Purchase Order Line Item Information Table Formats (PODetail)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing purchase order line item information.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
PONumber varchar 13 Required field; must exist in POMaster
Seq int 4 Required field
RequisitionNo decimal 9
RequestedBy varchar 20 Null or must exist in EM
Item varchar 30 Required field; must exist in CompanyItem
Category varchar 20 Null or must exist in CFGPOCategory (Category/Description)
Description varcjar 100
Qty decimal 9
ReceivedQTY decimal 9
UOM varchar 10 Null or must exist in CFGPOUOM (UOM/Description)
UnitPrice decimal 9
DiscountAmount decimal 9
NetAmount decimal 9
ReceivedAmount decimal 9
DueDate datetime 8
ExtraNotes text 16
InternalNotes text 16
ShipTo varchar 20 Default CFGPOmain.ShipTO or must exist in CFGPOShipTo
FirmName varchar 100
Address1 varchar 50
Address2 varchar 50
Address3 varchar 50
Address4 varchar 50
City varchar 30
State varchar 10 The state must exist in CFGStates. If you import both state and country, that combination must already be a valid combination in Vantagepoint. If you import a state but not a country, the state must be a valid state for the United States.
Zip varchar 10
Country varchar 40
Phone varchar 24
Fax varchar 24
Email varchar 50
ContactName varchar 100
ShipVia varchar 20 Null or must exist in CFGPOShipVia (Code/Description)
ReceiveStatus varchar 1 Null or must exist in CFGPOStatus (Screen = 'POL')
VendorItem varchar 30