Purchase Order Types

In the Purchasing application, you can create three types of purchase orders: standard, service, and blanket.

You specify the purchase order type in the Type field on the General tab of the Purchase Orders form. After you save a completed purchase order, the purchase order's type displays after its number in the record details section of the Purchase Orders form. The purchase order number and type also display in Purchasing lookup lists.

The type that you select controls the procedure that Create Voucher from PO application uses for this purchase order. For example, service orders do not use the Receiving application.

These are the purchase order types:
  • Standard: A contract to purchase specified items in specified quantities, at specified prices, under specified delivery terms.
  • Blanket: Select this option to set up multiple purchases from one vendor that will occur over a specified amount of time, up to a specified monetary amount.
  • Service: A contract to purchase specified services as specified in service agreements, wherein you enter hours and rates in place of quantities and amounts. A service purchase order also has a start date, an end date, and a not-to-exceed amount. .