Contents of the Filter Projects Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to filter the projects that display in Resource View. You can filter by project status, charge type, stage, or probability, as well as by organization or project manager.

The selections that you make on this dialog box determine which projects display in the Resource View grid of the Resource View form. The checkboxes in the drop-down fields are multi-select and you can also select multiple organizations in the Select Organizations dialog box.

The filter is an AND operator, meaning that only projects that satisfy all the selections are displayed in the grid.

The employee or resource capacity is not affected by the filters that you select. Any projects excluded by the filters that would have contributed to the respective employee or generic resource's planned hours display as a separate read-only row titled Projects Excluded by Filter in the Resource View grid. This preserves the total planned hours, with or without filtering projects.

The Projects Filter operates independently from any saved search options in the Find Resources pane. The options that you select here are saved and applied until you clear them.


Field Description
Project Status Use the multi-select checkboxes to choose the project status values to use in the filter: Active, Inactive, and/or Dormant.
Charge Type Select the charge types to use in the filter: Regular, Promotional, and/or Overhead.
Organization Name Click to display the Select Organizations dialog box, on which you can choose the organizations to filter.
Project Manager Choose the project manager(s) from the drop-down list.
Stage Step Select where the project is in the stage process, such as: Do Not Pursue, In Pursuit, Lost, and/or Won.
Stage Select the current stage for the project, such as: Awarded, Deferred, Lead, Lost, and/or Pending.
Probability Select the probability percentage of winning the project.
Clear All Click this link to clear all the selected filters.
Apply Click this option to apply the filters and refresh the rows in the Resource View grid.