Modify Code Details Subtask

Use this subtask to select a pay type to link to the modify code on the main screen.


Field Description
Pay Type

After clicking , enter, or click to select, the pay type that you want to link to this modify code. This must be a cost-only pay type, and is validated against the Pay Type table.


This field displays the description of the entered pay type code.


Use the drop-down list to make a selection. Valid options are:

  • Add: Select this option to add the Pay Type amount when this modify code is applied,
  • Subtract: Select this option to subtract the Pay Type amount when this modify code is used.
Note: For deductions/contributions with a Method of PCTGRS, this field is normally Subtract. If you assign a modify code which adds a pay type amount to a PCTGRS deduction/contribution, this can cause an overstatement of the wage base for that deduction/contribution.