Process Overview for Transaction Entry

Use Transaction Entry to create new transaction files or open existing files, depending on your system configuration and security access rights.

When you open Transaction Entry, you first select the type of transaction for which you will be entering transactions. This allows you to create a new transaction file in which to save the transactions. You create a new transaction file on the main Transaction Entry form and enter the information for the new file on the New File dialog box.

Based on the transaction type that you select, specific fields display in the New File dialog box. For example, the New File dialog box for AP Vouchers includes fields where you enter vendor and associated voucher information, while the Journal Entries form includes fields and a grid where you enter labor or expense transactions and their associated information.

Either create a new transaction file or open an existing transaction file:

  • To create a new transaction file, click + New <transaction entry type> File on the main form of the transaction entry type that you selected. The New File dialog box displays. The options on this dialog box are specific to the type of transaction you are creating. You must complete the fields on this dialog box to create a new transaction file. When you save your entries, the specific transaction's entry form displays based on the type of transaction you selected.
  • To open an existing transaction file, select one in the grid in the main form of the selected transaction type. Click to limit the results displayed in the grid. For example, select an employee name in the Creator drop-down menu to display only the transactions that were created by a specific employee. To view or update an existing transaction file, select the file name from the grid and click . The specific transaction's entry form displays based on the type of transaction that you selected.

After you create the transactions, you can post the transaction file. Posting updates your general ledger, subsidiary ledgers, and project files; it also allows you to generate up-to-date reports. Because posting permanently updates the database, it is important to first review the data to confirm that it is correct.

You can open an existing transaction file that has not yet been posted to continue working in it, or view the file by selecting it from the grid in the main Transactions Entry form.

For more detailed information, see the online help for each transaction type.