Enter Summary Planned Amounts for Expenses

If you enabled planning for expenses, you can enter planned amounts for them on the Expenses tab of the Plan form in the Projects hub.

To have Vantagepoint allocate summary planned hours to individual resource assignments for a project, select the project and enter the summary amount in the Planned Cost or Planned Billing field at the appropriate level of the plan work breakdown structure (WBS). You can enter amounts either for individual expense types or for a lump sum for a WBS element, which is then allocated to the expense types assigned to that WBS element.

To enter summary planned amounts for expenses:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Plan.
  2. At the top of the Plan form, enter either a complete or partial name or number in the Find project lookup field to find and select the project for which you want to enter planned amounts.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Check Out.
  4. Click the Expenses tab.
  5. Expand the WBS to display the WBS element or the individual expense type assignment for which you want to enter a planned amount.

    If the expense type assignment row does not yet exist, hover over the WBS element to which you want to add the assignment, click + next to the WBS element name, and enter the assignment information.

  6. Click the row to display the entry fields.
  7. Enter the amount in the Planned Cost or Planned Billing field, and tab or click out of the field.

    The only times you do not enter the amount in Planned Cost is when you select Budget Type > Billing on the General tab of the Plan Settings dialog box and no rate method is selected on the Expenses tab, or if you select either Budget Type > Billing or Budget Type > Cost and Billing and the project and billing currencies are different. In all other cases, Planned Billing is hidden or read-only and you enter amounts in the Planned Cost field.

    You can enter amounts in this column for any WBS element at any level of the structure at or above the planning level for expenses, as long as that element has at least one expense type assigned. When you do, Vantagepoint allocates the amount to lower-level WBS elements and to the assigned expense types.

    How the amount entered for a WBS element is allocated to expense types depends on whether or not amounts have already been entered for the affected assignments:
    • If none of the affected expense type assignments currently has an amount, the amount is allocated equally to each one.
    • If one or more of the affected expense type assignments currently has a planned cost amount, the amount you enter at a WBS level is allocated to each expense type assignment in proportion to its current planned cost or billing amount. Expense type assignments that currently have no planned amount receive no allocation.

The calendar grid displays on the right side of the Plan form if, in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings, Allow Expense Planning in Calendar Periods is selected for the project's company and, on the Plan form in Other Actions > Plan Settings, Plan in Calendar Periods is selected on the Expenses tab on the Plan Settings dialog box.

Note that the calculation method for ETC cost or billing depends on whether planning in calendar periods is selected:
  • If Allow Expense Planning in Calendar Periods or Plan in Calendar Periods is not selected, the ETC Cost and ETC Billing fields are not editable and display the planned expenses cost/billing amount minus the JTD cost/billing amount if result > 0; otherwise, this column displays 0 at the expense assignment level and the sum of the amounts at the WBS levels.
  • If Allow Expense Planning in Calendar Periods and Plan in Calendar Periods is selected and the calendar displays, the ETC Cost and ETC Billing fields display the sum of planned expenses amounts starting the day after the Job-to-Date (JTD) date. You can enter amounts in these fields for expenses as described in step 8. You can also enter amounts directly on the calendar to spread expense planned values across periods. See Enter Planned Expense Amounts in Calendar Period Columns for details on how to do this.

  1. If Plan in Calendar Periods is turned on, you can enter the amount in the summary ETC Cost or ETC Billing field, and tab or click out of the field.
    The amount that you enter in this field on the center grid is spread proportionally into the remaining assignment dates on the calendar grid. The way in which the amount entered for a WBS element is allocated to expense types depends on whether or not amounts have already been entered for the affected assignments:
    • If no amount already exists, the new amount spreads proportionally on the calendar based on the remaining assignment dates and working days (from the day after the JTD Through date to the assignment end date) for each expense type.
    • If an amount already exists, the new amount spreads proportionally based on the existing spread.

    If the assignment end date is in the past based on the JTD Through date (specified in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings), then the ETC Cost or ETC Billing field is disabled.