Adding Resume Information to a Proposal Quick Reference

Use this list of quick reference steps as a guide for adding resume information to a proposal. Because the Employees hub and the Proposals application are seamlessly integrated, you have access to relevant employee information, project data, graphics, profiles, and narrative text for use when generating proposals. You can quickly analyze resources and select the best candidates for your project proposals.

Step Procedure Related Information
Create the Proposal
1 Create a new proposal or open an existing one to which you would like to add resume information. Create a Proposal

Select a Proposal

Add Employee Records to the Proposal
2 Drag the Record Vantagepoint element onto the proposal to display the Add Record dialog box:
  • Add Records From: Select the Employees hub.
  • Choose Records: Start typing the employee names or click the drop-down list to continue to add employee records, one by one, to the proposal. If you are using a template, there might already be an employee section with employees and other elements defined. You can use the Manage Records option to change the selected employees.
  • Images: Specify the number of images that you want to add to each record within the proposal. You can add more images later.
  • Add: Click this option to add the records to the proposal. Vantagepoint inserts each record into the proposal. You can add text, fields, images, lines, and other general elements into each record as you build the proposal.

You are in record layout mode, where any changes that you make affect all records. After finalizing the records, you can make changes to individual records.

Insert Fields into a Proposal

Insert Fields Dialog Box

Edit Text Dialog Box

Add Resume Text
3 To add text from the Resumes grid in Employees to each employee resume, drag the Resume Text element to the desired location inside the record on the proposal. The description placeholder is added to each employee record on the proposal.
4 Double-click inside the resume text placeholder to open the Edit Resume Text dialog box. Use this dialog box to select the description that you want to pull from the Resumes grid in the Employees hub for each record. The Description list includes all resume categories that were entered for the selected record. When you select a category, the text for the selected category displays. Edit Resume Text Dialog Box
5 You can select and format all resumes at once by clicking Edit All Resumes, or you can select individual employee names and specify resume text for each one.
  • If multiple records have the same category option available and you want to apply that category to those records on the proposal, click Edit all Resumes. The Edit all Resumes fields display in the right pane. Select a category from the Description drop-down list, Font, and Font Size for the resume text. Sample text displays in the Preview field. A record may have multiple resume categories, but each resume text element may only have one category selected. To add more resume text, drag additional Resume Text elements onto the record. If a category is defined as the Default for this employee, it automatically displays when you open this dialog box. Click Save.
  • To edit one employee resume at a time, select the name of the employee in the Resumes list. Select a category in the Description drop-down list to apply to the record. The description text displays in the Text field. This is the actual resume text that displays on the proposal. If changes are required and you have security access, you can click in the text box and edit the resume text directly in this field. Changes made to the text here will update the employee record. If you would like to make changes to the text for this one proposal only, do not edit the text here; you will get a chance to do that later.
Edit Resume Text Dialog Box
6 Review the text in the Text field. The text that is associated with the selected resume category displays in this field. This is the actual resume text that displays on the proposal. If changes are required and you have security access, you can click in the text box and edit the resume text directly in this field. Changes made to the text here will update the Resumes grid for the employee record in the Employees hub. If you would like to make changes to the text for this one proposal only, do not edit the text here; you will get a chance to do that later.
7 Click Save & Update Records to save the records and insert the descriptions into the proposal. The proposal builder returns to the record layout mode, where you can continue inserting elements and using the Edit Record Layout options.
Save Records as Draft or Finalize Records
8 Save the record layout as a draft for editing later. This allows you to continue editing the record layout and make quick updates to all records at one time instead of having to make changes to each individual record. Keep the records as drafts until you need to edit each record individually or until you are ready to merge and publish.

After records are finalized, they are no longer updated with changes from the hub and changes made to one record do not affect the others. If a proposal will be used as a template, keep the records as drafts.

Save Record Layout as Draft
9 Merge and finalize the layout of the records. This separates the records and disconnects the proposal information from the hub so that it is no longer updated with changes from the hub record. This allows you to edit each record individually for this proposal without affecting the record in the hub. Merge and Finalize Records
10 Export the proposal to PDF and send it to clients. Export to PDF