Set up the Cash Flow Statement

Define the information to display in the sections of the Cash Flow Statement report.

To set up the Cash Flow Statement:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Cash Management > Cash Flow Statement.
    If you have multiple companies, the Cash Flow Statement Settings form displays with two collapsible sections, one labeled Global Settings and one with the name of the active company. (If you use a single company, these section labels do not display.)
  2. Complete the fields in the Global Settings section to set up report sections.
    If your enterprise uses multiple companies, note that these fields apply to all companies.
    1. In the Total Label field, enter the text to display on the Total line label for the report.
    2. Click + New Section beneath the initial grid to add a section to the report.
    3. In the Section Order field, enter a number to specify the section's order of appearance on the report.
    4. In the Section Heading field, enter the text to appear on the section heading on the report. Your entry here also populates the Section field on the Cash Flow Statement Setup grid.
    5. Select the Subtotal check box to display a subtotal amount for this section on the report.
    6. In the Subtotal Label field, enter the text of the label for the subtotal amount.
    Repeat steps b-f to set up additional sections on the Cash Flow Statement report.
  3. In the Cash Flow Statement Setup grid in the company-specific section, define the line items that make up a report section.
    For example, you want to display both "Bank Loans" and "Dividend Payments" as line items in your "Financing Cash Flow" section. In this grid, you define those line items and the account numbers that go with each line item.
    1. Click the Test Setup link to test the Cash Flow Statement setup for the active company.
      When you click the link, Vantagepoint displays a message that identifies any accounts missing from the setup and asks you to check them.
    2. In the Label field, enter the text for each line item label.
    3. Select a section heading from the Section drop-down list and enter a number in the Sort Sequence field to indicate the line item's order of appearance under its section on the report.
    4. Specify the accounts that go into the line item from the System Account drop-down list:
      • Select Change in AP to use the sum of amounts in all liability code accounts.
      • Select Change in AR to use the sum of amounts in all accounts mapped to accounts receivable.
      • Select Net Income to use the sum of amounts in all Income Statement accounts.
      • Select None to specify the accounts that go into the line item. Continue with step 4.
  4. If you selected None in System Account, on the Accounts grid, select a Start Account and End Account number to associate with the selected line item on the report.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to set up additional line items on the Cash Flow Statement report.
    If your enterprise uses multiple companies, repeat steps 3 and 4 for each company.
  6. Click Save.