Generating Manufacturing Orders

A manufacturing order will be created for each planned order group.


Field Description
Assignment of MO ID

If you do not enter a starting MO ID, the normal system assignment process selected in the configure Production Control Settings screen is used, using the default build-to inventory abbreviation or warehouse. If you enter a starting MO ID, it will be used as the basis for assigning IDs to created manufacturing orders. If you manually enter an order ID (in the Manage Detailed Part Schedule or Manage MRP Action Messages screens), it will be used as the MO ID.


When more than one planned order is being combined onto one MO, the earliest of each type of date (order, as-of, due, planned release, planned shop) is used. MO allocations are created with the quantities combined for planned orders having the same inventory abbreviation. If there is a mix of firm planned and released selections, the MO is assigned a status of "Firm Planned."


The build quantity is the sum of the open quantity in the planned order group (adjusted by lot-size rules as necessary). This determines the quantities for requirements and reservations generated.

Build-To Inventory Abbreviation

If more than one inventory abbreviation is included in a planned order group, the first planned order (using due date sequence) inventory abbreviation with an account type of A' as the build-to inventory abbreviation is used as the build-to inventory abbreviation for the MO. If none of the planned order inventory abbreviations have an account type of A, the first (using due date sequence) planned order's inventory abbreviation is used as the build-to inventory abbreviation for the MO. In the latter case, the inventory abbreviation of that planned order will also determine the MO ID (if assigned by inventory project), along with effective dates and order reference information

The build-to inventory abbreviation also determines the inventory abbreviations for the subassembly, raw material, and common stock (if the MRP planning code allows it, see the Update MRP Process topic) associated with requirements for the MO. If the subassembly or raw material inventory abbreviation is unavailable, the build-to inventory abbreviation is used instead. If the common stock inventory abbreviation is unavailable or inactive, the Default Common Stock Inv Abbrev from the Configure Production Control Settings screen is used instead.

Initial MO Status

The status of the MO is based on whether the selected planned order was designated as F (Firm) or R (Released) in the Select field of the Manage Detailed Part Schedule or Manage MRP Action Messages screens. If this field had been left blank, the MO status will depend on the selection made (for all planned orders) on the Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders screen. If there is a mix of firmed and released planned order selections in a group, the MO is assigned a status of Firm Planned.

Allow Charges

MOs created with a status of Released will allow Issue and Subcontract charges. Timesheet charges will be allowed only if you selected the Allow Auto-Update MO status In-Shop check box in the Configure Production Control Settings screen. MOs created with a status of Firm Planned will not have any charges allowed.

MO Header Text

For each MO, the text codes associated with the part/project (and having a where-used type of Traveler and/or Assembly Sheet) are used. If the MO is for more than one project, all projects included in the planned order group are checked.

Requirement, Inventory Reservation Generation

The process of generating requirements for a MO is similar to that in Costpoint Production Control. During the MO generation process, the system calculates total requirements by exploding through all the bill of material levels of the end part. A generated MO will have material requirements based on only one level of explosion, except in the case of a phantom part for which explosion is done as an additional step. If the Make part does not have a BOM, requirements are not generated. Any time requirements are generated, an inventory reservation is also created. The reservation number assigned is the same as the MO ID (if you selected the Set Reservation ID to MO Number check box in the Configure Production Control Settings screen). Otherwise, the reservation number will be based on the Starting Reservation number entered in Options group box of the Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders screen. If that is also unavailable, then the reservation number will be based on the last reservation ID for the warehouse.

Determining Inventory Abbreviation and Project for the Requirements

Costpoint uses the build-to inventory abbreviation of the assembly to check if any inventory abbreviation peggings exist for the corresponding components. If an exact match is found, the pegged inventory abbreviation and associated project is used for the requirements.

If a match does not exist, there are various scenarios. If the component is a common stock part and the selected build-to project allows common inventory projects, the inventory abbreviation will be based on the one entered in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen. If that is unavailable or inactive, then the build-to project's common stock inventory abbreviation is used. If that is also unavailable or inactive, the Default Common Stock Inv Abbrev from the Configure Production Control Settings screen is used. In each case, the project for the requirement will be the one associated with the inventory abbreviation.

If the component is a Buy part and the common stock part criteria cannot be met, the build-to inventory abbreviation is used to determine the default raw material inventory abbreviation and associated project. If the component is a Make part and the common stock part criteria cannot be met, the build-to inventory abbreviation is used to determine the default subassembly inventory abbreviation and associated project. If none of the above conditions are met, or no inventory abbreviation codes can be found for the components, the selected build-to inventory abbreviation and associated project are used.

Routing Generation

When generating MOs, Costpoint automatically generates routings for the end part and all Make parts below it, if the routing number is loaded for the end part. The supplied end part routing is used for the end part MO, but any other routings below that top part use the routing designated as Primary (on the Release Routings screen of Costpoint Routings). If a primary routing does not exist for the part, no routing will be loaded. Alternate operations are not included on a routing.