

Use this screen to enter QC inspection results for a purchase order receipt. You can also enter quantities accepted and quantities placed in MRB. There can be multiple rejections per receipt line, each with different reasons or dispositions. You must use this screen if the QC Insp Reqd field is "Y" (Yes) for the PO line. This screen updates purchase order and inventory information. Receipts and QC Inspections are not allowed for subcontract POs.

Use this screen whenever you need to enter or modify QC inspection results for a purchase order receipt.

Inspection ID

Enter the inspection ID containing up to 10 alphanumeric characters. This field is required and will be used throughout the system to identify the inspection. If you do not use Costpoint Inventory and the Auto-Assign Inspection/MRB IDs checkbox is selected in the Receiving Settings screen, you can leave this field blank and an ID will be assigned when you save the record. In the Transaction IDs subtask of the Warehouses screen in Costpoint Inventory, if the "QC Inspection" transaction type has been selected for the warehouse in this receipt and the Auto-Assign column is set to "Y" (Yes), the ID will automatically display when you save the record. The ID in this field cannot begin with a space.

To update an existing inspection record, use Query or Find to access the record.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a warehouse ID where this inspection is performed. If an existing inspection is accessed using Query or Find, this field displays the warehouse recorded on the purchase order receipt and is non-editable.

PO Receipt

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the purchase order receipt being inspected.  The ID in this field will automatically populate the receipt lines and other information in this screen if it has already been loaded. If you use Lookup to locate a PO Receipt ID, those PO Receipts for subcontractor POs will not be included, as QC Inspections for Subcontract POs are not applicable in Costpoint.

Packing Slip

This non-editable field displays the packing slip ID loaded in the purchase order receipt.

Insp Date

Enter the date on which the inspection transaction occurred. The date will default to the system date but can be changed.

PO Information

This non-editable group box displays the information identifying the purchase order whose receipts are being inspected.


This field displays the purchase order ID against which the receipt was received.


This field displays the release number of the purchase order, if it is a blanket release.

Change Order

This field displays the purchase order's change order number at the time it was received.


This field displays the vendor name from the purchase order.


This field displays the buyer assigned to this purchase order.



Enter, or use Lookup to select, the inspector's employee ID to default on each inspection line. If you use Lookup to select the inspector's employee ID, all active employee IDs from the Maintain Employee Master screen in Costpoint Employee will be available for selection.

Rejection Location

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the location for the displayed warehouse that will be used as the default for any rejected materials.

MRB Location

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the location for the displayed warehouse to be used as the default for any items placed into the Material Review Board (MRB) location.

Insp Report ID

Enter the inspection report ID that will default on all inspection lines.


Enter any notes you want to make about this inspection. Additional space for notes is available at the inspection line level.

Table Window

PO Line

This field displays the number of the purchase order line.


This field displays the type of purchase order line (part, good, service, or miscellaneous type) assigned to the purchase order line.


This field displays the item ID being inspected.


This field displays the revision of the item being inspected.

Misc Type

For miscellaneous line type, the line charge code for this purchase order line displays in this field.


This field displays the purchase order line description of the item or miscellaneous line type being inspected.


This field displays the purchase order unit of measure recorded for this purchase order line.

Incoming Inspection Location

This field displays the Def Receiving Loc (receiving location) entered in the Receive Purchase Order screen.

Received Qty (PO U/M)

This field displays the received quantity in the purchase order line unit of measure.

Undispositioned Qty (PO U/M)

This field displays the undispositioned quantity in the purchase order line unit of measure.

Inspection Report ID

Enter the inspection report ID for this inspection line.


Enter the employee ID of the inspector performing this line's inspection.


Enter the Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) used to determine the sample inspection size (or 100% for full inspection). This is an optional field.

Inspected Qty (PO U/M)

Enter the quantity inspected (or a sample size), in the purchasing unit of measure for this inspection line. If you enter a quantity in this field and the purchase order line is for an inventory part, the quantity will automatically be converted to the inventory unit of measure quantity and loaded in the Inspected Qty (Inventory U/M) (inventory unit of measure inspected quantity) field. The Inspected Qty cannot be greater than the Received Qty.

Accepted Qty (PO U/M)

Enter the total quantity accepted, in the purchase order unit of measure, for this inspection line (not just the quantity of sample size accepted). If you enter a quantity in this field and the purchase order line is for an inventory part, the quantity will automatically be converted to the inventory unit of measure quantity and loaded in the Accepted Qty (Inventory U/M) (inventory unit of measure accepted quantity) field.

Rejected Qty (PO U/M)

This non-editable field displays the total rejected quantity in the purchase order unit of measure (not just the quantity of sample size rejected). This is the sum of the rejected quantities from the Rejection Info subtask.

Rejected Qty Ret (PO U/M)

This field displays the rejected quantity marked as return to vendor or scrap in the ordering unit of measure.

MRB Qty (PO U/M)

Enter the quantity, in the purchase order unit of measure, of the inspection line item sent to MRB for further review or inspection. If you enter a quantity in this field and the purchase order line is for an inventory part, the quantity will automatically be converted to the inventory unit of measure quantity and loaded in the MRB Qty (Inventory U/M) (inventory unit of measure MRB quantity) field.

Acceptance Location

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the location where the accepted quantity has been placed (required for inventory parts if there is an acceptance quantity). This will default from the default warehouse QC acceptance location or the preferred location for that part/project or part, depending on the selection in the Acceptance Location Default group box in the Receiving Settings screen.

MRB Location

Enter the MRB location where the MRB quantity has been placed (required for inventory parts if there is an MRB Qty).

RMA Number

Enter the vendor's Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number, if material is to be returned to vendor. This is an optional field.

QC Insp Reqd

If this field displays a "Y," this item needs a separate quality control inspection when received.  If this field displays "N," no separate inspection is needed. The QC Insp Reqd status defaults from the purchase order line and cannot be edited here.

Source Insp Reqd

If this field displays "Y," this item needs to obtain approval from a government or customer inspector.  If this field displays "N," no such approval is needed. The Source Insp Reqd status defaults from the purchase order line and cannot be edited here.

Cert Conf Reqd

If this non-editable field displays "Y," the vendor needs to submit a certificate of conformance with the received item.  If this field displays "N," no such submission is needed. The Cert Conf Reqd status defaults from the purchase order line.

Source Insp

Enter "Y" (Yes) if source inspection has been performed on material on this inspection line.

Insp Type

This non-editable field displays the Inspection Type from the Basic Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Inv Abbrev

The inventory abbreviation of the inventory part is displayed from the purchase order line and cannot be edited here.

Inventory Project

The inventory project of the inventory part is displayed from the purchase order line and cannot be edited here.

Prime Contract

This non-editable field displays the prime contract of the project to which this item was charged.

DPAS Rating

This non-editable field displays the DPAS priority code of the project to which this item was charged. You can maintain this information in the Government Contract Info screen in Costpoint Project Setup.

Inventory U/M

This non-editable field displays the inventory unit of measure.

Received Qty (Inventory U/M), Undispositioned Qty (Inventory U/M), Inspected Qty (Inventory U/M), Accepted Qty (Inventory U/M), Rejected Qty (Inventory U/M), Rejected Qty Ret (Inventory U/M), MRB Qty (Inventory U/M)

The system derives these fields by converting the purchase order quantities from the ordering unit of measure to the inventory unit of measure established for this part. Optionally, you can enter these fields in place of the purchase order unit of measure quantity fields, and the system will automatically convert them to the purchase order unit of measure quantities. These fields will be disabled if the purchase order line is not an inventory part.

Ord Ref Type

This column displays the order reference type entered for the purchase order line, which designates whether the line item is related to a sales order ("S"), a manufacturing order ("M"), or neither/none ("N") in the system. When entering the PO, you will make an entry in this field only when you expect to add an order reference number to the purchase order line.

Order Ref ID

This column displays the order reference number, which is a manufacturing order or internal sales order number that is assigned to the purchase order line.

Note: When receiving a PO line that contains an order reference ID, an order reference type of "M" (manufacturing order), and the received quantity is greater than zero, the following warning message will display: "This PO line is for a subcontractor operation for Manufacturing Order (order reference ID)."

Rejection Info

Select this pushbutton to enter information on any rejected quantity.

Insp Line Notes

Select this pushbutton to enter any notes you want to keep on this inspection line.

Serial/Lot Info

Use this pushbutton to enter Serial/Lot information on inventory items that require Serial/Lot tracking.

FA Info

Use this pushbutton to enter the Additional Receiving Info for Autocreated Fixed Assets subtask.

User-Defined Flds

This subtask is currently unavailable.

PO Line Info

Select this pushbutton to view additional information on the PO line being inspected.

PO Line Text

Select this pushbutton to view standard text codes assigned to the PO line being inspected.


Use this pushbutton to display documents associated with the selected PO line being inspected.