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Cobra.Model.WebService Namespace

Contains objects that are passed and received by the web service.
Public classAboutResult
Contains information about Cobra Web Service.
Public classAcumenExportServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to export Cobra data to Acumen.
Public classCalculateApportionmentServiceArguments
Contains options to calculate apportionment.
Public classCalculateProgressServiceArguments
Contains options to run Calculate Progress.
Public classClass
Represents a class.
Public classClassCollection
Represents a collection of Class objects.
Public classClassLevelFilter
Represetns a collection of filter of ClassLevel values.
Public classClassTypeFilter
Represents a collection of filter of ClassType values.
Public classCommonConfigurationsFilter
Represents the common filters for configurations.
Public classCommonProjectsFilter
Represents the common filters for projects.
Public classCommonReportsFilter
Represents the common filters for reports.
Public classCommonResourceFilesFilter
Represents the common filter for resource files.
Public classConfiguration
Represents a project.
Public classConfigurationCollection
Represents a collection of Configuration objects.
Public classConfigurationDefinition
Represents the common definition of a Configuration.
Public classConfigurationFile
Represents a project.
Public classConfigurationFilter
Contains filter of a configuration.
Public classConfigurationsFilter
Contains filters to get list of reports.
Public classCopyControlAccountServiceArguments
Contains a service arguments to create a new control account by copying an existing one.
Public classCopyProjectServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to create a new Cobra project by copying an existing project or to copy a Cobra master project which results in a new copy of the master project and all its children project
Public classCopyWorkPackageServiceArguments
Contains a service arguments to create a new work package by copying an existing one.
Public classCreateClassServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to create a new class that a project will use to collect and organize project cost data.
Public classCreateControlAccountServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to create a new control account.
Public classCreateEntityResult
Contains result after creating an entity.
Public classCreateWorkPackageServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to create a new work package.
Public classFilterStringOperatorExtension
Extension class for FilterStringOperator enums.
Public classIntegrateProjectDataServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to run integration of project data.
Public classIntegrateProjectDataServiceArgumentsBudgetCriteria
Contains criteria related to integration of budget data.
Public classIntegrateProjectDataServiceArgumentsForecastCriteria
Contains criteria related to integration of forecast data.
Public classMasterAndSubProjectCollection
Represents a collection of MasterAndSubProjects objects.
Public classMasterAndSubProjects
Represents a master project with list of sub projects.
Public classMasterAndSubProjectsFilter
Contains filters to get list of master and sub-projects.
Public classMasterProject
Represents a master project.
Public classMasterProjectCollection
Represents a collection of MasterProject objects.
Public classMasterProjectsFilter
Contains filter to get list of master projects.
Public classMoveWorkPackageServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to move a work package.
Public classParentResourceFilter
Represents a collection of parent resources.
Public classProcessLog
A log file that contains information about the process that has been performed.
Public classProcessLogFilter
Contains filters for process log files.
Public classProject
Represents a project.
Public classProjectAuditLogDescription
Contains options for the update to the project's log.
Public classProjectClass
Represents classes of a project.
Public classProjectClassCollection
Represents a collection of ProjectClass objects.
Public classProjectClassesFilter
Contains filters to get list of projects based on the associated classes.
Public classProjectCodeField
Represents a code field of a project.
Public classProjectCodeFields
Represents a collection of ProjectCodeField objects.
Public classProjectCollection
Represents a collection of Project objects.
Public classProjectDefinition
Represents the common definition of a project.
Public classProjectFields
Represents the fields in a project.
Public classProjectFiles
Represents the associated files of a project.
Public classProjectFilter
Contains filter of Project ID or Name.
Public classProjectKeyField
Represents a key field of a project.
Public classProjectProperties
Represents project properties of a project.
Public classProjectPropertiesCollection
Represents a collection of ProjectProperties objects.
Public classProjectPropertiesFilter
Contains filters to get list of projects base on project properties.
Public classProjectRollingWave
Represents the rolling wave of a project.
Public classProjectsFilter
Contains filters to get list of projects.
Public classRecalculateServiceArguments
Contains options to run Recalculate.
Public classReconcileLogServiceArguments
Contains options to run Reconcile Log
Public classReport
Represents a project.
Public classReportCollection
Represents a collection of Report objects.
Public classReportDefinition
Represents the common definition of a report.
Public classReportFile
Represents a project.
Public classReportFilter
Contains filter of a configuration.
Public classReportServiceArguments
Contains options to run Report.
Public classReportsFilter
Contains filters to get list of reports.
Public classResource
Represents a resource.
Public classResourceCollection
Represents a collection of Resource objects.
Public classResourceFile
Represents a resource file.
Public classResourceFileCollection
Represents a collection of ResourceFile objects.
Public classResourceFileDefinition
Represents the common definition of a resource file.
Public classResourceFileFilter
Contains filter of Resource ID or Name
Public classResourceFileProperties
Represents the properties of a Resource File.
Public classResourceFilePropertiesCollection
Represents a collection of ResourceFileProperties objects.
Public classResourceFilePropertiesFilter
Contains filters to get list of resource files base on their properties.
Public classResourceFileReferencedProject
Represents a project referenced by a resource file.
Public classResourceFileReferencedProjectCollection
Reprensents a collection of ResourceFileReferencedProject objects.
Public classResourceFileResource
Represents a resource file containing resources.
Public classResourceFileResourceCollection
Represents a collection of ResourceFileResource objects.
Public classResourceFilesFilter
Contains filters to get a list of resource files.
Public classResourceHierarchyFilter
Contains filters of resource hierarchy.
Public classResourcesFilter
Contains filters to get list of resources of a Resource File.
Public classRespreadServiceArguments
Contains options to run Respread.
Public classResult
Represents a Result in a Resource File.
Public classResultCollection
Represents a collection of Result.
Public classRollingWaveServiceArguments
Contains options to run Rolling Wave.
Public classSecurePassword
A serializable password storage that is secured.
Public classServiceMessage
Contains messages returned after running a service operation.
Public classSubProject
Represents a sub-project.
Public classSubProjectCollection
Represents a collection of Sub-SubProject objects.
Public classSubProjectsFilter
Contains filter to get list of sub-projects.
Public classTimePhasedSpreadServiceArguments
Contains options to get Time-Phased Spread.
Public classUploadFileServiceArguments
Contains options to upload file.
Public classUploadFileServiceResult
Represents the service result of UploadFile method.
Public classwInsightExportServiceArguments
Contains service arguments to export Cobra data to wInsight.
Public structureDateRange
A structure for date ranges.
Public interfaceIExplorerOperationsServiceArguments
Specifies the interface of Service Arguments of Explorer operations.
Public interfaceIIntegrationServiceArguments
Specifies the interface of Service Arguments of Integration process.
Public interfaceIProjectOperationsServiceArguments
Specifies the interface of Service Arguments of Project operations.
Public interfaceIReportOperationsServiceArguments
Specifies the interface of Service Arguments of Report operations.
Public interfaceIResourceOperationsServiceArguments
Specified the interface of Service Arguments of Resource operations.
Public interfaceIToolOperationsServiceArguments
Specifies the interface of Service Arguments of Tool operations.
Public enumerationAllowRespreadInProgress
Specifies whether In-Progress Control Accounts/Work Packages will be respread.
Public enumerationBudgetDateSet
Specifies the alternative budget dates.
Public enumerationBudgetDatesSelection
Specified the budget date selections for importing budget.
Public enumerationClassLevel
Specifies the level at which costs are entered for the class.
Public enumerationClassType
Specifies the type of the class.
Public enumerationCodeFieldType
Specified the Code Field Type of a code field.
Public enumerationEarnedValueTechnique
Specifies the earned value technique to be use by a work package.
Public enumerationElementOfCost
Specifies the element of cost of a resource.
Public enumerationFilterStringOperator
Specifies operator for string fields use on filters.
Public enumerationForecastDateSet
Specifies which dates will the forecast spread will be based.
Public enumerationForecastMethod
Specifies the forecast method that will be used for the class.
Public enumerationIncludedCosts
Specifies whether the actual cost records contains cumulative or period costs.
Public enumerationLevelOfActualCostRecords
Specifies the level of the actual cost records contained in the actual transaction file or database table.
Public enumerationMessageType
Specifies the type of the message.
Public enumerationObtainBudgetFromAccount
Specifies the account from which Cobra will get the budget.
Public enumerationPerformanceFactorLevel
Specifies the level at which Cobra calculates the CPI and SPI.
Public enumerationPeriodFilter
Specifies the scope of the process.
Public enumerationProcesses
Specifies processes
Public enumerationProgressMethod
Specifies how the progress are calculated.
Public enumerationRespreadPeriodFilter
Specifies the scope of the respread process.
Public enumerationResultCode
Specified the Result Code
Public enumerationSpreadCurve
Specifies spread curves
Public enumerationTransactionFileOrDatabase
Specifies if the actual cost records are stored in either a transaction file or database.