Accounting Settings
Before you perform and process accounting tasks in, enter accounting settings.
- Related Topics:
- Labor Options Settings
Labor Options Settings include global options for secondary overtime, enabling rate tables, and reporting options, and company-level settings for job costing, cross charges, labor adjustments, and enabling payroll. - Time Analysis Settings
Use Time Analysis settings to select headings for columns on the Time Analysis report and to enter one or a range of projects to associate with a Time Analysis column. - Labor Posting Settings
Labor posting types determine the accounts that Vantagepoint uses to charge labor to projects, phases, and tasks. - Labor Codes Settings
Use labor codes to classify the types of work that your staff performs. Labor codes are a key element in project control operations. - Absence Accrual Settings
Use absence accruals to specify the number of hours that an employee earns, based on months and years of service or actual hours worked, for vacation and sick time. - Accrual Schedules Settings
Use an accrual schedule to specify the number of hours that an employee earns, based on months and years of service, for vacation and sick time. For example, employees may earn more hours of vacation in their second year than their first year. - Overhead Allocation Settings
Before your enterprise uses the Overhead Allocation feature, you must enter and define certain company-wide information that all projects use. Use the Overhead Allocation form in Accounting Settings to establish overhead allocation controls for your company. - Posting Account Settings
In Posting Account settings, you specify default general ledger accounts to use for your company, intercompany billing, organization distributions, gains, and losses. You also enable detailed subledgers for intercompany billing in Posting Account settings. - Transaction Settings
Use the Transaction Settings form In Accounting Settings to specify the default settings for accounting transactions. This includes automatic numbering settings for transactions, posting details, date validation, and approvals. - Accounting Alerts Settings
Use the settings for accounting transaction alerts to notify selected employees when a transaction is submitted, rejected, or approved. - Units Settings
To set up units, you first create unit tables. Then you create units, or reuse existing ones, and add those units to your unit tables. Some units can be common across multiple tables. You can establish unit settings if at least one of the following modules is activated: CRM, Resource Planning, or Accounting. - Revenue Settings
Use the Revenue Settings options to enable revenue generation and to select and select additional options related to revenue categories, calculations, unbilled revenue, and uninvoiced revenue. - User Defined Revenue Settings
Revenue methods are used to calculate revenue when you run revenue generation. Vantagepoint includes standard revenue methods. You can also set up user-defined revenue methods. - Revenue Groups
For projects that are part of a group or contract, you can use revenue groups to recognize revenue at the overall group (contract) level, rather than as the sum of its lowest WBS parts. - Intercompany Billing Settings Overview
If your firm uses multiple companies, you can share employees among companies while you maintain accounting for both labor and expense charges associated with shared work efforts. You set up Intercompany Billing in the desktop application, but you run and manage Intercompany Billing in the browser application.
Parent Topic: Settings