Create User-Defined Fields for Posted Transactions

You can create user-defined fields to use with posted transactions. These fields enable you to track metrics on transaction data, and they provide flexibility on the metrics you want to track.

For more information, see User-Defined Fields for Posted Transactions.

To create user-defined fields to use with posted transactions:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Accounting > Transactions.
  2. In the User Defined Fields for Transactions section of the Transactions form, add all the user-defined fields to use with posted transactions. If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, enter all the user-defined fields to use for all companies.
    1. On the toolbar of the User Defined Fields for Transactions grid, click + Add User Defined Field.
    2. In the Add Field dialog box, select the field type, enter the caption (name), edit the database column name if desired, and click Apply.
    3. In the Field Settings dialog box, enter settings for the user-defined field, such as the default value.
      The contents of the dialog box vary, based on the field type of the user-defined field.
    4. Click Apply.
      The new user-defined field is added to the User Defined Fields for Transactions grid.
    5. Repeat steps a through d to add all the user-defined fields to use with posted transactions.
      You can add a total of 30 user-defined fields.
    6. Important: At the top of the Transactions form, click Save.
      If you leave the form without clicking Save at the top of the form, the entries you made in the User Defined Fields for Transactions grid are not saved.
  3. In the Transaction Types Using User Defined Fields section of the Transactions form, add the user-defined fields that were entered in the User Defined Fields for Transactions grid, specify the status (Active or Inactive) for each, and select the types of transactions that the user-defined fields apply for. If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you must log in to each company and complete the entries in the Transaction Types Using User Defined Fields grid for each company.
    1. On the toolbar of the Transaction Types Using User Defined Fields grid, click + Add User Defined Field.
    2. In the Caption field in the blank row that was added to the grid, select the caption (name) of a user-defined field that was entered in the User Defined Fields for Transactions grid.
    3. In the Status field, select Active or Inactive for the user-defined field.
    4. In the remaining fields in the grid, select one or more of the transaction type checkboxes to determine the transaction types that the user-defined field applies for.
    5. Repeat steps a through d to add all the user-defined fields to use for posted transactions.
  4. Important: At the top of the Transactions form, click Save.
    If you leave the form without clicking Save at the top of the form, the entries you made in the Transaction Types Using User Defined Fields grid are not saved.
  5. If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, log in to each company and complete the selections and entries in the Transaction Types Using User Defined Fields grid for each company.

You can now use the GL Account Review application in Transaction Center to make and edit entries in the user-defined fields for posted transactions.

For more information, see the following topics: