Create a Report

You can use standard reports as the baseline for creating new reports that match your business requirements. You can select records for these reports and use the standard options.

The ability to create and save favorites depends on the setting for your security role on the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles).

To create a favorite report, you specify a set of options, report formats, and a set of selection criteria to be used each time you generate the report in Vantagepoint. After you create a favorite, all your formatting, settings, and criteria selections are preserved. You can then run the favorite report to get the most current data and consistent presentation of information with just one click.

To create a report:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select My Stuff > Reporting.
  2. Select one of the following tabs:
    • Favorites: This tab lists all your favorite reports. Favorite reports preserve all the options, record selection criteria, and report language (if you use multiple languages) that were specified.
    • Reports: This tab lists all available standard and custom reports. To filter the list of reports, use the top row. For more information about filtering, see Filter the Grid Results.
  3. To display a report, click one of the following:
    • On the Favorites tab, click either the icon to display the report in which the options are unchanged or click the icon to display the report in which the options are changed.
    • On the Reports tab, click either the icon to display the report in which the options are not set or click the to display the report in which the options are set.
  4. On the individual report form, use the report tabs to define options for a report. Depending on the report type, a variety of tabs may be available as described in the following:
    • Columns and/or Groups: Use this tab to select the columns that will display on the report. You can also specify the sequence in which data displays and combine multiple sort criteria. Depending on the type of report that you selected, the tab name appears as either Columns or Groups or Columns and Groups.

    • Options: Use this tab to select report-specific options.
    • Layout: Use this tab to specify the document and page formatting properties and visual characteristics that are displayed on reports.
    • Charts: For reports that have an option to include charts, use the Charts tab to select the chart type and options for the report.

      For detailed information, see the Format Reports help topic.

  5. If available for an individual report, use the Records/Saved Searches within the expandable header field section that appears across all tabs. You can then select either a specific record or a saved search or create a new search for the report.
    Toggle the or chevron icons to show or hide this header field section.

    For more detailed information, see the Select Records to Include on a Report help topic.

  6. If you want to save the report, select Save on the Actions bar.
  7. On the Save Report dialog box, do the following:
    1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the report. Vantagepoint prohibits the following characters in report names: \ / : * ? \ " < > | #
    2. In the Save For field, click and select the roles that will have access to the report.
      Myself displays as the default role assigned to the report. This is the role that gives you access to the report. If this is the only item selected, it also defaults the report to a Private status on the Favorites tab.

      If needed, select additional roles that will have access to the report. When you select additional roles, the report defaults to a Shared status on the Favorites tab. The Status column also displays a icon to indicate that the report is shared with other users.

    3. Click Save.
      Vantagepoint displays the report in the Favorites tab of the Reporting application form (My Stuff > Reporting).

      If you want to share the report with others, see the Share a Favorite Report with Other Roles help topic.