Transferring Billing Transactions

In Interactive Billing, you can transfer transaction detail from one project to another project or transfer transaction detail within a single project.

What You Can Transfer

You can transfer the following transaction detail in Interactive Billing:
  • Labor codes, categories, and hours
  • Expense amounts and general ledger expense accounts
  • Unit quantities

Posting Logs Created for Billing Transfers

When you transfer transactions to another project or within the same project , a posting log is created that contains a transaction that credits the source project, phase, or task and debits the project, phase, or task that is receiving the transfer (the target). Transfers are posted and reflected in your general ledger and on your project reports. You preview and print the posting logs in the Transaction Center.

Transferring Inserted Transactions

You can transfer transactions that are inserted in Interactive Billing using the Insert action on the Labor, Expenses, or Units tab in Interactive Billing. Inserted transactions have not previously been posted as costs to the project or general ledger. When you transfer them, they are not posted and do not affect the project reports or your general ledger. Inserted transactions and their transfers affect only Billing.

Billing Terms

If you selected the Use Reporting Default Terms for All Projects checkbox in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, the reporting default terms are used instead of billing terms for all transfers (as well as for any other project calculations such as Refresh Billing Extensions, unposted and posted timesheet transactions, and project reports).

Transaction Status

When you transfer a labor or expense transaction within a project or a billing group in Interactive Billing, the transferred transaction record retains the same status (New, Submitted, or Approved) as the original transaction. If you are transferring to a different project, the transferred transaction is assigned a New status.

Transfer Access Rights

Security settings also affect billing transaction transfers:

  • If record-level security is applied to Billing, you can transfer detail only to projects available to you, based on your security role.
  • To transfer transactions, you must belong to a security role with rights to perform billing transfers (The Allow Transfer setting on the Accounting tab in Settings > Security > Roles is selected).

QuickBooks Online Integration and Billing Transfers

For more information about billing transfers when you use QuickBooks integration, see Billing Transfers and QuickBooks Integration.