Planned Order Grouping

There will be one requisition line, MO allocation, or transfer reservation line generated for each selected planned order.

The planned orders are then grouped (according to guidelines established by various settings) and order quantities adjusted to minimize the affect of minimum/multiple lot sizes. A planned-order group consists of one or more planned orders that will be included in the same requisition, MO, or reservation header. The planned orders are first separated by Order Type (Make or Buy).

For Make Planned Orders

Costpoint will generate a manufacturing order for each unique occurrence of the order ID. Planned orders with the same order ID will be grouped together. For all Make (manufactured) planned orders without an order ID specified, those with the same part/revision, warehouse, planner, MRP planning code, and BOM configuration will be grouped together, provided the combination of orders is allowed. Planned orders that have been specified as "not combinable" are not combined with any other planned order. (To make a planned order combinable, select the Combine Orders check box for the planned order on the Planned Order subtask of the Manage MRP Actions Messages screen or on the Planned Order Supply subtask of the Manage Detailed Part Schedule screen.)

If multiple project allocations are not permitted in manufacturing orders (on the Configure Production Control Settings screen), planned orders also need to have the same inventory abbreviation in order to be eligible for grouping. If multiple project allocations are permitted in manufacturing orders, the grouping of planned orders will depend on the associated inventory project's project planning option code (on the Manage Inventory Projects screen in Costpoint Inventory) and manufacturing order allocations setting (in the MO Allocations Across Projects group box in the Manage Inventory Projects screen in Costpoint Inventory). Both of these codes need to be favorable for planned orders to be grouped together.

Grouping possibilities for various project planning option codes are as follows:

  • Project: Planned orders can be grouped together only if the associated inventory project is the same.
  • Top-Level Project: Planned orders can be grouped together only if the associated inventory project has the same top-level project.
  • Netting Group: Planned orders can be grouped together only if the associated inventory project has the same netting group.
  • All Projects: Planned orders can be grouped together regardless of their associated inventory project or netting group.

Grouping possibilities for various manufacturing order allocation codes (as set in the Manage Inventory Projects screen) are as follows:

  • MO Allocation "Not Allowed with other Projects": Planned orders can be grouped together only if the associated inventory project is the same.
  • MO Allocation "Within Same Top-Level Project": Planned orders can be grouped together only if the associated inventory project has the same top-level project.
  • MO Allocation "Within Same Netting Group": Planned orders can be grouped together only if the associated inventory project has the same netting group.
  • MO Allocation "Allowed with other Projects": Planned orders can be grouped together regardless of their associated inventory project or netting group.

For Buy Planned Orders

A requisition will be generated for each unique occurrence of the order ID (specified in the Manage Detailed Part Schedule screen). Planned orders with the same order ID will be grouped together.

For all Buy (purchased) planned orders without an order ID specified, grouping will take place according to the requisition grouping selected on the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning, provided combination of orders is allowed. Various grouping possibilities are by item, buyer, commodity code, planner, project, netting group, and order reference.

Planned orders that have been specified as '"not combinable"' are not combined with any other planned order, but will be turned into one-line requisitions. (To make a planned order combinable, select the Combine Orders check box for the planned order in the Planned Order subtask of the Manage MRP Actions Messages screen or in the Planned Order Supply subtask of the Manage Detailed Part Schedule screen.) Planned orders with different BOM configuration IDs will also not be grouped together.

If you assign approval processes by Project/Account/Organization (in the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning), grouping will also take the inventory project into consideration. For instance, if the requisition grouping is by item, each item number will have its own requisition. If the requisition grouping is by item, but requisition approval processes are assigned by Project/Account/Organization, each item/project combination will have its own requisition. If the planned order does not have the requisition grouping criteria value (order reference), the planned order is not grouped with any other planned orders. Also, if the Requisition option is selected in the Approval Level group box in the Configure Purchase Requisition Settings screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning, and Requisition Approval Process Assignment is Manual, grouping is not done if the planned orders have different approval process codes.

For Transfer Reservation Planned Orders

The program will generate a reservation for each unique occurrence of the order ID (specified in the Manage Detailed Part Schedule screen). Planned orders with the same order ID will be grouped together.

For all transfer reservation planned orders without an order ID specified, grouping will take place for planned orders that have the same warehouse and from and to inventory abbreviations, provided the combination of orders is allowed. Planned orders that have been specified as '"not combinable"' are not combined with any other planned order. (To make a planned order combinable, select the Combine Orders check box for the planned order in the Planned Order subtask of the Manage MRP Actions Messages screen or in the Planned Order Supply subtask of the Manage Detail Part Schedule screen.)