

Use this subtask to match the information entered in the Rejection Info subtask to the serial/lot information. If only serial or lot is required, the column not required (Serial Number or Lot Number) will not display.

This subtask is enabled and required when the item being inspected requires serial and/or lot tracking as established in the Maintain Parts or Basic Part Data screens in Costpoint Product Definition.


This non-editable field displays the part ID being inspected. The part description displays in the field below.


This non-editable field displays the part revision.


This field displays the part's inventory unit of measure and cannot be edited.

Tracking Requirements

The fields in this group box display the tracking requirements established for the selected inventory part as established in the Maintain Parts or Basic Part Data screens in Costpoint Product Definition.


This field displays a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) depending on whether lot tracking is required for this inventory part.


This field displays a "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) depending on whether serial tracking is required for this inventory part.


This non-editable field displays the warehouse receiving this inventory part.


This non-editable field displays the project ID associated with the inventory part.

Inv Abbrev

This non-editable field displays the inventory abbreviation to which this part is charged.


This field displays the PO ID against which this item is received.


This field displays the release number of this purchase order.


This field displays the PO line number.


These fields display the vendor ID and name.

Transaction Quantities

The fields in this group box display information regarding the part quantity.


This field displays the quantity received in the inventory unit of measure.


This field displays the quantity accepted.


This field displays the quantity rejected.


This field displays the quantity placed in the Material Review Board (MRB) for further inspection.

Table Window

Serial Number

This field displays the serial number assigned in the Receive Purchase Order screen. This field will not be available if serial tracking is not required.

Lot Number

This field displays the lot number assigned in the Receive Purchase Order screen. This field will not be available if lot tracking is not required.

Receipt Quantity

The receipt quantity in the inventory unit of measure from the PO receipt displays here and cannot be edited.

Undispositioned Quantity

This non-editable field displays the system-calculated undispositioned quantity.

Dispositioned Quantity

This non-editable field displays the system-calculated dispositioned quantity.

Acceptance Quantity

Enter the quantity accepted here.

Rejection Quantity

Enter the quantity rejected here.

Rejection Reason

If there is a rejection quantity, enter, or use Lookup to select, a rejection reason code.

Rejection Disposition

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a rejection disposition code for the rejected quantity.

Rejection Location

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a location where the rejected material is stored. A location is not required if the Rejection Disposition code is "R" or "S."

MRB Quantity

Enter the quantity sent to the Material Review Board (MRB) for further inspection.

Vendor Warranty Exp Date

Enter the date on which the vendor's warranty for this part will expire. The date entered on the PO receipt will be the default value.

Shelf Life Exp Date

Enter the shelf life expiration date for this part. The date entered on the PO receipt will be the default value.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the ID of the part's manufacturer, up to 10 alphanumeric characters. The manufacturer ID entered on the PO receipt is the default value.

Manufacturer Name

This field displays the manufacturer name once the Manufacturer is selected.

Manufacturer Part

Enter the manufacturer part for this item, up to 30 alphanumeric characters. The manufacturer part entered on the PO receipt is the default value.

Manuf Rev

Enter the manufacturer revision for the manufacturer part, up to three alphanumeric characters. The manufacturer revision entered on the PO receipt is the default value.

Vendor Part

Enter the vendor part for this item, up to 30 alphanumeric characters. The vendor part entered on the PO receipt is the default value.

Vend Rev

Enter the vendor revision for the vendor part, up to three alphanumeric characters. The vendor revision entered on the PO receipt is the default value.

Manuf/Vendor Serial Number

Enter the manufacturer/vendor serial number for this part, up to 20 alphanumeric characters. The manufacturer/vendor serial number entered on the PO receipt is the default value.

Manuf/Vendor Lot Number

Enter the manufacturer/vendor lot number for this part, up to 20 alphanumeric characters. The manufacturer/vendor lot number entered on the PO receipt is the default value.


Enter free-form notes regarding this serial/lot inspection line.


This field displays the configuration to which the selected part is being built. This field will not be visible if the Use Configuration IDs checkbox is not selected in the BOM Corporate Settings subtask of the BOM Settings screen in Costpoint Bills of Material.


This field displays a valid routing number for the item that was used when building this serial/lot.

Effectivity Date

This field displays the Bills of Material "as-of" date that was used when building this serial/lot.

Vendor Warranty

This field displays the code for the type of vendor warranty provided by the vendor.

Vendor Warranty Start Date

This field displays the date on which the vendor's warranty began for this serial/lot.

Customer Warranty

This field displays the code for the type of warranty provided to the customer.

Cust Warranty Start Date

This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty began for this serial/lot.

Cust Warranty Exp Date

This field displays the date on which the customer's warranty will expire for this serial/lot.

Sales Order Tag

This field displays the sales order tag number for this serialized item.

Maintenance Sales Order

This field displays the sales order number for the maintenance provided to the customer.

Maintenance SO Release

This field displays the sales order release for the maintenance provided to the customer.

Maintenance SO Line

This field displays the sales order line for the maintenance provided to the customer.