Manage Deduction Modify Codes

When payroll is processed, the information set up in this screen is used in conjunction with the Manage Deductions screen.

A deduction can have a modify code assigned to it. Use this screen to set up these modify codes. Using one of these codes, you can modify or change the base used to calculate a deduction, by adding or subtracting any associated pay type amounts found on the timesheets, as identified in this screen.

For example, if a deduction is based upon gross wages (percent of gross wages), with the exception that pay type amounts for Excess Life Insurance are not included in the gross wage base, you can set up a modify code that lists the pay type code for excess life, and designate that it be subtracted. When payroll is processed, any amounts associated with the Excess Life pay type are excluded from the base - in this case, the Excess Life amount is excluded from gross wages - before the deduction is calculated.

Use this screen after you have established deduction information in the Manage Deductions screen, and after you have established pay type code information on the Manage Pay Types screen.