Export Rules Operands

Export Rules determine when and how data is grouped and extracted from the system tables. Export Rules are created on the Calc Rule form. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.

A description of each Export Rule Operand is listed below, along with the Export Context for which the operand is designed.


The following is a list of the available operands for the ExportRuleset. For a list of the operands that can be used with a particular Export Context, see Export Contexts and Operands.


Get Action Prompt Value

Get Auxiliary Duration

Get Balance Duration

Get Date With Format as Number

Get Default Person Assignment

Get Duration

Get Duration Detail Labor Amount

Get Duration Detail Labor Rate

Get Duration Detail Payroll Amount

Get Duration Detail Payroll Rate

Get Duration Detail Rate

Get Duration Shift Num

Get Export Service End Date

Get Hours Classification String

Get Paid Labor Rate Amount

Get Paid Labor Rate Amount By Source

Get Paid Payroll Rate Amount

Get Paid Payroll Rate Amount by Source

Get Pay Period End Date

Get Payroll Amount By Hours

Get Person Adhoc Code Value

Get Person Assignment

Get Person Assignment Double

Get Person Assignment String

Get Person Info Double

Get Person Info String

Get Person Vendor Rate

Get Shift Premium

Get Total Time Labor Rate

Get Trans Action Account

Get Trans Action Data Field

Get Trans Action ID String

Get Trans Action Map Field

Get Trans Duration Paid Payroll Rate

Get Transaction Assignment

Get Transaction Quantity

Get Transaction Rate

Has Person Assignment

Has Trans Duration Detail Type Record

Has Transaction Assignment

Is Auxiliary Pay Code

Is Charge Type

Is Classification Type

Is Day of Week

Is Direct Ind

Is Duration Greater than Zero

Is Duration Not Zero

Is Export Record Not Empty

Is Facility

Is Home Location Equal To Charge Location

Is Home Location Equal to Current Location

Is Home Location Not Equal To Charge Location

Is Home Location Not Equal to Current Location

Is Hours Class

Is Hours Class Not

Is Hours Class Not Empty

Is Labor Type

Is Matching Event Name

Is Matching Event Type

Is Not Pay Code

Is Not Shift

Is Operation Completed

Is Pay Code

Is Pay Group Name

Is Payroll Amount Greater Than Zero

Is Person Info Set

Is Record Type

Is Shift

Is Split Pay Code

Is Split Pay Code Not

Is Split Pay Code Not Empty

Is Split Record Type Base

Is Split Record Type Base Shift Premium

Is Split Record Type Premium

Is Split Record Type Premium Shift Premium

Is Split Record Type Shift Premium

Is the Employee Person Type

Is the Duration Shift Num Not Empty

Is Trans Duration Dtl Account Num Not Empty

Is Trans Duration Record

Is Work Order Event

Join Strings

Negate Duration Value


Set Account Num Value From Duration Dtl

Set Balance Value

Set Balance Value By Code

Set Batch Name

Set Charge Element Flex Field Val

Set Charge Location

Set Charge Location Ignore the Home Location

Set Completion Date

Set Current Location

Set Current Location Ignore The Home Location

Set Current Status

Set Data Group For Project

Set Data Group Name

Set Day of Week

Set Daylight Saving Time

Set Duration

Set Duration Detail Record Type

Set Employee UTC Offset

Set First Date of the Month

Set Home Location

Set Hours Class

Set Hours Times Pay Rate

Set Insert or Correction Value

Set Labor Distribution User Defined Field Parameter

Set Manufacturing Charge Location

Set Output

Set Output Double

Set Output Using Data Type

Set Parent Element Name

Set Parent Element Value

Set Pay Code

Set Pay Group Name

Set Pay Period End Date

Set Pay Period Start Date

Set Pay Week End Date

Set Pay Week Start Date

Set Payroll Amount

Set Payroll Location

Set Payroll Pay Designer

Set Person Group By Tier

Set Person Group Manager By Tier

Set Person Info Value

Set Person Type

Set Person Vendor Rate

Set Project Rate

Set Raw Cost

Set Setting Value

Set Setting Value By Tier

Set Split Pay Code

Set Time Entry Type

Set Trans Action Cancel Date

Set Trans Action Data Field

Set Trans Action Update Date

Set Transaction Reference

Set Transaction Value based on split

Set Value From Date

Set Weekly Fiscal Calc End Date

Set Weekly Fiscal Calendar End Date

Set Workorder Conditional Code Value

Stop Processing
