Print a Hub Report

You can print a report directly from a hub record when you are working in list view or detail view.

Use the Find [record] field to select the hub record that you want to include on a printed report. If you are working in list view, select the records that you want to print. If you do not select any records, all records for the hub are included in the report.

To print the current record for a hub report:

  1. On the Other Actions bar, click Print to display a menu of print options.
  2. On the Print Options menu, select Current Record to print only the currently selected record (the one that is displayed on the active hub or application form).
    The Reporting dialog box displays all the hub reports and shows the current record name in the Records/Saved Search column.

    This option is not available in the Print Options menu in list view.

    For more information about other options on the Print Options menu, see Print Records from the Reporting Dialog Box.

  3. In the Report grid of the Reporting dialog box, select a report.
    Vantagepoint pre-selects only the current record for all reports of that type.
  4. Use the tabs on the Reporting dialog box to specify the information to include on your hub record report.
    You can find, view, and filter reports. You can work with all reports or specify favorite, archived, or currently running reports.
    Tab Functionality Related Information
    Favorites View reports that you have saved to your Favorites folder. Favorites Tab of the Reporting Form

    Run or Preview a Favorite Report

    Reports View, search, and filter all available reports to which you have access. Reports Tab of the Reporting Form

    Create a Report

    Run or Preview a Report

    Running View, search, and filter all reports that are currently running and to which you have access. Running Tab of the Reporting Form
    Archived View, search, and filter all reports that are archived and to which you have access. Archived Reports Tab

On the Reporting form, click Run to run the report. To print report data, see the Print a Report from the Report Preview help topic.