Example: Search by Project Organization and Employee

This example illustrates how to create and save a search that generates a list of all active projects that belong to a specific organization and are assigned to a particular employee.

For this example, you perform a project search for all active projects in the Boston Architecture or Boston Engineering organization with a principal of Billy B. Charles, Jr. You want only those projects with this organization and principal on the top level; you do not want to search the phase or task level. .

Step Procedure Related Information
Access the Search Dialog
1 Create a search in the Projects hub. Create a Search
Enter the Search Criteria
All new searches default to display the Status = Active criteria as the first condition. You can delete this condition if it is not applicable to your search.
2 In the Action bar, click + to add a condition (row) to the Search Criteria grid. Add a Field to a Search
3 In the Select A Field column, click Projects to display the list of project grid records.
4 Scroll down to and select Status.

Because projects may have multiple levels, you must select the level on which you want to search. In this case, leave the default option of project level on.

Display Search Records by Project Levels in Advanced Project Search.
5 In the Add Value field, select Active.
6 Scroll down to and select Organization.

Leave the default option of project level on.

7 In the Add Value field, select the name of the organization.
8 Scroll down to and select Organization.

Leave the default option of project level on.

9 In the Operator field, select =.

The operators that display are based on the type of field selected. For example, the operators for an address field are different from those that display for a date field.

10 Click the Add Value field and select the name of an organization. In this case, select Boston Architecture as the organization. You can also start typing the name in the field and the drop-down list will populate with all matching values.

These search criteria are automatically joined by an implied OR condition.

11 Repeat Steps Repeat steps 8 and 9.
12 Click the Add Value field and then select the name of the organization. In this case, select Boston Engineering as the organization.

Both Boston Architecture and Boston Engineering are listed as organizations that are part of the larger Boston organization.

These search criteria are automatically joined by an implied OR.

13 In the Action bar, click + action to add a condition (row) to the Search Criteria grid. Add a Field to a Search
14 Scroll down to and select Principal-In-Charge project grid record.

Leave the default option of project level on.

15 In the Operator field, select =.
16 In the Add Value field, select an employee name. In this case, the name is Billy B. Charles, Jr..
Search Results Grid
17 For advanced project searches, you can use the Records to Display and List View Display drop-down lists to format how the search records are displayed in the Search Results grid and in List View. Display Search Records by Project Levels in Advanced Project Search.

The Search Results Grid displays a list of all records matching your search criteria. These records also display when you use the Select Searches List on the main form for a hub record or in the Records or Saved Searches list on the Reports tab or form for a specific report.

Components of a Search
19 Click at the top right of the Search Results grid to expand the grid to full screen, allowing you to more easily view long lists of search results. Maximize the Search Results Preview
20 Click at the top right of the Search Results grid to filter the search results based on the values you select in one or more columns. Filter Search Records
21 Some searches have a link to show the number of results. The Show # of Results field displays the total record count for the Search Results grid. This number is dynamic based on the criteria in the search. Components of a Search
22 Click Apply All to select all records in the search or use the checkboxes to select a few and then click Apply Selected (#). Refine the Search Results
Save the Search
23 On the Actions bar, click Save Options. On the Save Options dialog box, choose either Save to update an existing search or Save as New Search to save a new search. Save a Search
24 To allow other users access to this search, click in the Save For field.

Depending on your security rights, you can save for everyone (all security roles), your role, or specific security roles. If you do not have security rights to save for others, you can save searches only for yourself.

25 To add the search to one of the folder directories in the Select Searches list, click in the Add This Search To field. The Folder Options dialog box opens. You can either select an existing folder directory from the list or click + New Folder to create a folder directory for the search.
26 Click Save to save the search and close the Save Options dialog box. Vantagepoint adds the search to the designated folder in the Select Searches list.
Execute a Search
27 Click Apply to execute the search, close the search dialog box, and return to the main form of the application. Vantagepoint displays the search records in the Find field.