Creating Planned Demand

This process calculates the requirements for MRP planned orders and for flow-through requirements for phantom and MPS planned components.

When processing, manufacturing bills of material are exploded from the highest level down (one level at a time) and requirements are calculated for the matching part. If a BOM is generated from a planned order, the system uses the planned order's configuration ID and effective dates to determine the exact BOM components to use during the explosion. If a BOM is generated from a phantom part or MPS-planned flow-through requirement, Costpoint uses the configuration ID and effective dates of the original gross requirement to determine the exact BOM components. If no effective date is provided, Costpoint will use the current date to determine the effectivity of the components. The BOM components are not used in requirement calculations if the component has not been released to the assembly, if you selected the Omit Requirement check box (on the Release Multiple Manufacturing Bill of Materials screen in Costpoint Bills of Material), if quantity equals zero, if the component is of the reference or tool type, or if it has been deleted from the BOM. Component parts will also be excluded if they are inactive, have a release status of Pre-Release or Estimating, or are non-inventory parts.


Field Description
Order Quantities

The quantity type code of the component part in the assembly determines whether BOM quantities will be calculated on a per order or per assembly basis. Adjustments will be made if you selected the Incl Scrap/Yield % in Planning Process check box in the Configure Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control. If the part's inventory unit of measure is Each, quantities are rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Need Date

For component requirements of planned orders, Costpoint determines the need date by adding the BOM lead-time offset in days to the planned release date of the planned order. If the lead-time calculation is based on shop days (the Shop Days option is selected in the Configure Production Control Settings screen) instead of the standard calendar (the Standard Calendar option is selected in the Configure Production Control Settings screen), the lead-time offset days are added to the shop-day number corresponding to the planned release date. If the date does not fall on a shop day, the next lowest day is used.


The planner assignment will be based on the Part,  Inventory Project,  Netting Group, or Commodity (as selected in the Planner Assignment group box in the Configure Production Control Settings screen in Costpoint Production Control).

Inventory Abbreviation

For safety stock, default finished goods or the raw material inventory abbreviation for the associated project will be used, depending on whether the part is to be manufactured or purchased.