Contents of the Billing Labor Release Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to release a portion of the total labor hours to bill for a labor transaction.

The only fields that you can edit on this dialog box are the Regular, Overtime, and Overtime-2 hour fields.

Field Description
Project This field displays the name and number of the project that is associated with the transaction. The project displays as a hyperlink. Click it to access more information about the project.
Phase This field displays the name and number of the phase, if a phase is associated with the transaction.
Task This field displays the name and number of the task, if a task is associated with the transaction.
Employee This field displays the name and number of the employee who worked the hours specified in the Regular, Overtime, and/or Overtime-2 fields on this dialog box.
Labor Code This field displays the labor code that is associated with the labor transaction. This field displays only if you use labor codes (enabled in Utilities > Key Formats > Labor Codes).
Date This field displays the date of the labor transaction, for example the date of a timesheet transaction or a billing labor insert.
Comment This text field displays any comments that were entered with the transaction when the transaction was entered on a timesheet or on a billing labor insert.
Regular This field prefills with the number of regular hours that were entered for the transaction. Change this number to reflect the portion of regular hours that you want to release and bill for the transaction.
Overtime This field prefills with the number of overtime hours that were entered for the transaction. Change this number to reflect the portion of overtime hours that you want to release and bill for the transaction.
Overtime-2 This field prefills with the number of overtime-2 hours that were entered for the transaction. Change this number to reflect the portion of overtime-2 hours that you want to release and bill for the transaction.

This field is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Tax Code Override 1 This displays the tax code that you entered in the Tax Code Override 1 field on the Billing Labor Modify dialog box or on the Billing Labor Insert dialog box for the labor transaction.
Tax Code Override 2 This displays the tax code that you entered in the Tax Code Override 2 field on the Billing Labor Modify dialog box or on the Billing Labor Insert dialog box for the labor transaction.
Bill Click this button to save the changes you made on this dialog box and return to the Labor tab. If you changed the hours on this dialog box to bill only part of the transaction's total labor hours, the original transaction is split, and you see two transactions in the grid on the Labor tab of the Interactive Billing form. A new transaction has the portion of labor hours to bill with a Bill status. The original transaction retains its original status (before the release), and its hours have been reduced to show the remaining hours.
Cancel Click this button to discard any changes that you made on this dialog box and return to the Labor tab in Interactive Billing form without releasing a portion of the transaction to bill.