Project Invoices Table Formats (ProjectInvoice)

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing project invoices.

For additional information about the billing client for imported project invoices, see Importing Project Invoice Records.

Field Name Data Type Length Notes
WBS1 varchar
WBS2 varchar
WBS3 varchar
Account varchar Required. The revenue account other than Uninvoiced Revenue. This account must be specified in the Invoice Mapping Accounts table. You cannot enter an account for interest sections.
TransDate datetime Required. The invoice transaction date. There is no default for this field; you must enter a date.
Amount decimal Optional. The amount for this account/invoice section combination.
Invoice varchar Required. The number of the invoice on which this amount appeared.
InvoiceSection varchar Optional. The section of the invoice where this transaction appears. Choices are:

• F for the Fee section.

• L for the Labor section.

• C for the Consultant section.

• E for the Expense section.

• U for the Unit section.

• A for the Add-on section.

• T for the Taxes section.

• I for the Interest section.

RetainageAmount decimal Optional. The amount of retainage for this section of the invoice.
Period integer Required. The period in which this invoice was recorded. The period must be prior or equal to the active period. The default for balance sheet accounts is 0. The default for other account types is 0.

The format for this field is YYYYPP, where YYYY is the four-digit year and PP is the two-digit period.

AmountProjectCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
AmountBillingCurrency decimal 9 Multicurrency feature only.
RetainageAmountProjectCurrency decimal
RetainageAmountBillingCurrency decimal
DueDate datetime Optional.