Units and QuickBooks Integration

When you use the integration between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online, you enter unit transactions in Vantagepoint to charge labor and expense costs to projects at a flat rate.

Unit transactions with a cost associated with them are added as journal entries in QuickBooks Online.

Entering Units in Vantagepoint

Complete the following to set up units, add unit transactions to projects, and post the transactions:

  1. In Settings > PSA > Units, set up units with costs and billing rates.
  2. In Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Units or Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Units by Project, enter unit transactions and post them.

For more information, see:

After you enter and post unit transactions in Vantagepoint:

  • If a unit has a cost entered for it, a journal entry is added to QuickBooks Online.
  • If a unit has only a billing amount entered for it, no journal entry is added to QuickBooks Online. Billing amounts for units are included on billing invoices created in Vantagepoint.

No journal entry is added to QuickBooks Online if a unit for a transaction has only a billing amount.

In QuickBooks Online

You see the Vantagepoint journal entries in the following locations In QuickBooks Online:

  • Reports > Accountant Reports > Journal
  • Accounting > Chart of Accounts
  • Search (magnifying glass icon in the toolbar) > Advanced Search: In the transactions search field, select Journal Entries.

Deleting and Undoing Journal Entries for Units

Deleting transactions in QuickBooks Online and undoing postings in Vantagepoint are not supported, meaning that the deletion or undoing in one product does not get applied in the other product.

To delete a unit entry in both QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint:

  • In QuickBooks Online, delete the journal entry. (The matching journal entry in Vantagepoint is not deleted.)
  • In Vantagepoint, undo the posting for the matching journal entry in Utilities > Transactions > Undo Posting. (This does not affect the journal entry in QuickBooks Online.)