

Use this non-editable subtask to view the assigned, established standard text codes for this purchase order line.


This field displays the current inspection ID.


This field displays the line number of the current item being inspected.

PO, Release, Item, Rev

These non-editable fields default from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing.

Table Window

Standard text information is originally established in the PO Standard Text screen in Costpoint Purchasing, and can be assigned to the PO header and/or PO line when establishing the purchase order. For example, this table window displays standard text that was assigned to the PO line under the PO Line Standard Text subtask in the Enter POs screen. The text that displays for the PO line depends on the radio button that is selected for the text code in the PO Standard Text screen. Standard text can be internal notes (which do not print on purchase orders), external notes (which print on purchase orders), or both.

Text Source

This field describes the source of the text: "I" (Item) (text assigned to that item number), "P" (Project) (text assigned to that project), and "M" (Miscellaneous) (assigned ad-hoc to the PO line).

Text Code

This field displays the code that was assigned to the PO line in the PO Line Standard Text subtask of the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing.


This field displays the description of the text code.

Doc Print Opt

This field displays the Document Print Option assigned to the selected Text Codes. This field displays one of the following values:  "B" (Both) (text to be printed on both internal reports and purchase orders), "I" (Internal) (text to be printed on internal reports only), and "E" (External) (text to be printed on purchase orders only).