Labor Tab of the Interactive Billing Form

Use this tab to view and select the employee labor charges to bill on the next invoice for the selected project. You can also choose to hold, write off, delete, modify, or transfer labor charges.


Labor Grid

Each row in the grid contains a labor charge (transaction) that was entered through timesheets (in My Stuff and in Transaction Center), labor adjustments (in Transaction Center), or billing labor inserts (in Interactive Billing) for the selected project.

The transactions that display in the Labor grid are based on the settings that you select on the Billing Session Options dialog box. You can display transactions based on bill-through dates or a bill-through period. You can select whether or not to include non-billable transactions in the grid or whether or not to display all data for all WBS levels of a project.

Review all the labor transactions in the grid and determine which ones to include on the next invoice for the billing session. Select a labor transaction in the grid by clicking the check box at the beginning of its row. Then click one of the action items (Bill, Hold, Write-off, and so on) in the grid actions bar.

Billing Labor Inserts

To add a new labor charge to bill, click + Add Billing Labor below the grid. This opens the Billing Labor Insert dialog box where you enter the information for the new labor charge: the employee, labor code, category, number of labor hours, and so on. This inserts a labor transaction for billing purposes only. No cost entries are made to your general ledger. If you want to enter costing information in your general ledger, you must add a labor adjustment in the Transaction Center, and be sure to select the Suppress Bill option for the transaction, so that the transaction is not double billed.

If you use multiple companies, the employee's cost rate for the selected company is automatically applied to a labor transaction. In this case, the employee's cost rate uses the functional currency of the active company. If this currency differs from the billing currency, the cost rate is translated to the billing currency based on the exchange rates established in Settings.

Labor Grid Toolbar Options

Field Description
Summary Click this option to open the Billing Labor Summary dialog box. On the dialog box, you can view a summary of the total labor hours, cost amounts, and billing extension amounts for unbilled labor transactions, grouped by their billing status: Bill, Hold, Write-Off, or Delete.
Click this icon to expand the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click this icon again to return to a standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to add, remove, or change the order of columns in the grid. The columns available for the grid include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the corresponding Vantagepoint application area. For more information, see Select Columns for a Grid.
Click this icon to export the grid contents to a comma-separated values (.csv) file. Expand the WBS structure that you want to include prior to clicking the Export icon. For more information, see Exporting Data to a .csv File.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Labor Grid Actions Bar

Select one or more labor transaction in the grid by clicking the check box at the beginning of a transaction's row. Then click an action in the actions bar below the grid toolbar to apply that action to the selected labor transactions. Using these actions allows you to change the status of an expense transaction or a portion of it or modify or transfer a transaction.

To use these actions, your security role must give you access to the actions. These security settings are on the Accounting tab in Settings > Security > Roles.

Field Description
Bill Click this action to change the status in the Status field for one or more selected labor transactions from Hold, Write-off, or Delete to Bill. A Bill status indicates that the labor transaction will be added to the next invoice.

When you select one labor transaction in the grid and click the Bill action, the Bill Labor Release dialog box displays for the transaction. If you want to bill only part of the transaction's total number of regular, overtime, and/or overtime-2 hours in the next invoice for the project, change the number of hours on this dialog box and enter the number of hours to bill. When you return to the Labor grid, the original transaction has been split in two. One transaction has the labor hours to bill with a Bill status. The other transaction has the remaining hours to bill later and has the status that the original transaction had before the split.

You can select more than one labor transaction in the Labor grid and then select Bill to change the status of all of them to Bill at one time. The full amount for all the transactions will be billed. The Bill Labor Release dialog box does not display. For the Bill Labor Release dialog box to display, you must select only one labor transaction in the grid before you click Bill.

Hold Click this action to prevent the selected transaction or a portion of it from being billed on the next invoice. In the Billing Labor Hold dialog box that displays, specify the transaction's number of regular, overtime, or overtime-2 hours that you want to hold back from being billed. You can take the hold off the transaction when you are ready to bill it.

This action is enabled when you select a labor transaction that has a status other than Hold in the Status field.

Write-off Click this action to write off all, or a portion of, the selected transaction. On the Billing Labor Write-off dialog box that displays, specify all or part of the transaction's total number of regular, overtime, or overtime-2 hours that you will not add to any billing invoice. The transaction (or a portion of it) is removed from the Labor grid when you final accept the next invoice. The written-off transaction still exists as posted for project control and other accounting purposes, but it is marked in the database as written off for billing purposes.

This action is enabled when you select a labor transaction that has a status other than Write-off in the Status field.

Delete Click this action to delete all or part of the selected transaction. On the Billing Labor Delete dialog box that opens, specify all or part of the transaction's total number of regular, overtime, or overtime-2 hours that you do not want to bill on any invoice.

When you change a transaction's status to Delete, it is removed from the set of billable transactions and the Labor grid when you final accept the next invoice. The transaction is not actually deleted from the Vantagepoint database. It is only removed as a billable transaction in Interactive Billing. The transaction still exists as posted for project control and other accounting purposes. This allows you to run reports that distinguish between write-off transactions (hours charged but cannot be billed) and transactions that were entered but removed before invoicing, possibly due to a data entry error.

The Delete action is enabled when you select a labor transaction that has a status other than Delete in the Status field.

Modify Click this action to modify certain details for the selected transaction. In the Billing Labor Modify dialog box you can change information, such as the transaction date, comment, hours, and tax code overrides. The changes you make are not posted to the general ledger the project. The changes affect only the billing invoice.
Transfer Click this action to transfer (reclassify) transactions within the same project, phase, or task or transfer transactions to another project, phase, or task. In the Billing Labor Transfer dialog box for the transaction, enter the transfer information.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, an employee may be associated with more than one company. When you transfer labor, the company that the employee recorded time with is the company that is associated with the labor. For example, an employee worked in Company A and had a timesheet with a status of "in progress." Company A was also their designated home company. However, the employee was moved to Company B and the home company changed to Company B, as well. Even though Company B is now the employee's home company, they still have an "active" status in Company A because their timesheet is not yet complete. When the employee completes and posts the timesheet, Company A remains associated with the labor, even though the employee's home company is now Company B.

Labor Grid Fields

You determine the fields (columns) that display in the grid by clicking on the grid toolbar. For more information see the help topic: Select Columns for a Grid.

The following is a list of all possible fields that you can include in the grid:

Field Description
Check Box Icon Select this check box at the beginning of a transaction's row to select the transaction, and then click an action (Bill, Hold, Write-off, and so on) above the grid.

For Bill, Hold, Write-off, and Delete, you can select multiple transactions to apply the action to. For Modify and Transfer, you can select only an individual transaction to apply the action to.

Invoice Status

This field displays the invoice status.

Statuses are:

  • New
  • Submitted
  • Approved
Status The status determines whether or not the labor charge will be included on the next invoice. Select one of the following statuses:
  • Bill: Include this labor transaction on the next billing invoice.
  • Hold: Save the labor transaction for billing at a later date.
  • Write-off: Write off the labor hours and do not bill them. This prevents the transaction from being billed, but allows the amount to appear on reports. When you write-off a transaction, no accounting entries are made.
  • Delete: Remove the labor transaction from the set of billable transactions. Changing the status to Delete does not actually delete the transaction from the Vantagepoint database. It only removes it from Interactive Billing. The transaction still exists as posted for project control and other accounting purposes. The status of Delete allows you to run reports that distinguish between write-off (hours charged but cannot be billed) and a transaction that was entered but removed before invoicing, possibly due to a data entry error.

Transactions with a status of Hold, Write-off, or Delete can be changed to Bill.

The options that are available in this field depend on your security role's access rights as set in the Billing Security area of the Accounting tab of Role Security. For example, if you belong to a role with Allow Delete selected, the Delete option is available in the Status field.

In Employee Realization, the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box appears only if there are labor or employee-specific unit transactions that are on Bill status and accepted in the Invoice Accept dialog box.

Billable A check mark in this field indicates that a transaction is billable. A transaction is not billable if you post it to the non-billable labor code. You can view non-billable transactions in the Labor grid only if you selected the Show Non-billables on Detail Tabs check box on the Billing Session Options dialog box in Interactive Billing.
Date This field displays the date that was entered for the labor transaction on a timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, or billing labor insert.
Phase If you view the project level from the Phase/Task lookup for a project with phases, all of that project's phases display in the grid. The phase number displays in the Phase column, and all detail that corresponds to that phase displays in that row.

Phase Name If you select to view the project level from the Phase/Task lookup for a project with phases, all of that project's phases display in the grid. The phase name displays in the Phase Name column, and all detail that corresponds to that phase displays in that row.

You can also select a particular phase from the Phase/Task lookup to view just the detail for that phase and any associated tasks in the grid.

Task If you select the project or phase level from the Phase/Task lookup for a project with tasks, all of the tasks for that project or phase display in the grid. The task number displays in the Task column, and all detail that corresponds to that task displays in that row.

You can also select a particular task from the Phase/Task lookup to view just the detail for that task.

Task Name If you select the project or phase level from the Phase/Task lookup for a project with tasks, all of the tasks for that project or phase display in the grid. The task name displays in the Task Name column, and all detail that corresponds to that task displays in that row.

You can also select a particular task from the Phase/Task lookup to view just the detail for that task.

Labor Code This field displays the labor code to which time was charged on the timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, or billing labor insert. If the labor code is incorrect, you can transfer the item from within this project/phase/task to the appropriate labor code.
Labor Code Description This field displays the description of the labor code to which time was charged on the timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, or billing labor insert. If the labor code is incorrect, you can transfer the item from within this project/phase/task to the appropriate labor code.
Category This field displays the labor category to which time was charged on the timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, or billing labor insert. If the category is incorrect, you can transfer the item from within this project/phase/task to the appropriate category.
Category Description This field displays the description for the labor category to which time was charged on the timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, or billing labor insert. If the category is incorrect, you can transfer the item from within this project/phase/task to the appropriate category.
Employee This field displays the employee number to which the hours/amount were charged on the timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, or billing labor insert.
Name This field displays the employee name to which the hours/amount were charged on the timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, billing labor insert.
Hours This field displays the total number of regular, overtime, and secondary overtime hours for the labor transaction.
Rate This field displays the calculated billing hourly rate for the employee's labor. This rate depends on the method selected for the Method option in the Labor section on the Rates tab in Billing Terms for the project.
Invoice Amount This field displays the amount to include on the current invoice for time and material billing, not fee-based billing. The column displays an amount if the row has the Status field set to Bill and the Billable check box is selected. If a draft invoice exists that is submitted or approved (indicated in the Invoice Status field), the Invoice Amount field displays the value for the submitted or approved transactions. If a draft invoice does not exist, this field displays a value for new transactions, so you can see the value for billable transactions before an invoice is submitted. The amount in the Invoice Amount field matches the amount displayed on the invoice.
Billing Extension This field displays the billing value of the labor transaction (an employee's hours x rate) based on the current billing terms for the project. For fee-based invoices, it displays the billing value for unbilled transactions at reporting rates if the Rates for Reporting (Not Invoicing) check box is selected in the Labor section on the Rates tab in Billing Terms for project.
Comment If a comment was entered on the timesheet, labor adjustment transaction entry, or billing labor insert, the comment displays in this field. You can edit this comment if your security role has the Allow Modify check box selected in the Billing Security section on the Accounting tab in Settings > Security > Roles. With this security setting, you can also enter a comment if no comment was entered for the transaction.

To view or edit the full comment, click in the field and then click to open the comments in the Comments dialog box. On the dialog box, you can use text formatting options format the text.

Overtime This field displays the total of the overtime and secondary overtime hours for the labor transaction.
Tax Code Override 1 This field displays the tax code override 1 entry made for this transaction on the Billing Labor Transfer dialog box or the Billing Labor Modify dialog box.
Tax Code Override 2 This field displays the tax code override 2 entry made for this transaction on the Billing Labor Transfer dialog box or the Billing Labor Modify dialog box.