Purchase Order Master Information Table Formats (POMaster)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing purchase order master information.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
PONumber varchar 13 Primary key
Type varchar 1 Valid options are R (Standard), B (Blanket), or S (Service)
ReleaseNumber varchar 13 Default '0'
Status varchar 1 Null or must exist in CFGPOStatus (Screen = 'POH')
OrderDate datetime 8 Required field
Vendor varchar 20 Required field; must exist in VE
Address varchar 20 Null or must exist in VEAddress
PayTerms varchar 4 Required field; valid options are Next, Hold, PWP, or 1-999
BillTo varchar 20 Default CFGPOMain.BillTO or must exist in CFGPOBillTo
ShipTo varchar 20 Default CFGPOMain.ShipTO or must exist in CFGPOShipTo
FirmName varchar 100
Address1 varchar 50
Address2 varchar 50
Address3 varchar 50
Address4 varchar 50
City varchar 30
State varchar 10 The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in Vantagepoint. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.
Zip varchar 10
Country varchar 40
Phone varchar 24
Fax varchar 24
Email varchar 50
ContactName varchar 100
ShipVia varchar 20 Null or must exist in CFGPOShipVia (Code/Description)
FOB varchar 20 Null or must exist in CFGPOFOB (Code/Description)
AuthorizedBy varchar 20 Null or must exist in EM
Buyer varchar 20 Required field; must exist in EM
StartDate datetime 8
EndDate datetime 8
NotToExceed decimal 9
AllowExcess varchar 1 Default 'N'
ExcessPct decimal 9
ExcessAmount decimal 9
ConfirmDate datetime 8
ConfirmWith varchar 40
TopClause text 16
BottomClause text 16
Comments text 16
Descriptions text 16
SubmittedBy varchar 20 Null or must exist in EM
SubmittedDate datetime 8
AuthorizedDate datetime 8
Closed varchar 1 Default 'N'
Company varchar 14 Primary key; must exist in CFGMainData (Company/FirmName)
CurrencyCode varchar
POInternalNotes varchar