Invoice Data Entry Table Formats

Follow Vantagepoint specifications for preparing a file containing invoice data.

Field Name Data Type Notes
Invoice varchar
TransDate datetime
WBS1 varchar
WBS2 varchar
WBS3 varchar
TransComment varchar
InvoiceSection varchar
Account varchar
Amount decimal
RetAmount decimal
TaxCode varchar
TaxBasis decimal
Retainer varchar
DueDate datetime Optional.
Diary varchar

Billing Client for an Invoice

You can't define the billing client for an invoice in the invoice data file. The billing client is automatically assigned to the invoice when the Vantagepoint invoice transaction file is created from the import file.

The billing client that is assigned to an invoice comes from the Billing Client field on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub. You see the billing client assigned to the invoice when you open the invoice transaction file in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices.

If the project for an invoice is a sub-project within a billing group, the billing client that is entered for the main project of the billing group is assigned to the invoice.

If a phase or task (WBS2 or WBS3) is entered for an invoice, the billing client from the project (WBS1) is assigned to the invoice.

If an existing invoice is found for a project and invoice combination, the billing client from the existing invoice is assigned to the invoice.