Vendors and QuickBooks Integration

When you use QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint, you enter and maintain vendor records in QuickBooks Online.

Adding New Vendors in QuickBooks Online

The vendors that you enter in QuickBooks Online in Expenses > Vendors with an Active status are added in Vantagepoint as active vendor-type firms in the Firms hub in Hubs > Firms > Firms. In the Summary pane of the Firms form, Vendor is selected in the Firm Type field.

New vendor-type firms that you add in Vantagepoint are not added as new vendor record in QuickBooks Online.

Vendor Contacts

The contact name that you add for a vendor in QuickBooks Online is added to the Contacts tab in the Firms hub in Vantagepoint. It is also added as a separate contact record in the Vantagepoint Contacts hub.

Contacts entered in Vantagepoint are not added to QuickBooks Online.

For more information, see Contacts and QuickBooks Integration.

Vendor Address

The shipping and billing addresses for the vendor in QuickBooks Online are added to lines one and two in the Addresses grid on the Overview tab of the Firms hub in Vantagepoint:

  • The shipping address has the Primary and Payment checkboxes selected in the grid.
  • The billing address has the Billing checkbox selected in the grid.

If the country is blank for a vendor's address in QuickBooks Online, Vantagepoint is unable to find a valid state/country combination, so both state and country fields for the address in Vantagepoint remain blank.

The following information applies if you used Deltek Unionpoint to complete the Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online integration setup:

After a vendor is added to Vantagepoint, if you need to change the vendor's address, complete the following to make the change in both QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint:

  1. In Vantagepoint, on the Overview tab of the Firms hub, delete the address from the Addresses grid.
  2. In QuickBooks Online, edit the address for the vendor.

The edited address from QuickBooks Online is updated in Vantagepoint.

Determining the Vendors to Sync

The information in this section applies if you used Deltek Unionpoint to complete the Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online integration setup.

In Vantagepoint, the entry in the Available To field in the Other Information section on the Overview tab in the Firms hub determines whether or not a vendor-type firm that was added to Vantagepoint from QuickBooks Online is updated during syncing when changes are made to it in QuickBooks Online:

  • If you select the Accounting Users checkbox in the Available To field, the vendor-type firm is updated in Vantagepoint during syncing.
  • If you clear the Accounting Users checkbox in the Available To field, the vendor-type firm is not updated in Vantagepoint during syncing.

Making Changes to Vendor Records in QuickBooks Online

You must make changes to vendor records in QuickBooks Online. The changes you make to the fields that QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint share are updated in the vendor-type firm records in Vantagepoint.

In Vantagepoint, the vendor fields that are shared with QuickBooks Online are read-only, with the Addresses grid fields as an exception. Any changes you make to the address fields are not updated in QuickBooks Online.

Deleting Vendors

If You Used Deltek Unionpoint to Set Up the Integration Between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online

In QuickBooks Online you cannot delete a vendor, but you can change its status to Inactive. When you change it to Inactive, the status of the matching vendor-type firm in Vantagepoint is not updated. Its status remains as Active. You must manually change the status to Inactive in Vantagepoint.

After you change the status of a vendor and a vendor-type firm to Inactive, if you change the status of the vendor record in QuickBooks Online back to Active, the status of the matching vendor-type firm in Vantagepoint is also changed to Active.

If You Used the Vantagepoint QuickBooks Integration Utility to Set Up the Integration Between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online

In QuickBooks Online you cannot delete a vendor, but you can change the status to Inactive. When you change the status to Inactive, the status of the matching vendor in the Vantagepoint Firms hub is changed to Inactive.

Shared Fields Between QuickBooks Online Vendors and Vantagepoint Vendor-Type Firms

The following table identifies the equivalent vendor and vendor-type firm fields that are shared between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online:

QuickBooks Online Field in Expense > Vendors Vantagepoint Field in Hubs > Firms > Firms

If the QuickBooks Online Company field is blank, Vantagepoint uses the Vendor Display Name from QuickBooks Online.

Firm name on the Overview tab
Status Status in the Summary pane
Email Email field for the first contact in the Contacts grid on the Contacts tab
Website Website in the Summary pane
Title Title field for the first contact in the Contacts grid on the Contact tab
First name, Middle name, Last name, and Suffix Name field for the first contact in the Contacts grid on the Contact tab
Phone Work Phone field for the first contact in the Contacts grid on the Contact tab
Mobile Mobile Phone field for the first contact in the Contacts grid on the Contact tab
Fax Fax Number field in the Addresses grid on the Overview tab
Billing Address Line 1, City, State/Province, Zip Code, and Country Address fields in the grid on the Overview tab that have the Billing checkbox selected for it
Terms Payment Terms on the Vendor tab
Terms in QuickBooks Online Payment Terms in Vantagepoint
Blank Next
Due on receipt Next
Net 15 15
Net 30 30
Net 60 60
User defined Next