Filter the Resource Search Results

After you search for resources, use the Filter Projects dialog box to reduce the number of results in the grid when you drill down from an employee or generic resource row.

To filter a resource search:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Resource Management > Resource View.
  2. Use the Find Resources pane to search for resources.
    For details, see Search for Resources.
  3. To define the date range that you want to display, on the Resource View toolbar, click Forecast Range.
  4. On the Change Forecast Range dialog box, set up the date range to display.
    Select the scale of the calendar periods, the number of calendar periods to include in the forecast range, and the starting period. The starting period must be after the job-to-date (JTD) date or, if the columns are for weeks or months, the starting period must contain at least one day after the JTD date. After you select the original start day, week, or month, the forecast range automatically shifts forward as time passes. When the first calendar period is no longer in the future, the first calendar period column changes to the next day, week, or month, and the other calendar period columns shift accordingly to preserve the same forecast range.

    For example, if you set the Scale option to Weeks and set the Duration option to 8, the forecast range spans eight weeks, and eight calendar period columns display.

  5. To hide resources or projects with no planned hours in the selected forecast range, click next to Hide if ETC is Zero.
  6. On the Hide if ETC is Zero dialog box, select which filters to use.

    By using this filter, you can simplify the Resource View screen so that it only displays resources and projects with planned hours in the selected forecast range.

    • Hide Resources with Range ETC = 0: Exclude any resources that have ETC = 0 in the selected range.
    • Hide Projects with Range ETC = 0: Exclude any projects that are not already filtered out by the selected Project filter and that have ETC = 0 in the selected forecast range.
    Depending on the options you choose, the toolbar displays Resource, Project, Both, or None.
  7. To filter the projects that display, click next to Project Filter.
  8. On the Filter Project dialog box, select fields to set up the filter.
    Your selections determine which projects display in the Resource View grid when you drill down from an employee or generic resource row. The checkboxes in the individual drop-down fields are multi-select and you can also select multiple organizations on the Select Organizations dialog box. The filter is an AND operator, meaning that only projects that satisfy all the selections will display in the grid.
    Project Status Select Active, Inactive, and/or Dormant.
    Charge Type Select Regular, Promotional, and/or Overhead.
    Project Organization Name Click to display the Select Organizations dialog box, on which you can choose the organizations to filter.
    Project Manager Choose the project manager(s) from the drop-down list.
    Stage Step Select where the project is in the stage process: Do Not Pursue, In Pursuit, Lost, and/or Won.
    Stage Select the current stage for the project, such as Awarded, Deferred, Lead, Lost, and/or Pending.
    Probability Select the probability percentage of winning the project.
  9. Click Apply.
    The Resource View grid updates to display only the selected projects. The selected filters are listed on the toolbar next to the Project Filter field.

    The employee or resource capacity is not affected by the selected filters. Any projects excluded by the filters that would have contributed to the respective employee or generic resource's planned hours display as a separate read-only row titled Projects Excluded by Filter in the Resource View grid. This preserves the total planned hours, with or without filtering projects. If you later add a new assignment that does not meet the project filter criteria, when you click to search again or to reapply the project filter, that newly added project row will no longer be displayed separately and the planned hours will be added to the Projects Excluded by Filter row.