for co-deployed systems.
General updates made in support of this update include:
The need to manually import company data from Costpoint was eliminated.
The GL_Config view table in Time & Expense is automatically updated with company information.
Note: This is a backend table, which does not display on the interface.
The Company Information File is skipped when you process an import file in Import Master Data.
Note: This update does not affect stand-alone Time & Expense deployment.
Interactive Email Expense Report Approvals
The Expense Report Tasks tab of the Expense Report Types (Expense » Expense Controls) screen includes a new Use Interactive E-Mail for Notifications checkbox that enables you to send interactive emails for approval or rejection of the overall expense report.
The checkbox is enabled only if Task Type is set to Approve and Level is set to Overall.
Note: Before you can use this feature in the Expense module, it must be globally enabled within Costpoint. See pages 1-2 of the Time & Expense Interactive Emails Start to Finish Setup Infographic for general configuration details.
If you select Use Interactive E-Mail for Notifications, the adjacent Expires After drop-down field is enabled. The default is 24 hours, but you can select other values in four-hour increments up to 24 hours.
Interactive emails enable managers to approve or reject the overall expense report directly from within the email by clicking the embedded Reject or Approve button. For example:
The choice is immediately applied within the Manage/Approve Expense Reports (Expense » Expense Reports) screen.
Attention: The Interactive Email feature relies on Adaptive Card technology. If your company is using Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud High (GCC High), this platform does not support Adaptive Cards, so the feature is unavailable to you.
Interactive Email for Subcontractors and ICWA
When Time & Expense is configured to send interactive email notifications for timesheet tasks, subcontractors, as well as employees who charge time using Intracompany Work Assignments (ICWA), will now also receive them.
Note: Interactive email functionality was released in version 8.2, but resources who are classified as subcontractors were not included. See the Costpoint 8.2 release notes for configuration details.
Supervisors or others designated to approve subcontractor or ICWA timesheets will also receive interactive notifications, if the Timesheet Approval section of the Timesheet Reminder (Time » Timesheet Reports/Inquiries) application is configured to send interactive emails.
Interactive email notifications for subcontractors include Work Assignment codes, and, where applicable, the notifications also include timesheet charge codes related to ICWA.
The following is an example of an interactive email notification for a subcontractor:
For the approver, the interactive email includes similar details, but also displays the Reject and Approve buttons. For example:
Interactive Email Functionality Added to Workflow Events
The Workflow Events application (Time » Time Controls) includes new functionality for sending interactive email notifications to supervisors after timesheets are signed by employees or subcontractors.
Accordingly, two new fields were added to the Other Notifications subtask:
Send Interactive E–Mail: Select this checkbox to send notifications as interactive emails, which enables supervisors to approve or reject timesheets directly from the body of the email.
Note: This checkbox is enabled if Action is selected as Sign Regular Timesheet or Sign Correcting Timesheet.
Expire After: From this drop-down list, select the time interval after which the interactive email will expire. The available time periods are:
24 Hours
20 Hours
16 Hours
12 Hours
8 Hours
4 Hours
Note that the options described above are available only if:
Interactive email functionality is enabled for Time & Expense in Configure System Settings (System Administration » System Administration Controls). See the Costpoint 8.2 release notes for details.
The Timesheet Approval section of the Timesheet Reminder (Time » Timesheet Reports/Inquiries) application is configured to send interactive emails. See the Costpoint 8.2.4 release notes for details.
Interactive Email Functionality Enhancement
The Timesheet Reminder (Time » Timesheet Reports/Inquiries) application was updated to provide the option of sending interactive email notifications when timesheets are pending signatures.
Interactive emails enable a resource to perform the signature task from within the email itself, and the signature is immediately reflected within Time & Expense.
Note: Interactive email functionality was added to Time & Expense for version 8.2. See those release notes to learn more about how the feature is enabled within Costpoint.
Configuration of Interactive Emails for Timesheet Signature
Under Sign Timesheet on the Timesheet Reminder screen, a Send field was added that is enabled after you select Sign Timesheets Reminder directly above it.
The Send drop-down list includes two options:
Interactive Email: Select this option to send interactive email reminders to resources.
When you select this option, the Expire After drop-down list is enabled. Select the number of hours (up to 24) for which the email will be valid. After that period elapses, the email is no longer editable.
Email: Select this option to send standard (non-interactive) email reminders to resources.
Note that Email is the default option, and it is not editable unless Sign Timesheets Reminder is selected.
Interactive Email Functionality
When interactive email functionality is fully enabled and configured, resources are notified by email, according to schedule settings, that timesheets are pending signature. The interactive email notification includes a button for signing the timesheet. For example:
The selected action is immediately reflected in Time & Expense.
Note: If the recipient’s version of Outlook is configured to offer automatic text responses, other unrelated options may be displayed within the body of the email (for example,
The Timesheet Reminder (Time » Timesheet Reports/Inquiries) application was updated to provide the option of sending interactive email notifications to personnel responsible for approving timesheets.
Interactive emails enable these individuals to approve or reject timesheets from within the email itself, and the selected actions are immediately reflected within Time & Expense.
Note: Interactive email functionality was added to Time & Expense for version 8.2. See those release notes to learn more about how the feature is enabled within Costpoint.
Configuration of Interactive Emails for Timesheet Approval/Rejection
Under Timesheet Approve on the Timesheet Reminder screen, a Send field was added that is enabled after you select Approve Timesheets Reminder directly above it.
The Send drop-down list includes two options:
Interactive Email: Select this option to send interactive email reminders to approvers.
When you select this option, the Expire After drop-down list is enabled. Choose the number of hours (up to 24) for which the email will be valid. After that period elapses, the email is no longer editable.
Email: Select this option to send standard (non-interactive) email reminders to approvers.
Note that Email is the default option, and it is not editable unless Approve Timesheets Reminder is selected.
Interactive Email Functionality
When interactive email functionality is fully enabled and configured, approvers are notified by email, according to schedule settings, that timesheets are pending approval. The interactive email notification includes buttons for approving or rejecting the timesheet. For example:
The selected action is immediately reflected in Time & Expense.
Note: If the recipient’s version of Outlook is configured to offer automatic text responses, other unrelated options may be displayed within the body of the email (for example,
Manage/Approve Timesheet Interface Update (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.15 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
The Manage Approve Timesheets (Time » Timesheets) screen was updated so that fields in the header area are either displayed or hidden based on the Filter By option.
For example, if Filter by is set to:
Approval Tasks: No fields display in the header.
Status: All the regular fields related to filtering timesheets display in the header.
Minimum Hours Displayed on Timesheet
An option to display the minimum number of hours required per pay period was added to the Timesheet screen.
Minimum Hours Configuration
The Basic tab of the Timesheet Classes (Time » Time Controls) screen includes a new Minimum Hours section, which includes these new fields:
Show Minimum Hours on Timesheet: When this option is selected, a Minimum Hours field displays in the header area of the Timesheet (in Form View). In Table View, the field displays only in the timesheet table.
Note: The Minimum Hours field will also display on the Manage/Approve Timesheets screen.
The Minimum Hours field is hidden in Form View on the Timesheet if Show Minimum Hours on Timesheet is not selected.
Factor: This field is enabled when Show Minimum Hours on Timesheet is selected. The default value is 100%, but you can replace it with any value from 1-100.
Minimum Hours on the Timesheet
When the Minimum Hours field is configured to display on the Timesheet, the hours that populate the field are based on the Standard Hours value on the Company Work Schedule screen.
For example, if Standard Hours is set to 8 hours and there are 11 days in the pay period, 88 hours would display in Minimum Hours, based on a factor of 100%. If the Factor was 70%, the minimum hours for the pay period would be 61.60.
Note: No warning message is provided if less than the minimum hours are entered. Timesheet users are recommended to use the Notes function to enter a reason. Additional options include validating it through use of a “Pre-Approve” Stored Procedure or through Extensibility.
Minor Timesheet Enhancements
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
Several minor enhancements were applied to applications within Time » Timesheets.
Update to Approve Timesheet Charges
On the Approve Timesheet Charges screen, the Charge Lines Details » Hours Details subtask now displays automatically when you open the application.
In addition, the subtask includes a new Comments column, which pre-populates with any comments users may have added to timesheet cells.
Together, both enhancements reduce the number of clicks required to display comments and other charge details.
Updates to Timesheet
The following usability-related updates were applied to the Timesheet screen.
Request to Correct Button Functionality Update
For timesheet classes that require permission to correct closed period timesheets, the Request to Correct button now remains on the timesheet after users click it, but the label changes to Correct Request – Pending.
Previously, the button was hidden until approval was granted and the Correct button became enabled.
Search for Project Codes by Project Manager
The More drop-down menu now includes a Project Manager Lookup option, which displays a new Project Manager Lookup screen.
In the Project Manager Lookup, select the project manager from either the Name or ID field and then click the Lookup button to display the Results screen, which includes additional details about each code.
Update to Header Labels
The format of the Timesheet header was updated so that labels now display above the fields. This change consolidates space and improves usability.
Resource Line Column Added to Work Assignment ID Charge Lookup
To make it easier to identify which work assignment line you are choosing, Charge Lookup for the Work Assignment ID field of the timesheet includes a new Resource Line column to the right of the PO Release No. column.
The value in this field derives from the Line No column of the Charges » Vendor Employees subtask on the Manage Work Assignments screen (Projects » Subcontractor Management » Work Assignments).
Miscellaneous Updates to Notifications
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Notifications will be updated with miscellaneous improvements.
New Filter Options for Manage/Approve Timesheets
The Criteria section of the Manage/Approve Timesheets (Time » Timesheets) application includes new options for filtering timesheets.
Note: Fields under Criteria are editable when Status is selected from the Filter by drop-down list at the top of the Manage/Approve Timesheet screen.
Note: If your company has extensibility links associated with this application, Deltek recommends that you test this feature in conjunction with those links prior to deploying it for general use.
Filter By Timesheet Class
A Timesheet Class field, which enables you to display results according to timesheet class, was added. The field provides two options:
All: Leave this default value selected to include all timesheet classes in the results.
Selected: Select this option to filter the report according to one or more specific timesheet classes.
To select the timesheet classes, click the Select Timesheet Classes subtask, which displays the timesheet classes available to you. Click the Select checkbox next to each class that you want to include.
Filter Based on a Selected Value
A Filter drop-down list, which provides a variety of filter options (for example, Last Name), was added. After you select a filter, enter the associated value (the last name, for example) in the Filter Value field.
The Filter drop-down list includes the following options:
Last Name: Choose this option to filter by the last name of the employee.
ID: Choose this option to filter by the employee ID.
Signature Last Name: Choose this option to filter by the last name of the timesheet signer.
Signature ID: Choose this option to filter by the ID of the timesheet signer.
Approver Last Name: Choose this option to filter by the last name of the timesheet approver.
Approver ID: Choose this option to filter by the ID of the timesheet approver.
New MO Configuration Setting and TS Info Card
This enhancement includes the following updates:
New option that enables validation of MO dates (Manufacturing Order) on the timesheet
New Information Card that displays charge status, including the MO status, on the timesheet
These updates provide an additional level of control over whether additional hours can be charged to MOs that might already be closed or completed, such as when timesheets are corrected.
In addition, the Information Card provides users with details about the status of the selected charge.
New Setting to Validate Manufacturing Order Dates
The Miscellaneous tab of the General Settings (Configuration » General Controls) screen includes a new Validate All Manufacturing Order Dates field under Miscellaneous.
Select the checkbox if you want MO charge dates validated when timesheets are saved or signed.
Note: This checkbox is disabled in stand-alone Time & Expense installations.
The validation itself is performed based on the settings in UDT02.
UDT02 Updated to Reflect MO In-Shop and Need Dates
Note: This update applies only to installations that are co-deployed with Costpoint.
For MO Projects, Start Date and End Date in UDT02 (Configuration » Master Data) now populate from the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen in Materials (Production Control » Manufacturing Orders).
Specifically, UDT02 references the dates that display under MO Dates on the Details tab. For example:
Start Date: This date is the same as actual In-Shop date.
End Date: This date is the same as the actual Need date.
When Validate All Manufacturing Order Dates is selected, MO charges are validated against the actual In-Shop and Need dates since these populate UDT02 directly from Manage Manufacturing Orders.
Note: If checkboxes under Activity on the Additional Details tab of Manage Manufacturing Orders are selected, Date Edit in UDT02 should be set to Soft Edit. If it is set to Hard Edit and the End Date (Need date) has already passed, the charge not allowed.
The dates in UDT02 also populate the date fields in the new Information Card (described below).
New Timesheet Information Card
On the Timesheet (Timesheets » Timesheet) screen, the Timesheet Lines table was enhanced so that the Line column now displays an information symbol
if you mouse over the line number.
When you click the symbol, a Line card opens that displays details related to the status of the charge, as well as the dates found on the UDT02 screen. For example:
This example is for an MO charge, so MO Status populates directly from the Status field of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen. Possible values include:
The In-Shop Date and Need Date values also populate from Materials, but indirectly via UDT02.
Note: This MO Information Card is available only in co-deployed installations.
The Information Card is available for other charges as well, but field labels and values vary accordingly.
Charge Type
Example Image
The Project Status field indicates whether Allow Charging in UDT02 is selected or clear. If it is selected, Allow Charging displays.
The Start Date and End Date values populate from the same fields in the UDT02 screen.
Work Assignment
The Work Assignment field will be blank.
The Start Date and End Date values populate from the Vendor Employees section of Charges of the Manage Work Assignments application.
This card displays if the line is an Account.
The Account Status field indicates whether Allow Charging in UDT01 is selected or clear. If it is selected, Allow Charging displays.
The Start Date and End Date values populate from the same fields in the UDT012 screen.
New Time Off Balance Report
A new Current Year Time Off Balance report that includes current leave balances and YTD hours used was added to the Print menu of the Timesheet (Time » Timesheets) screen.
Attention Administrators: If you do not want the report to display for a specific timesheet class, select the new Hide Current Year Time Off Balance Report checkbox on the Basic Information tab of the Timesheet Classes screen.
The report includes all applicable leave types, and for each one, it includes the following details:
Resource Name
This column displays the name of the user.
Leave Type Description
This column displays a description of the leave type, for example, Holiday or Vacation.
Beginning Balance
This column displays the beginning balance for that leave type.
YTD Accrued Hours
This column displays the number hours accrued in the current year.
YTD Used Hours
This column displays the number of hours used in the current year.
Current Balance
This column displays the current remaining balance.
Projected Accrual Remaining
This column displays the number of hours yet to be accrued for the current year.
Note: In stand-alone T&E deployments, N/A displays instead.
Projected YE Balance
This column shows the project year-end balance.
This is the current balance minus future requested hours plus the projected remaining accrual.
Note: In stand-alone T&E deployments, N/A displays instead.
Carryover Limit
This column displays the carryover limit designated for that leave type.
Note: In stand-alone T&E deployments, N/A displays instead.
At Risk Hours
This column displays the number of hours you are at risk of losing based on the carryover limit.
This is the current balance minus future requested hours plus project remaining accrual.
Note: In stand-alone T&E deployments, N/A displays instead.
Accrual Rate
This column displays the accrual rate for that leave type.
Note: In stand-alone T&E deployments, N/A displays instead.
Pass User ID When Sending Email (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
The email administration process was updated to ensure that email addresses in Manage Users (Admin » Security » System Security) are automatically synchronized with Time & Expense.
To support this update, the Email field in Resource Information (Configuration » Resources) becomes non-editable and is updated with the address found for that resource in Manage Users.
This occurs if the User ID in Manage Resources matches the ID in the TE Login field of the Resource Information screen.
This change ensures that notification preferences set for the resource in Costpoint are respected and maintained. However, it also requires that the Email field in Manage Users is not left empty, or the resource will not receive emails from applications within Time & Expense.
If no record exists for the resource in Manage Users, the Email field in Resource Information remains editable and that address is used instead
Note: The Email field in Resource Licenses (Configuration » Resources) was similarly updated and now also defaults to the email address in Manage Users.
This enhancement improves the connection between Time & Expense applications and the Costpoint framework, making it easier to improve and incorporate notification features, such as text and email, within the following applications:
Import Master Data
Expense Authorization
Expense Report
Expense Authorization Status
Expense Report Status
Outstanding Aging
Resource Schedules/Leave
Pass User ID When Sending E-mail (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt-in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.8 release. The ability to opt-in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of the release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
The email administration process within Costpoint was updated to ensure that email addresses in Manage Users are automatically synchronized with those that are added or updated for resources within Time & Expense.
This update improves the connection between Time & Expense applications and the Costpoint framework, making it easier to improve and incorporate notification features, such as text and email, within the following applications:
Timesheet Reminder
Daily Floor Check
Timesheet Status
This update is part of an ongoing effort to improve and simplify processes within Costpoint, and it does not require any configuration efforts or other changes on the part of the customer.
Project Workforce Start and End Dates in Time & Expense (Opt-In Available)
Note: For Costpoint Cloud, you can choose to opt in to this feature for the Costpoint 8.2.12 release. The ability to opt in is temporary and will be removed when the feature becomes automatically enabled for all users as part of a future Costpoint release. For more information, see the Opt-In Features section of these release notes.
To accommodate the new Project Workforce feature in the Projects Domain, multiple Time & Expense applications were updated to reflect and/or validate start and end date information for vendor employees.
In addition, some applications, such as those related to importing charges or charge restrictions, also display new Start Date and End Date columns that reflect the workforce period of peformance.
Affected applications include:
Charge Trees
Import Master Data
Master Data Import History
Expense Authorization
Expense Report
This enhancement is related to the Project Workforce enhancement in the Projects domain. See the “Project Workforce Start and End Dates by Employee/Vendor/Vendor Employee (Opt-In Available)” description in these release notes for additional information.
Quick Entry Expense Report Enhancements
Introduced for 8.2.12 in July 2024, the Quick Entry Expense Report (Expense » Expense Reports) screen was enhanced with new user interface elements and functionality, including features previously exclusive to the classic Expense Report.
Updates described within these release notes include:
Addition of the Information Card
Ability to enter expense details, including for location-based meals and lodging.
Support of per diem expenses.
Updates to several applications under Expense Configuration to support per diem expenses.
Information Card
A pop-up Information Card was created so that when you mouse over either Report ID in the header or the line number in the Expenses table, an information symbol (
) displays. When you click the icon, an Information Card opens that displays additional details. For example:
Example Image
Report ID
Details Column and Hyperlink
A previously unnamed column now has the field label Details. In addition, the functionality of the column was expanded to allow for entry of location-based and per diem expenses, such as for lodging and meals.
The column now also displays a Details hyperlink, when additional details are required for the expense.
Note: The label of the link can vary by the type of expense, such as "Mileage" for a mileage expense.
After you click the Details hyperlink, the Details dialog box opens. Tabs and fields which are missing required information are highlighted in yellow, and similar to the classic version of Expense Report, the tabs that display in the dialog box vary by expense type.
A lodging expense, for example, includes the Room Rates tab, and a meal expense includes the Meal Detail tab, and per diem expenses include the View Per Diem Rates link.
Note: If you are accustomed to using the classic version of Expense Report, you will find that the Details functionality is primarily the same except that, in Quick Entry, tabs or fields that are missing details display in yellow.
Multiple Locations Now Supported for Meals and Lodging Expenses
Quick Entry Expense Report now enables you to enter multiple location expenses for meals and lodging. Previously, you could add a meal or lodging expense, but details were limited to a single amount for a single location and project code.
If you select a per diem expense type, the Details hyperlink displays in the Details column so that you can enter required information, and in the Detail dialog box, the Location field on the Overall tab is highlighted in yellow.
After you click the Location field lookup, the Lookup dialog box opens with your Favorite locations highlighted in green, and the remaining available per diem locations display in gray. After you select a location, it becomes the default value for any subsequent expenses that you add. Accordingly, the other locations that were previously available no longer display in Lookup. However, they can be added via the Manage Locations button.
If you need to add a second location, click the Manage Locations button located above the Expense table. In the Locations dialog box, click Add Location to add a new row, and in the Location field, click Lookup to select the location.
Note: The Location dialog box displays each location so that any of them can be selected on subsequent expenses. You can also click Manage Locations to add all the locations before you start adding your expenses.
Updates for Per Diem Meals and Lodging
Quick Entry Expense Report does not allow you to edit unallowable, over ceiling, or under ceiling amounts or percentages. Instead, they default to the same allocations as the charge.
The only exception to this if your Administrator has configured the charge based on a project, and in which case, that overrides the charge in Quick Entry for over ceiling or unallowable.
Since unallowable, over ceiling, and under ceiling follow the same allocation as the charge line, if you modify the value in the classic version of Expense Report and then reopen it in Quick Entry, the percentages will revert to those of the charge line.
Expense Administration Updates
To support the ability to add per diem meal and lodging expenses in Quick Entry Expense Report, several configuration applications under Expense » Expense Controls were updated to enable settings that were unavailable for the initial release in July 2024.
Note: For each feature below, it is assumed that the Type drop-down field is set to Quick Entry.
Update to Expense Charge Types
The Expense Charge Types screen was updated so that you can now set defaults under Type in the Charge Type Details table for the following:
Over Ceiling: Select this option to set defaults for amounts that are over the authorized ceiling.
Unallowable: Select this option to set defaults for portions of the amount that are not allowed.
Note that in the initial release of Quick Entry Expense Report, only Under Ceiling was editable.
Update to Expense Types
The Expense Types screen was updated so that when Wizard Type on the Basic Information tab is set to Meals or Lodging, the following settings are now available for configuration:
Per Diem (the following are enabled if Per Diem is selected)
Per Diem Adjustment %
Ceiling calculation based on
Allow Date Edit
Track Multiple Locations
The Input Option – Required Fields tab was also updated so that many settings previously unavailable for Quick Entry Expense Report are now also available. These include the following:
Identify Meals
Conference Lodging
Percentage Adjustment
The Rates and Ceilings subtask was updated so that the following columns are now editable:
Breakfast Ceiling
Lunch Ceiling
Dinner Ceiling
Incidental Ceiling
Note: Certain fields above are conditionally enabled or disabled according to the selected Wizard Type, which is the same as current behavior for the Standard expense report.
Updates to Expense Report Types
The Expense Report Types screen was updated so that several settings that were previously disabled for Quick Entry are now available.
For example, under General Options, the Track Locations checkbox is enabled, and under Per Diem Options, the following are now available:
Per Diem
Per Diem Schedule
First Day Meal %
Last Day Meal %
Note: While these default values can be set in Expense Report Type, they presently are not available in the Quick Entry Expense Report application.
Summarize Start/Stop Time by Minutes
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
To comply with a change in California regulations, rounding functions for Start/Stop Detail timesheet class now allow start and stop times to be summarized by minutes instead of hours.
New Timesheet Classes Configuration Setting
A Calculate Start/Stop Time in Minutes check box was added to the Basic Information tab of the Timesheet Classes (Time » Time Controls) screen.
Note: The new setting is enabled only if Entry Mode is selected as Start/Stop Detail.
When this setting is selected, start and stop times are summarized in minutes per day instead of hours. Rounding is still based on company settings, as for example, by the quarter hour or half hour and so on.
In addition, a new Effective Date field was added directly below the new setting that enables you to set the date on which the change will take effect. Until that date, time entered on the timesheet continues to be summarized by hours or a percentage thereof.
If the effective date falls in the middle of a period, the timesheet is tracked according to the new setting.
Note: It is recommended that you set the effective date far enough in the future so that it does not overlap with any current timesheet periods. In this event, a warning message displays when you save.
Updates to the Start/Stop Times Subtask
When the entry mode for a timesheet class is designated as Start/Stop Detail, and if the new configuration setting is selected, the Start/Stop Times subtask of the timesheet displays the total time in minutes rather than hours.
For example, if a break is recorded with a start time of 10:00 a.m. and stop time of 10:15 a.m., 15 displays in the Minutes field.
Note: If the new configuration setting in Timesheet Classes is clear (not selected), the time entered displays as hours or a percentage thereof, and the field is labeled as Hours. This is also true for any timesheet periods that precede the effective date of the setting.
This enhancement requires the following:
Timesheet Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to both Timesheet functionality and display to promote ease of use.
Reposition Work Schedule in Split Screen View
After you select Work Schedule from the More menu, you can drag it to the right side of the Timesheet application screen in Split Screen view. This layout can be saved.
Timesheet Correction Reverses Status When No Changes Made
As a convenience for users, the timesheet correction process was amended so that, if no changes are implemented after the user clicks Correct, a notice displays reading, "No changes were made to this Timesheet." When the user clicks OK to dismiss the warning, this has the effect of performing an Undo Correct action, and the timesheet returns to its original state.
The following enhancements were made to both Timesheet functionality and display to promote ease of use.
Current Period Start & End Dates Added to Timesheet Schedule
An option was added to include two fields, Current Period Start Date and Current Period End Date, on the Timesheet Schedules screen (Time » Time Controls). Whether these read-only fields display is determined by system administrators.
Revision Text Added for Timesheet Creation
Default text was added for when employees save data they enter on a newly created timesheet without also signing. This text, “Timesheet created,” displays in the Revision Audit Detail cell of the Revision Audit subtask.
Work Schedule Added as More Option
To help users enter accurate charges when completing their time entry, Work Schedule was added as an option in the More drop-down list.
Charge Favorites Close Button Replaced with Apply
To reduce the number of clicks required from users, the Close button on the Charge Favorites subtask was replaced with Apply. When users click Apply, any modifications are saved and the screen then closes.
More Drop-Down Options Reordered
On the Timesheet screen, options in the More drop–down list were alphabetized to promote ease of use. The UDT10 menu option, because it is customizable, displays at the bottom of the list.
Updated Charge Tree Error Message
When an employee is added to a code to which they already have access, administrators receive an error message. The text for this error message was updated from "The Employee does not exist" to "Employee already has access to charge code."
Updates to Quick Entry Expense Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Note: Release notes for the feature are in progress. The final version will be available on or before March 1, 2025.
Quick Entry Expense Report will be updated with additional features.
Accounts Payable >> Approve Checks
Defect 2108061: When you approved checks for a single Pay Vendor/Cash Account Description combination and the vendor had multiple cash accounts and did not have the Sep Chk checkbox selected on the Edit Voucher Payment Status screen, Costpoint approved checks for all cash accounts linked to the vendor.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1929339: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application to improve runtime.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Create 1099 Information
Defect 2058364: A system error occurred when you processed a 1099 vendor record that had a posted PO voucher with check.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Create Debit Memos
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2258432: When you split the amount in the Debit Memo PO Voucher Line Account, the amounts reflected were incorrect.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, manually correct the voucher.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Create PO Vouchers from POs/Receipts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2196665: When you set the calculate days to Invoice in the Vendor Terms, the voucher due date was incorrectly calculated based on the receipt. This required a manual update of the dates; when you tried to change the date, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 1937025: When you ran the Create PO Vouchers from POs/Receipts function, Costpoint did not generate the Voucher Edit Report details for vouchers with active and inactive projects.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Edit Voucher Payment Status
Defect 2110871: This application has been updated to ensure that the Subperiod field is correctly populated when you load voucher records.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2172420: The dock and undock display options were not available for the Voucher Detail, PO Details, and Pay When Paid subtasks.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Accounts Payable >> Import Accounts Payable Multicurrency Vouchers
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2214224: When you imported records that have different Currency, Rate Group, and Rate Date combinations, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 1992104: When you imported A/P multicurrency vouchers, Costpoint did not apply the Trans to Func rate set on the Exchange Rates subtask to the imported vouchers.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, manually update the rates after the import process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2097200: When you imported A/P multicurrency vouchers, Costpoint did not apply the Trans to Func rate set on the Exchange Rates subtask to the imported vouchers. As a workaround, manually update the rates after the import process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2061668: When you selected the Tables input format option and imported a valid input file, you encountered the error "No matching voucher detail record" and no vouchers were imported. As a workaround, import vouchers using an ASCII or CSV file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Import Purchase Order Vouchers
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2206657: When you attempted to import PO vouchers, the process stalled at 20% if the project's Start and End Date Period of Performance (POP) had no value.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can add Start and End Date POP to the affected project.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2123115: When you imported a voucher with multiple lines and allocations, the SEQ_GENERATOR.LAST_KEY did not match the value of the last VCHR_LN_ACCT_KEY.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2125680: You encountered an error when you imported vouchers. This occurred because another user was manually entering vouchers while the import processing was running.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2203828: When you attempted to import purchase order vouchers assigned to a top level project without Start Date (POP) and End Date (POP) values entered in Manage Project User Flow, the process stalled at 20%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Import TE Expenses/Advances
Defect 1884070: This screen has been updated to prevent a critical system error and only display a message when you import TE expenses/advances without configuring TE suspense settings for your company.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Import Vendors
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2127150: When you used the AOPUTLVU_INP_VENDA database table to import an address record for an existing vendor, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlvu_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2075980: When you imported a vendor that had the LGBTQ+ Owned business flag set to Y in the input file, the LGBTQ+ Owned business classification did not display for that vendor on printed reports.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_dbc_820_11318_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2076601: When you imported a vendor with an invalid value in the LGBTQ+ Owned column of the input file, Costpoint did not display an error in the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_dbc_820_11318_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2058197: You encountered an error when you imported a vendor record with a blank Email Address.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2030827: You were able to import a vendor record with an invalid, non-US bank ID and email address.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1841740: The application has been updated to correct the mismatched lengths of the UEI Number columns in the AOPUTLVU_INP_VEND and AOPUTLVU_INP_VENDA tables.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1846473: You were able to import a vendor that has an Address Code in lowercase letters. This caused other applications to display an invalid address error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2176823: When you updated the Terms with a voucher line already added in the A/P Voucher Detail table window, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2196959: When you attempted to save AP vouchers, the error "The following Project/Vendor/PLC Workforce combination does not exist." displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2198283: When you attempted to save AP vouchers, the error "The following Project/Vendor/PLC Workforce combination does not exist." displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1946404: You were able to save a voucher that contained a line with an Account that was not linked to a project account group. This occurred when you:
Left the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod fields blank.
Entered the voucher line.
Saved the record and encountered an error message requiring the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod.
Entered a Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod.
Saved the record again.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1982621: This application now displays an error message if the total in the Amount column on the Vendor Labor subtask is not equal to the amount in the Total Amt field for the voucher detail line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Manage Purchase Order Vouchers
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2260917: When you used Costpoint Cloud without enabling Feature 1613163 Purchase Order Payment Schedules in Manage Opt-in Features, and you entered or selected a PO Number and clicked Autoload PO, the Invoice Unit Cost of the PO lines did not populate.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2263740: The Manage Purchase Order vouchers screen has been modified to enable the fields in the Notes/Doc Loc tab for vouchers created for invoices originating from the Create Subcontractor Invoices screen, and allow you to print notes on checks issued for those vouchers.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2275664: When you used the Web Interface Console (WIC) to enter a PO voucher for a vendor that is set up for 1099s, the vendor's 1099 settings were not loaded in the Account Distribution subtask and a warning message displayed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2290953: When you entered a PO line and a line charge, both including sales tax, the following error message displayed: "The total of all rows' Totals Before Discount Amount values must equal Voucher Line Total Before Discount Amount."
Build Deployed In: cp82_pompovch_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2305940: This application has been updated so that the Approved checkbox is no longer automatically selected when you clone a PO voucher.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pompovch_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2316488: When the Validation Frequency was set to Application upon log in, and you entered a PO voucher for a 1099 vendor, the vendor's 1099 field did not default to selected.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pompovch_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2260517: If you are using Costpoint Cloud and Feature 1613163 Purchase Order Payment Schedules is not enabled in Manage Opt-in Features, when you entered or selected a PO Number and clicked Autoload PO, the Invoice Unit Cost of the PO lines were not populated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2182112: When you entered a PO line and a line charge that both have sales tax, you encountered an error. This occurred because the Total Before Disc Amount in the second line was incorrectly calculated and did not equal the Total Amount in the Account Distribution subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2167600: When you entered a PO line and a line charge that both have sales tax, you encountered an error. This occurred because the Total Before Disc Amount in the second line was incorrectly calculated and did not equal the Total Amount in the Account Distribution subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2075206: When you clicked Autoload Receipt Qty for a subcontractor agreement PO voucher and saved the record, all the Receipt Match Qty fields on the Receipts subtask were populated with the Receipt Match Qty value of the first receipt.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2107303: You encountered an error when you entered a PO voucher with two or more vendor labor lines through the Web Interface Console.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2052856: This screen has been enhanced to enable the Period and Subperiod fields for Supplier Portal invoices.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2002074: The Exchange Rates subtask was not editable for vouchers of subcontractor invoices that have not yet been approved. As a workaround, delete the invoice and recreate it on the Manage Subcontractor Invoices screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1984317: You were able to update the exchange rate for a multicurrency subcontractor agreement invoice even if Costpoint does not allow modification of exchange rates for auto-created invoices. As a result, the recalculated functional amount did not reflect when you approved and posted the voucher, and Costpoint retained the original exchange rate and functional amount.
The Exchange Rates subtask is now enhanced to disable modifications if the current record is an auto-created invoice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1993449: This application has been enhanced to address issues on lengthy processing time, duplicate voucher numbers, and system errors when saving and loading PO vouchers.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1993702: This screen has been updated to allow multiple lines that have the same Project/Account/Organization combination on the Account Distribution subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969989: When you entered a voucher line with a positive Invoice Quantity and entered a reversal line with the same Invoice Quantity in a negative value, the rounded off negative Invoice Ext Amount was incorrect. This resulted in an incorrect Remaining Bal.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1948029: Costpoint did not automatically delete autoloaded Subcontractor Agreement type purchase order voucher lines with 0 Invoice Ext Amount when you saved the record. This issue occurred when you changed a regular purchase order to a Subcontractor Agreement type purchase order through the Change Purchase Order Type screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1911766: When you created and saved a second voucher for the remainder of a purchase order receipt, you encountered the the following error:"The match quantity exceeds the quantity received on this receipt."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Manage Vendor History
Defect 2246570: When you cleared a previously selected 1099 checkbox for a vendor history record, and Feature 1859640 1099 Combined Federal/State Filing (CF/SF) Program for Participating States and Feature 1859622 1099 Correction Automation in Costpoint ERP were disabled in Manage Opt-in Features, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Manage Vendors
Defect 2028024: When you entered a record on the User-Defined Info subtask with the Costpoint Validation Field set to Class Code and clicked the Text Value field Lookup, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2008752: You encountered a system error when you entered more than 20 records on the Addresses subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1987243: When you entered a new vendor record using the Web Integration Console (WIC), the vendor's non-US EFT information were not entered on the EFT Info (Non-US) subtask.
As a workaround, manually enter the details on the EFT Info (Non-US) subtask, or repeat the process in WIC to update the vendor record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1963921: You encountered a system error instead of a validation message when you entered an invalid GovWin IQ Company ID and then clicked the Refresh from IQ button.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Post Cash Disbursements
Defect 2246740: When you posted a cash disbursement for a voucher that has a discount, the discount line did not display in Manage Open Billing Detail.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1977761: When you posted cash disbursements, the Pay Vendor and Vendor Name did not display on the Cash Disbursements Journal.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1994662: You encountered a system error when you posted cash disbursements by selecting the Print/Post Cash Disbursements option in the Default Action drop-down list. This occurred when the Charge Discounts to setting was set to Discount Accounts and the Charge Organization of field value was A/P Organization on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Post Vouchers
Defect 1941907: Costpoint did not automatically populate the End date field after you entered values in the Fiscal Year and Start Period fields.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Print 1099 Edit Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2274261: When you printed a report on 8.5" x 11" (Letter) sized paper, the 1099 Amount column was cut off.
Build Deployed In: cp82_apr1099e_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Accounts Payable >> Print EFT Pre-Transfer Edit Report
Defect 2247534: When you printed an EFT Pre-Transfer Edit report for a US Bank Abbreviation that has a voucher with a Pay Currency that is different from the bank abbreviation currency, the message “EFT Pmt Type is blank or not equal to a valid IAT File Transaction Type Code” incorrectly displayed on the EFT Pre-Transfer Exception report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2271418: When you printed an EFT Pre-Transfer Edit report for a US Bank Abbreviation that has a blank Debit Bank ABA on the EFT Bank Info subtask of Manage Company Bank Accounts (US Banks), the message “EFT Pmt Type is blank or not equal to a valid IAT File Transaction Type Code” incorrectly displayed on the EFT Pre-Transfer Exception report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2275138: When Feature 1611205 EFT International Format (IAT) was disabled in Manage Opt-in Features and you printed an EFT Pre-Transfer Edit report for a Bank Abbreviation that has multiple pay vendors, the subtotal for each Pay Vendor did not display on the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171247: When you printed the EFT Pre-Transfer Edit Report for a US EFT active vendor with a US bank, the Destination Code did not display in the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171511: When you printed an EFT Pre-Transfer Edit Report, the output displayed EFT international format information even if the EFT International Format (IAT) feature was disabled on the Manage Opt-In Features screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Print/Void Checks
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2205970: When you printed a check on blank laser check stock, Costpoint did not print the first check as a dummy check.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aprck_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2246537: When you voided a check, issued a new one, and exported expense payments using the Export Data To Deltek Time and Expense screen, the original check was not included in the export file.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aprck_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2219141: When you voided a check, issued a new one, and exported expense payments using the Export Data To Deltek Time and Expense screen, the original check was not included in the export file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2159102: When you attempted to print checks, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Accounts Payable >> Reverse Posted Vouchers
Defect 2089584: When you reversed a voucher, you encountered an error because Costpoint incorrectly inserted VCHR_HDR_TEXT_HS records into the VCHR_HDR_TEXT table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2028023: When you reversed a posted voucher, Costpoint restored the date of the voucher in the Period End Date instead of the Subperiod End Date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Select Vouchers for Payment
Defect 2264045: When you set selected From Beginning in the Due Date drop-down list and run a Validate Pay When Paid process, the Status of Pay When Paid vouchers that have a net Cash Receipt Amount of 0 due to invoice reversals were updated from PAYWPD to HOLD.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> Select Vouchers For Payment
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2267809: When you selected From Beginning in the Due Date drop-down list and run a Validate Pay When Paid process, the Status of Pay When Paid vouchers that have a net Cash Receipt Amount of 0 due to invoice reversals were updated from PAYWPD to HOLD.
Build Deployed In: cp82_appselvr_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2297158: When you selected vouchers for payment, the Status of Pay When Paid vouchers with reversed invoices were incorrectly set to PAY.
Build Deployed In: cp82_appselvr_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2159332: When you selected vouchers for payment, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1945122: You no longer encounter a lengthy processing time when you execute a Select or Validate Pay When Paid process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Payable >> View Voucher History Inquiry
Defect 2224825: When you selected a record in the Voucher History table window and attempted to view its details in the AP Voucher Detail subtask, you encountered an error. This occurred when:
The Apply Organization Security checkbox was selected in Configure System Settings.
The Apply Org Security checkbox was selected in Manage Organization Security Profiles.
Feature 1339609 Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information was enabled in Manage Opt-in Features.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2255311: When you selected a record in the Voucher History table window and attempted to view its details in the AP Voucher Detail subtask, you encountered an error. This occurred when:
the Apply Organization Security checkbox was selected in Configure System Settings
the Apply Org Security checkbox was selected in Manage Organization Security Profiles
Feature 1339609 Supplier Portal Invoice Status and Payment Information was enabled in Manage Opt-in Features
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Receivable >> Import Cash Receipts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2125714: When you attempted to import a cash receipt without a customer and invoice, an error message requiring a customer ID displayed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlcr_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2168515: When you imported an EDI 823 file, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlcr_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2246741: When you imported an EDI 823 file, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Receivable >> Manage Cash Receipts
Defect 2194109: When you entered cash receipts, Costpoint did not retrieve the default subperiod set on the Change Default Period subtask of Configure User Preferences and set the Subperiod field to blank.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2086540: When you entered a transfer account with a blank Bank Abbrev on the Manage Transfer Accounts screen, that account did not display in the Lookup of the following fields:
Cash Account field on the Invoice Information subtask
Account field on the Transfers subtask
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2100983: You were able to enter a cash receipt against an unknown invoice even if the pay currency was different from the invoice bill currency.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2071272: You were able to enter a cash receipt against an unknown invoice even if the pay currency was different from the invoice bill currency.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1981269: When you entered a transfer account with a blank Bank Abbrev on the Manage Transfer Accounts screen, that account did not display in the Lookup of the following fields:
Cash Account field on the Invoice Information subtask
Account field on the Transfers subtask
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Receivable >> Manage Customers
Defect 2081529: If you use Costpoint without a Multicurrency license, you encountered the message "All changes made in Multicurrency will be discarded" when you created a new record, cloned the newly created record, and clicked Save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Accounts Receivable >> Post Cash Receipts
Defect 1899915: When you entered and posted a reversing cash receipt for a previously posted multicurrency cash receipt, the unrealized gains/losses were not cleared. This occurred when the Compute Unrealized Gains/Losses Method was set to Net Change on the Configure Multicurrency Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Cash Management >> Adjust Currency Balances
Defect 1873614: When you revalued currency balances, the revaluation amounts were calculated incorrectly. This occurred due to incorrect Functional Currency Balances when you used Detail view.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Configure General Ledger Settings
Defect 2097374: If you use Costpoint without a Multicurrency license, you encountered an error when you modified your general ledger settings and clicked Save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2030958: If you use Costpoint without a Multicurrency license, you encountered an error when you modified your general ledger settings and clicked Save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Create Purchase Order Accruals
Defect 1938008: Costpoint incremented the value in Last System Number on the Manage System Assigned JE Number screen even if the accrual entry that you entered was not saved successfully.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Create Revaluation Entry
Defect 2185181: When you attempted to print the Revaluation of Balance Sheet Account report in Excel format, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2075238: This application has been modified to restore the Update Revaluation of Balance Sheet Accounts option in the drop-down list of the Default Action button.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1936054: The Balance Sheet Revaluation Journal did not create a reversal for fiscal year 2023, period 1 when processing the current expenses.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Create/Delete Intercompany Receivables
Defect 2134257: You were unable to access this screen because Costpoint incorrectly required an Intercompany Work Order add-on license to grant access to the screen. This issue also affected the following screens:
Create/Delete Intercompany Receivables
Purge Intercompany Receivables
Post Intercompany Receivables
Print Intercompany Receivable Edit Report
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2153937: You were unable to access this screen because Costpoint incorrectly required an Intercompany Work Order add-on license to grant access to the screen. This issue also affected the following screens:
Purge Intercompany Receivables
Post Intercompany Receivables
Print Intercompany Receivables
Print Intercompany Receivables Edit Report
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
General Ledger >> Manage Financial Statements
Defect 2007785: You encountered an error when you clicked New on the Cash Flow Report Details table window.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Manage Journal Entries
Defect 2058058: When you entered a new journal entry, entered details on the Reversing subtask, left the Reversing checkbox cleared, and saved the record, Costpoint cleared the Reversing subtask without any warning or message. As a workaround, re-enter the reversal details after you save the record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Mass Link Accounts/Organizations
Defect 1939726: The following applications are now available in Costpoint Essentials:
Mass Link Accounts/Organizations (GLMLOA)
Print Account/Organization List (GLRORACT)
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Post Journal Entries
Defect 2076877: When you queried a saved parameter and deleted the Fiscal Year, the value of the Description field was also deleted and remained blank even after you re-entered a valid fiscal year.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Print Financial Statements
Defect 1982580: When you printed an Income Statement and your operating system timezone was set to UTC or UTC +00:00, the beginning date in the report was set to the second day of the month of the Accounting Period you selected instead of the first day.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Print Organization List
Defect 2176496: When you attempted to print the Revaluation of Balance Sheet Account report in Excel format, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Print Project Ledger Detail Report
Defect 2175890: When you attempted to print the Project Ledger Detail report as an Excel file, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2175891: When you attempted to print the Project Ledger Detail report as an Excel file, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Update General Ledger Beginning Balances
Defect 2108060: When you updated beginning balances for multiple companies, Costpoint correctly updated the records for the first company in the GL_CRNCY_BALANCES table. However, the records for the subsequent companies were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
General Ledger >> Update Tax Report Tables
Defect 2061988: You encountered an error when you selected Project Product in the Bill Type group box and updated the tax report tables. As a workaround, clear the Project Product checkbox and update the tax report tables for other bill types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1970190: When you updated tax report tables and printed a Sales/Value Added Tax report, the tax information for sales order invoices with 0 tax rate did not display on line 6 – Sales Order Bill Amounts of the report.
To prevent Costpoint from updating records that were already processed prior to this fix, do any of the following:
On the Update Tax Report Tables screen, enter an Invoice Date range of records you want to update.
On the View Tax Reporting Status by Tax Account or View Tax Reporting Status by Transaction screen, select Y in the Tax Return drop-down list and select the Instrastat Report Flag checkbox of records that must be excluded in future reports.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Multicurrency >> Update Open Accounts Payable Exchange Rates
Defect 1949352: This application has been enhanced to address issues on lengthy processing time, dropped connections, and session time-outs when updating open A/P exchange rates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Job Management >> Print Job Report
Defect 2203556: Single-user jobs were included on the report although the jobs were no longer on the Manage Jobs and Manage Job Queues screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Security >> Manage System Integration Accounts
Defect 2155932: When you attempted to change the Cobra password in the logs, the following error displayed: "Column SAML_OTHER_SP_ENTITY_ID not found in row set." This issue impacted Costpoint Integration users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2155931: When you attempted to change the Cobra password in the logs, an error stating "Column SAML_OTHER_SP_ENTITY_ID not found in row set" displayed. This issue impacted Costpoint Integration users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Security >> Manage Users
Defect 1996792: The email that Costpoint sent when Generate Random Password was selected on the Manage Users screen had to be updated for clarity.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1938019: After you set up subcontractor vendor employees, there was an issue setting up the Deltek Costpoint Time User login. You received the following error message: "Error(s) The following does not exist: Employee ID."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
System Administration >> Configure System Settings
Defect 2104506: An error occurred when you updated the Allow Collection of Usage Statistics and Enable In-App Guidance settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
System Administration >> Configure User Preferences
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2274021: When you accessed the Default My menu subtask, it displayed apps from the highest priority across all profiles, instead of showing apps from the highest priority specific to the user's profile.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
System Administration >> Enable Traces Configuration
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2266189: When you attempted to save changes where the application has multiple records but different User IDs, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2266190: When you deleted a single record on the Enable Traces Configuration screen, all records associated with the same application but different User IDs were also deleted.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
System Administration >> Manage Application/Content Links
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2259576: When you queried or moved from one record to another, slowness occurred.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2192922: Perpetual clients who were not licensed for Content Management Integration (CMI) could use CMI and the following Costpoint screens for CMI:
SYMCMIAL Manage Applications/Content Links
SYMCMICT Manage Content Types
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
System Administration >> Manage Content Types
Defect 2089614: When you deleted a linked content file, the Attachment Property field value did not change back to N.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_symcmict_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2080623: When you deleted a linked content file, the Attachment Property field value did not change back to N.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exe cp82_symcmict_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
System Administration >> Manage Opt-In Features
Defect 2174075: When you viewed the preview list of customers, the features for pods/systems did not display. This issue impacted ORA and MSS users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2102269: The Automatically Enabled on date for a feature did not update correctly to match the Enable Date Time of the POD ID on the Schedules subtask.
This application is available to Costpoint Cloud customers only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2102812: The Automatically Enabled on date for a feature did not update correctly to match the Enable Date Time of the POD ID on the Schedules subtask.
This application is available to Costpoint Cloud customers only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2090101: An SQL error occurred when PODs had Systems associated with them.
Note: This application is available to Costpoint Cloud customers only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
System Administration >> Manage Sales or Value Added Taxes
Defect 2186293: When you attempted to post a voucher with a recovery amount, it was not possible. You could work around this by ensuring that the settings in the SYMSTAX application were set to Recovery Percent = 0% and Recoverable = N.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2172124: When you attempted to post a voucher with a recovery amount, it was not possible. You could work around this by ensuring that the settings in the SYMSTAX application were set to Recovery Percent = 0% and Recoverable = N.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
System Administration >> Support Issues
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2246533: A private note was visible in the Discussion Thread on the Support Issues (SYMCASE) screen.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2246533: A private note was visible in the Discussion Thread on the Support Issues (SYMCASE) screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
System Administration >> View Action and Report Status
Defect 2191788: When you ran and exported View Action and Report Status (SYQJSTAT) to Excel, a critical system error occurred and Costpoint closed the application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1987306: While the Report Table Update Process in Batch Mode was running, Percent Complete on the View Action and Report Status screen did not change to show the progress. It showed 0% for every step, and when the process was completed, Percent Complete changed to 100%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
System Administration >> View Help About
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2271465: When you initially accessed the subtasks on the View Help About screen, the data/records for Deployed Extensibilities and Deployed Integration Modules did not load automatically. You had to manually query all records for each subtask.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2136981: When you refreshed the View Help About screen, the application name incorrectly updated to the last opened application.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can close and re-open the View Help About screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2100278: You experienced a significant delay in loading times when you logged in to the Time & Expense mobile app.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_symabout_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2102058: After upgrading from Costpoint version 8.1 to 8.2.8, you experienced a significant delay in loading times when you logged in to the Time & Expense mobile app.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exe cp82_symabout_001.zipDependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exe
Defect 2085524: A system error occurred when the Features subtask displayed on the screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1939380: In View, Help About (SYMABOUT), the SMB License checkbox label has been changed to Core License.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Workflow >> Approval Workflow Models
Defect 2087151: Larger workflow models did not fit in the Approval Flow Structure field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2092543: Larger workflow models did not fit in the Approval Flow Structure field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Workflow >> Manage Workflow Models
Defect 2174096: When you received interactive emails, labels did not display in their correct sequence.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2131923: When you received interactive emails, labels did not display in their correct sequence.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Contract Management Controls >> Manage Contract Defaults
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2280431: On the Manage Contract Defaults Details subtask, within the Contract Info section, the field Any Furnished Material (FM)? now displays above Any special facility requirements? so that the fields are arranged alphabetically.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Contract Management Controls >> Manage FAR Library
Defect 2240308: When you attempted to import FAR/DFARS files with a long description (character count exceeding 100,000), an error was displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Contract Management Controls >> Manage Supplemental Regulations Library
Defect 2240306: When you attempted to import FAR/DFARS files with a long description (character count exceeding 100,000), an error was displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Contracts >> Manage Contracts
Defect 2240401: When you attempted to import FAR/DFARS files with a long description (character count exceeding 100,000), an error was displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2142763: Web Interface Console (WIC): When you entered a non-existing opportunity ID on the Additional Opportunities subtask, a validation message still displayed even if the Costpoint Opportunity checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2155102: You encountered an error in logs for the SUBCT_PLAN_FL column that was already removed from result sets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Contracts >> Manage Subcontracts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2179129: When you linked the subcontract to a blanket purchase order (PO), incorrect amounts displayed in the PO Balance Remaining column and the Total of the PO Balance Remaining values.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2210391: When you tried to save a record on the Manage Subcontracts screen, a critical error occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ctmsbcntr_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2210916: You experienced slow performance when saving records in the UI or Web Interface Console (WIC). As part of the fix to address this issue, Manage Subcontracts now opens with a blank record instead of autoloading records. This enhancement helps the application launch faster.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ctmsbcntr_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2241256: The computed amount displayed in the Remaining Funded Value field was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ctmsbcntr_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2240402: When you attempted to import FAR/DFARS files with a long description (character count exceeding 100,000), an error was displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171035: You experienced slow performance when you saved records in the UI or in the Web Interface Console (WIC).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_ctmsbcntr_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2204392: The computed amount displayed in the Remaining Funded Value field was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2210243: When you tried to save a record on the Manage Subcontracts screen, a critical error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2210965: You experienced slow performance when saving records in the UI or Web Interface Console (WIC). As part of the fix to address this issue, Manage Subcontracts now opens with a blank record instead of autoloading records. This enhancement helps the application launch faster.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Opportunities >> Manage Opportunities
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2163490: On the Subcontractor Plan subtask, you can now enter or select the LGBTQ+ Owned socioeconomic status and indicate the percentage of business that needs to be performed for this status. When you click the Load All Socioeconomic Status button on this subtask, LGBTQ+ Owned will also be loaded in the table.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2211974: The Business Unit lookup still displayed values for which the Show in Lookup checkbox was cleared.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2257077: When you exported data from the OPP_MASTER table via web services, a NullPointerException error occurred.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2279114: When you used a prospective customer as the primary customer during Mass Add Project initialization, a system error occurred.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, use a customer as the primary customer type.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Resources >> Manage Contract Management Vendor Info
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2276182: The Contacts subtask was disabled, preventing you from adding new records.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, add contacts using the Manage Vendors screen.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2149351: The Manage Opt-In Features screen displayed incorrect descriptions for the following features:
Feature 2061937 - Allowing Prospective Vendors in Subcontracts
Feature 2038550 - Automatic Purchase Order (PO) Reservation Creation
Feature 2040963 - Pass User ID When Sending E-mail
The feature descriptions have been corrected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Contract Management Controls >> Manage FAR Library
Defect 1991532: "Rescission" was misspelled as "Recession" in the title of FAR clause 52.203-8.
As a workaround, select the Editable checkbox for this clause on the Manage FAR Library screen so you can change the title in contract/subcontract records where the clause is used.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Contract Management Controls >> Manage Subcontract Closeout Descriptions
Defect 2122005: For Costpoint Cloud users, the ability to opt in for Feature 1046742 (Subcontract Closeout tab) has been removed from the Manage Opt-In Features screen. This enhancement is now automatically enabled for Costpoint 8.2.12 and later, and the following new applications/tab will also be accessible by default if you are licensed for CRM & Contracts:
Manage Subcontract Closeout Descriptions (CTMSCOD)
Manage Subcontract Closeout Formats (CTMSCOFRM)
Subcontract Closeout tab in Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Contract Management Controls >> Manage Subcontract Closeout Formats
Defect 2122006: For Costpoint Cloud users, the ability to opt in for Feature 1046742 (Subcontract Closeout tab) has been removed from the Manage Opt-In Features screen. This enhancement is now automatically enabled for Costpoint 8.2.12 and later, and the following new applications/tab will also be accessible by default if you are licensed for CRM & Contracts:
Manage Subcontract Closeout Descriptions (CTMSCOD)
Manage Subcontract Closeout Formats (CTMSCOFRM)
Subcontract Closeout tab in Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Contract Management Controls >> Migrate Activities Toolkit
Defect 1945493: The Migrate Contract Management Activities Toolkit application has been renamed to Migrate Activities Toolkit. This screen and the Manage Leads and Contacts User-Defined Labels screen now display at the fourth level in the menu, under the Contract Management Controls application group:
CRM & Contracts > Contract Management Controls > Contract Management Controls > Manage Leads and Contacts User-Defined Labels
CRM & Contracts > Contract Management Controls > Contract Management Controls > Migrate Activities Toolkit
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Contracts >> Manage Contracts
Defect 2083741: The following message has been added to the generated Smart Summary prompt:
"Disclaimer: This Smart Summary is generated by an artificial intelligence tool using your Costpoint data exclusively. It is provided subject to the Costpoint Assistant Terms. Deltek does not independently verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary. Users are encouraged to independently review and verify the accuracy of the Smart Summary. Copyright 2024 Deltek, Inc."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2102443: When you entered a non-existing opportunity ID in Main Opportunity ID, a validation message still displayed even if the Costpoint Opportunity checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2110816: There was a build warning issue, but no error message displayed in the frontend and backend systems.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2153964: Web Interface Console (WIC): When you entered a non-existing opportunity ID on the Additional Opportunities subtask, a validation message still displayed even if the Costpoint Opportunity checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2153932: When you entered a non-existing opportunity ID in Main Opportunity ID, a validation message still displayed even if the Costpoint Opportunity checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2153963: Web Interface Console (WIC): When you entered a non-existing opportunity ID on the Additional Opportunities subtask, a validation message still displayed even if the Costpoint Opportunity checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2084130: The following message has been added to the generated Smart Summary prompt:
"Disclaimer: This Smart Summary is generated by an artificial intelligence tool using your Costpoint data exclusively. It is provided subject to the Costpoint Assistant Terms. Deltek does not independently verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary. Users are encouraged to independently review and verify the accuracy of the Smart Summary. Copyright 2024 Deltek, Inc."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2084129: The following message has been added to the generated Smart Summary prompt:
"Disclaimer: This Smart Summary is generated by an artificial intelligence tool using your Costpoint data exclusively. It is provided subject to the Costpoint Assistant Terms. Deltek does not independently verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary. Users are encouraged to independently review and verify the accuracy of the Smart Summary. Copyright 2024 Deltek, Inc."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1986583: The View Document button was missing on the Documents subtask of the Performance Assessment tab.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1943886: When you updated a contract/project modification record on this screen, Costpoint did not update the TIME_STAMP field in the PROJ_MOD table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Contracts >> Manage Subcontracts
Defect 2179050: You experienced slow performance when saving records in the UI or Web Interface Console (WIC). As part of the fix to address this issue, Manage Subcontracts now opens with a blank record instead of autoloading records. This enhancement helps the application launch faster.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2170529: You experienced slow performance when you saved records in the UI or in the Web Interface Console (WIC).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2063445: The Modifications tab displayed all levels of a project instead of just the specific project levels linked to the subcontract record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2084991: When you used Query on the Modifications tab with Contract Value Modifications Cost >= 0.00 as a filter, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2121958: For Costpoint Cloud users, the ability to opt in for Feature 1046742 (Subcontract Closeout tab) has been removed from the Manage Opt-In Features screen. This enhancement is now automatically enabled for Costpoint 8.2.12 and later, and the following new applications/tab will also be accessible by default if you are licensed for CRM & Contracts:
Manage Subcontract Closeout Descriptions (CTMSCOD)
Manage Subcontract Closeout Formats (CTMSCOFRM)
Subcontract Closeout tab in Manage Subcontracts (CTMSBCNTR)
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_ctmsbcntr_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2062332: On the Subcontract Closeout tab, the All Purchase Orders Closed? field displayed Yes even though some purchase orders were still open.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2022141: The Notes field on the Notes tab was missing in Form view.
As a workaround, access this field in Table view.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1934967: On the Subcontract Information tab of the Manage Purchase Orders screen, when the Subcontract ID field was disabled and you linked the purchase order (PO) to a subcontract record through the Ref. Subcontract ID field, the work assignments linked to the PO did not get linked to the subcontract record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Opportunities >> Import GovWin IQ Data
Defect 1990001: This application now updates the Manage NAICS Codes screen and the OPP_NAICS_CODES table when importing opportunity records with NAICS information from GovWin IQ into Costpoint.
Note, however, that since GovWin IQ does not store effective dates, for NAICS records added through Import GovWin IQ Data, Costpoint sets the Effective Date field in Manage NAICS Codes to the import date and populates the NAICS Notes field with the following statement: “NAICS imported from GovWin IQ on <Date Imported>.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016242: The application was not working as expected when you ran it with Option set to Range in the Opportunities to Update group box.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1924556: The application should have verified settings were valid before it started importing data.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Opportunities >> Manage Opportunities
Defect 1973092: You received a 403 error or a critical system error when you tried to access the Projects Linked subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2012379: When you click the Refresh from IQ button on the GovWin IQ subtask, the process now also populates the NAICS (primary) field on the Status tab with the opportunity's NAICS code from GovWin IQ. This field will be updated only if it is empty or blank.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1971181: You encountered a system error instead of a validation message when you entered an invalid GovWin IQ ID and then clicked the Refresh from IQ button on the GovWin IQ subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1925480: The Opportunity Employee Team subtask on the Team tab was not displaying all records.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Resources >> Approve Prospective Vendors
Defect 2085945: When a prospective vendor was approved, no Vendor Name and Vendor Long Name were displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Resources >> Manage Contract Management Vendor Info
Defect 1963914: When you clicked the Refresh from IQ button on this screen, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2155745: The online help for the Apply Weighted Average Rates To Timesheets screen contained the following incorrect information: "If you are also using the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines utility, you must run it after this utility. If you do not run this utility program first, the correct overtime premium amounts are not recasted for hourly non-exempt employees." This is unnecessary and should be removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1890979: The descriptions for the following fields on the Manage Pay Periods screen were updated in the Online Help:
Check Date
Payroll Year
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Change in Behavior
Defect 2112006: After you added a new content data field for PO_ID, the Costpoint Screen Object field's Lookup did not list PO_ID as an object to select. As a result, you could not add the content management integration Attach button at the line level to to the Manage Quality Control Inspections and Manage Purchase Order Receipts screens.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_symcmial_001.zipDependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2104403: After you added a new content data field for PO_ID, the Costpoint Screen Object field's Lookup did not list PO_ID as an object to select. As a result, you could not add the content management integration Attach button at the line level to to the Manage Quality Control Inspections and Manage Purchase Order Receipts screens.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
External Tools >> CONFIG
Defect 2096945: When you launched the Product Configuration Utility, you received an unwarranted "Incorrect Weblogic JMS Deployment is detected" warning message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
External Tools >> DBWIZARD
Defect 2247008: When you deployed any hotfix that included database changes, the Deployer indicated that the Link Views were invalid, regardless of the change made. This issue impacted all customers. The workaround was to either ignore the message or run LinkViews each time as prompted by the tool. This issue only occurred when the hotfix included a database change.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2054932: The DBWizard Link views now support MTS and SHARED DBLink connections to remote databases, based on the setting dblinksUseMTS=true/false in
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
External Tools >> INTGR
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2293758: When you edited, cloned, or saved Data Integration Methods, performance was slow.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2062879: An error occurred when you switched the Metadata Filter setting from Regular to System in the Integration Console.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
External Tools >> XTDESIGNER
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2240605: When you opened the class file folder, an error message prompted you to ensure that the Java Source Folder in preferences was correct and that you had copied Java source files from PVCS to this folder before trying again.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2108699: The Extensibility Console needed to be updated to save NULL in FENCE_COLUMN_NO in the W_RS_LIST table when extending the regular result set due to performance problems.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2154266: When you navigated between records in the Multi-New Business Budget Consolidation (Revenue/Cost) application, the system could enter an indefinite loop, leading to out-of-memory errors.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2245963: When you added two or more notify actions in the workflow, only one notification email was received.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2247856: When you clicked Save & Continue, the application screen either froze or did not display or retain the values of the voucher.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, save the voucher, start the approval workflow, close the application, and then reopen it before creating a new voucher. If you did not start approval prior to creating a new voucher, the issue did not occur.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2255152: When you saved the timesheet's Revision Explanation before auto-complete was finished, a Critical System Error sometimes occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2113267: When you tried to print to Excel in Compute and Print Pool Rates, the file appeared to be corrupted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2121481: When you searched for more than one application using the 'or' condition, no records returned despite their presence.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2131459: When you approved Purchase Requisitions via the workflow email link, ghost sessions remained.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2131623: When you used a saved Application Layout, the Query window defaulted from 'Begins With' to 'Is Equal To'.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2136010: When you accessed the CMI configuration screens or attached files, you experienced performance issues.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2145071: When you selected a record, the last row for the Linked Content Files disappeared.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2146467: A Critical System Error: Syntax error: Unexpected token '<' message occurred when you logged in to Costpoint with TMMTIMESHEET entered in the Application field on the Login screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2153079: When you changed related Costpoint fields, Content Data fields were not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2153376: When you changed companies, you needed to complete an additional step.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2154484: When the Login banner was enabled and a default application was set, the system appeared to hang with a spinning cursor at login. However, you could navigate through the banner and the cursor would stop spinning.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2158887: When you used applications with dynamic tables on SqlServer, misleading "table does not exist" errors displayed in logs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2166133: When you attempted to delete a Content Management link to a 'missing' file, a Null Pointer Exception occurred. The workaround was to delete the link from Manage Content Types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2168502: When you added more than nine revisions for the workflow model, an error stated that the maximum precision for the field REV_KEY was exceeded.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2169631: When you changed companies after using the flyout banner, you received an 'Error retrieving company list' message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171484: When you upgraded to Costpoint 8.2, the alternate file location using CMS SharePoint could no longer display files.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2172346: When you saved a record in Manage My Menu, a pop-up dialog box displayed stating that duplicate sequence numbers were not allowed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2172402: The cmsMaxQueryRowCount was set to 1000, but the Base Folder field on the Manage Content Types screen only listed 101 records to choose from instead of all the records in the CMS site folder.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2178331: When you added 10 or more timesheet lines, the timesheet charge entries did not display in the Teams card. This issue only occurred in the Teams card, with the Interactive email functioning correctly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2181854: When you viewed CMI Metadata on the Content Properties screen with MSSQL, performance degradation occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2183174: When you attempted to attach file names that included #% in Content Management, the system displayed an error message stating "This content file has been deleted or cannot be accessed from the Content Management System".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2186282: When you initially opened an application screen, the column width from the UI Profile worked. However, it was ignored once you queried an existing record. After updating and saving column settings to the UI Profile, Costpoint did not maintain them once you logged out.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2191669: When you created 21 or more Purchase Orders (POs) with specific line details, an error occurred stating, "Maximum precision is exceeded for the field TOT_EXT_AMT on line 0. Assigned value:1.999999999999998E15". The error occurred when querying all the created POs. The workaround was to query individual POs or just a small subset of the POs at a time.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2199156: When you processed certain items in the workflow, they were rejected due to expiration.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2203153: When you processed data in Update Master Production Schedules (MSPMPS), a system error was encountered. This occurred on an MSS database.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2205506: When you attached a document, the system occasionally failed to update the metadata. The workaround was to detach the linked file within Costpoint, execute, and then reattach. This sometimes worked on the first try, but other times required multiple attempts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2209708: When you tried to disable In-App Guidance in SYMSETNG on an on-premise client system, an error occurred during saving. The error indicated that the field 'Disable Dela for MS Team Integration' was required.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2211351: When you added new content types, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2222872: An error occurred when the approval workflow was escalated or assigned to a user ID that was not associated with an employee ID,
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2224358: Giant fonts displayed randomly in various applications.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2225919: When you closed the Manage My Menu before changing the company, an error occurred in retrieving the company list.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2228325: When you added a new file to SharePoint, it remained checked out even if the library did not require check-in/check-out.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2255698: When you saved a timesheet's Revision Explanation quickly, a Critical System Error sometimes occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2178148: When you initially opened the application, the column width based on the UI Profile worked. However, it was ignored once you queried an existing record. After updating and saving column settings to the UI Profile, the system did not maintain them once you logged out.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2179434: When you viewed CMI Metadata on the Content Properties screen with MSSQL, performance degradation occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2185317: When you attempted to attach file names that included #% in Content Management, the system displayed an error message stating "This content file has been deleted or cannot be accessed from the Content Management System".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2186926: When users approved Purchase Requisitions via the workflow email link, ghost sessions remained.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2192967: When you created 21 or more Purchase Orders (POs) with specific line details, an error occurred stating, "Maximum precision is exceeded for the field TOT_EXT_AMT on line 0. Assigned value:1.999999999999998E15". The error occurred when querying all the created POs. The temporary workaround was to query individual POs or just a small subset of the POs at a time.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1932722: When you saved a record in Manage My Menu, a pop-up dialog box displayed stating that duplicate sequence numbers were not allowed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2161936: When you changed companies, you needed to complete an additional step.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Default 2161937: When the Login banner was enabled and a default application was set, the system appeared to hang with a spinning cursor at login. However, you could navigate through the banner and the cursor would stop spinning.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2164095: When you changed companies after using the flyout banner, you received an 'Error retrieving company list' message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2168546: The cmsMaxQueryRowCount was set to 1000, but the Base Folder field on the Manage Content Types screen only listed 101 records to choose from instead of all the records in the CMS site folder.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2170359: When you attempted to delete a Content Management link to a 'missing' file, a Null Pointer Exception occurred. The workaround was to delete the link from Manage Content Types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171479: When you upgraded to Costpoint 8.2, the alternate file location using CMS Sharepoint could no longer display files.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2174107: When you added more than nine revisions for the workflow model, an error stated that the maximum precision for the field REV_KEY was exceeded.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1967427: When you restarted a process after a posting failure, the progress meter did not update.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2070094: You might have received an Offline mode error message on the Login screen when the Allow Offline Status system setting was not enabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2072450: When an adjustment was created using the Create and Print Physical Count Adjustment action on the Create Physical Count Adjustments screen, the adjustment ID did not display when a warning message was displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2073284: The application screen displayed only two rows of records after you queried all existing records. As a workaround, you could lower the screen display scale to 125% or 100% or turn off Auto Positioning mode.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2076239: When a workflow was linked to a screen added by an extension, the performance of the Approval Workflow Models screen was extremely slow when you queried records and made updates. The screen that was added by the extension also performed slowly when processing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2076402: Expense report attachments did not open in the Costpoint PWA on iOS17.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2083634: The size of the data export web service output file was overestimated and caused an exceeded limit error earlier than needed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2088675: In the Manage Content Types application, an Empty String error occurred when you tried to search in the Attachment Property field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2092286: You might have received an error when you opened a recently used application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2092413: You received a critical system error when you uploaded a document to SharePoint and the file name contained an apostrophe.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2092455: The Costpoint CTRL+A hotkey to switch between open applications overrode the operating system's CTRL+A (Select All) hotkey. Because of this issue, the Costpoint CTRL+A hotkey has been removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2095120: When you closed the Manage Employee Information application with an employee record open, you received the following error: "Unexpected script error, your session will be closed."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2099307: Column widths would automatically adjust although they were manually adjusted in the saved application layout.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2104312: A query assigned to a UI profile to launch during application startup did not run automatically when UI profile users opened the application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2104457: When you opened PJMBASIC (or other applications with many result sets) and opened enough subtasks for the screen to start scrolling vertically, scrolled to the bottom, and then clicked the Open Applications icon on the Navigation Toolbar, its window either didn't display or displayed in an incorrect position.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2109419: You could not use Extensibility to save data when logic was invoked from an action web service.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2113273: An error occurred when you updated the Allow Collection of Usage Statistics and Enable In-App Guidance settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2120960: The approval workflow did not consider modified Role Filtering values after the start of the workflow case.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2120961: When you clicked Lookup in the Linked Content Files window for a record, confirmed attached files displayed as N in the Already Attached? column, indicating the file was not attached.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2121436: A schedule job that ran an extension to upload CSV files to your SharePoint site could not upload the files to the CMS location due to authentication issues with SAML 2.0.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2125080: When you changed related Costpoint fields, Content Data fields were not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2128269: When you accessed the CMI configuration screens or attached files, you experienced performance issues.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2146466: A "Critical System Error: Syntax error: Unexpected token '<'" message occurred when you logged in to Costpoint with TMMTIMESHEET entered in the Application field on the Login screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2148782: When you navigated between records in the Multi-New Business Budget Consolidation (Revenue/Cost) application, the system could enter an indefinite loop, leading to out-of-memory errors.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2158893: When you used applications with dynamic tables on SqlServer, misleading "table does not exist" errors displayed in logs. Clients using SqlServer were impacted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106124: The approval workflow did not consider modified Role Filtering values after the start of the workflow case.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2108040: A query assigned to a UI profile to launch during application startup did not run automatically when UI profile users opened the application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2108660: When you clicked Lookup in the Linked Content Files window for a record, confirmed attached files displayed as N in the Already Attached? column, indicating the file was not attached.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2115960: When you closed the Manage Employee Information application with an employee record open, you received the following error: "Unexpected script error, your session will be closed."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2121431: A schedule job that ran an extension to upload CSV files to your SharePoint site could not upload the files to the CMS location due to authentication issues with SAML 2.0.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2128322: After you upgraded from version 8.1 to 8.2, clicking the Query button on the application toolbar did not open its window.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2146465: A Critical System Error: Syntax error: Unexpected token '<' message occurred when you logged in to Costpoint with TMMTIMESHEET entered in the Application field on the Login screen.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2148779: When you navigated between records in the Multi-New Business Budget Consolidation (Revenue/Cost) application, the system could enter an indefinite loop, leading to out-of-memory errors.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2154384: When you accessed the CMI configuration screens or attached files, you experienced performance issues.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2154416: When you changed related Costpoint fields, Content Data Fields were not updated.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2092412: You received a critical system error when you uploaded a document to SharePoint and the file name contained an apostrophe.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2092467: The Costpoint CTRL+A hotkey to switch between open applications overrode the operating system's CTRL+A (Select All) hotkey. Because of this issue, the Costpoint CTRL+A hotkey has been removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2092545: When a workflow was linked to a screen added by an extension, the performance of the Approval Workflow Models screen was extremely slow when you queried records and made updates. The screen that was added by the extension also performed slowly when processing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2071623: In the Manage Content Types application, an Empty String error occurred when you tried to search in the Attachment Property field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2083731: A web service logging size error was corrected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2083796: The application screen displayed only two rows of records after you queried all existing records. As a workaround, you could lower the screen display scale to 125% or 100% or turn off Auto Positioning mode.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2070186: A system error occurred on the Manage Multi-Job Allocation Information screen when you saved data on the Percentage Base subtask and the project ID length was over 21 characters.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1968601: The following system error was generated when you exported to an Excel file: "Cannot add merged region G15:G16 to sheet because it overlaps with an existing merged region (F16:M16)."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2030319: You could not activate Org Security for a module due to the "SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Invalid column name 'ORG_SEC_FL" system error you encountered when you clicked Save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2035429: The following critical system error occurred when you clicked Save & Continue (F6) on the Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs screen:
The MasterServlet failed with the following exception:
com.deltek.enterprise.system.serverapi.remoteapi.MasterBeanException: MasterBean: across line validation failed invoking application specific class: com.deltek.enterprise.application.pc.pcmrelmo.PcmrelmoHdrValidateRS.validateRS-----java.lang.NullPointerException
MasterBean: across line validation failed invoking application specific class:Also, the Manufacturing Order and Material Handler fields on this screen were overwritten when you tried to select a value from the suggestive text.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042851: The Expense Report screen froze and sometimes a system error occurred when you clicked the Lookup for Alternate File Location in Wizard Mode.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2056482: Notes line breaks in the JSON code (\n) in Manage Vendors did not convert to line breaks when data was pushed into Costpoint via web services. This issue affected ORA and MSS users via web services with JSON.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2061576: An unexpected scripting error occurred on the Development Tools Console tab when you used extensibility.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016701: On the Costpoint versions 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2 Login screens, the Costpoint copyright date was listed as 2018. The copyright date has been updated to the current year.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2038402: The color of the Approval button did not change when you started the approval workflow.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2038578: In Admin » Systems Administration, the Extensibility (Custom) Interfaces application group has been added to support the use of custom extensibility applications.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2039207: A long-running query caused database blocking for Cloud clients.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1994485: A system error occurred and incorrect data displayed when you overwrote pasted data from Excel and used the same copy/paste method to paste additional rows from Excel.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1999631: Costpoint allowed workflow delegation to a deactivated user ID while the Employee ID was active.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2009380: Costpoint allowed workflow escalation to inactive employees and deactivated users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2010903: The following error occurred when you browsed for files to attach from SharePoint using Content Management Integration: "java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016131: After attaching multiple documents in Costpoint, the data within SharePoint did not update.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2019181: The Query button was visible in Offline Mode.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2022659: Setting the Suppression Type to Labor had no effect on the extensibility field. The extensibility field did not behave as standard UI Labor suppressed fields.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2026211: A null pointer exception occurred when you were creating a new content type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2026626: There were issues with extensions after the MR 8.2.4 upgrade. Modules with extensions gave a NullPointerException error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1979152: You might have lost Find & Replace functionality when you upgraded from Costpoint version 8.0 to version 8.1.21.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1990061: After upgrading to Costpoint 8.2, you could no longer select all records from a GLC lookup and export them to Excel.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1990990: When a scheduled job was actively running, new job requests failed and were placed on Failed - On Hold status.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1994989: Costpoint allowed you to delegate workflows to inactive users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1996736: File Upload on the Process menu was enabled but not clickable when an application was opened from the navigation banner.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1967112: The View Approval Cases subtask in Approval Workflow Models displayed a Completion Time for an in-process workflow that was rejected back to its previous activity.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1968205: When you pressed TAB on your keyboard to move to the next row in the table, Costpoint marked that row with an "X" for deletion.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1975309: When you copied data that included line breaks (ALT+ENTER) from Excel, such as a Notes field, Costpoint created multiple empty lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1976615: The Open File (red exclamation) button did not display correctly in Form view on the Edge browser.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1979031: The following error was found in the delteke.log file for scheduled jobs:
"Maximum length(30) is exceeded for the field: J___JOB_DESC. Assigned value: Temporary Job: TEMP:CPSU:b31530da2f2f49018346afe4667ea32c"
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1982654: You received an invalid warning message at login that stated you had exceeded the license count when that was not true.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1984466: SAML users could not log in to Costpoint after the 8.1.22 MR upgrade.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1919673: When rejecting a workflow and sending it back to a specific activity, Costpoint ignored the role filter assigned to a user.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1933369: When you were in offline mode, you were unable to create a new manufacturing order relief because the application tried to autoload the relief line after saving the loaded record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1953374: The Workflow Approval process failed when a workflow was on the line level and the record to be approved had multiple lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1957706: When a job was on hold in the sequential queue, it held the execution of all subsequent jobs. A held job should not have impeded the execution of the next job in the queue.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1963388: You could not scroll to see more sections or applications in the General Menu.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969562: When you rejected a previous activity, a workflow case expired or Costpoint automatically rejected the workflow process. This issue occurred when the workflow approval process was open and idle for a few minutes. When the ongoing process expired or was rejected, you could restart another workflow process for the same record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1974021: A "java.lang.NullPointerException." error occurred for some web services in the Web Integration Console after upgrading to Costpoint 8.1.21.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1820367: When the timesheet had enough rows to activate the vertical scrollbar, the last added timesheet showed a space below it. When you clicked that space, a web page error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1906942: When the Execute Top Query on Startup checkbox was selected in the Application Layout for a UI profile, it was automatically selected in your user profile. You could clear the Execute Top Query on Startup checkbox, but when you saved your own application layout with the checkbox cleared, the user profile became the priority instead of the UI profile, causing the UI profile’s saved query to not execute.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1921185: In Manage Purchase Requisitions, when you copied data from Excel into the Requisition Line data form and copied whole lines or more of data, the form did not paste the data with more than 60 characters well. It did not truncate the data back to 60 characters. If you copied and pasted to each cell, it worked fine.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1925511: Costpoint needed to provide the ability to delete "Failed on Hold" scheduled jobs in the Manage Job Queues application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1934535: Costpoint needed to log detailed traces of API errors for content management integration.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1935327: Your login PIN did not work when you logged into Costpoint PWA using the Chrome or Safari mobile browser.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1936870: Costpoint did not correctly handle backslashes in the Document Location field on the Notes/Doc Loc tab in the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers (APMVCHR) application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2099582: The Business Intelligence – Preview application did not display on the second level of the Costpoint menu. This defect affects you if you are a Costpoint BI 8.2 cloud customer with a preview environment.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2199100: When you used Arrange Table columns on the timesheet line and clicked Apply, an invalid error for column freeze displayed.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2199102: When you used Arrange Table columns on the timesheet line and clicked Apply, an invalid error for column freeze displayed.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Default 2065574: In the Expense Report application, when more than two rows existed in wizard mode, only two rows displayed with a tiny scrollbar instead of the maximum number of rows.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2034379: The Revision Explanation in Timesheets displayed and quickly disappeared, making it necessary for you to save a second time. The dialog box then remained visible.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1981266: After you updated a timesheet class to require revision explanations, a timesheet that was re-opened and modified immediately following the update briefly displayed, and then the Revision Explanation dialog box closed before you could enter an explanation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1996739: You could not continue the workflow approval process via email when you used a specific workflow model.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2028779: When a workflow that was linked to a screen added by an extension was present, the Approval Workflow Models screen queried records and updated information very slowly. Also, the screen that was added by the extension performed slowly while processing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1965839: When you used a Mac OS and Safari browser, COMMAND+click did not invoke the reverse line function.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1924432: Costpoint needed the ability to set a timeout for Time & Expense users that could be different from the regular 60-minute timeout for Costpoint users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Runtime >> Client
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2259471: The Browse button with the red exclamation point icon was incorrectly located.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2276192: When you changed the Default Source on the Manage Application/Content Links page from Local File to Alternate File Location, it was not reflected when using attachments.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2302520: When you tried to display or run Saved Queries from the UI Profile, they did not display or run correctly if there was an existing saved User Query.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2259472: The Browse button with the red exclamation point icon was incorrectly located.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2260252: When you switched from Table view to Form view in Manage Asset Master Information with saved Application Layout Changes, the Asset Account and/or Asset Organization values on the Acct Info tab were deleted.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, delete or reset the saved Application Layout Changes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2180684: When you initiated a preview of an invoice, Costpoint downloaded the report instead, occasionally for the wrong report. As a workaround, you could log out of Costpoint and log back in before printing a new invoice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2180691: When you initiated a preview of an invoice, Costpoint downloaded the report instead, occasionally for the wrong report. As a workaround, you could log out of Costpoint and log back in before printing a new invoice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2076480: Approved journal entries reverted to unapproved after you clicked Save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2076884: On the Manage Opportunity Win/Bid Probabilities screen, the Probability Percent value changed when you tabbed out of the field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2116720: The internet browser spammed the server with resubmit requests after a report/process ran longer than 55 minutes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2119387: On the Manage Opportunity Win/Bid Probabilities screen, the Probability Percent value changed when you tabbed out of the field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1976822: When a UI profile My Menu existed and a User My Menu did not and you starred an application in the General menu, Costpoint should have displayed a message similar to the following:
You have been set up with a UI Profile by your Admin. If you choose Continue, you will override this setting by customizing My Menu. If you want to keep your UI Profile setup, choose Cancel. You will be able to Reset to the UI Profile My Menu in Manage My Menu.'
Cancel will close the message dialog and not add the application to My Menu. The star will remain hollow.
Continue will add the change the star to yellow, Application to My Menu and override the UI Profile My Menu
The user can still reset to the UI Profile in Manage My Menu
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1955743: When you updated users who could approve a task and saved your changes, a dialog box that showed the Create task information remained onscreen instead of closing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2012599: In the Costpoint Progressive Web App (PWA), a calendar (ICS) file was not generated when you requested leave in Work Schedule (TMMEMPLWORKSCH).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2012602: In the Costpoint Progressive Web App (PWA), a calendar (ICS) file was not generated when you requested leave in Work Schedule (TMMEMPLWORKSCH).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Runtime >> Server
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2211190: When you attempted to access the Graph API in the GCCH environment, authentication issues were encountered.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2258652: When you clicked Approve and Submit Approval while validation in Approve Purchase Requisitions (PPMRQAPX) failed, the error message displayed was "Unexpected error, status not in sync" instead of the actual error.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2278473: When you had thousands of completed and pending approval workflow cases, performance degradation was experienced, especially on SQL Server.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2258595: When you clicked Approve and Submit Approval while validation in Approve Purchase Requisitions (PPMRQAPX) failed, the error message displayed was "Unexpected error, status not in sync" instead of the actual error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2146442: When you invoked the PRPSPRE_RPT Report with JSON Web Server, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2154008: You could not send attachments with interactive emails.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2162307: When you tried to update more than 1000 queried records using the Find/Replace function, Costpoint froze.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2210902: When you attempted to access the Graph API in the GCCH environment, authentication issues were encountered.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2162304: When you tried to update more than 1,000 queried records using the Find/Replace function, Costpoint froze.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2164213: When you invoked the PRPSPRE_RPT Report with JSON Web Server, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065510: In some circumstances, MasterServlet errors displayed in your production logs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2032791: When you used content management integration, an exception error occurred when you uploaded an existing file with the Overwrite option.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1975229: The initially designated approver could populate a delegated approver, and the delegation occurred behind the scenes when the approver clicked Delegate, but the Approval window did not close. Because of this, the original approvers would click Delegate repeatedly, generating many delegations and notifications to the delegated approver.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1988506: An occasional java.lang.NullPointerException occurred when loading on a WebLogic server was high.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1957563: The workflow approval email message was not sent to the delegate user as it should have been when you configured automatic delegation in Configure User Preferences.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1963652: Costpoint now provides better error handling when it cannot insert into SEAT_ASSIGNMENT during the creation of a new user session.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1964293: Opening some result sets with extensions sometimes failed and you received this error message: "Can't find bind variable extUnitId among public variables of the class."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
MR Installer
Defect 1972563: On the DB Instance Credentials screen in the Costpoint Maintenance Release installer, if you entered the username incorrectly and then entered it correctly, the installer did not read it correctly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1974161: The Costpoint MR 8.2.2 installer needed to include new web services and extensions for TIPQA to support the upcoming TIP release.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Compute Costed Bills of Material
Defect 2061821: When you used the Routing Options section of the application, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Copy Bills of Material
Defect 2070780: When you copied a multi-level MBOM to an EBOM, Costpoint copied the Yield percentage (%) values incorrectly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Import Bills of Material
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2260286: When you attempted to change the bills of material(BOM) type from standard to phantom using the preprocessor, an error message stating that the line could not be found was displayed. The workaround before the fix was to manually change the BOMs.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aopbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2256440: When you tried to make changes to the bills of material (BOM) such as changing type to phantom from standard using the preprocessor, you received an error message saying that the line cannot be found.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2124944: When you tried to upload four lines of bills of material (BOM) at the same time, you did not encounter and error. However, when you uploaded one line at a time, Costpoint displayed the following error: “A Manufacturing Bill of Material already exists with the assembly part as the component of this subassembly. This would create a looping bill of material.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_aopbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Bills of Material >> Manage Engineering Bills of Material
Defect 2053367: When you entered a scrap percentage greater than 99.99% in the Scrap field, you received a message saying you can enter a value of up to 99.99% only. To resolve this issue, the application has been updated to allow a scrap rate of up to 9,999.99%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2125614: When you used the Copy function, the Component Line reset the Scrap % value to its default value, rather than saving the updated value.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_bmmmbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2288962: When you attempted to integrate with TIPQA, TIP_DEL_MFG_BOM had mismatched fields in MSS.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2159018: When you entered a value for the Scrap Percent field that exceeded the allowed number of digits, an error occurred. The workaround before the fix was to manually adjust the BOMs to input only up to 100%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_bmmmbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2196218: When you used the XML to send new parts/BOMs or updates to previously sent parts/BOMs, the application failed to update multi-level BOMs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_bmmmbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2198740: When you used the XML to send new parts/BOMs or updates to previously sent parts/BOMs, the application failed to update multi-level BOMs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2155077: When you entered a value for the Scrap Percent field that exceeded the allowed number of digits, an error occurred. The workaround before the fix was to manually correct BOMs to only input up to 100%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2071074: In the Web Integration Console (WIC), you were able to add a part as a component of itself. However, in the UI, when you added the same data, the following error occurred and created an infinite loop when you tried to build MBOM levels: "A part cannot be a component to itself."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_bmmmbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2071076: When you changed a component part on a bill of materials (BOM) to pre-release, Costpoint required the BOM to be changed to pre-release even though the part had an effective end date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_bmmmbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2115968: When you added a new line in the UI or via the Web Integration Console (WIC), set the non-default scrap percentage, and then saved the record, the scrap percentage reverted to the default value. However, when the scrap percentage was changed on an existing line, it was saved successfully.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_bmmmbom_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2115967: When you added a new line in the UI or via the Web Integration Console (WIC), set a non-default scrap percentage, and then saved the record, the scrap percentage changed back to the default value. However, when you changed the scrap percentage on an existing line, it saved successfully.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053373: When you entered a scrap percentage greater than 99.99% in the Scrap field, you received a message saying you can enter a value of up to 99.99% only. To resolve this issue, the application has been updated to allow a scrap rate of up to 9,999.99%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Print Indented Bills of Material Report
Defect 2029829: When you ran Print Indented Bills of Material Report with the Include Scrap/Yield Quantities and Multiply Out Subassembly Quantities checkboxes selected, the quantity per assembly was calculated incorrectly compared to the MRP calculation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1960742: When you ran the Print Indented Bills of Material Report with the Include Scarp/Yield Quantities and Multiply Out Subassembly Quantities checkboxes selected, the quantity per assembly was calculated incorrectly compared to the MRP calculation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Print Summarized Bills of Material Comparison Report
Defect 2026706: When you ran Print Indented Bills of Material Report, the summarized BOM reflected a different quantity than on the View Bills of Material screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1971087: When you manually entered a standard part, used Lookup, and tabbed out, the value of the Revision field reverted to the previous value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1915030: When you tried to run Print Summarized Bills of Material Comparison Report and you tabbed out of the Part field, you encountered the following error: "Only Parts can be used in Bill of Material."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Print Summarized Bills of Material Report
Defect 2026708: When you ran Print Indented Bills of Material Report, the summarized BOM reflected a different quantity than on the View Bills of Material screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Release Documents
Defect 1969995: When you added duplicate documents with the same document ID on the Parts subtask, saved them, and selected the rows to print on the MO Routing Traveler, the report printed the duplicate documents.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> Release Multiple Manufacturing Bills of Material
Defect 2053628: When you used global find and replace in the release of multiple MBOMs, you encountered the following error for every line: "The following field is required. Release All Components." However, when you selected them individually, you did not get an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> View Bills of Material
Defect 2067913: When you viewed details of Engineering Bills of Material (EBOM) subassemblies that had zero (0) Yield percentage, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2102814: When you viewed the Engineering BOM Assembly details with the BOM Levels option set to either All Levels or Specify Levels, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2026704: When you ran Print Indented Bills of Material Report, the parts with compiled yields were calculated incorrectly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036976: The Bills of Material (BOM) inquiry did not properly display the indented levels below 10. To address this issue, an indented level padding logic has been added to the application to support maximum level BOMs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1824655: Performance tuning was applied to the application to improve performance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Bills of Material >> View Where-Used Bills of Material
Defect 2036980: The Where Used inquiry did not properly display the indented levels below 10.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Apply Engineering Change Notices
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2301617: When you revised an engineering change notice (ECN), the export control data did not copy to the new revision.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ecpinecn_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2132172: When you changed a component part on a bills of material to pre-release, Costpoint required the BOM to be changed to pre-release even though the part had an effective end date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_ecpinecn_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2057067: When you created a new revision impacted part for a pre-released part with an EBOM (unreleased BOM), and you loaded the EBOM components and then set the new part rev BOM status to Released, you encountered this error: "This EBOM part cannot be released. One of more components are not released." You encountered this even when everything under the level and within the new EBOM were released.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2022639: When you implemented an Engineering Change Notice (ECN), the application did not update the MBOM release user or release date in the Part table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1989513: When you released a manufacturing bill of materials (MBOM) using the Engineering Change Notice (ECN) process, Costpoint did not update the MBOM_ASY_RELUSER and MBOM_ASY_REL_DTT columns in the Part table when you used a change code.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1989516: When you viewed the users for the approval title assigned to a certain company approval process, users from another company were also displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2002076: When you tried to apply Engineering Change Notices, you encountered a merge error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Approve Engineering Change Notices
Defect 2068525: When an approval process included an approval title with the same assigned User ID that existed in both Company 1 and Company 2, Costpoint displayed duplicate ECN records.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_ecmmain_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1951556: When you deleted multiple Engineering Change Notices (ECN) records by using the Select All Rows option, the ECN Pending option in the Parts table did not change back to not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Manage Engineering Change Approval Processes
Defect 1978454: When you changed a user under an Engineering Change Notice (ECN) approver title that was also used in another company, Costpoint also changed the users in the other company.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Manage Engineering Change Approval Titles
Defect 1945368: When you clicked New, the employee ID of the currently logged-in user was defaulted in the Employee field. When you changed the user ID to a different employee ID, the value in the Employee field did not match the user ID that you specified.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Manage Engineering Change Notices
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2173286: When you entered a revision ID ending with the letter 'D', the Change-To Rev's New Revision value was incorrect. The workaround before the fix was to manually update the Change-To Rev's value.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2198467: When you attempted to save the ECN without a valid ORIG_PART_KEY value, an error message displayed and prevented the saving of the ECN.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_ecmmain_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2275544: When you attempted to generate an ECN to change a part in an EBOM, an error message stating 'This assembly part/rev does not exist and is not scheduled to be created in this ECN' displayed, even when the part was autoloaded into the subtask. This issue prevented ECN generation without significant manual intervention.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can delete the assembly from the ECN.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_ecmmain_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2131443: You encountered the following error message: “This assembly part is being used as a component in one or more released MBOM assembly. Its assembly release status must be set to Released.” This happened even though the component type in Manage Bills of Material was deleted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2170810: When you entered revision changes in the ECN, the application loaded the Make/Buy from Company 1 instead of the active company.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_ecmmain_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078759: When you processed Engineering Change Notice (ECN) changes, the process added an MBOM components record where the part ID/revision was non-existent in the Part table and impacted ECN parts, which caused an error in Costpoint.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_ecmmain_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078760: When you copied an EBOM to an MBOM and a phantom part was included, the phantom top level and the components were copied on the same line in the generated Engineering Change Notice (ECN).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_ecmmain_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2053347: When you entered a scrap percentage greater than 99.99% in the Scrap field, you received a message saying you can enter a value of up to 99.99% only. To resolve this issue, the application has been updated to allow a scrap rate of up to 9,999.99%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2023342: The application has been updated so that when a table has a foreign key with null values in any of the columns, the application should not resolve to a related record in the referenced table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2026699: When you clicked the link on the rejected email notification, the link took you to the ECN screen with all ECNs selected and not to the referenced ECN in the email.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2027054: You were unable to update EBOM components and encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1960740: When you created a provisional part, you were able to save Part and Description with ASCII characters, which were not allowed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1970747: When you prepared an XML document to create a new engineering change notice (ECN) and tested it, you encountered the following error: "No approval process has been linked to the Engineering Type. This link must be created before an ECN can use this Engineering Type."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1974265: You encountered a system error when you deleted an engineering change notice (ECN) with an Add Action Code in ECN Parts Impacted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1932918: When you deleted multiple Engineering Change Notices (ECN) records by using the Select All Rows option, the ECN Pending option in the Parts table did not change back to not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1946871: When you entered an employee name linked to an active and inactive employee, Costpoint defaulted the active employee, but at the same time you received this error message: "This Employee, Originator Name does not exist or is inactive."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1932920: When you entered an engineering change notice (ECN) and you entered a part for revision, the make/buy part of the new part was set to the make/buy part of the previous one. When you changed the part number, the make/buy part did not change to the new part when it was different from the original entry.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Print Engineering Change Notice Impact Report
Defect 1921837: When you executed the Print Engineering Change Notice Impact Report and you had either the MBOM Assemblies or EBOM Assemblies option selected, the table space was filled up.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> Update Approved Engineering Change Notices
Defect 2040603: Costpoint displayed one row of rejection per company when the rejection codes were the same on all companies.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951558: When you deleted multiple Engineering Change Notices (ECN) records by using the Select All Rows option, the ECN Pending option in the Parts table did not change back to not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Engineering Change Notices >> View Engineering Change Notice Status
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2175774: When you entered a Scrap value greater than 999.99%, a blank value displayed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ecqecnst_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1987307: When you viewed the users for the approval title assigned to a certain company approval process, users from another company were also displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Create Mass Inventory Transfers
Defect 2115182: When you used the Create Mass Inventory Transfer function, you encountered the following error: Error - ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2075205: When you ran Print/Create Mass Inventory, the Transfer ID did not display on the screen nor on the preview report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2060206: The mass transfer process did not populate the SERIAL_ID_TO, LOT_ID_TO, SERIAL_KEY_TO fields, which made the serial numbers unavailable for reversing the transaction.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1964175: When you ran mass inventory transfer to transfer a serial/lot tracked part to another inventory abbreviation, Costpoint transferred the part even though the part did not have corresponding serial/lot information.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Create Physical Count Adjustments
Defect 2040929: When you created an adjustment with Create and Print Physical Count Adjustment, the adjustment number was not displayed on the screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2027968: When the physical count adjustments had positive and negative lot adjustments, the application created only one net adjustment inventory tran line, which caused serial/lot reconciling issues on the Reconcile Inventory Balances screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1993448: When you moved quantity from one location to another using physical count adjustment, Costpoint used the absolute value to get the total adjustment amount instead of a zero value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Create Physical Counts
Defect 2128044: When you posted a transaction and the process reached a certain point in the posting process, the Cancel button failed to disable as expected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2029538: When you created a new cycle count, previewed the data, but did not execute, you were unable to update the other cycle counts on the Manage Actual Counts screen, and you encountered the following error: "This part/Warehouse/location/inv abbreviation is currently locked by another physical count. It cannot be added/deleted at this time."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1907883: When you generated a new count using the Action menu Create and Print Physical Count, the application did not populate the Count ID on the parameter screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Enter Inventory Transfers
Defect 2123024: When you did a transaction reversal of type Quantity Adjustments, Scrap Adjustments, and Inventory Transfers, the application did not change the entry user and name to the user who entered the reversal on the View Inventory Transaction History Task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2099263: When you created an inventory transfer, the part did not transfer to the project where the inventory abbreviation for the part was assigned.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1974193: When you performed multiple reversals to a transaction, you should have received the following error message: "Reversing Quantity may not be greater than the original quantity."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1937031: When you enabled organization security and created an inventory transfer, Costpoint saved the organization ID as Null in the INVT_TRN table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Enter Issues to Project/Account/Org or PO
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2265289: When you updated the Unit Cost and Direct Material Cost while creating a manual negative Issue Quantity, the values reverted to the original amounts.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can enter an adjustment.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2121658: When you tried to issue to Project/Account/Org with a reservation ID, you encountered the following error message: "The issue quantity for this allocated line cannot be greater than the allocated quantity."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2156681: When you entered the PO ID for the intracompany vendor, a system error displayed: "VALIDATE_RS_OBJECT request failed.ORD_ID".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2104565: When you issued a GFM part to a purchase order (PO) line and the part came in, Costpoint carried through the GFM cost as an amount instead of a value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2023210: When you created an Issue to Project/Account/Organization via Web Services, you received a NullPointerException error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2030643: When you copied and pasted records from Excel into an issue, the records were pasted except for the description. When you then tried to save the issue, you encountered a critical NullPointerException error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036861: When you autoloaded the serial/lot, disposal transactions did not load all UID information and overwrote UID information in the Serial_lot table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2006428: When you created issue to project transactions, costs were posted to the general ledger (GL) when the From and To inventory abbreviations were used. Labor and subcontract costs were posted to the Materials account, forcing journal entries to correct the issue.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1961087: When you entered an issue from a different location for a serial/lot tracked part, Costpoint did not find the serial/lot number and you encountered the following error: "This serial number cannot be found in the From Location."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1917879: You were able to create a purchase order (PO) receipt and quality control inspection record and issue the parts using a manufacturer ID with leading or trailing spaces, but you were unable to reverse the transaction. To correct this issue, the application has been modified to suppress the validation for issue reversals.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Enter Quantity Adjustments
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2252439: When you entered a quantity adjustment for a restricted part in Manage Security Groups, Costpoint allowed the action despite the user not being authorized for that part.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2107506: When you did a transaction reversal of type Quantity Adjustments, Scrap Adjustments, and Inventory Transfers, the application did not change the entry user and name to the user who entered the reversal on the View Inventory Transaction History Task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2120877: When you entered a quantity adjustment into stock for an outgoing only and inactive abbreviation, Costpoint allowed you to do so instead of displaying an error or warning.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2159016: When you attempted to adjust the quantity to move inventory out of the outgoing abbreviation, it was not possible.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Enter Scrap Adjustments
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255285: When you entered a quantity adjustment for a restricted part in Manage Security Groups, Costpoint allowed the action despite the user not being authorized for that part.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2123023: When you did a transaction reversal of type Quantity Adjustments, Scrap Adjustments, and Inventory Transfers, the application did not change the entry user and name to the user who entered the reversal on the View Inventory Transaction History Task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Import Inventory Transactions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2271114: When you imported inventory transactions after an upgrade, performance tuning was required.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2128240: When you ran Print/Import Inventory Transactions, the application failed to disable the Cancel button after the process passed point of no return.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2156753: When you processed an input file to add serial/lot tracked part to the stock, the inventory balance did not increment correctly for the inventory transaction line with serial/lot part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065161: In Costpoint, duplicate parts are not allowed in Manage Physical Counts, which triggers a hard error as expected. However, when you imported a file with duplicate parts in Import Inventory Transactions, the file was imported successfully, which caused inconsistencies on the Manage Physical Counts and Manage Actual Counts screens.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2126296: When you loaded a file without entering the date, you encountered the following error: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ENTR_DTT', table 'DELTEKCPPDSDMO.DELTEK.SERIAL_LOT'."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1911867: When you added count data from the import inventory transactions interface and added new items with serial IDs that were the same but for different parts (allowed), the invt_whse_loc table showed the same Serial_lot_key incorrectly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Manage Actual Counts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2317739: The application has been updated to display an error when there is an actual count quantity but no serial numbers.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, toggle the SR/LOT requirement off and back on to correct any discrepancies.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2115972: When you did a physical count and counted a serial number that was in one location but was also counted in a different location, Costpoint displayed an error saying that the serial number already exists.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1944745: The Web Integration Console (WIC) did not work for counts that you set the same quantity as the pre-count quantity.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1915034: In Web Integration Console (WIC), when you entered a count but did not do a reconcile and clicked Save, Reconciled was set to Yes and Reconciled By and Reconciled Date/Time were autopopulated with counter data.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1934461: When you tried to add the same part/rev/serial number in a single count, you encountered an error stating that the serial number was assigned to another row.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Manage Cycle Count Schedules
Defect 1966852: When the ABC Classification by Warehouse checkbox was not selected in Configure Inventory Settings and the Part_Whse table was blank, Cosptoint displayed the following error message: "There are no parts that meet this criteria."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1948343: The Cycle Count Schedule did not spread the counts evenly over the date-range parameters, but instead scheduled all counts in the first part of the date range.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1915029: When you created a new cycle count schedule that would generate a hundred schedule lines, the application saved the cycle count schedule without the schedule lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1917877: When you created a cycle count schedule for a date range of a year, the cycle count schedules process created too many schedule sequences for some parts even though there were less parts than time.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Manage Inventory Reservations
Defect 2094187: In Offline mode, some fields and subtasks were not available on the screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Inventory >> Manage Locations
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2222539: When you attempted to update the Location Type from incoming inspection to On-hand for a specific location ID, the update was not successful.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2039075: When you tried to inactivate a warehouse location with no inventory/dependent data, the following message was displayed: "Since Warehouse Location is used in many other master tables, it is highly recommended that you remove it from there before you inactive it. Otherwise, errors could occur in applications that call for the records with the Warehouse location."
To avoid confusion, the messages related to warehouse locations/warehouses were revised to make them clearer.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Manage PO/Req Inventory Reservations
Defect 2094189: When you were in offline mode, some fields and subtasks were not available in the UI.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2030642: When you set Auto Positioning to No on the Configure User Preferences screen, the Autoload PO/Req Info button was not visible on the Manage PO/Req Inventory Reservations screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Manage Serial/Lot Information
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2307514: When you updated the Shelf Life Exp Date in Serial/Lot for a serial only tracked part, the timestamps on Inv Trn Ln Sr Lt were also updated.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, update the record via the UI.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2154660: When you tried to add serial numbers using the Manage Serial Lot utility, items marked as "Y" for a serial number displayed an error stating that the part does not require a serial number. This issue was related to B2B and could also be replicated if Validation Frequency was set to Application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2095132: In the Web Integration Console (WIC), you were unable to update the serial/lot via json import, but there was no error displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2032508: When you updated a serial-tracked record by adding Notes or UID Info, the application saved the lot number as a space instead of Null. Subsequent add transactions for the serial number populated the invt_trn_ln_sr_lt or invt_whs_loc_sr_lt table with a blank lot number similar to MO rework. Also, when you added lot or serial numbers, the other tracking method was not populated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Manage Warehouses
Defect 2040947: When you tried to inactivate a warehouse location with no inventory/dependent data, the following message was displayed: "Since Warehouse Location is used in many other master tables, it is highly recommended that you remove it from there before you inactive it. Otherwise, errors could occur in applications that call for the records with the Warehouse location."
To avoid confusion, messages related to warehouse locations/warehouses were revised to make them clearer.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Post Inventory Journal
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 1419501: The application has been updated to add logic to search for the correct asset account/organization based on the inventory project's Common Inventory checkbox, and to clarify the error message to better indicate the issue.ndicating the problem more accurately.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, manually enter the missing information in the Manage Inventory Projects for Asset Acct/Org (Average Actual & Standard Costing).
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2144726: When you previewed the report for a sales order journal, the credit line was displayed before the debit line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2159587: When you attempted to print Reference 1 and 2 report pages, they were not printed because the Reference Structures group box was hidden in the Inventory module.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2087179: When you ran an inventory journal, Costpoint printed the Subperiod texts in the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2022071: The application has been updated to make the error message more descriptive when you are unable to post inventory transactions.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Print Inventory Transaction History
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255891: When you viewed the Print Inventory Transaction History screen, it displayed transactions for secured parts even if you were not in the Part Data Security group.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Inventory >> Print Stock Status Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2201175: When you used the Print Option Export to Excel 2010 on the Print Stock Status Report with merged cells, an error occurred due to the BIRT update 14.1.1.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2166804: When you used the Print Option Export to Excel 2010 on the Print Stock Status Report with merged cells, an error occurred due to an update. The temporary workaround before the fix was to use the File Type Excel.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> Reconcile Inventory Balances
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2220461: The Serial/Lot Qty reconciliation functionality has been updated to add missing INVT_TRN_LN_SR_LT row(s) for parts that were serial or lot tracked or both.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2317748: When you reconciled a serial tracked part with a received-accepted transaction that had ITLSL rows, you encountered an API error.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2022630: The application has been updated to display records with negative calculated trans serial/lot quantity in the Serial/Lot report 2.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1929586: When you ran the inventory reconcile process with Reconcile Serial/Lot Qty set, Costpoint calculated the incoming inspection location as a negative quantity.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1937024: When you ran the reconcile inventory balances process on a part, you encountered an error message related to the INVT_WHS_LOC_SR_LT table SRL_LOT_KEY.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Inventory >> View Inventory Transaction History
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255881: When you viewed the Inventory Transaction History screen, it also displayed transactions for secured parts to users not in the Part Data Security group.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Inventory >> View Part Inventory
Defect 2131558: In the Inventory Abbreviation subtask, the Account Type Furnished Material (FM) was displayed as GFM/CFM.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Master Production Scheduling >> Firm Master Production Schedule Planned Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2222093: When you reserved a part that no longer existed, the application substituted the original part's reservation.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmpfpolib_004.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Master Production Scheduling >> Manage Master Production Schedule Action Messages
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2266938: When you used the application with a saved criteria, Costpoint did not populate the Detail RS.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, click the Execute button.
Build Deployed In: cp82_msmactm_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2290008: When you ran MRP, Costpoint did not display the delivery schedule line on the line resultset as well as the PO and Requisition subtasks.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_dvgmssublib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Master Production Scheduling >> Manage Master Production Schedules
Defect 2078761: When you used the application parameters, the project parameter did not filter the projects on the Planned Orders subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Master Production Scheduling >> MSPMPS >> Update Master Production Schedules
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2205830: The functionality of the application has been updated so that the MRP allocation now includes a status report of the material availability for each build, including on hand or current order.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11470_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Master Production Scheduling >> Print Production Backlog Report
Defect 2030382: The month printed on the header of the Production Backlog Report was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Master Production Scheduling >> Update Master Production Schedules
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2256809: When you expanded the MRP_ALLOCATION table to include planned order supply, it only included the allocation of existing supply.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can use scripts to populate planned order data.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11517_001.zipDependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe
Defect 2267870: When you fulfilled the requirement with an inventory or supply order, the gross requirement for the tables REQD_QTY and REQD_QTY2 displayed as zero.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11530_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe
Defect 2257686: When you expanded the MRP_ALLOCATION table to include planned order supply, only the allocation of existing supply was included.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2270498: When you fulfilled the requirement with an inventory or supply order, Gross Rqmt REQD_QTY and REQD_QTY2 displayed as zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2127090: When you generated parts with multiple order policies that had a manufacturing order (MO) requirement and a safety stock, Costpoint generated orders for both requirements when one order satisfied both.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2194484: When you activated substitute parts (Option 3,4) and responded to substitute parts messages, Costpoint initially planned the parts. When it processed the parts on the MO, it ordered new downrev parts for those.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2205831: When clients needed the MRP allocation information to report the status of material availability for each build, it was not readily available. When the MRP process ran, it worked out allocations for all sources of supply, but it was unclear if it stored that information anywhere.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1939969: Costpoint generated a planned order even though there was enough available quantity for the substitute part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Expedite Manufacturing Orders
Defect 2116682: When you tried to add a routing line, you encountered the following error: Error: CLONE_FL
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2195591: When you firmed a "Released" Substitute Part MRP message in MRPFPO, you encountered issues.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmpfpolib_004.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2221385: When you reserved a part that no longer existed, the app substituted the original part's reservation.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmpfpolib_004.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2291571: When you ordered a unit of measure different from the inventory unit of measure and applied a conversion factor, the quantity on the resulting order calculated correctly, but the unit price did not. It used the cost of the inventory unit of measure.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2294984: When you ran the MRPFPO process, it stopped due to a failure with the error message "MO ID has already been used as reservation".
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2295715: When you ran the application, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmpfpolib_004.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2305871: When you used the application, it failed with an ORA-0001: unique constraint (PI_6511) violation error appearing in the logs.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2271409: When you ran the MRPFPO process, it stopped with a failure indicating "MO ID has already been used as reservation".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2125681: When you ran MRP with delivery schedule, the requisition quantity in View part inventory inquiry was incorrect. You can resolve this by running a reconcile inventory balances.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2125750: When you generated a purchase requisition with delivery schedule from the MRP, the application did not calculate the extended cost.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2128090: When you viewed the requisition header with a status of Pending, the application displayed lines with Status of In-Approval.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2176696: When you processed MRPFPO interactively to generate requisitions, about 40 failures occurred over the past few years when inserting RQ_HDR, according to the W_APP_STATUS_INFO table. This issue seemed to occur when two or more users were processing MRPFPO to a request at the same time.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2187818: When you firmed a planned order, you encountered an error and were not able to create a new reservation line for the substitute part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2210524: When you ran Firm Materials Requirement Planning Planned Orders, you encountered the following error: Generate Reqs, the text for the resource id: MM_YDLG_INS_RQLNDELSCH was not found.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2103033: When you ran Firm Planned Orders to generate requisitions, you encountered an error. The issue occurred when two or more users processed planned orders using the same requisition at the same time.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2106600: When you created a requisition, the application rounded off the item cost.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2036973: When you processed data to create requisitions and ran MRP, Costpoint did not generate the planned order.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2031632: The Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)-created manufacturing order (MO) displayed an incorrect Yield calculation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1997723: The application did not include a Transfer MRP message in the process when the transfer message was for a low-level requirement.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1970744: When you ran Update Material Requirements Plan, parts with unit of measure conversions and sales order substitute actions had the wrong quantities on the sales order and generated inaccurate need amounts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972491: When you applied a substitute for a sales order (SO) item, Costpoint generated a false demand.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951487: When you ran Firm Planned Orders, Costpoint added the firmed transfer reservations in the process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Firm Materials Requirement Planning Planned Orders
Defect 2194595: When you assigned the inventory abbreviation code equal to the supply source's abbreviation while creating new reservation lines rows from releasing Substitute Part MRP messages, it impacted Costpoint Materials users.
The application has been modified so that when you create a new reservation for the substitute part, Costpoint assigns the inventory abbreviation code from the source supply instead of the original part's reservation line inventory abbreviation code.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Material Requirements Planning >> Firm Materials Requirements Planning Planned Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2272052: When you ran the MRPFPO process, it stopped with a failure indicating "MO ID has already been used as reservation".
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmpfpolib_004.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Material Requirements Planning >> Manage Detailed Part Schedule
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2175766: When you entered a scrap value exceeding the maximum precision (9999.99%), a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_dvgmrsublib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2248013: When you reopened the application after saving a criteria, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_mrmdtpt_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2275663: When you attempted to pull manufacturing order (MO) information, some parts of the MO demand subtask failed to retrieve the data.
Build Deployed In: cp82_mrmdtpt_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2275678: When you ran MRP, Costpoint did not indicate that the requisiiton line was for a delivery schedule line.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mrqspalib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2307539: When you viewed the detailed part schedule, it did not show transfer demand, resulting in incorrect availability display.
Build Deployed In: cp82_mrmdtpt_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2308147: When you ran two MPS, different action messages were created. These messages persisted even when running MRP for both, and displayed on certain screens.
Build Deployed In: cp82_mrmdtpt_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2245292: When you reopened the application after saving a criteria, you encountered a system error.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, avoid using the saved parameter.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2121647: When you ran MRP and To Projects had Project Planning was No MRP Planning, you encountered the following error: "ORA-01403: no data found. This affected Oracle DB users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_mrmdtpt_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2110160: When you ran MRP and the project had Project Planning set to No MRP Planning, you encountered the following error: "ORA-01403: no data found." This affected Oracle DB users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2057065: When you viewed the Detailed Part Schedule with Option set to All Projects, there were requirements that did not show. When you changed Option to Single Project, the missing requirements were displayed. This was an MSS-specific issue.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2032983: The projected ending balance was incorrect when you filtered by warehouse.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1984442: When you entered a DPAS rating value on the Manage Project User Flow screen, the DPAS field on the Planned Order Supply subtask of the Manage Detailed Part Schedule screen did not reflect the rating you entered.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1911872: The detailed part schedule (DPS) did not add in the supply for the transfers, which caused the DPS to show an incorrect balance and allowed Costpoint to plan with negative inventory.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1941072: When you selected Project Planning Group as the Option and also selected the Include Common Inventory checkbox, the transfer reservation supply added the Projected Available quantity even though it was already added in the On Hand Qty field in the header.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Manage MRP Action Messages
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2166764: When you opened the screen, not all subtasks aligned properly. Instead, some floated over the top of the main window, disabling the ability to scroll through all records and observe or edit the details for that subtask. This issue affected the following subtasks: Warehouse Inventory, Inventory Details, Orders, Requirements, Full Requirements, Substitutes. As a result, you had to close the floating subtask to scroll to the next record, leading to unnecessary keystrokes or mouse clicks and inefficient message review.
Build Deployed In: cp82_mrmactm_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2266936: When you used the application with a saved criteria, Costpoint did not populate the Detail RS.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, click the Execute button.
Build Deployed In: cp82_mrmactm_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2275679: When you ran MRP, Costpoint did not display the delivery schedule line on the line resultset as well as the PO and Requisition subtasks.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_dvgmssublib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2071077: When you implemented a reschedule order message, Costpoint calculated the lead time differently between the Manage Manufacturing Orders application and the reschedule order message with MRP.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2110087: When you implemented a reschedule order message, Costpoint calculated the lead time differently between the Manage Manufacturing Orders application and the reschedule order message with MRP.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036983: When multi-revision was not enabled, the revision did not display on the Requirements subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1970745: When you created a reservation, ran Update Material Requirements Plan, and opened the Full Reqmts subtask to view the revision in Manage MRP Action Messages, the Part revision was not displayed. This happened with Make parts but not for Buy parts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1970746: When you ran Update Material Requirements Plan, the application returned the key instead of the order reference line number.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Update Low-Level Codes
Defect 1753596: When the part revision you used had the character 'Ÿ', you encountered the following parse error: "Can't parse sql statement: Insert Into D_34MRPLLC_WU".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Material Requirements Planning >> Update Material Requirements Plan
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2178041: When you ran Net Change with multiple ECNs existing for a part, the ECN Pending Messages were duplicated.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a
workaround, you can run a full regen to remove the duplicates.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mrplib_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2204009: The functionality of the application has been updated so that the MRP allocation now includes a status report of the material availability for each build, including on hand or current order.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11470_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2243165: When you expanded the MRP_ALLOCATION table to include planned order supply, it only included the allocation of existing supply.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a
workaround, you can use scripts to populate planned order data.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11517_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2262050: (Oracle) When you attempted to create a planned order message, it failed because the reservation Need Date was not set up in the Shop Floor Calendar.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a
workaround, you can extend the Shop calendar after the Need date.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mrplib_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2267039: When you fulfilled the requirement with an inventory or supply order, the gross requirement for the tables REQD_QTY and REQD_QTY2 displayed as zero.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11530_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2277133: When you didn't set the default RM abbrev on the Manage Inventory Projects screen, safety stock was ordered to the first raw material abbrev in the Inventory Abbrev subtask. It ordered to that abbrev regardless of whether it was outgoing only or active. Before the fix, you had to set the reorder RM abbrev to an active value to generate safety stock supply.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mrplib_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2251438: When you expanded the MRP_ALLOCATION table to include planned order supply, only the allocation of existing supply was included. Before the fix, you had to use scripts to populate planned order data.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2270441: When you fulfilled the requirement with an inventory or supply order, Gross Rqmt REQD_QTY and REQD_QTY2 displayed as zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2125684: When you generated parts with multiple order policies that had a manufacturing order (MO) requirement and a safety stock, Costpoint generated orders for both requirements when one order satisfied both.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2184193: When you set the MRP Settings Plan Warehouse Separately to Y, you encountered the following error in the MRP log file after running the application: invalid cursor (ORA-06512: at "CPTRAN_48818_BLUEOR.MRPMRP_PLN_ORIGSUPORD", line 362. MRP Completed with errors see MRP LOG
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2189303: When you activated substitute parts (Option 3,4) and responded to substitute parts messages, Costpoint initially planned the parts. When it processed the parts on the MO, it ordered new downrev parts for those.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2193898: When a part had a substitute part and all of its requirements were sales forecasts or safety stock, and there was no supply, the process reset the total requirement quantity, which resulted to not creating planned orders.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2201065: When clients needed the MRP allocation information to report the status of material availability for each build, it was not readily available. When the MRP process ran, it worked out allocations for all sources of supply, but it was unclear if it stored that information anywhere.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_dbc_820_11517_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2184156: When you set the MRP Settings Plan Warehouse Separately to Y, you encountered the following error in the MRP log file after running the application: invalid cursor (ORA-06512: at "CPTRAN_48818_BLUEOR.MRPMRP_PLN_ORIGSUPORD", line 362. MRP Completed with errors see MRP LOG
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2191989: When a part had a substitute part and all of it's requirements were sales forecasts or safety stock, and there's no supply, the process resets the total requirement quantity which results to not creating planned orders.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053631: When you created reservations for parts, MRP overplanned items with multiple projects and multiple order policies.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2032532: When you ran MRP, the application failed to complete the process due to poor Oracle execution plans in Phase 1 of 5: Preprocess - Reloading MRP tables.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1978451: When you ran MRP, Engineering Change Notices (ECNs) that were implemented, voided, or closed displayed as pending ECNs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1974865: When you ran MRP to plan and execute a substitute part on a manufacturing order (MO), the need date was set incorrectly to the need date of the MO and not the need date of the part it was replacing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1911870: When you ran MRP, the process incorrectly planned across warehouses when you used substitute part planning.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1915028: When you ran an MRP full regenerate, MODIFIED_BY and TIME_STAMP in the Part table displayed a user ID from a different company.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1939965: When you ran MRP, Costpoint generated a planned order even though there was enough available quantity for the substitute part. This happened for both Extendable and Non-extendable shelf-life types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Materials Estimating >> Manage Proposal Bills of Material
Defect 2184198: When you created a PBOM with Component Type as "Per Release" in WIC and UI, the new records in Costpoint were always created with S_QTY_TYP_CD as "A" value, regardless of the value provided in the XML. The workaround before the fix was to manually update in the UI.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053374: When you entered a scrap percentage greater than 99.99% in the Scrap field, you received a message saying you can enter a value of up to 99.99% only. To resolve this issue, the application has been updated to allow a scrap rate of up to 9,999.99%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisition by Line
Defect 1960738: When you tried to choose a buyer, sort, or save, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2195970: When you applied the WIC purchase order (PO) to requisitions with an S-Services Line, an error occurred.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, enter the buyer at the time of requisition and do not change it on the screen; alternatively, you can enter it via the UI.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_ppmentrq_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2256724: When you attempted to save a purchase requisition with more than 1500-line items, the process took more than 30 minutes.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ppmrqln_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2067956: When no releases are made for the blanket puchase order (PO), the following revised warning message is displayed: "The amount of this new PO Line will increase the blanket amount limit for this PO."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_ppmentrq_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2016823: When you entered a subcontract ID on the header, Costpoint overrode the performance start/end dates on the requisition line, which caused the requisition to be resubmitted for approval. Dates should not be overridden on the line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2022641: The application has been updated so that when a table has a foreign key with null values in any of the columns, the application should not resolve to a related record in the referenced table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1964050: When you combined requistions into an RFQ/Quote, the wrong data was displayed on the Combined Req Line Details subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951489: When you changed the dollar amount on the line, the application did not require a re-approval.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2254389: When the client printed a purchase requisition from Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line (PPMRQLN), the Prime, DPAS, and Proj/Account/Org fields did not display as expected. This issue did not occur when printing from Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions (PPMNTRQ2) or Print Purchase Requisitions (PPRPRRQ).
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_pprprrqlib_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Procurement Planning >> Approve Purchase Requisition Lines
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2206789: When you attempted to reject a purchase requisition (PR) after the organization/account exceeded the period of performance date at the time of approval, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ppmrqapl_001.zipDependent Files:;; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2291656: When you rejected back to a previous approver, the steps shown on the approval did not update with the changes past the rejection or by the original rejector, even though the process allowed the approvers to finish their approvals. This issue impacted Costpoint Users.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround reject back to the first approver.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2197286: When the organization/account exceeded the period of performance date at the time of approval, the approver was unable to reject the purchase requisition.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2049520: Costpoint did not display a validation message for the period of performance even though the requisition did not have start and end dates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Approve Purchase Requisitions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2206788: When you attempted to reject a purchase requisition (PR) after the organization/account exceeded the period of performance date at the time of approval, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ppmrqapx_001.zipDependent Files:;; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2288486: When you tried to approve multiple requisitions on the screen, a critical system error occurred stating that the number of connections requested exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, approve less than 12 records at once.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ppmrqapx_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2197171: When you attempted to reject a purchase requisition (PR) after the organization/account exceeded the period of performance date at the time of approval, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2095130: When you approved a requisition with more than 20 lines, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_ppmrqapx_001.zipDependent Files:;; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2091469: When you tried to approve a requisition with more than 20 lines, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2049519: Cospoint did not display a validation message for the period of performance even though the requisition did not have start and end dates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Compute Vendor Performance
Defect 1974277: You encountered a Nullpointerexception error when you ran the Preprocess Vendor Performance Report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Create Purchase Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2224353: The application has been updated to not execute the SQL query the while loop based on the record on the RQ_PO_DTL table to improve performanc.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pppgpo_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2242601: When you created a purchase order, the Print DPAS option in Manage Purchase Orders did not default to selected.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pppgpo_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2224360: When you executed the SQL query inside a while loop based on the record on the RQ_PO_DTL table, a performance issue occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2084768: When you populated the Assign PO - Combined subtask in Apply PO Info to Purchaser Requisitions and created the PO in Create Purchase Orders, the RQ_LN_KEY in the PO_LN table was set to zero for all PO lines. The RQ_LN_KEY was populated in the RQ_LN table as expected. If you used the Assign PO - Combined subtask but there was still a 1:1 relationship between the requisition line and the PO line, the RQ_LN_KEY was set to the actual value and not 0.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2121653: When you created a purchase order in the application, and you accessed the same PO in Manage Purchase Orders, you noticed that the header text lines were not added to the PO correctly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2142740: When you set the PO Header and Line Status with an amount over or within the buyer's limit, issues occurred. Before the fix, the workaround was to manually set it to Open.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2142929: When you generated a requisition into a blanket order purchase order, Costpoint doubled line 2 (probably additional lines) to the cost in the PO header total amount, which overstated the total PO amount.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2171432: When you attempted to create a purchase order, not all requisition lines were included. The workaround before the fix was to manually add the missing line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2168577: When you attempted to create a purchase order, not all requisition lines were included. The workaround before the fix was to manually add the missing line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2068202: When you tried to generate a purchase order (PO), you encountered the following error: "java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (CPDATA.PK_PO_TEXT_IDX) violated".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pppgpo_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2075207: The DPAS and contract ID did not print on the purchase order (PO) that you generated from the purchase requisition.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pppgpo_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2103019: When you generated multiple requisitions to one purchase order (PO), the PO header total was overstated because the application added a total line amount for lines greater than PO line 1.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pppgpo_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2116991: When you created a purchase order in the application and you accessed the same PO in Manage Purchase Orders, the header text lines were not added to the PO correctly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2135256: When you generated a requisition into a blanket order purchase order, Costpoint doubled line 2 (probably additional lines) to the cost in the PO header total amount, which overstated the total PO amount.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2117650: The DPAS and contract ID did not print on the purchase order (PO) that you generated from the purchase requisition.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2002072: When you tried to add funds to a blanket purchase order (PO), the additional fund was not added to the balance, and the blanket total amount did not reflect the amount from the additional requisition PO line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2002073: When you verified the sales tax/VAT amount and sales tax VAT rate on the purchase order (PO), the amount and rate were not taken from the requisition for the PO.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1978449: When you added rows to the database when creating a new purchase order (PO), Costpoint added phantom rows in the AUDIT_PO_LN table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1939970: When you inserted a purchase order (PO) line for a new PO, the PO_HDR.ROWVERSION total was not updated and was instead set back to zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Import Purchase Requisitions
Defect 2112898: When you tried to import a preprocessor with a GFM abbreviation into the Import Purchase Requisitions utility, you encountered this error: Error - This account is not part of projects account group.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065163: When you processed an input file, the requisitioner's home organization did not display on the Accounting Defaults tab of the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen when you queried the record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2068205: When you submitted a below-approval amount purchase requisition through the UI by selecting Submit Only In Approval or Submit None, Costpoint changed the header status but left the line in Pending status.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Purchase Requisition Approval Processes
Defect 2062625: When you deleted an approval process while the requisition was in In-Approval status, Costpoint did not display an error/warning message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Purchase Requisitions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2179398: When you rejected a requisition and changed it to pending status, Costpoint reported incorrect On-Req Quantities. The workaround before the fix was to run Reconcile Inventory Balances (INPRECON).
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_ppmentrq_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2106608: When you created a requisition from the application, the application rounded off the item cost.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_ppmentrq_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2103032: When you used the Load Taxable process from the Action Menu, the process did not correctly update the line costs or the allocated costs on all lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_ppmentrq_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2061014: When you cloned a requisition and added it to the same purchase order (PO), Costpoint displayed the wrong PO line on the Assign PO Defaults tab. The PO line defaults were different between PO types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2014215: When you created a purchase order (PO) for a supplier with a non-GBP currency (Functional), it was not converted to the correct EUR currency (Transactional). Costpoint pulled the item cost as transactional and converted it to functional.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2022685: When you clicked the Unit Cost lookup, Costpoint displayed Last for the Cost Type but not the Reference Cost Type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1955211: When you edited the amount on the requisition line, the application doubled the amount in the requisition header total. This issue occurred when you selected the Suppress Cost checkbox on the Manage Users screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1937993: Costpoint did not truncate the RQ_LN_DESC field to 60 characters when you pasted from Excel and there was a template assigned. In this case, template ITEM_ID was assigned.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Request for Quotes by Item
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2275630: When you referenced pending requisitions in RFQs by item, it was not allowed. However, the same purchase requisition could be used in RFQs by vendor.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Request for Quotes by Vendor
Defect 2130215: In the latest (single) revision, the RFQ line did not display any data for Lookup in the Requisition field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1948331: When you tried to close or void a request for quote, you received the following error message: "The Requisition ID/Line No combination does not exist for the Item/Rev or Misc Type."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2192957: When you changed the default item in Manage Simple Purchase Requisitions, the value of the Rev field did not change and an error stating 'This item/rev combination does not exist' displayed. The workaround before the fix was to remove the value of the Item ID and Rev first, before changing the information.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ppmqreq_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2306130: When you attempted to delete a pending purchase requisition from the screen, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_ppmentrq_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2130216: When you created a requisition in the application, and accessed the same record in Manage Purchase Orders, you noticed that the tax amount/rate disappeared in the record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_ppmqreq_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2142390: In the application, the Description field for the Misc Type was disabled and cannot be modified before or after saving to Pending status. However, in Manage Purchase Requisitions, the description field is editable in Pending status as designed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_ppmqreq_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2127709: When you created a requisition in the application and accessed the same record in Manage Purchase Orders, the tax amount/rate disappeared in the record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2138206: In the application, the Description field for Misc Type was disabled and cannot be modified before or after saving to Pending status. However, in Manage Purchase Requisitions, the Description field is editable in Pending status as designed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036974: You encountered an error in the logs after you modified a requisition line and clicked Save. However, this error was not displayed in the UI.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2008384: You were unable to edit the description of the Requisition Type even when Allow Modifications to Description was selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1948340: When you approved a requisition, you encountered a Null pointer exception error even though the application completed the approval.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1928063: When you cloned a record and verified the values, the buyer was not defaulted in the requisition header and only the last line was populated with the value of the Buyer ID.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Vendor Quotes By Item
Defect 2061227: When you tried to save a record, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Manage Vendor Quotes by Vendor
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2208500: When you updated Alt Parts of a vendor quote linked to an RFQ with 20 or more lines, the number of connections requested by the application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20. The workaround before the fix was to update less than 20.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ppmqtv_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Procurement Planning >> Print Purchase Requisition Approval Status Report
Defect 2013433: When you tried to print the report by Approver Employee ID, Costpoint did not print the result. As a workaround, print the report by Approval User ID.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Procurement Planning >> Print Purchase Requisitions
Defect 2112894: When you printed a requisition with an apostrophe (') in the vendor name, you encountered a system error. As a workaround, use the back quote symbol (`).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_pprprrqlib_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2170816: When DPAS purchasing rating had a value and you executed a report, it showed duplicate FAR clauses instead of displaying only one for the requisition line inventory abbreviation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_pprprrqlib_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Procurement Planning >> Print Request for Quotes
Defect 2068221: The unnecessary label Quote Expire On has been removed from the request for quote printout.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2071072: When you printed the request for quote, Costpoint printed the Resources value incorrectly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Procurement Planning >> View Purchase Requisition Status
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2256830: When you attempted to view PO Line details on the View Purchase Requisition Status screen, a critical system error occurred. This issue was specifically triggered when the PO line number had five (5) or more digits.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Product Definition >> Assign Vendors to Items
Defect 2094053: When you entered an inactive part and tabbed out, the revision populated with the latest inactive part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Product Definition >> Import Items
Defect 2036968: A trailing space in the Manufacturing ID prevented the use of the preprocessor.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036970: When you clicked Print/Import Items, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1999046: You encountered a system error when you updated a part with a non-existent commodity code.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951483: When you used the application to update existing part information, the import process changed the existing value in S_PLAN_ORDER_CD to the MRP Settings of the sub part planning order code when you left the column blank in the import file. This issue occurred when you selected the Use Part Planning Order checkbox in Configure Materials Requirements Planning Settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1959154: Costpoint imported parts with descriptions that included prohibited ASCII characters.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Product Definition >> Manage Alternate Parts
Defect 2094051: When you entered an inactive part and tabbed out, the revision populated with the latest inactive part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Product Definition >> Manage Item Costs
Defect 2094048: When you entered an inactive part and tabbed out, the revision populated with the latest inactive part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Product Definition >> Manage Part Project Data
Defect 2094055: When you entered an inactive part and tabbed out, the revision populated with the latest inactive part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Product Definition >> Manage Parts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2294991: You can now do a query of a paired Labels and Value fields values (User-Defined Info subtask).
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2142391: When you added the same part revisions, one upper case and one lower case, by copying and pasting from an excel file, you were able to save the record but appeared in the UI as two of the same part/revision with each one having a different part key.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2138304: When you added parts by copying from Excel, the application allowed the copying of lowercase revisions and duplicated the parts with different keys instead of displaying an error due to the lowercase.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053370 : When you entered a scrap percentage greater than 99.99% in the Scrap field, you received a message saying you can enter a value of up to 99.99% only. To resolve this issue, the application has been updated to allow a scrap rate of up to 9,999.99%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Product Definition >> Manage Project Item Cost
Defect 2094045: When you entered an inactive part and tabbed out, the revision populated with the latest inactive part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Product Definition >> Manage Provisional Parts
Defect 2053372: When you entered a scrap percentage greater than 99.99% in the Scrap field, you received a message saying you can enter a value of up to 99.99% only. To resolve this issue, the application has been updated to allow a scrap rate of up to 9,999.99%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1985418: When you entered a lower-case NAICS code, Costpoint displayed the following error: "This NAICS code does not exist."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972310: When you created a provisional part, you were able to save Part and Description with ASCII characters, which were not allowed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Compute Material Requirements
Defect 2125682: When you generated manufacturing orders (MO) in the application, the wrong dates for lead times were reflected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2127144: When you generated a manufacturing order (MO) where there was stocking lead time, the routing line took on the need date for the due date of the last routing line, which caused an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2191820: The application has been updated to be consistent with a related update in Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2112151: When you created a requisition from the application, the application rounded off the item cost.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pcpmrr_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Production Control >> Create MO Subcontractor Requisitions
Defect 2106616: When you accessed the application and there was a part with multiple revisions, the screen to select the manufacturing order (MO) displayed the description of the first part revision but not of the listed part.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2030394: When you clicked the Generate Req button, you encountered the following error: "Invalid column name 'NAICS_EFF_DT'."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Enter Manufacturing Order Issues
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2190909: When you serialized a phantom component on a BOM and backflushed the components, an error message appeared if the option to allow serial/lot tracking for backflush components was selected or not selected. If selected, an error stating 'no serial/lot required' displayed, and if not selected, an error stating 'serial/lot not allowed for backflush' displayed. The workaround before the fix was to avoid serializing phantom subs.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2131471: When you copied an issue to a manufacturing order (MO) transaction detail lines to another MO issue, the Inventory Abbreviation to and the Charge Project ID did not reflect in the application which caused the non-posting of inventory.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2086310: When you duplicated a component part in the requirements, the TIP to Costpoint interface updated the wrong requirement line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106029: When you tried to use the Reverse Transaction feature in a manufacturing order (MO) issue and Allocated Inventory was enabled in the original MO, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106485: When you entered issues for multiple manufacturing orders (MO) back to back, you encountered a system error. In addition, when you entered the second MO and clicked Autoload, you also encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2112897: You were unable to reverse an MO Issue because the WIP Variance Year End error message validating the MO against another Company ID where a Year End WIP Variance journal entry exists. This affects multi-company users only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2117651: When you used two requirement lines with the same part number, the TIP to Costpoint interface updated the wrong requirement line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1998395: When you copied/pasted Excel information to a manufacturing order (MO) issue line and pressed TAB, Costpoint changed the issue quantity.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2004591: When you relieved a manufacturing order (MO) and issued additional parts to the MO on the same day, the MO total was not decreased by the relief process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1929589: When you reversed parts to two locations that the parts were originally in, the manufacturing order allowed two reversals of the serial number in both locations.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1958544: The application message was replaced with a library message, to improve accuracy.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1924740: You were able to issue parts to a manufacturing order (MO) from an incoming inspection location.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1932917: When you applied a negative issue of a component already issued to a closed or completed manufacturing order (MO), Costpoint regenerated the reservation, which resulted in an orphaned reservation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2201930: When you attempted to reject a manufacturing order (MO) relief with quality control validation, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2221962: When you used the application to add product into inventory, the Original Trans Date field in View Serial/Lot Information (INQSRLT) did not populate as expected.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2224822: When you attempted to perform a Manufacturing Order Relief for orders of 20 or more, a critical system error occurred. The error message indicated that the number of connections requested by the application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2121656: Costpoint allowed a manufacturing order (MO) rejection location to be an MRB-type location.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2121657: When you did a relief and issued to manufacturing order (MO), Costpoint required you to enter the issue quantity for each serial number.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2170784: When you set the location in Manage Parts, the location on a rework MO with an RMA accepted the location, and the application did not allow you to reverse the relief. This made transferring from an on-hand to RMA location not possible.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2170789 : When you populated the Issue Quantity field in the Enter Manufacturing Order Reliefs screen, it did not display. This issue occurred when the issue quantity was equal to the relief quantity.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2196821: When you attempted to reject MO Relief with the quality control validation on, Costpoint did not allow it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2166706: When you set the location in Manage Parts, the location on a rework MO with an RMA accepted the location, and the application did not allow you to reverse the relief. This made transferring from an on-hand to RMA location not possible.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2097072: When you saved a manufacturing order (MO) relief, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1947637: When you were in offline mode, you were unable to create a new manufacturing order relief because the application tried to autoload the relief line after saving the loaded record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Expedite Manufacturing Orders
Defect 1966872: When you deleted a routing line, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1955776: The application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20 system errors when you autoloaded nine (9) or more routing lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Load MO WIP Accounts
Defect 1931419: When you ran Load MO WIP Accounts for any company, you were able to modify all open MO headers even though you were not granted access to some of the companies.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Manage Employee Project Manufacturing Status
Defect 2025633: When you queried data when the Plant ID was blank, the developer log recorded an error when it should have been empty.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Manage Inventory Abbreviation Peggings
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2264991: When you changed the inventory abbreviation on the requirement line after autoloading the requirements, an error message displayed, even if the new inventory abbreviation belonged to the same Inventory project. This prevented you from changing the requirement line inventory abbreviation to another abbreviation belonging to the same inventory project after autoloading the requirements.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmmiapeglib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2182121: When you attempted to issue the Inv Abbrev Project to another project, an error occurred even if the Default Inv Abbrev used was from the same project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_mmmiapeglib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Production Control >> Manage Manufacturing Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2207113: When you attempted to backflush lot and serial tracked parts, an error occurred even if the part was not serial or lot tracked. The workaround before the fix was to delete line 61, manually add the part back, and save without error.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2213149: When you changed the inventory abbreviation on the RMA requirement line, an error message displayed. This also prevented the maintenance of additional items on the requirement line such as Inventory Abbreviation and Need Date. As a result, you were unable to maintain requirement line elements for the RMA requirement line.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2243366: When you generated requirements on a Manufacturing Order (MO) with effectivity later than the effective end date on the Bill of Materials (BOM), items on the operational routing that had effective end dates on the BOM still generated requirements. This resulted in incorrect requirements for customers.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround correct the routings to exclude components that were no longer effective on the BOM by revising the routing.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2283989: When you reloaded Requirements through Autoload and then undeleted a previous requirement line, a RES_LN row was missing. For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround delete all previous requirements when reloading requirements with Autoload.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2288445: When you created a Rework type order in Costpoint, the BOM loaded upon saving the record, despite both the Autoload Requirements and Operationalized BOM options being selected. The BOM still loaded upon saving. The workaround before the fix was to select the Rework MO type before entering any other data in the MO.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2294859: When you validated the import method for Manage Manufacturing Orders, an error was found in method EQ_LEIDOS_PRODORDERS_IMPORT.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can clear the Method PK box for DOC_TYPE_CD.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2132242: When you generated multiple manufacturing orders without saving and using the same serial number on all MOs, the application allowed you to save them all with the same serial number, and each serial number saved had a different key.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2142388: When you added a routing operation, with QC Step checkbox selected, to a manufacturing order (MO) in the Routing subtask, the QC Step checkbox was not selected when the SFC Operation checkbox was selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2146494: When you generated a rework manufacturing order (MO) and clicked Save, you encountered this error: The Quantity to issue cannot exceed the remaining open inventory reservation quantity. Reservation qty field is 0 and gray.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2161781: When you generated a manufacturing order (MO) with stocking lead time, the routing line took on the need date for the due date of the last routing line, causing an error. The workaround before the fix was to manually update dates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171408: When you changed a part on a manufacturing order (MO) requirement from one type to another, the inventory abbreviation did not change. A warning displayed indicating the abbreviation did not match the type. If you clicked OK, it accepted the change with the incorrect abbreviation. If you clicked No, it did not provide a lookup for the abbreviation, requiring you to manually enter the correct abbreviation. The workaround before the fix was to manually enter the abbreviation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2189302: When you attempted to issue items to the Manufacturing Order (MO) that were previously allocated, an error occurred because the allocations on the MO had disappeared and could not be re-allocated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2212087: When you changed the inventory abbreviation on an RMA requirement line, you encountered an error. This error also prevented you from maintaining additional items on the requirement line like Inventory Abbreviation and Need Date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2165883: When you changed a part on a MO requirement from one type to another, the inventory abbreviation did not change. A warning displayed indicating that the abbreviation did not match the type. If you clicked OK, it accepted the change with the incorrect abbreviation. If you clicked No, it did not provide a lookup for the abbreviation, requiring you to manually enter the correct abbreviation. The workaround before the fix was to manually enter the abbreviation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2146493: When you attempted to generate a rework MO, an error message displayed stating "The Quantity to issue cannot exceed the remaining open inventory reservation quantity." The Reservation qty field was zero (0) and grayed out. The workaround before the fix was to generate MO as standard and change the status to rework after generation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2071078: When you implemented a reschedule order message, Costpoint calculated the lead time differently between the Manage Manufacturing Orders application and the reschedule order message with MRP.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2095131: When you tried to update the organization abbreviation on a project, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2110086: When you implemented a reschedule order message, Costpoint calculated the lead time differently between the Manage Manufacturing Orders application and the reschedule order message with MRP.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2040601: When you cloned a manufacturing order (MO), the screen froze. In addition, when you saved a record with a blank MO ID, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2018928: When you generated a manufacturing order (MO) for rework or repair and you reused a lot number, the process caused you to lose track of the original information of the serial number.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2019113: In the Web Integration Console (WIC), you were unable to create a manufacturing order (MO) with RMA ID reference.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1978455: When you changed a user under an Engineering Change Notice (ECN) approver title that was also used in another company, Costpoint also changed the users in the other company.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1989514: When you clicked the Org Abbrev lookup on the Additional Info tab, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1995277: When you clicked the Org Abbrev lookup on the Additional Info tab, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1960737: When you created a manufacturing order (MO) and manually loaded the routing and requirements, you encountered the following error: "ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("DB"."INVT"."INVT_ABBRV_CD")".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969564: You were able to save a manufacturing order (MO) ID with zero (0) quantity on the Requirements subtask, but when you edited the build quantity, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1726150: When you copied a requirement line and changed the inventory abbreviation, you were unable to split the manufacturing order (MO) requirement lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951484: You were unable to edit the As of Date for some In Shop manufacturing orders.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1937022: When you closed a manufacturing order (MO), the completion percentage on the routing steps changed to 100%. When you moved the MO back to In-shop, the completion percentage remained at 100%.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Manage MO Operation Completions
Defect 2112895: When you checked the rejection reason and rejection disposition you entered in Manage MO Quality Control Inspection Results against the same fields in Manage MO Operation Completions, the values did not match.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951106: The application has been updated to remove the setUserEmplId method from the UserSettings class, to prevent the application from causing an issue related to Employee Self-Service (ESS).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1945173: When a user entered an employee ID that was not associated with the user, clicked Save, and then went to Employee Self Service » Payroll and Benefits, the screen displayed the information for the employee ID instead of the user.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Print Manufacturing Order Cost Report
Defect 2036969: When you added the 2022 burden cost in the manufacturing order (MO), the application did not include the burden cost in the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Print Manufacturing Order Documentation
Defect 2148674: When you added an operation to a Routing without using autopopulate, the Standard Text did not autopopulate despite the setting for the standard text being auto-populate. The workaround before the fix was to open the Standard Text subtask and click autoload.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1975999: When you printed the labels for the manufacturing order (MO), the labels were printed in the default orientation that came from the system settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1938541: When you cleared (did not select) the Print Backflush Parts checkbox on the Configure MO Documentation Print Options screen, Costpoint included the backflush parts when you printed the component labels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> Update Manufacturing Order Costs
Defect 1915032: When you entered a material cost, the entered value updated the MATL_CST_AMT table instead of the ML_MATL_CST_AMT field in the MO_HDR_CST table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Production Control >> View Manufacturing Order Status
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2269020: When you used the application and the Assy Serial/Lot subtask, it only displayed one record for the first relief of a lot number. It should have shown all the lots and quantities relieved.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 1920627: The application displayed an incorrect Make/Buy code for the manufacturing order (MO).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Approve Pending Purchase Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2196648: When you opened multiple purchase orders, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Purchasing >> Archive Purchase Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2127794: When you tried to archive certain purchase orders (POs), an error message stating "There were no POs to Process" appeared. These POs were closed and seemed to meet the criteria for archiving.
Build Deployed In: cp82_poparch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Purchasing >> Buyer Dashboard
Defect 2022633: The Past Due Deliveries report inaccurately included records where a Delivery Schedule existed, but the quantity on the Delivery Schedule line had already been received.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Compute/Print Purchasing Commitments
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2190919: When you modified more than 20 parameters, an error stating ""MasterBean: the number of connections requested by this application exceeded the maximum allowed number of 20"" displayed. The workaround before the fix was to modify less than 20 parameters at one time.
Build Deployed In: cp82_popcomm_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2306031: When you changed the dollar amount allocation in Manage Purchase Orders Accounts subtask and calculated purchasing commitments in real time, the open commitments did not equal the same values for each POA distribution.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11607_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Purchasing >> Create Blanket Purchase Order Releases
Defect 2177617: When you created a purchase order (PO) release in Manage Purchase Orders and this application, the calculation of the PO header total released amount was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Create Purchase Order Change Orders
Defect 2159021: When you modified the NAIC business size before creating a change order, the business size changed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2055112: When you created multiple change orders with a NAICS code on the purchase order (PO) line, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2028930: When you created a multiple change order and you clicked Save, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Expedite Purchase Orders
Defect 1917871: When you added a delivery schedule to a purchase order (PO) with existing partial receipts, the application did not warn you that receipts already existed for the record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Import Purchase Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2098579: When you uploaded an import file with an expired exchange rate, the application proceeded to import the file instead of displaying an error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlpo_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2265487: When you imported a purchase order with a due date and order date greater than the current date, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlpo_004.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2278471: When you updated the PO header status to Void, a validation did not display.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlpo_004.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2120752: When you imported a standard purchase order with a G type abbreviation, extra account/organization error messages displayed along with the correct error message. This did not impact the import once the data was corrected, but the extra messages could have been confusing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2134866: The application has been updated to fix the discrepancies in the field positions when processing an input file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2153776: When you imported an input file with a negative Extended Amount or Unit Amount and without an inventory abbreviation in the PO line, you received the following error: "Amount entered exceeds total line amount (positive)."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2156248: When you imported the GFE PO type with a project account organization that was not set up for fixed assets, it was successfully imported.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2175875: When you imported certain values with four decimal places, you encountered a total line amount error. The workaround before the fix was to change the values to two decimal places in the input file. This issue was not encountered in MSS using the same data and input file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2182111: When you imported a Purchase Order (PO) with a Due Date and Order Date greater than the current date, an error occurred. The workaround before the fix was to create the PO in the User Interface (UI). This issue did not occur when the PO was created in the UI with a one-day advance Due Date and Order Date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2175734: When you imported Purchase Orders (POs) with a Due Date and Order Date greater than the current date, an error occurred. The workaround before the fix was to create the PO in the User Interface (UI).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2110121: When you imported a G type PO with G Abbreviation, you encountered an error stating that the Account ID and Organization ID are required.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2110817: When you imported a purchase order (PO) file for a G type PO with G type abbreviation, you encountered an error. This issue affected MSS databases.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2119778: The application has been updated to use feature-level messages instead of creating a new Message ID.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2041493: When you processed the input file, the application did not display the period of performance validation when the input file had multiple account allocations.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042222: You encountered a connection error in the application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1974858: When you used the preprocessor to make mass Org ID updates, the Org IDs updated successfully, but the Vendor Sales Order ID and PO Printed fields were cleared on the PO header, which should not be the case.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Manage Buyer Actions
Defect 2034451: The application inaccurately included records where a delivery schedule existed, but the quantity on the Deivery Schedule line had already been received.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Manage Purchase Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2177469: When you validated the project ID using the PoPoLnAcctObjValidate.validateProjId() class, a fatal framework exception occurred due to changes in a context row during line validation.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2177581: When you updated the PO line, the NAICS business size changed.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2193883: When you entered a purchase order (PO) for a part with multiple revisions, one of which was prereleased, a hard error displayed stating 'This item/rev combination has a status of Pre-release'.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2199299: When you added notes to the serial/lot notes field, the notes were not saved. They were saved if initially added, but not if added afterwards. The workaround before the fix was that notes would save as changed.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2206584: When you deleted lines from an approved work assignment's purchase order, the charge lines were cleared from the work assignment UI but not from the WA_CHG_LN table. The workaround before the fix was to change the work assignment first, then delete from the PO line.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2219447: When you updated the item or account on the Manage Purchase Orders, the standard text was removed from the line text. This should have only occurred if the standard text was associated with the source that was updated.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2221774: When you reduced the purchase order to less than the vouchered amount, Costpoint allowed it.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmpmtschdlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2224354: When you compared the behavior between Application level and Field Level Validation of the applicaiton, you observed a difference, which should not be the case.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2226705: When you filled in the Schedule Amount field with alphanumeric characters, you encountered a critical system error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmpmtschdlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2247488: When you cloned a purchase order, you encountered an error upon save.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2248073: When you bypassed PO line account validations in the Web Integration Console (WIC), it resulted in incorrect data.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2275654: When you initiated a two-step process for a change order, the last action did not allow for 'Pending Supplier Acknowledgment' or 'Change Request by Buyer', which would have enabled the supplier to acknowledge.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can make changes to the purchase order and save it, then query the purchase order and change the status to 'Pending Supplier Acknowledgment' or 'Change Request by Buyer' and save it.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2291588: When you attempted to void a release line that had not been received or vouchered, it was no longer possible. The workaround before the fix was to close the release line.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2308201: When you copied all purchase order (PO) line text rows from Line 1 to Line 2 with None as source value, Costpoint copied the value.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2219446: When you updated the item or account on the Manage Purchase Orders, the standard text was removed from the line text. This should have only occurred if the standard text was associated with the source that was updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2224361: When you compared the behavior between application level and field level validation on the screen, you observed a difference.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2248072: When you bypassed the purchase order (PO) line account validations in WIC, it resulted in incorrect data.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2112896: In Web Integration Console (WIC), when you inserted a purchase order with a delivery schedule, Costpoint did not display an error message even though the PO line quantity did not match the total quantity in the delivery schedule.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2128275: The application has been updated so that when you enter a purchase order (PO) number that is already existing, Costpoint displays the following message that includes the company information where the PO number was used: "Requisitions have already been assigned this PO number, but with a different Buyer/Vendor/Vendor Address combination for <Company>."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2154695: When you used the application, it automatically incremented PO_LN_ACCT.SUB_KEY table. This issue only occurred if the PO line had an associated inventory abbreviation. If you attempted to delete an existing row and insert a new row in the accounts subtask (i.e., change the inventory abbreviation to a different one), it created a new incremented subkey. This applied to all PO line types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2159063: When you set UI Auto-Positioning to No, the Vendor Lookup was missing. The workaround before the fix was to set User Interface > Use Auto Position Mode to Yes in Manage Users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2174092: When you set the Blanket Order Header status to Void while releases existed, the status was still changed to Void.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2182118: When you tried to use the Web Service to update the SEQ_NO in PO_HDR_STD_TEXT in the Manage Purchase Orders screen while the project was inactive, an error occurred. This issue affected both the UI and WIC. The temporary workaround before the fix was to delete the project/acct/org from the PO header.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2197223: When you attempted to use the Find and Replace function for more than two items in the Manage Purchase Orders screen, a critical system error occurred. The workaround before the fix was to change one or two items at a time.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171329: When you set the blanket order header status to Void, the status still showed as Void even when Releases existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2063171: When you imported the XML file, you encountered the following error: "Assigning new serial/lot ID(s) are not allowed when the associated return line has SO/ SO line reference."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2081020: In the Web Integration Console (WIC), when you modified a purchase order (PO) by changing the quantity of a line to zero (0) and closing it at the same time, the extended totals did not recalculate to zero. The same thing happened when you tried to change the amount to zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2100395: When you assigned a serial lot to a purchase order (PO) and the serial lot setting was Unique Across Parts, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2105842: When the Require Change Order for Modification checkbox was selected in Configure Purchasing Settings, you were able to change a purchase order (PO) without a change order.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106623: When you clicked New and went to the Receiving & Inspection tab, the Drop Shipment label was not visible on the purchase order (PO) line. This happened to users without a Sales Order (OE) license.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2107686: When you entered a non-furnished material purchase order (PO) type with a furnished material abbreviation, you encountered the following error message: "This inventory abbreviation is for Furnished Materials. It cannot be used on Purchase Orders."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042620: Cospoint did not display a validation message when the second-level project you used did not have start and end dates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042970: When you changed the cost/quantity in a two-way match with a purchase order (PO) voucher, Costpoint did not display a warning message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053530: When you deleted the NAICS code from line 1 and then added a new line, the NAICS code reverted to the value from the deleted line 1.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2025532: When you created a release using the Create Release button, the application displayed the following error: "The NAICS code and effectivity date not in use."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2030352: When the vendor was not a supplier vendor, you were able to release a pending purchase order (PO) to the vendor, but you were unable to do so via Web Integration Console (WIC).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2030366: When you created a purchase order (PO) and added a Subcontract ID, the PO Type automatically changed to Subcontractor Agreement even though you already set it to Subcontractor Agreement Blanket.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2032991: When you added a subcontract ID to an existing PO where all Period of Performance (POP) fields were blank, the POP fields were populated based on the Subcontract ID. However, when you added the Subcontract ID to an existing PO where all POP fields were populated, the POP fields were changed based on the subcontract ID.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2006421: When you performed an update to the PO_HDR, multiple rows were created for the UPD ACTION instead of a single UPD row for the header and a single row for each line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1978456: When you deleted a purchase order (PO) that was referenced on the PO voucher header, you were unable to query the voucher by PO ID or voucher ID.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1943935: When you sorted on purchase order (PO) internal notes and saved, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1944538: After you copied and pasted rows from an Excel sheet, Costpoint did not recalculate the purchase order (PO) line fields Net Unit Cost and Extended Cost.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951488: When you created the release, deleted all the lines, and then pasted new lines from an Excel sheet, the line numbers did not start with one (1).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1917872: When you added a delivery schedule to a purchase order (PO) with existing partial receipts, the application did not warn you that receipts already existed for the record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1917876: In Web Integration Console (WIC), when you tried to update a PO with over 500 lines, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Print Purchase Order Activity Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2210189: When you accessed the vendor setup, the business size did not default as expected.
Build Deployed In: cp82_poractv_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2279999: When you generated the purchase order activity report, it did not include large business spending.
Build Deployed In: cp82_poractv_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2316510: When you ran the script for the PO header and the PO line for the Buyer ID, the business size did not default from the vendor setup.
Build Deployed In: cp82_poractv_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Purchasing >> Print Purchase Order Change Orders
Defect 2111368: When you printed a purchase order change order, the PO total amount was printed on top of the report when PO header notes was selected to be placed on top.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2114714: When you printed the report, the "Bill To" location on the report was printed close to the top of the PO. This caused confusion as the same PO will print differently based on what application is used to print the PO. The application has been updated so that it prints the report the same as the other applications.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2170790: When you set the "Bill To" location to Bottom on the report, it appeared after the Header Notes/Text/Doc/SOW.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2091104: The "Tax Exempt Cert No:” label was printed on a purchase order change order when you modified the changes to the extended cost where sale/use tax was not exempt.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1925489: When you tried to print a purchase order change order and there were more than 1,000 rows in the PO_LN_DOCUMENT table, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Print Purchase Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2213007: When you generated the purchase order (PO) print report, the Mfg Part label was printed even when the field had no value.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2277181: When you generated the PO Print report, the Order Reference Number label was included even though the field had no value. This occurred regardless of whether the PO Print Option to print Order Reference Number was selected or not.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2154658: When you printed the report, the "Bill To" location on the report was printed close to the top of the PO. This caused confusion as the same PO will print differently based on what application is used to print the PO. The application has been updated so that it prints the report the same as the other applications.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2173482: When you used the Formless Laser Landscape format, the Return Address printed even if this option was unchecked in the Configure Purchase Order Print Options.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2183091: When you attempted to preview Purchase Orders without specifying any option in SQL DB, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2135255: When you printed the report, the "Bill To" location on the report was printed close to the top of the PO. This caused confusion as the same PO will print differently based on what application is used to print the PO. The application has been updated so that it prints the report the same as the other applications.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2041509: When organization security was enabled in Print Purchase Orders and you ran the application, Costpoint did not include the PO total amount and Bill to information in the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2030358: When you printed a PO that had a service line without a Ship ID, Costpoint printed the following: "Tax Exempt Cert No: null". However, when you added a Ship ID to the line, Costpoint did not print anything.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1974803: When you printed the purchase order (PO), the bill To and PO Total Amount were not printed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1925491: When you tried to print a purchase order (PO), you encountered a NullPointerException error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> Reconcile Purchase Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2299359: When you executed the Reconcile Purchase Orders (POPRECON) utility on a fully vouchered purchase order (PO) with applied exchange rates, it transitioned from System Closed to Open status.
Build Deployed In: cp82_poprecon_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Purchasing >> View Item Purchasing Information
Defect 2109293: Requisitions for two companies displayed in the application for both companies.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Purchasing >> View Purchase Order Status
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2245978: When a part was received and rejected for credit, the system changed the open amount to the rejected amount instead of showing 0.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmqstatlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2265893: When you clicked the Intracompany JE subtask link, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmqstatlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2260905: When you clicked the Intracompany JE subtask link on the screen, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106629: When in Table view, the Open Quantity and Open Amount column labels were both displayed as Open.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_mmqstatlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Receiving >> Enter Miscellaneous Inventory Receipts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2203929: When you reversed a Misc receipt and changed the quantity to positive 1, Costpoint allowed the disposition of the serial lot. This occurred for any quantity up to the Receipt Qty of the misc receipt. For instance, if the misc receipt was for 10, the reversal could be changed to a positive 10 and disposition 10 serial numbers. The same behavior was observed with the lot number in Misc Receipts.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Receiving >> Import Purchase Order Receipts
Defect 2040593: When two users ran the application simultaneously with two different import files, the users encountered a constraint error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Receiving >> Manage Purchase Order Receipts
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2163052: When you entered PO Receipts and left the Shelf Life Exp Date blank on the PO Receipt line, Costpoint failed to display an error message.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmmsrltalib_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2203288: When you entered a receipt for a purchase order (PO) with payment schedule that was fully vouchered, Costpoint did not reduce the On Order Quantity. This occurred regardless of whether the last receipt was total or partial.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can run an inventory reconciliation for On Order.
Build Deployed In: cp82_rcmporc_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2209469: When you clicked into received quantity or amount for a purchase order with a change order that had no changes and had been received, a warning message displayed. This message indicated that the transaction would make the amounts for the PO line exceed the order amount beyond the overshipment tolerance, even if the receipt did not exceed the quantity/amount. This issue occurred on Service and Miscellaneous, 3 way amount or quantity.
Build Deployed In: cp82_rcmporc_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2248071: When you viewed more than 100 rows in the receipt lines, items displayed as blank.
Build Deployed In: cp82_rcmporc_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2264919: When you attempted to delete a line or an entire receipt on an old receipt record, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmmsrltalib_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2263961: When you attempted to delete a line or an entire receipt on an old receipt record, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065169: Purchase order (PO) with amount only allowed overreceipts and did not validate against the overshipment settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2156736: When you used the same part ID/revision in different companies, error messages appeared based on release status. A purchase order in one company, where the part was released, did not allow receipt because it indicated that it was not in released status. This issue occurred when the part was not released in a different company. The workaround before the fix was to release the parts in all companies.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2174083: When you tried to receive a part with two revisions, one released with a number and the other prereleased with an alpha character, an error message appeared stating that you could not receive a prereleased revision, even though the purchase order was for the released part. The workaround before the fix was to change the prereleased part to released status in order to receive it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2171505: When you tried to receive a part with two revisions, one released with a number and the other prereleased with an alpha character, an error message appeared stating that you could not receive a prereleased revision, even though the purchase order was for the released part. The workaround before the fix was to change the prereleased part to released status to receive it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065170: When serial lots were assigned to the purchase order (PO) before you received items that were less than the total quantity, the quantity changed to the received amount. When you removed the receipt, the quantity changed to zero (0).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2071073: When you used the auto-receive and auto-accept functions, the resulting stock status report displayed an incorrect decimal value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2075922: When you clicked the Offsite Receiver field using the mouse, the cursor disappeared.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2081075: When the purchase order (PO) and reservation have different warehouses, Costpoint did not validate the active reservation against the PO.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2088007: You were unable to create an external return material authorization (RMA) purchase order (PO) because the receipt and acceptance location were overridden by the warehouse default location.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2092297: When the purchase order (PO) and reservation had different warehouses, the Reservation value did not display on the PO Reservation subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2019593: In the Web Integration Console (WIC), when you tried to insert a record where the RMA line had a sales order (SO) reference and serial/lot records, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016635: When you tried to open a purchase order receipt and clicked the Fixed Assets subtask, you encountered an error. This happened regardless of the purchase order (PO) type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2017097: When you saved receipt lines with zero (0) quantity but with a non-zero amount, the value of the received amount reverted to zero and the Save Receive line with Zero Receive Qty/Amt checkbox was cleared after you saved it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Receiving >> Manage Quality Control Inspections
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2182116: When you entered a receipt via web service integration, duplicate serial numbers displayed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmmsrltalib_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2195925: When you saved the inspected quantity in the inspection, it truncated to six (6) decimals.
Build Deployed In: cp82_rcminsp_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2225907: When you updated an MRB transaction, Costpoint created a new transaction line instead of updating the original line.
Build Deployed In: cp82_rcminsp_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2239366: When you attempted a QC inspection with two lines containing the same item number in the Web Integration Console (WIC), the transaction failed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_rcminsp_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2305942: When you assigned a lot number at inspection, the inspection couldn't be modified; The serial/lot line was zero, not 1. This issue occurred in both field and application mode. When the inspection was deleted and reentered with the same lot number, an error stating "This record already exists" was displayed. This issue did not occur with serial-tracked parts.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmmsrltalib_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2224927: When you conducted a quality control inspection with two lines containing the same item number in Web Integration Console (WIC), the transaction failed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2243338: When you updated a MRB Transaction, the system created a new transaction line instead of updating the original.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2103037: When you tried to split a lot number between accepted and rejected using two rows in the Serial/Lot subtask with the same lot number, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2146428: In the Web Integration Console (WIC), when the serial number you assigned at inspection and sub key was in file, you received the following error: This line number does not exist.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_mmmsrltalib_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2156754: When splitting a serial/lot row, the assigned line numbers were not in sequential order.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2158991: When you attempted to split a lot number between accepted and rejected using two rows in the serial/lot subtask with the same lot number, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2162346: When you sent an update to a QC Inspection via the Web Integration Console (WIC), the receipt quantity in the Serial/Lot subtask was calculated incorrectly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2170787: When you compared the serial/lot info receipt quantity and the quality control inspection details received quantity, the numbers did not match because the S/L quantity had eight (8) decimal places and the header quantity only had six (6). This discrepancy caused a rounding issue and a hard stop error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2221871: When you entered a receipt via web service integration, duplicate serial numbers appeared. The workaround before the fix was to enter it through the UI.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2163089: When you sent an update to a QC inspection in the Web Integration Console (WIC), Costpoint did not correctly calculate the Receipt Quantity on the Serial/Lot Info subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2163613: In the Web Integration Console (WIC), you encountered an error when you tried to split a lot number to accepted and rejected records using two rows on the Serial/Lot Info subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2061096: When you created an XML file to import a quality control inspection, Costpoint did not load the Web Integration console (WIC) RMA inspection due to the following rejection warehouse error: "Default rej location must be an active 'RMA rejected' type location for specific Warehouse."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016736: When you created an XML with line subkeys on the last lot number and you entered a lot number different from the receipt, Costpoint loaded the wrong lot number for inspection.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1997726: When you reversed the order for the lot entry and saved it, the first lot was duplicated on the Serial/Lot Info subtask on quality control inspection.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972397: In web integration console (WIC): When you imported a WIC file with different lot numbers to perform an inspection, Costpoint did not display an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1944743: In Web Integration Console (WIC), you encountered a TIPQA integration receiver out error when you loaded the inspection record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1922064: When you performed a quality control inspection for the same purchase order (PO) line receipt, you received two QCI IDs which were duplicates of each other.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Approve Sales Orders
Defect 2097860: You were able to approve a sales order even though other approval titles in the lower sequence have not approved it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2022644: The application has been updated so that when a table has a foreign key with null values in any of the columns, the application should not resolve to a related record in the referenced table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Create Invoices
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2267958: When you displayed the packing slip ID in issue detail for drop shipment lines in the invoice, Costpoint did not allow a shipping transaction for a non-inventory SO issue for a drop shipment/goods type SO line. This is related to Defect 2266273.
Build Deployed In: cp82_oepinvc_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2275922: When you attempted to create an invoice with a shipment status of 'On Hold' or 'Pending' for Dropshipment Lines, it was incorrectly allowed, instead of displaying an error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_oepinvc_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Sales Order Entry >> Import Sales Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2260317: When you imported a Sales Order (AOPSOPP) with a Service type line item, the Make/Buy field was set to null/blank instead of defaulting to 'Buy' as in the User Interface. This caused the Create Purchase Requisitions from Sales Orders (OEPGRQ) to fail, triggering a ServerAPI under certain conditions and resulting in an incomplete requisition.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2050470: Costpoint did not send a validation for a project's period of performance when lower-level projects had null project Start and End dates and the top level had ineffective dates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2026693: The application did not validate the SO line type against the item type and allowed non-part lines to use an inventory line type with an inventory abbreviation. This same action results in a hard error in the User Interface (UI) but was allowed in this case for import action.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1842362: Instead of throwing a critical system error, the application now provides an appropriate error when one or more RES_LN rows no longer exist.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Customer Returns
Defect 2063162: When you imported an XML file in the Web Integration Console (WIC), you encountered the following error: "This combination of columns ('|RMA_ID|','|RMA_LN_KEY|','|SERIAL_LOT_KEY|') must be unique."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2077055: When you closed the RMA line, you were unable to reopen the line and put the RMA back to its previous state and reopen the PO.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Invoices
Defect 2080687: When you created a negative invoice via web services, you encountered an invoice quantity and amount error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2055992: When you clicked Recalc Amort Sch and rows were not yet loaded, you encountered a critical system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2015330: When you manually loaded and saved an INO sales order (SO) with Allow Invoicing Short on Component SO Lines not selected, you encountered an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2025263: You were unable to create a refund using the Web Integration Console (WIC).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036981: When you processed and reversed an in-transit invoice and then processed an invoice only, you received the following error message: "The values Unit Cost Amount, Ext Cost Amount and Invoice Quantity are inconsistent."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1930509: When you tried to review the updates you made in offline mode, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2256847: When you attempted to delete an Issue ID or Issue Lines where the line number was greater than or equal to 20, you encountered a system error.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you could reverse the Issue ID instead of deleting it.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_oemissulib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2316438: When you performed a reverse issue to a sales order that had multiple issues at one (1) dollar amount, and another at a different amount, the dollar amount changed to the latest transaction amount.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_oemissulib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2166128: When you entered a required data and selected Save and Continue, the data saved as expected. However, when you selected line 2 and entered data, the application only spun on existing parts. The workaround before the fix was to update all lines, after which the application saved successfully.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_oemissulib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Orders
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255787: When you entered a sales order for an RMA return and selected the RMA line, the lookup returned a selection for each company instead of just one record.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_mmmrmalib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2267413: When you created a new sales order with a Pending status, the RMA field was non-editable and disabled.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_oementsolib_002.zipDependent Files:; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2075204: When you changed the Line type from Inventory to INO and changed the warehouse ID, the reservation quantity balances were reduced twice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2077059: When you created another line on a sales order (SO) that did not reference a return material authorization (RMA), Costpoint displayed the following message: "RMA Line number is required if RMA is referenced in the SO Header."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2049298: Costpoint did not send a validation for a project's period of performance when lower-level projects had null project Start and End dates and the top level had ineffective dates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053627: When you changed the sales order (SO) to invoice only and changed the warehouse for two items, only the first item reservation was deleted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2018929: When you saved the changes you made on a sales order (SO), the COMP_INVC_FL table reverted to Y even though the SO line was fully invoiced.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972493: When you applied a substitute for a sales order (SO) item, Costpoint generated a false demand.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1939960: When you used a cloned sales order (SO) and you updated the quantity, Costpoint did not recalculate the sales tax correctly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1948407: When you clicked the Recalculate button and all the records were loaded, you encountered a performance issue.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Sales Orders Supervisor Screen
Defect 2120023: When you tried to save a project that was set to not allow charging in manage Sales Order Supervisor Screen, you encountered this: Error: Project does not allow charging.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1960735: When you set the status of a sales order inventory line with components to Close, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1944744: When you closed a sales order (SO) line for an obsolete part, Costpoint did not delete the reservation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Manage Shipping Transactions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2262875: When you attempted a shipping transaction for a non-inventory SO issue for a drop shipment/goods type SO line in Costpoint, you were unable to do so. In View Sales Order Status Information, the non-inventory SO issue did not display in the Issues subtask, but the issued quantity displayed on the SO line.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, make the line an in transit type and attach it to the shipping transaction.
Build Deployed In: cp82_oemship_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2262726: When you attempted a shipping transaction for a non-inventory sales order (SO) issue for a drop shipment/goods type SO line in Costpoint, it did not allow it.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, make the line an in-transit type and attach it to the shipping transaction.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exe cp82_oemship_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Sales Order Entry >> Post Sales Order Journal
Defect 2126344: When you previewed the report for a sales order journal, the credit line was displayed before the debit line.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2115969: When you entered an invoice and clicked Preview, Costpoint allowed an out-of-balance sales journal post.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Print DD250 Invoices
Defect 2078762: When you printed an invoice, the Date Shipped format did not follow the DFARS requirement of four digits for the year, three-letter abbreviation for the month, and two digits for the day (for example, 2024FEB14).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Sales Order Entry >> Print DD250 Packing Slips
Defect 2078764: When you printed the material inspection and receiving report, the Date Shipped format did not follow the DFARS requirement of four digits for the year, three-letter abbreviation for the month, and two digits for the day (for example, 2024FEB14).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Sales Order Entry >> Print Sales Order Acknowledgements
Defect 2154659: When you added standard text to a line with a different line key, the standard text did not print on the sales order (SO) acknowledgement. This issue prevented customers from printing some line text that may have been critical to the specific line of the SO. The temporary workaround before the fix was to enter notes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Sales Order Entry >> Print Sales Order Approval Status Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2267005: When you attempted to print In-approval results, only approved or rejected results displayed. Pending approval titles did not display as well.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2103036: When you specified the approver user in the report parameter and you ran the report, Costpoint did not display the sales orders within the selection range for printing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Sales Order Entry >> View Sales Order Status Information
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2269025: When you imported a part with a revision in Import Sales Orders (AOPSOPP), the part/revision displayed successfully in Manage Sales Orders (OEMNTSO1), but the revision did not display in View Sales Order Status Information screen.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2291694: When you issued a Sales Order Line, the screen issue information was not available.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Supplier Portal >> Intracompany Work Assignments
Defect 1933403: Intracompany Work Assignments is the new name for the application that was previously called Manage Work Assignments. Related references have also been updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Supplier Portal >> Manage Invoices
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2243367: When you used the autoload feature, Costpoiint failed to populate all required fields in the Vendor 1099 group box.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2240550: When you used the autoload feature, not all required fields in the Vendor 1099 group box populated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2092392: When you printed the subcontractor invoice, the SUBC_TS_LN_AUDIT.INVC_FL table was not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2114520: You were unable to edit the invoice number when the invoice was created via Autoload.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_spminvc_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2117657: When you printed the subcontractor invoice, the SUBC_TS_LN_AUDIT.INVC_FL table was not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Supplier Portal >> Manage Quotes
Defect 2081070: When you tried to generate a quote, you encountered the following error: "The MasterServlet failed with the following exception: Column null not found in row set."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2112892: When you were logged in as a supplier in Supplier Portal, processed a request for quote, and then clicked the Generate Quote button, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Affirmative Action >> Print EEO-1 Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2304548: The screen did not display eligible records when Employment History Method was set to Basic Employee Information on the Configure Affirmative Action Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_003.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Affirmative Action >> Print New Hire Analysis Report
Defect 2039138: The Employees with Inactive Affirmative Action Race Codes report included employees who were terminated prior to the screen analysis start date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Affirmative Action >> Print Personnel Action Analysis Report
Defect 2039167: The Employees with Inactive Affirmative Action Race Codes report included employees who were terminated prior to the screen analysis start date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Affirmative Action >> Print Termination Report
Defect 2039165: The Employees with Inactive Affirmative Action Race Codes report included employees who were terminated prior to the screen analysis start date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Benefits >> Create 1094-C and 1095-C Data
Defect 2078236: 1095-C Line 14 codes 1A, 1E, 1C, 1D, 1K, 1J, 1B, and 1F were updated to include employees terminated within the month who had coverage through the end of the month.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2075246: 1095-C Line 14 codes 1A, 1E, 1C, 1D, 1K, 1J, 1B, and 1F were updated to include employees terminated within the month who had coverage through the end of the month.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2078234: 1095-C Line 14 codes 1A, 1E, 1C, 1D, 1K, 1J, 1B and 1F were updated to include employees terminated within the month that had coverage through the end of the month.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Benefits >> Create 1094-C and 1095-C Data Electronic File
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2276625: If you entered more than 30 characters in the Receipt ID field for a 1094-C or 1095-C correction transmission, the screen displayed an error stating that "String or binary data would be truncated."
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Benefits >> Manage Benefit Plans
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2308175: A critical system error occurred when you set up a benefit plan. The error message was: "application.hb.hbmbpset.HbmbpsetHdrRSValidation.validateRS, UndefinedContextException: context row has not been set." As a workaround, go to the Coverage Detail Subtask, enter the details, and then save your changes.
Build Deployed In: cp82_hbmbpset_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2049669: The screen should display an error message when either the Coverage Table or Rate Table is based on a spouse’s age, and there is no Coverage Option where the Dependent Type is set to Spouse.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2033920: When you added a new benefit plan for a system benefit type of OTHER2 - OTHER9, the screen disabled Age Based on options and set the option to Employee. The radio buttons should be enabled for those system benefit types. The Benefit Type field should include Spouse Critical Illness insurance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1871197: The application should not enable the coverage limit based on the ESS Version on the Configure Global Settings screen. This fix will also update the coverage limits to 999,999,999,999,999.00 where necessary.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Benefits >> Manage HSA Plan Year
Defect 2023770: When the assigned deduction code had no contribution and the employer maximum had a value greater than 0.00, the screen did not display a warning message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1963633: The Employee Maximum and Employer Maximum fields should be enabled when the Plan Year field is populated. The Employee Minimum Amount field should only be enabled if there are no employee elections records for the plan year.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Benefits >> Manage Medical Care FSA Plan Year
Defect 1963639: The Maximum Amount field should be enabled if the Plan Year field is populated. The Minimum Amount field should be disabled if there are no employee elections for the plan year.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Benefits >> Print 1095-Cs
Defect 1921113: The application generated Page 2 even if the employee had less than six dependents.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Import Employee Data
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2228183: If the past adjusted hire date (ADJ_HIRE_DT) falls on or after the current hire date (ORIG_HIRE_DT), the application should generate an error on the report and not import that employee record.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlel_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2228189: When you imported changes to Work Hours in Year and/or Estimated Hours without including a rate and rate type in the file, the payroll salary amount and annual amount fields were not recalculated.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aoputlel_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1974343: Fields that were not included in the ADP file layout were listed in the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1995929: The report did not display the error messages for Veteran, Blind, and Contractor flags if they had validations.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1996056: When you imported a fixed-length file for existing employees with NULL values in the Hire Date field, multiple error messages displayed. This issue occurred when you selected the NULL option as the Deletion Indicator.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1997099: When an existing employee's Supervisor ID and Supervisor Name was being deleted by importing a fixed-length file, the Supervisor ID was not included in the report, and it was not deleted in Costpoint after the import process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2014462: When the date format was MM/DD/YYYY and the hire date in the file was invalid, the application populated the Hire Date field with a different value. As a result, the report did not display an Invalid Hire Date error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2128331: When you imported a record with a Termination Date that is the same as the Hire Date, the application reported an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2173174: When you imported a record with multiple veteran statuses selected, the application reported errors.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2193532: When employee records are created from the Import Employee Data screen without the Multicurrency License activated, the application assigned a NULL value to the TRN_CRNCY_CD field in the EMPL_LAB_INFO table, rather than the company's functional currency.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_aoputlel_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2170872: When you imported a record with multiple veteran statuses selected, the application reported errors.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969028: If you used a user-defined file format that included required fields only and set the Deletion Indicator to Null (CSV Format)/Blank (Fixed/ADP Format), the application marked the non-required fields for deletion.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1999628: The fields that were not included in the Manage Employee Import User-Defined Format record layout list were validated upon process even if they were not in the input file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2064245: When you opened, refreshed, cleared, or reinitialized the screen, the Plant field displayed the default Plant from the Manage Plants screen. This occurred even if you did not select the Default for New Employees checkbox of the default Plant.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2042004: When you selected User-Defined as the File Format and Hire Date was not part of user-defined record 1 layout, the application displayed the following error message: "Invalid Hire Date."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2062839: A system error occurred when you imported an input file that did not have all the fields in Record 1.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1970715: The report cover page did not reflect the new and updated field names on the screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1995903: The report displayed error messages when:
The Blind Flag, Contractor Flag, or Veteran Flag fields were blank (NULL) in the input file since the fields are only optional for new employees.
The Deletion Indicator option was set to NULL (CSV Format) / Blanks (Fixed/ADP Format).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2014313: When the standard hours were 0.00 in record 2, the Estimated Annual Hours on the Manage Employee Salary Information screen were not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2025889: The application entered a NULL value (blank) in the HUA_ACTV_MAP_FL column on the Employee (EMPL) table, which caused an onscreen error even though the field is not visible to users. The following error displayed as a result of this issue: “The following field is required: Active HUA ID Mapping.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1991774: When you imported employee data with an invalid adjusted hire date, the application allowed you to import the salary record but not the employee information due to an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1583447: When the Vendor ID already existed, the application did not generate a warning message to inform you that the existing vendor will not be linked to the employee. In addition, the application generated a “Truncated.” warning message for the Vendor Short Name field, even if the vendor record was not linked to the employee.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1893053: The performance of the Import Employee Data application has been improved when processing large volumes of employees.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1921821: When you uploaded a file, you received the following critical system error: "The MERGE statement attempted to update or delete the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows."
As a workaround, you can:
Identify the employee who has the specified scenario.
Copy that employee's record(s) into a new, separate file.
Delete the employee's record(s) from the original file and save the file.
Upload the amended original file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972658: When you imported new employees, the screen displayed an error indicating that you exceeded the maximum number of employees based on your license. This issue occurred even if you had not exceeded your license. The count for new active employees in the import was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1583454: When an employee was already linked to a different vendor, the screen did not display a warning message to inform the user that the employee was not linked to the supplied Vendor ID. In addition, the vendor record that was linked to the employee was not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1929843: The application did not display an error when you imported active employees that exceeded the maximum allowed licensed employees.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Manage Employee Bank Information
Defect 2158723: When you deleted multiple employee records, the application only deleted the pending bank account records for the last-deleted employee. This left orphaned EMPL_BANK_PEND_LN records.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_dbc_820_11450_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Employee >> Manage Employee Benefit Elections
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2189193: When the employee and company premium amount was calculated, it was based on the employee's coverage start date instead of the Benefit Deduction Method assigned to the employee's pay cycle.
Build Deployed In: cp82_hbmebelc_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2210920: When you clicked the display information icon, the screen displayed different coverage option and dates. The information card for benefit plan needed to be removed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_hbmebelc_004.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2292662: A system error occurred when you saved an employee with more than 20 benefit records or queried only one employee with 20 or more records in Manage Employee Benefit Elections (This did not happen when querying multiple employees).
Build Deployed In: cp82_hbmebelc_005.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2306769: The screen displayed incorrect employee and company premium amounts for past and future elections. The displayed amounts reflected the open pay period rather than the actual coverage dates.
Build Deployed In: cp82_hbmebelc_006.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1975942: When the employee and company premium amount was calculated, it was based on the employee's coverage start date instead of the Benefit Deduction Method assigned to the employee's pay cycle.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2137058: Voluntary Life Spouse and Voluntary AD&D Spouse deduction amounts were zeroed out when spouse information was not available.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2082695: A system error displayed if you used Query or Find to filter an employee that had been assigned with an SPLIFE (Spouse Life Insurance) or SPADD (Spouse AD & D Insurance) benefit plan. This occurred if:
The coverage option assigned to the employee is DEP CVG (Dependent Coverage) and the end date was earlier than the system date.
The coverage option assigned to the spouse had no end date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2137059: Voluntary Life Spouse and Voluntary AD&D Spouse deduction amounts were zeroed out when spouse information was not available.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2072968: A system error displayed if you used Query or Find to filter an employee that had been assigned with an SPLIFE (Spouse Life Insurance) or SPADD (Spouse AD & D Insurance) benefit plan. This occurred if:
The coverage option assigned to the employee is DEP CVG (Dependent Coverage) and the end date was earlier than the system date.
The coverage option assigned to the spouse had no end date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2061239: The premium, company, and employee amounts were incorrect when you had the following setup on Manage Benefit Plans screen:
System Benefit Type was OTHER2 - 9.
Age Based On option was Spouse.
Coverage option setup used the Age option as the coverage/rate table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Manage Employee HSA Elections
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2209835: When you left the Start Date field or End Date field blank and then saved the record, a system error occurred.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can close the system error and populate the missing date(s).
Build Deployed In: cp82_emmehsa_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2058881: The application should allow employees who become eligible for an HSA mid-year to enter an amount greater than the prorated amount. The screen will now display a warning with the prorated amount, but employees can bypass it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Manage Employee Information
Defect 2193789: When Multicurrency was not enabled and employee salary records were created by cloning or copying, the TRN_CRNCY_CD column was set to the company's functional currency instead of a NULL value. A patch was created to populate the missing employee currency.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_dbc_820_11466_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2079434: The Login ID field on the Product Interface tab displayed only when you had a license for Materials Management and Manufacturing Execution. The field should also display when you have a Shop Floor Time license. In addition, the alignment of the field on the screen was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2094022: The Login ID field on the Product Interface tab displayed only when you had a license for Materials Management and Manufacturing Execution. The field should also display when you have a Shop Floor Time license. In addition, the alignment of the field on the screen was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1923329: When no Accrued Salaries Account existed on the Configure Labor Settings screen and you clicked the Salary Details subtask, no error message displayed. However, if you clicked another subtask, you encountered a critical system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1914433: An error displayed when you had the following setup:
The Plant was flagged for Shop Floor Time and Manufacturing Execution.
The employee’s Manufacturing Execution checkbox was selected.
The employee’s Shop Floor Time checkbox was not selected.
This validation should be removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Manage Employee Medical Care FSA Elections
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2209906: When you attempted to save a new record with an election amount less than the plan year's minimum amount, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_hbmmfsa_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee >> Manage Employee Taxes
Defect 2159589: An error displayed when you processed a rehire where the employee had withholding state code (WH_STATE_CD) on Employee Tax (EMPL_TAX) record in Costpoint and the data coming in from Deltek Talent Management (user_state_abbreviation) was a different state. This occurred if the particular state from Deltek Talent Management did not have a State Filing Status same as the current employee's State Filing Status on the EMPL_TAX table in Costpoint.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_cmnlib_ldmeinfolib_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2156168: An error displayed when you processed a rehire where the employee had withholding state code (WH_STATE_CD) on Employee Tax (EMPL_TAX) record in Costpoint and the data coming in from Deltek Talent Management (user_state_abbreviation) was a different state. This occurred if the particular state from Deltek Talent Management did not have a State Filing Status same as the current employee's State Filing Status on the EMPL_TAX table in Costpoint.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Manage Job Templates
Defect 2162426: When the Requisition Date was future-dated and the Target Date defaulted to the current date, the error message "The target date should be on or after the requisition date" did not display.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Print Electronic W-4 Report
Defect 2173162: Security enhancements were made to Employee Self Service (ESS) reporting and access controls.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2173160: Security enhancements made to Employee Self Service (ESS) reporting and access controls.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1953385: The Print Electronic W-4 Report screen was not available unless an administrator added the Print Electronic W-4 Report screen to the user’s application rights on the Manage Users screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> Transfer Talent Management Data
Defect 1948166: The application incorrectly transferred job templates with a Pending status to Deltek Talent Management.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Employee >> View Salary Information
Defect 2099289: You were able to view the Hourly Amount, Payroll Salary Amount, and Annual Amount in the Inquiry Details section even if labor suppression is on (Suppress Labor was selected for your user account on the Manage Users screen).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee Self Service
Defect 1950171: When you have an ESS license, the following applications should be available in the Costpoint Essentials menu:
Activate Retirement Changes (AOPESSUD)
Company Directory (ESQCOMPDIR)
Company Links (ESQCOMPLNK)
Configure Global Settings (AOMESSGS)
Configure Self Service Settings (ESMESS)
Configure State Tax Settings (AOMESSST)
Direct Deposit (ESMDIRDEP)
Emergency Contacts (ESMEMERCON)
Employee Personal Info (ESQEMPLPERINFO)
Expense Checks (ESMEXPCHECKS)
Federal Withholding (ESMFEDWH)
Leave Status (ESQLVSTAT)
Manage Retirement Elections (AOMESSRB)
Manage Taxable Entity Links (AOMESSCL)
Manage Taxable Entity Settings (AOMESSCS)
Payroll Checks (ESMPAYCHECKS)
Retirement Benefits (ESMRETBEN)
State Withholding (ESMSTATEWH)
Total Comp/Benefits Statement (ESQCOMPBEN)
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Dependents/Beneficiaries
Defect 2181054: You were able to inactivate beneficiaries on the ESS Dependents/Beneficiaries screen even though they were still assigned to a benefit plan.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Employee Self Service >> Employee Personal Info
Defect 2195128: When you changed the value in the Race/Ethnicity field and saved the record, the field did not retain the changes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Employee Self Service >> Address/Phone
Defect 1992564: The field labels, screen layout, and application logic were updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Benefits Enrollment
Defect 2099027: When you elected a NO CVG coverage option for OTHER2 - OTHER9 benefit plans, the summary tab displayed an incorrect coverage level.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee Self Service >> Dependents/Beneficiaries
Defect 2173731: You were able to inactivate beneficiaries on the ESS Dependents/Beneficiaries screen even though they were still assigned to a benefit plan.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2116730: A critical error occurred when you attempted to save changes to the Home or Office Phone information of a record. This occurred when you had the following setup on the Configure Self Service Settings screen:
The Phone Format option is (000) 000-0000.
Format Edit is set to Soft Edit or Hard Edit.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2115729: A critical error occurred when you attempted to save changes to the Home or Office Phone information of a record. This occurred when you had the following setup on the Configure Self Service Settings screen:
The Phone Format option was (000) 000-0000.
Format Edit was set to Soft Edit or Hard Edit.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1988559: A system error displayed when you opened the application.
This issue also affected the following applications:
Affected Applications
Defect No.
Benefits Enrollment
State Withholding
Total Comp/Benefits Statement
Retirement Benefits
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Designate Beneficiaries
Defect 2025553: An error message should display if you change a beneficiary, who has existing current beneficiary records, to a dependent. The application should display all records in the HB_EMPL_LIFE_BNFIC table for the employee.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Direct Deposit
Defect 2178301: When you entered a record on the Direct Deposit screen, a system error stating "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_EMPL_BANK_PEND_LN_EM_IDX " displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Employee Self Service >> ESMFEDWH >> Manage Federal Withholding
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2249225: When you clicked the Sign button, the application did not automatically save your changes. The button's label did not indicate that you still need to save you changes afterwards.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2296123: The text in the new TIP box should be based on the finalized version of the 2025 W-4. The previous text was based on the draft version of the W-4 and there were a few minor changes after finalization.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Employee Self Service >> Expense Checks
Defect 2148446: The Table/Form and Query buttons were not available on the Expense Checks section.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Federal W-4
Defect 1965840: The Federal Form W-4 Revision Year on the Manage Employee Taxes screen was not updated from 2019 to 2020 or greater after employees signed the Form W-4 on the ESS Federal Withholding screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Life Events/New Hires
Defect 2178300: When you entered a record on the Direct Deposit tab, a system error stating "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_EMPL_BANK_PEND_LN_EM_IDX" displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2078375: Details on the summary tab were missing when the employee elected a benefit plan with the following setup:
System Benefit Type was OTHER2 - OTHER9.
The Age Based On option was Spouse.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2092010: When DEP CVG (Dependent Coverage) was included in the employee's package for OTHER2 - OTHER9 benefit plans, the dependent coverage was displayed in the Coverage Level table. ESS users were able elect the dependent coverage.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2103702: A system error displayed if the employee selected a new beneficiary before selecting a new coverage. This occurred on the following tabs:
Sup Life
Sup AD&D
The screen should not allow you to select a new beneficiary until a new option is selected from the Select New Coverage Level subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2103703: A system error displayed if the employee selected a new beneficiary before selecting a new coverage. This occurred on the following tabs:
Sup AD&D
Sup Life
The screen should not allow you to select a new beneficiary until a new option is selected from the Select New Coverage Level subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2058879: The application should allow employees who become eligible for an HSA mid-year to enter an amount greater than the prorated amount. The screen will now display a warning with the prorated amount, but employees can bypass it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2009215: When you saved a record for the first time without making changes on the AD&D tab, the following information message did not include AD&D: "The following tabs have not been modified so their status will be set to 'No change'." When you saved the record again for a benefit type that was still not AD&D, the same message was displayed for AD&D alone.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1925122: You encountered the following error when you saved a new life event: "Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric." This occurred if you used the following setup:
The benefit plan’s Coverage Calculation Method was Coverage Table and Coverage Table was Age on the Manage Benefit Plans screen.
The Coverage Limit was 999,999,999,999,999.00 on the Manage Coverage Amounts by Age screen.
The Costpoint database was Microsoft SQL Server (MSS).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Manage Life Event Elections
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2218367: An error displayed when you manually entered a non-HDHP medical election while there was an existing HSA ending with the life event.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aomessbl_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2070636: The coverage option was not saved as DEP CVG (Dependent Coverage) when an employee elected a coverage level for a benefit plan that had the following setup:
System Benefit Type was OTHER2 - OTHER9.
The Age Based On option was set to Spouse.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2111474: When you deleted an existing record where the coverage option was DEP CVG, the system did not delete the dependent election. As a result, when you manually entered a new record for the same benefit plan, the screen displayed an error that indicated that the record already exists.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_aomessbl_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2058880: The application should allow employees who become eligible for an HSA mid-year to enter an amount greater than the prorated amount. The screen will now display a warning with the prorated amount, but employees can bypass it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1906145: After you ran the Activate Pending Benefit Elections process, Spouse Life and Spouse Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) benefit plans with the DEP CVG (Dependent Coverage) coverage option were listed on the Manage Employee Evidence of Insurability (EOI) screen. This occurred when:
You elected the DEP CVG coverage option on the Edit Dependent Elections subtask for the Spouse Life and Spouse AD&D benefit plans.
The Spouse Life and Spouse AD&D benefit plans were flagged as Evidence of Insurability Required.
The Manage Life Event Elections screen should not allow you to elect the DEP CVG coverage option for dependents.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Manage Open Enrollment Elections
Defect 2069180: The coverage option was not saved as DEP CVG (Dependent Coverage) when an employee elected a coverage level for a benefit plan that had the following setup:
System Benefit Type was OTHER2 - OTHER9.
The Age Based On option was set to Spouse.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2111483: When you deleted an existing record where the coverage option was DEP CVG, the system did not delete the dependent election. As a result, when you manually entered a new record for the same benefit plan, the screen displayed an error that indicated that the record already exists.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1906144: After you ran the Activate Pending Benefit Elections process, Spouse Life and Spouse Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) benefit plans with the DEP CVG (Dependent Coverage) coverage option were listed on the Manage Employee Evidence of Insurability (EOI) screen. This occurred when:
You elected the DEP CVG coverage option on the Edit Dependent Elections subtask for the Spouse Life and Spouse AD&D benefit plans.
The Spouse Life and Spouse AD&D benefit plans were flagged as Evidence of Insurability Required.
The Manage Open Enrollment Elections screen should not allow you to elect the DEP CVG coverage option for dependents.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Payroll Checks
Defect 2077116: The paystub printout in Employee Self Service always printed the rate type as salaried even if the employee was hourly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2102868: The paystub printout on Employee Self Service always printed the rate type as salaried even if the employee was hourly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Employee Self Service >> Total Comp/Benefits Statement
Defect 2073154: The screen had the following issues:
Annual salary was listed twice.
The Annual Amount compensation type should be Annual Salary.
The Percentage column should be labeled as Percent of Total Compensation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee Self Service >> Update Benefit Option/Election Tables
Defect 2051673: The application’s calculation was still based on the employee's age even if the Age Based On option was set to Spouse on the Manage Benefit Plans screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Employee Self Service >> W-2s
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2264402: When you selected the Include W-2c data in ESS W-2 screen checkbox on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen, the W-2s screen on ESS displayed the Box 12 value from the W-2Cs.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2155062: When you selected the Display and print only the last 4 numbers of SSN checkbox on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen, the entire SSN still printed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2092693: The application should not populate or print the Control Number on the screen, report, and PDF.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2099377: The application displayed Address Line 3 in boxes c and e & f. Address Line 3 should not be displayed so that the W-2s screen information is consistent with the Manage W-2s and Manage W-2Cs screens.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2104669: The application did not display the employee's middle name in box e & f. The employee's middle name should be displayed so that the W-2s screen information is consistent with the Manage W-2s and Manage W-2Cs screens.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2162280: When you selected the Display and print only the last 4 numbers of SSN checkbox on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen, the entire SSN still printed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2055818: The labels of buttons on the screen were updated.
Print W-2 Data is now Print W-2 Report.
Download and E-mail is now Download in Official W-2 Format.
The Download in Official W-2 Format button is now hidden if the Allow employees to download and e-mail W-2s in the official format checkbox on the Manage Taxable Entity Settings screen is selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Apply Timesheet Adjustments in Batch Mode
Defect 2154622: When you selected the Use reference dates in correcting and labor-only timesheets checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen, correcting timesheets were processed for a different timesheet cycle than the one selected on the screen, and incorrect salary cap timesheets were created.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2193566: When you ran the salary caps process on timesheets, the following error message displayed: "ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (DELTEK.TS_HDR.TS_HDR_SEQ_NO)." This issue occurred if an employee salary record that contained a NULL value in the TRN_CRNCY_CD column.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_dbc_820_11466_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2177763: When you selected the Use reference dates in correcting and labor-only timesheets checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen, correcting timesheets were processed for a different timesheet cycle than the one selected on the screen, and incorrect salary cap timesheets were created.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2172738: When you selected the Use reference dates in correcting and labor-only timesheets checkbox on the Configure Labor Settings screen, correcting timesheets were processed for a different timesheet cycle than the one selected on the screen, and incorrect salary cap timesheets were created.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1544652: The application generated a union cash fringe timesheet line, but it did not populate the following columns on the TS_LN table:
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1950802: On the Apply Timesheets Adjustments in Batch Mode screen, you can now use the new Exclude original corrected timesheets outside the current TS cycle checkbox to specify whether or not you want to exclude original timesheets from the corrections when running the salary cap calculations.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Configure Labor Settings
Defect 2053080: The Manufacturing Order Timesheet Lines group box on the Timesheet Options tab should be available only if you have a Production Control license.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1935411: The Deltek Time and Expense Settings group box fields on the Corporate Labor Settings subtask were disabled if you have no ET (Electronic Timesheet) license. The access to the settings should also be based on the EE (Employee Expense Interface) license.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Create Auto-Pay Timesheets
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2259362: When you processed a large amount of data (for example, 3,000 employees), the application did not respond for several hours and created multiple timesheets for each individual.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ldpdumts_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2260859: When you processed multiple employees eligible for auto-pay with the Use defaults on this screen as first level of default option selected, a system error displayed. This issue occurred when you clicked Preview or Print/Process.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ldpdumts_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Labor >> Create Employee Allowance Timesheet Lines
Defect 1935410: When you entered a 12-character Employee ID, the following error displayed: “The following field does not allow more than 11 characters: Starting Employee.” This issue occurred even when you entered 12 in the Employee ID Length field on the Corporate Labor Settings subtask of the Configure Labor Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Create Leave Payout Timesheets
Defect 2094464: When you created a leave payout timesheet, the application set the value in the Entered Hours field to zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2116718: When you created a leave payout timesheet, the application set the value in the Entered Hours field to zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments
Defect 2156024: When you created retroactive timesheet adjustments for timesheets with recasted lines, the calculation was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2112906: A fatal error displayed when you attempted to print or preview the report. This occurred when more than one Labor Only timesheet and Regular timesheets with the same sequence number were being retro-adjusted for the same date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2158641: When you created retroactive timesheet adjustments for timesheets with recasted lines, the calculation was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2005537: Fatal error messages were displayed if you retroactively adjusted timesheets that had different exchange rates for the same employee.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Create Reversing Timesheets
Defect 2123806: When you posted a reversing timesheet with the same sequence number for the same date that already existed in the history table but not in the main timesheet table, a fatal error occurred. This was due to the application only checking the TS_HDR table when incrementing sequence numbers for newly generated timesheets. When assigning sequence numbers to reversing timesheets, the system needed to check both TS_HDR and TS_HDR_HS tables to avoid creating a duplicate key situation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2081128: When you posted a reversing timesheet with the same sequence number for the same date that already existed in the history table but not in the main timesheet table, a fatal error occurred. This was due to the application checking only the TS_HDR table when incrementing sequence numbers for newly generated timesheets. When assigning sequence numbers to reversing timesheets, the system needed to check both the TS_HDR and TS_HDR_HS tables to avoid creating a duplicate key situation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082148: The application allowed only the following timesheet types to be reversed:
Labor Only
It should also allow you to reverse Salary Cap timesheets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.1.22.5012.exe DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Labor >> Delete Retroactive Pay Timesheets
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255321: Multiple users were able to run the process simultaneously, even though the application was not enabled for multi-user functionality.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ldpbret_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Labor >> Export Data to Deltek Time and Expense
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2209534: When you imported a file into Time and Expense that contained commas, single quotes, and double quotes in the UDT02 Name field, an error displayed stating the import file has a row that has an invalid number of fields.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ldpdtc_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2209539: When you imported a file into Time and Expense that contained commas, backslashes, and double quotes in the UDT02 Name field, an error message displayed stating that the "Import file has a row that has an invalid number of fields."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2128789: When you ran the full import with Manufacturing Orders group box options selected, the import process stopped at 60 percent and never finished.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2091471: When you reloaded operations, the application cleared the following checkboxes on the UDT02S screen in Time & Expense:
UDT07 Required
UDT07 Links
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2128024: When you ran the full import with Manufacturing Orders group box options selected, the import process stopped at 60 percent and never finished.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969305: Project/PLC deletions were not reflected in Deltek Time and Expense when you ran the data transfer on a direct interface.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1971562: MO/Routing deletions were not reflected in Deltek Time and Expense when you ran the data transfer on a direct interface.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1956104: The application did not update the LINK cache tables for manufacturing order (MO) links.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1921215: The UDT07 Name field should be increased from 30 to 60 characters to accommodate the Routing Line Description.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1921239: When the application selects data from the Project Roles table, it should not filter based on the employee's Salary information and History (EMPL_LAB_INFO) record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Export Data To Deltek Time and Expense
Defect 2153297: When you deleted records, the start and end dates were included in the charge file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_ldpdtc_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Labor >> Export Project Manufacturing Data
Defect 2186830: The application should base the following on the top-level or source project where applicable:
Project workforce dates
Project/employee/PLC combinations
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2127933: The application should export project workforce dates to Shop Floor Time.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2090942: When you auto-loaded operation records again, the application created a deletion record and a subsequent insert record. However, only the delete record was exported to Shop Floor Time. The operations were displayed as Cancelled and Inactive.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2119876: When you auto-loaded operation records again, the application created a deletion record and a subsequent insert record. However, only the delete record was exported to Shop Floor Time. The operations were displayed as Cancelled and Inactive.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2010213: MO issue quantities were doubled when exported to Manufacturing Execution (MES) if you used the following setup:
The Separate Items by Company checkbox was selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen.
The same part and commodity code existed in multiple companies.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1949333: If you selected the Separate Items by Company checkbox on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the application should have exported part data with the correct commodity code description to Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Export Timesheets to ADP
Defect 792099: The report truncated long employee names if you set the File Type to PPT, PDF, or Excel in the Print Options.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense
Defect 2072533: Incorrect Cost Element 2 defaulted on manufacturing order (MO) lines if the Account Validation Method was MO's Build Inventory on the Configure Labor Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1938786: When you select the Use reference dates in correcting and labor-only timesheets checkbox, the application should use the correcting reference date (instead of timesheet date) on correcting timesheets for selecting union profile rates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1944882: Incorrect fringe reference keys were assigned when rolling up timesheet lines. As a result, the application used incorrect rates on retroactive timesheets fringe lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1927692: When you selected to generate negative LWOP timesheet lines for Correcting timesheets, the Exclude timesheets with existing negative LWOP lines option did not work. This resulted in extra negative LWOP lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Import Work Schedules from Deltek Time and Expense
Defect 2164983: When you imported the work schedule for the current year, the system cleared the work schedule from previous years.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Labor >> Manage Correcting Timesheets
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2187581: The application incorrectly generated a negative leave without pay (LWOP) line. The incorrect amount on the negative LWOP timesheet line was caused by the auto-adjust functionality which was set up for salaried employees.
Build Deployed In: cp82_cmnlib_ldmtimelib_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2212778: The application incorrectly generated a negative leave without pay (LWOP) line. The incorrect amount on the negative LWOP timesheet line was caused by the auto-adjust functionality which was set up for salaried employees.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2086137: The Transaction Amount field values on correcting timesheet lines were still displayed in a multicurrency functionality-enabled environment even when labor suppression was enabled for the logged-in user.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078237: The Transaction Amount field values on correcting timesheet lines were still displayed in a multicurrency functionality-enabled environment even when labor suppression was enabled for the logged-in user.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Manage Employee Project Timesheet Defaults
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2209694: When you attempted to save employee project timesheet defaults that linked to an account or organization outside the projected period of performance, an error occurred. However, the same project, organization, or account could be set up on the Manage Project Timesheet Defaults screen.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Labor >> Manage Labor Locations/Locals
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2309404: If you had no Human Resources license and entered IL in the State/Province field, the screen displayed the following warning message “County is required for Illinois Pay Data reporting.”
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_003.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Labor >> Manage Pay Types
Defect 1953386: When you encountered the error message, “6 day pay types cannot be excluded from the Salary Cap calculation,” the error highlighted the wrong checkbox.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Manage Timesheets
Defect 2072957: When the application defaulted the PLC from one of the Labor module's Timesheet Default tables, it did not use the Transaction Project as the basis of defaulting.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2176631: When you entered a timesheet on the Manage Timesheets screen and the employee did not have a beginning balance line on the Leave Beginning Balances subtask of the Manage Employee Information screen, no error messages displayed when you saved the timesheet. However, when you attempted to post the timesheet, an error message displayed stating that a leave beginning balance needed to be entered.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Labor >> Manage Union Profiles
Defect 2086493: PCTGRQ (Timesheet Line Labor Cost Less Non-Qualifying deduction amounts x Fringe Percentage) was listed in the lookup of the Calculation Method field on the Fringe Information subtask, even though PCTGRQ is an invalid fringe calculation method.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Labor >> Post Timesheets
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2259639: When you posted a loss due to exchange rate fluctuations, the correct amounts were posted to the General Ledger, but not to EMPL_LV_HIST table. The full labor cost plus the loss adjustment are posted to the LV_USED_AMT (functional amount) column on the EMPL_LV_HIST table.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ldpldj_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2280178: When you enabled the multicurrency functionality and posted a gain or loss to the
table, a system error occurred if thePLC
field was blank (NULL value). The error message displayed was: "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'BILL_LAB_CAT_DESC', table.Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2266797: When you posted a loss due to exchange rate fluctuations, the correct amounts were posted to the General Ledger, but not to EMPL_LV_HIST table. The full labor cost plus the loss adjustment are posted to the LV_USED_AMT (functional amount) column on the EMPL_LV_HIST table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2127037: The application did not populate the Effective Bill Date column in the GL_DETL table if the timesheet line did not have a project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2127034: The Post Labor application did not populate the Effective Bill Date column in the GL_DETL table if the timesheet line did not have a project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1914691: When there was no PLC on the timesheet line, the default Effective Bill Date should have been based on the setup on the Configure Labor Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Print Timesheet Information Report by Account
Defect 2144167: When you set the Timesheet Date selection option to Range and the dates crossed over multiple months, the screen displayed the following error message: Timesheet date is not within the accounting period you have selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2142443: When you set the Timesheet Date selection option to Range and the dates crossed over multiple months, the screen displayed the following error message: "Timesheet date is not within the accounting period you have selected."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Labor >> Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines
Defect 1740467: When you ran the Recast Overtime Premium to Timesheet Lines process, the application added new records in the TS_LN_MO (MO Timesheet Line) table instead of updating applicable existing records.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Leave >> Create Quarterly Family and Medical Leave File
Defect 2016844: The report displayed incorrect paid family and medical leave pay type earnings calculation. The application should check if:
The employee has COPFML deductions and/or COPFML contributions.
The amount is still within the Social Security wage limit.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1906141: If you created the file for Massachusetts, the application reported the login user’s taxable entity in the file header record. In this case, the taxable entity that you specified on the screen should have been reported in the file header record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1906143: The amounts from the employee’s Manage Employee Earnings History records for all taxable entities were reported in the R and W records. Only amounts from employee earnings records for the taxable entity that you specified on the screen should be reported in the R and W records. This issue occurred If you created the file for Massachusetts or Colorado.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1924880: The report displayed incorrect paid family and medical leave pay type earnings calculation. The application should also check if the employee has COPFML deductions and/or COPFML contributions.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Leave >> Manage Leave Edit Table
Defect 2096906: When you entered leave for a leave type that was not assigned to the employee, the screen did not display a warning message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Leave >> Post Leave Accruals
Defect 1982611: The application populated Vendor Name fields with the names of employees when labor was suppressed for the logged-in user. This issue affects you if you use Microsoft SQL Server database with Costpoint.
Note: When you apply this hotfix, the data will be correct going forward. If you want to correct historical records on the GL_DETL table, you can run the following script on your database server:
AND GPS.FY_CD = ‘Current Fiscal Year’ )
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Leave >> Print Employee Leave Report
Defect 2052084: The Print Employee Leave Report displayed an incorrect leave accrual rate when you generated the report for all employees.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Leave >> Reconcile Leave Balances
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2254970: When you attempted to run the process, a "Posting Out of Balance" error displayed. This occurred when there were multicurrency gains or losses and the leave from the timesheet was charged to a different organization than the one to which accruals were posted.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ldplvrec_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2294258: The application performed a Leave Transfer OUT and Leave Transfer IN for an expense-only leave type, if there was a space in the ACCRL_ORG_ID column of the EMPL_LV_BAL table.
Build Deployed In: cp82_ldplvrec_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2266794: When you attempted to process, a "Posting Out of Balance" error displayed. This occurred when there were multicurrency gains or losses and the leave from the timesheet was charged to a different organization than the one to which accruals were posted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2156807: When you reconciled leave by employee, the Ref1 and Ref2 fields on the GL_DETL table were not populated for true up adjustments.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2162009: When you posted used leave for an employee without any leave accruals and updated their home organization and salary, the leave reconciliation process created an out-of-balance GL posting. This affects you if you reconcile prior to posting leave accruals or use leave types without leave accruals.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2162010: When you posted used leave for an employee without any leave accruals and updated their home organization and salary, the leave reconciliation process created an out-of-balance GL posting. This affects you if you reconcile prior to posting leave accruals or use leave types without leave accruals.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2164893: When you reconciled leave by employee, the Ref1 and Ref2 fields in the GL_DETL table were not populated for true up adjustments.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Leave >> View Leave History
Defect 2010894: Even when the Suppress Labor function was enabled for a user, the user was still able to view the amounts for employee leave on the View Leave History screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Manage Pay Periods
Defect 1890962: The application required several updates.
In the Add Pay Periods group box:
When you add pay periods using Add Pay Periods, the application populates the Payroll Year field in the Pay Periods record with the calculated check date's year. For example, if the calculated Check Date is 12/31/2023, the Payroll Year would be 2023. If the calculated Check Date is 01/01/2024, the Payroll Year would be 2024.
If you click Add Pay Periods and it results in check dates that fall within a different payroll year than the Payroll Year specified in the header section, the following informational message displays: "These calculated check dates do not fall within the specified payroll year, so the check date year will be used: <List the check date(s)>."
On the Pay Periods subtask:
If the Payroll Year field is already populated with a year that is not equal to the Check Date year, the application will update the Payroll Year to match the check date year. The following informational message will also display: "The Payroll Year for this period has been updated to match the check date year (<check date year>)."
If there is at least one pay period without a check date in the open payroll year, the following message will display after you click Save or Save/Continue: "Check dates must be assigned to all pay periods in the open payroll year (<open payroll year>)."
If the Check Date year field is cleared, enable (but do not clear) the Payroll Year field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Compute Payroll
Defect 2071700: The Compute Payroll process calculated Withholding State tax for Maryland even when both the pay type and deduction code were set up as Federal Exempt from income tax calculation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078072: When you attempted to update the check date on an existing parameter ID, the check date value reverted to the default check date from the Manage Pay Periods screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2102098: A critical system error occurred when you clicked Print on the Compute Payroll screen. The error indicated the following: "The multi-part identifier "ZP.ST_CREDIT_AMT" could not be bound." This issue occurred if you selected Do not allow as the Negative Gross Pay Method on the Configure Payroll Settings screen and then a deduction caused a check to have a negative net amount.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, you can use the following workarounds.
Option 1
If you know which employees have a negative net situation, you can adjust the deduction amounts before computing payroll for those employees.
Option 2
If you do not know which employees have a negative net situation, you can perform the following:
Go to the Configure Payroll Settings screen and verify that the Negative Gross Pay Method is Do Not Allow. If it is not set to Do Not Allow, you may be experiencing a different issue.
Select Create Zero Balance Check as the Negative Gross Pay Method and then select a Zero Check Deduction that will be used to offset the negative balance.
Run the Rebuild Global Settings process.
Go to the Compute Payroll screen, enter the parameters, and process the payroll.
On Manage Payroll Records, query records that have a negative net amount.
On each retrieved record, open the Deductions subtask.
Locate the deduction that was identified as the Zero Check Deduction on the Configure Payroll Settings screen.
Use the Zero Check Deduction negative amount to reduce the other deduction amounts.
Delete the Zero Check Deduction from the Deductions subtask.
Click the Recalculate button.
Verify the values and save the record.
After you process all checks for the period, go back to the Configure Payroll Settings screen and change the Negative Gross Pay Method back to Do Not Allow.
Run the Rebuild Global Settings process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2105936: The taxable amount for Employer Medicare was incorrect when the amount should be negative.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.1.21.5005.exe DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2105946: The taxable amount for Employer Medicare was incorrect when the amount should be negative.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2102060: A critical system error occurred when you clicked Print on the Compute Payroll screen. The error indicated the following: "The multi-part identifier "ZP.ST_CREDIT_AMT" could not be bound." This issue occurred if you selected Do not allow as the Negative Gross Pay Method on the Configure Payroll Settings screen and then a deduction caused a check to have a negative net amount.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2069672: When you attempted to update the check date on an existing parameter ID, the check date value reverted to the default check date from the Manage Pay Periods screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2070577: The application calculated withholding state tax for Maryland (MD) even when both the pay type and deduction code were set up as Federal Exempt from income taxes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1996141: The application did not compute negative earnings for worker’s compensation when you processed a reversing timesheet from prior payroll period to make corrections.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1976580: If you were set up for multi-state taxes with reciprocal taxes, the application did not record the taxable wages on the Manage Payroll Records screen if the withholding was $0.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1951526: The Compute Payroll process included reversing Labor-only timesheets in cases when the timesheets should not be included.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1955420: When you ran the Compute Payroll process, no records were created on the Manage Payroll Records screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1936889: The taxable amount for Employer Medicare was incorrect when the amount should be negative.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Create Accounts Payable Vouchers
Defect 1969332: The application did not populate the Address Code field on adjustment vouchers.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969333: The voucher number assigned to an adjustment from the Create Accounts Payable Vouchers screen was not reflected as the Last System Voucher Number on the Configure Accounts Payable Voucher Settings screen. This caused the following error: "The voucher number XXXX has already been used for another voucher."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Create Quarterly SUTA Tax File
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2285519: When you selected NY (New York) in the State field, the File Layout field did not default to 128-Byte.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2121775: A system error occurred when you attemped to save a record with Maine as the state.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2126734: The Submitters FEIN and Telephone Number locations in A Record displayed letters and special characters. These positions should display numbers only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1869262: The RV and RF records displayed negative total wages instead of zero amounts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1920618: You were unable to submit the tax file for DC (District of Columbia), which used the new file format. The tax file for DC should still use the old file format.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Create State W-2 File
Defect 2062007: When you ran the Create State Mag Media process and then changed the Job Title field on the Manage Tax Report Data screen to blank, you were able to rerun the process without an error message. This affects you if you create W-2 files for Maryland.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Payroll >> Create W-2 Table
Defect 2186847: Alabama exempt overtime wages should no longer be based on the hourly rate type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2063633: The following note on the report contained a typographical error: "At least one W-2 with negative amount(s) has been created. Please verify and, if necessary, adjust in the Manage W-2s screen."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2061101: If you recreated the W-2 of a New York employee who already had an existing W-2 with New York withholding on the Manage W-2 table, the application populated the state taxable wage with the existing W-2 federal taxable wage.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1882130: Negative deductions/contributions on health care benefits flow through as positive to the following codes in box 12: AA, BB, C, D, DD, E, EE (or 457(B), F, G, H, K, P, R, W, and Y.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Export Payroll Taxes
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2257464: When you ran the export process, the field number 89 (QTD Alabama Overtime Exempt Wages) in the STEE record contained the value from the previous quarter, even if the employee had no earnings for the current quarter.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2300978: A fatal error occurred when there were multiple records for the same employee, check date, check number, and reference check date combination, and one of the records had been voided. The error message displayed was: "Subquery returns more than one row."
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2303500: A system error occurred when an employee has more than one W-2 local record for the same Employee/Locality/Taxable Entity, but different Work PSD Codes (LOCAL_W2_FILE.sub_local_cd). The error message indicated "Unable to get a stable set of rows in source tables.”
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2060525: The STEE records for W-2 and W-2c file types were missing one field. The actual total count was only 89 instead of 90.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Manage Deductions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2291063: When you cleared the Contribution checkbox, the application did not validate if that contribution record was assigned to employees.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2165250: When you changed the W2 Box 14 Usage option to Not Applicable, the screen did not clear the existing value in the Box 14 Description field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2074037: The Line 4 and Line 5 options were not listed in the W2 Box 14 Usage drop-down list.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2108259: The screen did not display a warning message to inform a user if the W-2 Box 14 Usage line was already assigned to another deduction or locality.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2073733: The Line 4 and Line 5 options were not listed in the W2 Box 14 Usage drop-down list.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Manage Employee Earnings History
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2209038: When you changed an existing parameter's check date range to One and the new start date was after the original end date, the screen displayed a start date error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_prrerf_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2272299: When you recalculated a Z record with a local tax assigned to the employee, where the local tax was based on Federal Tax Withholding or State Tax Withholding, the application did not populate the taxable amounts, exempt pay type, and exempt deduction values in the Local Tax subtask.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2109982: A system error occurred when you saved a Z record with a labor amount that was not a whole number. This affects you if you use Costpoint with Microsoft SQL Server database.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2109983: A system error occurred when you saved a Z record with a labor amount that was not a whole number.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1921120: You received a critical error message when you tried to change the check date on the Manage Employee Earnings History screen. You were able to change the check date on a different record that is not a voided check for this same employee. The error message indicated the following: “VALIDATE_RS_OBJECT request failed.CHK_DT.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Manage Garnishment Recipients
Defect 1970419: The Address field label was not highlighted in orange color if the field was updated in offline mode.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Manage Local Taxes
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2308940: If you entered OH (Ohio) in the State field and selected City Income Tax (Residence Only) as the Tax Type, the label of the Jurisdiction field label did not change to “City Code (OH).” This issue occurred in Table view.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2108258: This application has been updated to display a warning message informing users if the selected W-2 Box 14 Usage line is already assigned to another locality or deduction.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2108423: You were able to enter a value exceeding nine characters in the Box 14 Description field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1997826: The Supplemental Tax Rate field should be set to 0.00 and disabled if you selected the YTD Tax option in the Tax Based On field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Manage Payroll Records
Defect 2186371: When an employee had fringe detail on the Contribution subtask, a system error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:, deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.1.22.5012.exe
Defect 2124677: A system error occurred when you recalculated and saved a record. The error message indicated the following: "WH_STATE_CD is null."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2063006: When you manually edited the payroll record, the value in the Reimbursements field changed to zero. This resulted in an out of balance error when you ran the Post Payroll process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042443: When you modified the State Taxes subtask of an X/Y record and saved your changes, the following message displayed: "text not found for the resource id: PRMPTF_STATE_WARNINGS.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042236: When you deleted a record on the Manage Payroll Records screen, you received this error message: “The column name 'SOURCE_APP_CD' is specified more than once in the SET clause or column list of an INSERT.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Manage W-2Cs
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2200832: When you accessed the Query function, the screen displayed the table name for previously reported fields for Alabama Exempt Overtime Wages.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2026514: The employee's address and ZIP code on the Manage W-2Cs screen and on the Manage W-2s screen were not identical.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Payroll >> Manage W-2s
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2223831: You were able to enter negative numbers in the Alabama exempt overtime wages amount field.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2101486: The screen did not display the employer’s address line 2 in box c. Address line 2 should be displayed so that the Manage W-2s screen is consistent with the Manage W-2Cs screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2050289: If the combination of the Taxable Entity City, State, postal code, and country exceeded 40 characters, a system error occurred when you clicked Clone. The error indicated the following message: “Maximum precision is exceeded for the field TAX_CITY_NAME on line 0.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Post Payroll Journal
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2266685: When you upgraded to version, the application reported posting errors. These errors referenced missing accounts for local taxes, even when no employees within the posting data were charged to those local taxes or the local tax withholding was zero.
Build Deployed In: cp82_prpppcls_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2066850: The Post Payroll Journal application did not process the data if it contained an LV timesheet type that used a B record type on the Manage Payroll Records screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Print Local Withholding Report
Defect 2108218: The report printed the Taxable Entity Totals for the Gross Amount, Subject Amount, Taxable Amount, and Excess Amount columns. It should print the Taxable Entity Totals only for the Amount Withheld and Amount Accrued columns.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Payroll >> Print Paychecks
Defect 2194752: When you printed paychecks, Paystub Hourly Rate Detail records were deleted from V records.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2008560: When you voided and reissued a paycheck, the State Disability Insurance (SDI) and state taxes YTD amounts were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1996142: The State Disability Insurance (SDI) and state taxes YTD amounts were incorrect when you voided and reissued a paycheck.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1964598: When you attempted to print paychecks for V and W records, you received a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Print Payment Advices
Defect 2194759: When you printed payment advices, the values in the Paystub Hourly Rate Detail records of a V record were deleted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Print Quarterly Federal Payroll Tax Report
Defect 2071711: The $7,000 FUTA Wage Limit was not displayed on Line 5 of the Federal Form 940 report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2070147: The $7,000 FUTA Wage Limit was not displayed on Line 5 of the Federal Form 940 report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Print State Overtime Wages Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2242585: The Alabama exempt overtime wages amount still displayed even if the earnings amount was not under the State of Alabama for a multi-state setup.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2132279: When you generated a report for checks dated before 01/01/2024 and after 06/30/2025, the application did not populate all Overtime Pay Type amounts. This issue impacted Alabama employers.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2162231: When you generated a report for checks dated before 01/01/2024 and after 06/30/2025, the application did not populate all Overtime Pay Type amounts. This issue affects Alabama employers.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2124676: The report displayed incorrect data for check dates in 2023. The report displayed salaried employees when it should display hourly employees only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Payroll >> Print W-2s
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2189103: The employer's address in the W-3 and W3c forms were not in sync with the address in the W-2 form.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2190020: When you printed the W-2 on blank stock, the employer and employee address details were not aligned properly.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2198813: When you printed the test pattern for 4-part laser form using the Test 4-Up option, more than four Box 12 codes displayed. This resulted in the second page to print in an incorrect format.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bundle_CYE2024_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2171519: When you viewed values in the Test 2-Up, Test 4-Up, and Test Copy forms, some values were not displayed. Additionally, unnecessary values were displayed in Test 4-Up form.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2055076: The screen did not truncate the employee's last name if the characters, including spaces, were equal to the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. This caused misalignment when you printed on pre-printed forms.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2075696: When you selected Employee Name as the primary sorting option, the application created multiple separate PDFs that were sorted by employee ID first and then by name. The W-2s should be printed alphabetically by the employee's name.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2080117: When you selected the Self-Mailer option in the W-2 (Data Only) group box, the report did not display the employer identification number (EIN) in box b.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2108325: The W-2Cs of an employee for the same taxable entity, same payroll year, and different tax service group ID were not combined.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2123285: When you selected the Blank Stock/Plain Paper W-2 (Saved as PDF Files) option in the Paper group box, the report displayed unnecessary zeroes (0.00) in boxes 12, 14, 18, and 19.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2011825: The local record was printed twice in the Locality Correction Information section on both preprinted and blank stock/plain paper reports.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2079413: When you selected the Self-Mailer option in the W-2 (Data Only) group box, the report did not display the employer identification number (EIN) in box b.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2080639: When you selected the One Copy per Page option in the W-2c (Data Only) group box, the report did not display the employee’s state in box i (Employee’s address and ZIP code).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2027683: When an employee record contained negative earnings that resulted in a W-2 amount less than zero, the Print W-2s screen report using Blank Stock/Plain Paper displayed a value of zero instead of the negative amount.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2079423: When you selected the Self-Mailer option in the W-2 (Data Only) group box, the report did not display the employer identification number (EIN) in box b.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2062607: The application stopped responding when you attempted to generate PDFs for more than 100 W-2s. This issue occurred when you sorted the report by Employee Name.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2035625: The 2023 W-2c Substitute Copy A (SSA-Approved) form and the W-3c form generated by the application have been approved by the SSA. You must apply this hotfix to be able to generate the 2023 W-2c and W-3c PDF forms.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021621: You encountered a system error when the application processed a non-contiguous range of home organizations.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1946622: When you modified an existing parameter and then ran the process without saving the parameter, the process completed but the screen stopped responding.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1906140: The application stopped responding when you attempted to print large data using Blank Stock/Plain Paper W-2.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Payroll >> Update Employee Package Deductions
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2250357: When the employee's termination date was the same as the HSA or medical/dependent FSA election start date, the report printed an unnecessary error stating that the employee was terminated prior to FSA or HSA plan year start date.
Build Deployed In: cp82_hbpapded_001.zipDependent Files:; deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.15.5009.exe;deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Team Management >> Team Details
Defect 2056852: When you changed the information on the Salary History subtask, and the changes exceeded the salary range for the employee’s grade, the application did not display an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1950307: The User Maintenance Migration application has been removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Configuration Settings
Defect 2168720: During the post-installation process, you received an error related to invalid leave type codes when the codes were separated by commas in Vacation Types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2146499: During the post-installation process, you received an error related to invalid leave type codes when the codes were separated by commas in Vacation Types.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2029689: A needed configuration setting was unavailable to Costpoint Essentials customers. To correct this, Project Level Display was moved from the Organization tab to the Project tab. In addition, the field was renamed to Org Level Display.
Note: This update was also applied to Costpoint Advanced.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_bammam10_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1997931: The names of tables that are updated by specific refresh tasks have been added under the Table Updated column on the Refresh Process tab.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Delete Historic Project EACs
Defect 2016103: You encountered a system error when you selected the option One for the Project field and Lookup did not display the project list.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Maintain Fiscal Year Periods
Defect 2042973: When budget periods were based on time collection periods, you could not add periods or subperiods to the Project Budget calendar. To correct this, a Budgeting tab was added that, depending on configuration, enables you to add or modify budgeting periods.
Fields on the tab are editable only if budgeting periods for your company are based on time collection periods. If the budgeting periods are based on accounting periods or subperiods, the tab is automatically updated based on values from the Accounting Periods tab.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Maintain Generic Staff
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2262647: A generic staff code could not be modified or shared after it was used in a budget.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bammam2_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2262644: A generic staff code could not be modified or shared after it was used in a budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Maintain Project Budget Security
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2209689: The User ID and User Name fields failed to populate when the details were sourced from Manage Project User Flow in Projects.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bampba_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2258917: The User ID lookup included user security groups instead of only displaying user IDs.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bampba_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2267036: The User ID lookup included user security groups instead of only displaying user IDs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2208876: The User ID and User Name fields failed to populate when the details were sourced from Manage Project User Flow in Projects.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2018961: When you tried to select a project ID, you encountered a system error and Lookup did not display the project list.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Manage Budget Version Codes
Defect 1944939: A system error occurred when you attempted to save a 10-character Budget Version Code.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Manage Distribution Methods
Defect 2177168: When you printed the Distribution Method Graph, the header on the cover page was off-center.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_bamdsm_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2179062: When you tried to edit the Active setting for the Percent of Available Hours distribution method, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_bamdsm_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Administration >> Manage Security Org Rights
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2218398: Organization IDs did not display in the Organization ID Lookup dialog box.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2216733: Organization IDs did not display in the Organization ID Lookup dialog box.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1943866: Security changes did not take effect after you saved them.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Override Project Budget Sheet Account IDs
Defect 1950309: The Indirect subtask has been removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Post Install Setup
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2245105: When you selected the Refresh Process tab during post-installation, you received an index error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bammam10_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2246162: When you clicked the Refresh Process tab, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> Report Table Update Process
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2222121: When you refreshed the work assignment charge line for the resource, duplicate rates caused a failure at Time & Expense line 1385.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2306709: Boilerplate instructions on the screen were updated to remove outdated instructions.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_baprefresh_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2222119: When you refreshed the work assignment charge line for the resource, duplicate rates caused a failure at Time & Expense line 1385.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2193860: You encountered performance issues in Business Intelligence (BI) report tables (EBUDGET_PROJ_DETL and EBUDGET_PROJ_REVENUE) when you ran the update process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2114278: During refresh of the EREPORT_PROJ_DETAILS table, pending burden and revenue amounts were not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2121723: During refresh of the EREPORT_PROJ_DETAILS table, pending burden and revenue amounts were not updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2012941: When you selected the Post Labor Distribution to GL as Summary Entry option in Configure General Ledger Settings (Accounting » General Ledger » General Ledger Controls) and then ran the Refresh process, EREPORT_PROJ_DETAILS and EREPORT_PROJ_TRENDS did not display the correct values and also did not tally with LAB_HS.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016859: You encountered a refresh process error when the revenue algorithm did not include PROJ_SUM period changes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Administration >> User Maintenance
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2288854: As part of an enhancement to update security within Planning, the User Maintenance application was removed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2013510: The Security Org ID Lookup has been updated to display the Organization ID and Organization Name in separate columns.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1960655: You encountered performance issues when you tried to modify and save records.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1950297: The Home Org ID and License Type columns have been removed. To indicate that the corresponding user receives a full license, you now select the Active checkbox.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Budget Administration
Defect 2168928: When you viewed the BI Project Status Report, the EREPORT_PROJ_DETAILS table (CER) only contained TGT Pending amounts, resulting in identical numbers on the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1501397: The Business Intelligence (BI) table was updated so that Budget YTD included budget detail up to and including the last closed period, but not the current period. This change enables direct comparisons between Budget YTD and Actuals YTD.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2182126: After you ran the update process, viewing Business Intelligence (BI) report tables (EBUDGET_PROJ_DETL and EBUDGET_PROJ_REVENUE) was unusually slow.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2066980: The Earned Value Status Report did not display the entire range of projects that should have been included, regardless of the % complete value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2057370: You encountered delays when you loaded a project that had a large Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Budgeting >> BNP_BGMBP >> Project Budgets
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 22210178: After you changed the hours in a cell on the Hours subtask for a Working status budget, you received an error after you clicked the Tab button.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Cost Analysis
Defect 2025551: The labor report periods did not sync when you used sub-periods for project-based org budgets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Manage Distribution Methods
Defect 2179078: When you edited the Active setting for the Evenly (linear) distribution method, the Spread Point columns were enabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_bamdsm_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
New Business Budgeting
Defect 2221333: After you created a project budget from a new business budget, the hours and amounts zeroed out after you committed it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
New Business Budgeting >> Create Project Budget from New Business Budget
Defect 2092406: A system error prevented you from creating a project budget from a new business budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2092408: A system error prevented you from creating a project budget from a new business budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969371: Revenue account validation has been removed from the process of converting a new business budget to a project budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
New Business Budgeting >> Import New Business Budgets from Excel
Defect 2078288: After you uploaded a new business budget from Excel, it was assigned the same version number as the existing one even though that version had a status of Complete.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_nbpnbue_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078296: The Excel upload routine did not pick up escalation and defaulted to 0%, thus preventing cost and revenue calculations.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_nbpnbue_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2068625: After you uploaded a new business budget from Excel, it was assigned the same version number as the existing one, even though that version had a status of Complete.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2076416: The Excel upload routine did not pick up escalation and defaulted to 0%, thus preventing cost and revenue calculations.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
New Business Budgets
Defect 2145001: After you created a new business budget, you received an "Invalid column name 'EFFECT_BILL_DT' " error, and you could not save the budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2156538: In Form view, the New Business Budget ID field overlapped the Start Date and Opportunity ID fields.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2156540: In Form view, the Description field displayed only seven characters even though up to 50 were allowed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2156544: When you created a new business budget ID then selected Form view, the Probability and Escalation fields were enabled, and they were then disabled after you saved.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078289: Following an automatic increase to escalation, and from that period forward, revenue amounts were lower instead of higher in both Analysis by Period and Revenue Analysis. In the latter report, the burdened cost amount was also lower than expected based on the applied revenue formula.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2075176: Following an automatic increase to escalation, and from that period forward, revenue amounts were lower instead of higher in both Analysis by Period and Revenue Analysis. In the latter report, the burdened cost amount was also lower than expected based on the applied revenue formula.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053660: In Staff Escalation, future budgets did not reflect the most current escalation value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2068255: Even though Org security was properly configured, contract employees did not display in the Employee Lookup.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2005655: The Funding and Revenue Analysis screens did not display the correct amounts for Funded and Estimated Value, respectively.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1976857: The revenue fee calculation did not include Cost of Money (COM) even with the Include Cost of Money Revenue Fee item selected in Configuration Settings. The Burdened Cost screen did not display COM either.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2000498: You encountered an issue when you tried to create a level 3 working budget. Even though you were able to save the budget, the status was blank and the budget fields were grayed out.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2005753: Future years did not exist in the EFY database table. As a result, new business budgets ignored future years.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1959182: You encountered persistent deadlock issues.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1950798: Fixed revenue was not recognized when you created a budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969358: Excluded project users were still able to select a project to create a new business budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1927864: The Revenue Type lookup has been sorted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting
Defect 1955823: The Time Collection Reports application group has been renamed Supplemental Reports.
The following applications are now under the Supplemental Reports group:
Time Collection Hours
Time Collection Hours - Range
Org Job Summary
Revenue Summary Report
Pending Details by Org
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Budget/Outlook - Revenue Analysis
Defect 2076495: The revenue reported in Profit & Loss by Account did not match the revenue in Budget/Outlook - Revenue Analysis.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2066283: The fee rate on the Revenue Detail subtask did not match the default fee rate on the Organization tab of Configuration Settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Budget/Outlook Resource Schedule
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255092: When the integrated method was used, the final version of the EAC did not automatically populate the report unless you first ran the Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets utility. To correct this, a Budget Source drop-down field was added. The field displays only for the integrated method. Choose from the following options:
Latest Org BUD/Outlook: Select this option to run the report using the latest org budget that has a status of complete.
Final Project BUD/EAC: Select this option to run the report using the final EAC or the final budget if an EAC does not exist.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bgqbolx_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2224113: When the integrated method was used, the final version of the EAC did not automatically populate the report unless you first ran the Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets utility. To correct this, a Budget Source drop-down field was added. The field displays only for the integrated method. Choose from the following options:
Latest Org BUD/Outlook: Select this option to run the report using the latest org budget that has a status of complete.
Final Project BUD/EAC: Select this option to run the report using the final EAC or the final budget if an EAC does not exist.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2175934: When the Org budget was set to integrated mode, both project and org budget values were displayed in the report. Only project budget values should be displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_bgqbolx_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2130243: When the Org budget was set to integrated mode, both project and org budget values were displayed in the report. Only project budget values should be displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1943398: The Budgeted Org option has been removed from the Organization Type section.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Create Top Level Budget / Outlook
Defect 1940048: The Create Top Level Outlook application has been renamed Create Top Level Budget / Outlook.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Labor Cost Analysis
Defect 2072347: You could not view results for both direct and indirect labor at the same time. To correct this, options under Labor Type were converted to a drop-down menu with All added as a new item. A Labor Type column was added to the Details subtask to differentiate the results.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1994563: Generic Staff and Key Entry did not display in the labor analysis report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Labor Hours Analysis
Defect 2072346: You could not view results for both direct and indirect labor at the same time. To correct this, options under Labor Type were converted to a drop-down menu with All added as a new item. A Labor Type column was added to the Details subtask to differentiate the results.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Maintain Budget Groups
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2159641: A migration script was provided so that the Project to Org Budget upload tables could be updated with columns that were missing.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqxop3_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2259628: When you created a new Budget Group, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_oamaom1_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2259535: When you created a new Budget Group, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2203141: A migration script was provided so that the Project to Org Budget upload tables could be updated with columns that were missing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2159642: Certain columns were missing from the Project to Org Budget upload tables.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqxop3_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2203140: Certain columns were missing from the Project to Org Budget upload tables.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Org Budgets/Outlooks Mass Utilities
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2224272: After you ran the Commit process on all Working status budgets, you received a system error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bgpbomu_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2228359: After you ran the Commit process on all Working status budgets, you received a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Organization Budget Cycle Initialization
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2227098: After you manually edited rates for a specific year, the rate was applied to other prior years.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bgmaom3_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2228114: After you manually edited rates for a specific year, the rate was applied to other prior years.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2093180: When you used an allocation group other than 1 in the pool base, the Composite Burden Rate was not accurate.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_baprefresh_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2066280: The composite burden rates for revenue calculation were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Pending Details by Org
Defect 1946888: The Purchase Commitment Detail application has been renamed Pending Details by Org.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Profit and Loss by Account
Defect 2082913: You encountered a system error caused by a duplicate line entry when FS Code was set to INCSTM.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_oaqaocx_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2119283: You encountered a system error caused by a duplicate line entry when FS Code was set to INCSTM.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1945859: When you selected Balance Sheet, the beginning account balances did not display in the Profit and Loss reports.
This issue also affected the following applications:
Profit and Loss by Organization
Profit and Loss by Project
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Profit and Loss by Organization
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2276973: Contract revenue amounts were duplicated multiple times after a new business budget was included in the upload.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Profit and Loss by Project
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255093: When the integrated method was used, the final version of the EAC did not automatically populate the report unless you first ran the Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets utility. To correct this, a Budget Source drop-down field was added for the Budget report type. The field displays only for the integrated method. Choose from the following options:
Latest Org BUD/Outlook: Select this option to run the report using the latest org budget that has a status of complete.
Final Project BUD/EAC: Select this option to run the report using the final EAC or the final budget if an EAC does not exist.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqxop3_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2291414: When the integrated budgeting method was in effect, the Profit and Loss by Project report did not match the Profit and Loss by Organization report.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqxop3_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2222006: When the integrated method was used, the final version of the EAC did not automatically populate the report unless you first ran the Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets utility. To correct this, a Budget Source drop-down field was added for the Budget report type. The field displays only for the integrated method. Choose from the following options:
Latest Org BUD/Outlook: Select this option to run the report using the latest org budget that has a status of complete.
Final Project BUD/EAC: Select this option to run the report using the final EAC or the final budget if an EAC does not exist.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Rate Analysis by Org
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2239755: Labor rates were doubled due to new burden amounts that should not have been included in the calculation.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_oapaoi1_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2239752: Labor rates were doubled due to new burden amounts that should not have been included in the calculation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2039223: The rate (%) columns displayed only two instead of four decimal places.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Rate Analysis by Project
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255091: When the integrated method was used, the final version of the EAC did not automatically populate the report unless you first ran the Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets utility. To correct this, a Budget Source drop-down field was added for the Budget report type. The field displays only for the integrated method. Choose from the following options:
Latest Org BUD/Outlook: Select this option to run the report using the latest org budget that has a status of complete.
Final Project BUD/EAC: Select this option to run the report using the final EAC or the final budget if an EAC does not exist.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqxor2_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2224117: When the integrated method was used, the final version of the EAC did not automatically populate the report unless you first ran the Mass Upload Project Budgets to Organization Budgets utility. To correct this, a Budget Source drop-down field was added for the Budget report type. The field displays only for the integrated method. Choose from the following options:
Latest Org BUD/Outlook: Select this option to run the report using the latest org budget that has a status of complete.
Final Project BUD/EAC: Select this option to run the report using the final EAC or the final budget if an EAC does not exist.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgeting >> Utilization Analysis
Defect 2038707: The Generic Staff item did not display in the Utilization Analysis report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Organization Budgets / Outlooks
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2208505: After you created an outlook from an org budget, the labor, non-labor, and overhead amounts on the Profit & Loss details subtask were doubled in the prior closed periods.
Note: This occurred if Planning was configured to use the integrated method for calculating org budget revenue.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2247213: When you created a top-level budget or outlook, the rollup outlook was missing indirect actual costs.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_oapbotl_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2246149: When you created a top-level budget or outlook, the rollup outlook was missing indirect actual costs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2124275: Lookup for Organization ID displayed IDs that should have been excluded based on configuration settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2133629: After you created a top-level outlook based on the last closed period, fringe vacation costs nearly doubled in prior closed period outlooks, causing an increase in the forecasted rate that affected the accuracy of P&L reporting and forecasting.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2159003: The Outlook forecast revenue did not change even after you modified the rates in Organization Budget Cycle Initialization (Organization Budgeting » Budget/Outlook Processing).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2166129: You encountered a system error when you saved changes to a Working budget in an Oracle environment.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2207686: After you created an outlook from an org budget, the labor, non-labor, and overhead amounts on the Profit & Loss details subtask were doubled in the prior closed periods.
Note: This occurred if Planning was configured to use the integrated method for calculating org budget revenue.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2249301: When you created a top-level budget or outlook, the rollup outlook was missing indirect actual costs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2208604: After you created an outlook from an org budget, the labor, non-labor, and overhead amounts on the Profit & Loss details subtask were doubled in the prior closed periods.
Note: This occurred if Planning was configured to use the integrated method for calculating org budget revenue.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2117603: After you created a top-level outlook based on the last closed period, fringe vacation costs nearly doubled in prior closed period outlooks, causing an increase in the forecasted rate that affected the accuracy of P&L reporting and forecasting.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2063035: The Profit & Loss Details subtask did not refresh, and therefore did not display your updates even after you saved them.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2068239: On both the Direct Utilization Split and Indirect Utilization Split subtasks, the Program field of the automatically loaded first split line was not editable.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2068242: On both the Direct Utilization Split and Indirect Utilization Split subtasks, the automatically loaded split line was blank even if a program was already entered in the associated fields in Labor Utilization.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1950179: Duplicate FTE records were created during the Outlooks upload process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1967420: A user who had security access to a budget, but who was not authorized as an approver, was able to approve the budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Outlook Analysis
Defect 1991744: The sub-period column headers on the Hours subtask did not update after you modified Holidays.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2203949: After you created a new report using the Project Planning Reporting package, you received an error due to an incorrect table name, which occurred after EREPORT_PROJ_TREND was dropped and converted to virtual table (view) for the 8.2.12 release.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2153104: A new business classification was not displaying in Advanced Search. To correct this, LGBTQ + Owned was added to the Socio-Economic Status drop-down list for the Vendor resource type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2162296: The revenue reported in Profit & Loss by Account did not match the revenue in Budget/Outlook - Revenue Analysis.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_oamaom1_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2199208: After you created a new report using the Project Planning Reporting package, you received an error due to an incorrect table name, which occurred after EREPORT_PROJ_TREND was dropped and converted to virtual table (view) for the 8.2.12 release.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2144812: The revenue reported in Profit & Loss by Account did not match the revenue in Budget/Outlook - Revenue Analysis.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969689: The EAPP_LOG table has been removed from the data dictionary.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1920641: An option has been added in MAM10 to include pending/approved requisitions and unreleased purchase order (PO) amounts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> All Cost Breakdown
Defect 2184185: The column that displays pending amounts was inconsistently labeled across several reports. To correct this, the Commitment column heading was changed to Pending in this report and others.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2005647: The sort order has been changed so that the raw cost lines are placed above the burden cost lines. This change applies when you select Cost as report type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Budget/EAC Status
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2158974: The report lacked needed detail. To correct this, a Drilldown subtask was added that displays a more granular level of detail per project ID.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_oaqapt1_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2179450: When you ran the report in Combined view, you were not able to sort the columns.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_oaqapt1_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2018962: The following sections have been added with options to display top-level projects:
Details section
All: This option displays all projects.
Budgets/EACs Only: This option displays projects that include budgets or EACs.
No Budgets: This option displays projects without budgets.
View section
Combined: This option displays a combined report that allows better data viewing and exporting to Excel.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2018964: The number of periods remaining was calculated only if a budget or EAC existed. To correct this, the value in Periods Remaining is now calculated exclusively on the budget start and end dates and at all levels of the project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2018969: The option to include Inactive Tasks has been removed from this report to make it consistent with other reports.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1940779: Top level projects did not display in the budget/EAC status report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Burdened Cost Breakdown
Defect 2184183: A column that displays pending amounts was inconsistently labeled across several reports. To correct this, the Commitment column heading was changed to Pending in this report and others.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Current Forecast
Defect 2128004: Heading labels for two columns did not perfectly reflect how data was being reported. To correct this, the following updates were applied:
Actual to Date was renamed to Actuals thru [date].
Current Period was renamed to [date] Actuals.
For both columns, the [date] value is dynamically updated based on the date of the period selected from Forecast Start Period in the report header. The first of these columns displays actuals up through the prior period, and the second one displays actuals starting from that period.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Hours Breakdown
Defect 2184018: A column that displays pending amounts was inconsistently labeled across several reports. To correct this, the Commitment column heading was changed to Pending in this report and others.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Import Budget/EACs from Excel
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2191861: When you used the Budget Period of Performance, it did not include the Period End Date.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2222951: When you set up a duplicate revenue record, a merge error occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2225853: When you set up a duplicate revenue record, a merge error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2144286: You could not commit and save a budget when the PLC column of the Excel import template contained a value of NULL.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2177291: After you ran the import process to update the latest version of a Working status budget, the updates were applied to an earlier version of the budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2178034: When you imported a file for a budget in Working status, the import updated version 1 of the budget (BUD 1) instead of the current version (for example, BUD 5). To avoid this, make sure that the last version of the budget is set to either Incomplete, Complete, or Approved status before you run the upload.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2078286: After you processed an import, the end date in the existing version of a budget or EAC was not updated to the end date of the imported one.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2095739: When Import Budget/EAC Projects was set to Projects with no error, the upload failed, and no records were imported, not even those which were error free.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_nbpnbue_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2137038: You could not commit and save a budget when the PLC column of the Excel import template contained a value of NULL.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106539: When Import Budget/EAC Projects was set to Projects with no error, the upload failed, and no records were imported, not even those which were error free.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036749: After you processed an import, the end date in the existing version of a budget or EAC was not updated to the end date of the imported one.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2012142: You encountered a validation routine error when you tried to import budgets or EACs from Excel. The routine looked at accounting periods instead of budget periods.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Labor Analysis
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2251270: When you attempt a merge operation, an error occurred if a target row matched more than one source row.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqxpt5_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2256047: When you attempt a merge operation, an error occurred if a target row matched more than one source row.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2164754: When you displayed the report in Flat View, inactive employees were included even though the Include Inactive Resources checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_caqxpt5_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2166737: When you displayed the report in Flat View, inactive employees were included even though the Include Inactive Resources checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2072345: You could not view results for both direct and indirect labor at the same time. To correct this, options under Labor Type were converted to a drop-down menu with All added as a new item. A Labor Type column was added to the Details subtask to differentiate the results.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_caqxpt5_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2022525: Hours charged to a cost only pay type were included under Pending Hours.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2063174: For the Budget report type, results included details for both direct and indirect projects, even though only one or the other could be selected under Project Type.
As a related but incidental change, Project Type was changed to Labor Type, which is consistent with other reports.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2063177: For the Budget report type, the results included inactive records (such as projects, new business, and resources), even though you had not selected the checkboxes that control their inclusion.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2063213: The probability values from the new business budgets were not applied to the report when Apply Probability was selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2069858: The employee status, Active or Termed, did not display in the description. This issue occurred in Oracle systems only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Pending Charges
Defect 2014124: Project ID Lookup includes a new Organization column that displays the ID of the organization that owns the project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2014131: When you queried a project for the first time, you had to click Execute twice to populate the Pending Charges Detail subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Project Budget/EAC Mass Utilities
Defect 2179451: When you used backward compatible views, you encountered system performance issues during the Mass Create EAC process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2184016: When you used backward compatible views, you encountered system performance issues during the Mass Create EAC process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Project Budgets/EAC Mass Utilities
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2252917: The application did not include an option to recalculate the budget or EAC. To correct this, a Recalc option was added to the Process drop-down list, which displays when the Budget or EAC has a status of Working.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bgpbpmu_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2189448: The parameter that you created to process a range of budgets or EACs for mass update was not followed even though you selected Range in Selection Ranges.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgeting >> Project Cost
Defect 2169723: You encountered an error when you used Other Direct Cost and Materials Handling for the project cost type description. To prevent this error, the Type code was changed to MATHAND2.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_caqxpt3_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2209577: Top Level projects were missing when you ran the Cost report type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2167484: You encountered an error when you used Other Direct Cost and Materials Handling for the project cost type description. To prevent this error, the Type code was changed to MATHAND2.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Project Cost Categories
Defect 1944135: The following top-level reports have been renamed.
Direct Project Cost Categories: This report is now named Project Cost Categories.
Direct Project Cost: This report is now named Project Cost.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1934583: You encountered errors when you generated various labor reports with the Include Inactive Resources flag not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Project Labor Analysis
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2227078: The PLC did not populate with the default description, when one was not already specified in Manage Project Labor Category.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2228207: The default PLC description was not used when a PLC was not configured for the project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2078298: The report displayed the vendor names instead of the vendor employee names.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_srqspa6_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2073058: The report displayed the vendor names instead of the vendor employee names.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2037007: A critical system error occurred when the PLC description exceeded 30 characters. As a workaround, the number of characters allowed in the field was increased to display complete values.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Project Spend Chart
Defect 1950710: The report (PPA14) included actuals with burden only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Project Status
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2271478: When you selected Alternate Project as the Report By option, the Ending field did not validate correctly.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_srqspa5_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2131119: When the Combined checkbox was selected, labor items were moved to the bottom of the screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bnp_srqspa5_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2164969: The Project Status report was unresponsive, which caused an “out of memory” error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2195543: After you opened the application, the load time was unusually slow.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2120152: The amounts calculated as Pending for the Indirect Cost lines did not reflect the burden ceiling values that were set in Manage Burden Cost Ceilings (Projects Domain).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2164966: The Project Status report was unresponsive, which caused an "out of memory" error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2115189: The amounts calculated as Pending for the Indirect Cost lines did not reflect the burden ceiling values that were set in Manage Burden Cost Ceilings (Projects Domain).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1995214: When you tried to view the project information for a future fiscal year, the Project Status report did not display the indirect costs for prior years.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1996715: The extra space that preceded the fiscal year of an Indirect Cost line item has been removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1945630: You were unable to run PSR in current period projects with future PoPs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1950675: The Labor Detail subtask did not display the records for the Labor Cost line that you selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Raw Cost Breakdown
Defect 2184178: The column that displays pending amounts was inconsistently labeled across several reports. To correct this, the Commitment column heading was changed to Pending in this report and others.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Revenue Breakdown
Defect 2164961: The report did not display the correct rollup totals for revenue adjustments.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2124931: The report did not display the correct rollup totals for revenue adjustments.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Revenue Integration
Defect 2059455: Projects with the following revenue formulas did not display on the Revenue Integration screen:
FVEAC - Cost Incurred using Estimate At Completion (Funded Value)
FVETC - Cost Incurred using Estimate To Complete (Funded Value)
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> T&M Labor Analysis
Defect 2078290: Vendor employee names were missing from the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2073068: Vendor employee names were missing from the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Transaction Analysis
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2135223: The report did not indicate the source (GL or PSR) of the transaction details. To correct this, a Source column was added to the Transaction Analysis Details table.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqcpa5_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2277310: When you used the query function in the Transaction Analysis Details subtask, Description and Source were not included for selection. To correct this, these values were added to the list of available conditions.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_caqcpa5_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2226663: The report did not indicate the source (GL or PSR) of the transaction details. To correct this, a Source column was added to the Transaction Analysis Details table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Update Multiple Project Budgets/EACs
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2249272: When the application was reintroduced in an earlier release, it did not include the option to recommit project budgets or EACs. To correct this, a Recommit button was added to the screen, which is enabled for budgets or EACs that have a status of Complete or Incomplete.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bgmbpmu_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2266550: A warning message associated with the Recommit process was updated to remove an unnecessary instance of the word "recommit."
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bgmbpmu_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe
Defect 2249360: When the application was reintroduced in an earlier release, it did not include the option to recommit project budgets or EACs. To correct this, a Recommit button was added to the screen, which is enabled for budgets or EACs that have a status of Complete or Incomplete.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Project Budgeting >> Update Project Budget Report Tables
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2072653: When you selected a wide range of projects, or 'ALL' for Projects, a performance issue occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_bgpupbrt_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Budgets / EACs
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2127105: A REVFXD entry in the Cost Table of the source NB budget caused duplicate records for fixed revenue.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2131626: When you tried to create an EAC, you received a hard error if a duplicate PLC rate existed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2203963: You received a Null Pointer Exception error after you added a line with no values to the Amounts subtask.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2209879: After you committed either a budget or EAC, an incorrect number of hours displayed due to duplicate records that existed in the table for pending hours.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2210422: Top Level projects were missing when you ran the Cost report type.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2213127: After you changed the hours in a cell on the Hours subtask for a Working status budget, you received an error after you clicked the Tab button.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2216776: When you manually extended the period of performance (POP) end date, it was not reflected in the working version of the budget or EAC.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2227071: When an EAC had a Working status, pending timesheets did not include the default PLC even though it existed.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2242820: When you changed the project ID in the header, the query ran sluggishly, taking up to eight minutes to execute.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2248081: Though the PLC subtask was designed to allow you to input modifcations, in the case of one specific project, the Project Labor Categories, it was not editable. With this correction, Project Labor Categories is now always editable.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2257773: When you copied lines in the Hours or Amounts subtasks, they included actuals from prior periods instead of zeros.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2268323: When labor entries from the general ledger did not include an effective billing rate, you received an unexpected merge error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_common_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2226650: You received a hard error when a duplicate PLC rate existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2227074: When an EAC had a Working status, pending timesheets did not include the default PLC even though it existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2244901: After you modified an EAC, the actuals were not reapplied.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2246163: When you changed the project ID in the header, queries became inefficient and took up to 8 minutes to execute.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2247232: The PLC was not editable. To correct this, the PLC is now editable regardless of the current status of the budget or EAC.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2254466: When you attempted to modify a budget originally created by another party, the validation process prevented you from assuming ownership or making changes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2257772: When you copied lines in the Hours or Amounts subtasks, they included actuals from prior periods instead of zeros.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2268546: When labor entries from the general ledger did not include an effective billing rate, you received an unexpected merge error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2275378: Inconsistent character limits caused errors in a Project Header column that displayed details on revenue, billing, and the PLC.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082056: When an employee or a vendor employee was included in a rollup EAC, the cost and hours amounts doubled if two different rates existed for the same PLC in the same period. This also affected the accuracy of values on the Revenue Analysis subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2085556: When you created an EAC, you encountered a system error when the employee had two different billing rates in the same period.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2144900: When Use Fixed Revenue Amount as Total Revenue was selected on the Revenue Ceiling subtask, the amounts in Fixed Revenue Amount doubled due to older Org IDs that could not be removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2160674: When you created an EAC, pending costs did not populate the Total Inc Pending and Pending columns in the Hours and Amounts subtasks. The corresponding columns in the Pending Charges Detail subtask also did not display the values.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2162761: After you committed a budget or an EAC using certain revenue formulas (for example, LLRCINBF), the Funding subtask displayed incorrect data.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2169688: You encountered an error when you tried to create a budget or an EAC from another budget with an account that was not mapped to the budget sheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2171794: After you created a new EAC, the At Risk field displayed a zero value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2173225: The Vendor lookup in the Amounts subtask did not populate with vendors in the absence of a Vendor Workforce setup even though the Workforce Rule was set to Enforce in the Project tab (Administration » Administration Controls » Configuration Settings). Vendor Workforce setup is not required for the Amounts subtask, only for the Hours subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2173244: When you created a new Working version of a budget or an EAC from an approved budget, the existing notes in the source budget's subtasks were not carried over.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2174070: In the Hours subtask of an EAC, vendor employee records were duplicated when the hour rate was zero, and you were not able to delete the duplicate line. This resulted in incorrect revenue displayed in the Revenue Analysis subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2180430: You encountered slow system performance when you tried to load, modify, and save budgets or EACs. You also received an error message when you changed the revenue formula.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2191987: In Staff Escalation, when the first open period of the EAC was equal to the escalation month, the calculated escalation values were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2195572: The amount in Distributed Revenue at lower levels of the project did not roll up to the higher levels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2195583: You encountered a system error caused by a duplicate EAC record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2198599: You received a Null Pointer Exception error after you added a line with no values to the Amounts subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2209805: After you committed either a budget or EAC, an incorrect number of hours displayed due to duplicate records that existed in the table for pending hours.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2211021: After you changed the hours in a cell on the Hours subtask for a Working status budget, you received an error after you clicked the Tab button.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2128003: The amount in Distributed Revenue at lower levels of the project did not roll up to the higher levels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2171793: After you created a new EAC, the value in At Risk field displayed zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2177419: You encountered slow system performance when loading, modifying, and saving budgets or EACs. You also received an error message when you changed the revenue formula.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2195584: You encountered a system error caused by a duplicate EAC record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2197193: In Staff Escalation, when the first open period of the EAC was equal to the escalation month, the calculated escalation values were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2162312: When you created an EAC, pending costs did not populate the Total Inc Pending and Pending columns in the Hours and Amounts subtasks. The corresponding columns in the Pending Charges Detail subtask did not display the values either.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2166734: After you committed a budget or an EAC using a certain revenue formula (for example, LLRCINBF), the Funding subtask displayed incorrect data.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2168560: On the Hours subtask of an EAC, vendor employee records were duplicated when the hour rate was zero, and you were not able to delete the duplicate line. This resulted in incorrect revenue displayed on the Revenue Analysis subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2169685: You encountered an error when you tried to create a budget or an EAC from another budget with an account that was not mapped to the budget sheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2172337: When an employee or vendor employee included in a rollup EAC used a PLC with two different rates in the same period, the employee's labor hours recorded in the Hours subtask were duplicated and the corresponding labor cost in the Revenue Analysis subtask doubled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2173213: The Vendor Lookup in the Amounts subtask did not populate with vendors in the absence of a Vendor Workforce setup even though the Workforce Rule was set to Enforce in the Project tab (Administration » Administration Controls » Configuration Settings). Vendor Workforce setup is not required for the Amounts subtask, only for the Hours subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2173242: When you created a new Working version of a budget or an EAC from an approved budget, the existing notes in the source budget's subtasks were not carried over.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2062323: On the Revenue Analysis tab, the amount in Revenue was not attributed to the Owning org.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2077225: When you created an EAC, direct labor amounts in Revenue Analysis doubled due to prior year routine (PY_DIFF).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078293: When you added an employee to the Hours subtask, Account ID did not auto-populate the ID that was configured as a timesheet default value for that employee in Costpoint.
Note: If the account ID assigned to the employee in Costpoint does not also exist in the Project Account Group (PAG), or if no ID is found, Account ID on the Hours subtask instead defaults to the first labor account of the PAG.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078294: After you saved a budget or EAC as final, the backend field (CURRENT_FL) that indicates the status did not update to Y.
Note: This also affected budgets saved as final in New Business Budgets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_nbmbpnb_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2081147: Actuals were omitted from the EAC you created when they were not mapped to a budget sheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_bgmbp_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2082672: You encountered a critical system error if the date format for the period columns was configured as MMM-YY (xxx/xxx).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2091021: After you mapped accounts and created an EAC, historical revenue and cost amounts were not imported if the ACCT_FUNC_NO column was selected as 0 in the PSR_PY_SUM table. To correct this, the PY_DIFF import routine now also refers to the Planning Mapping table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2095574: You encountered a timeout error after using Find & Replace to change the version code for a large number of budgets at the same time.
For Pick & Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can apply the change to a smaller number of budgets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_nbmbpnb_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2096703: On the Revenue Analysis tab, the amount calculated under Revenue was not based on the PLC billing rate even though a PLC code existed for the employee on the Staff Hours subtask and the project was correctly configured.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2097188: When you selected Recalc from the Actions column of a project EAC, the actual amounts for prior periods did not display in the Analysis by Period report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_bgmbp_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2102202: When the date of the last closed period was the same as the budget end date, the last period on the Analysis by Period subtask displayed a Raw Cost value of zero even though hours existed for that employee within that same period.
For Pick & Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, create an EAC based on the budget and extend the end date for one more period.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2116592: You encountered slow system performance when large budgets or EACs were loading.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2120052: You encountered slow system performance when you created, committed, or approved budgets or EACs in an Oracle environment.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2123069: When you tried to create a budget or modify an existing budget, you received the critical system error "ORA-00904: 'S_BILL_RT_TYPE_CD': invalid identifier" that caused Costpoint to close.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2130169: When Use Fixed Revenue Amount as Total Revenue was selected on the Revenue Ceiling subtask, the amounts in Fixed Revenue Amount doubled due to older Org IDs that could not be removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2137161: When you created an EAC, you encountered a system error when the employee had two different billing rates in the same period.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2085328: You encountered slow system performance when you created, committed, or approved budgets or EACs in an Oracle environment.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106532: You encountered a timeout error after using Find & Replace to change the version code for a large number of budgets at the same time.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can apply the change to a smaller number of budgets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2120061: You encountered slow system performance on large projects when you created, committed, or approved budgets and EACs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2121444: When the date of the last closed period was the same as the budget end date, the last period on the Analysis by Period subtask displayed a Raw Cost value of zero even though hours existed for that employee within that same period.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, create an EAC based on the budget and extend the end date for one more period.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2122934: When you tried to create a budget or modify an existing budget, you received the critical system error "ORA-00904: 'S_BILL_RT_TYPE_CD': invalid identifier" that caused Costpoint to close.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2036829: When you added an employee to the Hours subtask, Account ID did not auto-populate the ID that was configured as a timesheet default value for that employee in Costpoint.
Note: If the account ID assigned to the employee in Costpoint does not also exist in the Project Account Group (PAG), or if no ID is found, Account ID on the Hours subtask instead defaults to the first labor account of the PAG.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2073168: After you saved a budget or EAC as final, the backend field (CURRENT_FL) that indicates the status did not update to Y.
Note: This also affected budgets saved as final in New Business Budgets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082703: You encountered a critical system error if the date format for the period columns was configured as MMM-YY (xxx/xxx).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065213: When you created a new EAC from an approved EAC, the values for future periods were not copied into the newly created EAC.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065613: On the Hours subtask, the Employee Lookup was unresponsive.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1946348: You encountered an issue when an employee and a vendor shared the same ID. When you loaded the employee record, the ID Type column displayed Key Entry instead of Employee, and the Name column displayed the account name instead of the employee's last and first names.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2051980: When the lower revenue levels linked to the source PLC project differed from the top-level project that you selected, the latter neither picked up the bill rates for the PLCs nor calculated revenues to create a budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053343: The warning message "Invalid ORG/ACCT Combination" has been added. This message displays when you try to save an org and an account that are not linked.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2053520: You experienced slow system performance when creating and committing an EAC.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016098: The code for the Final Version checkbox of budgets or EACs has been refactored.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021208: The Employee Status column has been added to the Hours subtask of a budget or EAC to enable the deletion of inactive employees from their indirect budgets and to improve performance. The Employee Status has also been added as a new item on the Query tab.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2027765: You can now create a new budget from any committed budget or EAC.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2040592: You encountered a problem with Employee Lookup when you tried to create, commit, and approve a budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042977: When you tried to modify an incomplete budget or EAC of which you are not the current owner, you received the error message "You are not the current budget modifier."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2005564: The application erroneously allowed the deletion of rows that contain Actuals from closed periods instead of displaying the error message "Cannot delete row, as it contains actuals in closed periods." This error impacted costs and revenues.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016100: The application now allows you to delete older versions of budgets or EACs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016747: You encountered duplication issues when you tried to create, commit, and approve budgets and EACs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021186: The application has been updated to enable the addition of employees with Family Medical Leave (FML) status into working budgets or EACs through the Hours subtask. The employee lookup displays the employees with FML status.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1996737: In Analysis by Period, the amounts did not roll up when you selected higher-level projects.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1998463: The end date of a top-level project did not extend when you made the budget/EAC end date extension at a lower-level project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2000554: You encountered an error when you tried to create an EAC.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2002513: When you tried to commit an EAC, you encountered the error "The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2006444: A logical Primary Key has been created for the Project Budget Status page.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1949378: There was a delay when loading projects in Lookup.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1949379: There was a delay in the initial population of raw data for large indirect projects.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1949381: There was a delay in creating budgets/EACs for large indirect projects.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1979030: The system did not calculate revenue for the last period of the project under these conditions:
The PoP end date is at the middle of a period.
The PLC end date is earlier than the PoP end date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1922026: Planning did not include certain revenue calculations. To correct this, the Revenue Type lookup on the Revenue Setup/Ceilings » Revenue Setup subtask was updated to include the following revenue types:
CMIR: Labor Cost times Multiplier plus Non-labor times Multiplier (Hours)
COSTIMR: Labor Cost times Multiplier Plus Non-Labor times Multiplier (Cost)
RSMNLM: Rate Schedule times Multiplier Plus Non-labor times Multiplier
For more information, see the online Help for the Manage Revenue screen (Projects » Project Setup).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1930460: A service center was not calculating revenue in Planning.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1947358: Transactions with zero record values did not display in EREPORT_PROJ_DETAILS.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1829677: The Actuals of a terminated employee were not displayed in the Staff Hours link of a newly created EAC.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1939998: When an account is tagged Inactive or is not included in the Project Account Group (PAG) but listed in MAP4 (Override Project Budget Sheet Account IDs), the account will still display in the Acct ID lookup of the project budget in BGMBP.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1940064: The application has been revised so that a non-owner may be able to complete and approve the budget and also select the Complete checkbox.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Resource Planning
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2105601: When you added a new assignment, PLC did not display by default.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2105576: After you added and saved a new assignment, a duplicate row displayed for the selected resource.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2136389: When you tried to enter the End Date of an assignment range, the Lookup displayed dates that were earlier than the selected Start Date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2105437: When you tried to enter the End Date of an assignment range, the Lookup displayed dates that were earlier than the selected Start Date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2071794: The names of Key Entry resources did not automatically populate Lookup unless hours had already been assigned and those hours fell within the start/end date range of the budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2099299: When you loaded a large project in Resource Planning, performance issues occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_bnp_nbmbpnb_001.zipcp82_bp_cmnlib_prjbgtlib_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2105449: When you selected Project from Budget Type on the Add/Edit/Delete Assignments subtask, the project ID did not display in the Budget ID lookup unless a budget existed for the project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_bnp_bgmbpir_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2135138: After you added and saved a new assignment, a duplicate row displayed for the selected resource.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082688: The names of Key Entry resources did not automatically populate the Lookup unless hours had already been assigned and those hours fell within the start/end date range of the budget.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2032317: Column headers that are related to available work hours have been updated to enable labor cost calculations with matching effective rates.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2055652: The FROM keyword did not display in Oracle databases. You also encountered an error when you tried to save a team.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1501409: You encountered performance issues when you selected a saved team.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1963722: The Budget Resource Planning application has been renamed Resource Planning.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1863503: When committing a previously deleted assignment, you encountered the error "The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1944664: The Budget by Resource application has been renamed Resource Planning.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2033219: You encountered a performance issue when you updated the BILLING_DETL_HIST, BILLING_SUM, and BILL_EDIT_DETL_CUM tables.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Adjust Open Billing Detail Records
Defect 2003862: When you updated the Hours On Hold column in the Open Billing Detail table window, a prompt to recompute or recalculate was not displayed.
As a workaround, manually compute and enter the Hours On Hold and On Hold Amount values.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Calculate Retroactive Bills
Defect 1943880: When vendor hours existed in a record without a vendor employee ID, the vendor hours were included twice on stand-alone retroactive bills.
As a workaround, you can edit billing amounts on the Manage Standard Bills screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Calculate Standard Bills
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2255959: When you ran this application, you encountered a system error. The threshold for arithmetic overflow in two work tables has been increased from 999,999 to 9,999,999 to fix this issue.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11546_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2128079: When you ran this application with the Transactions with Zero Bill Rate checkbox selected and the Use Transactional Currency Billing checkbox selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen, Costpoint populated the MU_BILL_AMT and MU_TRN_BILL_AMT columns in the BILL_EDIT_DETL table for transactions originating from IWO journals. The values should have been zero.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can set the Transaction Hours to zero in the Manage Open Billing Detail screen and click the Recalculate button. This will set the billing currency amount to zero. You can then put the hours back, click the Recalculate button, and save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2133200: When you ran this application with the Transactions with Zero Cost Amount, Transactions with Zero Bill Rate, and Create Zero Fee Rows checkboxes selected, the Fee on Hours (FH) records were not created in the BILL_EDIT_DETL table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2143164: The script has been updated to fix the MU_TRN_BILL_AMT column in billing tables.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1991422: When you ran this application with the Current Activity Only, Transactions with Zero Bill Rate, Transactions with Zero Cost Amount, and Transactions with Zero Units Quantity checkboxes selected, Costpoint applied the same Amount on Hold value to the Amount Prev Billed field on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen. This caused the Amount to Bill field to have a negative value. The Amount Billed field on the Manage Closed Billing Detail screen was also updated with the same Amount on Hold value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2022075: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2061323: When you selected All in the Projects Range Option drop-down list, selected the Transactions with Zero Cost Amount, Create Zero Retainage and Over-Ceiling Rows, and Create Zero Fee Rows checkboxes, and then ran this application, there were lesser zero fee rows on the Details subtask of the Manage Standard Bills application. The Amount to Bill column was also not editable.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2095799: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application to improve runtime.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2104501: When you ran this application, the process failed to complete.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2106158: You encountered the following error when you ran this application: “ORA-01438: Value larger than specified precision allowed for this column.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2115346: When you ran this application, the Direct Labor amounts on the printed Summary Invoice and Non-T&M Labor Supporting Schedule did not match.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2119274: When you ran this application with the Transactions with Zero Cost Amount, Transactions with Zero Bill Rate, and Create Zero Fee Rows checkboxes selected, the Fee on Hours (FH) records were not created in the BILL_EDIT_DETL table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_calcbills_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2120993: You encountered a system error when you ran this application with the Projects field set to All and the Create Zero Fee Rows checkbox selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_cmnlib_calcbills_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2142081: When you ran this application with the Transactions with Zero Bill Rate checkbox selected and the Use Transactional Currency Billing checkbox selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen, Costpoint populated the MU_BILL_AMT and MU_TRN_BILL_AMT columns in the BILL EDIT DETL table for transactions originating from IWO journals. The values should have been zero.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can set the Transaction Hours to zero in the Manage Open Billing Detail screen and click the Recalculate button. This will set the billing currency amount to zero. You can then put the hours back, click the Recalculate button, and save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082438: When you ran this application with the Current Activity Only, Transactions with Zero Bill Rate, Transactions with Zero Cost Amount, and Transactions with Zero Units Quantity checkboxes selected, Costpoint applied the same Amount on Hold value to the Amount Prev Billed field on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen. This caused the Amount to Bill field to have a negative value. The Amount Billed field on the Manage Closed Billing Detail screen was also updated with the same Amount on Hold value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2060506: The Projects Range Option drop-down list’s default selection has been changed to One.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2064278: When you ran this application with the Indirect Costs and Include One Prior Fiscal Year options selected under Consolidated Standard/Retro Billing Options, the process failed to complete.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2013766: This issue applies for Oracle database users. When you set the Apply Burdening based on option to Current Period Rates on the Corporate Settings subtask of the Configure Project Settings application, the POOL_BASE_AMT value in the BILL_EDIT_DETL table was set to zero. This caused an incorrect amount to display on the Indirect Rate Consolidated Retroactive Billing Worksheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1994961: The POOL_BASE_AMT value in the BILL_EDIT_DETL table was doubled when the bill included cost of money (COM) rates. This caused an incorrect amount on the Indirect Rate Consolidated Retroactive Billing Worksheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1960483: When the cost in excess or total cost in excess amount was equal to the total cost or total bill amount, the retainage amounts were incorrect on retroactive (combination and stand-alone) multicurrency bills with the Use Transactional Currency Billing option not selected on the Manage Project Billing Information screen.
As a workaround, you can manually edit the retainage amounts on the bill.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Create iRAPT Billing Files
Defect 2035965: When you selected the Clear iRAPT File Flags checkbox, the file information for unselected bills was not removed, and the new file information did not reflect in the selected bills.
As a workaround:
Select the Clear iRAPT File Flags checkbox.
Click the Default Action (gear) icon to remove the file information.
Clear the Clear iRAPT File Flags checkbox.
Click the Default Action (gear) icon again to re-populate with the new file information.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Manage ACRN Bills
Defect 1953313: When you edited the SLIN/Line Item column in the Project ACRN Details table window and then clicked Save & Continue, the column reverted to its original value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Manage Billing History
Defect 1962956: The Discount Amount field should have been hidden for users with Costpoint Essentials license.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Manage Manual Bills
Defect 2160614: When you viewed the Manage Manual Bills screen, the Invoice Total group box did not appear. If the MU license was on, the group box should have displayed the Transaction Currency and Functional Currency fields. If the MU license was off, it should have displayed only the Total field.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Manage Project Billing Information
Defect 2171624: When you ran this application, the revenue and billing codes and descriptions did not display. Additionally, when you used the Query button, the corresponding columns were also not displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Manage Project Product Bills
Defect 1957705: When you copied and pasted data from Microsoft Excel into the Project Product Billing Lines table window, a system error occurred if you only copied and pasted a few of the line columns.
As a workaround, copy and paste all columns from the spreadsheet into the table window.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Post Manual Bills
Defect 1955255: This application allowed posting of manual bills using a subperiod with a status of Not Available.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Post Standard Bills
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2193978: When you posted standard bills, the MU Billed Amount on Manage Project Bill summary included sales tax.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can change the MU Billed Amount value. However, this would not be feasible for multiple invoices.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11469_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2138146: When you missed a parenthesis, it caused an incorrect MU_TRN_BILL_AMT value in the OPEN_BILLING_DETL table for transactions that were on hold. This issue affects MSS database users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2175854: When you ran this application, you encountered a performance issue with the SQL query.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2020807: When you posted two partial bills, the Hours to Bill value on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen was incorrect.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can zero out the Hours on Hold, put the hours back, and click Save on the Manage Open Billing Detail screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_blpgen_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2091426: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2093030: You were unable to reprint a reversal bill that was already posted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_blpgen_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2098749: This application has been updated to post zero sales tax rows to the AR_SALES_TAX table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.1.0.1009.exe, DeltekCostpoint81ApplicationTier_Build01.exe, DeltekCostpoint81WebTier_Build01.exe, DeltekCostpoint81DatabaseTier_Build01.exe DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2060181: When you reversed a posted invoice, you received the following error message: “There is no billing history data for the invoice or selected invoices exist.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1986495: You received the following error message when you clicked the Print icon on the Post Standard Bills screen: “The posting you are attempting is not in balance. This program does not allow unbalanced postings. Printing and/or Posting will not be executed.”
As a workaround, click the Default Action (gear) icon and select Print/Post Standard Bills to print and post without errors.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Post Unit Usage
Defect 2108066: When you posted units usage more than once in a period, Costpoint duplicated the values on the Current Number of Units field on the Manage Allocation Journals screen. This issue occurred because reference numbers were not included in the ALLOC_BASIS_JNL table when posting units usage.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Print Billing Register
Defect 1987251: When you ran this application, manual bills and milestone/percent complete bills were not displayed on the report. Only standard bills were shown.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Print Billing Worksheet
Defect 2051949: When you ran this application with the Detail Invoices checkbox selected, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2066636: When you ran this application with ID/Name or Both selected under Show for T&M Projects, the values in the ITD Hrs Billed Including this Billing column were duplicated in the ITD Hrs Incurred column.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2119386: When you ran this application with ID/Name or Both selected under Show for T&M Projects, the values in the ITD Hrs Billed Including this Billing column were duplicated in the ITD Hrs Incurred column.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082699: When you ran this application with the Detail Invoices checkbox selected, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1949904: When you ran this application with the Detail Invoices checkbox selected, Costpoint was getting data only for detail projects with existing rows in the BILL_EDIT_DETL table. It should have included the rows for the detail project and all levels below it in BILL_EDIT_DETL.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1931493: Burden on unallowable direct cost was reported in the Unbilled Amounts column on the Billing Worksheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Print Indirect Rate Consolidated Retro Bill Worksheet
Defect 1985404: When you generated the report, the Original Rate and Original Amount columns were displayed as 0.0000% and 0.00 for detail invoices, instead of showing the same rates and amounts as the main invoices.
As a workaround, download the report in Excel or Word and manually edit the rates and amounts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2007634: When you ran this application, the labels for the total amount due were incorrectly displayed if the bill included cost of money (COM) rates.
As a workaround, download the report and manually edit the labels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Print Progress Payment Bills
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2221417: The expiration date and revision number on the Standard Form 1443 in Costpoint has been modified to 6/30/2027 and 10/2023 respectively to be consistent with the form’s current version.
Build Deployed In: cp82_blrpbil_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Billing >> Print Standard Bills
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2300218: When you entered a six-digit value in the BILL_FM_LN_NO column of the BILL_EDIT_DETL_CUM table, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_blrmbil_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2317604: When you ran this application, the schedule detail line description did not wrap properly and extended across the amount columns on the invoice.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can manually update the Line Description Detail field on the Schedule subtask in Manage Project User Flow » Proj Bill Info.
Build Deployed In: cp82_blrmbil_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2108065: When you selected the Create Zero Retainage and Over-Ceiling Rows checkbox on the Calculate Standard Bills screen and then manually edited the Retainage/Withhold/Release Amt value in Manage Standard Bills to release all previously withheld retainage amounts, the Invoice Subtotal line did not display in the printed standard bill.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_blrmbil_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2060510: This application now prints invoices marked as on hold with the header Not Selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2033929: When you printed a supporting schedule with the Employee/Vendor Information checkbox cleared in the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats application, you encountered a system error.
As a workaround, select the Employee/Vendor Information checkbox in the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1966058: The font of the VAT/Tax ID Number field on the bill was smaller compared to the other field labels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1981343: A critical system error occurred when you tried to print bills with the Detail Invoices checkbox selected on the screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Print Unbilled Analysis Report
Defect 2109528: You were unable to run this application when you selected All from the Project drop-down list.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Billing >> Update Billing Tables Bill Labor Category Description
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2206654: The locking method for the Update Billing Tables Bill Labor Category Description application has been changed to user locking.
Build Deployed In: cp82_blpupplc_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2206648: The locking method for the Update Billing Tables Bill Labor Category Description application has been changed to user locking.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Budgeting and ETC >> Configure Interface Settings
Defect 1974452: When you imported a file into the Import Project Budgets screen, Costpoint did not read the file correctly for the direct labor costs. Costpoint read the first row of data for all periods. However, for the second row of data, the system took the amount from period 1 (instead of period 2) and used the same value for all periods.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Budgeting and ETC >> Import Project Budgets
Defect 1991424: When you ran this application, Costpoint automatically imported project budgets to the Manage Project Budgets By Period (PJMBDPER) application. This issue affects MSS database users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1962850: When you imported a file into this screen, Costpoint did not read the file correctly for the direct labor costs. Costpoint read the first row of data for all periods. However, for the second row of data, the system took the amount from period 1 (instead of period 2) and used the same value for all periods.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compare Project Ledger to General Ledger
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2221928: When you ran this application, the process failed to complete.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpcompl_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2121665: When you entered 2023 in the Fiscal Year field and then clicked the Execute button, the process failed to complete.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute Burden Costs
Defect 2128207: When the pool exceeded the maximum value, Costpoint did not update the PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM tables. In addition, when you set the pool rate to 999.99%, you encountered a hard error message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2173255: When you selected Hours as Basis Type under the Pool Details tab of the Manage Cost Pools screen and then ran Compute Burden Costs, you encountered a warning message where the hourly rate was treated as a percentage rate.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2062733: The pool rate information message displayed the decimal equivalent of the rate instead of the percentage.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2158960: When the pool exceeded the maximum value, Costpoint did not update the PROJ_SUM and PROJ_BURD_SUM tables. In addition, when you set the pool rate to 999.99%, you encountered a hard error message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082572: The pool rate information message displayed the decimal equivalent of the rate instead of the percentage.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2060179: The following statement has been changed from an error message into an information message to allow you to continue the process: “The pools listed below have rates that create an arithmetic overflow. Please correct these issues or do not run these specific pools. Pool: <value>, Current Period Rate: <value>, YTD Rate: <value>.”
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1987250: You received the following error message when running this application: “The pools listed below have rates that create an arithmetic overflow. Please correct these issues or do not run these specific pools. Pool: <pool number>, Current Period Rate: <rate>, YTD Rate: <rate>.”
As a workaround:
On the Manage Cost Pools screen, query the service center record.
Clear the Service Center checkbox.
Select the Apply Rates to Projects checkbox.
Enter the Pool Type and click Save.
On the Pool Rates subtask, delete the pool rates lines and click Save.
Clear the Pool Type field and the Apply Rates to Projects checkbox.
Select the Service Center checkbox and enter service center information.
Click Save.
This issue also affected other applications.
Affected Application
Defect No.
Compute/Print Pool Rates
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute Cobra Burden Costs
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2310612: When you selected Project Labor Category Cobra (UDEF) under the Map Labor Based on Costpoint drop-down list on the Manage Cobra Resource Templates screen and then ran the Compute Cobra Burden Costs application, the labor Cobra mapping value was either missing or displayed an incorrect value.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, make sure that the lowest-level project, or at least the project used in the journal entry, is set up in the Link Project Labor Categories to Projects application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_aopcblab_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2142210: When you selected Use Mapping Table on the Configure Cobra Interface Settings screen and Costpoint Projects on the Manage Cobra Extraction Parameters screen and then ran the Compute Cobra Burden Costs application, the hours and amounts were doubled.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can select the Costpoint Top Level Project = Cobra Project option in Configure Cobra Interface Settings.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_aopcblab_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2144784: When you tried to select a specific range of projects for processing, Costpoint selected the entire project tree.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_aopcblab_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2100307: When you selected Project Labor Category Cobra (UDEF) under the Map Labor Based on Costpoint drop-down list on the Manage Cobra Resource Templates screen and then ran the Compute Cobra Burden Costs application, the process completed with error. This issue affects MSS database users.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can
select other options under the Map Labor Based on Costpoint drop-down list on the Manage Cobra Resource Templates screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2101971: When you selected Project Labor Category Cobra (UDEF) under the Map Labor Based on Costpoint drop-down list on the Manage Cobra Resource Templates screen and then ran the Compute Cobra Burden Costs application, the process completed with error. This issue affects MSS database users.
As a workaround, select other options under the Map Labor Based on Costpoint drop-down list on the Manage Cobra Resource Templates screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2070436: You encountered a system error when you ran the Compute Cobra Burden Costs process. As a workaround, you can set up the Cobra Integration Connection Information in the Costpoint Configuration Utility.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2034531: The integration transfers Costpoint's Configuration Name and Integration Owner to Cobra. This enables you to select the configuration settings and parameters that are used in Cobra.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute Inventory Burden Rates
Defect 2068218: When you upgraded to Costpoint 8.2, you could no longer access the Compute Inventory Burden Rates application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute Revenue
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2195903: You encountered a performance issue when running the Compute Revenue screen.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpcompr_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2314268: When you entered an Award Fee Adjustment Amount in Manage Project User Flow » Revenue Information subtask » Revenue Adjustments and ran Compute Revenue for Subperiod 1, Costpoint included the amount in the revenue worksheet but excluded it from subsequent periods.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2082673: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2101911: When you ran this application, the recaptured over ceiling amounts were reset to zero. The previously calculated OVER_FEE and OVER_CST amounts were cleared out for lower-level projects since the ceiling was removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2103483: You encountered a performance issue when running this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2110078: You encountered a critical system error when you ran this application. This issue affects MSS database users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2110138: Costpoint did not calculate the award fee adjustment amount when there were no posted transactions on a project.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can enter a regular revenue adjustment and reverse it later.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2119385: When you ran this application, the recaptured over ceiling amounts were reset to zero. The previously calculated OVER_FEE and OVER_CST amounts were cleared out for lower-level projects since the ceiling was removed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2052899: You encountered a performance issue when you ran this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2066044: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021123: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2040521: You encountered a performance issue when you ran this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1990231: You encountered a performance issue when running the Compute Revenue screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2005806: When you ran this application, Costpoint backed out previous over ceiling amounts, which caused an incorrect Other Fee value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2028875: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application to improve performance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1962845: Index hints were added to improve this application's performance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1962847: The application was taking longer than expected to complete processing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972609: When you changed the selection of the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox on the Manage Revenue Information screen and modified the fee amounts in the same period, the markup fee amounts became overstated after you computed revenue.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1945620: When both labor and non-labor cost fee overrides exist, Costpoint incorrectly calculated the fee amount.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Compute/Print Pool Rates
Defect 2186243: When you selected Hours as Basis Type under the Pool Details tab of the Manage Cost Pools screen and then ran Compute/Print Pool Rates, you encountered a warning message where the hourly rate was treated as a percentage rate.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2062667: The pool rate information message displayed the decimal equivalent of the rate instead of the percentage.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2082700: The pool rate information message displayed the decimal equivalent of the rate instead of the percentage.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Create Multi-Job Allocation Entries
Defect 2114160: When you ran this application, the process failed to complete, and you found an error in the logs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Group Duplicates in Labor History
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2226699: When you ran this toolkit, you encountered the following error message: “Number of rows to delete not the same as the number of duplicates found. No changes were made.”
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can update the VEND_ID to a single value like “XXXXX” for the duplicate records, run the toolkit again, and then set the VEND_ID back to NULL.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpgplab_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Load Labor Rates
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2206653: The locking method for the Load Labor Rates application has been changed to user locking.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpldrat_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2206652: The locking method for the Load Labor Rates application has been changed to user locking.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Post Revenue
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2268862: You encountered a performance issue when you ran this application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_dbc_820_11554_001.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2133440: When you ran this application, the process took longer than expected to complete.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2155736: You encountered a performance issue when you ran this application interactively.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2156551: You encountered a performance issue when you ran this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2158452: When you ran this application for an unbilled account that was not linked to the project’s performing organization, you did not encounter an error message, and Costpoint completed the process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2164090: You did not encounter an error message when you posted revenue for the following account/organization combinations:
Project Account Group with alt revenue accounts and unbilled general accounts that were not linked to the project’s owning organization.
Project Account Group with alt revenue accounts and unbilled general accounts that were linked to the project’s owning organization but were inactive.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2000471: You did not receive an error message when you ran this application for an award fee account that had no linked account/organization.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2008883: When you ran this application for an unbilled account that was not linked to the project’s owning organization, you did not encounter an error message, and Costpoint completed the process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2082696: You did not receive an error message when you ran this application for an award fee account that had no linked account/organization.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082697: When you ran this application for an unbilled account that was not linked to the project’s owning organization, you did not encounter an error message, and Costpoint completed the process.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1944654: Performance enhancements have been completed for this application, to improve runtime.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Process Organization Changes
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2239825: When you approved a journal entry with a modified owning org, you encountered the following error message: “The Exchange Rate cannot be zero. You must select a valid Exchange Rate before saving the record.”
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can clear the Approval Required checkbox for AJE JE Type on the Approval Settings subtask of the Configure General Ledger Settings screen.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Reverse Posted Pool and Revenue Journals
Defect 2110954: When you reversed a revenue journal for a project with billing and revenue formulas at different levels, the JE Number values on the Manage Journal Entries screen were not in consecutive order.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2098533: When you reversed a revenue journal entry for a project whose billing level differed from its revenue level, Costpoint generated a one-sided journal entry that was the higher level. You were also able to post the one-sided journal entry.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2042862: When you reversed a revenue journal entry for a project whose billing level differed from its revenue level, Costpoint generated a one-sided journal entry that was the higher level. You were also able to post the one-sided journal entry.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Summarize Project Ledger
Defect 1924748: The application was taking longer than expected to complete processing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Cost and Revenue Processing >> Update Prior Year History
Defect 1927703: The LAST_KEY of the SEQ_GENERATOR table for PY_PROJ_LAB_HS.ID_COL did not match the ID_COL of the PY_PROJ_LAB_HS table, which can result in an arithmetic overflow error.
As a workaround, you can update the ID_COL of SEQ_GENERATOR to match the ID_COL of PY_PROJ_LAB_HS.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Inter-Company Work Orders >> Create IWO Allocations
Defect 2022090: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2028021: When you used a job server with the Use Default or Halt option selected on the Manage Jobs screen, and the job setup included running Create IWO Allocations, Costpoint did not stop the process when Create IWO Allocations returned error messages.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1937365: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application to prevent it from hanging.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Inter-Company Work Orders >> Post IWO Journal
Defect 2022094: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
NASA 533s >> Create NASA 533 Report Tables
Defect 1891627: When you set up multiple line headings under a Group Subtotal for the 533 NASA Report, the Planned Hours value in the During Month column appeared as zero.
Additionally, when you left the Account field blank for one of the headings, the Planned Hours value was displayed. However, the report did not include the other line heading.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Create Project Report Tables
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2212088: When you printed the Revenue Worksheet with ITD selected in Select Report Period on the Print Revenue Worksheet screen for accounts with SALCAP function code, the revenue amount was incorrect for the project with negative unallowable costs.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpcrrpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2239725: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpcrrpt_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2244899: When there were net negative YTD costs for an account or organization, the allowable amounts on the printed Revenue Worksheet were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpcrrpt_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2251112: When you created project report tables, the Prior Year Adjustment Period revenue fields (SUB_PYREV_TGT_AMT/SUB_PYREV_ACT_AMT) were populated for subperiods other than the subperiod in which the revenue was recognized.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpcrrpt_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2264820: When you printed the Revenue Worksheet with ITD selected in Select Report Period on the Print Revenue Worksheet screen for accounts with SALCAP function code, the revenue amount was incorrect for the project with negative unallowable costs.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2264828: When you created project report tables, the Prior Year Adjustment Period revenue fields (SUB_PYREV_TGT_AMT/SUB_PYREV_ACT_AMT) were populated for subperiods other than the subperiod in which the revenue was recognized.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2264832: When there were net negative YTD costs for an account or organization, the allowable amounts on the printed Revenue Worksheet were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2264834: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2016112: You encountered a performance issue when you ran this application with the T&M Analysis checkbox selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Print Organization Cost Summary Report
Defect 2166712: When you exported this report to Excel, the process failed to complete due to merged cells in the format.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can print to PDF and then export to Excel, which may leave data in unusual formats in Excel that would need to be corrected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Print Project Labor Summary Report
Defect 1977159: The Projects Range Option drop-down list was disabled and defaulted to All when you selected any of the following options from the Group By drop-down list:
Owning Organizations
Performing Organizations
Labor Categories
As a workaround, select the Non-Contiguous Range checkbox and enter projects on the Project Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Print Project Status Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2268538: When you generated a Project Status Report, the following budget columns were not displayed. This defect affected Costpoint Essentials users.
Current Period Budget
Current Subperiod Budget
Year To Date Budget
Prior Year Budget
Contract To Date Budget
Total Contract Budget
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjrproj_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2315278: When you ran this application, deadlocks occurred.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjrproj_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1984407: Under Options Level on the Print Project Status Report Screen, the label was displayed as Project Level/Alt Project Level and Below. This should have been Project Level and Below for Costpoint Essentials users.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1931491: The application took longer than expected to print the Project Status Report.
As a workaround, clear the Suppress If No Year-To-Date Activity checkbox before running the screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Print Revenue Summary Report
Defect 1982612: In the Project Revenue Summary Report, the Contract to Date Value (w/o Future Mods) for the prior year was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1978506: The Option drop-down list was disabled and defaulted to All when you selected any of the following options from the Select By drop-down list:
Alternate Project Structure
Owning Organization
Performing Organization
Project Classification
Project Type
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Print Revenue Worksheet
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2249199: When you selected Subperiod from the Select Report Period drop-down list and ran this application, the Prior Year Adjustment Period Revenue was not included in the generated report.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can select the Hours By Employee checkbox in the Show group box before running the report.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjrrevw_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2257867: When you printed a revenue worksheet, the Total Direct Labor did not match the Direct Labor by Employee or PLC.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjrrevw_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2090915: You encountered a performance issue when running this screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> Update Project Status Report Tables
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2128068: When you ran this application for a Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod that had a status of Not Available or Closed, you encountered a validation message.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can temporarily open the Fiscal Year, Period, and Subperiod.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpuppsr_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2264192: The code has been updated to merge the previously released feature (Use Planning Project Budget/EAC Information in Projects PSR) into the baseline.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjpuppsr_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2145209: When you selected Planning Project Budgets as your budgeting method on the Budgeting tab of the Configure Project Settings screen, the Project Status Report displayed incorrect indirect values. This defect affects you if you are licensed for Planning.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can temporarily change the budgeting method to Budgeting and ETC or Advanced Budgeting on the Configure Project Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2091004: You experienced slow production performance when you ran this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> View Project Activity by Level
Defect 1985234: You received the following error message when you clicked the Execute button without entering values in the Fiscal Year and Period fields: “Error(s) This Fiscal Year/Period combination does not exist.” This defect affects Costpoint Essentials users only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Project Inquiry and Reporting >> View Project Ledger Activity
Defect 1991857: You encountered a system error when you ran this application.
As a workaround, click Execute without entering values in the fields under View Project Ledger Activity and then use Query to filter the results in Project Ledger Inquiry.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Import Project Master Data
Defect 2076408: When you ran this application, the process completed with errors.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can run the application while logged in as CPSUPERUSER.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2086244: When you imported a project with five levels or higher, you did not encounter the following error message: “Maximum level allowed is 4.” This issue affects Costpoint Essentials users only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2072943: When you imported a project with five levels or higher, you did not encounter the following error message: “Maximum level allowed is 4.” This issue affects Costpoint Essentials users only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082326: When you ran this application, the process completed with errors.
As a workaround, run the application while logged in as CPSUPERUSER.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects
Defect 2184202: The default Rate Type on the Project PLC Rates table has been changed back to Billing instead of Actual.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2186734: The default Rate Type on the Project PLC Rates table has been changed back to Billing instead of Actual.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1955249: The Rate column did not default to 0.00 when Rate Type was Actual or Standard. When you clicked another row in the Project PLC Rates table window, Costpoint displayed a validation message, which then reset Rate to 0.00. The validation was not triggered when there was only a single line in Project PLC Rates.
As a workaround, you can manually update the value in the Rate column.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Change Orders
Defect 1992909: When you added records in offline mode and then switched to online mode, no records were displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Employee Work Force
Defect 2008885: You received the following error message when the selected employee's current date was equal to the end date in the employee's salary details: "You do not have access to this Employee."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Government Contract Information
Defect 2144285: You experienced slow performance when you ran this application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Modification Descriptions
Defect 2026444: When you updated records in offline mode, switched to online mode, and then clicked Review Updates, no offline data was displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Prior Year Billable Value
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2275365: When you updated the Billing Value of an existing record, you encountered the following error message: “This record already exists. This combination of columns ('Fiscal Year (Hidden)','Project (Hidden)','Organization','Account','General Labor Category','Project Labor Category','Employee','Vendor','Vendor Employee') must be unique.”
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can:
Paste all rows into an Excel spreadsheet and make the value changes there.
Copy a row on the Manage Prior Year Billable Value screen.
Update the value in the copied row.
Delete the original row, which also deletes all other rows except for the new copied one.
Paste the remaining rows back from the Excel spreadsheet.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjmpygl_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 1993547: When you updated records in offline mode and then switched to online mode, there were missing or incorrect values.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Prior Year Cobra Costs
Defect 2159790: When you created or queried records with the same Fiscal Year, Period, Subperiod, Project, and Organization combinations, the detail rows were combined in each header rows.
In addition, when you tried to add a row for an existing account but for a different employee and GLC on the Prior Year Costs subtask, an error message displayed stating that the record already existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2110120: When you created or queried records with the same Fiscal Year, Period, Subperiod, Project, and Organization combinations, the detail rows were combined in each header row.
In addition, when you tried to add a row for an existing account but for a different employee and GLC on the Prior Year Costs subtask, an error message displayed stating that the record already existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Prior Year Unit Revenue
Defect 1993554: When you queried a record and clicked Options » Make Available Offline, some primary or logical keys were missing, and you were unable to edit child form fields in offline mode.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Project Labor History
Defect 1980616: When you queried a record and clicked Options » Make Available Offline, some primary or logical keys were missing and you were unable to edit child form fields in offline mode.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Project Roles
Defect 2101509: When you added an employee who already existed in lower-level projects to a top-level project role with the Apply to Lower Project Levels checkbox in the Roles Assigned to Users table window cleared, you received the following warning message: “User <value> with Role Code <value> already exists at lower levels and will be removed if the Lower Level flag remains unchecked. The user is found in the following lower levels: <value>.”
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can manually search all lower project levels where the employee exists, add them at the top level, and reenter them at prior lower levels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2066065: When you added an employee who already existed in lower-level projects to a top-level project role with the Apply to Lower Project Levels checkbox in the Roles Assigned to Users table window cleared, you received the following warning message: “User <value> with Role Code <value> already exists at lower levels and will be removed if the Lower Level flag remains unchecked. The user is found in the following lower levels: <value>.”
As a workaround, manually search all lower project levels where the employee exists, add them at the top level, and reenter them at prior lower levels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Project User Flow
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2213120: When you added multiple project levels simultaneously, Costpoint allowed the saving of project levels that were not set up at the top-level project.
Build Deployed In: cp82_pjmbasic_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2066967: When you used the Find and Replace functions to edit the Project Manager across multiple projects with the Project Mgr Allow Edit checkbox cleared, the change applied only to the first project and did not flow down to lower project levels.
In addition, when you used the Find and Replace functions to clear the Project Mgr Allow Edit checkbox, the Project Manager did not apply to lower project levels.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pjmbasic_003.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2072941: When you cloned existing projects with five levels or higher, you did not encounter the following error message: “Maximum level allowed is 4.” This issue affects Costpoint Essentials users only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2083029: When you cloned existing projects with five levels or higher, you did not encounter the following error message: “Maximum level allowed is 4.” This issue affects Costpoint Essentials users only.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2020806: When you copied a second-level project with the Project Workforce Required checkbox selected and then saved the record, the checkbox was cleared in the new record. This issue occurred because Costpoint defaulted to the values of the top-level project instead of the cloned project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2028022: On the Dir Hrs Ceil subtask, when you clicked Copy » Copy Data to Paste into New Record(s) on a project and then clicked Copy » Paste Data on another project, the Labor Category column was blank.
As a workaround, manually add the project labor categories.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1958940: You encountered a performance issue when running the Manage Project User Flow screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1962848: When you clicked Copy » Copy Data to Paste into New Record(s) on a project and then clicked Copy » Paste Data on another project, the following error message displayed even though the record did not yet exist on the latter project: “This record already exists. This combination of columns must be unique.”
This issue existed on the following subtasks of Manage Project User Flow:
Revenue Information » Revenue Adjustments
Dir Cost Ceil
Dir Hrs Ceil
Empl Hrs Ceil
Vend Hrs Ceil
The issue also occurred on the Award Fee subtask of the Manage Modifications application.
As a workaround, you can use Copy Data to Paste into New Record(s) and Paste Data in the corresponding stand-alone applications of the subtasks, or manually enter the new record(s) in Manage Project User Flow.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1957703: When the opportunity ID on a project does not exist in your Costpoint database, the application did not default the Date Edit value correctly in Time & Expense.
As a workaround, do not load data through the backdoor or through the Web Interface Console (WIC). Add the opportunity ID to Costpoint first.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Revenue Information
Defect 2171587: When you ran this application, the revenue and billing codes and descriptions did not display. Additionally, when you used the Query button, the corresponding columns were also not displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1965785: When you selected the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox and edited the Fiscal Year field in offline mode and then switched to online mode, the Fiscal Year was blank even though it had already been modified in offline mode and the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox was unselected. This issue occurred when the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox was not selected in Configure Project Settings » Revenue.
As a workaround, click Fiscal Year and select Offline value: <value>, manually select the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox, and then click Save.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972612: When you updated multiple revenue formulas using the Find, Replace, or Paste Data from Excel functions and then saved the record, there was no prompt message for the Fiscal Year field.
As a workaround, update the revenue formulas individually.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1982614: Fiscal Year was disabled when you changed the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox selection in Table View using the Replace function for a single record.
As a workaround, select or clear the checkbox in Form View.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972619: When you changed the selection of the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox, Costpoint updated the value of the checkbox for all prior periods in the PROJ_REV_SETUP_ADT table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1975918: This application has been modified to display the following updated warning messages depending on the selection of the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox:
When ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level is selected, the calculations will be the same as in previous versions (7.1, 8.0). Any Fee ceilings at a lower level than the Revenue Level will not include the Other Fee at Revenue Level. It is recommended that all ceilings reside at the Revenue level for this formula.
When ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level is unselected, Burden Fee Overrides will not be used in calculations.
In addition, for existing records, the previous error message that displays when you change the selection of the checkbox has been updated to the following:
If you change the check box, the other fee information will be cleared in the PROJ_SUM table for the Fiscal Year indicated in the screen. Do you want to continue?
These updates apply when the Revenue Formula selected on the screen is ITDCPFC (ITD Fee on Cost).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1934969: Costpoint now displays a message whenever you change your selection for the ITDCPFC - Other Fee on Revenue Level checkbox on this screen. This message informs you that selecting or clearing the checkbox will clear the other fee information in the PROJ_SUM table for the fiscal year indicated on the screen, and will also affect the PROJ_REV_SETUP_ADT table when the revenue information is updated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Manage Total Ceilings
Defect 1993768: The common folder "pj\commonpj" has been converted into a PJMTCEIL library.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Project Setup >> Mass Add Project Workforce
Defect 2142229: When you added new projects to an existing parameter with a record in the PLCs Assigned to Project Workforce table window and then saved the parameter, you encountered a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2062058: When you upgraded to Costpoint 8.2.6, you encountered performance issues in the following applications:
Export Timesheets
Import Timesheets
Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense
In addition, when you ran the following applications, the process failed to complete:
Import Accounts Payable Vouchers
Import Journal Entries
Import TE Expenses/Advances
As a workaround, clear the Show Period of Performance Warning Message checkbox on the Configure Project Settings screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2063391: When you upgraded to Costpoint 8.2.6, you encountered a performance issue with the period of performance validation. This issue existed on the following applications:
Export Timesheets
Import Accounts Payable Vouchers
Import Journal Entries
Import TE Expenses/Advances
Import Timesheets
Import Timesheets from Deltek Time and Expense
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Subcontractor Management >> Approve Subcontractor Invoices
Defect 2082570: The Invoiced checkbox on the Timesheet Detail tab of the Manage Open Subcontractor Detail screen was not selected for approved subcontractor invoices.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2117652: The Invoiced checkbox on the Timesheet Detail tab of the Manage Open Subcontractor Detail screen was not selected for approved subcontractor invoices.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.11.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1989965: You encountered an error when approving more than 20 invoices. As a workaround, edit any field in the invoice lines for manually created invoices. This workaround does not work for auto-created invoices.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1968702: Logic has been updated such that the computed sales tax functional amount matches the value in the SUBC_PROJ_BILL_HS table.
This change affects users with the Multicurrency functionality on.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1945792: This issue applies if you have the Multicurrency feature enabled. After you approved work assignment invoices in the Approve Subcontractor Invoices application, the Debit Running Balance was overstated by 0.01 in the Manage Journal Entries application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Subcontractor Management >> Create Subcontractor Invoices
Defect 2240601: When you ran this application, auto-created invoices failed to populate all the required fields in the Vendor 1099’s group box in the Account Distribution subtask of the Manage Subcontractor Invoices screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2136017: When you ran this application, the values for TS_CELL_NOTES or TS_LN_NOTES were not saved to the VCHR_LAB_VEND_TS table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2142386: When you ran this application, Costpoint included the PO Line and Charge Line, which had no hours or amount allocated, even when none of the checkboxes in the Validation Rules for Create Subcontractor Invoices under the Business Rules tab of the Manage Work Assignments screen were selected.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can change the zero hours to one hour and recreate the subcontractor invoice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2205454: When you did not enter any value on Charges » Vendor Employees subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen and then ran the Create Subcontractor Invoices application, the invoice was not created, and an exception report was displayed.
As workarounds:
Delete the created invoice, if any. Then on the Business Rules tab of the Manage Work Assignments screen, select the Allow Hours Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Hours and Allow Charges Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Amount checkboxes. Run the Create Subcontractor invoices application.
Delete the created invoice, if any. On the Manage Work Assignments screen, enter values for the hours and amount on the Vendor Employees subtask and recreate the invoice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2207284: When you did not enter any value on Charges » Vendor Employees subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen and then ran the Create Subcontractor Invoices application, the invoice was not created, and an exception report was displayed.
As workarounds:
Delete the created invoice, if any. Then on the Business Rules tab of the Manage Work Assignments screen, select the Allow Hours Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Hours and Allow Charges Over Charge Line/Vendor Employee Amount checkboxes. Run the Create Subcontractor invoices application.
Delete the created invoice, if any. On the Manage Work Assignments screen, enter values for the hours and amount on the Vendor Employees subtask and recreate the invoice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2138667: When you ran this application, Costpoint included the PO Line and Charge Line, which had no hours or amount allocated, even when none of the checkboxes in the Validation Rules for Create Subcontractor Invoices under the Business Rules tab of the Manage Work Assignments screen were selected.
As a workaround, change the zero hours to one hour and recreate the subcontractor invoice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1983724: You received the following error message when you ran this application: "You cannot make the invoice line taxable when all Vendor labor rows have Sales Tax/VAT on Labor = 'N,' and there are associated rows in Invoice Labor Vendor Details subtask."
This was caused by Costpoint not creating the vendor labor tax line when the work assignment charge line you used was taxable (Taxability was set to Sales Tax) and the Charge Line Sales Tax/VAT Amt value was set to 0.00 on the Manage Work Assignments screen. The vendor labor tax line should have been created. The charge line's sales tax/VAT amount should also not affect the invoice's vendor labor tax amount.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1762103: The processing time was longer when the records were not on hold than when the records were on hold.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Subcontractor Management >> Manage Open Subcontractor Detail
Defect 2071726: There was a missing semicolon in MSS patch dbc_82_10757, which caused incorrect data in the SUBC_TS_LN and SUBC_EXP_LN tables.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Subcontractor Management >> Manage Subcontractor Invoices
Defect 2069130: When you added a new invoice line, Costpoint previously displayed the following fatal error message: “New lines are not allowed when the invoice was created by the Create Subcontractor Invoices process.” This has been changed to a normal error message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_pompovch_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2042967: When you queried a subcontractor invoice voucher, the Address Code field on the Address tab was not editable.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2002068: The Exchange Rates subtask was not editable for invoices that had not yet been approved.
As a workaround, delete the invoice and then recreate it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Subcontractor Management >> Manage Work Assignments
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2209426: When you changed a work assignment’s Approval Status to Closed on the Charges subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen and changed the PO Status to Closed on the Manage Purchase Orders application, the charge lines on the work assignment did not appear. However, when you closed the work assignment but kept the PO Status set to Open, the charge lines on the work assignment remained visible.
Build Deployed In: cp82_smmwrk_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2273163: When you clicked the Copy function on the Charges subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen, the line numbers duplicated instead of incrementing.
For Pick and Choose deployment: If you choose not to apply this hotfix, as a workaround, you can manually change the line numbers.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2186176: When you changed a work assignment’s Approval Status to Closed on the Charges subtask of the Manage Work Assignments screen and changed the PO Status to Closed on the Manage Purchase Orders application, the charge lines on the work assignment did not appear. However, when you closed the work assignment but kept the PO Status set to Open, the charge lines on the work assignment remained visible.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2101514: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application to improve performance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_smmwrk_002.zipDependent Files: deltekcostpointmaintenancerelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2037868: Performance tuning has been conducted for this application to improve performance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1988535: You encountered a performance issue when adding, deleting, editing, sorting, or closing charge lines for work assignments with more than 500 lines on the Manage Work Assignments screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1938006: Performance has been improved to reduce runtime when a work assignment has more than 500 charge lines.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Subcontractor Management >> Print Subcontractor Invoices
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2203113: When you ran this application, the printed subcontractor invoice included the incorrect PLC description.
Build Deployed In: cp82_smrinvc_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2248012: When you printed a detail invoice, it did not match the summary.
Build Deployed In: cp82_smrinvc_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2296658: When you printed a detail invoice, the Cumulative Total Hours and Cumulative Amount were incorrect, and the posted details were missing.
Build Deployed In: cp82_smrinvc_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2244046: When you printed a detail invoice, it did not match the summary.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2189299: When you ran this application, PO line and invoice details were omitted in the printed subcontractor invoice if the Expense Report included Under and Over Ceiling charge amounts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_smrinvc_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2202792: When you ran this application, the printed subcontractor invoice included the incorrect PLC description.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2187854: When you ran this application, PO line and invoice details were omitted in the printed subcontractor invoice if the Expense Report included Under and Over Ceiling charge amounts.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2106988: When you ran this application, the Cumulative Amount value was incorrect because it did not include the Current Amount value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Business Intelligence
Defect 2083454: When you tried to drill through to details on the Backlog tab (Contract Funding chart) in the Executive dashboard, a 'target not found for drill through' error appeared. This defect affects you if you use Costpoint BI CRM & Contracts.
Defect 2199205: When you selected Company as the Primary Group and set Account Information to Show in the Balance Sheet report, it displayed multiple lines for the same account. Although the total amounts were correct, these transactions should have been summarized into a single line by account. As a workaround, use the Costpoint version of the report.
Defect 2201123: When you accessed the Org Mgr CP Performance Analytics, PM CP Performance Analytics, or Executive Dashboard in SMART AI, the interactivity of the dashboards was removed to prevent number inflation due to an IBM Cognos defect. This defect was addressed in Cognos Analytics FP4, and the workaround was reversed to restore dashboard interactivity. This issue affects you if you are a Costpoint Advanced user of SMART AI.
Defect 2210856: When you used data items in Billing > Project Billing Information Reporting > Billing Discounts > Labor Category Discounts > Project Labor Category Discounts, an error occurred. The error message stated: "Cross joins (between query subjects: [Database Layer].[OWNING_ORG_SECURED for PROJ_ALIAS], [Database Layer].[PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC], [Database Layer].[VBI_USER_PROJ_ACCESS for PROJ_ALIAS]) are not permitted." This defect affects you if you use Project Labor Category Discounts. As a workaround, create a custom SQL statement: SELECT PROJ_ID,BILL_LAB_CAT_CD,BILL_RT_AMT, COMPANY_ID FROM PROJ_LAB_CAT_RT_SC.
Defect 2216453: When you viewed the PO Payment and Balance report, it included voided checks, inflating the amount paid. This defect affects you if you use the Procurement module.
Defect 2225937: When you drilled from Project Health to the Backlog details, the ITD Target backlog was missing from the report output.
Defect 2225976: When you viewed the Business Intelligence Revenue Summary Report, the Contract and Funding Values without future modifications appeared inflated compared to the Project Revenue Summary Report in Costpoint.
Defect 2227621: When you attempted to sort objects within their grouping or parent folder in the Manage BI Menu Content application, they did not display in the correct order in the Menu Tab.
Defect 2251301: When you accessed the Supplier Performance Dashboard without a delivery schedule, receipt data did not display. This issue affects you if you use the Materials Manufacturing module. As a workaround, enter a delivery schedule.
Defect 2252042: When you attempted to execute the drill-through report on the Approved Requisitions Awaiting PO Conversions by Buyer (Drill Thru to Detail) section of the Requisition to PO Conversion tab on the Procurement Dashboard (Header Level Approval), the drill-through could not be found. As a result, the drill-through failed with the error 'Target not found for drill-through 'Approved Reqs - Drill Thru Only'. The workaround before the fix was to update the dashpart drill-through properties.
Defect 2252086: When you attempted to execute the drill-through report on the Approved Requisitions Awaiting PO Conversions by Buyer (Drill Thru to Detail) section of the Requisition to PO Conversion tab on the Procurement Dashboard (Line Level Approval), the drill-through could not be found. As a result, the drill-through failed with the error "Target not found for drill-through 'Approved Reqs - Drill Thru Only". As a workaround, update the dashpart drill-through properties.
Defect 2254454: When you attempted to access details from the Manufacturing Dashboard on the '# of ECN's by Status' visualization, an error stating "target not found for drill through" displayed. This issue affects you if you use the Manufacturing module.
Defect 2266996: When you accessed the General Ledger Detail report in the Team Content>General Ledger>Reports folder, the ending balance by account was not calculated correctly. As a workaround, use the Costpoint version of the report.
Defect 1959319: When you ran the Effective User Rights report, found under Team content » Costpoint Administration » Security, a general exception error was encountered with the message, "UDA-SQL-0460 A general exception has occurred during local processing. UDA-EE-0094 The operation "add" is invalid for the following combination of data types: "double" and "varchar""
This defect affects you if you use the GovCon Cloud Moderate (GCCM) environment. As a workaround, you could use the Admin » Security » Security Reports/Inquiries » Print Effective User Rights Report (SYREFFUR) in Costpoint.
Defect 1986567: When you opened the HR Management Dashboard in SMART AI, an error stating "We can't load visualization because its associated data set "HR Management" isn't available" displayed. This defect affects you if you are a Costpoint Advanced user assigned to CER__HR and CER__PEOPLE legacy groups. As a workaround, assign the impacted users to the user group, CER__ALL, which has permission to run the HR Management Dashboard. Reassigning the user to the CER_ALL group opens up all BI content to the user, so only implement this workaround if there is no concern about broadening BI access for the user.
Defect 2105151: When you ran a query from the Employee Basics area of the Employee package, only one of the available phone numbers for an employee displayed, even when multiple phone numbers were entered in the system. This defect affects you if you use the Employee package. As a workaround, use the legacy HR package to create a query or use direct entry SQL to pull EMPL_PHONE information.
Defect 2159033: When you ran the Contracts Brief report, no data displayed. The Costpoint BI report was completely blank. This issue affects you if you are a CRM & Contracts customer and did not add an Organization ID in the Contract Master. This issue was introduced due to the new Organization ID functionality in CRM & Contracts in version 8.2. Organization ID was not a required field and the appropriate join was not established to return contracts when Org ID was not available. As a workaround, you can apply one of the following:
Option 1: You could populate your Contract Master with valid Organization IDs.
Option 2: You could edit the report to remove the Organization Name column from the qMain query. You could then save this custom version to Team Content » Company Content » Your tenant folder » CRM & Contracts.
Defect 2160595: When you changed your personal setting for report output format from the default (HTML) to Excel, the home page and welcome page were downloaded to Excel, which was not the intended result for these specific reports. This issue affects you if you changed your personal setting for report format to something other than HTML/default. As a workaround, you could change the setting back to HTML and alter the output format at runtime for individual reports.
Defect 2160596: When you viewed the aggregations (such as Gross Margin, Net Income) on the Income Statement report, they displayed inaccurately. This defect affects you if you use the BI Income Statement report. As a workaround, you could run the BI Trended Income Statement or the Costpoint Print Financial Statement report. Please note that the labels on the aggregate lines (for FS Major Number) might differ due to the user-defined financial statements format. For instance, instead of Net Income, the label could be Profit/Loss.
Defect 2164183: When you established permissions on the SMART AI folders for the transactional Data Modules, they did not set as planned. Instead, the permissions seemed to have been copied down from the parent folder. This issue impacted users of SMART AI in Costpoint Advanced. As a workaround, manually set the desired permissions once the SMART AI folder was copied to Company content. Note that you needed to be the BI Administrator to implement this workaround.
Defect 2168530: When you attempted to run custom reports linked to packages in legacy Costpoint Enterprise Reporting folders after the upgrade, you were unable to do so. This issue impacted customers who had custom reports pointed to these legacy packages. These packages had been moved to a central location several years prior. As a workaround, do the following:
First, show hidden entries.
Navigate to your personal menu in Costpoint Business Intelligence, select Profile and settings.
Click on the Settings tab and enable Show hidden entries.
Next, relink the impacted reports to the legacy package located in Team Content»*Packages* folder.
Navigate to the report under Team content » Company content » Your tenant folder>xxx and click the three dots.
Click Properties.
On the General Tab, click Set package or module and browse to the package of the same name under Team content»*Packages*» ~Legacy Packages (CER 7.1.x)~.
Click Open.
Close the Properties window.
Repeat steps for each report.
Ideally, no reports should have been pointed to packages in the old legacy location. All Deltek standard packages were centrally located under Team content » Packages. Deltek recommends to implement the workaround despite the fix.
Defect 2170285: When you set the Project Level Type prompt to Revenue Level, the Unbilled Analysis report from the Billing folder did not render and eventually produced an error. As a workaround, run the report at the Project level instead.
Defect 2171471: When you viewed the Resource Activity report, it displayed inflated hours for an employee. This happened when the user belonged to multiple functional groups and the report multiplied the hours by the number of functional groups the user belonged to. This defect affects you if you use the BI Time standard reports. As a workaround, select a single Functional Role on the prompt page when you run the report.
Defect 2174352: When you viewed the Work Hours by Day by Resource report, inflated hours for an employee displayed when the user belonged to multiple functional roles. This was due to the report multiplying the hours by the number of functional groups the user belonged to. As a workaround for the inflated hours, select a single Functional Role on the prompt page when you run the report.
Other findings on the report were as follows:
On the Selection Criteria page, when you selected earliest and latest, the Date Range row displayed as blank.
The Project row should have been removed since there were no project prompts on this report.
When you selected a resource, the Resource row did not display the selected resource.
Defect 2176871: When you added a custom report to the Menu via the Manage BI Menu Content application and clicked on it, it did not launch. An error displayed with the message, "Unable to Load Requested View." Standard Deltek reports were launched without any issues. This defect affects you if you add custom reports to the Menu tab. As a workaround, you could launch the custom report by navigating to the correct location via Company content.
Defect 2178636: When you generated the BOM Component Shortage report, an Oracle error ORA-00904: "ISNULL": invalid identifier displayed. This defect affects you if you are a BI customer licensed for Manufacturing on an Oracle database platform.
The ISNULL database function was removed from the following data items in the BOM Component Shortage report because the ISNULL function is not an Oracle function, it is a Microsoft SQL Server function:
qMain > On Hand Quantity
qMain > Net Available Quantity
qMain > Shortage Computation
qProjSubPart > Net Available Quantity
qSubPart > On Hand Quantity
qSubPart > Net Available Quantity
Defect 2182855:When you viewed the G/L Detail report, similar data were grouped into a single row instead of displaying each detail row. This happened when all columns for two rows had the same values. As a workaround, disable Auto Group & Summarize in the Properties Pane for QueryMain, Query 2, and Query 3, then save as a custom report.
Defect 2186254: When you attempted to create a report using the "Human Resources" package, an error occurred due to an unapplied filter condition on the query subjects. This issue impacted clients unfamiliar with SQL, as they were unable to develop reports based on the Employee Dependents & Beneficiaries query subject. As a workaround, write a direct SQL such as: SELECT * FROM HB_EMPL_DEP_BNFIC table.
Defect 2186943: When you drilled from Project Health to A/R Details at the top-level, the expected results displayed. However, when you drilled from a lower level project to the A/R detail, the expected results did not display.
Defect 2187556: When you used the Role filter on the Project Health report, it correctly filtered the projects in the table based on the selected role, but it caused the Accounts Receivable number to inflate.
Defect 2187781: When you viewed the HR Dashboard, the Employee Count was incorrect because the system counted a new hire with a future start date.
Defect 2197156: When you generated a custom report using the Employee Earnings State Taxes query subject from the Payroll package, inflated dollar amounts displayed. As a workaround, create a direct SQL statement to query the database table: SELECT * FROM EMPL_EARN_STATE.
Defect 2182219: When you added a custom report to the Menu via the Manage BI Menu Content application and clicked it, it did not launch. An error message stating 'Unable to Load Requested View' was displayed. This issue impacted users adding custom reports to the Menu tab. However, standard Deltek reports were launched without any issues. As a workaround, you could launch the custom report by navigating to the correct location via Company content.
Defect 2184062: When you viewed the G/L Detail report, similar data was grouped into a single row instead of displaying each detail row. This happened when all columns for two rows had the same values. As a workaround, turn off Auto Group & Summarize in the Properties Panel for QueryMain, Query 2, and Query 3, and then save as a custom report.
Defect 2191666: When you generated the BOM Component Shortage report, it displayed the Oracle error, "ORA-00904: "ISNULL": invalid identifier." This issue affected BI customers on an Oracle database platform with a Manufacturing license. The ISNULL database function was removed from several data items in the BOM Component Shortage report because it is a Microsoft SQL Server function, not an Oracle function. The affected data items included On Hand Quantity, Net Available Quantity, and Shortage Computation in both qMain and qSubPart.
The ISNULL database function was removed from the following data items in the BOM Component Shortage report because the ISNULL function is not an ORACLE function, it is a Microsoft SQL Server function:
qMain > On Hand Quantity
qMain > Net Available Quantity
qMain > Shortage Computation
qProjSubPart > Net Available Quantity
qSubPart > On Hand Quantity
qSubPart > Net Available Quantity
Defect 2205580: When a user attempted to view and create reports using the Payroll package without the necessary group access, the system allowed it. This issue affected on-premise users on BI v8.2.12 and v8.2.13. As a workaround, upgrade to BI v8.2.14. This defect was promptly fixed in the cloud for deployed v8.2.13.
Defect 2162255: When you ran the Income Statement (not the trended one), the financial statement major number lines such as Gross Margin and Net Income did not match those in Costpoint. As a workaround, run the BI Trended Income Statement or run Costpoint's Print Financial Statement application.
Defect 2164184: The permissions on Smart AI folders for the 'transactional' data modules were not established as planned. It seemed that permissions were copied down from the parent folder. This defect affects users of Smart AI. As a workaround, set the permissions once Smart AI is copied to Company Content.
Defect 2168532: When you attempted to run reports linked to packages in CER folders after the version 8.2 upgrade, you were unable to do so. As a workaround, relink reports to packages found under Team Content » Packages » Legacy.
Defect 1936080: When you used the same project number for new business and existing projects, data quadrupled for some projects but not all. As a workaround, use the legacy package.
Defect 1946457: When you viewed the subtitle on the Corpay Payments report, it displayed the generic "Report Subtitle" text instead of the updated content.
Defect 1978479: When you generated the Revenue Forecast report, the prompt to exclude New Business did not function. As a workaround, run the Revenue Forecast report at the transaction level.
Defect 2060194: When you ran the Project Revenue Summary with Backlog at higher levels, multiple rows displayed per project. As a workaround, export the report to MS Excel and add a subtotal per project, or run the report at the transaction level.
Defect 2071218: When you ran the Manufacturing MO Pick List Report, an error occurred. This error affects you if you use Costpoint BI with MS SQL server.
Defect 2077121: When you ran the Trial Balance and set an organization level, the organization leveling functionality did not work as expected.
Defect 2083425: When you used existing PM security, there was no seamless transition to Project Role Security. As a workaround, manually enable Project Role Security, manually enable BI_FL for the "PM" role code, and manually copy users from CER_PM_MGR to CER__ROLE_SEC.
Defect 2083719: The settlementCurrency column on the Corpay Payments report displayed different currencies when it should have been USD only. This defect affects you if you use Corpay Marketplace. As a workaround, export the Corpay Payments report to MS Excel or a comma-separated value (CSV) file and then change the currency to USD before uploading to Corpay.
Defect 2083747: When you attempted to delete the SMART AI after copying the folder to Company Content as an Administrator, the action was not possible. As workaround, create a subfolder under Company Content with Full Permissions for CER_ADMIN and Everyone with READ rights. Saving the SMART AI folder in that subfolder allowed it to inherit parent permissions.
Defect 2084739: There were minor formatting issues on the Real Time Project Status Report.
Defect 2084741: The company name displayed twice on the subtitle of the Labor Detail Drill Through report in Planning.
Defect 2084742: When you accessed the G/L Detail Drill in Planning, minor formatting issues occurred.
Defect 2085466: The PSR Template used the legacy package instead of the secure package in Team Content » Packages » Project Reporting. Hence, Project Role Security was not applied even if it was turned on.
Defect 2085505: When you checked the properties panel, the package or data module reference was missing. This defect affects the following reports:
Team Content » Materials » Lead Time Audit
Team Content » Procurement » Approved Requisitions - Drill Thru
Team Content » Procurement » Days In-Approval (for Header Approval)
Team Content » Procurement » Days In-Approval (for Line Approval)
Team Content » Procurement » PO Header and Line Detail - Drill Thru
Team Content » Procurement » Posted Check Detail Drill Thru
Team Content » Procurement » Purchase Order Amount by Status - Drill Thru
Team Content » Procurement » Unposted Check Detail Drill Thru
Team Content » Procurement » Voucher Line Detail Drill Thru
Defect 2086207: The Substitute Part data on the BOM Component Shortage report was missing or inaccurate.
Defect 2086209: When you attempted to generate output in Project Health, an unexpected project prompt displayed.
Defect 2086212: Project Role Security was not properly applied to the results of the Revenue Summary Report Template because it used the legacy package. The report should have used the secure package in Team Content » Packages » Project Reporting.
Defect 2092280: When you generated the Corpay Portal Vendor Listing report, it did not list vendors with no activity in the past 12 months.
Defect 2092336: The Corpay Payments included items other than those that were paid for including those that were tagged as HOLD.
Defect 2092337: The address details on the Corpay Payments report did not match those found on the Manage Vendors screen in Costpoint.
Defect 2092430: When you viewed the invoiceRef field used in the Corpay Payments report, it was not always blank. This issue impacted Corpay customers.
Defect 2100262: When you navigated to the second level of the menu structure, the BI Preview application did not display. This issue impacted Cloud customers upgrading to version 8.2 with a preview environment. Before the fix, you had to navigate to the fourth level of the menu to launch the preview.
Defect 2101413: When you accessed the Planning Dashboard in Smart AI with Cognos Analytics 11.2.4 Fix Pack 3 installed, an error occurred.
Defect 2105206: When you navigated to Contracts Reporting » Reporting » Opportunities » Opp Info » Status » Opportunity Source Description in the OPP_SOURCES and OPP_MASTER tables, the columns in the join definition for the field were mismatched.
Defect 2116507: When you viewed the Current Period Revenue Analysis tab in the PM CP Performance Analytics Dashboard, it displayed the Revenue (Budget) value twice.
Defect 2123647: When you compared amounts between the Accounts Receivable summary and the Accounts Receivable Aging report, discrepancies were observed. When you drilled down from Project Health drill through to Accounts Receivable, the specific project was not passed. Instead, all your projects were displayed. There was a zero on the main report for Accounts Receivable, but a total for multiple projects was displayed on the drill through report. The drill through report did not match the total from the source report.
Defect 2124933: When you used the Role filter in Project Health, it did not function as expected. The projects displayed were not according to the selected role assignment.
Defect 2124937: When you opened the Project Health drill through and drilled down from a second level to the next level project, an error occurred.
Defect 2127800: The Project prompt on the Pending Charges Detail Report was not an optional field and the Organization Type should have Owning Organization as default.
Defect 2127808: The company name was missing in the Company prompt in the PSR Report Template.
Defect 2133338: When you ran the Project Reporting package, it displayed projects from company ID 1 only, even in a multi-company setup. This issue affected the generation of several important reports and was also observed in new reports.
Defect 2133420: The General Ledger package was in Team Content » Legacy Packages when it should have been in the General Ledger CP package.
Defect 2133445: The Human Resources package in Team Content » Packages was not published in DQM, the standard for all new secured models.
Defect 2136971: The Company prompt for the Project Health Report did not function as expected.
Defect 2137015: An error occurred on the Historical Trends tab of the CP PM Performance Analytics dashboard in Smart AI.
Defect 2148660: When you ran reports using the Payroll package, no data was returned.
Defect 2154671: When executives with organization security access attempted to view data on BI Reports, no data were displayed.
Defect 2108937: The Costpoint Authentication Provider or CAP file did not include a value of Y or N for the ENABLE_PROJ_ROLE_SECCURITY session parameter. The session parameter should have matched the selection made on the Manage BI Configuration Settings screen. This defect affects you if you are trying to enable the new Project Role Security.
Defect 2109065: The Deltek_CAP.log file was not updated after the upgrade to Cognos Analytics with Watson 11.2.4 FP2. This defect prevented you from seeing the log activities while using Cosptoint Authentication Provider (CAP) withi Costpoint Business Intelligence. This defect affects both cloud and on-premises customers where the fix for cloud has been applied. If you are an on-premises customer, you need to set up the new DeltekCAP.jar file released in Costpoint BI 8.2.11.
To set up the new DeltekCAP.jar file:
In your Cognos Analytics with Watson server, create a new AAA folder in the ibm\cognos\analytics\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF directory.
Create a lib folder in the ibm\cognos\analytics\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\AAA directory.
Open the webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib directory and remove the DeltekCAP.jar file.
Copy the latest DeltekCAP.jar file in this webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\AAA\lib directory.
The latest DeltekCAP.jar file is found in the \zSupport Files\CAP8.2 folder of the Costpoint BI 8.2.11 installation.
Copy the following files from the webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\lib directory to the ibm\cognos\analytics\webapps\p2pd\WEB-INF\AAA\lib directory:
In your Costpoint BI 8.2.11 installation, open the \zSupport Files\CAP8.2\sample_configuration folder and look for the log4j2_deltek.xml file.
Copy the log4j2_deltek.xml file into the ibm\cognos\analytics\configuration directory.
Open the log4j2_deltek.xml via Notepad.
Set the logging level as either:
debug to log debug information. For example:
Logger name="com.deltek" additivity="false" level="debug"
warning to log warning information. For example:
Logger name="com.deltek" additivity="false" level="warning"
Defect 2116428: A filter for Company, which should have been set as 1 by default, was not applied to the Project Health report. In addition, the dates were not formatted as mm/dd/yyyy.
Defect 2116441: The subtitle of the Accounts Receivable drill through report of Project Health did not follow the report layout standards.
Defect 2116445: The subtitle of the Open Billing drill through report of Project Health did not follow report layout standards. The drill through report also included rows with a total value of zero (0) when they should have been removed.
Defect 2116448: The subtitle of the Unposted Invoices drill through report of Project Health was missing. The drill through report also included rows with a total value of zero (0) when they should have been removed.
Defect 2116449: The header and subtitle of the Unbilled drill through report of Project Health did not display the company name and ending period.
Defect 2116453: There were errors in the Project backlog drill through report of Project Health, which were:
The ITD Revenue (Target) and ITD Revenue (Actual) were not added to the Project Backlog drill thru report.
The subtitle of the report did not follow the report layout standards.
Defect 2116454: There were errors in the Funded Backlog drill through report of Project Health, which were:
The ITD Revenue (Target) and ITD Revenue (Actual) were not added to the Project Backlog drill through report.
The subtitle of the report did not follow the report layout standards.
Defect 2119999: When you viewed the drill through report of Project Health and drilled through further to Project Status Report (PSR), Accounts Receivable (AR) Aging, or Open Billing, all projects were displayed. The report should have displayed only your selected projects.
Defect 2077115: The BOM Component Shortage Report had the following issues:
Project-related substitute parts were missing.
Quantities of substitute parts were inaccurate.
The year of the date was not formatted with four digits.
Extra footers were included, and some had text.
A column for shortage was missing.
Defect 2083714: Project Role Security was not properly applied to the results of the Revenue Summary Report Template because it used the legacy package. The report should have used the secure package in Team Content » Packages » Project Reporting.
Defect 2084757: An unexpected prompt for project ID displayed before results on the Project Health dashboard were rendered by the system.
Defect 2085465: Project Role Security was not properly applied to the results of the PSR Template because it used the legacy package. The report should have used the secure package in Team Content » Packages » Project Reporting.
Defect 2087156: There was no seamless transition from Project Manager Security to Project Role Security where you could automatically configure the settings and transfer users of the CER__PM_MGR group to the CER__ROLE_SEC users.
If you need to manually set up Project Role Security, see the instructions in the Project Roles Security Setup section in Deltek Costpoint Business Intelligence 8.2.8 Post Installation and Configuration Guide for On-premises Users.
Defect 2013720: The New Hires (previous 12 months) of Protected Veterans column was missing on the VETS-4212 Report.
Defect 2022380: The EEO codes that displayed in the Details section of the VETS-4212 report did not match the EEO codes on the Summary page.
Defect 2022434: An error occurred when you opened a drill-through report on the Backlog tab of the Executive Dashboard found in Smart AI. This defect affects you if you use BI Contracts and CRM.
Defect 2022435: An error occurred when you opened a drill-through report on the Backlog tab of the Executive Dashboard found in Smart AI. This defect affects you if you use BI Contracts and CRM.
Defect 2031501: Opportunity Dashboard: When the Include in Current Pipeline selection on the This tab filter was used, duplicate filters were applied to the local levels. The duplicates led to inaccurate filtered results. As a workaround, delete the duplicate filters on each widget level when you use the Include in Current Pipeline selection on the This tab filter.
Defect 2031535: There was a default filter on the Labor Analysis tab of the PM CP Performance Analytics dashboard. As a workaround, remove the default filter.
Defect 2042794: There were excess blank pages when you browsed through the Purchase Order report. As a workaround, run the report in PDF format instead of HTML.
Defect 2051928: The COMPANY_ID query item was not linked to some fact tables and dimensions. This defect affects you if you use the Planning model and have multi-companies.
Defect 2053378: The Lead/Contact Status field on the Leads Analysis tab of the Opportunity Dashboard displayed an invalid default value. This defect resulted in missing records. As a workaround, select the appropriate checkbox value on the Lead/Contact Status field, for example, Active.
Defect 2055618: The Ending Period and Subperiod prompt on the Project Ledger Detail report was limited to 20 rows and did not display all existing periods for selection. This defect affects you if you have multiple subperiods.
Defect 2057038: The Inventory Abbrev was missing on the Content Container Label report.
Defect 2058079: The ENABLE_PROJ_ROLE_SECURITY parameter was missing in the DeltekCAP.jar file of the Costpoint Authentication Provider.
Defect 2058217: Errors occurred on several dashparts of the Executive Dashboard.
For Microsoft SQL Server users, the dashparts on the following tabs were affected:
Project Direct Exp
Project Profit
Income Stmt
Current vs Prior Year
For Oracle database users, all tabs are affected except for:
Trended Rev
Defect 2058249: Errors occurred on several dashparts of the Pipeline Revenue Forecast tab of the Opportunity Dashboard.
Defect 2058303: Projects were missing in the Project prompt of the PSR Trending Analysis report.
Defect 2069636: The Headcount that displayed on the Turnover tab of the HR Management Dashboard did not match the Employee Count on the Employee Analysis tab.
Defect 2012950: When you used a Role Code with the Apply Charge Level Security checkbox selected in Costpoint’s Security Roles application and then accessed the Charge Activity Report in Team Content » Time » Reports, no selections were available in the Functional Role drop-down list.
Defect 2013723: The Affirmative Action Plan prompt has been added to the EEO-1 Report.
Defect 2021244: When you accessed data in the Project Planning Reporting package, only project names for existing projects were displayed.
As a workaround, create a separate query to get the project ID and name for new business projects and then use join to add the new business project names in your report.
Defect 2021920: When you ran the General Ledger Detail report in Team Content » General Ledger » Reports, Beginning Balance and Total values were displayed under the Trans Amt column. The total and subtotal labels at the bottom were also inconsistent.
Defect 2022327: The options under the Employment History Method prompt in Team Content » Human Resources » EEO-1 Report did not incliude an asterisk to indicate the company’s configured employment history method.
Defect 2029641: The Project Planning Reporting package contained a join issue that prevented you from including new business projects and existing business projects in a single report when project attributes were added beyond the Project ID. This issue affects you if you run the standard Revenue Forecast or Labor Utilization Forecast reports and might also impact custom reports.
Defect 2032623: When you a new business project and an existing project had the same Project ID and Company ID, fact records were duplicated.
Defect 2037121: This issue affects Oracle database users. The Period drop-down list on the Burdened Labor and ODC’s report in Team Content » Projects » Reports did not list options in ascending order.
Defect 2046522: When you clicked the Fiscal Period drop-down list on the Corpay Portal Vendor Listing in Team Content » Accounts Payable, the periods listed were not correct for the selected fiscal year.
Defect 1997301: The following columns of the Corpay Portal Vendor Listing report did not display values that were associated with the selected fiscal year and period on the prompt page:
Last 12 months # of Payments
Spend Volume last 12 months
Defect 2001321: Blank pages were generated in the Purchase Order report.
Defect 2014524: An error occurred when you generated the Employee Earnings report in Team Content » Payroll. This defect affects you if you run Costpoint Business Intelligence with an Oracle database.
Defect 2020684: The generated Data Dictionary report in Team Content » Costpoint Administration did not display the correct prompt page selections on the Selection Criteria tab.
Defect 1935652: The data found on the VETS-4212 and EEO-1 reports did not match the data found in Costpoint when a specific effective date was entered.
Defect 1951035: You received the following error message when you opened the reports in Team Content » Human Resources: “An error occurred while performing operation ‘sqlPrepareWithOptions’ status=’-126’.” This defect affects you if you have an Oracle database.
Defect 1956270: The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) area should have been accessible through the CER Accounting All Secure user group and the Shop Floor Time (SFT) area through the CER Materials Management Secure user group.
Defect 1978540: An error occurred when you clicked the Finish button on the prompt page of the Milestone Invoice Report located in Team Content » Billing. This defect affects you if you have an Oracle database to run Costpoint BI.
Defect 1987488: Users who have Execute and Traverse permissions could not see SMART objects with relative time, such as the Calendar table. As a workaround, users should be granted Read permissions to view SMART objects.
Defect 1987617: Users who were assigned to CER__HR, CER__PEOPLE, and CER__EMPL_SECURE could not view the HR Mgmt Dashboard. As a workaround, assign the users to CER__ALL or CER__PROJ_SECURE.
Defect 1998041: Errors occurred when you opened some reports in Team Content » CRM & Contracts » Reports. The reports affected were:
Contract Brief Report
Contract FAR/Supplement Report
Contract Vehicle Report
Customer Inquiry Report
Contracts Dashboard (Customer Tab)
Defect 1999610: The Vendor prompts on the Lead Time Audit Report and Lead Time Import Extraction Report did not display all vendors for lead time reports. These reports are in Team Content » Materials » Reports.
Defect 2007916: When you edited a Detail filter expression – Query, you could not use Inactive as the Contract Record Status Description in the Expression Definition field. The only available status is either A or I. This affects you if you use the Contract Backlog Report.
Defect 1947298: The BOM Component Shortage report found in Team Content » Manufacturing had incorrect results for subassemblies. The report did not multiply the subassembly quantities.
Defect 1956282: The following error message displayed when you generated the Project Status Report found in Team Content » Projects » Reports: "Found an internal error java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException." This error occurred regardless of the entries made in the prompts.
Defect 1962780: Relative Time View: The Project Manager Dashboard did not display results when the current reporting period was set to a subperiod that was less than the maximum number allowed. This error occurred with the following conditions:
The selected period was not the maximum number allowed. For example, subperiod 2 out of the maximum 5 was selected.
The future subperiods have not yet been processed.
Patch dbc_820_10806 is required to fix this defect.
Defect 1968711: There was an additional prompt that displayed after you clicked the Finish button on the initial prompt page of the Purchase Order report in Team Content » Procurement.
Defect 1969389: The amounts on the Expense, Trended Revenue, and Labor tabs on the Executive Dashboard in Company Content » Smart AI » Executive had inflated values when a selection was made in the Company ID Name filter. As a workaround, do not select a value in the Company ID Name filter when you open the Executive Dashboard.
Defect 1992253: The Corpay Portal Vendor report displayed Yes or No on the Current Payment Method field instead of the payment method used by the vendor.
Defect 1890602: The Contract Brief report in Team Content » CRM & Contracts displayed the group box label as Secondary Contract Type instead of Secondary Project Type.
Defect 1908215: The Indented Bill of Material report in Team Content » Manufacturing in Costpoint Business Intelligence displayed inaccurate data for subassemblies, even when you selected the Multiply Out Subassembly Quantities option. As a workaround, use the Print Indented Bills of Material Report in Materials » Bills of Material » Bills of Material Reports/Inquiries in Costpoint.
Defect 1930313: Some English names are missing in the Contracts model, specifically the fields in Opportunities » OCI Info » OCI Document and Opportunities » OCI Info » Other Info.
Defect 1950880: You encountered errors in the dashparts found in the following dashboards:
Executive Dashboard outside the Smart AI folder
Executive Dashboard – Current vs Prior Year (GL)
Org Mgr Planning Performance Analytics
PM Planning Performance Analytics – Current Period and As of Date
Resource Mgmt Dashboard – Actual Util and FTE, Current Period and As of Date
Defect 1950995: This issue applies if you use an Oracle database. You could not refresh the Resource Management Data Set.
Defect 1951032: This issue applies if you use an Oracle database. When you ran the Balance Sheet and Income Statement (Report View), located in the Executive folder, errors occurred.
Defect 1951055: This issue applies if you use an Oracle database. When you ran the Project Progress by Role report located in Team Content » Projects, an error occurred.
Defect 1956278: When you selected a line from the table on the right-hand side, the summary dashparts on the Turnover tab of the HR Management dashboard did not display the expected results. The HR Management dashboard is found in Company Content » Smart AI » People » Human Resources.
Defect 1958938: A user assigned to the STD_ALL user group could not see contents of subfolders in Costpoint Administration.
Defect 1967981: This issue applies if you use an Oracle database. You could not refresh the Planning Projects Data Set in Company Content » Smart AI » Data Sets.
Defect 1972548: The Manage BI Menu Content (BIMENUCON) could not be viewed by user groups who were assigned access to BI Controls (DC). As a workaround, manually add application rights to BIMENUCON for the affected user group through the Manage User Groups (SYMGRP) screen,
Defect 1758234: The data on the EEO – 1 Report in Costpoint BI did not match those on the Print EEO – 1 Report in Costpoint.
Defect 1928629: The fee rate was missing for the second fee line on the Standard Invoice with Backup.
Defect 1929320: Enhancements were made to the EEO – 1 Report prompts for improved usability.
Defect 1929330: An error occurred when selections were made on the Labor Location(s): prompt and the VETS 4212 report was generated.
Defect 1932599: When the Labor History data module in Smart AI was used, it displayed data for fictitious employees from the default demonstration database. This defect occurred because the associated Employee data module was not updated with records from the Employee data set. A fix was made to reestablish the link. After the fix has been installed, refresh the Employees data set or run Refresh All Dimensional Data Set Job in Company Content » Smart AI » *Jobs*.
Defect 1950235: STD_ user groups were missing on the Permissions tab of the Report folder in Time.
Dashboards >> Home Dashboard
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2030553: On the My Timesheets dashpart, timesheet links with a Missing status ignored the date and instead opened a new timesheet for a future period.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2297917: When you clicked a Correct Timesheet pending task on the My Tasks dashpart, Costpoint opened the Manage/Approve Timesheets application instead of the Timesheet screen.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 1501544: When you checked for pending leave approval tasks on the dashboard, they did not display.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2156814: The Launch link was missing from the My Expense Reports dashpart.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2097689: The status of processed timesheets displayed as Missing instead of Processed on the My Timesheets dashpart.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmpexportts_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 1938821: When you launched a task to review an employee's timesheet after it was approved, the task launched your timesheet on the Timesheet screen instead of the employee's timesheet on the Manage/Approve Timesheets screen.
As a workaround, query the employee timesheet in Manage/Approve Timesheets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1953368: When you applied an outstanding advance to a submitted expense report, the amount displayed on the My Expense Reports dashpart was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Dashboards >> My Approval Tasks
Defect 1964110: When the initiator delegated a task, Costpoint sent a notification email to the approver, only, instead of sending notification emails to both the initiator and the approver.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1916183: Approval tasks from other companies were available in another company.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Configuration >> Charge Tree
Defect 2156694: You were not able to select a resource in the Charge Restrictions subtask. To correct this, Lookup in the Resource Name column is now enabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_admchgtree_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Configuration >> Charge Trees
Defect 2179507: You were not able to select a resource on the Charge Restrictions subtask. To correct this, Lookup in the Resource Name column is now enabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2179107: You were not able to select a resource on the Charge Restrictions subtask. To correct this, Lookup in the Resource Name column is now enabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2086326: Access restrictions imposed on resource groups did not prevent employees from viewing project IDs and descriptions within charge trees.
Attention: For this correction to take effect, you must run Rebuild Group Cache Data from the Action menu.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2037385: Access restrictions imposed on resource groups did not prevent employees from viewing project IDs and descriptions within charge trees.
Attention: For this correction to take effect, you must run Rebuild Group Cache Data from the Action menu.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Configuration >> Import Master Data
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2144767: In stand-alone instances of Time & Expense, the UDT 07 Required and UDT07 Links check boxes were selected after you imported a file where the MO routing number had been deleted.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_cmnlib_importlib_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2256792: When workforce was not required at the top level of a project but was required at lower levels, duplicate charge tree and charge branch records were created during export.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_cmnlib_importlib_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2284507: The import process failed due to record locks on the IMPORT_CHARGE table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exe cp82_dbt_820_11585_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2183155: When you made project changes in Costpoint and imported them into Time & Expense, additional charge branches became available for users who should not have seen them on their Timesheets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2193726: When importing charge data related to UDT04 and UDT07, you encountered system performance issues. To correct this, validations are now skipped when importing these charges in co-deployed systems.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exe DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_cmnlib_IMPORTLIB_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 1953181: When the timesheet class changed in the middle of a pay period and the user did not open the timesheet because it was assigned to a proxy, the rules of the new timesheet class were not applied to the timesheet table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_cmnlib_IMPORTLIB_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 1974992: Import Charge performance was improved.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Configuration >> Resource Information
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2271823: When you changed the login ID for a new employee record after having added and saved it, tabbing cleared out the email address unexpectedly.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_admemplinfo_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2212838: When you changed the login ID for a new employee record after having added and saved it, tabbing cleared out the email address unexpectedly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2097033: When the timesheet class changed in the middle of the pay period and the user did not open the timesheet because it was assigned to a proxy, the rules of the new timesheet class were not applied to the timesheet table.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_admemplinfo_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2000985: Timesheet Print report performance has been improved.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Configuration >> Resource Licenses
Defect 2119937: When results included records for both new hires and rehires, you received an error when granting access to Time & Expense.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Configuration >> Security Roles
Defect 2083150: When you turned off auto-positioning, the Security Roles and User Groups form was shortened.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Configuration >> UDT01
Defect 2072571: You encountered a system error when you saved a new UDT01 record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2058445: When you selected Override Start\End Dates, you cleared dates that you entered manually and the field auto-populated with a different date instead of remaining blank.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Batch Expenses
Defect 2105142: After you imported a VCF40 file with an invalid expense date, you received the following error message: "ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("TC_0002"."IMPORT_BATCH_EXP_EDIT_DETAILS"."LINE_DT")".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2144926: Transactions excluded from the Include Transaction Type filter were included when you performed a VISA import.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2148916: Transactions excluded from the Include Transaction Type filter were included when you performed a VISA import.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2054769: When you imported a Mastercard credit transaction type 20, the amount value was not displayed as a negative value.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1981255: When you included a departure date for travel in a file that has an incorrect date format, you received an error when the date is not required. This should have been ignored and allowed to be uploaded blank.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Change Expense Report/Advance Status
Defect 2109440: When you ran the Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports action on a single expense that was part of a larger batch, the report still displayed in the Results table after the process was completed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_epqchgexpstat_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2154075: When you ran the Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports action on a single expense that was part of a larger batch, the report still displayed in the Results table after the process was completed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Currencies
Defect 2193720: The application now includes the new (June 2024) ZWG currency code for Zimbabwe Gold currency, ISO code 924.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exe DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2169476: The application now includes the new (June 2024) ZWG currency code for Zimbabwe Gold currency, ISO code 924.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2099296: When you selected BGN (Bulgarian) for the Currency code, Time & Expense incorrectly set the ISO Number Code at 100 instead of 975. During import, this error caused the transaction to default to US Dollars (USD).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Expense >> Currency Schedules
Defect 2193766: The Description field was blank for ZWG even though you added it as a currency on the Currency Schedules screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2176717: The Description field was blank for ZWG even though you've added its currency on the Currency Schedules screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Expense Authorization
Defect 2107663: When the first row of the Locations tab did not already display a location and you clicked the Add Location button, you received a non-specific error message instead of one indicating that an end date was required.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1977164: When you selected the error message "Estimate cannot equal to zero," the highlighted text was not displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021460: This issue occurred when the UDT01 abbreviation was set to True in the General Settings application. If you added a UDT01 charge and then selected the UDT09CS lookup on the Default Charges tab, you received an error message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1967532: After you modified and submitted an expense authorization that included a request for an advance, the task updated and generated a second email alert, even though the advance had already been approved and processed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1957520: The charge approval task displayed all project managers instead of displaying only the project manager assigned to the task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1971310: When you submitted an expense authorization, you received a warning in the workflow indicating that the attachments you added were not linked to the attachment task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Expense Batch Type
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2264047: When you clicked Correct but did not make any changes, a message should have displayed after you saved that informed you that the timesheet was not modified.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Expense >> Expense Classes
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2184357: Infocards for Expense Report Types Code and Description were blank.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexpenseclass_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Expense >> Expense Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2074079: The default charge type was only populating the Account and ORG fields when you incorrectly deleted a charge from the charge tree.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2115165: When you added an Entertainment expense with meals and attendees, and then a single meal for the same day, no error displayed for already claimed meals.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2208417: After you revised an expense report notification, an email was sent to the employee even though it was not configured to be sent.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_cmnlib_EPWKFLWLIB_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2209819: The primary supervisor did not received an email notification after the first approver approved an expense report task.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_cmnlib_EPWKFLWLIB_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2258386: When you loaded expense reports for subcontractor (SubK) user approvals, the labor support subtask did not recognize work assignment timesheets and caused an error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2265209: When you updated the pay method for an expense on another user's expense report, the selection was not saved and reverted to Submitted status.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2265829: After you clicked Submit in Wizard mode, the number of attachments that displayed on the Attachments tab doubled. This happened when one attachment was marked as Missing and an overall attachment was also present.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2268293: When you updated the Comments field for an expense after submission, the comment was not saved.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2271420: Though Enable Time & Expense Interactive Email in System Settings and Use Interactive Email for Notifications for Overall Approval Task were not selected, interactive emails for Expense Report approvals were still being sent.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2265338: After you clicked Submit in Wizard mode, the number of attachments that displayed on the Attachments tab doubled. This happened when one attachment was marked as Missing and an overall attachment was also present.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2267655: When you updated the Comments field for an expense after submission, the comment was not saved.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2271343: Though Enable Time & Expense Interactive Email in System Settings and Use Interactive Email for Notifications for Overall Approval Task were not selected, interactive emails for Expense Report approvals were still being sent.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2180453: After you clicked Submit in Wizard mode, the number of attachments that displayed on the Attachments tab doubled. This happened when one attachment was marked as Missing and an overall attachment was also present.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2193770: If you saved an expense report before attaching a required attachment, the Attachment tab was temporarily unavailable.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2228276: When an expense for lodging also include an Other expense in 8.2.14, you received an error message pertaining to it even though the details had been reviewed and were correct.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2088467: If you saved an expense report before attaching a required attachment, the Attachment tab was temporarily unavailable.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2143420: After you clicked Submit in Wizard mode, the number of attachments that displayed on the Attachments tab doubled. This happened when one attachment was marked as Missing and an overall attachment was also present.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2093711: Processing speeds lagged when you had to approve multiple expense reports in succession.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2107665: When the first row of the Locations tab did not already display a location and you clicked the Add Location button, you received a non-specific error message instead of one indicating that an end date was required.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2109428: When you allocated charges by amount, the amounts were recalculated to equal 100%. Instead, the percentages should have been adjusted as closely as possible to reflect the exact amounts entered.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2109436: After you edited a completed attachment task, its completion date was updated even though no changes were made on the attachment.The completion date would be updated only if the attachment was added, modified, or deleted.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2119963: Backend updates were applied to improve system performance when expense reports are loaded.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2166298: When the functional role was configured to allow revisions without triggering a workflow event, the supervisor who was modifying and approving the expenses received an error stating that the application had exceeded the maximum allowed number of connections.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2088066: Processing speeds lagged when you had to approve multiple expense reports in succession.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1977166: When you selected the error message "Estimate cannot equal to zero," the highlighted text was not displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2052294: A non-employee attendee was incorrectly validated as the owner of an expense report, which resulted in multiple errors.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2054724: The expense report workflow included tasks with dates outside the task end date.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2006365: When you added an attachment and the multi-select row feature was still selected, you received a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021461: This issue occurred when the UDT01 abbreviation was set to True in the General Settings application. If you added a UDT01 charge and then selected the UDT09CS lookup on the Default Charges tab, you received an error message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2031603: When you submitted a corrected expense report, the approval workflow was not relaunched and the expense report status was automatically approved.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2007984: Location was not validating all fields before allowing you to save the line to expense reports and user favorites.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021285: When a proxy user cloned an expense report and assigned it to a different user, a system error was received instead of an error message stating the assigned user could not use the ER type.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2026700: Backup approvers were unable to approve a task unless they were manually assigned to approve it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969340: Primary and backup supervisor roles were still receiving emails for tasks even though the Notify on Low checkbox was not selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1969485: When you printed multiple expense reports at the same time, large temporary files were generated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1958790: When you configured the Org ID for a project charge to default to a user-defined value, that value did not automatically populate when the project charge was selected on the Charge Allocations Under Ceiling tab.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1959056: For the lodging expense type, when you entered a value in the Unallowable field and exported the expense, the field was not displayed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1968439: If you selected an outstanding credit card expense and then changed the expense type to one that allowed you to edit the date, it was not apparent that the credit card expense was no longer selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1971276: When you submitted an expense report, you received a warning in the workflow indicating that the attachments you added were not linked to the attachment task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1929636: When you submitted an expense report with a future date that was greater than the one configured for the expense type, the error message was given only after the expense authorization was applied.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Expense Settings
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2211555: You encountered this system message: "Internal environment message: Invalid rs EPMCONFIG_HDR metadata. Client side Primary/Logical keys should uniquely identify rows .Found duplicates : 0$X| based on keys : COMPANY_ID|" when accessing the Expense Settings application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmconfig_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Expense >> Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations
Defect 2107664: When the first row of the Locations tab did not already display a location and you clicked the Add Location button, you received a non-specific error message instead of one indicating that an end date was required.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Manage/Approve Expense Reports
Defect 2248029: When you loaded expense reports for subcontractor (SubK) user approvals, the labor support subtask did not recognize work assignment timesheets and caused an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2224275: The icons for Save and Save & Continue were incorrectly activated when you loaded a random row from a list of many rows in the Submitted and Under review status.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_epmexprpt_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2107666: When the first row of the Locations tab did not already display a location and you clicked the Add Location button, you received a non-specific error message instead of one indicating that an end date was required.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2002929: When a workflow contained multiple tasks of a different type, the expense report closed after you approved the first task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1987520: Two users were able to upload attachments with identical filenames. The filename has been updated to now include a portion of the employee ID when this occurs. This issue also affected other applications.
Affected Application
Defect No.
Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1946506: When a supervisor removed an attachment from an expense report, an error occurred, stating that the record could not be deleted because dependent data existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Pay Methods
Defect 2136984: The application has been updated to ensure that saving records clears the global cache.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_epmpaymethod_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Expense >> Per Diem Schedules
Defect 2006978: When you manually entered a per diem schedule row, you should have received an error message indicating that the Description field was blank.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Print Expense Authorizations
Defect 1980574: You received a system error when you previewed an expense authorization with a Report Type that has an apostrophe.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2016801: When you printed an expense authorization, it included project IDs instead of the abbreviation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1976589: When you printed an expense authorization, it included project IDs instead of the abbreviation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Print Expense Report
Defect 1980576: You received a system error when you previewed an expense report with a Report Type that has an apostrophe.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Expense >> Quick Entry Expense Report
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2272035: When you used unclaimed expenses and no additional unclaimed expenses existed, voiding the original claims on the expense report did not immediately display those expenses in the Quick Entry Expense Report. The expenses only appeared after saving the new Quick Entry Expense Report.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_epmexprptez_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2271438: When you used unclaimed expenses and no additional unclaimed expenses existed, voiding the original claims on the expense report did not immediately display those expenses in the Quick Entry Expense Report. The expenses only appeared after saving the new Quick Entry Expense Report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Billing Backup
Defect 2020079: When a user who is not a subcontractor printed a file, the Work Assignment page was mistakenly included in the file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Change Timesheet Status
Defect 2260113: When two different batches of timesheets were exported with different end dates, you could not unmark one of them after they had been selected as Un-Mark Processed Timesheets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1958897: The task to replace the approval of a timesheet was not generated after you exported it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Clear Timesheets
Defect 2193712: You received an error message when you attempted to clear more than a thousand timesheets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exe DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmqclrtmsht_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2164143: You received an error message when you attempted to clear more than a thousand timesheets.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exe cp82_te_tmqclrtmsht_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Time >> Company Work Schedules
Defect 2042868: When you set up a company work schedule, time in and out did not allow overlapping from one day to the next for third shift work schedules.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Daily Floor Check
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2243498: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Daily Floor Check application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmrtsstatus_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2248099: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Daily Floor Check application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exe cp82_te_tmrflrchk_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2172701: The customized email subject and body text were not applied when sending interactive emails through Daily Floor Check.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2248087: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Daily Floor Check application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2076474: When you executed Floorcheck Get Result, Costpoint populated the Report Results screen twice.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2080631: When the name of a timesheet class included an apostrophe, a system error occurred, and you were logged out after you ran the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2082543: When the name of a timesheet class included an apostrophe, a system error occurred, and you were logged out after you ran the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Export Timesheets
Defect 2247886: The deleted hours on a corrected timesheet are not appearing after export if the Labor Distribution Report is previewed prior to exporting.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2193742: The deleted hours on a corrected timesheet are not appearing after export if the Labor Distribution Report is previewed prior to exporting.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmpexportts_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2078518: Some deleted timesheet lines remained open following export, which prevented the status from updating to Processed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2078209: Some deleted timesheet lines remained open following export, which prevented the status from updating to Processed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2054019: When you deleted a timesheet line and then signed, approved, or exported the timesheet, its status remained at Approved instead of Processed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2029779: When you printed a resource activity report, hours that were deleted on the timesheet were incorrectly included on the report.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Generate Timesheets
Defect 2175503: You encountered duplicate records and a time-out error when you generated a timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2169799: You encountered duplicate records and a time-out error when you generated a timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Interim Timesheets
Defect 2078931: The Find fields were removed because they were not supported.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Time >> Manage/Approve Timesheets
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2203117: When a timesheet is ready for approval, if the role add or changes a UDT, but does not save the record and clicks approve, the change is recorded without a revision.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_approve_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2244092: Mismatch in S_STATUS_CD between TS and TS_SUMMARY tables when approve a timesheet through Mass Approve TS, or reject a timesheet launched from Desktop
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2244973: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Manage/Approve Timesheets application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmrtsstatus_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2247896: Mismatch in S_STATUS_CD between TS and TS_SUMMARY tables was observed when approving timesheets through Mass Approve TS or rejecting timesheets launched from Desktop.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2248095: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Manage/Approve Timesheets application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2260112: When a timesheet is ready for approval, if the role add or changes a UDT, but does not save the record and clicks approve, the change is recorded without a revision.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2172358: When an admin created a new timesheet for a user, the explanation in Revision Audit was replaced and not appended with "Timesheet Created and "Timesheet Signed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2248084: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Manage/Approve Timesheets application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2065628: Timesheet lines deleted from a previous period displayed when you reopened the timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2082511: When you filtered for a selected Timesheet Class, the count for Missing included timesheets that did actually exist.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2117609: When you launched an approval task but only updated the Notes tab before saving (that is, you had not approved or rejected the timesheet), the task was removed from your home dashboard.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2120053: When a search was performed with Include Missing selected, an excessive amount of temporary space was used if a large number of timesheets were missing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_approve_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2081101: Timesheet lines deleted from a previous period displayed when you reopened the timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2082512: When you filtered for a selected Timesheet Class, the count for Missing included timesheets that did actually exist.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1978937: The Filter By and Criteria labels were positioned too close to each other.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2060978: When Filter was set to -None-, the Filter Value field was not disabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2066220: In Oracle systems, when you copied and pasted text into the line comment field, the line comment was not displayed in the preview or print.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2061532: After you clicked the Mass Approve button, the total count of approved timesheets was not refreshed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2020078: When you were assigned to a role that does not have permission to approve multiple rows, the Approve button was not disabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2007827: After you used the Reset line function for a line where you updated the hours and charge code, the totals in the lower portion of the timesheet displayed incorrectly, and you received an error indicating that the MasterServlet had failed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2017863: After the PreApprove Stored Procedure returned a warning message and you declined to approve a record, the status changed to Approved after you approved the next record.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2025808: When you approved a timesheet, you received the following error message: "TSApproveRSLineValidation.validateRow-----java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000".
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1979011: When Group Cache lookup was enabled, the manual entry of a project (UDT02) resulted in an error stating that you were not authorized for one or more of the selected charges. This issue also affected other applications.
Affected Application
Defect No.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1979194: You were unable to select and print multiple timesheets. This issue also affected other applications.
Affected Application
Defect No.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Rebuild Leave Taken
Defect 1928708: When you were running Rebuild Leave, employees were able to access timesheets that were being processed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Resource Activity
Defect 2170620: The Function column was no longer displayed in the Resource Group Selection.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmrempact_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2194631: The Function column was no longer displayed in the Resource Group Selection.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2027129: When you printed a resource activity report, it still included hours that were deleted on the timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Resource Schedules/Leave
Defect 2038676: After you selected the Apply two column layout button, the last letter "e" of the Request Leave button was cut off.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2083081: When you clicked the Approve Leave Request task on the My Tasks dashpart of the Home Dashboard, the Work Schedule Date that displayed on the Resource Schedules/Leave screen was one month in advance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmmgrworksch_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2042864: Even if you have a role to modify work schedules, you weren't able to select Edit Day or Edit Schedule.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2054239: When you set up a company work schedule, time in and out did not allow overlapping from one day to the next for third shift work schedules.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2021107: When the default start and stop time for any work section fields was 12:00 AM, you received an error message indicating that the leave start time must be before the leave end time. This issue also affected other applications.
Affected Application
Defect No.
Work Scheddule
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1978510: After you cleared (deselected) all leave flags in a class, rebuilt, and re-logged in, the Edit Daily Schedule and Edit Day screen buttons were still active and generated a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Time Settings
Defect 1952255: You received an error message stating that Allow Unauthorized Charges is not allowed if you are using Group Cache Charge Lookup.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Timesheet
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2160750: You received a system error when you entered lunch hours after clearing the Time Out field in the Time In/Out subtask of a timesheet.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2194589: When setting the new class setting to check schedule changes and a specific TS schedule, a system error is given.(Nullpointer Exception)
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2210448: You received an error when a work assignment charge row with a GLC and PLC is selected, while rows without a GLC and PLC can be saved without error.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2221797: When Delegation is selected, the delegate role does not receive email notifications for leave requests.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2225801: When Event set to send TS save Notifications to Primary Supervisor, the user has a PS role over a different group, the save email is still sent to themselves.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_cmnlib_TMWKFLWLIB_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2254409: Interactive Timesheet duplicates Projects upon Save, when hours are entered in the Favorites section of the Timesheet. Duplicated Projects are then viewable in Web as well.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2257866: When Time was configured to use the Project abbreviation and the UDT02 was a manufacturing order (MO), you received an error after you selected it from Favorites on the timesheet.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2265933: When you added a row of cost-only values, they were incorrectly included in the total hours on the home dashboard.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2269024: When you corrected a timesheet without making any changes and then signed the timesheet, a task to approve the timesheet was incorrectly generated.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2141753: When you performed a Project Manager Lookup with Group Cache set to OFF, an error occurred.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2248860: An error occurred if you opened the PLC lookup while the entered MO in the Timesheet had the link option PLC Required selected.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2250035: Interactive Timesheet duplicates Projects upon Save, when hours are entered in the Favorites section of the Timesheet. Duplicated Projects are then viewable in Web as well.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2256489: When Time was configured to use the Project abbreviation and the UDT02 was a manufacturing order (MO), you received an error after you selected it from Favorites on the timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2261732: When you added a row of cost-only values, they were incorrectly included in the total hours on the home dashboard.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2267724: When you corrected a timesheet without making any changes and then signed the timesheet, a task to approve the timesheet was incorrectly generated.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2268517: After you adjusted overtime hours for a timesheet with more than 40 hours entered, errors occurred the next time you loaded the timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2009666: When you signed a timesheet in the current period, you received this error message: "Timesheet is before timesheet schedules's periods."
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2096990: You received an error when a work assignment charge row with a GLC and PLC is selected, while rows without a GLC and PLC can be saved without error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2158546: When the Time Out date fell on the next day, the lunch start and end times could not span two days (for example, 11:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2160529: After you added a leave charge to Favorites, the Load checkbox was selected by default, but it should have remained clear.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2167196: When you used the Query function from Project Manager Lookup, you received a MasterServlet error after you clicked Count in the Results dialog box.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2173910: After you recorded one hour of overtime, you received an error message indicating that the regular hours requirement was not yet met, even though you had already recorded 40 hours.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2180465: When class was set to quarter increments, the calculated value in the subtask and sign process validation were not using the same rounding calculation, causing an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_common_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2180466: You received an Error message instead of a Warning message when 4 rows were set and you generated a timesheet. The error should occur if the work percentage total is over or under 100 percent, and not on how many rows are set.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2191949: When you deleted a line from a timesheet, the UDT10 pay type subtask still displayed the pay type of the deleted row.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2167590: You received an Error message instead of a Warning message when 4 rows were set and you generated a timesheet. The error should occur if the work percentage total is over or under 100 percent, and not on how many rows are set.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2180464: When class was set to quarter increments, the calculated value in the subtask and sign process validation were not using the same rounding calculation, causing an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2191986: After you added a leave charge to Favorites, the Load checkbox was selected by default, but it should have remained clear.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2195566: When you deleted a line from a timesheet, the UDT10 pay type subtask still displayed the paytype of the deleted row.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2205769: After you recorded one hour of overtime, you received an error message indicating that the regular hours requirement was not yet met, even though you had already recorded 40 hours.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.14.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2174906: In systems co-deployed with Costpoint, the Timesheet application loaded slowly if a large number of charge favorites existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.13.5005.exe cp82_dbt_820_11393_001.zipDependent Files:
Defect 2066834: The task to sign a timesheet was not removed after you resigned it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2073019: After a processed timesheet was corrected and re-approved, the status changed back to Processed instead of remaining as Approved, which would have allowed the corrections to be exported. This occurred when the timesheet class was configured to allow deleted lines to remain on the timesheet with hours set to zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2095718: When the Track Lunch Start/End checkbox was not selected in Time Settings, the value in the Time Out field defaulted to 12:00 PM and was non-editable.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2097988: The error message associated with a work assignment did not adequately indicate that the issue was related to the ending date of the charge line and not the work assignment itself.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2099605: For work assignment charges, the timesheet line query was missing several columns for sorting.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2105903: Because the warning message associated with a Pre-Save stored procedure displayed at the same time as the error message, you were unable to make the correction before it opened.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2114708: When you deleted and recreated a timesheet line instead of editing the existing line, it resulted in an inaccurate calculation of total timesheet hours.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2115164: When you worked a half day and did not record lunch on the Time In/Out subtask, the actual hours worked were not recorded correctly.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2125698: In systems co-deployed with Costpoint, the Timesheet application loaded slowly if a large number of charge favorites existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_dbt_820_11393_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2128023: When overtime hours were set to not include holidays, the timesheet validations failed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2142463: In systems co-deployed with Costpoint, the Timesheet application loaded slowly if a large number of charge favorites existed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_dbt_820_11393_001.zipDependent Files:
Defect 2155778: When the Time Out date fell on the next day, the lunch start and end times could not span two days (for example, 11:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.).
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2142446: In systems co-deployed with Costpoint, the Timesheet application loaded slowly if a large number of charge favorites existed.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2082520: After a processed timesheet was corrected and re-approved, the status changed back to Processed instead of remaining as Approved, which would have allowed the corrections to be exported. This occurred when the timesheet class was configured to allow deleted lines to remain on the timesheet with hours set to zero.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2095719: When the Track Lunch Start/End checkbox was not selected in Time Settings, the value in the Time Out field defaulted to 12:00 PM and was non-editable.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.10.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2080638: The task to sign a timesheet was not removed after you resigned it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.9.5000.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1986928: The descriptions displayed for work assigment charges were incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2054716: When you printed a timesheet report, it displayed "T12_UDT02_ABBREV_ID" instead of the correct UDT02 abbreviation.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2058494: The Delete Line function did not provide the ability to retain the line with removed hours set to zero. To address this, a Do Not Allow Delete Timesheet Line checkbox was added to the Basic Information tab of the Timesheet Classes screen (Time » Time Controls). Select this checkbox if you want deleted lines retained on the timesheet with the hours set to zero for any given timesheet class.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2066261: When you printed timesheet cell comments, which you first sorted by date and then by line number, the sorting was out of order.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2042863: After you performed a charge lookup, you received a deadlock system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2054725: When timesheet class entry mode was changed to Standard and you entered leave hours on a timesheet, you received an error stating that the leave exceeded the minimum leave balance.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2020077: When you were assigned to a role that does not have permission to approve multiple rows, the Approve button was not disabled.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1988945: You received a system error when you added a new timesheet line and UDT charge and then selected Refresh Subtask while the timesheet was still unsaved.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2003893: Replacement Signature and Replacement Approve tasks did not display if the timesheet was processed.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2008019: When you copied data from one project to paste into another, you received an error message indicating that the record already exists, even though it does not. This issue also affected other applications.
Affected Application
Defect No.
Manage/Approve Timesheets
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2009735: The Explanation text "Timesheet created" was updated to "Timesheet Created" in Revision Audit.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2012244: When you corrected and then uncorrected a timesheet, the original transaction was removed and the leave balance was incorrect.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2027748: When you deleted a start/stop line, the timesheet hours did not update correctly after saving.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2027757: Though the Timesheet class was set to Line Reverse on Correct, hours entered on a deleted line were not included on the exported timesheet. This issue also affected other applications.
Affected Application
Defect No.
Export Timesheets
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1953369: When a supervisor rejected a Processed timesheet at the same time as the employee corrected it, the timesheet status changed to Rejected, but the button did not change from Correct to Undo Correct.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1972461: You encountered issues with charge display during charge lookup.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1986611: The sign extensibilty Java plug-in was not recognized.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1961119: When you corrected a timesheet, the calculated overtime was incorrectly exported.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1974250: When UDT02 was linked with UDT07 (link 27) and the PLC (UDT07) description was modified, the Lookup still displayed the older description.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1981267: When the timesheet period was semi-monthly with Sunday as a class start date and you used a single timesheet line for two different dates, the overtime charge attached to the later date rather than the earlier one.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1983800: The Start/Stop detail line was disabled when you exported its corresponding timesheet cell and tried to delete it.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1937984: When you copied a timesheet line, the charge codes on the new line did not retain the original attributes.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1958789: After you added a charge that included a default ID value for UDT07, the ID was not retained after you reselected it using Lookup.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1976851: When you linked UDT02 with UDT07 (link 27) and modified the PLC (UDT07) description, the Lookup still displayed the older description.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.2.5003.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1646648: Vendor employees received an error that they were not in the work force for the charge level of a project.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1934369: When UDT02 was linked with UDT07 (link 27) and the PLC (UDT07) description was modified, Lookup still displayed the older description.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.1.5005.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Timesheet Classes
Defect 2099856: You were able to save the first and second maximum break hours with the same value in Timesheet Classes without receiving an error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmtsclass_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2031606: The Delete Line function did not provide the ability to retain the line with removed hours set to zero. To address this, a Do Not Allow Delete Timesheet Line checkbox was added to the Basic Information tab of the Timesheet Classes screen (Time » Time Controls). Select this checkbox if you want deleted lines retained on the timesheet with the hours set to zero for any given timesheet class.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2032984: When you added or changed the total time method to Hours Proration, the PRORATE_TS_FL column remained set to N instead of changing to Y.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Timesheet Correction Status
Defect 2193736: When there were multiple correction requests pending approval, some records were unresponsive after you clicked the Approve or Reject buttons.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_cmnlib_TMWKFLWLIB_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Time >> Timesheet Reminder
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2244974: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Reminder application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmrtsstatus_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2248097: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Reminder application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exe cp82_te_tmrtsreminder_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2248085: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Reminder application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2105065: After you switched to interactive email, the USER_ID was passed instead of the email address.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmrflrchk_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2136938: Due to redundancy, the word "email" was removed from the body text of several email notifications related to timesheets.
Build Deployed In: 8212.5013 cp82_te_tmmtimesheet_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2060934: Even though the Send if Hours < Scheduled checkbox was selected, timesheet reminders were not sent when timesheet hours recorded were less than the scheduled hours.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Timesheet Status
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2222695: When the current period was the same as the specific period that you selected, the results were not identical, when they should have been.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmrtsstatus_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2244003: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Status application.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmrtsstatus_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2284644: When you selected more than 1000 groups or classes, the report failed due to ORA-01795.
Build Deployed In:Dependent Files:
Defect 2248096: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Status application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_2025.1.0.5006.exe cp82_te_tmrtsstatus_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2154594: You encountered a system error when using an existing parameter and printing or previewing a timesheet.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5009.exe cp82_te_tmrtsstatus_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2248086: You encountered a 403 error code when accessing the Timesheet Status application.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1981275: When you ran the Timesheet Status report, timesheets that contained lines were categorized as missing.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.4.5014.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Timesheets by Charge
Defect 2063180: After you had printed the report, the value you entered in the Filter field was cleared and you received an error message.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2052745: When a user who is not a subcontractor printed a file, the Work Assignment page was mistakenly included in the file.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Work Schedule
2025.2 (Next Quarterly Release)
Defect 2200745: You encountered a system error when you clicked Apply to request for a new leave on the Work Schedule screen.
Build Deployed In: cp82_te_tmmemplworksch_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2247661: You encountered a system error when you clicked Apply to request for a new leave on the Work Schedule screen.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.15.5010.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2110020: When you requested more than 15 days of PTO, the approval task did not display on the Home Dashboard or My Desktop.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmmemplworksch_002.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Defect 2054238: When you set up a company work schedule, time in and out did not allow overlapping from one day to the next for third shift work schedules.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.7.5005.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1949563: When you turned on Dark Mode, non-work days under the resource work schedule date displayed with a color that differed from the color designated in the legend.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.6.5001.exeDependent Files:
Defect 2006949: On months that start on Friday and Saturday, the calendar view was not displaying all rows, and there was no scrollbar.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.5.5004.exeDependent Files:
Defect 1975796: After you cleared (deselected) all leave flags in a class, rebuilt, and re-logged in, the Edit Daily Schedule and Edit Day screen buttons were still active and generated a system error.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.3.5002.exeDependent Files:
Time >> Workflow Events
Defect 2072040: After you updated a queried record, "Find is not supported" was displayed on the Resource Notifications subtask.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exeDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.8.5009.exe
Defect 2153295: When a supervisor held two functional roles over a Resource Group but only one role was linked to a workflow event, two emails were sent for the same approval task.
Build Deployed In: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe cp82_te_tmrtsreminder_001.zipDependent Files: DeltekCostpointMaintenanceRelease_8.2.12.5013.exe
Database Change documents detail data dictionary changes from one release to the next. To see the list of Database Change documents for Costpoint 8.2, refer to 8.2.x Data Dictionary Updates.
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