Contents of the Revenue Forecast Form

Use the fields and options on the Revenue Forecast form to adjust ETC revenue forecasts.

Contents: Header Fields

You must have the Resource Planning module to access the Revenue Forecast application.

Field Description
Find project

At the top of the Revenue Forecast form, enter a partial or complete name or number in the Find revenue forecast field to find and select an existing project to view or edit its revenue forecast data.

If more than one record is returned, the default () Active Only toggle appears at the bottom right of the drop-down list. To filter the search results to return only active records, click the Active Only toggle to the On position (). Vantagepoint returns only active records in the drop-down list. The Active Only toggle setting will be preserved across sessions until you change the setting again.

If you are working in the Projects hub and you switch from one form in that hub to another, your current project record selection is preserved in all forms for the Projects hub.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.

Search Navigation Controls

The Search Navigation Controls display to the right of the Find lookup field at the top of most Vantagepoint hub and application forms. Use these controls and their related components to quickly locate a saved search, create ad hoc or new searches, page through records, and find and select multiple hub records.

On the Saved Search control (), click to display the Saved Searches (left) pane and Record Selection (right) pane. Most search types include standard, personal (My Searches), shared, and complex searches, as well as an ad hoc search Selection. Available search types vary, depending on the active hub or application form.

For more information about Search Navigation Controls, see Search Quick Reference, Components of a Search, and Use Search Navigation Controls to Filter Records.

Saved Searches list To filter the list of projects, select one of the following search types:
  • Quick Find: Use this field to locate a specific search or group of searches in a long list of searches. Enter one or more characters in this field and then pause to allow time for the results set to refresh. The records returned for the search are listed in the Records Selection pane.
  • Selection: If available, this ad hoc search appears in the Saved Search control and also in the Saved Searches list. This type of search is based on an existing search in the Saved Searches list and, typically, comprises a portion of all the available hub or application records that were included in the saved search. Use this type of search to quickly view a specific subset of records for a standard search.

    Only one ad hoc Selection is available at any given time and will remain unchanged until you either update it or create an ad hoc search.

    For more information, see Select Hub Records for an Ad Hoc Search and Edit an Ad Hoc Search Selection.

  • Active: Select from a list of all active projects to which you have access.
  • All: Select from a list of all projects to which you have access, regardless of project status.
  • My Active: Select from a list of all active projects with which you are associated as a team member on the Team tab of the Projects form. The list includes a project if you are associated with it at any level of the work breakdown structure (WBS).
  • Project Manager: Select from a list of all active projects for which you are the project manager at any level of the WBS.
  • My Organization Level 1: Select from a list of active projects that are assigned, at any WBS level, to the same organization level 1 (the same company, for example) to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. This option is available only if Vantagepoint is set up to use organizations.
  • My Organization: Select from a list of all active projects that are assigned at any WBS level to the full organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. This option is available only if Vantagepoint is set up to use organizations.
  • My Draft Invoices: This search is available if your security role has access to Invoice Approvals. Select from a list of all active projects for which a submitted draft invoice exists that you are responsible for approving or rejecting.
  • My Searches: Select a search from this folder to display a list of projects based on your personal search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update your personal search for future use.
  • Shared Searches: Select a search from this folder to display a list of projects shared with other team members and roles. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update the shared search for future use.
  • SQL Where Clause Search: Select a search from this folder to display a list of projects based on SQL Where Clause query statements and advanced search settings. These complex searches locate records across multiple hubs, applications, or databases. You must have the appropriate security role access to use this advanced search functionality. If you share a SQL Where Search with a user who does not have the required security role access to SQL Where Clause searches, then the user can view and run the SQL Where Clause search, but they cannot edit it.

    Legacy searches, which are based on saved searches from previous versions of the application or legacy systems, display as SQL Where Clause searches.

  • + New Search: Select this link to create a new search for projects. Use both basic and advanced search features on the New Search dialog box to refine search criteria. Use the Advanced Settings feature to search by all available Projects hub grids and fields (including standard and user-defined grid fields), based on your field level security.

    The Add a Field drop-down includes all standard and user-defined grid fields associated with the hub or application. You can type part of the field name to find it or use the drop-down list to locate the desired field. Fields in grids are organized under the grid name in bold. For example, when you select Projects, a list of all grid fields associated with the Projects hub is displayed.

For these searches, a project is considered active if the status of the project-level WBS element is Active.

The project search list sort order option that you select on the My Preferences dialog box determines the order in which the projects display in the list: by name or by number. To change that setting, click on the main Vantagepoint toolbar.

If warning conditions exist for any of the projects and Show Project Warning Indicators is selected on the Project Settings dialog box, a red or yellow warning indicator (, for example) displays next to those projects on the list. You can hover over or click an indicator to display a description of the warning condition.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.

x of x

Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records in the search results and display a different record on the form. The numbers indicate which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.

Click this icon next to the project name to display the Project Structure dialog box.

If the project has a WBS with more than one level or it has a linked promotional project, the dialog box displays the levels and elements in the structure. You can then select another WBS element to display in the Projects hub, or you can edit the project structure. You can also select a WBS element for the linked promotional project, if one exists.

If the project currently has only one level in the WBS and no linked promotional project, the Project Structure dialog box gives you options for adding WBS elements at lower levels. Click + Create a New Project Structure to add WBS elements individually using the Edit Project Structure form. To choose WBS elements from a project template, select the template in Use a Project Template and then click Use Template.

By default, the Project Structure dialog box displays immediately below this icon, and when you select a WBS element, the dialog box closes. However, if you are working in the Projects hub and you want the dialog box to remain open after you make a selection so it is readily available for navigating to other WBS elements, drag the dialog box to a different location. It will then remain open while you work, as long as you do not select a different project or leave the Projects hub.

Project Name and Project Number

When you select a project to view or edit, the project's name and number display at the top of the form below the search field.

If you navigate to a lower-level WBS element, the number and name of that element and the number and names of the parent elements above it in the WBS are displayed.

Selecting a lower WBS level does not change what you see on the Revenue Forecast form.

Plan last modified date, time, and user

The last modified date, time, and user name display below the project's name and number to indicate when the project plan was last modified and who made the modification.

If the plan is currently checked out to someone else, Plan is checked out to <name> displays.

If the plan is currently checked out to you, Plan is checked out to me displays.

Contents: Actions Bar

Use the options on the Actions bar to perform common actions quickly. Actions that update revenue forecast plans are not available until you have checked out the plan.

Field Description
Check Out

Select this action to check out and make changes to the revenue forecast for the project. This option is not available if you do not have access rights to modify plans.

If someone else has the plan checked out and you select this option, Vantagepoint displays the email address of the person who checked out the plan. If you have the required security access, the message also contains a link that you can click to immediately check in the plan and check it back out to you.

If you click Check Out after someone else changed the project's fee allocation method on the Estimated Fee tab of the Contract Management form from Use Revenue Forecasts to another method, Vantagepoint displays the revenue forecast splash screen and you must change the allocation method back to Use Revenue Forecasts to continue.

Click Other Actions to select one of the following options.

Field Description
Currency to Store

Select this option to change the revenue forecast currency value to store. This option is available only if you have access rights to modify plans, your enterprise uses multiple currencies, and the project is assigned different project and billing currencies.

When you select this option, Vantagepoint checks out the plan and displays the Currency to Store dialog box, on which you can choose to store either the Project or Billing currency forecast values.

If you select this option after someone else changed the project's fee allocation method from Use Revenue Forecasts to another method, Vantagepoint displays the revenue forecast form and you must change the allocation method back to Use Revenue Forecasts to continue.

Check In Plans

Vantagepoint automatically checks in the current forecast plan when you select a different project, leave the Revenue Forecast area, log out, navigate to a different URL, use the browser's Refresh option, or close the browser. However, there may be situations in which you must manually check in a revenue forecast plan.

Select this option to open the Check In Plans dialog box. This dialog box lists all the plans currently checked out to you and enables you to select the ones you want to check in. You can check in the plans that are checked out to you and, if your security role is an Administrator role, you can also check in plans that are checked out to others. Be aware that checking in a plan that is checked out to someone else may result in them losing their unsaved changes.

Contents: Above the Grid

Field Description
Show: Project/Billing Currency <currency code>

This field indicates the currency type, project or billing, that is displayed for revenue forecasts. If your enterprise does not use multiple currencies, this field does not display.

If your enterprise uses multiple currencies, this field displays as follows:
  • If Use Billing (Not Project) Currency For Reporting is set to No in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, and your project is assigned the same project and billing currencies, this field displays Project & Billing (Invoice) Currency <currency code>. If your project is assigned different project and billing currencies, use the drop-down list to choose Project Currency or Billing (Invoice) Currency. When you switch the currency, the form's columns update to reflect your selection.
  • If Use Billing (Not Project) Currency For Reporting is set to Yes, and your project is assigned the same project and billing currencies, this field displays Project & Billing Currency <currency code>. If your project is assigned different project and billing currencies, use the drop-down list to choose Project Currency or Billing Currency. When you switch the currency, the form's columns update to reflect your selection.

If you have different currency codes assigned to the project and billing currency fields in your project, you can change the currency that is stored for the revenue forecast in Other Actions > Currency to Store. If your selection for the currency to display from the Show drop-down list is not the same as the stored currency for the project, Vantagepoint displays a message to remind you that the revenue forecast values are being stored in a different currency. If you then edit revenue forecast values in the non-stored currency, the currency exchange rates that apply to your entries may cause your values to be rounded. For details, see Revenue Forecast Data and Multiple Currencies.

To retain precise stored amounts, you should enter values only in the stored currency.

Click this info button to see a description of the revenue forecast columns that display for the revenue calculation option you selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

If the plan date range includes more than 50 calendar periods, use this date range selector to display those periods. Click or in the date range selector to load earlier or later sets of calendar periods. (You can also click the earliest or latest date in the date range selector to load a new set of periods.)

For example, if you click in the date range selector, Vantagepoint retains the most recent 25 of the currently loaded calendar periods and loads the next 25 calendar periods so you can scroll them into view as well.

If 50 or fewer calendar periods exist in the plan date range, you can view all of them by scrolling the grid horizontally, so the date range selector does not display on the toolbar.

Click this icon to expand the grid to a full-screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to export the grid contents to a comma-separated values (CSV) file. Expand the WBS structure that you want to include before you click the Export icon. For more information, see Exporting Data to a CSV File.

Revenue Forecast Grid

Use the grid to view and modify the revenue forecast for the current project. Vantagepoint calculates these values using the amounts entered across areas of the Projects hub. The heading for many columns and the amounts that display in the grid depend on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Option Effects
Gross Revenue
  • JTD Revenue = Gross Revenue. All revenue is included in all revenue calculations.
  • Contract = Total compensation. All portions of the fee on the Compensation tab are included in contract calculations.
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants
  • JTD Net Revenue = Gross Revenue - JTD Reimbursable Expenses @ Cost Amount - JTD Reimbursable Consultants @ Cost Amount
  • Net Contract = Direct Labor + Direct Expenses + Direct Consultants compensation amounts
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants
  • JTD Net Revenue = Gross Revenue - JTD Direct Consultants @ Cost Amount - JTD Reimbursable Expenses @ Cost Amount - JTD Reimbursable Consultants @ Cost Amount
  • Net Contract = Direct Labor + Direct Expenses compensation amounts
Labor Revenue
  • JTD Labor Revenue = Gross Revenue - JTD Direct Expenses @ Cost Amount - JTD Direct Consultants @ Cost Amount - JTD Reimbursable Expenses @ Cost Amount - JTD Reimbursable Consultants @ Cost Amount
  • Labor Contract = Direct Labor compensation amount

To change the width of the grid sections, position your cursor over the dividing line between the sections and drag the line.

Contents: Left Grid Section - Description

Use this section to view the project hierarchy.

Field Description

This column displays the numbers and names of the WBS elements in the project structure. Click next to an element of the project hierarchy to drill down to the elements on the next lower level. In WBS rows, click the WBS element to display information about the WBS element. Click the Open in Project Plan link in the info bubble to leave the Revenue Forecast form and display the Plan view.

Contents: Middle Grid Section - Summary

Use this section to view and update revenue forecast information for each corresponding WBS level.

Field Description

This column displays the project's stage.

Forecast Start/End

These columns display the revenue forecast start and end dates for the WBS element. The dates are initially populated with the associated project plan dates; however, these dates operate independently from the plan dates after you create the revenue forecast. Check out the revenue forecast to edit these dates.

Plan Start/End

These columns display the plan start and end dates.

Estimated Fee

This column displays the estimated revenue you expect to earn from the project. This field displays only for forecasts using project currencies.

Weighted Fee

The weighted fee is the value in Estimated Fee multiplied by the value in Probability %. This field displays only for forecasts using project currencies.

Probability %

This column displays the probability percentage of the project.


This column displays the contract amount assigned on the Compensation tab in Hubs > Projects > Contract Management. The column label and the contract amounts that display depend on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Global Revenue Forecast Setting Column Label Contract Value
Gross Revenue Contract Direct Labor + Direct Expenses + Direct Consultants + Reimbursable Expenses + Reimbursable Consultants
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants Net Contract Direct Labor + Direct Expenses + Direct Consultants
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants Compensation Direct Labor + Direct Expenses
Labor Revenue Labor Contract Direct Labor
Planned Revenue

This column displays the amount of revenue that you expect to receive. The Planned Revenue is the total of the historical and ETC Revenue values you have entered.

The column label that displays depends on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Global Revenue Forecast Setting Column Label Contract Value
Gross Revenue Planned Revenue The total planned revenue from the forecast start date to the forecast end date
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants Planned Net Revenue The total planned net revenue from the forecast start date to the forecast end date
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants Planned Net Revenue The total planned net revenue from the forecast start date to the forecast end date
Labor Revenue Planned Labor Revenue The total planned labor revenue from the forecast start date to the forecast end date
ETC Revenue

This column displays the sum of all planned revenue from the ETC date through the forecast end date for the corresponding WBS level. The ETC date is the first day in the calendar column period that contains the current date. Check out the revenue forecast to edit these dates. The amount you enter in this field is distributed proportionally across the calendar columns based on the Forecast Start and Forecast End dates for this level (and any child WBS levels) and the working days within those dates. Alternatively, you can enter ETC values directly in the calendar periods and this field displays the sum of the values you enter there. This field is locked if there are no working days remaining in the date range for the corresponding WBS level.

When entering ETC Revenue values, take care to enter amounts that represent the elements included in the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings. For example, if the setting is Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants, you should enter ETC Revenue values that represent just labor and direct expenses revenue.

The column label that displays depends on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Global Revenue Forecast Setting Column Label Contract Value
Gross Revenue ETC Revenue The planned revenue from the first day of this period to the forecast end date
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants ETC Net Revenue The planned net revenue from the first day of this period to the forecast end date
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants ETC Net Revenue The planned net revenue from the first day of this period to the forecast end date
Labor Revenue ETC Labor Revenue The planned labor revenue from the first day of this period to the forecast end date
Estimated Fee Less ETC Revenue

This column displays the value remaining when the ETC revenue is subtracted from the estimated fee. If you are using multiple currencies and you are using different project and billing currencies, this field is not available if you choose to display only billing currencies in the Show drop-down list at the top of this form. The value displays only for projects reporting revenue forecasting amounts.

Weighted Fee Less ETC Revenue

This column displays the value remaining when the ETC revenue is subtracted from the weighted fee. If you are using multiple currencies and you are using different project and billing currencies, this field is not available if you choose to display only billing currencies in the Show drop-down list at the top of this form.

JTD <date> Earned Revenue

This column displays the actual JTD earned revenue through the last period. The JTD date is the last day of the calendar period before the period that today falls in. The column label and the values that display depend on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Global Revenue Forecast Setting Column Label Contract Value
Gross Revenue JTD <date> Earned Revenue The earned revenue through the last period
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants JTD <date> Earned Net Revenue The JTD earned revenue minus the total of the cost amounts for Reimbursable Expenses and Reimbursable Consultants through the last period
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants JTD <date> Earned Net Revenue The JTD earned revenue minus the total of the cost amounts for Direct Consultants, Reimbursable Expenses, and Reimbursable Consultants through the last period
Labor Revenue JTD <date> Earned Labor Revenue The JTD earned revenue minus the total of the cost amounts for Direct Expenses, Direct Consultants, Reimbursable Expenses, and Reimbursable Consultants through the last period

This column displays the unearned backlog. The column label and the values that display depend on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Global Revenue Forecast Setting Column Label Contract Value
Gross Revenue Backlog The Contract value minus the JTD Earned Revenue value through the last period
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants Net Backlog The Net Contract value minus the JTD Net Earned Revenue value through the last period
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants Net Backlog The Compensation value minus the JTD Net Earned Revenue value through the last period
Labor Revenue Labor Backlog The Direct Labor Contract value minus the JTD Net Earned Revenue value through the last period
EAC Revenue

This column displays the estimate-at-completion (EAC) revenue amount. The column label that displays depends on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Global Revenue Forecast Setting Column Label Contract Value
Gross Revenue EAC Revenue The sum of JTC Earned Revenue and ETC Revenue
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants EAC Net Revenue The sum of JTC Earned Net Revenue and ETC Net Revenue
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants EAC Net Revenue The sum of JTC Earned Net Revenue and ETC Net Revenue
Labor Revenue EAC Labor Revenue The sum of JTC Earned Labor Revenue and ETC Labor Revenue
Backlog Less ETC Revenue

This column displays the value remaining when the ETC revenue is subtracted from the unearned revenue backlog.

JTD Earned Revenue % Complete

This column displays the percentage of completed JTD earned revenue for the contract through the last period. The column label and the values that display depend on the global revenue forecast calculation option selected in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings.

Global Revenue Forecast Setting Column Label Contract Value
Gross Revenue JTD Earned Revenue % Complete JTD Earned Revenue through the last period divided by Contract
Net Revenue includes Direct Consultants JTD Earned Net Revenue % Complete JTD Earned Net Revenue through the last period divided by Net Contract
Net Revenue excludes Direct Consultants JTD Earned Net Revenue % Complete JTD Earned Net Revenue through the last period divided by Compensation
Labor Revenue JTD Earned Labor Revenue % Complete JTD Earned Net Revenue through the last period divided by Direct Labor Contract

This column displays the status of the WBS element: (Active), (Inactive), or (Dormant).

Contents: Right Grid Section - Calendar

This grid section displays fiscal period calendar columns across the project's revenue forecast start/end date range. The first period is the Forecast Start date through the end of the period that contains that date. The last period is the start date of the period that contains the Forecast End date through the Forecast End date.

Revenue forecasts use the fiscal accounting periods defined in Utilities > Periods > Period Setup. See Period Setup Form for details.

When you select a project, a warning message displays if there are gaps or overlapping dates for the existing fiscal periods included in the project's revenue forecast date range. If there are gaps or overlaps, the revenue forecast periods are displayed using months.

If there are not enough established fiscal periods to support the project's revenue forecast date range, Vantagepoint automatically adjusts the column heading for those affected dates depending on the value set for the Periods Per Year field in Utilities > Periods > Period Setup:
  • If Periods Per Year is 12 or is not 13, any missing fiscal periods display in months.
  • If Periods Per Year is 13, any missing fiscal periods display as 4-week (28 day) periods.

If the first or last fiscal period dates do not coincide with their corresponding month start/end dates, partial months display in those calendar columns.

Field Description
Fiscal Periods

The columns in this grid display the year, followed by each period start and end date. After checking out the forecast, you can enter individual ETC revenue values directly into the calendar periods. The values are also updated for the parent or child levels and in the ETC Revenue column.

For the lowest WBS structure level, you can enter amounts in calendar periods that fall before or after your revenue forecast dates, and the Forecast Start or Forecast End date field will update accordingly for that WBS element and, if necessary, for higher-level WBS elements also.

This icon displays at the end of the row when you click or hover over a grid row. Click the icon to select the Reschedule or Spread Planned Billing action for that row.
  • Reschedule: Select this option to open the Reschedule dialog box and reschedule the revenue forecast dates. See the Change the Revenue Forecast Dates help topic for more information.
  • Spread Planned Billing: Select this option to open the Spread Planned Billing dialog box and spread planned billing from the project plan into the revenue forecast. See the Spread Planned Billing into a Revenue Forecast help topic for more information.