Contents of the Transfer Settings Form

Use the options on this form to transfer settings from one Vantagepoint database to another Vantagepoint database.

Typically, you transfer settings from a Vantagepoint preview or sandbox database (source database) to a Vantagepoint production database (target database).

Header Section

Field Description
Last Exported and Last Imported Date, Time, and User This text at the top of the form shows when the last import or export occurred and the user who processed it.

What Do You Want to Do Section

Field Description
Export Settings from this Database

Select this option when you are logged in to a Vantagepoint database from which you want to export settings.

The database that you export settings from is referred to as the source database.

When you select this option, the contents of this form apply for the export process.

Import Settings to this Database

Select this option when you are logged in to a Vantagepoint database in which you want to import settings.

The database that you import settings to is referred to as the target database.

When you select this option, the contents of this form apply for importing settings to the target database.

Settings to be Exported from this Database or Settings to be Imported to this Database Sections

The title of this section is based on whether you select Export Settings from this Database or Import Settings to this Database in the "What Do You Want to Do" section of this form.

With either title, this section displays a list of the types of settings that are added to the settings file from a source database and then imported to a target database.

The table below provides more information about the export and import for each setting type.

Field Description
Security Roles

These are the roles entered in Settings > Security > Roles.

  • All roles and their detailed settings are exported from the source database.
  • When imported, these roles completely overwrite and replace all the roles in the target database. Roles in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
Security Users

These are the users entered in Settings > Security > Users.

Warning: The Transfer Settings utility does not support the transfer of updated security user IDs from one database to another. If you change an existing security user's ID in the User ID field on the Users form in Settings > Security > Users in a source database and then transfer the settings to a target database, the transfer will fail during the import process. You will receive a Duplicate Key Violation error. Instead, you must make changes to the User ID field directly in a target database after you transfer settings from a source database to the target database.

When you import:

  • All users in the target database are retained.
  • The user ID from the source database is used to find the matching user ID record in the target database. The matching user IDs in the two databases must belong to the same employee.
    • When a user ID match is found, the user in the target database is updated with all user settings from the source database, except the following fields:
      • Password
      • Windows Authentication checkbox
      • Domain
      • ODBC Username
      • ODBC Password
      • Support Username
      • Support Password
      • Disabled Login checkbox
    • If a user in the target database does not have a match in the source database and the security role for the user in the target database does not exist in the source database file, the following updates are made for the user in the target database:
      • The Status field is set to Inactive.
      • The entry in the Role field is removed and the field remains blank.
    • If a user in the source database does not have a match in the target database, the user from the source database is added as a new user to the target database, and the following settings are applied:
      • The following fields remain blank: Password, Domain, ODBC Username, ODBC Password, Support Username, and Support Password.
      • The Windows Authentication checkbox is cleared.
      • The Disable Login checkbox is selected.
      • An administrator must set the values for the required fields for the new users and provide the new users with their credentials to log in to the target database.
Screen Designer Field Layouts

These settings are in Settings > General > Screen Designer.

  • All Screen Designer field layouts, including tab and field order and placement, are exported from the source database and imported to the target database. The imported layouts completely overwrite and replace the layouts for matching tabs and fields in the target database.
  • User-defined fields in the target database that do not exist in the source database remain in the target database after the import. However, if these existing fields have the same position on the tab as a field that is imported, one of the conflicting fields is moved to the bottom of the tab.
Screen Designer Field Security

These settings are in Settings > General > Screen Designer.

  • All field security settings from the source database overwrite the field security settings in the target database. This also applies for field security settings for the Expense Report application.
  • User-defined fields that exist in the target database but not in the source database are set to Secured. A system administrator can unsecure them as needed.
User-Defined Components

User-defined components are in Settings > General > Screen Designer

Important Information About Creating User-Defined Components

After you create a preview or sandbox database (source database), if you need to create a new user-defined component, create it in the preview or sandbox database only. This prevents a duplicate from being created in the production (target) database when you export and import if you created the same user-defined component in both databases, but they were not exactly the same, and a duplicate was not detected during the import.

Important Information About Deleting User-Defined Components

The following are ways you can delete user-defined components:

  • Delete the user-defined component from the target (production) database before you create the source (preview or sandbox) database.
  • If the user-defined component exists in both the source and target databases, do one of the following:
    • Delete a user-defined component in the target database, and then delete it from the source database.
    • In the source database, move the user-defined component to a new tab named To Be Deleted. After you complete the export and import: In the target database, delete all the fields on the To Be Deleted tab and then delete the tab.

Exporting and Importing User-Defined Components

  • Field names and grid column names in a hub are used to determine whether or not there are matching user-defined components in the source and target databases.
  • User-defined components that exist only in the source database are imported into the target database.
  • User-defined components that exist only in the target database remain in the target database but will be set to Secured.
  • If a user-defined component exists in both the source and target databases, the properties for it from the source database are applied to it in the target database.
  • Data that is entered for user-defined components is not copied during the export and import processes. For example, you create a new user-defined field in the Employee hub in a preview or sandbox (source) database. You populate the user-defined field for all employee records in the source database. The field will be imported into the target database, but the data will not.

Dashboards are in My Stuff > Dashboards.

  • All dashparts and dashboards in the source database are exported. When imported to the target database, the dashparts and dashboards from the source database overwrite the dashparts and dashboards in the target database. Dashparts and dashboards in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
  • Vantagepoint Intelligence dashparts are excluded from the export file.
Labels and Lists

These settings are in Settings > Labels and Lists.


  • Any labels that exist only in the source database are imported to the target database.
  • Any labels that exist only in the target database remain, as is, in the target database.
  • For any labels that exist in both the source and target databases, the source labels overwrite the labels in the target database.


  • All lists in the source database are exported.
  • When imported to the target database, the lists from the source database overwrite all the lists in the target database.
  • Lists in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
Saved Searches

This information applies for personal and shared saved searches throughout Vantagepoint, including saved searches for Resource View and Resource Reporting.

When you import:

  • The saved searches from the source database completely overwrite all the saved searches in the target database.
  • Any saved searches in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
Saved Reports

Saved reports are in My Stuff > Reporting.

This information applies for personal and shared saved reports, including saved Vantagepoint standard reports and custom reports.

  • All saved standard and saved custom reports are exported from the source database. When imported, these reports from the source database replace all the saved standard and custom reports in the target database. Saved standard and custom reports in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
  • All personal and shared reports that are saved in the source database are exported. When imported, these reports from the source database replace all the personal and shared reports that are saved in the target database. Personal and shared reports that are saved in the target database, but they're not in the source database, are deleted from the target database.

Required Actions After You Import Saved Reports

Complete the following actions after you import saved reports:

  • The import file does not include any scheduled report jobs. You must schedule reports after the import as needed.
  • The previously scheduled report jobs in the target database are not deleted when you import. These jobs will fail. An administrator must delete the scheduled report jobs using the Process Server Queue Manager after the import is complete.
  • For custom reports, the report definition language (.rdl) files are not copied to the target database. After the import is complete, an administrator must re-upload any custom .rdl files using the Report Administration application.
User Initiated Workflows

User-initiated workflows are in Settings > Workflow > User Initiated Workflows.

  • When you import user-initiated workflows, all the user-initiated workflows in the target database are replaced with all the workflows from the source database. User-initiated workflows in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
  • Workflow data is transferred, but stored procedures are not. You must create stored procedures in the target database after you transfer the workflow settings.
  • Unionpoint integration: If you use Unionpoint integration, you must disable the integration before you use Transfer Settings to export and import settings. After you complete exporting and importing, you can enable the Unionpoint integration again. These steps ensure that workflows that are managed by Unionpoint are configured in the correct database.
Scheduled Workflows

Scheduled workflows are in Settings > Workflow > Scheduled Workflows.

  • When you import scheduled workflows, all the scheduled workflows in the target database are replaced with all the workflows from the source database. Scheduled workflows in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
  • Workflow data is transferred, but stored procedures are not. You must create stored procedures in the target database after you transfer the workflow settings.
  • Any scheduled workflow jobs on the Vantagepoint process server that existed in the target database before the import was processed are deleted from the target database.

Required Action After You Import

The scheduled workflows that were imported to the target database do not get automatically rescheduled. A system administrator must reschedule them.

Approval Workflows

These are the approval workflows in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application.

  • When you import approval workflows, all the approval workflows in the target database are replaced with all the workflows from the source database. Approval workflows in the target database that are not in the source database are deleted from the target database.
  • The settings that enable an approval workflow and identify the specific workflow to use are also imported from the source database to the target database.

    For example, in the source database, if you enabled AP Invoice Approvals on the Options tab in Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable and selected an AP Invoice approval workflow to use in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application, those two settings are also imported to the target database.

  • The scheduled alerts, notifications, and emails that are associated with an approval workflow that is imported to the target database are automatically rescheduled in the target database after the import completes.
  • Any existing scheduled jobs in the approval workflow queue in the target database for the approval workflows that were removed and replaced during the import are also removed.
  • If you change the configuration for an approval workflow in the source database and that approval workflow is also in the target database, after the import is complete, a system administrator must restart the approval workflow in the target database. This ensures that all records have the correct steps applied.
  • In the source database, if you enable an approval workflow that is also in the target database as a disabled workflow, after the import is complete (and the approval workflow is now enabled in the target database), a system administrator must manually disable and re-enable the approval workflow in the target database. This ensures that records leverage the update workflow.

Required Action After the Import

If the export file contains new steps for approval workflows that exist in the target database, then the approval administrator should restart the approval workflow in the target database if there are any in-progress approval workflow records in the target database. This ensures that the in-progress approval records leverage the approval workflow's new steps. To restart the approval workflow in the target database, disable the approval workflow and then re-enable it.

Provide a Passphrase for the Export File Section

This section displays when you select Export Settings from this Database in the "What Do You Want to Do" section.

Field Description
File Passphrase

Enter a passphrase for the export file encryption. The passphrase must be between 12–24 characters and must include at least one number and one special character (*, +, ^, and so on).

When you import the settings in the settings file to a target database, you are required to enter this passphrase.

Export Click this button to create a settings file that contains settings from the Vantagepoint source database that you are logged in to. The button is enabled after you enter a valid passphrase.

Provide a Passphrase for the Imported File Section

This section displays when you select Import Settings to this Database in the "What Do You Want to Do" section.

Field Description
File Passphrase Enter the same passphrase that you used to encrypt the settings file when you exported the settings from the source database.
Select File Click this button to select a settings file that has settings from a Vantagepoint source database to import to the Vantagepoint database that you are logged in to.
Import Click this button to import the settings from the settings file that you selected in the Select File field. This button is enabled after you enter the correct passphrase that was assigned to the settings file when you created it.