Contents of the API Authorization Form

Use the fields and options on this form to manage your application's access to Vantagepoint through the API.

Header Fields

Field Description
Find api authorization

At the top of the API Authorization form, enter a partial or complete name in the Find api authorization field to find and select an existing api authorization to view or edit its related information.

Search Navigation Controls

The Search Navigation Controls display to the right of the Find lookup field at the top of most Vantagepoint hub and application forms. Use these controls and their related components to quickly locate a saved search, create ad hoc or new searches, page through records, and find and select multiple hub records.

On the Saved Search control (), click to display the Saved Searches (left) pane and Record Selection (right) pane. Most search types include standard, personal (My Searches), shared, and complex searches, as well as an ad hoc search Selection. Available search types vary, depending on the active hub or application form.

For more information about Search Navigation Controls, see Search Quick Reference, Components of a Search, and Use Search Navigation Controls to Filter Records.

Saved Searches list
To filter the list of API authorizations, select one of the following search types:
  • Quick Find: Use this field to locate a specific search or group of searches in a long list of searches. Enter one or more characters in this field and then pause to allow time for the results set to refresh. The records returned for the search are listed in the Records Selection pane.
  • Selection: If available, this ad hoc search appears in the Saved Search control and also in the Saved Searches list. This type of search is based on an existing search in the Saved Searches list and, typically, comprises a portion of all the available hub or application records that were included in the saved search. Use this type of search to quickly view a specific subset of records for a standard search.

    Only one ad hoc Selection is available at any given time and will remain unchanged until you either update it or create a new ad hoc search.

    For more information, see Select Hub Records for an Ad Hoc Search and Edit an Ad Hoc Search Selection.

  • All: Select from a list of all API authorizations to which you have access.
  • My Searches: Select a search from this folder to display a list of API authorizations based on your personal search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update your personal search for future use.
  • Shared Searches: Select a search from this folder to display a list of API authorizations shared with other team members and roles. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update the shared search for future use.
  • SQL Where Clause Search: Select a search from this folder to display a list of API authorizations based on SQL Where Clause query statements and advanced search settings. These complex searches locate records across multiple hubs, applications, or databases. You must have the appropriate security role access to use this advanced search functionality. If you share a SQL Where Search with a user who does not have the required security role access to SQL Where Clause searches, then the user can view and run the SQL Where Clause search, but they cannot edit it.

    Legacy searches, which are based on saved searches from previous versions of the application or legacy systems, display as SQL Where Clause searches.

  • + New Search: Select this link to create a new search for API authorizations. Use both basic and advanced search features on the New Search dialog box to refine search criteria. Use the Advanced Settings feature to search by all available API authorization grid and fields, based upon your field level security.

    The Add a Field drop-down includes all standard and user-defined grid fields associated with the API authorization. You can type part of the field name to find it or use the drop-down to locate the desired field. Fields in grids are organized under the grid name in bold. For example, when you select ApiAuthorization, a list of all grid fields associated with API authorization is displayed.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.

x of x

Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records in the search results and display a different record on the form. The numbers indicate which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.

On the Search Navigation Controls at the top of the form, click the Switch to List View icon to switch to the list view of the form. In this view, fields are displayed in columns in one grid on the form. Records are displayed in each row in the grid. This makes it easy to compare and update multiple records at one time because you do not have to open individual records. You can add, remove, or change the order of the columns in the grid by clicking to the right of the grid. This opens the Select Columns dialog box.

For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Grid.

For more information about working in list view, see Use List View.

After you switch to list view, you can click the Switch to Detail View icon to switch back to the detailed view of the form. In detail view, all selected fields are displayed on the form. This is the default view when you first open the application. Subsequently, the view that was active when you closed the application is the one that displays when you open it again. Detail view is the view that is described in the Help.
+ New API Authorization Click this option to open the API Authorization form and create a new API authorization.

This option is available if your security role has the access rights required for adding records.

Actions Bar

Click Actions to select one of these options.

Field Description
Generate Secret Select this option to generate a new client secret for your application for authorization to access Vantagepoint through the API.
Important: You only need to generate the secret once. However, if you generate a new secret any time thereafter, all current integrations using the old secret will be broken until you refresh your access token for those integrations. Be cautious with whom you share this confidential information.
Delete Select this option to delete your application's API authorization.

Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full-screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to select the columns to include in the grid. The columns available for the grid include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the corresponding application area. For more information see Select Columns for a Grid.
Click this icon to export all the rows in the API authorizations grid into a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports these files.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Authorization (or Application) Name Enter a unique name to identify this API authorization for your application.
Callback URL Enter a callback URL for the application that is designated to receive an authorization code on behalf of your application.
Consumer Key When you create a new API authorization, this field displays your application's consumer key for authorization to access Vantagepoint through the API.
Database Name This field displays the database name that you are logged into for authorization to access Vantagepoint through the API.
Secret When you create a new API authorization or you select the Generate Secret option on the Actions bar for an existing API authorization, this field displays your application's client secret for authorization to access Vantagepoint through the API.
Important: You only need to generate the secret once. However, if you generate a new secret any time thereafter, all current integrations using the old secret will be broken until you refresh your access token for those integrations. Be cautious with whom you share this confidential information.
Scopes Select this option to honor the permissions of the user's role that is used to access Vantagepoint through the API.
Allow Password Grant Type Select this option to require a username and a password when authenticating with Vantagepoint through the API.

Row Tools

Hover over a row in the grid, click , and then select one of the following options:

Field Description
Generate Secret Click this option to generate a new client secret for your application for authorization to access Vantagepoint through the API.
Important: You only need to generate the secret once. However, if you generate a new secret any time thereafter, all current integrations using the old secret will be broken until you refresh your access token for those integrations. Be cautious with whom you share this confidential information.
Delete Click this option to permanently delete the selected API authorization.