Terminal Profile

Detail Form: Terminal Profile Setting

The Terminal Profile form is used to configure settings for specific profiles that are in turn assigned to terminals via the Terminal form.

The Terminal Profile form also allows you to update all active terminals with the current configuration by pressing the Update Server button. Using the Update Server button allows Terminal Profile changes to take effect without having to restart the application server. For example, if you make any changes to the Menu Group assigned to a Terminal Profile, the Menu Group changes will be applied when you click Update Server.

See Also:

Terminal Profile Field Descriptions

Find a Terminal Profile

Add a Terminal Profile

Modify a Terminal Profile

Copy a Terminal Profile

Delete a Terminal Profile

Update Server Button


Terminal Profile Field Descriptions

Terminal Profile

The identifying name of the terminal profile record.

Menu Group Name

A Menu Group determines which events are available on terminals that belong to this profile. Menu groups are created on the Menu Tree form.

Terminal Locale

The language that is used on the terminal.


The timezone that is used on the terminal.

Login Event Name

The event used to login to the terminal. Available options are events of type AUTHENTICATION:LOGIN. The default AUTHENTICATION:LOGIN events are:








The LOGIN_XML_PERSON_NUM_BADGE_NUM event will display both the Badge Number and Employee fields in the terminal’s authentication screen. Both the badge and person number must be entered correctly for the login to succeed.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.

Default Dictionary

The dictionary used on this terminal. A dictionary controls the labels that display on buttons, messages, field names, and form names.

A Dictionary can be assigned to an Employee, Employee Group, Terminal Profile, or System Setting. The Dictionary Employee setting overrides the Dictionary Employee Group setting, which overrides the Dictionary Terminal Profile setting. The Dictionary Terminal Profile setting overrides the Dictionary System Setting.

You can also select a Dictionary when you Log In to the application. This selection will override the Dictionary assigned to you in the System Settings, Terminal Profile, Employee Group, or Employee form.

Terminal Param Group

Identifies the Terminal Parameter Group that this profile uses. Users can add, modify and delete Terminal Param Groups on the Terminal Parameter Group form. The group details specify the parameters that will be used for specified events (for example, for the LOGIN_XML event, use Alphanumeric and let the start position for Reader 1 be 1).


Find a Terminal Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. Select a Terminal Profile and click Find


Add a Terminal Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a Terminal Profile name.

  4. Select a Menu Group Name.

  5. Select a Terminal Locale.

  6. Select a Timezone, Login Event Name, Default Dictionary, and Terminal Param Group.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click the Update Server button on the toolbar.


Modify a Terminal Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile.

  2. Select the record you want to change and click Modify.

  3. Modify the necessary record and click Save.

  4. Click the Update Server button on the toolbar.


Copy a Terminal Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile.

  2. Select the record you want to copy.

  3. Click Copy.

  4. Modify the Terminal Profile name and other properties.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click the Update Server button on the toolbar.


Delete a Terminal Profile

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile.

  2. Select the record you want to remove and click Delete.

  3. Click OK in the pop-up box to confirm the action.

  4. Click the Update Server button on the toolbar.


Update Server Button

The Update Server button allows Terminal Profile changes to take effect without having to restart the application server. For example, if you make any changes to the Menu Group assigned to a Terminal Profile, the Menu Group changes will be applied when you click Update Server.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Terminal > Terminal Profile.

  2. Press the Update Server button.

    All active terminals will be updated with any Terminal Profile related changes. Terminal users will see these changes the next time they log in.