Use Bulk Update to Update Multiple Records

When multiple hub records require the same update, use the bulk update option to save time by updating these records with a single action. For example, if the supervisor for a group of employees is changing, use the bulk update option in the Employees hub to change all of the employee records at one time.

The Bulk Update option is available when you work in list view if you select the Allow Access to Bulk Update in List View option on the Record Access tab of the Roles form (in Settings > Security > Roles.

Important: When you select the Bulk Update option to save updates to multiple records, all saved records will be permanently updated in your database. To reverse these updates, you must manually roll back changes to each record.

To complete a bulk update:

  1. Open a hub.
    In most cases, detail view displays the first time that you open a form. Use this view when you need to edit a record. Detail view includes all tabs and fields for the record. This is the view described in the Help system.
  2. Click to switch to list view.
    In list view, multiple records are displayed in rows in a grid, one row for each record, and corresponding fields are displayed in columns.

    The search navigation controls at the top of the form determine the number of records displayed. For example, if you select a saved search with a total of 160 records, the list view displays 160 records. If you modify the record selection of the saved search to include a subset of 50 records, list view displays data for those 50 records. For more information, see Search Quick Reference and Search Navigation Controls.

    You enter and display most information in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

  3. Select the records that you want to update:
    • To select specific records, click the checkbox next to each record.
    • To select all records, click the checkbox at the top of the grid.
  4. Click the Bulk Update icon.
  5. On the Bulk Update dialog box, in the Available Fields list, select the field(s) that you want to include on the bulk update.
    As you select the fields, they are moved to the Selected Fields list.
  6. In the Value field, enter the value that you want to update.
    For example, to change the supervisor for a group of selected employee records, enter the supervisor's name in the Value field next to Supervisor.
  7. Click Save or Apply.
    The records are updated and indicators display on the columns of changed records.
    • For an explicit save list view grid with fewer than 50 records being updated, the Apply option is displayed. The changes are applied to the grid with change indicators to denote updated records. You can then click Save or Cancel.
    • For an implicit save list view grid with greater than 50 records being updated, the Save option is displayed. A dialog box indicates how many records will be updated and the Save and Schedule option is displayed.
    • For a save that affects more than 250 records, the Schedule option is displayed.
  8. If any errors occurred in the bulk update, an error dialog box displays, which lists the records, the respective field name, and associated error message, and you can complete these actions to resolve the errors:
    1. Follow the error message instructions to fix the errors returned by the bulk update.
    2. Click Save or Apply to run the bulk update again.
      The records are updated and the grid displays indicators on the columns where records were changed.
  9. If you need to switch to detail view for any record, complete one of these actions:
    • Hover over the row and click at the beginning of the row.
    • Select the row in the grid and click in the upper-right corner of the form.