Dashpart Bases

Project, Account Detail, Account, Employee, and other dashpart bases are available in Dashpart Designer.

Access to dashpart bases and their columns are managed with role based security. To see your role's setting for dashpart access rights, check the Access Rights tab of Settings > Security > Roles.

Field Description

This base displays information from the Projects hub, as well as the following metrics:

  • Totals based on transactional information entered for the project
  • Unbilled labor and expense transaction summary totals, similar to values in an Unbilled Summary Billing report
  • Draft invoice approval information similar to the information in the Draft Invoice Approval application or on the related report
  • Accounts receivable information, including retainer, retainage, and last invoice and last receipt data

Some columns provide a link that you can click to display additional information. Some display a dialog box with drill-down details on the column, while some display an info bubble with additional information and a link to the relevant hub record. For more information, see Info Bubbles and Help.

When you create a dashpart using this base, the columns available for the dashpart are determined by the activated applications in Vantagepoint. To view work breakdown structure (WBS) levels associated with a project, use the Name and Number columns. When selected, grouping is automatically set up based on the WBS level, and these columns display as the first columns on the dashpart.

Cost and billing related columns display values in either the billing or project currency, depending on the configuration of Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Data Differences Between Project Dashparts Base and Other Applications

There are scenarios where the displayed values in reports and other applications differ from the displayed values in dashboards, as summarized here:

Columns on Cost Amounts
  • The Overhead Allocation Scope and Rate in the Project Earnings report is based on the active company, while the project dashpart base is based on the project company.
  • The Overhead Projects on the Project Earnings report displays cost amounts as year-to-date (YTD), while the project dashpart base displays cost amounts as job-to-date (JTD).
Columns on Planned Amounts
  • Decimal places can be evaluated per project in the Project Review form, but they are evaluated per report in the project dashpart base and project reports.
  • The project dashpart base uses the billing currency for project cost amounts, while the Project Review form uses the cost currency for cost amounts.
Project Detail

This base displays labor and expense transaction detail for projects. You must have appropriate access rights to view all the information displayed in this dashpart base. As in the Project dashpart base, data differences are present between the Project Detail dashpart base and other applications. Refer to the Project dashpart base description above for information on these data differences.

Cost and billing related columns display values in either the billing or project currency, depending on the configuration of Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

This dashpart base is available if the Vantagepoint database is configured with Accounting or PSA enabled.


This base displays information from general ledger account summary information. Use information from general ledger accounts to create a table or chart dashpart that you can view from a dashboard. You can drill down on the displayed information.

This dashpart base is available if the Vantagepoint database is configured with Accounting enabled.

Multiple Companies

If you are using multiple companies, the active company is used as the basis for company-related data displayed in this dashpart base.

Account Detail

This base displays information from general ledger account data down to the transaction level.

This dashpart base includes information such as the activity for a certain period (using fiscal and date range filters). You can group information in this base using available columns. You can also total any amount columns and specify filters for fiscal date ranges. For example, you might display activity for particular fiscal periods in each column, so that you can compare activity over time.

This dashpart base is not available if the Vantagepoint database is configured with:

  • Only Resource Planning
  • Only CRM
  • Resource Planning and CRM

Multiple Companies

If you are using multiple companies, the active company is used as the basis for company-related data displayed in this dashpart base.

AP Detail

This base displays voucher- and firm-related data. If you have multiple companies, the AP Detail dashpart base can display voucher- and firm-related data across all companies.

This dashpart base can display a vendor's posted vouchers, tax amounts, and purchase order details. You can also display vendor-related information from the Firms hub to provide additional vendor details related to the vouchers. This dashpart base is available when you have the following modules enabled:

  • Purchasing
  • Firms hub
AR Detail

This base displays details of billing invoices, payments/receipts, and credit memos for projects, to the lowest level available in the WBS. Use links available in the Invoice and Invoice Number columns for the line items to display the projects hub invoices area, where you can view the details included on the invoice.

The Amount Due, Amount Paid, and Days Outstanding columns, which are available for this dashpart base, display a calculated value from transactions displayed on the dashpart. For example, the value in the Amount Due column is based on the owed amount for the invoice; this, in turn, is derived from the invoices, receipts, and credit memos that are displayed on the dashpart. If you filter the dashpart to exclude certain transactions, such as all receipts, then amounts for those transactions are not included in the value in the Amount Due column.

You can also use the AR Detail dashpart base to display aged values for amount-related columns. To display aged values with this base, set up the dashpart in the Dashpart Designer to include the Aging Date column and configure the date range of the amount-related column.

Credit memos are listed as separate rows on the dashpart. If you want to display the credit memo with the invoice, use the Invoice column to group all transactions associated with the invoice.

You can add or update comments for AR records without navigating to Hubs > Firms > AR Review or Hubs > Projects > Invoices. To do so, add the AR Comment column to your dashpart and then click the value or option in this column to access the AR Comments dialog box.

This dashpart base is available if the Vantagepoint database is configured with Accounting or PSA enabled.


This base displays information from the Employees hub, as well as regular and overtime hours and Time Analysis information.

You can use this base to analyze employee performance by viewing how indirect hours are spent. Use the time analysis columns to review the percent direct hours versus indirect hours for employees to see how much time an employee spends on regular and overtime work.

You must have appropriate access rights to view cost-related information. No cost-related information is displayed if you do not have the appropriate access rights, but the column still displays.

Favorite Report

This base displays the selected report from a list of global favorite reports in Reporting.

To modify the information found in a global favorite report, use the Reporting application. Any updates made to global favorite reports are reflected in the Favorite Report dashpart.

If the Always Rebuild Report option is selected when you create or update the Favorite Report table dashpart, then the dashpart refreshes whenever you access the dashboard with the dashpart. Otherwise, the Favorite Report dashpart automatically refreshes the report every 24 hours.

The date and time on which the report was most recently updated displays at the right end of the dashpart title bar. Click in the dashpart title bar to update the Favorite Report table dashpart.

Vantagepoint Intelligence

This base displays a selected worksheet from the Vantagepoint Intelligence module.

Note: Starting with Vantagepoint 7.0, the Vantagepoint Intelligence module is no longer available for new deployments of Vantagepoint. Existing users of Vantagepoint Intelligence can continue using it when they upgrade to newer versions of Vantagepoint.

To display workbooks from Vantagepoint Intelligence in a dashpart:

  • The Vantagepoint Intelligence module must be enabled (Settings > General > Modules).
  • Appropriate access rights must be specified for this base (Settings > Security > Roles).

This base displays general information from the Firms hub about firms that are vendors, clients, competitors, government agencies, or any combination of these firm types. Add a dashpart with this dashpart base to your dashboard so that you can quickly view firm-related information that you need directly from your dashboard, without the added step of looking for the firm record in the Firms hub.

Web URL Link

This base displays a web page in a dashpart.