Customers and QuickBooks Integration

When you use QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint, you enter customers (client-type firms) in either QuickBooks Online or Vantagepoint.

QuickBooks Online has "customers." The equivalent in Vantagepoint is "client-type firms."

Adding New Customers

Add new customers in these locations:

  • In QuickBooks Online: Sales > Customers.
  • In Vantagepoint: Hubs > Firms > Firms. In the Summary pane of the Firms hub, you must select only Client in the Firm Type field.

    For more information about adding firms in Vantagepoint, see Add a Firm.

  • In Vantagepoint: Hubs > Contacts > Contacts for qualified contacts (leads). Select Client as the firm type. See more information in the "Vantagepoint Lead Qualification Feature" section below.

When syncing occurs between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online, the following happen:

  • New QuickBooks Online customers are added as client-type firms in the Vantagepoint Firms hub.
  • New Vantagepoint client-type firms are added as customers in QuickBooks Online.

Determining the Customers to Sync

The following information applies if you used Deltek Unionpoint to complete the Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online integration setup.

In Vantagepoint, the entry in the Available To field in the Other Information section on the Overview tab in the Firms hub determines whether or not a client-type firm that was added to Vantagepoint from QuickBooks Online is updated during syncing when changes are made to it in QuickBooks Online:

  • If you select the Accounting Users checkbox in the Available To field, the vendor-type firm is updated in Vantagepoint during syncing.
  • If you clear the Accounting Users checkbox in the Available To field, the vendor-type firm is not updated in Vantagepoint during syncing.

Firm Types in the Vantagepoint Firms Hub

  • When you add a firm in the Vantagepoint Firms hub, you must select only Client in the Firm Type field in the Summary pane on the Firms form for the client to be added to QuickBooks as a customer.
  • If you leave the Firm Type field blank or select other firm types in addition to the Client type in this field, the firm won't be added to QuickBooks Online.

Changing the Firm Type for a Firm

When you change the firm type in the Firm Type field after a firm has been saved:

  • If the original firm type was not Client and you change it to Client, the firm is added as a customer in QuickBooks Online.
  • If the original firm type was Client and you change it to something else, the matching customer remains in QuickBooks Online, but any changes you make to the customer in QuickBooks Online do not get updated to the firm in Vantagepoint.

Making Changes to Shared Fields

In Vantagepoint, the fields in the Firms hub that are shared with QuickBooks Online are read-only, excluding the address in the addresses grid. You must make changes to these shared fields in QuickBooks Online.

Customer Address Changes

The information in this section applies if you used Deltek Unionpoint to complete the Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online integration setup.

The address that you enter for a new customer in QuickBooks Online is added to the client-type firm created in Vantagepoint and vice versa.

Changes that you make to the customer address in QuickBooks Online are not updated to the client-type firm in Vantagepoint. You can, however, delete the client-type firm's address in Vantagepoint, change the customer's address in QuickBooks Online, and the address from QuickBooks Online will be added again in Vantagepoint.

Customer Address — Country

If the country is blank for a customer's address in QuickBooks Online, Vantagepoint is unable to find a valid state/country combination, so both state and country fields for the client-type firm's address in Vantagepoint are left blank.

Customers Contacts

The contact name that you add for a customer in QuickBooks Online is added to the Contacts tab in the Firms hub. It is also added as a separate contact record in the Vantagepoint Contacts hub. Contacts entered in Vantagepoint are not added to QuickBooks Online.

For more information, see Contacts and QuickBooks Integration.

Vantagepoint Lead Qualification Feature

If you have the Vantagepoint CRM Plus module and the lead qualification feature enabled (in Vantagepoint Settings > CRM Plus), the Vantagepoint Contacts hub includes additional features that allow you to manage the entry and qualification of contacts (leads) during the sales process.

From the Contacts hub, you can add a new client-type firm for a contact when you change a contact's status to qualified. When you select Qualified in the Qualified Status field in the Summary pane of the Contacts hub for a contact, the Qualify Contact dialog box displays. On this dialog box, select Create New Firm. For more information, see Create a New Firm Record When Qualifying a Contact.

Client-type firms that you add in the Contacts hub when you qualify a contact are added to QuickBooks Online when updating occurs between the two products. Only client-type firms are added as customers in QuickBooks Online.

For more information about the lead qualification feature see Qualifying Contacts.

Shared Fields Between QuickBooks Online Customers and Vantagepoint Client-Type Firms

The following table identifies the equivalent customer and client-type firm fields that are shared between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online:

QuickBooks Online Field in Sales > Customers Vantagepoint Field in Hubs > Firms > Firms
Company Name Firm Name at the top of the Firms form
Status (This field does not display in the user interface, but you can make the customer inactive by clicking Make inactive in the Customer screen.) Status in the Summary pane
Website Website in the Summary pane
Email Email for the first customer contact entered in the Contacts grid on the Contacts tab
Title Title for the first customer contact entered for the Contacts grid on the Contacts tab
First name, Middle name, Last name, and Suffix Name for the first customer contact entered for the Contacts grid on the Contacts tab.
Phone Work Phone for the first customer contact entered for the Contacts grid on the Contacts tab
Mobile Mobile Phone for the first customer contact entered for the Contacts grid on the Contacts tab
Fax Fax in the Addresses grid on the Overview tab
Billing Address fields in the Billing Address section on the Address tab The address that is entered in the grid in the Addresses section on the Overview tab that has:
  • The Billing and Primary checkboxes selected
  • Billing entered in the Description field.
Shipping Address fields in the Shipping Address section on the Address tab The address that is entered in the grid in the Addresses section on the Overview tab that has Shipping entered in the Description field
