Creating a Proposal from the Projects Hub Quick Reference

While working in the Projects hub, you can create a proposal directly from project record. This populates the new proposal with project information and allows you to add records from the project as well as specify a template to apply. This is useful when, for example, you have known about a project for a period of time, completed the decision-making process, decided it was a "go," and created a proposal.

Step Procedure Related Information
1 In the Projects hub, create the new proposal by completing one of the following actions:
  • Click Other Actions > Add Proposal
  • Select the Proposals tab and click +Add Proposal
The Custom Proposals application opens and displays the New Proposal dialog box.
Create a Proposal
2 On the New Proposal dialog:
  • Select a template, if you are using one.
  • Enter the general proposal properties: Name (required), Number, Project, Due Date, and so on. The name of the current project displays as the default for the Project.
New Proposal Dialog Box

Define the Proposal Properties

3 Click Continue to save the proposal. The Proposal Builder opens with the template you selected or, if no template was selected, with two pages: a cover page that includes the proposal name and a blank second page. Navigate the Proposal Builder
4 Review and edit the content. Navigate through Sections and Pages
5 Insert additional pages. Navigate through Sections and Pages
Add Elements to the Proposal
6 Use the Proposal Builder to insert additional elements such as text and images. Work with Proposal Elements
7 Add section breaks.

Insert Section Breaks

Define Section Properties

8 Add and format pages. Add Pages to a Proposal

Define Page Properties

Add Hub Records to the Proposal
9 Add hub records to the proposal, or if the template you selected had records, change the records included if needed. Insert a Hub Record
10 Select the specific fields that you want to include for the record.Vantagepoint inserts placeholders for each field in the proposal. These fields are populated with data when you merge and finalize the proposal. Insert Fields into a Proposal

Insert Fields Dialog Box

Edit Text Dialog Box

11 Some fields have options for formatting or filtering the data. For example, the Education grid in an employee record allows you to include only rows that have the Include in Proposals checkbox selected.

If you select a column that is a number, currency, or date, you can specify the format for that column. Click the link to open the Format Number, Format Date/Time, and Format Currency dialog boxes.

Format Currency Dialog Box

Format Date/Time Dialog Box

Format Number Dialog Box

12 Use the Manage Records dialog box to add or remove records on the proposal. Add or Remove Records on a Proposal
Save Records as Draft or Finalize Records
13 Save the record layout as a draft for editing later. This allows you to continue editing the record layout and make quick updates at one time instead of having to make changes to each individual record. Keep the proposal in draft mode until you need to edit each record individually or until you are ready to merge and publish.

After records are finalized, they are no longer updated with changes from the hub. If a proposal will be used as a template, keep the records as drafts.

Save Record Layout as Draft
14 Merge and finalize the layout of the records. This separates the records and disconnects the proposal information from the hub so that it is no longer updated with changes from the hub record. This allows you to edit each record individually for this proposal without affecting the record in the hub. Merge and Finalize Records
Create a Proposal Template
15 You can save this proposal as a template and then reuse it to create new proposals with the same structure and branding. To create a template from this proposal, click Other Actions > Save Proposal as Template. Keep records as drafts if you want up-to-date information in new proposals when this template is used. For more information, see Edit Record Layout Options. Save a Proposal as a Template
16 Export the proposal to PDF and send it to clients. Export to PDF